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Medieval Essay Test Questions

Discuss the social strata or distinct social groups reflected in Beowulf as

compared with the three estates reflected in Chaucer’s Canterbury
Tales. (You may include women if you wish.) You might want to address
the author’s implications about the relative importance or efficacy of
each group.

Beowulf is often described as a pagan epic with a Christian veneer. The

Canterbury Tales seems more overtly Christian. Discuss the manner in
which this is reflected in the two works and, perhaps, the implication.
(You may argue that this is simply not true, I guess.)

Discuss the differences and/or similarities between the world view

reflected in Beowulf and the world view reflected in Chaucer’s work.
(You may choose to focus on a few select areas.) You might want to look
at what is admired, what is hated, what is feared, et cetera.

You will write one essay in class. You will bring one essay to class.

Essays should follow the conventions for essays. ☺ They should be well
organized and should be supported with parenthetically cited textual
evidence (Yea!)

For the essay you write in class, you may bring a detailed, printed
outline; and you may use your texts. Please be prepared. Forty-five
minutes is not very long to write an essay ☺

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