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Introduction 3
1.1 What is Cancer Research UK
1.2 What are their aim?
1.3 Why will this event help them?
Event 4-5
2.1 Description of the event
2.2 Target audience and Target media
Strategy 6-12
3.1 List of people talking to the media
3.2 Timeline. Strategy and tactics
Evaluation 13
4.1 How can we measure our results?
Conclusion 14


What is Cancer Research has doubled. Cancer Research UK’s

UK aim is to accelerate progress and see
Cancer Research Uk is a registered cha-
three quarters of people surviving the
rity that is raising money to fight cancer
disease within the next 20 years.
and pay for research. In 2017/18 Cancer
Research UK spent a total of £652 million
Why will this event help
using money raised during this financial them?
year plus extra money gained, for example This event will help them with raising
through investments. Cancer Research money and improve Cancer Research
UK spent £473 million on all of their work UK’s awareness.The whole strategic
to help beat cancer. plan is to maximize the fundraising as
What is their aim? much as possible. Fundraising will be
There are more than 200 different types of
held at the festival, which will include
cancer and 1 in 2 people in the UK will get
attractions, artists and refreshments
cancer in their lifetime. In the 1970’s, less
with a theme. With well known british
than a quarter of people with cancer survi-
artists and an exceptional way to raise
ved but over the last 40 years the survival
the money in place, real time, the rai-
sing is anticipated as very successful.

The theme will be a scientific the-
Description of the
me, with the main color of lavender
which stands for the ribbon color of
The event is an aftermath of the
all cancer types. With lab coats, test
social media buzz we will have
tubes with neon lavender sticks in
created. A big festival will be made
it as for the drinks everything in the
which will lead to a fundraising in
festival will follow this theme of a
real time at the event. In this festival
laboratory. The donation will be right
there will be concerts with famous
after a concert and have watched
british artists such as Adele, Col-
a video, whereas the audience will
dplay, Dua Lipa, Elton John and
be participating in an experiment at
Robbie Williams. In between and
the same time as they are donating.
during these concerts there will be
The donation will at the same time
different stands with scientific expe-
be a contest for the lucky winner to
riments to take part of and of course
get a backstage pass to one of the
there will be places to sit down and
famous artists concerts.
enjoy refreshments.

Target audience and media
The event is aimed at people living in the UK
and tourists of all ages. In this case the target
is quite wide and is aimed at all people and
tourists who find themselves in UK at the time
being, or maybe comes to UK for this specific
reason. If audience is segmented, the primary
audience is all british adults and tourists from
the age of 18 and up, with the children to
these adults as the secondary audience. The
most affected audience is of course every
person who knows or have known anyone
who have or had cancer and want to fight it,
after this will the audience who wants free
entertainment with a good cause be affected.

Strategy: so It would not be a surprise if he gave it
now to Cancer´s research. It is important
Gaining national coverage that he talks with the media as he has
of the event & social me- experience and knowledge about the
dia buzz subject. However, he will just talk to the
target audience, reaching them through
List of people talking to videos in social media and in the mor-
the media nings shows of british TV.
Dr Iain Foulkes, Cancer Research
UK’s executive director of research
and innovation:
The most indicate one to communicate
Cancer Research UK’s aim is Kevin as
Sadiq Khan:
he is a young but professional CEO and
The mayor of London since 2016 is the
has all knowledge about the company
ideal candidate to talk about the event
and the charity sector.
in a press conference with all the target
media and also in the morning shows to
reach the target audience, as he was in
the list of The Time 100 most influential

Elton John: people. Also, the fact that he was born

From all of the artist in the event he is the in a british-pakistani working- class family

“big daddy of charitable musicians in Uk”, leaded him to know the importance of

he gave 26,8 million pounds in total, the people’s health and well-being.

majority of them donated to HIV research,

with the

1 year before 6 months before

Negotiate place, technical aspects, Start planning the social media and PR
sponsorships and artists: We will nego- stunt: We will begin to prepare our social
tiate sponsorships and contact the artists media strategy, asking artists to promote
1 year in advance since it may be a long our event and hiring community mana-
process and it could be difficult to reach gers to manage our social media. We will
and hire international celebrities. also start preparing our pr stunt in colla-
boration with Cancer Research UK and
We will also negotiate some discounts Coca Cola.
and sponsored props and products to
give away during the event with our part-
ners: partners will be Tesco, Nivea Sun,
TK Maxx (which already are official spon-
sors of Cancer Research UK) and new
sponsors which are Coca Cola Company
and TFL (Transport For London) which
will reduce the costs for moving around in
london around the festival days.

6 to 3 months before launch the social media campaign:
We will create an event page in which we will post news about the artists attending the festival
as well as articles about cancer research. We will also raffle tickets for the event among the
different members of the event group and encourage them to participate in different cancer
research related events. In addition, we’ll use it to promote our pr stunts and street marketing
campaigns. Artists will also promote the event using their personal profiles and fan pages will
be used to spread our message at least once a week.

We will follow the same strategy as with Facebook but adding some Twitter inherent features.
We will use Twitter’s surveys to gather cancer statistics and raise awareness about research.
Artists will also promote the event using their personal profiles.

The strategy used in other social media will be followed too. And this time we will create an
account in which we will post pictures and videos of the different artists. We will also share
different cancer survivor stories with the aim of raising awareness among our target audience.
Artists will also promote the event using their personal profiles and fan pages will be used to
spread our message at least once a week.

3 months before
PR stunt , offline communication and
press release:
Billboards and other direct marketing
tools will be placed around London.
We will send our press release to the
target media.

The PR stunt will be used as a launch

event: It will consist on a hidden
camera and a stand of “street marke-
ting” giving away some new flavour
for sprite in Oxford Street. However is
not a good taste, it imitates the disgus-
ting taste of the contrast people with
cancer have to take mostly everyday
to continue their therapy. After that, we
will play a video in showing a daily life
of a cancer victim. The video recorded
by the hidden camera with this expe-
rience and people’s reaction will be
spread through social media and at
the day of the concert.

Press release
International artists raise money for UK’s cancer research in a charity festival

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan and Cancer Research UK will be holding a music
festival with famous celebrities to help the cause and raise awareness. This big charity
event will take place on the 20-21st of April, 2019 at Hyde Park.

Cancer survival has doubled in the UK over the last 40 years thanks to Cancer Re-
search and the help of millions of anonymous donors. Nevertheless, it is estimated that
1 out of 2 people in the UK will fight against cancer during their lifetime. The current
goal is to accelerate the progress and see three-quarters of people surviving the disea-
se within the next 20 years.

In this context, Sadiq Khan and international artists such as Coldplay, Adele and Dua
Lipa have gathered in a charity event in order to boost cancer research. The festival is
a part of the initiative of the London city council to raise money as well as awareness
to tackle cancer, one of the deadliest diseases in the UK. Aligned with the charity event
that will take place on the 20-21st of April several information points and PR stunts
under the title “Lavender is the new black” will be displayed all over the british capital
during the previous weeks. Social media and local TV will also cover this highly antici-
pated music festival.

“In 2017/18 we spent a total of £652 million using raised money, we expect to double
this amount thanks to this admirable initiative” says Michelle Mitchell, CEO of Cancer
Research UK. “ We will defeat cancer together” added Chris Martin, well-known for his
participation in countless charity causes.

If you want to contribute or find out more about the event visit Lavenderisthenewblack. and be aware of the actions that will take place on the streets of London during
the next months. For more information about cancer and the people that are resear-
ching in order to defeat it go to
Day of the event, boosting
donations and activities:

The event will start at 16 pm with activities

and workshops with scientific and concienting
stories for kids from 6-15

From 20-22 there will be a drink give away

stand of products from Coca Cola and a
contest in which they have to solve a serie of
enigmas to “discover” the cure of Cancer, the
most original idea to solve this enima will win
a trip to Brighton all included (Sponsored by
Transport for London).

At 22pm the concerts will start:

Elton John will be in charge of starting the
shows, giving a nice speech about the victims
of cancer in UK. He will be followed by Col-
dplay, Adele, Lily Allen, Robbie Wiliams and
to finish Dua Lipa. During the concert of Dua
Lipa all lights will be turned off, and then the
music, we will make the audience think there
was a technical problem. However a counter
will appear and a QR, Dua Lipa will tell ever-
yone that they have nice surprises for the people that use
the QR to connect to the official website where is shown
the backstage with all artist doing an experiment. She
will announce that if they want to get there with their artist
they have to donate until we reach the quantity of 50.000
pounds in 1h. The counter will start and the first people
donating will win a meet and greet at the backstage, the
more they donate, the more opportunities they have to be
choose to get there. When we reach the objective, it will
start a give away via social media where they have to post
about the event and mention their friends in our posts,
after 2 weeks will be announced the winner of 2 tickets to
Adele’s concert in Tokyo (sponsored by Tesco and Nivea)

2 weeks after, announcing the win-

After 2 weeks a newsletter is going to be sent announ-
cing the winner of the tickets for the concert of Adele, and
giving thanks to everyone that donated.

1 month after,
evaluations and measurements: this will be mentioned in
the last part of the planning (check the table of contents)

Social Media:
We will use Buffer and Hootsuite in order to schedule content and
check analytics for all our social accounts. We’ll also use the analytics
to see our social media performance, understand how to improve
our results, and create reports for our clients. We will measure perfor-
mance using KPIs like the increase on the number of followers, the
amount of interactions (RTs, comments) or the number of clicks on
the articles posted on Facebook. After the events, google analytics will
be used to check if Cancer Research UK have had more visits to their
website post-event compared to before the PR stunt.

traditional media will be measured by the CPM (Cost per mile) and
the ads inside Cancer Research Uk’s and the artist fan pages will be
measured by CPC (cost per click).

will be measured by having an account of all the people that donated
and sending them one mail after the event, thanks to this action we
will build our BBDD.

A big Pr Stunt will be the foreground for a big social media buzz, at first.
This will lead to traditional media coverage with the Mayor of London,
Cancer Research UK professor and for example Elton John (famous
british artist) talking about cancer and the event on morning couches
such as “This morning with Phillip and Holly”. The event being a festival
with several famous british artists singing for the cause with shows and
refreshments. In the end of the festival is a big fundraising where the
audience is enthused to donate for the chance to win a unique chance
of following one of the famous artists with backstage passes in one of
their concerts.


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