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Article in Xi'an Jianzhu Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology · May 2020
DOI: 10.37896/JXAT12.05/1633

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2 authors, including:

Hariwan Fadhil M.Salih

University of Duhok


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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930



Hariwan Fadhil M.Salih

Department of Mathematics, College of Science
University of Duhok, IRAQ
In this work, Gaussian Fibonacci functions are considered on the set of real
numbers R, i.e., functions fG : R → R such that for all x ∈ R, fG (x + 2) =
f (x + 2) + f (x + 1)i. Then the concept of Gaussian Fibonacci functions by
using the concept of fG -even and fG -odd functions is developed. Finally, it is
showed that if fG is a Gaussian Fibonacci function, then limx→∞ fGfG(x+1)
= φ,

where φ = 1+2 5 . Similarly, it is showed that if fG is a Gaussian Fibonacci
function and f is a Fibonacci function, then limx→∞ fGf(x+1)
= φ + i, where

φ = 1+2 5 .
MSC: 11B39; 39A10
Keywords: Gaussian Fibonacci functions, Gaussian Fibonacci numbers, fG -
even (fG -odd) functions.

1. Introduction
Fibonacci numbers are ancient and they have been used in many disciplines
such as in mathematics, philosophy, physics, art, architecture etc, where there
applications can be found in [2, 5]. A series of the Fibonacci numbers is
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, . . . , where the first two initiated numbers are 1 and every other
number comes from the sum of the two preceding numbers. In 1963, Fi-
bonacci numbers were examined on the complex plane and some interesting
properties about them are established [1]. By the same strategy of finding the
Fibonacci numbers, Gaussian Fibonacci numbers GFn are defined recursively
by GFn = GFn−1 + GFn−2 , where GF0 = i, GF1 = 1, and n ≥ 2 [4].
The Fibonacci functions with Fibonacci numbers is studied in [3]. In this
paper, Gaussian Fibonacci functions on the set of real numbers R are con-
sidered and studied, i.e., functions fG : R → R such that for all x ∈ R,
fG (x + 2) = f (x + 2) + f (x + 1)i. Then the concept of Gaussian Fibonacci
functions by using the concept of fG -even and fG -odd functions is developed.
At the end, it is showed that if fG is a Gaussian √
Fibonacci function, we
fG (x+1) 1+ 5
have that limx→∞ fG (x) = φ, where φ = 2 . Similarly, it is showed that

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 2260

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

if fG is a Gaussian Fibonacci function

and f is a Fibonacci function, then
fG (x+1) 1+ 5
limx→∞ f (x) = φ + i, where φ = 2 .

2. Gaussian Fibonacci functions

Definition 2.1. A Gaussian function fG on the real numbers R is said to be
a Gaussian Fibonacci function if it satisfies the formula
fG (x + 2) = f (x + 2) + f (x + 1)i,
where f is a Fibonacci function and for any x ∈ R.
Remark 2.2. For all n ≥ 0. The full Gaussian Fibonacci sequence, where
Gu0 = i and Gu1 = 1, are formed by the following formula
Gu−n = (−1)n ∗ i ∗ Gn+1 .
Then the full Gaussian Fibonacci sequence, where Gun = GFn the nth Gauss-
ian Fibonacci numbers, are: . . . , −3 + 5i, 2 − 3i, −1 + 2i, 1 − i, i, 1, 1 + i, 2 +
i, 3 + 2i, 5 + 3i, . . . .
Example 2.3. Let {Gun }∞ ∞
n=−∞ and {Gvn }n=−∞ be full Gaussian Fibonacci
sequences. We define a function fG by fG (x) := Gubxc + Gvbxc t and f (x) :=
ubxc + vbxc t, where t = x − bxc ∈ (0, 1) and x ∈ R. Then
fG (x + 2) = Gubx+2c + Gvbx+2c t = Gubxc+2 + Gvbxc+2 t
by the fact that Gubxc+2 = ubxc+2 + iubxc+1 and Gvbxc+2 = vbxc+2 + ivbxc+1 , we
obtain that
fG (x + 2) = (ubxc+2 + iubxc+1 ) + (vbxc+2 + ivbxc+1 )t
= (ubx+2c + vbx+2c t) + i(ubx+1c + vbx+1c t)
= f (x + 2) + f (x + 1)i.
Therefore, fG is a Gaussian Fibonacci function.
Proposition 2.4. Let fG be a Gaussian Fibonacci function. If we define
gG (x) := fG (x + t) and g(x) := f (x + t) where t ∈ R, for any x ∈ R. If g is a
Gaussian Fibonacci function, then gG is also a Gaussian Fibonacci function.
Proof. Given x ∈ R. Since fG is a Gaussian Fibonacci function and g is a
Fibonacci function, then we have that
gG (x) = fG (x + 2 + t) = fG ((x + t) + 2)
= f ((x + t) + 2) + f ((x + t) + 1)i
= g(x + 2) + g(x + 1)i.
Hence, gG is a Gaussian Fibonacci function. 
Example 2.5. In example 2.3, the functions fG (x) := Gubxc + Gvbxc t and
f (x) := ubxc + vbxc t, where t = x − bxc ∈ (0, 1) and x ∈ R are discussed. If we

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 2261

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

let Gvbxc := Gu(bxc−1) and vbxc := u(bxc−1) , then fG (x) and f (x) are Gaussian
Fibonacci and Fibonacci functions, respectively, because
fG (x + 2) = Gubx+2c + Gu(bx+2c−1) t
= Gu(bxc+2) + Gu(bxc+1) t
= u(bxc+2) + iu(bxc+1) + u(bxc+1) + iubxc t
= ubx+2c + ubx+1c t + i ubx+1c + ubxc t
= f (x + 2) + f (x + 1)i.
Theorem 2.6. [2] Let f (x) be a Fibonacci function and {Fn } be a sequence
of Fibonacci numbers with F0 = 0, F1 = 1 and F2 = 1. Then
f (x + n) = Fn f (x + 1) + Fn−1 f (x),
for any x ∈ R and n ≥ 2 an integer.
Theorem 2.7. Let fG (x) be a Gaussian Fibonacci function and {GFn } be a
Gaussian Fibonacci numbers with GF0 = i, GF1 = 1 and GF2 = 1 + i. Then
fG (x + n) = GFn f (x + 1) + GFn−1 f (x),
for any x ∈ R and n ≥ 2 an integer.
Proof. If n = 2, then
fG (x + 2) = f (x + 2) + f (x + 1)i
= f (x + 1) + f (x) + f (x + 1)i
= (1 + i)f (x + 1) + f (x)
= GF2 f (x + 1) + GF1 f (x).
If n = 3, then
fG (x + 3) = f (x + 3) + f (x + 2)i
= f (x + 2) + f (x + 1) + i (f (x + 1) + f (x))
= (2 + i)f (x + 1) + (1 + i)f (x)
= GF3 f (x + 1) + GF2 f (x).
if we assume that it holds for the case of n and n + 1, then by the Theorem 2.6
fG (x + (n + 2)) = f (x + (n + 2)) + f (x + (n + 1))i
= Fn+2 f (x + 1) + Fn+1 f (x) + i (Fn+1 f (x + 1) + Fn f (x))
= (Fn+2 + iFn+1 )f (x + 1) + (Fn+1 + iFn )f (x)
= GFn+2 f (x + 1) + GFn+1 f (x).

Corollary 2.8. Let fG (x) be a Gaussian Fibonacci function and {GFn } and
{GF−n } be full Gaussian Fibonacci sequences
fG (x + n) = GFn fG (x + 1) + ((−1)n GF−(n−1) + GFn−1 )f (x)

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 2262

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

for any x ∈ R and n ≥ 2.

Proof. If n = 2, then by Theorem 2.7 and definition of Gaussian Fibonacci
function, we have
fG (x + 2) = GF2 f (x + 1) + GF1 f (x)
= (1 + i)(fG (x + 1) − f (x)i) + f (x)
= (1 + i)fG (x + 1) + (1 − i)f (x) + f (x)
= GF2 fG (x + 1) + (−1)2 GF−1 + GF1 f (x).

If n = 3, then
fG (x + 3) = GF3 f (x + 1) + GF2 f (x)
= (2 + i)(fG (x + 1) − f (x)i) + GF2 f (x)
= GF3 fG (x + 1) + (1 − 2i)f (x) + GF2 f (x)
= GF3 fG (x + 1) + (−(−1 + 2i))f (x) + GF2 f (x)
= GF3 fG (x + 1) + (−1)3 GF−2 + GF2 f (x).

Suppose that it holds for the case n, then by the fact that (−i ∗ GFn+1 = (−1)n+1 GF−n )
for all n ≥ 0, we have
fG (x + n + 1) = GFn+1 f (x + 1) + GFn f (x)
= GFn+1 (fG (x + 1) − f (x)i) + GFn f (x)
= GFn+1 fG (x + 1) + (−i ∗ GFn+1 )f (x) + GFn f (x)
= GFn+1 fG (x + 1) + (−1)n+1 GF−n + GFn f (x).

Corollary 2.9. Let fG (x) be a Gaussian Fibonacci function and {Fn } be a
Fibonacci numbers with F0 = 0, F1 = 1 and F2 = 1. Then
fG (x + n) = (Fn + iFn−1 ) f (x + 1) + (Fn−1 + iFn−2 ) f (x),
for any x ∈ R and n ≥ 2 an integer.
Proof. Follows from Theorem 2.7 by the fact that GFn = Fn + iFn−1 
Theorem 2.10. Let {un } and {Gun } be the full Fibonacci and Gaussian
Fibonacci sequences, respectively. Then
Gubx+nc = GFn ubx+1c + GFn−1 ubxc
Gu(bx+nc−1) = GFn ubxc + GFn−1 u(bxc−1) .
Proof. The maps fG (x) := Gubxc + Gvbxc t and f (x) := ubxc + vbxc t, discussed
in Example 2.5, are Gaussian Fibonacci and Fibonacci functions, respectively.

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

If we apply Theorem 2.7, we obtain that

Gubx+nc + Gu(bx+nc−1) t = fG (x + n)
= GFn f (x + 1) + GFn−1 f (x)
= GFn ubx+1c + u(bx+1c−1) t + GFn−1 ubxc + u(bxc−1) t
= GFn u(bxc+1) + ubxc t + GFn−1 ubxc + u(bxc−1) t
= GFn u(bxc+1) + GFn−1 ubxc + GFn ubxc + GFn−1 u(bxc−1) .

Proving the theorem. 

Corollary 2.11. If n ≥ 2, then

GFbx+nc = GFn Fbx+1c + GFn−1 Fbxc

GF(bx+nc−1) = GFn Fbxc + GFn−1 F(bxc−1) .

3. fG -even and fG -odd functions

In this section, the notion of Gaussian Fibonacci functions by using the
concept of fG -even and fG -odd functions is developed.

Definition 3.1. Let c(x) be real-valued function of a real variable such that
c(x)h(x) ≡ 0 and h(x) is continuous, then h(x) = 0. The function c(x) is
said to be fG -even function (resp., fG -odd function) if c(x + 1) = c(x) (resp.,
c(x + 1) = −c(x)) for any x ∈ R.

Example 3.2. If c(x) = x − bxc, then c(x)h(x) ≡ 0 implies that h(x) = 0

if x ∈
/ Z. Since h(x) is continuous, this follows that h(n) = limx→n h(x) = 0
for n ∈ Z, and therefore, h(x) ≡ 0. Thus c(x) is an fG -even function as
c(x + 1) = (x + 1) − bx + 1c = (x + 1) − (bxc + 1) = x − bxc = c(x).

Example 3.3. If c(x) = sin(πx), then c(x)h(x) ≡ 0 implies that h(x) = 0 if

x 6= nπ for any integer n. Since h(x) is continuous, this follows that h(nπ) =
limx→nπ h(x) = 0 for n ∈ Z, and therefore, h(x) ≡ 0. Thus c(x) is an fG -odd
function as c(x + 1) = sin(πx + π) = sin(πx) cos(π) = − sin(πx) = −c(x).

Theorem 3.4. Let fG (x) = c(x)gG (x) be a function and f (x) = c(x)g(x) be
a Fibonacci function, where c(x) is an fG -even function and gG (x) and g(x)
are continuous functions. Then fG (x) is a Gaussian Fibonacci function if and
only if gG (x) is a Gaussian Fibonacci function.

Proof. Suppose that fG is a Gaussian Fibonacci function. Then

(1) fG (x + 2) = c(x + 2)gG (x + 2) = c(x)gG (x + 2).


Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 2264

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

Also, by the definition of Gaussian Fibonacci function and since c(x) is an

fG -even function, we have that
fG (x + 2) = f (x + 2) + f (x + 1)i
= c(x + 2)g(x + 2) + i (c(x + 1)g(x + 1))
= c(x)g(x + 2) + i(c(x)g(x + 1))
= c(x)(g(x + 2) + ig(x + 1)).

From the equations (1) and (2), we obatin that

c(x)(gG (x + 2) − g(x + 2) − ig(x + 1) ≡ 0

gG (x + 2) − g(x + 2) − ig(x + 1) ≡ 0
gG (x + 2) = g(x + 2) + ig(x + 1).
Thus gG is a Gaussian Fibonacci function.
On the other hand, if gG is a Gaussian Fibonacci function, then

(3) gG (x + 2) = g(x + 2) + ig(x + 1)

Since fG (x) = c(x)gG (x) and f (x) = c(x)g(x). The equation (3) implies that
fG (x + 2) f (x + 2) f (x + 1)
= +i .
c(x + 2) c(x + 2) c(x + 1)
Since c(x + 2) = c(x + 1), this implies that

fG (x + 2) = f (x + 2) + f (x + 1)i.

Hence, fG is a Gaussian Fibonacci function. 

4. Quotients of Gaussian Fibonacci functions

In this section, the limit of the quotient of a Gaussian Fibonacci function is
Theorem 4.1. If fG (x) is a Gaussian Fibonacci function, then the limit of
quotient fGfG(x+1)

Proof. There are four cases if we consider a quotient fGfG(x+1)

of a Gaussian
Fibonacci function fG (x):
(i)fG (x) > 0, fG (x + 1) > 0; (ii) fG (x) < 0, fG (x + 1) > 0; (iii) fG (x) >
0, fG (x + 1) < 0; (iv) fG (x) < 0, fG (x + 1) < 0. If (iii) is considered. Let

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 2265

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

α := fG (x) > 0, β := fG (x + 1) < 0. Given y ∈ R, there exist x ∈ R and n ∈ Z

such that x0 = x + n. Hence, by the Theorem 2.7, we obtain
fG (x0 + 1) fG (x + n + 1) GFn+1 f (x + 1) + GFn f (x)
= =
fG (x0 ) fG (x + n) GFn f (x + 1) + GFn−1 f (x)
−GFn+1 β + GFn α
−GFn β + GFn−1 α
− GF n+1
−β + GF n−1
−φβ + α

−β + φ1 α
= φ,

where limn→∞ GF n+1
= φ = 1+2 5 . The other cases are similar to (iii). The
above investigation declares that there exists a limit of the quotient fGfG(x+1)

Corollary 4.2. If fG (x) is a Gaussian Fibonacci function, then

fG (x + 1) 1+ 5
lim = = φ.
x→∞ fG (x) 2
Proof. If we let α := fG (x) > 0, β := fG (x + 1) > 0, then
fG (x + n + 1) GFn+1 f (x + 1) + GFn f (x)
fG (x + n) GFn f (x + 1) + GFn−1 f (x)
GFn+1 β + GFn α
GFn β + GFn−1 α
= GFn−1
β + GFn α
φβ + α
→ = φ,
β + φ1 α
It is already shown in the Theorem 4.1 for the case α := fG (x) > 0, β :=
fG (x + 1) < 0 that the limit of the quotient fGfG(x+n+1)
converges to φ. 

5. Quotients of Gaussian Fibonacci functions over Fibonacci

In this section, the limit of the quotient of a Gaussian Fibonacci function
over Fibonacci functions is discussed.
Theorem 5.1. If fG (x) is a Gaussian Fibonacci function, then the limit of
quotient fGf(x+1)

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 2266

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

Proof. It is proved by the same way of the Theorem 4.1 by using the Theo-
rems 2.6 and 2.7 and by the fact that GFFn+1
→ φ + i, GF
→ (1 + φ1 i) and
→ φ1 . 
Corollary 5.2. If fG (x) is a Gaussian Fibonacci function, then
√ !
fG (x + 1) 1+ 5
lim = + i = φ + i.
x→∞ f (x) 2
Proof. The proof is similar to the Corollary 4.2 and by the same facts men-
tioned in the Theorem 5.1. 
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Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 2267

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