Test Bank For Selling Building Partnerships 10th Edition Stephen Castleberry John Tanner 2 Download

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Test Bank for Selling: Building Partnerships, 10th Edition, Stephen Castleberry, John Tanner

Test Bank for Selling: Building Partnerships, 10th

Edition, Stephen Castleberry, John Tanner

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Student name:__________
TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
1) Planning a sales call helps salespeople avoid wasting a prospect's time.

⊚ true
⊚ false

2) The more information a salesperson has about a prospect, the higher the probability of
meeting the prospect's needs and developing a long-term relationship.

⊚ true
⊚ false

3) Collecting information about a prospect before making a call is a waste of the

salesperson's time as this does not help him or her make a sale.

⊚ true
⊚ false

4) It is important to learn and maintain current knowledge about both the prospect as an
individual and his or her firm.

⊚ true
⊚ false

5) An influential adversary is a competing salesperson from another company.

⊚ true
⊚ false

6) Analysis paralysis refers to a situation where a salesperson cannot extract data about a
prospect from the prospect's company's records because of the defective customer record system.

⊚ true
⊚ false

Version 1 1
7) As part of the process of gathering precall information, salespeople must understand the
policies and procedures followed by a prospect's firm.

⊚ true
⊚ false

8) The Marine Corps' 70 percent solution lays down that one must act as soon as they have
70 percent of the required information.

⊚ true
⊚ false

9) A buying center consists of all the people in the selling organization who participate in a
selling opportunity.

⊚ true
⊚ false

10) The first place to look for information on the Internet about a prospect company would be
the prospect company's Web page.

⊚ true
⊚ false

11) When setting sales call objectives, salespeople should discover what customers value and
then find ways to improve customer value relative to their own products or services.

⊚ true
⊚ false

12) One of the best sources of precall information is a prospect's own salespeople because
they empathize with the salesperson's situation.

⊚ true
⊚ false

Version 1 2
13) Call objectives should be developed while taking into account the firm's goals, the sales
team's goals, and the salesperson's goals.

⊚ true
⊚ false

14) The statement "spend quality time with prospects and customers" is a measurable call

⊚ true
⊚ false

15) The first step in setting objectives for a sales call is to review what has been learned from
the organization's mission statement.

⊚ true
⊚ false

16) A simple way to help ensure that call objectives are measurable is to set objectives that
require a buyer's response.

⊚ true
⊚ false

17) To be effective, a call objective must be generic and non-measurable.

⊚ true
⊚ false

18) All sales objectives should be either specific or measurable.

⊚ true
⊚ false

19) It is recommended that salespeople avoid including suggested order quantities or dates
for closure of a deal in their specific objectives.

Version 1 3
⊚ true
⊚ false

20) For a sales call objective to be effective, it needs to be easy rather than specific.

⊚ true
⊚ false

21) The statement "sell a minimum of 10 boxes of a product to the customer" is a specific
sales objective.

⊚ true
⊚ false

22) "Get better acquainted with the prospect" is a measurable sales objective.

⊚ true
⊚ false

23) Ben, a salesman, would like to sell his prospect three dozen handheld mixers. However,
he would be willing to settle for selling just six of them—that would be his minimum sales call

⊚ true
⊚ false

24) Multiple sales objectives reduce salespeople's fear of failure.

⊚ true
⊚ false

25) It is possible to have more than one primary call objective for a single call.

⊚ true
⊚ false

Version 1 4
26) It is important for salespeople to consider the company's overall promotional campaign
when developing multiple call objectives for a prospect.

⊚ true
⊚ false

27) A customer value proposition is a written statement that lists the call objectives for a

⊚ true
⊚ false

28) After gathering precall information and setting objectives, a salesperson's next step in
planning the sales call is generally to make an appointment.

⊚ true
⊚ false

29) Videoconferencing or Webcasting has lost its popularity as a result of downsizing.

⊚ true
⊚ false

30) Seeding is the process of finding the key decision maker within a buying center.

⊚ true
⊚ false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
31) As a result of failing to plan her sales call, Glenda is likely to do all of the following

Version 1 5
A) cover material in which the prospect has no interest.
B) obtain the prospect's commitment.
C) engage in seeding.
D) make a customized sales presentation.
E) seek referrals from the prospect.

32) Which of the following statements about obtaining precall information is FALSE?

A) At some point, the amount of time and effort required to collect additional
information exceeds its value.
B) Proper planning before making sales calls leads to better territory management.
C) Collecting information about a particular prospect is usually a quick and easy
D) The more information the salesperson has, the more likely the prospect's needs will
be met.
E) A salesperson calling on a regular customer does not need to collect additional

33) Which of the following statements would be of value to insurance salespeople collecting
information about prospects?

A) The prospect graduated with a marketing degree from Kennesaw State University.
B) The prospect is divorced with two children.
C) The prospect is a friendly and easygoing person.
D) The prospect is a member of the local Rotary Club.
E) All of these

34) In which of the following types of buying situations is it usually unnecessary for a
salesperson to educate a prospect about the common features of a product?

Version 1 6
A) When the prospect is buying a smartphone for the first time
B) When the prospect is buying a new car from a famous automobile outlet
C) When the prospect is buying capital equipment to run the operations of his or her
D) When the prospect is buying an insurance product for his or her family
E) When the prospect is buying the same laptop he or she purchased previously with the

35) Jason and his son Ryan supply laptop accessories to customers in their neighborhood.
They have been approached by a salesperson for a laptop manufacturing firm that wants to sell
them laptop products and accessories at a huge discount. Unfortunately, the owner of the laptop
manufacturing firm had once refused to work with Ryan because he was inexperienced. While
Jason may want to buy the products, his son will act as a(n) _____ in this situation.

A) influential adversary
B) actual competitor
C) potential competitor
D) poacher
E) bird dog

36) A farm machinery salesperson has spent the last three weeks gathering information about
a prospective customer. He has researched the customer's existing machinery and buying
potential. However, he delays the actual meeting with the customer because he feels that he
requires a couple of weeks more to gather enough information to make the sales call. In this
scenario, the salesperson is experiencing a(n):

A) acute shortage of data about the customer.

B) phenomenon called analysis paralysis.
C) problem in meeting the client directly because of the existence of a screen.
D) obstacle in finalizing the deal because of an influential adversary.
E) problem in contacting the focus of power in the farm because of the gatekeepers.

Version 1 7
37) Kenneth is a new salesperson in a firm. He collects all relevant data about his prospects,
including their needs, buying behavior, and ability to buy. He thinks too much about these data
points and never calls his prospects because he is never sure whether he has enough information
to initiate a sales call. Kenneth is most likely experiencing the phenomenon known as:

A) buyer's remorse.
B) analysis paralysis.
C) boomerang.
D) wicked problem.
E) customer style flexing.

38) Brandi, a sales trainee, watched as her sales supervisor chatted with a prospect's secretary
in a very friendly manner. Brandi felt that such behavior was inappropriate in a business situation
and she did not understand why her supervisor was asking the secretary about what sports the
prospect follows closely. Brandi is unable to understand her supervisor's actions. Which of the
following statements would help her understand the functional value of such interactions in a
sales situation?

A) Brandi's supervisor has found a meaningless way to pass the time while waiting for
the appointment.
B) The prospect will see Brandi and her supervisor more quickly if they prevent the
secretary from getting any work done.
C) Secretaries are a rich source of information about a prospect and are important for
successful sales calls.
D) Salespeople should talk to secretaries in order to appear to be working.
E) Secretaries are poor sources of information about the prospect.

39) If a salesperson does not know the basics about a prospect's company, then the:

A) prospect will not meet the salesperson at all.

B) prospect's receptionist will prevent the salesperson from meeting the prospect.
C) prospect may justifiably refuse to take the deal forward.
D) salesperson may begin to experience a phenomenon called "analysis paralysis."
E) salesperson should make "getting the deal" the formal objective of the first sales call.

Version 1 8
40) The most important step for a salesperson in planning a sales call is to:

A) design a flexible sales presentation.

B) discover personal information about a prospect.
C) plan an after-sales service package for a prospect.
D) set objectives for the call.
E) take an appointment with the prospect.

41) Which of the following statements about sales call objectives is FALSE?

A) The primary objective of every sales call is to make a sale.

B) An objective should be established for every sales call.
C) Sales call objectives should be specific.
D) Sales call objectives should be measurable.
E) Sales call objectives should be aimed at customer action.

42) As the first step in setting sales call objectives, a salesperson should:

A) review the steps of the selling process.

B) review the customer's marketing goals.
C) determine his or her progress toward meeting the sales targets.
D) review what has been learned from the precall information gathered.
E) review the available inventory in his or her own company.

43) Which of the following statements about sales call objectives is true?

A) Sales call objectives should always be expressed in monetary terms.

B) Sales call objectives are unnecessary for missionary salespeople.
C) Sales call objectives are unnecessary when the sales rep is cold calling.
D) Sales call objectives should be limited to one objective per sales call.
E) Sales call objectives are based on strategic decisions about an account.

Version 1 9
44) Effective call objectives must be:

A) expressed only in monetary terms.

B) specific, realistic, and measurable.
C) standardized for all sales representatives in a company.
D) independent of any cultural influences.
E) all of these.

45) Gary, a new salesperson for a reputed cellphone manufacturer, meets the owner of a
transport company that employs 50,000 people as cab drivers. On his first meeting, he plans to
sell mobile phones to all the 50,000 cab drivers because he believes his firm's mobile phones are
the best in the market. Which of the following is a drawback of this primary call objective?

A) It is too qualitative.
B) It is unrealistic.
C) It is irrelevant.
D) It is less optimistic.
E) It cannot be measured.

46) Jonah, a salesperson, hears of a lead and decides to pursue it. He determines getting
acquainted with the client to be his call objective for the first sales call. As he reviews his notes
after the sales call, he realizes that he does not have much information about the needs and the
business potential of the lead despite having met most members of the buying center. Which of
the following drawbacks of his call objective is most likely to explain this shortage of
information faced by Jonah?

A) It puts too much emphasis on service.

B) It says nothing about the product being sold.
C) It is not measurable.
D) It is too personal.
E) It is unrelated to company goals.

Version 1 10
47) Which of the following is a realistic sales call objective for a first call regarding a product
that would require a large capital investment?

A) To secure an order
B) To send the prospect a brochure that lists the products of the selling firm
C) To get the prospect to identify all the other members of the firm who play key roles
in the firm's decision-making process
D) To get the prospect to change over to the new product being offered
E) All of these

48) Tom, an experienced salesperson for road construction equipment, has been hired as the
sales representative for Caterpillar Tractor Corporation in the state of Ohio. Tom is aware that
his company makes products of high quality but is fairly new in the market. Which of the
following objectives for Tom's first sales call on Faulkner Paving, a key prospect, meets the
criteria of being realistic?

A) To get an appointment for a second call

B) To persuade Faulkner to switch to Caterpillar's equipment next season
C) To convince Faulkner to buy one of Caterpillar's large bulldozers for a trial run
D) To get Faulkner to watch a two-hour videotape that shows the superiority of the
construction of Caterpillar's products
E) All of these

49) Which of the following best exemplifies a measurable sales call objective?

A) To learn more about a prospect's needs

B) To learn about a prospect's professional background
C) To improve a prospect's perception of a salesperson's company
D) To build rapport with a prospect
E) To gain a buyer's trust

50) As a salesperson, a simple way to ensure that the sales call objectives determined are
measurable is to:

Version 1 11
A) use a canned sales presentation.
B) follow the guidelines set by your sales supervisor.
C) set long-term goals based on your sales call objectives.
D) align your objectives with the strategic objectives of your company.
E) set objectives that require a buyer's response.

51) Ivan's actual goal from his sales call is to get 10 people to buy his firm's insurance
policies. Ivan hopes to get more than 25 people to buy his insurance policies, get their relatives
and friends to buy the policies too, and develop a long-term relationship with these customers.
This long-term relationship that Ivan hopes to build in the future is an example of his:

A) minimum call objective.

B) routing quota.
C) zoning quota.
D) optimistic call objective.
E) gross margin quota.

52) While setting objectives for a sales call, the actual goal a salesperson hopes to achieve is
known as:

A) an optimistic call objective.

B) the gross margin quota.
C) the zoning target.
D) a primary call objective.
E) the routing quota.

53) Veronica's goal for her upcoming sales call is to sell 70 chairs to an IT company. She
would be willing to sanction an order for 30 chairs if the owner of the company is ready to make
a small investment. She is also hoping to convince the manager of the IT company for 200 chairs
and to sell them at a 15 percent discount. For Veronica, the sale of 70 chairs is her _____.

Version 1 12
A) minimum call objective
B) routing quota
C) gross margin quota
D) primary call objective
E) optimistic call objective

54) Victor is calling on Meridian Cabinetworks. His goal is to close a deal for a customized
profile sander valued at about $3,500. He'd be willing to accept if Meridian purchases one of his
firm's ready-made sanders, which costs about $2,000. Victor wants to convince the owner of
Meridian to use the sander and to provide his company with a testimonial that would help him
approach other local wood workers. For Victor, the sale of the less expensive ready-made profile
sander is his _____.

A) minimum call objective

B) strategic mission
C) sales quota
D) primary call objective
E) optimistic call objective

55) Norah's goal for her upcoming sales call is to sell 10 cases of anchovies to Darby's Diner,
though she would be willing to accept an order for just five cases, too. Additionally, she is
planning to approach the owner to enter into an agreement to purchase anchovies only from her
supplier. For Norah, setting up a straight rebuy situation with Darby's Diner is her _____ in this

A) minimum call objective

B) strategic mission
C) sales quota
D) primary call objective
E) optimistic call objective

Version 1 13
56) Jeff is an experienced salesperson in a firm that manufactures agricultural equipment. His
goal is to sell five tractors to farmers in a particular village. He is willing to accept orders for two
tractors if the farmers are first willing to make a small payment of 10 percent on the cost of the
tractor. Jeff would ideally like to sell more than 15 tractors and develop a long-term relationship
with these customers. Nevertheless, he accepts the order for two tractors. This sales call
objective, where Jeff is willing to adjust his actual goal, is most likely an example of his _____
call objective.

A) minimum
B) optimistic
C) primary
D) actual
E) unrealistic

57) Andrew, who works for TeaTree, is going for his first sales call to Dynamo Motors.
TeaTree leads the market in the vending machine industry for beverages. Andrew hopes to meet
the members of the buying center first so he can estimate the demand for beverages and engage
them in a presentation regarding his products. Additionally, he would like to get permission to
give a demonstration at the MNC so its employees can taste TeaTree's beverages and provide
their feedback. Obtaining the permission to provide a demonstration of his vending machine is
a(n) _____ for Andrew's sales call.

A) minimum call objective

B) strategic mission
C) sales quota
D) primary call objective
E) optimistic call objective

58) A salesperson who routinely accomplishes his or her _____ objectives most likely sets
his or her objectives too low.

Version 1 14
A) strategic
B) optimum call
C) minimum call
D) primary call
E) secondary call

59) TECAmerica, Inc. sells electronic scales used for weighing meats and vegetables. A
salesperson for TECAmerica is calling on the headquarters of Kroger supermarkets. He has set
his sales call objectives to meet the members of the buying center, to have his product brochures
sent to the appropriate geographic division managers of Kroger, and to be allowed to
demonstrate the superiority of his company's scales. If he truly expects to achieve his objective
of meeting the members of the buying center, then the others would be classified as _____ call

A) ideological
B) primary
C) visionary
D) secondary
E) minimum

60) Flora is a chief supplier of flowers to retailers in Dallas. Haley, a salesperson at Flora, is
planning to call on a supermarket chain that stocks flowers but does not buy its supplies from
Flora yet. Why would Haley set multiple call objectives including the goals of getting the
company to buy its Valentine package for $129 and convincing them to display Flora's samples
in some of its stores for her first meeting itself?

Version 1 15
A) Multiple sales call objectives increase the fear of failure, which makes the
salesperson try even harder.
B) Multiple sales call objectives allow the salesperson to avoid focusing on any one
sales call objective for too long.
C) Multiple sales call objectives will force the salesperson to set his or her objectives
too high.
D) Multiple sales call objectives are usually self-correcting in case the call objectives set
are too high or too low.
E) There is no benefit inherent in multiple sales call objectives.

61) A(n) _____ is defined as a written statement (usually one or two sentences) that clearly
states how purchasing a product or service being offered can help solve the customer's perceived
business issue.

A) optimal sales call objective

B) mission statement
C) sales presentation synopsis
D) statement of expectation
E) customer value proposition

62) A(n) _____, which salespeople can share with the CEO of a buyer's firm, focuses on what
an individual manager needs to address and resolve to be able to better contribute to overall
company objectives.

A) optimal sales call objective

B) mission statement
C) sales presentation synopsis
D) statement of expectation
E) customer value proposition

63) A safety equipment salesperson calling on a prospect for the first time should try to
schedule an appointment with the focus of _____, a person who will listen to the salesperson and
provide valuable information about the types of equipment that the company needs.

Version 1 16
A) receptivity
B) authority
C) power
D) expertise
E) dissatisfaction

64) Julia, a salesperson of cosmetic products, is meeting with a person who will tell her the ill
effects and problems related to the products she supplies. According to Neil Rackham, the person
whom Julia is meeting is known as the:

A) focus of receptivity.
B) focus of reciprocity.
C) focus of power.
D) focus of expertise.
E) focus of dissatisfaction.

65) In the context of finding the right person to make a sales call, Neil Rackham suggests that
a salesperson should initially try to call on the person who is the:

A) focus of dissatisfaction.
B) focus of receptivity.
C) focus of expertise.
D) focus of power.
E) focus of satisfaction.

66) In the context of finding the right person to make a sales call, Neil Rackham suggests that
the focus of dissatisfaction leads to the:

Version 1 17
A) focus of receptivity.
B) focus of power.
C) focus of reciprocity.
D) focus of expertise.
E) focus of satisfaction.

67) In the context of finding the right person to make a sales call, which of the following was
suggested by Neil Rackham?

A) A salesperson should initially try to contact the person who is the focus of
B) Going straight to the decision maker as quickly as possible is not necessarily
effective selling.
C) A salesperson should first focus on initiating contact with the person who is the focus
of expertise.
D) A salesperson should avoid initiating a conversation with people who are not in the
buying center even though they are excellent listeners.
E) Salespeople who talk to the person who is the focus of dissatisfaction are effective

68) If an industrial salesperson makes her first call on an employee at a client's company who
is most likely willing to listen and provide valuable information, she is most likely calling on the

A) focus of dissatisfaction
B) focus of receptivity
C) focus of expertise
D) focus of power
E) focus of satisfaction

69) In the buying center, the person who can approve, prevent, and/or influence action is
called the _____.

Version 1 18
A) focus of receptivity
B) focus of dissatisfaction
C) focus of power
D) driver
E) gatekeeper

70) When making an appointment, it is important for a salesperson to identify an

environment conducive to doing business. So, the salesperson should:

A) choose a place free of distraction for all parties.

B) ensure the buyer's subordinates will not be present at the meeting.
C) arrange the meeting at his/her own company.
D) plan the meeting during the company's annual review meetings.
E) all of these.

71) In a buying center, a screen can take on the role of a(n) _____.

A) seller
B) decider
C) user
D) influencer
E) gatekeeper

72) As the CEO's personal assistant, Robert's job involves taking calls from sales
representatives from different companies. He sorts them and selects the salespeople who get to
speak directly to his boss. In this situation, Robert is acting as the _____.

A) point of dissatisfaction
B) screen
C) user
D) risk-taker
E) center of influence

Version 1 19
73) Billy is a charming sales representative. He uses his skills and persuades the prospect's
secretary to get him a face-to-face meeting with the prospect. He convinces her that the product
he is selling will greatly benefit her company. The technique that Billy is using is known as:

A) ignoring the screen.

B) taking down the screen.
C) going under the screen.
D) going through the screen.
E) going over the screen.

74) Jenna, a seller of insurance products, is scheduled to meet her prospect, Jay. Jay's
assistant always interferes and stops salespeople from contacting Jay. When Jay's assistant
attempts to stall Jenna's effort, she tells the assistant that she has authority from Jay's superiors
and the top management to meet Jay. The strategy used by Jenna is known as:

A) lowballing.
B) taking down the screen.
C) nibbling.
D) going over the screen.
E) going through the screen.

75) Al sells everything a company needs to market decorative balloons—the balloons

themselves, ribbons, helium tanks, etc. He wants to talk to the owner of a large catering company
because balloons are great decorations for birthday tables, baby showers, and other such social
occasions. Unfortunately, every time he tries to talk to the owner of the catering company, he
finds himself in an unnecessarily long conversation with the assistant caterer, who does not let
him talk to the owner. The assistant caterer is assuming the role of a(n):

A) barrier.
B) decider.
C) driver.
D) risk-taker.
E) arbitrator.

Version 1 20
76) Veronica, a senior salesperson, has an appointment with a prospect. She tries to convince
the prospect's subordinate with an eloquent narration about the implication of meeting with the
prospect. She tells the subordinate that the meeting would greatly benefit the prospect. The
strategy used by Veronica to meet her prospect is known as:

A) going through the screen.

B) going over the screen.
C) lubrication.
D) going under the screen.
E) lowballing.

77) Gareth, an insurance salesperson, has an appointment with Jeff. Jeff's subordinate is
known to restrict salespeople from contacting or meeting Jeff during his work hours. Gareth tries
to contact Jeff at lunchtime when his subordinate does not monitor these activities. In this case,
the strategy used by Gareth is known as:

A) nibbling.
B) bypassing the gatekeeper.
C) going under the screen.
D) poaching.
E) seeding.

78) When making a telephone call to a new client, salespeople must:

A) contact the top management of the company directly.

B) prepare themselves for any objections that may come up in the conversation.
C) avoid answering any queries raised by the prospect about their products or services.
D) attempt to finalize the deal during the first call itself.
E) prepare to aggressively market their product over the telephone.

79) Kerry, a sales representative from Spitz Inc., has a lead on a potential customer for her
company's line of vacuum cleaners. She calls the prospect's firm and speaks to the secretary.
What should be the primary goal of this call?

Version 1 21
A) To make an appointment with the prospect
B) To finalize the sale of the vacuum cleaners
C) To make Spitz the sole supplier of vacuum cleaners to the prospect
D) To engage in the practice of seeding
E) To compromise the credibility of competing salespeople

80) Kumar is a salesperson for a cosmetic brand. Before meeting his prospect, he sends the
prospect a few fashion and lifestyle magazines to improve the prospect's knowledge about
cosmetic products. In this case, Kumar is most likely engaging in _____.

A) nibbling
B) lowballing
C) seeding
D) cloverleaf routing
E) cold calling

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or
answers the question.
81) What is the term used for people who can influence a purchase decision and are opposed
to the seller's company?

82) How can a salesperson know if he or she has enough information to make a sales call?

83) Which is the first source of information that a salesperson can use while using the
Internet to gather precall information?

Version 1 22
84) Within a prospect's company, who is likely to be a rich source of information?

85) What is the most important step when planning a sales call?

86) A salesperson for Otto Bock Orthopedic Industry is calling on an orthopedic hospital to
sell his company's new computerized artificial limbs that can anticipate and regulate movement
by the user. The salesperson's sales call objective is to sell 20 limbs after convincing the buyer
that the limb is superior to all other prosthesis available in the market. The total amount involved
in the deal is around $50,000. The salesperson has been given 15 minutes to make his sales
presentation. What is wrong with this objective?

87) SRC Refrigeration Company manufactures and sells refrigerator display units for
flowers. Ronald, a salesperson for the company, is calling on a large supermarket chain in an
attempt to provide a demonstration of SRC's new product which "bathes flowers in generous
humidity and uniform air temperature." Ronald's sales call objective is to persuade the buyer to
lease one refrigeration unit for 6 months and compare how it keeps flowers fresh longer than the
other brand currently in use. In terms of the criteria for evaluating sales objectives, how would
you rate this sales call objective?

Version 1 23
88) Rotocast Display Products sells display accessories to be used on the sales floor and in
store windows. One popular item it sells is the Corinthian columns ranging from 16" to 96". A
Rotocast salesperson is calling on a company that specializes in designing store displays. Her
goal is to sell the design company 3 dozen columns of various heights. If she can't achieve this
goal, she wants to sell the design company at least 6 small columns. Identify the two types of
multiple sales objectives that the Rotocast salesperson has set.

89) To whom should a salesperson present a customer value proposition?

90) In the context of sales, what is Webcasting?

ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
91) Martin is planning his first sales call on F&S Industries. He has decided to postpone the
call until he knows everything there is to know about the company and the prospects on whom
he will be calling. What's wrong with this idea?

92) Amy is given the name of a potential prospect. What general sources of information
should she consider checking before approaching the prospect?

Version 1 24
93) What is a primary sales call objective?

94) Why should salespeople consider cultural factors when setting sales call objectives?

95) Describe a customer value proposition.

96) Why should a salesperson make an appointment after gathering precall information and
setting call objectives?

Version 1 25
97) Differentiate between a person who is the focus of receptivity, the focus of
dissatisfaction, and the focus of power.

98) Discuss the best time for a salesperson to call on a prospect.

99) What is the right place for a salesperson to meet a prospect?

100) Sales strategists have identified three basic ways to interact with a screen or barrier to a
prospect. List and briefly describe them.

Version 1 26
Answer Key

Test name: Chap7

10) TRUE
11) TRUE
12) TRUE
13) TRUE
16) TRUE
21) TRUE
23) TRUE
24) TRUE
25) TRUE
26) TRUE

Version 1 27
28) TRUE
31) B
32) C
33) E
34) E
35) A
36) B
37) B
38) C
39) C
40) D
41) A
42) D
43) E
44) B
45) B
46) C
47) C
48) A
49) B
50) E
51) D
52) D
53) D
54) A
55) E
56) A

Version 1 28
57) E
58) B
59) D
60) D
61) E
62) E
63) A
64) E
65) B
66) B
67) B
68) B
69) C
70) A
71) E
72) B
73) D
74) D
75) A
76) A
77) C
78) B
79) A
80) C
81) People who can sway a purchase decision and are opposed to the
seller's company are known as influential adversaries.

Version 1 29
82) Often, the difference between making and not making a sale depends
on the amount of homework the salesperson does before making a call.
The more information the salesperson has about the prospect, the higher
the probability of meeting the prospect's needs and developing a long-
term relationship. However, the salesperson must be aware of the costs
involved in collecting information. At some point, the time and effort
put into collecting information become greater than the benefits
obtained. And, of course, for some cold calls, there will be little, if any,
precall information collected. Clearly, a salesperson who has been
calling regularly on a prospect or customer may not need to collect a lot
of additional information; records and notes from prior calls may be
adequate to prepare for the sales call. The same holds true for a new
salesperson if the previous one kept good records.
83) The first place to look is the prospect company's own Web site.
84) The prospect's secretary or receptionist is often a rich source of
information. It is important to be courteous, however, because
secretaries and receptionists are accustomed to having salespeople pry
for all sorts of free information.
85) The most important step in planning a sales call is to set sales call
86) The sales objective is not realistic. Objectives must be realistic.
Inexperienced salespeople often have unrealistic expectations about the
prospect's or customer's response in the sales call. It is important for
sellers to plan objectives for a call that can be accomplished within the
time allocated for that sales call. That doesn't mean the objectives should
be easy. In reality, challenging but reachable goals tend to lead to better

Version 1 30
87) The sales call objective is specific, realistic, and measurable. All
objectives should be specific, realistic, and measurable. A call objective
that meets only one or two of these criteria will be an ineffective guide
for the salesperson.
88) The first goal involving the sale of 3 dozen columns of various
heights is the primary objective; the plan to sell 6 small columns at least
is the minimum sales objective.
89) The customer value proposition is sent to the top management, often
the CEO of the buying company.
90) Videoconferencing—meetings in which people are not physically
present in one location but are connected via voice and video—is
growing in usage. In a variant on videoconferencing, called Webcasting
or virtual sales calls, the meeting is broadcast over the Internet. For
example, due to downsizing, emWare, Inc. has only eight salespeople.
According to Michael Nelson, CEO of emWare, the use of virtual sales
calls is now necessary and is actually quite successful. Salespeople
should learn how to plan for such meetings. One key is to carefully plan
all technical elements of the presentation and to rehearse them as much
as possible.
91) To gather all the relevant information is impossible. The goal is to
gather how much information is possible and profitable. Martin needs to
remember the value of his own time. There must be a proper balance
between time spent acquiring information and time spent making calls.
92) Amy should start with resources within her company. She should
also check the prospect company's Web page. Traditional secondary
sources like the government or industry associations can be useful.
Noncompeting salespeople can provide insights, and the prospect's
secretary or receptionist can be a valuable source of information.

Version 1 31
93) Salespeople have learned the importance of setting multiple
objectives for a sales call. Not only do they set a primary call objective
(the actual goal they hope to achieve) before each sales call, they also set
a minimum call objective (the minimum they hope to achieve) because
they realize the call may not go exactly as planned (the prospect may be
called away or the salesperson may not have all the necessary facts).
94) For sales call objectives to be realistic, a salesperson needs to
consider factors such as cultural influences. For example, some firms
have an extremely conservative corporate culture. Creating change in
such a culture is time consuming and often frustrating for the seller. The
national culture is important in selling to international prospects. When
selling to Arab or Japanese businesses, salespeople should plan to spend
at least several meetings getting to know the other party. Developing
relationships with Chinese businesspeople requires a great deal of
entertaining. Selling in Russia is often slowed because of bureaucracy
and incredible amounts of red tape. As these examples illustrate, culture
is an important consideration in attempts to set realistic call objectives.
95) A customer value proposition is written by the salesperson and
intended for the CEO or other top management personnel. It is a written
statement (usually one or two sentences) that clearly states how
purchasing your product or service can help solve the customer's
perceived business issue. Further, the CVP focuses on what an
individual manager needs to address and resolve to be able to better
contribute to overall company objectives.
96) Appointments dignify the salespeople and put them on the same
level as the prospect. Appointments increase the chance of seeing the
right person and of having uninterrupted time with the prospect.

Version 1 32
97) A focus of receptivity is a person who is open to listening to the
sales person and will provide valuable information to the salesperson. A
focus of dissatisfaction is a person or people who perceive problems,
creating the opportunity for the salesperson to provide solutions. A focus
of power is a person who can approve action, prevent action, and/or
influence action.
98) There is little agreement on the subject of the best time for a sales
interview; obviously the most opportune time to call will vary by
customer and type of selling. For most types of selling, the best hours of
the day are from approximately 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m.
to 4 p.m. According to InsideSales.com, Thursday is best, followed by
Wednesday, with Tuesday being the worst day.
99) Meetings can occur just about anywhere, including by video on the
Internet. The sales call should take place in an environment conducive to
doing business. Such is not always the case, however. For example,
some salespeople still take customers to topless bars. In addition to
distractions, topless bars present a number of problems for the
salesperson who uses them to achieve sales. For example, is it ethical to
gain business by using such tactics? Also, once a buyer has purchased on
the basis of this entertainment, chances are the seller will have to keep it
up or lose the customer. Salespeople should also understand that their
companies do care about where they meet a client and are tracking that
information for a number of purposes.

Version 1 33
Test Bank for Selling: Building Partnerships, 10th Edition, Stephen Castleberry, John Tanner

100) The salesperson can go "over the screen." This occurs when the
seller drops names of people higher up in the organization and is let in
because the screen fears getting into trouble. The salesperson can go
"under the screen" by trying to make contact with the prospect when the
screen in not on the job—like before working hours. The salesperson
can also go "through the screen" by simply involving the screen in the
sales process.

Version 1 34

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