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Pixel Tactics Solo Rules

Your opponent will be called Bot in these rules.

follow the normal process for setting up your starting hand and choose your Leader.


* Shuffle Bots 25 card deck then deal out the cards face down in the 3x3 grid leaving the center space empty. Do this
a second time placing the cards on top of the previous ones. The third and final time place them face up and fill in the
center Leader position.

If Bot gets the same Leader you chose, put your Leader back in your hand and choose a different one. You don't get to
play the Leader you wanted to but you do get to now choose a Leader after seeing Bots Leader.

* Per normal rules there is a first round cease fire. Bot gets two actions per wave. And each hero may only act once.
(Unless forced to act again by an ability)

* To choose which one of Bots Heroes will act Roll a D6. The left spot acts on a 1-2, the center on a 3-4, and the right
on a 5-6. If that Hero is unable to act, it has already taken an action or has just been recruited, roll again until you get
a valid Hero. If Bot cannot take both actions unused actions are lost.

* When one of bots Heroes acts it will prefer to use its Attack Power if it makes sense to do so (Example: The Healer
Hero will not use the Heal Attack Power if there is no one to heal). When doing a standard attack to find that heroes
target roll a D6: Left on a 1-2, Center 3-4, Right on a 5-6. To find a Ranged Attacks target roll a D6 again: Vanguard
on a 1-2, Flank on a 3-4, and Support on a 5-6. Of course a Hero with Intercept will take all Ranged Attacks meant for
Heroes behind them as normal.

When your Leader is vulnerable to an attack all of Bots Heroes will target him/her if they are able to. No targeting die
roll is necessary in this case.

* When Bots Leader is selected to act, first roll a D6, on a 4-6 Bots Leader will play an order from the "Order Pool"
as His action (See Below). On a 1-3 Bots Leader acts as a Hero would as explained above. (Leaders cannot use Attack

* When one of Bots Heroes is killed it is flipped to the corpse side as normal. However Bot can Clear Corpses and
Recruit new Heroes as a free action. At the start of a wave before Bot acts He will remove any corpses in the current
wave and place them off to the side in the "Order Pool". Then the card that was under that corpse is flipped up to take
its place. These Heroes are considered to have just been Recruited and therefor cannot act in the current wave as

* Whenever Bots Leader plays an Order, shuffle the Order Pool and play a random card using its order effect if able.
After this card has been played it is removed from the game. Even if it had no effect. Since Bot has no "hand" Orders
affecting his hand have no effect, they are considered botched orders. Make your own judgment call on any other
orders that may not make sense.

* Finally if the card pool directly in front of Bots leader has been emptied, Bot may Restructure as a free action
during the Clear Corpse/ Recruit phase of that wave. Roll the Column and Row target dice until you get a valid target
in Bots unit. That Hero is then placed in front of Bots Leader. This hero cannot act during the same wave as normal.
This is the only case in which Bot can Restructure.

*Play until either sides Leader has been defeated.

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