Celestial Navigation

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Ports and Maritime Organization

Seafarers’ Affairs Directorate

Exams Code : SMSN - 1400-03
Subject : Celestial Navigation Date: 1400.08.24
Rank : Second Officer (GT≥500) Time allowed: 3 Hrs

1- From the following information, find P/L and latitude in which it crosses the DR
Date at the ship: 11/Jan./2000, DR Position: 42° 18'N 033°28.7'W
Sext.alt of sun’s LL near the meridian 25°21.0'
IE: 1.6 on the arc, Height of eye 10.0m.
Chronometer 02h 04m 07s, error 11m 32s fast on GMT. (20 M)

2- On 15 Jun 2000 at ship in DR position 49°30.0'S 050°49.0'E, GMT: 15d 12h 13m 30s
Sun bore 332°( C ), variation 35°w, find the true azimuth and deviation for the ship’s
head? (20 M)

3- On 23 Sep 2000 in longitude 029° 19.4'W the sext. Meridian alt. of the sun LL was
48° 36.0', Bearing south, IE 1.7' off the arc, HE 15.5m.
Calculate the observer’s latitude & the SMT of meridian passage? (Zone +2) (20 M)

4- On 10 Sep 2000 at 18h 25m 00s local mean time at the ship in longitude 125° 45.0'E
the Sext. Alt of Polaris was 39° 41.8', IE 2.7' on the arc, HE 17m, find the latitude
& true azimuth? (20 M)

5- Define the following terms:

a) Aphelion / Perihelion
b) Siderial hour angle
c) Local hour angle
d) Declination (20 M)

Answer key of Celestial Navigation
Exam Cycle 1400-03
Q.1 GMT: 11d 13h 52m 35s
CZD= 64° 11.1' LHA=352° 44.2'
TZD= 64° 32.0' DEC=21° 51.1'S
TB=172.6° LAT=42° 20.0'N
PL= 82.6° / 262.6°

Q2 LHA=054° 03.6'
DEC=23° 19.9'N

Q3 GMT: 23d 13h 49m 30s

SMT: 23d 11h 49m 30s
T.ALT=48° 45.9' DEC=00° 19.8'S
TZD=41° 14.1'
LAT=40° 54.3'N

Q4 GMT: 10d 10h 02m 00s

LHA=265° 59.7'
T.ALT=39° 30.6'
LAT=40° 00.5'N

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