Neeraj Kumar - Assignment 1

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ROLL: 2023-1LLM-36.

TOPIC: Indian classical music and its legal aspect

Choosing a research topic depends on one’s interests and field of study. So, we
should consider topics that excites us and aligns with our academic goals and
have enough research material available. Moreover, I want to let you know that
I have also shared my passion about music with you and this is the thing that
excites me.

A fascinating research topic could explore the legal aspects surrounding Indian
classical music, such as intellectual property rights, copyright issues, cultural
preservation, and the impact of digital technologies on the traditional music
industry. one could also investigate the challenges and opportunities faced by
musicians, composers, and practitioners in the context of existing laws and

One can also delve into issues related to traditional compositions, recordings,
performances, and the challenges faced by musicians and stakeholders in
preserving the authenticity and ownership of these musical treasures.
Additionally, one can examine the impact of technology and digital platforms
on the distribution and commercialization of Indian classical music, addressing
the need for legal frameworks to protect artists rights and cultural heritage.

Choosing Indian classical music and its legal aspects as my research topic can
be an intriguing and unique choice for several reasons:
 Cultural richness and diversity: Indian classical music has a history
that spans over centuries and is deeply rooted in the diverse cultural
heritage of the country. It offers a vast array of musical styles,
instruments, and performance traditions that can provide a fascinating
area of study.

 Global interest: Indian classical music has gained popularity and

recognition worldwide, attracting enthusiasts, scholars, and musicians
from different parts of the globe. Its global appeal makes it an interesting
subject for academic research.

 Interdisciplinary nature: Studying the legal aspects of Indian classical

music allows you to explore various disciplines like musicology,
intellectual property law, copyright law, cultural heritage preservation,
and international law. This interdisciplinary approach can make my
research engaging and relevant to a broader audience.

 Preservation and protection of cultural heritage: As a traditional art

form, Indian classical music faces challenges related to preservation,
adaptation, and protection from cultural misappropriation. By examining
the legal aspects, one can contribute to the understanding of how legal
frameworks can play a role in safeguarding this intangible cultural

 Intellectual property issues: Indian classical music involves complex

aspects of intellectual property rights, such as copyright, licensing, and
ownership. Analysing these issues can shed light on how traditional art
forms interact with modern legal systems.
 Contemporary relevance: With the rise of digital media, internet
platforms, and globalization, understanding the legal challenges faced by
Indian classical music in the modern era can be highly relevant and

 Scope for original research: Given the relatively unexplored nature of

this topic, one can conduct original research and contribute new insights
to the field.

While undertaking this research, it is essential to conduct thorough substantive

research, consult with experts in both music and law, and ensure proper
acknowledgment of the sources and cultural sensitivities involved. Additionally,
one must stay up to date with the latest developments in the field of Indian
classical music and relevant legal frameworks.

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