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Electronics): Monsoon-2022 Tie alowe One
hic Semester xam in Full Marks 60.
Answer nythree questions.

drop is Used to
negtig:tte o-state voitage
R. t Witch with pureiv
De3A magnitude) to
Teet A E Uoty ot OD voitS
at l20 degrees. Me
naCt0ve 1a. Te aS trng ngte is kept
waNefoms are shown in Fig,
s0N ottage no urrent
suppty waveforms in degrees.
nTtzonta xs inoicstes angte f the inductor. Clearly
aicuatetheImS magnitude t voitage
waveform JCross
Oraw the shape of voitage
rON tbe tervation b) magnitudes). How
ngtes and valtage
wItch ctertv indicate on-state to otstate
goes from
vaitage icTOSs triaC when it
CN S ten change n switch, diode ete
voltage isof 100 volts (constant). The
converter (chopper), Input dc steady
la showsa dc to dc buck are ideal, Fig. 2(b) shows theinduetor
state waveform of
Fig. 2(b)ductor current in amperes
(vertical ax0s)
current against time

(horizontal axis). The chopper time

ln cacth
period is 10 microseconds,
cycle, inductor current rises
from 4A to 5.2 A in 4
) Fallof inductor current is also
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(c) Comment (with
atove (a) calculate the output voltage (b) the magnitude of inductance
Bset n the data given
ripple. Show allsteps of calculations clearly as
each step may carry marks.
ustificatlam) an autput valtage
has all ideal components. Under steady
13 Thec adc boost converter sawn in Fig.3 resistive
large filter capacitor. Output feeds a
he utuut valtage is virtually canstant due ta a
100 volts. Under certain duty ratlo of
aad of 00 ahms. Input dc valtage is maintained at
frequency operatlon,
antrollet witc, the laadis found ta draw 400watts of power. Due to high
negligibly small. Calculate the
he iogle in inductareurrent (under steady-state) is also
llaving:-a) mea value af seurce current (b) rms value of inductor current (c) peak
voltage Fig.3
TOSS cantrolled switch (d) ms current through diode. Clearly show all calculations.

A ar tevice shawn in Fig. 4, answer the following (with clear explanation):- (a) the operation of
eNce (yau may use twa transistor analogy) (b) How high voltage forward and reverse blocking Fig.4 lG
mAulity s abtained (with what construction and what kind of doping of different layers) (c) What
re he tifferent ways in which the device may start conducting, which is the preferred way? (d)
taiw unintended tum an af device may be damaging the device and connected equipment, what are
te remeties? (anSwer ay three parts of Q4].

(End of question paper)



Monsoon-2022, Time allowed: One and half Hrs
Mid- Semester exam in EED306 (Power Electronics):
Answer any three questions. Full Marks 60.

Q1. Atriac switch (with negligible on-state voltage drop is used
connect 50 Hz ac supply (of 100 volts peak magnitude) to a purely
inductive load. The triac's firing angle is kept at 120 degrees. The
supply side voltage and current waveforms are shown in Fig.
Horizontal axis indicates angle of supply waveforms in degrees.
(a)Calculate the rms magnitude of voltage across the inductor. Clearly -100

showthe derivation. (b) Draw the shape of voltage waveform across

triac switch (clearly indicate angles and voltage magnitudes). How
to off-state.
much is step change in voltage across triac when it goes from on-state
voltage is of 100 volts (constant). The switch, diode etc.
Q2. Fig. 2(a) shows a dc to dc buck converter (chopper). Input dc are ideal. Fig. 2(b) shows the steady
state waveform of filter inductor
Fig. 2(b)nductor current in amperes (vertical axis)
-KFig. 2(a) urrent against time in micro-seconds
(horizontal axis). The chopper time
period is 10 microseconds. In each
cycle, inductor current rises linearly
from 4 A
to 5.2 A in 4 micro-seconds.
Fall of inductor current is also linear.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Based on the data given above (a) calculate the output voltage (b) the magnitude of inductance (e) Comment (with
justification) on output voltage ripple. Show allsteps of calculations clearly as each step may carry marks.
Q3. The dc to dc boost converter shown in Fig.3 has all ideal components. Under steady state,
the output voltage is virtually constant due to a large filter capacitor. Output feeds a resistive
load of 100 ohms. Input dc voltage is maintained at 100 volts. Under certain duty ratio of
controlled switch, the load is foundtodraw 400 watts of power. Due to high frequency operation,
the ripple in inductorcurrent (under steady-state) is also negligibly small. Calculate the
following:- (a) mean value of source current (b) rms value of inductor current (c) peak voltage
across controlled switch (d) rms current through diode. Clearly show allcalculations.
Q4. For device shown in Fig. 4, answer the following (with clear explanation):- (a) the operation of
device (you may use two transistor analogy) (b) How high voltage forward and reverse blocking
capability is obtained (with what construction and what kind of doping of different layers) (c) What
Fig.4 l6
are the different ways in which the device may start conducting, which is the preferred way? (d) A
How unintended turn on of device may be damaging the device and connected equipment, what are
the remedies? [answer any three parts of Q4).
J1 J2 13
(End of question paper)

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