PowerElectronicsEndSem Last Year

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(Power Electronics): Monsoon Session: 2022
END Semester exam in EED306
TWO and HALF Hrs.
Answer any Five questions. Time allowed: Marks: 50
AllQuestions carry equal marks.
available. A resistive heater load with
scenario: - You have single-phasc, 230V (rms), 50 Hz ac supply is I kW only. To
() Consider the following
connected to this supply. However, desired output from heater load
be You have to qualify and briefly
name plate rating of 230 V, 2 kW is to options are available as given below.
load some
get 1kW output from resistive heater supply power factor (including
qualifying parameters: -(i) Cost (ii) size and weight (ii)
elaborate each option. There are four example, against size and weight
of drawing significant de current from supply. As an
distortion power factor) (iv) possibility cost). Against power factor
various options by writing: (large / moderate / small), (similarly for
youmay distinguish between options available are:
poor), against possibility of dc current in supply line write (yes / no). The
you may write (good / circuit diagram).
supply and given resistive load (to elaborate you need to just draw the power
Put a diode between the
() power diagram and mention firing angle).
Triac between the supply and givenresistive load (to elaborate,draw
(i) Put a firing angle for thyristors
half controlled ac to dc converter (having two thyristors and two diodes) with suitable
(iii) Put a
mention required firing angle).
(to elaborate, draw power circuit diagram and transformer and
Put just a step dowm transformer (to elaborate, draw the power circuit diagram with symbol of ideal
(iv) mention turns ratio of ideal transformer windings).
too) and number thyristors in the
(2) Draw a 3-phase fully controlled ac to de converter-bridge (shovw supply phases and load
sequence they should conduct. What supply phase sequence have you
Assume balanced 3-phase supply of 50 Hz and 400 V (line to line, rms) magnitude.
Calculate: - (show important steps in calculation / derivation)
(i) average load current for purely resistive load of 10 Q and thyristor firing angle (a) = 750,
(Note: this converter can supply load current in only one direction)
(ii) average output voltage for load of 10 2 resistor in series with large inductor and a = 75°,
(note: a large inductor on load side makes the load current nearly constant)
(ii) Calculate the magnitude of average load current in (ii).
(iv) calculate supply side power factor in case of (ii).
load. The
(3) A 1-phase half controlled converter bridge having two thyristors and two diodes feeds a (resistor + large inductor)
supply to converter bridge is from 220V, 50 Hz ideal source. Assuming ideal circuit elements draw the following
same ot' axis (mark the
for firing delay angles of 90° (waveforms should be drawn one below the other such that they share
thyristor (iii) anode to
ot, voltage and current axes clearly): (i) Load voltage (ii) anode to cathode voltage across any
cathode voltage across any diode (iv) supply voltage and current waveforms. Now, calculate: - (v) the magnitude of average
distortion power factor).
output voltage and (vi) supply power factor (show separately the displacement power factor and
(4) For a de to de buck converter using MOSFET switch, assume the following parameters: Input de voltage = 200V, buck
filter inductor = Imilli-henry with a large filter capacitor at the output, switching frequency = 100 kHz, Output voltage= 125V
(with negligible ripple) feeding 1000W power £resistive load. Assume continuous inductor current and loss-less devices.
Calculate (i) the switch duty ratio (ii)peak to peak ripple (difterence in maximum and minimum magnitude) in inductor current
through the
(ii) average supply current. (iv) plot voltage wavetorm across the Iree-wheeling diode (v) plot current waveform
the axes clearly.
filter capacitor. While plotting waveforms, mark
Consider a 3-phase voltage source inverter with input de bus = 600 volts. When inverter outputs square pole voltages what
will hethe rms magnitude of fundamental voltage per phase on load side (assume balanced 3-phase load). Now this same
inverter is used as Sine PWM inverter. Clearly describe how 3-phase balanced sinusoidal output voltage may be generated
Whas the role of output filter? What is modulation index? I1 dc bus voltage is 600 volts and modulation index =09 what
(obtained after filter)?
wl be the rms magnitude of phase and line voltages
n6 Draw a TRIAC based ac ac regulator circuit. Assume 50 Hz supply voltage of 240 volts (rms) and a pure inductor load of
01 benry. For TRIAC firing angle = 100", draw the load voltage wavetorm. Also draw approximate shape of lod onrrant
Calculate rms magnitude of load voltage. How will you calculate rms magnitude of load current (note: load voltaoe
andcurrent willhave different frequency

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