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5 Unit 7 English Test (A)




Listening /10 Word-of-mouth

Nothing is as successful as word-of-mouth advertising.
1 Listen to Ben and his Mum in the If a company makes a funny TV commercial, your
supermarket. Write B next to the things friends and family tell you about it – and the product!
Ben wants to buy and M next to the things
his Mum wants to buy. 1 Read the page from a website about
1) salt 2) butter advertising. Which type of advertising …

3) a CD 4) ice-cream 1) … do you see on newspapers?

5) chocolate cake 6) a DVD

2) … is given to you by a stranger?
2 Listen again. True (T) or false (F)?

1) The salt is next to the butter.
3) … do you see at the checkout?
2) Ben thinks the CD isn’t expensive.

3) The coconut cake is cheaper than the
chocolate cake. 4) … comes from someone you know?

4) There are a lot of people at the

checkout. 5) … do you see when you are driving?
5) Ben’s mum forgot the tea.
6) The DVD is a science fiction film. 6) … appears on the Internet?

Reading /10

Adverts 2 Read again. True (T) or false (F)?

Print adverts 1) It is better to put an advert on TV than

Publications like magazines are full of adverts. in a magazine.
These are more successful than TV commercials. 2) The author of the article doesn’t like
Pop-ups pop-ups.
The annoying windows that appear when you’re 3) Point-of-sale is a good way of
online. advertising meat and cheese.
Point-of-sale 4) Billboards are successful.
This is when products appear next to the till. It’s the
5) You shouldn’t use free samples
best way of advertising things like sweets.
to advertise a new product.
6) Word-of-mouth advertising is the best
You see a poster advert for a holiday in the Caribbean
form of advertising.
when you’re sitting in your car. Suddenly, you’re
thinking about that trip.
Billboards really work. Vocabulary /20

Free samples 1 Reorder the letters to make words.

The easiest way to advertise is to hand the product
1) After you buy something, you get
to the public. This is the best way of advertising a
product that people have never seen before. a . (piterec)

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2) A is made of metal and it 6) 
This morning I have seen / saw a skirt in
has four wheels. You push it around a shop that reminded me of you.
a supermarket. (lotyelr)

3) When something in a shop is cheaper than Order of adjectives
usual, it’s a . (gibrana) 2 Choose the correct answer.

4) In the rooms, you can put 1) Did you buy the … shirt?
on new clothes to see if they are the correct a) green silk
size. (ghanicgn)
b) silk green
5) Everything in the shops is cheaper during
2) Have you seen that … film?
the . (elass)
a) old great Italian
6) You put things in a when
you are in a shop. (ketbsa) b) great old Italian
3) They bought the … skirts.
2 Match the sentence halves.
a) small pink cotton
1) We are going to spend a lot of time
on our new advertising … b) pink cotton small

2) We are going to use a picture of 4) I use to have an … sweater.

a cat as … a) grey old
3) We are going to have a big party to … b) old grey
4) You need to ask a lot of questions 5) Can I borrow your … necklace?
when you are doing market …
a) big brown
5) We need to think of a special
b) brown big
phrase to use as a …
6) He bought some … trainers.
6) A top Hollywood director
is directing a TV … a) brown enormous
a) launch the new products. b) enormous brown
b) commercial for us.
 too and not enough with
c) our new logo.
d) slogan.
3 Complete the sentences with be, the
e) campaign. adjective and too or not enough.
f) research. 1) I’m not going to buy that book because it
. (interesting)
Grammar /30
2) Look at the price of that dress! I can’t buy it,
 Past Simple vs. Present Perfect it . (expensive)
Simple 3) In some shops, the queue to pay
1 Underline the correct verb tense.
. (long)
1) She has been / was shopping for two hours.
4) You to buy
Yesterday I have bought / bought a new T-shirt. such expensive things! (old)
I have been / was in the changing rooms 5) I to buy that.
trying these clothes for half an hour. It’s very childish. (old)
Last week she has convinced / convinced 6) She to wear
her mother to buy her a new dress. that. She has to buy something shorter. (tall)
I have waited / waited for you for one hour.

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5 Sense verbs 5) A: They said he comes from South

America, but I’m not sure which country.
4 Write a sense verb with like if necessary. B: Well, it must / can’t be Brazil because he

doesn’t speak Portuguese

look | sound | feel | taste | smell
6) A: Who’s at the door?
1) This cake heaven! It’s B: I’m not sure. It must / may be the postman.
very good!
Writing /20
2) The food so good!
What is it? 1 Complete the parts of a letter with the words
3) This bottle in the box. There is one word that you do
a shampoo. What is it? not need to use.

4) This music nice. complain | entitled | faithfully | forward

What’s the name of the singer? refused | Street | Sir
5) That shirt is very soft.
1) 12 College , Bristol 2nd May
It cotton. 2009.
6) Your perfume very 2) Dear or Madam.
3) I am writing to about
Verbs of probability a weekend I spent in your hotel.
5 Underline the correct option. 4) I think I am to a refund.
Joan: Have you seen that new advertisement? 5) I look to hearing from you
Jennifer: Yes, it (1) must / can be a new soon.
product, I’ve never heard about that.
6) Yours , Mark Austin.
Joan: What do you think it is?
Jennifer: It (2) can’t / may be a perfume. 2 Order the elements of a letter 1–6.
Joan: No, it (3) can’t / may be that. It (4) could
/ must be something to eat. a) I am writing to book a room at your
Jennifer: Now that you talk about that, with hotel.
that name … Yes, I think it (5) could / can’t be b) Vicky Newton
something to eat.
Joan: It (6) can’t / might be a new yogurt. c) Yours sincerely
d) 12/9/11
6 Underline the correct option to complete
the dialogues. e) 16 East Avenue, London

1) A: Where’s Kevin? f) Dear Ms Smith

B: I don’t know. He must / might be at Ian’s
2) A: Whose mobile phone is that?
B: Well, it can’t / could be Jane’s because
she hasn’t got a mobile.
3) A: Who is the person playing on the
B: It might / must be Tom Hodges. He’s the
only boy in the school with red hair.
4) A: I don’t know what this liquid is.
The bottle doesn’t have a label.
B: Well, don’t drink it. It could / can’t be
dangerous. Speaking /10

TOTAL /100

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