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What is the most important quality of people that you want to build friendship with? What do you
personally seek in relationships? What do you value the most?

The answer is short because for me it is hard to figure something out….

I think the most important thing for me is honesty. I need to trust a person who I spent a time with.
My friend cannot cheat me. I mean she or he cannot lie. So, as I said, the honesty is very important. I
want that my friend tells me the truth about myself or about my live, because I can change something
and become better person. But it isn't the only important quality. My friend must be friendly and
funny. It is very important because I am a person who loves joking. I have a spcecific sense of humor
so I want that my friend has the same sens of humour. I want to spend a time with my friend in good

Another important thing is that my friend must be helpful, because sometimes I need help when I
have bad day or I need some advice.

Figure out – ogarnąć coś, dowiedzieć się czegoś, usystematyzować coś itd…..

Honest – szczery

Honesty – szczerość

I want to be pretty, I want to go on a vacation………

True- prawdziwy

Truth – prawda


Dwa dni temu spotkałam się z przyjaciółkami.

Wczoraj o 6 biegałam.

Ja nie zrobiłam tego zadania.

Ja gotowałam, kiedy ktoś zapukał do drzwi (knock the door)

Ja śpiewam, więc mi nie przeszkadzaj…

Ja teraz nie śpiewam, ale jak byłam dzieckiem bardzo to lubiłam.

Two days ago I spent a time with my friends.

Yesterday 6 a.m. I was running

I didn’t do this exercise

I was cooking when someone knocked the door

I am sininging so don’t disturb me

I don’t sing now, but when I was a child I liked this so much

Present Perfect – budowa





Present Perfect- jest to czas przeszły, służy nam do opisywania czynności, ze szczególnym naciskiem na
samą czynność, często jej skutek, jest również używamy nierozerwalnie z pewnymi określeniami

Just – dopiero co, jest używane zaraz po have/has

I have just finished my homework.

I have just come here……

She has just called me…

Already – już…

I have already finished my homework…

I have already come here..

She has already called me..

Always – zawsze

I have always wanted to be a Singer

I have always dreamt about this..

Never- nigdy

I have never wanted to be a singer

I have never been to Spain…

Yet – jeszcze..

I haven’t finished my homework yet

I haven’t called her yet….

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