Changing Bodies, Growing Up SEX Sexual Health

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Not me!
I'm ready I think I'll wait
to grow up a while before I
right now! start any of th is
growing up .

Questions, questions, questions.

Children ask a lot of questions. But some-
times the questions are difficult to ask. And
sometimes the answers are difficult to
understand or even find. When children
wonder about sex, where will they go for
the answers?

Providing accurate, lucid, unbiased answers

to nearly every conceivable question chil-
dren may have about sexuality, It's Perfectly
Normal is here to help. From conception
and puberty to birth control and AIDS, it is
a refreshingly open and thorough presenta-
tion of the facts of sex- both biological and
psychological-which children need now
more than ever. Throughout, two cartoon
characters, a curious bird and a squeamish
bee, reflect the diverse feelings children
often have about sex. Packed with warm,
age-appropriate illustrations, often
humorous but always scientifically correct,
It's Perfectly Normal offers children the
reassurance that the changes and emotions
they experience while growing up are
perfectly normal.

To my husband,
to my kids, to Val.
Thanks guys!

To my parents.


hile writing and illustrating thi book, we checked and Harri , Robie H.
rechecked the cientific information and the late t re earch.
hat we learned from cienti ts and health profe ional i It' perfectly normal: hanging bodie , growing up,
that knowledge about thi ubject is continually evolving and ex, and exual health/ Robie H. Harri ; illustrated
changing. While there i much agreement, there is also ome by ichael Emberley.
di agreement, and ome que tion till remain. t thi time, Includes index.
the information in thi book i a up-to-date and as accurate
I B '1-56402-199-8 (hardcover) - ISBN 1-56402-159-9 (paperback)
a possible. If you ha e que tion or need further informa-
tion, you can check with your parent , doctor, nurse, health 1. Sex instruction for children. 2. Sex in truction for teenager .
professional, teacher, school coun elor, or clergy member. 3. Hygiene, exual -Juvenile literature.
R.H.H. and M.E. I. Emberley, Michael, ill. II. Title.
Januar 2001 HQS3.H37 1994

Text copyright© 1994 by Bee Productions, Inc. 613.99'07 -dc20

Illustration copyright© 1994 by Bird Productions, Inc. 10 9 8 7 6

Printed in Hong Kong

All right re erved. o part of thi book may be reproduced,
transmitted, or tared in an information retrieval system in The illustrations in thi book were done in watercolor and pencil.
any form or by any mean , graphic, electronic, or mechani- Book design by Lance Hidy
cal, including photocopying, taping, and recording, without Candlewick Pres
prior written permi sion from the publisher. 2067 Mas achusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140
First edition 1994 vi it us at
A Book
Growing Up,
Sex, and

Perfectly Normal

Robie H. Harris

illustrated by
Michael Emberley

Introduction Part 2

Lots of Questions Our Bodies

Changing Bodies , Growing 9 6 The Human Body 19

Up , Sex, and Sexual Health All Kinds of Bodies

7 Outside and Inside 22

The Female Sex Organs

8 Outside and Inside 2S

Th e Male Sex Organs

9 Words 28
Talking about Bodies and Sex

Part 1

What Is Sex? Part 3

1 Girl or Boy, Female or Male 10
Sex and Gender

2 Making Babies 11 10 Changes and Messages 30

Sexual Reproduction Puberty and Hormones

3 Strong Feelings 12 11 The Travels of the Egg 32

Sexual Desire Female Puberty

4 Making Love 14 12 The Travels of the Sperm 37

Sexual Intercourse Male Puberty

S Straight and Gay 16 13 Not All at Once! 41

Heterosexuality Growing and
and Homosexuality Changing Bodies
14 More Changes! 43 22 Other Arrivals 66
Taking Care of Your Body More Ways to Have a
Baby and Family
1S Back and Forth, 4S
Up and Down
New and Changing Feelings
Part S
16 Perfectly Normal 48
Masturbation Decisions

23 Planning Ahead 68
Postponement, Abstinence ,
and Birth Control
24 Laws and Rulings 73

Part 4
Part 6
Families and Babies
Staying Healthy
17 All Sorts of Families so 2S Talk About It 7S
Taking Care of Babies and Kids
Sexual Abuse
18 Instructions from
Mom and Dad S2 26 Checkup 77
The Cell: Genes and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Chromosomes 27 Scientists Working
19 A Kind of Sharing S4 Day and Night 79
Cuddling, Kissing , Touching , HIV and AIDS
and Sexual Intercourse 28 Staying Healthy 83
20 Before Birth S8 Resp onsible Choices

21 What a Trip! 62
the Bee

Hey! Do you want to
rio. Not now 1'0
in the middle of
I' m reading a
science book
You are!

a book abou t too. you kn~ Well. th a t' s

a stronom y ./ / } y

r ~
This book will b; a ~
for you. Take a look. I
ou will like it . )
Ohhh. -~Y ~
goodness . This

And bees are

extremely I
brave .
~iQ~~ ...,d__ __.;

8 It ·s Perfectly Normal

Lots of Questions
Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health

ometime between the ages of changes-but not all-that take I was feeling

S nine and fifteen, kids' bodies

begin to change and grow into
place during this time make it
possible for humans to make a

adult bodies. baby and give birth to a baby.

And making a baby has a lot to do
with sex.

Well, I do know It's about

that this stuff is the facts
not just about the of life. You may wonder why it's a
birds and the bees. good idea to learn some facts
about bodies, about growing up,
about sex, and about sexual
Most kids wonder about and health. It's important because
have lots of questions about what these facts can help you stay
will be happening to them as healthy, take good care of your-
their bodies change and grow self, and make good decisions
during this time. about yourself as you are growing

Sex is about a lot of things- up and for the rest of your life.

,i: bodies, growing up, families,

babies, love, caring, curiosity, feel-
ings, respect, responsibility, biol-
Besides, learning about these
things can be fascinating and fun.

Doesn 't sound Maybe
ogy, and health. There are times like that much you are
fun to me . weird .
when sickness and danger can be
a part of sex, too.
It's perfectly normal for kids to Most kids wonder about and
be curious about and want to have lots of questions about sex.
know about their changing and It's also perfectly normal to want
growing bodies. Most of the to know about sex.

Lots of Questions 9
Part 1

What Is Sex?
Girl or Boy, Female or Male
Sex and Gender

hat is sex? What is it...

exactly? What is it all

These are questions lots of

kids wonder about. You needn't
feel embarrassed or stupid if you
don't know the answers, because
sex is not a simple matter.
Sex is many things, and people
have many different feelings and One way to find out about sex surprise that the moment a baby
opinions about it. That's why is to ask someone you know and is born, someone always seems to
there is more than one answer to trust. Remember, there are no shout out, "It's a GIRL!" or "It's a
the question , what is sex? stupid questions. Another way to BOY!" And usually one of the first
find out about sex is to read questions kids ask when they hear
Sex is not Just about it. For example, you can that a new kid is joining their
any old hugging Well. it' s
and kissing. not just look up the meaning of the word class is, "Is it a girl or a boy?"
And it's n ot just m a ki ng sex in the dictionary.
about love . I b a bies,
know that much . Here is what one dictionary
says under the word sex:
1: Either ofthe two main groups,

female or male, into which living

things are placed.
People always want to know
the sex of a new baby. So it's no

1Q It ' s Perfectly Normal

When people use the word sex Gender is another word for
in this way, they are usually talk- whether a person is male or
ing about what gender someone female . If a person is a boy or
is-whether a person is female man, his gender is male. If a
or male, a girl or a boy, a woman person is a girl or woman, her
or a man. gender is female.

Making Babies
Sexual Reproduction

he dictionary tells us more

T about sex. It says,
2: Sexual reproduction.
Sex is also about reproduc-
tion-making babies. To repro-
duce means to produce again, or
make again.

parts of our bodies that have same for a fe male and a male is
Certain parts of our bodies special jobs to perform. For the reproductive organs.
make it possible for a male and a example, the heart is the organ People also call the reproduc-
female,·when their bodies have whose special job is to pump tive organs the sexual organs or
grown up, to reproduce-to blood. Scientists know that most the sex organs. The female and
make babies. The parts of our organs inside our bodies, such as male sex organs are designed to
bodies that make this possible our heart, our lungs, and our work in an amazingly interesting
are called the reproductive stomachs, are the same whether way. They are different from each
organs. we are male or female. One other because they have different
Our bodies' organs are the group of organs that is not the jobs to do.

What Is Sex? 11
Both males and females have called the reproductive organs.
outer sex organs and inner sex If you are female, your vagina Does the
organs. Some are located and ovaries are two of your sex say anything I think we 've
between our legs and are on the organs. If you are male, your else about heard quite

outside of our bodies. Some are penis and testicles are two of
tucked inside our bodies. The sex your sex organs.
organs on the outside of a per- When the word sex is used in
son's body are often called the this way, people are usually talk-
genitals, and the sex organs on ing about making a new human
the inside of a person's body are being-a baby.

Strong Feelings
Sexual Desire

he dictionary tells us even

T more about sex. It says,
3: Sexual desire.
Sex is also about the desire to
be physically close to someone,
as close as you can be.
Do you ever really want or
crave something? That's desire,
like when you really want some-
one to be your best friend or
when you really want chocolate You don't know why you want friend, or even wanting to snug-
ice cream. these things. You don't even think gle up to your mom or dad, a
I prefer about why you want them. You friend, a pet, or a stuffed animal.
strawberry ' , just want them. These are simply Sexual desire means you feel
ice cream.
feelings of wanting-of desire. attracted to someone in a very
Sexual desire is different from strong way... like being pulled by
these desires-different from just a magnet. You want to be as
wanting chocolate ice cream, or physically close to that person as
wanting someone to be your best you can be.

12 It's Perfectly Normal

Even though you may think people they know, as well as on people of the opposite sex, on
about that person a lot, sexual people they don't know-like TV people who are the same age,
desire is mostly the way you feel stars, movie stars, rock stars, or older, or younger. Having a
in your body about that person. sports stars. crush on someone is perfectly
Your body may feel excited or normal.
Not true . You have
warm or quivery or tingly. And crushes on a zillion The feelings and thoughts you
rock stars. You've
l sometimes these feelings can be may have about other people
got posters of The
very strong. Beetles and The and their bodies can make you
I don't Creepy Cockroaches
For lots of kids, part of sexual feel very excited. Some people
have any and The Hairy
desire can be the fun of chasing crushes ... on Tarantulas all over call this "feeling sexy."
and teasing or having a crush on Some of you are probably
someone. Often it's hard to stop noticing the changes in your own
thinking about that person, and bodies and the differences
you may even think you are in between your body and your
love with him or her. That's friends' bodies. Sex can also be
called "having a crush" on about the many new thoughts
someone. and feelings you may have about
Both girls and boys have They have crushes on people what's happening to you and
crushes. They have crushes on of the same sex, as well as on your body as you are growing up.

Wh at Is Sex? 13
Making Love
Sexual Intercourse

he dictionary tells us one once their reproductive organs have sexual intercourse well into
T more thing about sex. It says, have grown up-to make a baby. old age.
4: Sexual intercourse. People also call sexual inter-
I'd rather
Sex also means sexual inter- not think
course "making love" or "love-
course. Some people call sexual about IT. making" because it's a way of
intercourse "having sex." expressing love. But sexual inter-
course is only one way of
expressing love.
Hugging, cuddling, holding
hands, kissing, and touching are
if you can find out even
more about sex in the other ways of expressing love. So
encyclopedia ... But most people don't have sex- is just being with someone you
ual intercourse only when they like a lot and telling that person,
want to make a baby. Most often, "I love you."
they have sexual intercourse
because it feels good. People

Sexual intercourse happens

when a female and a male feel
very sexy and very attracted to
each other. They want to be very
close to each other in a sexual
way, so close that the male's
penis goes inside the female's
vagina. And the vagina stretches
open in a way that fits around
the penis.
When this happens, it is pos-
sible for a female and a male-

14 It's Perfectly Normal

AIDS-as well as other
infections that are less serious
can be passed from one per-
There are some things about son to the other. However, Sometimes people use the
sex and sexual intercourse that there are ways in which peo- word sexuality to talk about sex.
are important to know and ple can help protect them- When people use the word
remember: selves from getting or passing sexuality, they are usually talk-
• It makes sense to wait to have on these infections. ing about everything in our
sexual intercourse until you daily lives that makes us sexual
are old enough and responsi- That's human beings-our gender,
ble enough to make healthy enough to our sexual feelings, thoughts,
decisions about sex. and desires, as well as any
• Every person always has the sexual contact, from sexual
right to say no to any kind of touching to sexual intercourse.
sexual touching.
• A relationship that includes
sexual contact often comes I. for one,
would rather
with complicated feelings. learn some
• After sexual intercourse, the So sex is a lot of things ...even more facts
female can become pregnant. feelings ... and thoughts.
But there are ways that people Sex is the desire to be very
can help protect themselves close to someone.
from having a baby. Sex is intercourse.
• During sexual intercourse, Sex is making babies.
serious infections-such as And sex is whether you are
HIV, the virus that causes male or female.

What Is Sex? 1S
Straight and Gay
Heterosexuality and Homosexuality

traight and gay are two words A gay or homosexual person is A homosexual relationship
S that have to do with sexual
desire and sex.
someone who is sexually
attracted to people of the same
between two females is also
called a lesbian relationship. The
A straight or heterosexual per- sex. Homos is the ancient Greek word lesbian began to be used in
son is someone who is sexually word for same. In a homosexual the late nineteenth century. It
attracted to people of the other relationship, two people of the refers to the time, about 600 B.c.,
or opposite sex. Heteros is the same sex-a male and a male, or when the great female poet
ancient Greek word for other. a female and a female-may be Sappho lived on the Greek island
I like those I like p ictu res.
attracted to, may fall in love of Lesbos. Sappho wrote about
I thin k a with, and may have a sexual friendship and love between
relationship with each other. women.

In a heterosexual relationship,
two people of opposite sexes- a
male and a female-may be
attracted to, may fall in love
with , or may have a sexual
relationship with each other.

16 It ' s Perfectly Normal

The ancient Greeks thought whether a person will grow up to
that love between nvo men was be gay or straight.
the highest form oflove. In the Sometimes as kids are growing
ancient Greek city-state of up, boys become curious about
Sparta, in about 1000 B.C., it was other boys and girls become curi-
hoped that male lovers would be ous about other girls. They may
in the same army regiment. Peo- look at and even touch each
ple thought that if a warrior was other's bodies. This is a normal
in the same regiment as his lover, kind of exploring and does not
he would fight harder in order to There have been gay relation- have anything to do with whether
impress him. The Spartan army ships all through history, even a girl or a boy is or will be hetero-
was one of the most powerful before ancient Greece. sexual or homosexual.
and feared armies in ancient How people feel and think
Greece. about homosexuality has a lot to Whew! I'm I myself
do with the culture and the times glad it's okay am curious
in which they live.
Scientists do not completely
understand or agree on why one
person grows up to be homosex-
ual and another person grows up
to be heterosexual. In fact, there
may be more than one reason.
Some scientists believe that
being homosexual or heterosex-
ual is not something you Dreaming about or having a
choose-just as you cannot crush on a person of the same sex
choose what color skin you were also does not necessarily mean
born with or whether you were that a girl or a boy is or will be
born male or female. They homosexual.
believe that a person is born with Some people disapprove of
traits-with the biological gay men and lesbian women.
makeup-that make him or her Some even hate homosexuals
develop into a straight person or only because they are homosex-
a gay person. Other scientists ual. People may feel this way
believe that events during a per- toward homosexuals because they
son's childhood help determine think homosexuals are different

What Is Sex? 17
from them or that gay relation- attracted to people of the oppo- in love-is, for the most part, the
ships are wrong. Usually these site sex and to people of the same same whether he or she is hetero-
people know little or nothing sex. People who are attracted to, sexual, homosexual, or bisexual.
about homosexuals, and their may fall in love with, and may If a person has any questions
views are often based on fears or have a sexual relationship with or thoughts about his or her sex-
misinformation, not on facts. both males and females are called ual feelings, talking to someone
People are often afraid of things bisexual. Bi means two. he or she knows and trusts-a
they know little or nothing A person's daily life-making parent, relative, good friend,
about. a home, having friends and fun, teacher, doctor, nurse, or clergy
Some people are sexually raising children, working, being member-can be helpful.

18 It's Perfectly Normal

Part 2

Our Bodies
The Body
All Kinds of Bodies

So many drawings
and paintings and
sculptures of the
human body! I h a ven't Hold on.
Artists must love run across We haven't seen
to draw the a painting everything yet.
human body. of an insect.

Artists love

Our Bodies 19
Have you noticed that
human bodies come in Most human
all different sizes ... bodies look
:::hapes ... and shades? pretty much
People's bodies look the same
so different. ~
\' ~

2Q It·s P e rfectly Normal

Oh. come on! You
do know that male Do we have to Let's just forget
and female bodies talk about this- we ever had this
look different from

Our Bodies 21
Outside and Inside
The Female Sex Organs

A female's outer sex organs,

the clitoris and the opening
to the vagina, are hard to see
from the Latin word volva, which
means covering. The vulva covers
the clitoris, the opening to the
vulva-the clitoris, the opening
to the urethra, and the opening
to the vagina. Labia is the Latin
because they are located between vagina, the opening to the urethra, word for lips.
her legs. and the labia.
The Clitoris
The Vulva The Labia The clitoris is a small mound of
The whole area of soft skin The labia are two sets of soft folds skin about the size of a pea.
between a female's legs is called of skin inside the vulva. They When the clitoris is touched and
the vulva. The word vulva comes cover the inner parts of the rubbed, a female's body feels

22 It's Perfectly Normal

good both outside and inside. It Are we
Openin g Clitoris finished with
feels kind of tingly, kind of warm No!
and nice. It feels sexy. ur~~~=~~'J1: / all this body
stuff for now? Definitely

The Opening to the Urethra

Opening\·f, .(/ <
r) · t Outer
to the .,; Inner
The opening to the urethra is vagma T b.
1a 1a
quite small. The urethra is not
one of the female's sex organs. It Vulva
is a tube through which urine-
liquid waste-leaves the body.

BODY FACT: Urine is liquid waste

from the body, liquid left over from The Anus
food and drink that is not used by the The anus is a small opening
body. Urine is the only fluid that travels In all, from front to back,
through which feces-solid
through a female's urethra. there are three openings between
waste-leave a female's body.
a female's legs: the opening to
The Opening to the Vagina BODY FACT: Solid waste is the solid her urethra, the opening to her
The vagina is a passageway material that is left over from food that vagina, and her anus. If a girl or
is not used by the body. It leaves the
between the uterus-a sex organ woman is curious about what
female body in the same way that it
inside the female body-and the these openings look like, she can
leaves the male body. Solid waste is
outside of the female body. The stored in the bowel before it leaves the hold a mirror between her legs
opening to the vagina is bigger body through the anus. and take a look.
than the opening to the urethra.

BODY FACT: A thin piece of skin,

called the hymen, covers part of the
opening to the vagina. While a girl is
growing-or when she is very active or Op enin g to
during the first time she has sexual
intercourse-the hymen stretches and Opening to
may tear a bit, and the opening urethra
becomes somewhat larger.

Our Bodies 23
about the size and shape of a
Fallopian tubes
small upside-down pear and is
connected to both Fallopian tubes
and the inside end of the vagina.


BODY FA CT : The uterus is the place in

which a developing baby, called a fetus,

grows. is fed, and is protected. A fetus
~ Labia
grows in the uterus, which stretches as
the fetus grows bigger, for about nine
months until it is ready to be born. The
If you could actually look inside woman's body-can begin an)1ime
uterus is sometimes called the womb.
the fema le body and see the from about the age of nine until thir-
female's inner sex organs, you teen or fourteen. At puberty, a girl has
about three hundred to four hundred
would see two ovaries, two Fal- The Cervix
thousand egg cells. A female's egg cells
lopian tubes, the uterus, and the are no longer able to produce babies
The cervix is a small opening
vagina. after the female is about fifty. located in the lower part of the
uterus. It connects the uterus to
The Ovaries The Fallopian Tubes the top of the vagina. This open-
The two ovaries- one on each The two Fallopian tubes are pas- ing stretches wide when it's time
side of the uterus- are about the saaewavs throuoh which an eaa for a baby to be born.
0 , 0 00

size of large strawberries. The travels on its way to the uterus.

ovaries contain a female's sex One end of each tube almost The Vagina
cells- also called eggs or ova. A touches an ovary. The other end The vagina is the passageway
single egg is called an ovum. of each tube is connected to the from the uterus to the outside of
uterus. Each tube is about three the female body.
inches long and the width of a
soda straw. BODY FACT: A baby travels through
Ovaries the ,·agina when it is ready to be born.
The vagina is also the passageway
BODY FACT: At birth, a baby girl's through which a small amount of blood.
ovaries already contain an astonishing other fluids, and tissue leave the uterus,
number of egg cells- about one to two Fallopian tubes about once a month. This small amount
million. But these egg cells are not of normal bleeding is called menstrua-
grown up enough to produce babies tion or "having a period" and begins
until a girl begins to go through
The Uterus when a girl has reached puberty. The
puberty. Puberty-the time when a The uterus is made of strong vagina is also the place where the penis
girl's body starts to grow into a young muscles and is hollow inside. It is fits during sexual intercourse.

24 It's Perfectl y Normal

Outside and Inside
The Male Sex Organs


r I
male's outer sex organs, the wrinkly skin that covers, holds, male's body through a small
A penis and the scrotum-which
contai~s the two testicles-are easy
and protects the two plum-
shaped testicles.
opening at the tip of his penis.
The end of the penis is called
to see when a boy or man is naked the glans. When the penis is
because they hang between his legs. The Penis touched and rubbed, a male's
The penis is made of soft, body feels good both outside
The Scrotum spongy tissue and blood vessels. and inside-kind of tingly, kind
The scrotum is the soft sac of Urine-liquid waste-leaves a of warm and nice. It feels sexy.

Our Bodies 2S
Now we get
to look inside

The Testicles
The two testicles are soft and
squishy and are covered and
protected by the scrotum. Usu-
ally one testicle hangs lower
than the other. Before puberty
BODY FACT: Generally, the penis The Anus each testicle is about the size of a
is soft and hangs down over the The anus is a small opening marble. During puberty, each
scrotum. Sometimes, it becomes stiff testicle grows to about the size
through which feces-solid
and hard, and larger and longer, and
waste-leave a male's body. of a walnut or a very small ball.
stands out from the body. This is called
an erection.
That's why they are often called
BODY FACT: Solid waste is the solid "nuts" or "balls."
material left over from food that is not
BODY FACT: All males are born with
used by the body. It leaves the male body
some loose skin covering the end of the
in the same way that it leaves the female
penis, called the foreskin. Some male
body-through the anus. Solid waste is
babies have their foreskins removed a
stored in the bowel before it leaves the
few days after they are born, by a doctor
body through the anus. Testicles
or a specially trained religious person.
This is called circumcision. Although a
circumcised penis looks different from In all, from front to back, there BODY FACT: A male's sex cells are
an uncircumcised penis, both work in produced in the testicles. Unlike female
are two openings between a
the same way and equally well. sex cells, which exist at birth, male sex
male's legs-the small opening at cells are not made until a boy begins to
the tip of his penis and his anus. go through puberty. Male puberty-
If you could actually look the time when a boy's body starts to
inside the male body and see the grow into a young man's body-can
begin anytime from about the age of
male's inner sex organs, you
ten to about fifteen. At that time, a boy
would see two testicles and a begins to produce sex cells. Male sex
series of tubes and glands that are cells are called sperm, and males con-
Circumcised Uncircumcised
penis penis connected to each other. tinue to make them into old age.

26 It's Perfectly Normal

Vas def erens


Scrotum Testicle

Epididymis Penis

The Epididymis flexible, and fairly straight tubes The Urethra

Each testicle is connected to its starts at the epididymis and The urethra is a long, narrow
own small tubelike structure winds all the way to the urethra. tube that carries urine-liquid
called the epididymis. Sperm The two vas deferens are about as waste- from the bladder, where
travel through and "grow up" in flexible as strands of cooked it is stored, to the penis and out
the epididymis on their way to spaghetti. through the opening at its tip. It
the vas deferens. Each epididy- is also the passageway through
mis is shaped like a telephone which semen leaves the male
receiver but is much smaller. Vas deferens

BODY FACT: Urine is liquid waste

BODY FACT: Sperm cells travel from from the body, liquid left over from the
each testicle through the food and drink that is not used by the
epididymis and the vas deferens. body.

BODY FACT: Semen, which carries a

BODY FACT: Each epididymis is a
The Seminal Vesicles and
male's sperm, leaves a male's body in
tightly coiled thin tube, which, if the Prostate Gland rapid spurts through the tip of his penis.
stretched out, would be about twenty The two seminal vesicles and the This spurting is called ejaculation, and it
feet long. prostate gland produce fluids that occurs only after puberty has begun.
combine with the sperm to form a Both semen and urine come out of the
The Vas Deferens same opening at the tip of the penis.
mixture called semen. Semen is
When a male ejaculates, muscles tighten
The two vas deferens are each the Latin word for seed. The and keep urine in his bladder so that
about a foot and a halflong. sperm then travel along in the urine does not leave the penis at the
Each of these long, narrow, fluids to and through the urethra. same time as semen.

Our Bodies 27
Talking about Bodies and Sex

ids and grown-ups use all

K kinds of words for parts of
the body and for sex. Some are
scientific words. Some are unsci-
entific-the common, everyday
words that people use to talk
about bodies and sex. Some of
these words are nice, some are
funny, and some are rude.
There are lots of
silly-sounding 1 much
words about sex prefer the
and bodies-like scientific
"' boobs" and ""balls ... words

fortable when they hear these think it can be comforting and

words. It's important to respect helpful to talk about them with
other people's feelings about someone you know and trust like
slang and dirty words or dirty a friend, a parent, an older
jokes, whatever those feelings brother or sister, or a cousin.
may be.
Everyday words are often Perhaps people feel uncom- Did you ever Yep! They twist
notice that some around in their
called slang words. Rude and dis- fortable talking about sex and grown-ups-not chairs and say
respectful words about sex and bodies because we do not see our just kids-have "Well. uh ... "
a hard time about a hundred
parts of the body are often called sexual body parts as much as we talking about times or laugh
"dirty words." Jokes about bodies see our arms, legs, fingers, toes,
and sex are sometimes called ears, eyes, and noses. After all,
"dirty jokes." our sexual body parts are usually
Some people think it's fun to covered by clothes.
use slang or dirty words and to Some people think it's wrong
joke about bodies and sex. Oth- to think and talk or joke about
ers feel embarrassed or uncom- bodies and sex. But many people

28 It's Perfectly Normal

Have you No, thanks . I
heard the joke never get your
jokes anyway.

The Joke

I l


.__JL_ .--- -------

If you don't "get" the joke, you can always ask someone to explain it to you.

Our Bodies 29
Part 3

Changes and Messages
Puberty and Hormones

ur bodie change from the But ometime between the b tart to grow into oung
0 moment we are born and age of about nine and fifteen,
girl and bo do more than just
Puberty is one of the name
keep on changing all through our
live . The change becau e e er - grow taller and bigger a the gi en to thi span oftime. The
thing that ali e grow and ha e done ince birth. Girl tart word puberty comes from the
change . to grow into oung women and Latin word pubertas, \ hich

30 It's Perfectly Normal

means grown-up or adult. When Girls often start puberty when The many changes that take
people use the word puberty, they they are nine or ten or eleven place in our bodies during
are usually talking about all the years old. Boys often start puberty are caused by hormones.
physical changes that take place puberty a year or so later-when Hormones are chemicals that are
in kids' bodies during this time. they are ten or eleven or twelve. produced in many different
Most of these changes make it For most kids, puberty takes places in our bodies. Hormones
physically possible for a female place over a stretch of time- travel through the body's blood-
and a male to make a baby. over a few years. This usually stream from the place where they
The other word that is used to gives kids time to get used to are made to other places in the
describe the span of time their adult bodies. body where they do their work.
between childhood and adult- The word hormone comes
I hope bodies I'd like that .
hood is adolescence. The word don 't instantly You could get from the Greek word hormon,
it all over
adolescence comes from the Latin meaning to set in motion-to
with at once.
word adolescere, which means to start something working. There
grow up. When people use the are many kinds of hormones in
word adolescence, they are usually our bodies.
talking not only about the physi- During puberty, the brain
cal changes that take place dur- begins to manufacture special
ing puberty, but also about all
the new thoughts, feelings, rela-
tionships, and responsibilities
kids have as they become young
Even though the words adoles-
cence and puberty have somewhat
different meanings, people often
use them interchangeably.
Puberty, or adolescence, is an
in-between time-when a boy or
girl is not a child anymore but is
not yet an adult.

Puberty 31
hormones. These hormones send The sex hormones in the male munities, and families mark the
a message to the sex organs-a body then instruct the testicles to beginning of puberty for a boy or
boy's testicles or a girl's ovaries- make sperm. The sex hormones girl with a celebration or cere-
that tells them to start work- in the female body then instruct mony. They view puberty as a
ing-to start producing sex the ovaries to send out an egg. special part of growing up. Oth-
hormones. It is the sex hormones that ers choose to let a boy or girl
cause the changes that make chil- enter puberty without a celebra-
I hope I don 't dren's bodies grow into adult tion or ceremony. They view
have hormones bodies. Only then is it possible puberty simply as a regular and
floating around
in me 1 I want my for humans to have babies. ordinary part of growing up.
body to stay just I'm ready
Once the sex hormones start
the way it is now . for a
I like it like this . change! working, puberty begins. Some Let's throw a No way! My
party to growing up is
sex hormones cause changes to celebrate our nobody's business
take place in and around boys' growing up! but mine .
and girls' sex organs. Others
cause changes to take place
throughout their bodies. Sex
hormones can also affect girls'
and boys' feelings and moods.
Many cultures, religions, com-

The Travels of the Egg
Female Puberty

"Start making female sex up. Usually only one egg grows up When the eggs grow up, the
hormones!" is one of the at a time. ovaries do something they've
messages the female's brain sends No one I wish someone
never done before. About once a
to her ovaries at puberty. And the would. month, they begin to release a
ovaries do just that. They begin to single grown-up egg. An egg is
produce the hormones estrogen about the size of a grain of sand.
and progesterone. Estrogen tells Eggs are female sex cells. A
the eggs, which have been in a girl's ovaries usually begin releas-
girl's ovaries since birth, to grow ing eggs during puberty. In her

32 It's Perfectly Normal

life, she will release about four does not unite with a sperm to release eggs. As soon as a girl's
hundred to five hundred eggs. within about twenty-four to ovaries have begun to release
The release of an egg is called thirty-six hours after leaving an eggs, she can become pregnant if
ovulation. The word ovulation ovary, it does not stay in the she has had sexual intercourse.
comes from the word ovum, uterus and does not go on to But some girls may begin to
meaning egg. develop into a baby. release eggs even before they
At about the same time every Instead, the egg breaks down start to menstruate. This means
, month, when an egg is released while it is in the uterus and mixes that it is possible, although quite
from one of the ovaries, it is with some of the extra blood and rare, for a girl to become preg-
swept by tiny fingerlike projec- fluid in the soft lining of the nant before she has started to
tions into one of the Fallopian uterus. Since there is no fertilized menstruate. Girls usually start to
tubes, where it begins its travels egg starting to grow in the menstruate at the age of eleven
to the uterus. uterus, this soft lining is not or twelve. But some start as early
The Fallopian tube is the place needed and dissolves. It then as age nine and others start as
where an egg can meet and unite passes out of the uterus, through late as age fifteen , and that's
with a sperm. Once an egg has the vagina, and out of the body in perfectly normal.
united with a sperm, they become the form of a small amount of The very first time a girl men-
the beginning cell of a baby. The blood, other fluids, and tissue. struates, she may worry that a
uniting of an egg cell and a sperm The lining's monthly passing out large amount of blood will sud-
cell is called conception or fertil- of the u terns and the vagina is denly flow out. In fact, the blood
ization. called menstruation. The word usually comes out slowly. Only a
The fertilized egg continues to menstruation comes from the few tablespoonfuls to about half
travel through the Fallopian tube Latin word mensis, which means a cup of blood and tissue dribble
and into the uterus, where the month. out during each menstruation.
female sex hormone progesterone But the amount can be more or
Sounds like
has helped to create a soft lining less, and that's also perfectly
that is ready to receive it. The fer- normal.
tilized egg then plants itself in the This dribbling continues over
lining of the uterus. This soft, a period of a few days. That's
thick, cozy lining is made of extra why people call menstruation a
blood vessels, tissue, and other menstrual period or "having
fluids and is created so that the your period." Other kids call
fertiliz~d egg will have a healthy menstruation "my friend," "that
place to grow. The period of time from the time of the month," or "the
If the egg has been fertilized , it beginning of one menstruation curse." No matter what people
will plant itself in the uterus and to the next is about a month long call it, menstruation is a healthy
stay there-and grow into a baby. and is called the menstrual cycle. occurrence.
However, most of the time, the Girls usually start to menstru- A period usually lasts about
egg is not fertilized. If the egg ate after their ovaries have begun three to eight days. When a girl

Puberty 33
At puberty the brain tells the ovaries to produce estrogen, which tells the eggs to mature.

And then. about once a month , an egg leaves an ovary and pops into a Fallopian tube.

where it waits before traveling to the uterus.

But if just . I know
I know-
a baby

In the uterus , the egg and lining dissolve and leave. Next month ...

34 It 's Perfectly Normal

first starts to menstruate, her When girls and women travel, flow that passes out of her vagina
periods often come irregularly- play sports vigorously, lose or so it will not leak on her under-
sometimes a few weeks apart, gain a lot of weight, or become pants or other clothes. She can use
sometimes many weeks apart. It upset or ill, their periods can whichever is more comfortable.
can often take up to one or two become irregular for a while. And
years for a girl's period to occur when a female becomes pregnant, Well. who
on a regular schedule-about her periods stop until after the
once a month. Some women's baby is born.
and girls' periods never become When women are about fifty
regular, and that is perfectly years old, their bodies start to
normal too. make fewer sex hormones. As a
Most girls and women con- result, their ovaries stop releasing
tinue their regular activities dur- eggs, and they stop menstruating.
ing menstruation. For example, This period of time in a woman's
they bathe, shower, swim, play life is called menopause-the Pads are also called sanitary
sports, dance, and do whatever pausing and stopping of menstru- napkins. Sanitary means clean.
they normally like to do. Some ation. When a woman stops hav- Pads and tampons are made of a
girls and women do get cramps- ing menstrual periods, she is no clean, soft, cottonlike material and
usually slight, tight pains around longer able to become pregnant. absorb the menstrual flow. A pad
the area of the uterus-before During a menstrual period, a fits on the inside of a girl or
and during their periods. Most girl or woman uses pads or tam- woman's underpants, just outside
cramps are normal. pons to absorb the menstrual the opening to her vagina. Most

Where a Pad Fits Where a Tampon Fits


Puberty 3S
ready for her fi rst period, where
to get pads or tampons, and how
to use them. This kind of infor-
mation can help prepare a girl for
her first period- whether it
starts when she is at home or out
with friends or in school. She
may also want to carry a pad or
tampon in her purse or knapsack
in case she gets her first period
when she is not at home.
No matter how well prepared
she is, a girl's first period usually
pads come with a small piece of Talking to someone about comes as somewhat of a surprise.
adhesive tape on one side that menstruation-one's mother or For some girls, it may feel quite
keeps the pad in place. Tampons grandmother or aunt, or an older exciting; for others, a bit scary.
fit inside the vagina. A tampon friend or cousin-can be helpful. But no matter how a girl feels,
cannot move into the uterus A girl can find out many useful starting to menstruate is a per-
because the cervix is too small an things from someone who is fectly normal and natural part of
opening for a tampon to pass already menstruating, such as growing up. Most girls feel that
through. what it feels like to menstruate, starting to menstruate is one of
One way a girl can find out what she will need to do to get the biggest changes of puberty.
when she might get her first
period is to ask her mother. If her
mother started menstruating
early, there's a good chance she
may start early too. If her mother
started later, there's a good
chance that she may start later.

36 It's Pert ectly Normal

The Travels of the Sperm
Male Puberty

, tt start making the male sex onethousandtothreethousand vesicles and the prostate gland.
hormone testosterone!" is one sperm every second. The mixture of sperm and
of the messages a boy's brain The scrotum protects the fluid is now called semen. Semen
sends out to his testicles during testicles by keeping them at the is sticky, cloudy, and whitish.
puberty. And the testicles do just right temperature to make sperm, Chemicals in it keep the sperm
that. They begin to produce not too cold and not too hot, just healthy as they travel into the
testosterone, which causes the a few degrees below the body's urethra, through it, and out the
male body to grow and change in temperature. If it is too cold, the tip of the penis.
many new ways. scrotum pulls up the testicles Sperm leave the male body
One of the most important closer to the body to keep them when a male ejaculates semen. To
things testosterone does is warm enough to make sperm. ejaculate means to suddenly release
instruct the testicles to begin to When a man or boy is swimming or to let go. When a male ejacu-
make sperm-something the in cold water, he can often feel his lates, his penis is usually erect.
testicles have never done before. scrotum tighten as it pulls up his
testicles. If it is too hot, the scro-
tum hangs down loosely, away
from the body, again keeping the
testicles at just the right tempera-
ture to make sperm.
After sperm are produced, the
sperm from the right testicle
travel through the right epididy-
mis, and the sperm from the left
Sperm are male sex cells. testicle travel through the left
Unlike girls, boys do not start epididymis. As they travel, the
maki~g sex cells until they reach sperm grow up enough to be able
puberty. Starting at puberty, to fertilize-to unite with-a
however, the testicles make a female's egg.
phenomenal number of sperm- Sperm travel through the vas
about one hundred million to deferens and pass by the seminal
three hundred million sperm per vesicles. As sperm pass by, they Here's what happens inside a
day. That's anywhere from about mix with fluid from the seminal male's body when he has an erec-

Puberty 37
At puberty the brain tells the testicles to produce testosterone and sperm.

01< G(.;YS_f

through the vas deferens . past the seminal vesicles and prostate gland.

If they meet up
with an egg .

through the urethra . and are spurted out the tip of the penis .

38 It's Perfectly Normal

tion: When his penis is not erect,
blood trickles in and out of the
penis continuously. But when he
has an erection, the muscles that
allow blood to flow in and out of
his penis open wide and allow
more blood to be pumped in,
while other muscles tighten and
keep the extra amount of blood
from leaving the penis. This
causes the spongy tissue inside
the penis to fill up, which in turn
makes the penis become stiff,
erect, and stand out from the
body. This filling up is called an
When the erection is over, the
muscles relax and allow the blood causes more blood to flow into male's body when he has an
to flow back out of the penis and the penis. This kind of erection ejaculation: Muscles in each
into the body again. And the has little to do with sexy thoughts epididymis, in each vas deferens,
penis becomes soft again. and feelings. and in the seminal vesicles, along
A male can have an erection Males usually have erections with muscles around the prostate
when his penis is touched and before and during sexual inter- gland, tighten and push the
rubbed; when he has pleasurable course. An erection makes it pos- semen into the urethra. The
thoughts or sees someone who sible for the penis to enter the semen, which contains sperm,
makes him feel happy, excited, vagina. Sometimes males have travels through the urethra and
sexy, or nervous; when he is erections for no apparent reason, spurts out through the tip of the
watching a movie or TV show and even when they don't want to penis. This spurting out of
something in the movie or on TV have them. semen-ejaculation-causes a
excites him; when someone Some people call an erection a feeling of excitement called an
attractive to him walks by; or "hard-on" or "boner" even orgasm.
when he is having a pleasurable though there are no bones in the
dream. penis. Erections usually last a few a space
Males often have erections seconds, to a few minutes, to a
when they wake up. If a male's half-hour, or more. Males can
bladder-the place where urine is have erections from the time they
stored in his body-is full, the are little babies until they are old
full bladder excites some nerves men.
at the base of his penis, which Here's what happens inside a

Puberty 39
During ejaculation, muscles
tighten so that urine does not
leave the penis at the same time
as semen. After ejaculation, the
penis becomes soft again and is
no longer erect. There are usually
about two to five hundred million
sperm spurted out in a single
ejaculation-about a teaspoonful
of semen. Males can and do have
erections without ejaculating any
semen. When this happens, the
blood leaves the penis slowly and
returns to the body's blood- having a pleasurable, exciting, or The scientific term fo r a wet
stream, the erection slowly goes sexy dream and ejaculates some dream is nocturnal emission.
away, and the penis becomes soft semen. When the boy wakes up, Nocturnal means occuring at night.
again and hangs down as usual. his pajamas or sheets may be wet Emission means a release, a letting
It is possible, although this does and sticky from the ejaculated go. Wet dreams are usual and nor-
not happen often, for a male to semen. mal events for boys. A boy's first
ejaculate without having an ejaculation often happens during a
erection. Boys start to be able to Not a problem It
ejaculate during puberty and just means that Once a male has begun to pro-
washing machines
continue into old age. Ejaculation are very busy
duce sperm, if just one of his sperm
usually occurs during sexual during puberty. unites with an egg during sexual
intercourse. It can also occur dur- intercourse, the female can become
ing other kinds of sexual touching pregnant and the united cell can
and excitement and even during grow and develop into a baby.
sleep. Many boys feel that starting to
Boys usually start having "wet ejaculate is one of the biggest
dreams" at puberty. Wet dreams changes of puberty.
occur during sleep when a boy is

40 It's Perfectly Norm a l

Not All at Once!
Growing and Changing Bodies

uring puberty, the sex

D hormones cause boys and
girls to grow and change in even
more ways.
All these changes do not take
place at once. Most of them hap-
pen slowly over a few years' time; a
few happen quickly. And they
often, although not always, take
place in a somewhat specific order.

Girls: Puberty Changes

• Ovaries gradually grow larger.
• Body sweats more.
• Skin and hair become more oily.
• Body has a sudden growth spurt.
• Body gains some weight and
grows taller.
• Arms and legs grow longer.
• Hands and feet grow bigger. • Hips grow wider. Body begins to make milk to nurse her baby if and
• Bones in the face grow larger to look more curvy. when she has one.

and longer, and the face looks PUBERTY FACT: A girl's hips grow
less childlike. • Nipples may become a darker
wider, so that if and when she decides to
• Soft, darkish hair grows around have a baby, her baby will have enough color.
the vulva and later becomes room to leave the uterus when it is ready • Menstruation can begin.
to be born.
curly, thick, and coarse. PUBERTY FACT: Once the ovaries
• A tiny bit of sticky whitish fluid • Hair grows under the arms. have grown larger, they start to release
may come out of the vagina. • Breasts and nipples gradually grown-up eggs, and menstruation
begins. Once menstruation starts, a girl
grow larger and fuller.
PUBERTY FACT: The whitish fluid that can become pregnant.
may flow out of the vagina is normal and PU BERTY FACT: A girl's breasts grow
helps keep it clean and healthy. larger and fuller to prepare her body

Puberty 41
• The larynx, or as it is
commonly called, the voice
box, grows bigger.
• The voice cracks and then
becomes deeper.
• The Adam 's apple may begin
to show more.
P U B E RTY FACT : When a boy's voice
begins to change, one second it can
soun d high, one second low, and the
next high again, causing a cracking-
squeaky sound. But after a while, a
boy's voice begins to sound deeper and
lower, because the larynx and vocal
chords have grown. As the larynx grows
bigger, it may push the Adam's apple
fonvard, causing it to show more.

• Sperm begin to be produced.

• Ejaculations-including wet
dreams- begin to occur.
PUBE R TY FACT: Once a ma le can
make sperm, ifhe has intercourse and if
Boys: Puberty Changes becomes curly, thick, and
the female's ovaries have sta rted to
coarse. release eggs, she can become
• Testicles gradually grow larger
• Hair grows under the arms. pregnant.
and fuller.
• Shoulders and chest grow
• Penis gradually grows larger At this age, kids' bodies
and longer. change more dramatically and
• Bigger muscles develop.
• Body sweats more. rapidly than at any other time in
• Scrotum turns a darker color.
• Skin and hair become more oily. their lives-except fo r the very
• Hair grows on the face, first the
• Body has a sudden growth spurt. first year oflife.
mustache, then the beard and
• Body gains weight and grows
sideburns. I" d Just a s soon
taller. go back in
• Hair grows on the chest.
• Arms and legs grow longer.
• Hands and feet grow larger. PU B ERTY FACT: Sometimes the area

• Bones in the face grow, and the around a boy's nipples may feel sore and
may even swell. This is caused by the
face looks less childlike.
hormones that are released during
• Soft, darkish hair grows around puberty. The soreness and swelling go
the base of the penis and later away after a few months.

42 It's Perfe ct ly Normal

More Changes
Taking Care of Your Body

, 1',A any of the physical changes Some boys and girls start you will sweat about the same
/ V \.. that take place during shaving during puberty. For amount as your father or mother
puberty cause kids' bodies to most, shaving is a choice. Some did while he or she was going
work in many new ways. This females choose to shave the hair through puberty.
means that kids have to learn that grows under their arms and Some kids' hair becomes oily
some new ways to take care of on their legs, and some don't. during puberty. Often some oili-
their bodies. Some males choose to shave ness also begins to appear on
their beards and mustaches, and kids' noses and foreheads.
some don't. However, some reli- During puberty, most boys
gious groups require that their
boys and men not use a razor or
scissors to cut their hair.
During puberty, a person's
sweat glands produce more
sweat than before. Both boys and
girls start to sweat under their
arms and develop a new kind of
Girls and boys grow more hair body odor, sometimes from
during puberty. They grow hair under their arms, sometimes
under their arms. The hair on from their feet, and sometimes
their arms and legs grows thicker from all over their bodies.
and longer-especially boys' hair. That's one of the reasons kids
Hair called pubic hair also going through puberty take a lot
grows-for a girl around her of baths or showers and wash
vulva, and for a boy around the their bodies and hair a lot. This
base of~is penis-directly in new kind of sweating is often one
front of a bone called the pubic of the first signs that puberty is
bone. starting. Washing with soap and
The amount of hair that grows using a deodorant can help get
on boys' faces, chests, arms, and rid of most strong body odors.
legs during puberty varies Some kids sweat a lot. Some
greatly, from hardly any to a lot. kids sweat a little. It is likely that

Puberty 43
and girls develop pimples on Many boys and men wear
their faces-mostly on their jockstraps when playing sports.
noses and foreheads. Sometimes, A jockstrap fits over the testicles
kids develop pimples on their and penis, keeping them in place
backs and chests. Many kids call and protecting them from
pimples "zits." bruises or injuries. When playing
Although careful washing with some contact sports such as foot-
soap and water is a good way to ball or hockey or lacrosse, a male
care for the skin, sometimes it is can slip a plastic cup, called an
not enough. Creams and medi- Though it's true that no one athletic cup, into the front of his
cines can help control pimples. likes having pimples, having jockstrap to provide even more
Some creams and medicines can them is perfectly normal. Kids protection for his testicles and
be purchased directly at a drug- develop pimples and/or oily hair penis. Athletic cups also come in
store without a doctor's written and sweat more during puberty various sizes.
prescription; others need to be because their oil and sweat
prescribed by a doctor and then glands are more active than ever
purchased from a pharmacist. before.
Puberty is the time when
many girls, if they choose to,
start to wear bras. Bra is short
for the word brassiere. A girl
often goes with her mother,
grandmother, older sister, aunt,
or a friend to buy her first bra.
It is not necessary to ,vear a
bra to keep breasts healthy. Girls
and women who wear bras do so
because they feel more comfort-
able wearing them. Some wear a
bra only when they are exercis- Kids' bodies change in so
ing or playing a sport. Others many ways during puberty that
wear one all the time, except taking care of them can at times
when sleeping. Still others never be a chore. However, eating
wear a bra at all. No matter what healthy foods, exercising and
size breasts a girl or woman has, keeping fit, keeping clean, and
she can buy a bra that fits her. getting enough sleep can help a
Bras are made with different size boy or girl feel healthy and good
cups in order to support various about all the growing and chang-
breast sizes. ing that go on.

44 It's Perfectly Normal

Back and Forth, Up and Down
New and Changing Feelings

he many changes that take

T place in kids' bodies during
puberty are often accompanied
by new and strong feelings about
how their bodies look, feel, and
act-and by new and strong feel-
ings about growing up and sex.
Many kids find these changes
exciting and feel great about
their bodies. And just as many
find these changes overwhelming
and feel shy or embarrassed
about their changing bodies.
Most kids, at one time or
another during puberty, feel con-
fused, uncomfortable, and even
scared by these big and some- Kids often wonder about the penises. Breasts and penises come
times rapid changes. size of individual body parts. The in all sorts of sizes.
truth is-whether small, A girl who develops small
medium , or large-the size of a breasts may resemble her mother,
person's body parts has nothing grandmother, or another female
What's the big dear:> You'll to do with how well they work. relative. And a boy who develops
still have the same body.
It is also true that different little body hair may resemble his
kids' bodies develop in different father, grandfather, or another
ways. Some girls develop small male relative. The size of any part
breasts, others develop medium- of a person's body is mostly
sized breasts, and still others inherited from a person's family.
develop large breasts. Some boys The age when a boy or girl
develop small penises, others begins puberty is often the same
develop medium-sized penises, as it was for a close family mem-
and still other develop large ber of the same sex. You might

Puberty 4S
want to ask your mother, father, Even so, among one's friends Many kids worry about their
or other members of your family or in one's class, it can be hard to friendships during puberty-
what puberty was like for them be the first or last girl who men- probably because puberty is a
and when they began to go struates, or the first or last boy time when some kids start to
through it. You might find some whose voice changes; or the first have boyfriends or girlfriends.
clues about how you may develop. or last girl to wear a bra, or the One of your friends, even your
Kids often ,vonder whether it first or last boy to shave; or the best friend, may begin to be
matters if their bodies go through shortest kid one year and the interested in and sexually
puberty slow or fast , early or late, tallest the next year. attracted to other kids, whereas
or first or last. When your body Unfortunately, kids tease you are not the least bit inter-
changes, or how fast or slowly other kids about the ways their ested. One of your friends may
your body changes, has nothing bodies look and grow during start to have a boyfriend or girl-
to do with how your body will puberty. A kid's arms, hands, friend. Or you may have a
look and perform. legs, and feet may grow longer boyfriend or girlfriend when
It's hard to I just need the and bigger before the rest ofhis your best friend doesn't.
be an early flowers to
or her body catches up. Or a
bloomer ... or a bloom . l don' t
late bloomer. boy's voice may crack right in the
middle of a sentence. Or a girl
may develop a large pimple on
her forehead just before going to
a party. Often these are the kinds
of things kids are teased about as
they go through puberty.

46 It's Pe r fectly Normal

Sometimes kids feel upset or
jealous when a friend has a boy-
friend or a girlfriend and starts
spending time with that _person.
Although many old friendships
stay strong during puberty, some
friendships change. Boyfriends
and girlfriends are another thing
kids are teased about during
With all the different things
that happen to their bodies dur- laughing at one moment and feel as new and strong feelings
ing puberty, it's no wonder both like crying the next. during puberty.
boys and girls have so many dif- These different feelings often As kids' bodies change into
ferent feelings. Kids can often swing back and forth and up and grown-up bodies, kids are not
feel moody or crabby or even down, like a yo-yo. The increased always sure that they are ready to
teary and cry more than usual. activity of the sex hormones is be grown-up. Sometimes they
And their moods can change one of many factors that causes want to be treated as kids. Other
quickly. A boy or girl may be kids to have mood swings as well times they want to be treated as
Changing from a kid to an
adult has its difficult moments.
But sooner or later, kids get used
to, become comfortable with,
and feel good about their more
grown-up bodies.

The sooner
I change
the better.

Puberty 47
Perfectly Normal

uring puberty, when the sex

D hormones cause boys' and
girls' sex organs to become more
active, many kids begin to have
even more pleasurable and excited
feelings about their own bodies-
and they may also be more
attracted to and interested in Some people think that mas- they usually rub their sex organs
other people's bodies. turbation is wrong or harmful. with their hands or with some-
These feelings are often called And some religions call mastur- thi ng soft, like a pillow. A girl
sexual feelings or "feeling sexy." bation a sin . But masturbating often rubs her clitoris; a boy
Even though they are hard to cannot hurt you. And it does not often rubs his penis. Both the
describe, they are normal feelings. result in pregnancy or in getting clitoris and the penis are
They happen at different times and or passing on infections that are sensitive to touch.
in different ways for different kids. spread by sexual contact. Many A person may have a warm,
Boys and girls, teenagers, and people masturbate. Many don't. good, tingly, exciting feeling all
grown-ups too, experience sexy Whether you masturbate or not through her or his body while
feelings when they masturbate. is your choice. Masturbating is masturbating. This feeling can
Masturbation is touching or perfectly normal. become more and more intense
rubbing any of your body's sex When people masturbate,
organs for pleasure-because it
feels good. One everyday term for
masturbating is "playing with
Mas-tur-ba-tmg . Just another
I've heard big word .
That's a ll it is.

48 It 's Perfe ctly Normal

until it reaches a peak or climax. masturbate or when they have People of all ages mastur-
At that moment, a male may sexual intercourse. Both boys and bate-babies, kids, teenagers,
ejaculate; a female may feel girls may also have orgasms dur- grown-ups, and the elderly. Girls
strong, exciting sensations just ing a dream. People may have and boys often start to mastur-
in the area around her vulva or orgasms at some times and not at bate at puberty, but many start
throughout her body. A female other times. Not everyone has before.
may also feel some wetness in orgasms.
, her vagina. Often when people mastur-
I've heard
For both females and males, bate, they daydream about some- enough about
this is called having an orgasm. one or something happy or sex for now.

Some people call it "coming." pleasurable or sexy. Some people

After having an orgasm, a per- become sexually excited without
son usually feels quite content masturbating, just by looking at
and relaxed. sexy pictures or by dreaming
Usually, but not always, peo- about or having fantasies about
ple have orgasms when they something pleasurable.

Puberty 49
Part 4

Families and Babies

All Sorts of Families
Taking Care of Babies and Kids

abies and children grow up in only one parent, or whose parent grandfather, or other relative, or
B all sorts of fami lies. There are or parents have adopted them, or who have gay or lesbian parents,
kids whose mother and father who live with a parent and a step- or who have foster parents.
live together, or whose mother parent, or who live with an aunt, Grandparents and cousins
and father live apart, or who have an uncle, a grandmother, a and uncles and aunts are also

SO It's Perfectly Normal

part of a person's family. And with it all sorts of new and agers are often born weighing
some people feel that their good different responsibilities. too little even after a full nine
friends are part of their families These responsibilities include months in the uterus. Babies
too. Most kids are loved and taking good care of oneself as who weigh too little are more
taken care ofby family members well as of one's baby and family. likely to have health problems at
and family friends. That's why the decision about birth and as they grow up.
when to start a family is so
Babies are pretty cute. Something
My family's left My family important. Although it is physi- to love-so soft and cuddly.
the nest-flown
the coop. cally possible for a girl and a boy But you don't have to take
to make a baby once the girl has care of one all day long, all
night long. day in . day out.
started to menstruate (and in feed the baby, give it a bath.
rare instances, even before) and watch it . play with it. get it
dressed and undressed,
once the boy has begun to pro- change its diaper ...
duce sperm, it makes good sense
for people to wait until they are
ready and old enough to take on
Bringing a baby into this such big responsibilities.
world is an important and excit- Having a baby when a person
ing event. Becoming a parent is is too young can be difficult.
one of the biggest changes that There are lots of reasons for this.
can happen to a person. It brings Babies of kids and young teen-

Families and Babies S1

clothes, toys, and medicine for a
baby. It's often hard for teen-
agers to get a job to pay for these
things. And it costs a lot of
money to pay someone else to
take care of a baby while they go
to school or to work.
Babies are very special and
most mothers and fathers love
their babies a lot. But it's usually
easier and healthier for kids and
teenagers to wait until they are
older to have a baby. It gives the
Parents often find it hard to Teenagers who have babies baby and the parents a better
care for a baby, especially if they often have to drop out of school chance to have a healthy start
are still kids or young teenagers. because they need to work. It together.
Kids or young teenagers who costs a lot of money to buy food,
have a baby often lose the free-
dom to do what they want to do.
It's hard to go out with friends or
to get schoolwork done when a
baby is around. Babies need a lot
of attention, day in, day out,
every day, every night.

Instructions f ram Morn and Dad
The Cell: Genes and Chromosomes

7\ ll living creatures start out as make a new baby-a new human Some scientists describe genes
f-\. a single cell. When two sex being. This information is stored as little packages ofinstructions.
cells-an egg and a sperm- in more than one hundred thou- Your genes helped to decide all
unite into a single cell, they carry sand genes in the center of the sorts of things about you-
all the information required to cell. whether you are female or male,

S2 It's Perfectly Normal

the color of your eyes, the shape cell carries only twenty-three begin. Since fraternal twins do
of your ears, the type and color chromosomes. If an egg and a not have the same genes, they do
of your hair, and the color of sperm unite, the combined not look exactly like each other
your skin. single cell has a grand total of and can be the same sex or the
forty-six chromosomes. opposite sex.
I wonder
how many
I have .

~~ 2 eggs+
2 sperm

~ ->-~

Identical twins begin if a single

egg splits into two after it has
been fertilized. Since identical
twins have the same genes, they
Your genes were passed on to That means half your chromo- are always the same sex and look
you from both your parents, and somes, as well as half your DNA, almost exactly like each other.
through them from their par- comes from your mother and the
en ts, and through them from other half comes from your
earlier generations on both sides father. You received a combina-
of your family. And many of your tion of genes from both of them. 1 egg+ Identical
1 sperm twins
genes will be passed on to your That's why, while you are not an
children and grandchildren. exact copy of either one of your When two or more babies are
Genes are made of DNA-a parents, you probably do resem- born at the same birth-twins,
short name for a chemical called ble each of them in some ways. triplets, and so on-it is called a
deoxyribonucleic acid. Genes are I'm a multiple birth.
carried on long, threadlike combination of I've got my Unless you are an identical
my mom and mother's
strings of DNA called chromo- my dad . I've wings and my twin, you are not an exact genetic
somes. A gene is a tiny part of a got my father's father's feet. copy of your brother or sister,
wings and my
chromosome. A chromosome is mother's eyes . because a different sperm and
the part of each cell that carries a egg unite to form every new
person's genes. You might pic- baby. Each sperm and each egg
ture a chromosome as a string of carries a different combination of
beads,-with each bead as a gene. genes. That's why you can look
somewhat different or very differ-
ent from your sister or brother.
A chromosome If two eggs leave the ovaries at Scientists have discovered that
Cells in the human body usu- the same time, and if each egg is a person's gender-female or
ally have forty-six chromosomes. fertilized by a separate sperm, male-is determined the moment
But each egg cell and each sperm fraternal, or nonidentical, twins the egg and sperm unite.

Families and Babies S3

Among the twenty-three single cell will develop into a including the kind of food you
chromosomes in each egg cell baby boy-XY. And if an egg is eat and the kind of exercise you
and each sperm cell is one sex fertilized by a sperm with an X get, as well as the people who are
chromosome. There are two kinds chromosome, the united single around you and the events that
of sex chromosomes-either an cell will develop into a baby occur as you grow up, also help
X or a Y. All eggs carry an X girl-XX. to shape many things about you.
chromosome and all sperm carry Whether you are male or That's why no two people in the
either an X or a Y chromosome. female was determined by which world-even identical twins-
If an egg is fertilized by a sperm chromosome-an X or a Y-was are exactly alike. Each of us is
with a Y chromosome, the united in the sperm from your father unique.
that fertilized your mother's egg.
I knew my math Thank
would come in The genes inside your body goodness
handy here . carry lots ofinformation about for that .
Just listen.
X • Y = a baby boy. you and determine many
X • X = a baby girl. things-but not everything-
about you.
Where you are brought up
and how you are brought up,

A Kind of Sharing
Cuddling, Kissing, Touching, and Sexual Intercourse

exual intercourse, or as it is intercourse, if a sperm cell joins two people feel very close and
S oft en called, "making love," is
a kind of sharing bet,veen two
with an egg cell.
Touching, caressing, kissing,
loving and excited about one
another. People can and do
people. The very beginnings of a and hugging-often called "mak- become sexually excited without
new human being-a baby-can ing out" or "petting"-are other having sexual intercourse.
form, immediately after sexual kinds of sharing that can make Choosing to wait to have sexual

S4 It's Perfectly Normal

intercourse until one is older or too young to have sexual inter- dance, kiss, or make out.
feels more responsible is called course, do not know each other Sharing between two people
postponement. Choosing not to well enough, or do not want to who care about each other always
have sexual intercourse is called have sexual intercourse for any means having respect for each
abstinence. other reason, they may decide other's feelings and wishes. This
When two people feel they are just to hold hands, cuddle, includes respecting each other's

Fa m ilies and Babies SS

Because I vagina soon feels very good. The
female and male may hug and
kiss and touch each other even
more as all of this is going on and
feel more and more excited.
When these feelings come to a
climax, semen is ejaculated from
the penis and spurts into the
vagina, and the muscles in the
vagina and uterus tighten and
finally relax. A small amount of
fluid may come out of the vagina.
This is called "having an
right to say no to any kind of sex- It is now possible for the orgasm."
ual activity-any time and for male's erect penis to go inside the A female and male may have
any reason. female's vagina, which stretches orgasms at different times. And
Sexual intercourse usually in a way that fits around the sometimes one person has an
begins with two people touching, penis. The moisture from the orgasm and the other doesn't.
caressing, kissing, and hugging vagina makes it easier for the After an orgasm, most people
each other. penis to go in. feel relaxed, content, and some-
After a bit, the female's vagina times even sleepy.
becomes moist and slippery, her
clitoris becomes hard, and the
male's penis becomes erect, stiff,
and larger. Sometimes a bit of
clear fluid that may contain a few
sperm comes out of the tip of the
penis and makes it wet. The
female and male begin to feel
excited about each other.

All this It sounds gross

sounds and messy. I don 't

During sexual intercourse, as Every time a couple has sexual

the male and female move back intercourse it can result in a
and forth in rhythm, the move- baby-unless the female is
ment of the penis inside the already pregnant.

S6 It's Perfectly Normal

We interrupt this
program again pregnant even if she is standing This can also happen even when a
to announce. Don 't shout! I up during sexual intercourse; female and a male do not have
"Baby-making was trying to
warning! You can even ifit is the very first time she sexual intercourse, if sperm are
get pregnant if has had sexual intercourse; even ejaculated close to the opening to
you have sexual
if she has had sexual intercourse the vagina.
only once; even if she thinks or However, if a female and a
feels she is menstruating; even if male decide to have sexual inter-
she does not have an orgasm. course, there are ways-called
A girl or woman can also birth control-that can help pro-
become pregnant even if the boy tect them from becoming preg-
or man pulls out before he ejacu- nant and having a baby. And a
People have a lot of mistaken lates. If sperm are ejaculated couple can help protect each
ideas about how a girl or woman close to the opening of the vagina other from getting infections that
who has had sexual intercourse - or even if just a few sperm are spread by sexual contact if
can and cannot become preg- spurt out before ejaculation- it they use a condom correctly and
nant. It's important to know that is possible for them to swim up every time they have sex. This is
a girl or woman can become the vagina and join with an egg. one way of practicing "safer sex."

But we only did it

But she said
she didn't have

Families and Babies S7

Before Birth

he word pregnant comes from They look like tadpoles swim- is ready, and lets only one sperm
T two Latin words: prae, which ming and travel like a school of out of those two hundred or so
means before, andgnas, which fish-in large groups of about break into the egg cell. After that
means birth. five hundred million. sperm enters the egg, none of the
Pregnancy is the period of When sperm are ejaculated in others can get in, and fertiliza-
time before birth during which a the female's vagina during sexual tion takes place.
fertilized egg plants itself inside intercourse, they swim up the Once an egg cell unites with a
the lining of the uterus, grows vagina, through the cervix, into sperm cell, it becomes a single
inside the uterus, and eventually the uterus, and into the Fallopian cell-the first cell of a baby. A
develops into a baby. The union tubes. If an egg has been released fertilized egg cell is called a
of a sperm and an egg is called and swept into one of the Fallo- zygote from conception and for
conception or fertilization. pian tubes, a sperm can unite the next several days as it travels
Scientists have discovered with it and fertilize it-and the to the uterus; an embryo during
exactly how a pregnancy begins female can become pregnant. the next two months as it devel-
by observing how sperm travel, Only about two hundred ops in the uterus; and a fetus
meet, and finally unite with an sperm out of the five hundred throughout the rest of the preg-
egg. million in an ejaculation get close nancy-until a baby is born.
Living sperm are great travel- to the egg. Some people call the fetus a
ers, and it is wonderful to watch "developing baby."
That's one out of
them move under a microscope. every two million The fertilized egg cell takes
five hund red
You can actually see their tails about five days to travel through
th ousand sperm!
move rapidly back and forth. the Fallopian tube and into the
I wonder if I know one thing fo r
uterus, dividing again and again.
sperm have sure-there's usually Inside the uterus, it plants itself
races only one winner in
every race .
in the uterus's lining, where it
will grow and develop into a
baby. The uterus is also called
Scientists have shown that a "the womb."
chemical in the fluid around the While in the uterus, a fertil-
egg actually attracts certain ized egg cell continues to divide
sperm, telling them that the egg billions and billions of times to

S8 It's Perfectly Normal


Of course I do.
And I' ve
·~~J ~
.,,,,,.,. 0

Each egg waits in the Fallopian tube to be fertilized by a sper m .

\ o->--r~

Sperm leave the penis , swim up the vagina , through the uterus .

and into a Fallopian tube where an egg may be waiting to unite with a sperm.

F/v f= !)~y

If one sperm enters the egg , th ey become one cell and pregnancy can begin.

Fa milies and Babies S9

From Zygote to Baby- 9 Months

Zygote-day 1 Embryo-month 1 Fetus-month 3 Fetus -month 6 Baby about to be

born-month 9

make billions and billions of new developing baby warm as it

cells. Eventually, over nine floats.
months, these cells become a A lot of kids and even some
whole new person-a baby. grown-ups think that the devel-
I wonder how long it takes a
oping baby grows in the mother's
bee cell to grow into a bee. stomach. It does not grow in the
It takes a bird cell.
depending on its cell Good . So the
size, anywhere from baby doesn 't
10 to 74 days .

In the uterus, a sac filled with It grows in the uterus. As the embryo and-later on-the
a watery fluid forms around the developing baby grows bigger, fetus with oxygen from the air
developing baby and protects it the uterus also grows bigger. the mother breathes and nutri-
against pokes, bumps, and jolts. As the embryo fastens itself to ents from the food she eats.
The sac is called the amniotic sac the inside of the uterus, a special Nutrients are made up of
or the "bag of waters," and the organ called the placenta forms vitamins, proteins, fats, sugars,
fluid is called amniotic fluid. inside the uterus. During preg- carbohydrates, and water-
This fluid is warm and keeps the nancy, the placenta supplies the all the things a fetus needs in

60 It's Perfectly Normal

order to grow into a healthy baby. waste leaves the mother's body drug will not hurt the fetus.
The umbilical cord-a soft, along with the mother's waste. If a female has abused drugs,
bendable tube- connects the pla- consumed alcohol, smoked ciga-
centa to the fetus at the umbili- rettes, not eaten healthy fo ods,
cus. The word umbilicus means or had certain kinds of infections
navel, and navel is another word while pregnant, her baby could
for "belly button." be born with or develop serious
Oxygen and nutrients travel health problems. It could have
from the placenta to the fetus in difficulty eating and breathing
the blood that flows through the and growing properly. And if a
umbilical cord. The oxygen and pregnant mother has been
nutrients, as well as other sub- Medicines, drugs, and alcohol addicted to drugs, her baby may
stances from the mother, pass can also pass into the fetus's be born addicted to drugs.
from her blood into the fetus's blood from the mother's blood. However, if a pregnant
blood. That's why a pregnant female mother takes good care of her-
The fetus's waste- liquids and should be very careful about self-has regular checkups with
solids that are left over from the what she eats, drinks, and puts a nurse or doctor, eats healthy
nutrients not used by the fetus- into her body. If she needs to food, and gets enough exercise
travel back through the umbilical take a prescription drug, she and sleep-her baby will have
cord to the placenta and pass into should check with her doctor the best chance to be born
the mother's blood. The fetus's or nurse to make sure the healthy.

Families a nd B abies 61
What a Trip!

he birth of a baby is almost sac-the bag of waters-breaks, born baby as it comes out. This
T always a healthy and joyful and fluid begins to leak out. This is called a vaginal birth.
event. A pregnant woman knows can be another sign that the baby Some babies need to be gently
that her baby is ready to be born is ready to be born. pulled out by tongs, called
when she can feel the muscles of During the birth, the baby forceps. This is called a forceps
her uterus tighten and squeeze travels out of the uterus, through birth. And some babies come out
and then relax, over and over, the cervix, which has opened and of the uterus and vagina feet
many times in a row. widened during labor, and into first. This is called a breech birth.
The woman's muscles are the vagina. The vagina stretches Other babies are too big to
actually beginning to push the as the baby travels through it travel safely through the vagina.
baby out of her uterus. All this and out of the mother's body. Or they are in positions that
tightening and squeezing and make it difficult for them to
Being born must
pushing is called labor. Labor is feel sort of like a
travel out of the uterus and
another word for work. water slide. through the vagina on their own.
When labor starts, the preg-
I pecked my
nant woman usually goes to a
hospital unless she has arranged
to have the birth at home with a
doctor or a midwife and a nurse.
A midwife-a person who has
been specially trained to help a The vagina is often called the
woman deliver a baby-is not a "birth canal," because canal is
doctor but may be a nurse. another word for passageway.
Fathers, and sometimes other In most births, the baby's If the baby is too big or in an
family members and friends, can head pushes out of the vagina awkward position, the doctor
also help the mother during first. Any fluid in its mouth or makes a side-to-side cut through
labor and birth. Labor can be as nose is carefully taken out so the the mother's skin-after it has
short as an hour or longer than a baby can breathe on its own. been made numb with a special
whole day. Then the rest ofits body comes medicine-into the mother's
After labor has started, and out. Usually the doctor, midwife, uterus and lifts the baby and the
occasionally before, the amniotic or father gently holds the new- placenta out. Then the doctor

62 It's Perfectly Normal


When it's time to be born, the mother's muscles squeeze and push the baby out

and into the vagina. The vagina stretches wide and out comes

the baby, who is still connected to the mother by the umbilical cord,

which is cut . And right away, the new baby is cuddled and held.

Families and Babies 63

feelings oflove and awe. These
fond and loving feelings between
parents and their child often
begin at birth, but they can also
begin in the weeks after birth.
1 bet when my
parents first laid I'm trying
eyes on me it was
love at first sight.

cuts the umbilical cord and sews then cuts the cord about an inch ) ,
up the mother's cut, which heals from the baby's navel. Since
in a fe,v weeks' time. there are no nerve endings in the
This is called a cesarean birth, umbilical cord, neither the baby
or "c-section," and is another nor the mother can feel the cut. A newborn baby is usually
healthy way for a baby to be A fev,r days later, the clamped weighed and measured and given
born. It is believed that the term piece of umbilical cord dries out some eye drops to prevent infec-
cesarean dates back to the time of and falls off painlessly. The place tion a few minutes after it is
Julius Caesar, the great Roman where it was attached becomes a born.
leader, general, and politician, person's navel, or belly button. The birth of a baby is a fasci-
who may have been born this After the cord has been cut, nating event. At birth, a baby
way around 100 B.C.-more than the muscles of the uterus give a can see, hear, cry, suck, grab, feel,
two thousand years ago. few more squeezes and pushes, and smell. And it can eat by
A forceps birth, a breech and the placenta and amniotic sucking from its mother's breast
birth, and a cesarean birth are sac slide out. Because they leave or from a bottle. A newborn
perfectly normal ,vays for a baby the mother's body after the baby baby can do an amazing number
to be born. No matter which ,vay has been born, they are called of things.
a baby is born, right after birth it the afterbirth. If a boy baby is to be circum-
takes its first breath and lets out As soon as possible, the new- cised, that is, if the foreskin of his
its first cry. This allmvs its lungs born baby is gently dried off, penis is to be removed, either by
to open up and begin to work on wrapped in a blanket, and given a doctor or a person who learned
their own. The moment of birth to the mother or father to cuddle to perform circumcision as part
is so exciting! and hold. of a religious ceremony, it is usu-
Even though the baby is still When parents are first given ally done a few days after birth. It
attached to the placenta by the their newborn baby to hold and takes only a few minutes to per-
umbilical cord, it does not need can feel the baby's skin against form a circumcision.
the placenta anymore. The doc- their skin and can feel the baby Some circumcisions are per-
tor or midwife places a clamp on breathe, they have-more often formed for religious reasons.
the baby's umbilical cord and than not-new and special Baby boys who are born into the

64 It's Perfectly Normal

Jewish or Muslim faith are big enough to have a healthy
usually circumcised as part of a start in life and can usually go
religious ceremony. home with its parents after one
Other circumcisions are per- or two days in the hospital. But if
formed for health reasons-to a baby is born a month or more
make it easier to keep the tip of early, living outside the uterus
the boy's penis clean. However, can be hard. The baby's lungs
i an uncircumcised penis can be may not be fully developed, mak-
kept clean by pulling back the ing it difficult for the baby to
foreskin and gently washing the breathe. The baby may not be
tip. Most doctors feel that the able to suck or swallow easily,
penis can be kept clean whether making it difficult for the baby to
it is circumcised or not. eat. And the baby may have trou-
Some parents like the idea of ble staying warm.
having their son look like his A baby who is born a month
father, and sometimes that's how or more early usually has to stay
they make the decision about in the hospital until he or she is enough and is close to being as
whether their baby boy is going healthy enough to go home. In healthy as a baby who has spent
to be circumcised. the hospital, the baby stays in a a full nine months growing in the
Babies are born in many dif- specially equipped crib called an uterus, and can eat well and keep
ferent ways. Some babies are incubator, which keeps the baby warm, its parents can take their
born early, before they have warm and provides oxygen-just baby home.
spent a full nine months in the as the mother's uterus did for the
uterus. This is called a premature fetus-while it continues to
birth. A baby who is born early is grow. While the baby is in the
called a premature baby or a incubator, the baby's parents, the
"preemie." doctors, and the nurses feed and
A baby who is born only two take care of the ha by.
or three weeks early has grown When the baby has grown big

Families and Babies 6S

Other Arrivals
More Ways to Have a Baby and Family

ometimes people want to

S have a baby but cannot have
one because their egg and sperm
are not able to unite. Fortunately,
there are ways other than sexual
intercourse to have a baby.
There can be many different
reasons why an egg cell and a
sperm cell are not able to unite,
such as the female's ovaries are
not able to release an egg each
month, an egg is not able to travel
through the Fallopian tubes, too
few sperm are able to travel to the
egg, the male's sperm are too
weak to travel to the egg.
However, with the help of a In l'itro are the Latin words for in ing artificial about the egg and
doctor, a female's egg can be fer- a glass. sperm or the uniti ng of the egg
tilized by a male's sperm and a When there are not enough and sperm. Inseminate means to
pregnancy can begin. sperm, or not enough sperm put a seed in, in other words, to
An egg can be taken out of one strong enough to swim to the make pregnant.
of the ovaries by a doctor and put egg, a doctor can place the male's
I could win any That's only
into a small glass dish filled with ejaculated sperm in the female's spelling bee
fluid along with sperm that have vagina or uterus with a syringe. with all these
big new words .
been ejaculated. After the egg has In the uterus, the sperm have a
been fertilized by one of the shorter distance to swim and a
sperm in the dish, the egg is better chance of uniting with an
returned to the uterus, and a egg in one of the Fallopian tubes.
pregnancy can begin. This Starting a pregnancy in this
method of starting a pregnancy is way is called artificial insemina-
called in vitro fertilization. tion-even though there is noth-

66 It's Perfe ctly Normal

Sometimes, if a male becomes
very sick, the medication he
needs to become well may lessen
the number of sperm that he is
able to make. Before the male
takes the medication, his ejacu-
lated sperm can be placed in a
sperm bank-a medical labora-
tory-to be frozen and stored for
up to ten or fifteen years. It can
be used later to conceive a baby
by artificial insemination.
There are people who are not
able to conceive a baby at all-
by sexual intercourse, by in vitro
fertilization, by artificial insemi-
nation, or by freezing sperm.
However, they can start a family
by adopting a baby or child.
Adoption means that a family
will bring another family's baby front of a lawyer or judge that adoption paper in front of a
or child into their family and says that they are giving their lawyer or judge.
raise that child as their very own. child forever to a parent or par- There are many ways to have
An adopted child becomes a ents who want to and are able to a baby and create a family. But
member of his or her new family. take care of the child. no matter how people have a
Many people choose to adopt The new adoptive parent or child, caring for and loving one
children because they are not parents agree to raise the child as can be a wonderful and amazing
able to conceive a baby. Some their own. They too sign the experience.
people who can conceive a baby
also choose to adopt children.
Adoption usually occurs when
a parent or parents who are
unable to take care of their new-
born baby or child decide to have
someone else care for, bring up,
and love their baby or child.
Adoption is a legal act. This
means that the child's birth
parent or parents sign a paper in

Famil ies and Babies 67

Part S

Planning Ahead
Postponement, Abstinence, and Birth Control

hether or not to have nence. Abstinence means to abstain,

W sexual intercourse is a
decision each person has a right
until they feel they are either old
enough or responsible enough to
make healthy decisions about sex.
to keep from doing something you
ll'ant to do.
to make. But a person should This is called postponement. In addition to preventing the
always remember that sexual Postponement means to delay until start of a pregnancy, postpone-
intercourse can result in preg- a later time. However, the only ment and abstinence can also help
nancy and having a baby. sure way not to have an unwanted prevent a person from getting or
Many young people choose to pregnancy is to not have sexual passing on infections that are
wait to have sexual intercourse intercourse. This is called absti- spread by sexual contact.

68 It's Perfectly Norm a l

Many people who choose to on the counter next to the cash infections such as HIV and
postpone or abstain from sexual register. These kinds of birth hepatitis B. This is a way of prac-
intercourse say that they can still control are called "over-the- ticing safer sex. It's important fo r
have a close, loving, and sexy counter contraceptives." people to understand that any
relationship with another A condom is a soft, very thin type of birth control method,
person. cover that fits over an erect when used by itself-without a
Sometimes, when people penis. When a male ejaculates, condom-cannot prevent a per-
choose to have sexual inter- semen is kept inside the condom son from getting an infection
course, they have planned to and sperm are not able to unite from or passing on an infection
have a baby. But other people with an egg. But sometimes to another person.
may want to wait to have a baby semen can leak out. A condom Condoms are called "rubbers"
or may not want to have a baby works better to prevent preg- because they are usually made
at all. That's why knowing how to nancy when used with a contra- out of a rubbery material called
prevent pregnancy is important. ceptive foam, cream, or jelly- latex. A newer type of male con-
Birth control and contraception called a spermicide-that con- dom, made out of a strong, fairly
are the two names given to the tains a chemical that can kill thin, rubbery material called
many ways of preventing a sperm. polyurethane, is believed by sci-
pregnancy. entists to be stronger than latex.
Contra is the Latin word for
against. Ception is part of the
word conception, which means
beginning. Contraception means
against beginning a pregnancy.
There are many kinds of birth
control, and some work better
than others. A person must learn
how to use them and must use It is important for a person to
them every time he or she has use latex or polyurethane con-
sexual intercourse in order for doms, not lambskin, because
them to work. However, no they are less likely to leak or
method ofbirth control can be break.
guaranteed to work 100 percent A condom designed to fit
of the time. Putting on a condom
inside the vagina, called the
Condoms, spermicide, and female condom, is also made out
sponges are types of birth control Using a condom during sexual of polyurethane. This soft pouch-
that can be bought at a drugstore, intercourse, correctly and every like condom is inserted into the
a convenience store, or even a time, can also help prevent the vagina before sexual intercourse.
supermarket. They are usually spread of infections-mild infec- The chemical in spermicide-
displayed in a special section or tions as well as life-threatening foams, creams, and jellies-and

Decisions 69
in sponges can kill sperm, but
sponges can also block sperm.
These types of contraceptives are
also inserted into the vagina
before sexual intercourse. Spermi-
cide and sponges should be used
Condom Female condom
with condoms. When they are
used alone, they are usually not
able to kill, block, or catch every
sperm or protect a person from
getting or passing on an infection.
It is important to use condoms
Spermicide Sponge
with water-based lubricants
made especially for sex and made
with water, not oil, because oil
can damage and break a latex

Creams. jellies . No' These are

Birth control pills Norplant
and sponges? not the kind you
You don 't think shave with or
they mean make a peanut
shaving cream butter and jelly
or grape jelly sandwich with
or kitchen sink or clean the tub

Depa Provera Diaphragm

Birth control pills, Norplant,

Depo Provera, the diaphragm, the
Cervical cap Intrauterine device
cervical cap, and the IUD are con-
traceptives that a female can
obtain only after being examined prescription. The prescribed Birth control pills, commonly
by a trained health-care profes- birth control method can then be called "the pill," contain artificial
sional-a doctor, midwife, nurse obtained at a doctor's office or hormones that keep ovaries from
practitioner, or physician's assis- health clinic or purchased at a releasing mature eggs. A fema le
tant-and obtaining a written drugstore from a pharmacist. must remember to follow the

70 It's Perfectly Norma l

directions for taking a pill each The diaphragm and the cervi-
day for this method of birth con- cal cap are small latex cups that
trol to work. fit inside the vagina and are
Norplant is a birth control placed against the cervix before
device that is placed in a female's sexual intercourse. Both can pre-
upper arm just under her skin by vent sperm from entering the
a health-care professional. Its six cervix and traveling to the Fallop-
tiny tubes slowly release an ian tubes. And both must be
artificial hormone that keeps the used with a spermicide.
ovaries from releasing mature An IUD, or intrauterine
eggs for up to five years. device, is a small plastic and
Depo Provera is a birth control copper device that is placed
drug made of an artificial hor- inside the uterus by a trained
mone that is injected in a female's health-care professional and can
upper arm or buttocks every prevent an egg from planting
three months and keeps the itselfin the uterus's lining.
ovaries from releasing eggs. If a person makes the decision
to have sexual intercourse, the
most useful protection against
Where They Fit pregnancy or infection is the cor-
rect use of birth control before or
at the time of sexual intercourse.
If there is an emergency and a
woman or girl has been raped-
forced to have sex against her
will-or if she has had unpro-
tected sex for any reason, there
are emergency contraceptive pills
Female condom Sponge
that she can take to prevent the

Diaphragm Cervical cap IUD

Decisions 71
start of a pregnancy. They con- they may choose to have a simple Still others think birth control
tain hormones that are thought operation called sterilization. is a fine and responsible way to
to prevent fertilization or the When a male has this opera- prevent an unwanted pregnancy
planting of a fertilized egg in the tion-called a vasectomy-a or delay having a baby. These
lining of the uterus. This method small piece of the vas deferens is people use birth control to help
of preventing a pregnancy must removed or tied off by a doctor. them plan a family.
take place within seventy-two As a result, the semen that is ejac-
I believe in But do you
hours after sexual intercourse, ulated no longer carries any planning. Each ever plan to
under the supervision of a health- sperm. fall we birds stay south?
p lan to fly south .
care professional. It should not When a female has this opera-
be relied upon as a regular form tion-called a tubal ligation-a
of birth control. small piece of each Fallopian tube
Some methods of birth con- is removed or tied off by a doctor
trol, such as the rhythm method so that an egg cannot get to the
or the withdrawal method, are uterus and sperm cannot get to
not considered effective. an egg.
When a male and female use Some religions and groups and Your parents, doctor, or nurse
the rhythm method, they try to some individuals believe that are good people to talk with
figure out when the female's using any method of birth control about birth control, postpone-
ovary has released an egg and is wrong. Others believe that ment, and abstinence. If you talk
then abstain from having sexual using the rhythm method and with a doctor or nurse, your talk
intercourse during that time. withdrawal is fine, but that using will be confidential. Neighbor-
However, it is very difficult to over-the-counter and prescription hood health clinics or family
know when an egg has been birth control methods is wrong. planning clinics are also places
released, because the time can to go for information.
vary from month to month-
especially for many teenage girls.
When a couple uses the with-
drawal method, the male
removes his penis from the
female's vagina just before he
ejaculates. This method does not
work very well either because
some semen often leaks out
before ejaculation or because the
male may fail to remove his penis
before he ejaculates.
Sometimes when people
decide not to have more children,

72 It's Perfectly Normal

Laws and Rulings

7\ n abortion is a medical pro- months of pregnancy, before good care of a baby or they
~ cedure performed for the most females even look pregnant. already have children and can-
purpose of ending a pregnancy. There are pills that can end a not afford another child.
Some pregnant females choose to pregnancy and are used as • The parents feel they are too
have abortions. People's feelings another method of abortion. young to take care of a baby in
about having abortions are not They can be taken by a pregnant a responsible manner.
always simple, however, and can female during the first seven • The female feels she ,vas not
range from relief to sadness, from weeks of pregnancy and require ready to become pregnant.
worry to fear. at least two visits to a doctor's • The female was forced to have
office or a clinic. At the first visit, sexual intercourse against her
I heard All I know is that
about lots of people talk the pregnant female takes three ,vill- raped- and became
abortion . about it, especially pills, and two days later takes pregnant as a result.
two more pills. The pills cause • The female is single and feels
the lining of the uterus and the she is not able to raise a child
embryo to leave the uterus. on her own.
There are many reasons why a • The female did not intend or
female or a couple might want or want to become pregnant.
need to end a pregnancy: People have very strong feel-
• The female has an illness or ings about whether or not a
The word abort means to stop inherited disease that makes female has the right to choose to
or to end something at an early the pregnancy or birth danger- have an abortion. In some coun-
stage. An abortion is usually per- ous to her health and might tries, abortion is a right for all
formed in a clinic or a hospital by even cause her death. women and girls; in others, the
a doctor or other trained health- • A test shmvs that the fetus is right to abortion is either
care P:ofessional and is a safe carrying a serious inherited dis- restricted or prohibited.
procedure when done early. The ease or a serious birth defect. In 1973, the Supreme Court of
pregnancy is ended by removing • The mother or father is sick the United States, which is the
the embryo or fetus from the and unable to take care of a highest and most powerful court
uterus. The procedure itself takes baby. in the nation, ruled that a
about five minutes and is usually • The parents do not have woman has the right to end an
performed during the first three enough money or time to take unwanted pregnancy. This ruling

Decisions 73
also says that no state can limit The rulings and laws about a abortions performed.
that right until very late in the woman's right to have an abor- Because laws can and do
pregnancy when the fetus could tion have changed over the years change, you might want to ask
survive outside the womb. At this and may continue to change. In your parents or teacher what the
point, a woman can have an 1992, the Supreme Court ruled to laws and rulings about abortion
abortion only when her health or support the ir ea rlier 1973 deci- are at this time, or what they are
life is at risk. sion guaranteeing a woman's in your state.
The name of this Supreme right to abortion. However, the Sometimes, usually during the
Court decision is Roe versus Court also ruled that any state in
Wow. this is Well. laws are
Wade. Some individuals and the nation can im pose some rea-
groups are strongly for this deci- sonable restrictions on a
sion and others are strongly woman's right to an abortion,
against it. but that it cannot outlaw abor-
People who support the tion completely.
Supreme Court decision call For example, some states
themselves "pro-choice." They require that before an abortion
favor a woman's right to choose can be performed,
for herself whether or not to have • any female under the age of early months of pregnancy, an
an abortion. They believe that eighteen has to have the con- abortion happens by itself, with-
this is a deeply private and per- sent of one or both of her par- out a medical procedure. This is
sonal choice and should there- ents or a judge's permission. called a spontaneous abortion or
fore be made by the individual depending on the la\\'s of the a miscarriage. When this hap-
female, not by the government. state. pens, the embryo or fetus is
The people who believe that • a female has to be told about released fro m the mother's
this decision should be changed alternatives to abortion, such uterus without warning, often
call themselves "pro-life." They as continuing the pregnancy because it is not developing nor-
believe that the ruling allowing a and either keeping the baby mally. Doctors do not always
woman to choose for herself and becoming a parent or giv- understand why miscarriages
\\'hether or not to have an abor- ing the baby up for adoption. happen. but they kn ow th at
tion is wrong. They believe that • a female must first meet with a females who have miscarriages
life begins when a baby is con- health-care professional about can usually become pregnant
ceived and that an embryo or having an abortion and then again and give birth to healthy
fetus has a right to life-a right wait twentv-four hours before babies. The same is true fo r
to grow in the mother's body and having one. fema les who have chosen to have
to be born whether or not the • the doctor or clinic must keep a an abortion.
mother wants to have a baby. detailed written record of all

74 It's Pert ectly N ormal

Part 6

Staying Healthy
Talk about It
Sexual Abuse

t's sad but true that some know exactly what these words private parts-the sexual
I people's sexual behavior can
be dangerous and even hurt
mean. Sexual means having some-
thing to do with sex. Abuse means
parts-of another person's body
that that person does not want
others. This kind of behavior is to treat wrongly, to mistreat. him or her to do, or when some-
called sexual abuse. Sexual abuse happens when one makes another person touch
someone mistreats a person in a or do something to his or her pri-
Do we have to
hear about sexual way. It happens when vate parts that the person does
sexual abuse? someone who is more powerful not wantto do.
than another person takes advan- This someone can be someone
tage of that person in a sexual the person knows, someone the
way. It is wrong for anyone to person loves, or a stranger. The
take advantage of another person truth is that it is most likely
just because he or she is more someone the person knows. Sex-
powerful. ual abuse can happen between
Sexual abuse is a subject that Most of us-kids and grown- kids and adults-even between a
kids and adults find very hard ups-are taught rules as we are parent and a child. It can also
and painful to think about and growing up about treating others happen between one kid and
talk about. People often hear a with respect. Sexual abuse hap- another kid and between broth-
lot of wrong and confusing pens when someone breaks ers and sisters. It can happen to
things about it. the rules that have to do with both boys and girls.
Though most kids have prob- another person's body. The usual and normal daily
ably heard the words sexual It happens when someone hugging, kissing, touching, and
abuse, that doesn't mean they touches or does something to the holding hands that go on among

Staying Healthy 7S
rules, grown-ups do or should keep. But don't keep sexual abuse
know the rules. a secret if it happens to you or to
It is important always to a friend-even if someone tells
remember that your body you to keep it a secret.
belongs to you. It's also impor- Tell another person you know
tant to know there are lots of and trust-right away!
people around who do care If the first person you tell
about kids and want to keep doesn't listen to you, tell a second
them safe. person. Talk about it until you
If anyone tries to do some- find someone who understands
thing to your body that you don't you and believes you. That per-
want them to do or don't think son will help you.
they should do, say, "No!" or Always remember, if someone
"sToP!" or "ooN'Ti" to the per- abuses you, it is NEVER your fault!
son who is abusing you.
family members and good Some of you may have heard It's scary and Yes, it is. But I
creepy to hear do feel better
friends because they care about the word harass. Harass means to about sexual just talking
each other are not sexual abuse. ann~•orbothe~Ifanyone about it.

A doctor's or nurse's physical harasses you-that is, bothers

examination of a person's body is you-by talking about sex, by
not sexual abuse either. Everyone using rude or dirty words about
needs to have regular medical sex when you don't want them
checkups to stay healthy. to, or by talking about your body
Sexual abuse can feel painful in a way that you don't like-tell
or even hurt a lot. But not all sex- that person to STOP! Even though
ual abuse hurts. In fact, a person that person is not actually touch- You also should never abuse
can be abused in a way that can ing your body, talking about sex anyone in any way. It's not fair.
feel loving and gentle. When this or your body in this way can be a It's not your right. When some-
happens, a person can feel very kind of sexual abuse. one says no to you, you must
confused, because it's almost There are some secrets with a believe that person and honor
impossible to understand how trusted friend that are OK to that person's wishes.
something so wrong can feel
gentle or loving.
Whether sexual abuse hurts
or feels gentle or even loving, it is
always wrong. People, especially
grown-ups, know it is wrong. It is
not your fault ifit happens to
you. Even if kids do not know the

76 It's Perfectly Normal

Most people don't like to talk
about sexual abuse, but now
more people are talking about it.
A kid can talk about it with a
parent or a friend or a teacher.
Very often it helps to talk with
a school counselor, a social
i worker, a doctor, a nurse, or a
clergy member-people spe-
cially trained to help. When a
person who has been sexually
abused can talk about it with
someone he or she trusts, he or
she may eventually feel better
about it.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

ex is usually a healthy, natural, short for venereal diseases. other infections-different from
S and perfectly normal part of
life. But sometimes sexual activi-
Infections and diseases such
as colds and flus are caused by
colds or the flu-because they
are spread by sexual contact.
ties can be unhealthy. germs, which are so tiny they can Most people do not like to talk
Sexually transmitted diseases- be seen only by looking under a about STDs.
called STDs for short-are dis- microscope. Not all germs cause
I don 't even Me neither,
eases, infections, or illnesses sickness. But some, such as like to hear but we'd
about any better listen.
that can spread from one person viruses and bacteria, do. Germs
diseases at all.
to another through sexual con- can be passed from one person
tact, from sexual touching to to another by all sorts of con-
sexual intercourse. Another term tact-such as sneezing, shaking
for STDs is STJs-short for sexu- hands, and using the same glass,
ally transmitted infections. An plate, or silverware.
older term for STDs is VDs- STDs are different from most

Staying Healthy 77
There are many STDs. Some medicine on the infected area. Genital warts are another STD
are not very serious. Others can Sexual contact is not the only caused by a virus. Genital warts
be extremely serious; they can way a person can get lice or sca- appear on a person's genitals or
cause people not to be able to bies; contact with an infected around the anus and can be
conceive a baby; they can even person's sheets, towels, or cloth- extremely itchy and sore.
cause death. But many can be ing can also pass them on. Removal is the only treatment,
cured. And there are medicines Syphilis, gonorrhea, and but genital warts are very conta-
and treatments that can make a chlamydia are three STDs that gious and can grow back again.
person feel better if he or she has are caused by bacteria. They can There is no cure for this STD. If
one of the STDs that cannot be usually be cured by going to a the warts are not removed by a
cured. doctor or a clinic and taking the doctor, they can multiply quickly.
Germs are not the only way a correct medicine. However, if Having genital warts can increase
person can get an STD. A few these STDs are not treated, a per- a female's risk of cancer of the
STDs, such as pubic lice and sca- son can become very sick and cervix.
bies, are caused by tiny bugs. lose his or her sight or the ability Herpes simplex virus causes
Pubic lice are a fairly common to have children. A mother who an infection that can be, but is
STD. You may have heard people has one of these STDs can pass it not always, sexually transmitted.
call lice "crabs ... That's because on and cause damage to her This virus is passed from one per-
lice are tiny six-legged bugs that newborn baby. Syphilis is an son to another by skin-to-skin
look like crabs. Pubic lice like to extremely dangerous STD, and if contact and is extremely conta-
live in warm, hairy spots, like the not treated can result in death. gious. There are two types of
pubic area, and are passed on Hepatitis Bis an STD caused herpes simplex viruses. Herpes 1
through sexual contact. Pubic by a virus that infects the liver. causes blisterlike sores to form
lice can be easily cured by Hepatitis Bis very contagious on or near a person's lips, mouth,
putting a medicine. which kills and can be passed on by kissing, nose, and eyes. Herpes 2, or geni-
the lice, on the pubic area. These sexual intercourse, and unclean tal herpes, causes blisterlike sores
lice are different from common needles and syringes. People who to form on or near a person's
head lice, because head lice are take illegal drugs by using or genitals and anus. No cure has
not transmitted from one person sharing unclean needles and been found for the herpes sim-
to another by sexual contact. syringes run a big risk of getting plex virus, but both types can be
Head lice are not an STD. hepatitis B. If you have your ears treated by a doctor with medi-
Scabies can be, but is not pierced or get a tattoo, you must cine that can make the sores go
always, an STD. It is caused by make sure that a brand-new, away and make the infected area
tiny bugs called mites that can germ-free needle is used. There is feel better. However, the sores
cause severe itching in the areas no cure for hepatitis B, but there can come back.
around a person's genitals, as is a vaccine that can keep a per- It is mostly adults and teen-
well as other parts of the body, son from getting the virus. Most agers who get STDs. If a person
except the neck and head. Sca- people who have this virus get has sexual contact, using a latex
bies can be treated by putting well, but it can result in death. or polyurethane condom cor-

78 It's Perfectly Normal

rectly and every time can help to tell his or her parents, the
protect him or her from getting school nurse, or another trusted
or passing on some of these adult, so that a medical checkup
infections. This is one way of can be arranged. If a person has
practicing safer sex. Unprotected a sexually transmitted disease,
sex is extremely risky. getting prompt medical care
Not all infections are caused may not only make that person
t by sexual contact. But if a person feel better, it may also save his or
feels discomfort or pain on or her life, as well as stop the
near any of the sexual parts of spread of the infection to
his or her body, it is important another person.

Scientists Working Day and Night

Immunodeficiency means not able

H IV infection is the newest
STD and the most danger-
ous of all sexually transmitted
to protect against orfight infection.
Syndrome means a group ofsymp-
as coughing, fevers, weight loss,
diarrhea , and being unable to
think or see clearly. A person
diseases. HIV is the germ- the toms or conditions that may who has HI\' infection may not
virus- that causes AIDS. accompany an illness or a disease. get sick for a long time, but most
The letters in the word HIV What these words mean is that people who develop AIDS even-
stand for human immunodefi- when people who are infected tually die from one or more of its
ciency virus- the scientific term with HIV develop AIDS and symptoms or conditions.
for HIV~ Virus means a type of become sick, their bodies are no At this time, there is no cure
germ that can cause a person to longer able to protect against or for AIDS. But there are some
become sick. The letters in the fight infections. Scientists and medicines and combinations
word AIDS stand for acquired doctors believe that most people of medicines that can slmr down
immunodeficiency syndrome- the who are infected with HI\' will the virus. They are helping some
scientific term for AIDS. Acquired eventually develop the symp- people who have HI\' feel
means something you can get. toms or conditions of AIDS, such healthier and live longer.

Staying Healthy 79
Ways you cannot get • You cannot get HIV from food,
HIV infection a plate, a comb, a brush, a door-
knob, or a toilet seat that a per-
• You cannot get HIV from play- son with HIV has touched.
ing tag, wrestling, hugging, • You cannot catch HIV the way
shaking hands, giving a kiss you catch a cold, because the
hello, or giving a high-five to a germ or virus does not travel
Anyone can get HIV infec- person who has HIV. through the air. That means
tion-young or old, male or you cannot get HIV from a
female, rich or poor, heterosex- cough or a sneeze.
ual or homosexual, famo us or • You cannot get HIV from
not famous, weak or strong. Any donating blood.
person of any race or any religion • You cannot get HIV from a
can get infected with HIV and mosquito or a flea bite.
can develop AIDS. HIV infection • You cannot get HIV just by
has nothing to do with who you being in the same room with
are; it can have a lot to do with someone who has HIV. That
what you do. means that you cannot get HIV
A blood test that doctors and just by going to school with
nurses perform shows whether a someone who has HIV.
person has been infected with • You cannot get HIV by
HIV. If a person has the virus, he swimming in the same pool
or she could remain healthy, with someone who has HIV.
even look healthy, and lead a
good and productive life for
many years. Without the blood
test, it is not easy to know if the
virus is in a person's body. The
term HIV positfre means that a
person has HIV infection in his
or her body.

80 It's Perfectly Normal

bloodstream. However, all
blood donated for kids, babies,
and adults who need blood in a
hospital or at home is tested to
make sure it does not have HIV
in it before it is given to them.
• You can get HIV if you take
drugs by using a needle and
syringe that has been used by a
person who has HIV. People
who take illegal drugs by using
unclean needles and syringes
or sharing rieedles run a big
risk of getting HIV.
But every time you get a shot
• You cannot get HIV from visit- with a person who is infected from your doctor or nurse to
ing someone who has HIV at with the virus even if that per- keep you healthy, a brand-new,
home or in the hospital. son appears to be healthy. disposable, clean, germfree,
• It also means that if a person sterile needle and syringe are
I like hearing Me too . But I
has sex involving the penis and used and then thrown away in
about all the do wonder the vagina, or the penis and the a safe place. You cannot get
ways you cannot how you can
get HIV get HIV.
anus, or the mouth and the HIV from brand-new, germfree
genitals, with someone who needles and syringes. If you
has HIV, and does not protect have your ears pierced or get a
himself or herself correctly and tattoo, you must make sure
every time, there is a real risk that the needle used is brand-
of getting infected with HIV. new, germfree, and disposable.
If a person chooses to have
sex, using a latex or polyure- have to be
Ways you can get thane condom with a water- careful.

HIV infection based lubricant

protect him or her from get-
• You c;an get HIV from a person ting HIV. Unprotected sex is
who has the virus either from extremely risky.
semen from the male's penis or • You can get HIV from the
fluids from the female's vagina. blood of a person who has the
These body fluids carry HIV. virus. That means you can get • A female who has HIV can pass
That means you can get HIV it if the blood from a person the virus to her fetus while it is
from having sexual intercourse infected with HIV enters your in her uterus, or to her baby

Staying Healthy 81
during birth. That is why some another way to avoid the chance healthier lives. They hope that
babies are born \\1th HN. But of getting HIV infection. such treatments will either keep
a pregnant female can take a Scientists all over the world the virus quiet so that it will not
medicine that can keep her are working day and night in lab- be able to harm a person or will
baby from being born \\1th HIV. oratories to try to make a vaccine eliminate the virus from a per-
Some mothers who have HIV that will prevent a person from son's body entirely.
can pass the virus on to their being infected with HIV ifhe or But even without a vaccine or
babies through their breast milk. she comes into contact with it. treatment, people can help pro-
This all Just as there are vaccines to pro- tect themselves from getting HIV
sounds so tect people from being infected infection by knowing how the
sad .
with measles, mumps, or polio, virus is passed from one person
an HIV vaccine could prevent a to another.
person from being infected with Many people who are HIV
HIV and developing AIDS. positive or who have developed
Scientists are also working on AIDS are able to go to work or
making pills, shots, or other school and carry on with most
Luckily, scientists and doctors treatments that they hope will parts of their lives for a number
have discovered ways in which help people who already have the of years, until the virus makes
people can protect themselves AIDS virus to lead longer and them too sick.
from getting HIV and lessen
their chances of developing
AIDS. One way is to abstain
from having sexual intercourse
with another person. This is
called abstinence and is the only
fully safe way people can protect
themselves from getting HIV
through sexual contact.
If a person chooses to have
sexual intercourse, using a latex
or polyurethane condom can
lessen his or her chance of get-
ting HIV infection. You may have
heard the term "safer sex." Using
a latex or polyurethane condom
correctly and every time is one
way people are practicing safer
sex. Not sharing needles is

82 It's Perfectly Normal

And yet people, both kids and jobs and been forced to move- say hello, give a hug, talk with
adults, who are HIV positive or only because they are HIV posi- that person, laugh and even cry
who have developed AIDS have tive or have developed AIDS. with that person, and work and
been discriminated against. Having HIV infection as well play with that person-all these
Some children, along with their as developing AIDS is sad and things are safe to do-and treat
families, have been forced to painful in many ways. So, if you that person as you would treat
move to new neighborhoods or know someone who is HIV posi- any good friend.
cities in order to go to school, tive or has developed AIDS, treat
and some adults have lost their that person kindly. Shake hands,

Staying Healthy
Responsible Choices

large part of growing up is things can help you be healthy care of your body. It also means
A learning to take care of
yourself in a healthy way.
and stay healthy as you go
through puberty.
taking responsibility for your
mvn actions-for yourself and
I'm an expert on But there's more to staying for what you do. It means mak-
growing up now . I healthy than just taking good ing healthy choices for yourself,
know a lot!

Eating healthy foods, exercis-

ing almost daily, keeping your
body clean, wearing clean
clothes, staying away from drugs
and alcohol, and having regular
medical checkups-all of these

Staying Healthy 83
including choices about your you grow up can help you learn
body and about sex. And it means how to have healthy relationships
having respect for yourself and with other people that involve
your own decisions. sharing, caring, and respect for
Staying healthy also involves others as well as for yourself.
having healthy relationships with As you go through life, friend-
other people. That means not ship is a big part of every healthy
only taking good care of yourself, relationship, whether two people afraid to do, or feel are not safe
but taking good care of your like, love, or like and love each to do. That's when it's important
friends-both boys and girls. other, whether they choose to be to make the decision that is best
Having a good friend or friends as friends, to date, to be partners, for you-one that is safe and
or to marry. healthy for you.
Yet puberty is a time when Everyone makes mistakes
friends, even good friends, often and has bad judgment once in a
try to persuade or pressure each while, and you probably will too.
other to try out new things. Some But most of the time, you can
of these things, which may and will make responsible
involve sex, alcohol, or drugs, choices-ones that are good for
may be things you do not want to you, right for you, and healthy
do, or are not ready to do, or are for you and your friends.

84 It's Perfectly Normal

Do you think it 's normal
Normal or do you still think it's
gross to talk and think
about bodies and sex?

Get this! Most kids think

about bodies and sex .. and
many kids talk and even
joke about it.

nd TV. and radio , and

deos . and movies . all tell
bout it . And books. and
agazines . and ads . and
commercials .. .

Well . it 's true that writers wnte \

about it and painters paint about it
and scientists study about it andj
musicians sing about it.
We finally \
Thinking about bodies
and sex and wanting
~ s perfectly normal! J agreed on
omething! )
to know about bodies - y '/

Staying Healthy 8S
Thank You!

e could not have written and Alice Miller Bregman, senior editor, Mary Dominguez, science teacher,
W illustrated this book without the New York, New York
Rosa Casamassima, consultant, Med-
Shady Hill School, Cambridge, Massa-
help of the following old and new chusetts
friends and colleagues. Some of them ford, Massachusetts Catherine Donaghe,, parent, Brook-
read the whole manuscript; others read Deborah Chamberlain, parent, Nor- line, Massachusetts
only a chapter. Some read the manu- v,•ood, Massachusetts Sheila Donelan, teacher, M.E.
script once, others read it numerous David S. Chapin, M.D., director of Fitzgerald School, Cambridge, Massa-
times. Many helped with the drawings. gynecology, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, chusetts
Everyone had something to say about Massachusetts Sandra Downes, teacher, Amos E.
this book, and everyone answered any Chuck Collins, parent, San Francisco, Lawrence School, Brookline, Massachu-
question we had, often more than once. California setts
The people listed here all have one Nancy Drooker, sexuality education
thing in common. They care deeply consultant, San Francisco, California
about the health and well-being of chil- Nicki Nichols Gamble, executive direc-
dren and have enormous respect for tor, Planned Parenthood League of
children. Massachusetts, Cambridge, Massachu-
RHH and ME setts
Frieda Garcia, president, United
Deb Allen, elementary school science South End Settlements, Boston, Massa-
coordinator and teacher, The Devotion chusetts
School, Brookline, Massachusetts Judith Gardner, Ph.D., psychologist,
Tina Alu, sexuality education coordi- Brandeis University, Waltham, Massa-
nator, Cambridge Family Planning, chusetts
Cambridge, Massachusetts Edll'ardj. Collins, M.D., assistant Trudy Goodman, M.Ed., child and
Joanne Amico, health educator, Pierce clinical professor, University of Califor- family therapist, Cambridge, Massachu-
School, Brookline. Massachusetts nia at San Francisco, California setts
Bonnie S. Anderson, Ph.D., professor Julia Collins, student, San Francisco, Ben Harris, student, Cambridge,
ofhistory, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, California Massachusetts
New York Paula Collins, parent, San Francisco, Bill Harris, parent, Cambridge, Mass-
Fran Basch, professional trainer, California achusetts
Planned Parenthood League of Massa- Sara Collins, student, San Francisco. David Harris, student, Cambridge,
chusetts, Cambridge, Massachusetts California Massachusetts
Merton Bmifield, M.D., Clement A. Sally Crissman, science educator, William Haseltine, Ph.D., chief, Divi-
Smith Professor of Pediatrics, director, Shady Hill School, Cambridge. Massa- sion ofHuman Retrovirology, Harvard
Joint Program in Neonatology, Chil- chusetts Medical School, Dana Farber Cancer
dren's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Mollianne Cunniff, health educator, Institute, Boston, Massachusetts
Sarah Birss, M.D., child psychiatrist, Brookline Public Schoois, Brookline, Gerald Hass, M.D., pediatrician,
developmental pediatrician, Cambridge, Massachusetts Cambridge, Massachusetts; physician in
Massachusetts Kirsten Dahl, Ph.D., associate profes- chief, South End Community Health
Larry Boggess, school administrator, sor, Yale University Child Study Center, Center, Boston, Massachusetts
writer, Richmond, Indiana New Haven, Connecticut M. Peter Heilbrun, M.D., chairman,

86 It's Perfectly Normal

Department of Neurosurgery, University New York University, New York, New Maeve Visser Knoth , librarian, Cam-
of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah York bridge Public Library, Cambridge, Mass-
Robyn 0. Heilbrun, parent, Salt Lake Rory Jay Morton, teacher, Shady Hill achusetts
City, Utah School, Cambridge, Massachusetts Polly Wagner, teacher, The Atrium
Doris B. Held, M.Ed., psychothera- Eli Newberger, M.D., director, Family School, Watertown, Massachusetts
pist, Harvard Medical School, member Development Program, Children's Hos- Lilla Waltch, author, Cambridge,
of the Governor's Commission on Gay pital, Boston, Massachusetts Massachusetts
and Lesbian Youth for the Common- Brenda O'Conner, teacher, M. E. Rosalind M. Weir, parent, Cam-
• wealth of Massachusetts, Cambridge, Fitzgerald School, Cambridge, Massa- bridge, Massachusetts
Massachusetts chusetts I/yon Woo, student, Cambridge,
Michael Iskowitz, chief counsel for Dian Olson, educator and trainer, Massachusetts
poverty, AIDS, and family policy, U.S. Planned Parenthood League of Massa- Donna Yee, Ph.D., consultant,
Senate Committee on Labor and Human chusetts, Cambridge, Massachusetts Visions Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts
Resources, Washington, D.C. June E. Osborn, M.D., dean, School of Barry Zuckerman, M.D., professor of
Chrisfagmin, designer, Watertown, Public I-Iealth, University of Michigan; pediatrics, Boston University School of
Massachusetts chairman, U.S. National Commission on Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts
Larry Kessler, executive director, AIDS, Washington, D.C. Pamela Zuckerman, M.D., pediatri-
AIDS Action Committee of Massachu- jimmy Parziale, teacher, Michael cian, Boston, Massachusetts
setts, Boston, Massachusetts, commis- Driscoll School, Brookline, Massachu-
sioner, U.S. National Commission on setts A special thank you to our editor
AIDS, Washington, D.C. Kyle Pruett, M.D., clinical professor of Amy Ehrlich for her wholehearted com-
Robert A. King, M.D., assistant profes- psychiatry, Yale University Child Study mitment to this book and her courage
sor of child psychiatry, Yale University Center, New Haven, Connecticut for taking it on, to our art director
Child Study Center, New Haven, Con- Jeffrey Pudney, Ph.D., research associ- Virginia Evans for listening to us and
necticut ate, Harvard Medical School, Boston, seeing our vision, to our associate
Antoinette E. M. Leoney, Esq., parent, Massachusetts editor Jane Snyder for keeping track of
Salem, Massachusetts Jennifer Quest-Stern, student, Cam- every word and everyone, to their col-
Elizabeth A. Levy, children's book bridge, Massachusetts leagues at Candlewick Press for their
author, New York, New York Louise Rice, R. N., associate director enthusiastic support, to our agent
Jay Levy, M.D., professor of medicine, of education, AIDS Action Committee of Elaine Markson for her friendship and
Cancer Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts belief in this book, and to our designer
California School of Medicine at San Sukey Rosenbaum, parent, New York, Lance Hidy for his wonderful eye.
Francisco, California New York
Leroy Lewis, teacher, Martin Luther Kate Seeger, teacher, Shady Hill
King School, Cambridge, Massachusetts School, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Oh no! This Now is the time
Carol Lynch, director of counseling, Rachel Skvirsky, Ph.D., associate pro- is the end to say, 'Thank
Planned Parenthood Clinic, Brookline, fessor of biology, University of Massa- of the
Massachusetts chusetts, Boston, Massachusetts
Lyn fv!arshall, teacher, The Atrium Paula Stahl, Ed.D., executive direc-
School, Watertown, Massachusetts tor, Children's Charter Trauma Clinic,
Kristin Mercer, student, Arlington, Waltham, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Michael G. Thompson, Ph.D., child
Ted Mermin, teacher, The Atrium psychologist, Cambridge, Massachusetts
School, Watertown, Massachusetts Laurence H. Tribe, Tyler Professor of
Ronald James Moglia, Ed.D., director, Constitutional Law, Harvard Law
Graduate Program in Human Sexuality, School, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Acknowledgments 87

Abortion, 73-7 4 Conception, 33. 58, 67, 74. See also Gay, 16, 17. See also Homosexual; Lesbian
Abortion Pill, 73 Fertilization Gender, 10-11, 15, 53- 54
Abstinence, 55, 68, 69, 72, 82 Condom(s) (Rubbers), 57, 69, 70, 78- 79, Gene(s), 52-54
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. 81, 82 Genital Herpes, 78
See AIDS; HIV Contraception, 69- 72. See also Birth Genitals, 12, 78, 81
Adolescence, 31. See also Puberty Control Genital Warts, 78
Adoption, 67. 74 Contraceptive(s). 69- 71. See also Birth Glans, 25
Afterbirth, 64 Control Gonorrhea, 78
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Contraceptive Sponge(s), 69, 70
Syndrome), 15, 79-80, 82-83. See also Crabs. See Pubic Lice
Hair, Body, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 53
HI\'; HI\' Infection; HI\' Positive Cramps, 35
Hair, Facial, 42, 43
Alcohol. 61, 83 Cream(s), 57, 69, 70. See also Spermicide
Hair, Pubic. See Pubic Hair
Amniotic Fluid, 60, 62 Crush, 13, 17
Having Sex. See Sexual Intercourse
Amniotic Sac, 60, 62, 64 Hepatitis B, 69, 78
Anus, 23, 26, 78, 81 Depa Provera, 70, 71 Herpes, 78
Artificial Insemination, 66-67 Diaphragm, 70, 71 Heterosexual (Straight), 16- 18
Athletic Cup, 44 Dirty \ \' ords. See Slang \ Vords Hips,41
Discrimination, 83 HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus),
Babies, 1.i. 15, 24, 26, 33, 40, 41, 50-54, DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid), 53 15, 79- 83. See also AIDS; HIV Infection;
58-61,62-65,66-67,73,74,82 Drugs,61,78,81,83 HIV Positive
Birth, 24, 26, 41, 62-65, 72 HIV Infection, 15, 69, 79-83. See also
Birth Control, 57, 69-72. See also Egg Cell(s), 24, 32-35, 37, 40, 41, 42, AIDS; HIV; HIV Positive
Contraception; Contraceptive 52-54,57,58, 66, 70, 71, 72 HIV Positive, 80, 82-83. See also AIDS;
Birth Control Pill (The Pill). 70-71 Ejaculation, 27, 37, 39-40, 42, 49, 56, 57, HIV; HIV Infection
Bisexual, 18 58,69,72 Homosexual, 16-18. See also Gay; Lesbian
Bladder, 27, 39 Embryo, 58, 60, 73, 74 Hormones, 31, 42, 70, 71, 72. See also Sex
Blood, 24, 33, 39, 40, 61, 80, 81 Emergency Contraceptives, 71-72 Hormones
Body, Female, 20-21, 22-24, 32-35, 41, Epididymis, 27, 37, 39 Hymen, 23
43-44,45 Erection, 26, 37, 39-40, 56
Body, Male, 20-21, 25-27, 37-40, 42, Estrogen, 32. See also Sex Hormones,
Identical Twins, 53
43-44,45 Female
Incubator, 65
Body Odor, 43 Exercise, 35, 44, 54, 61, 83
Infection, 15, 57, 61, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71,
Bra (Brassiere), 44
Breasts, 41, 44, 45, 64, 82 Fallopian Tubes, 24, 33, 58, 66, 71, 72 Intercourse. See Sexual Intercourse
Breech Birth, 62 Families, 50- 52, 67 In Vitro Fertilization, 66
Feelings, 12-13, 15, 28, 32, 36, 45-47, 64, 73 IUD (Intrauterine Device), 70, 71
Cell,52-54,58,60 Fertilization, 33, 37, 53, 54, 58, 66, 67, 72.
Cervical Cap, 70, 71 See also Conception
Jelly, 57, 69, 70. See also Spermicide
Cervix, 24, 36, 58, 62, 71, 78 Fetus, 24,58-61,65,73,74
Foam, 57, 69. See also Spermicide Jockstrap, 44
Cesarian Birth ((-Section), 62, 64
Chlamydia, 78 Forceps Birth, 62
Chromosome(s), 53, 54 Foreskin, 26, 27, 64-65 Labia, 22
Circumcision, 26, 64-65 Fraternal Twins, 53 Labor, 62
Clitoris, 22-23, 48 , 56 Friendship, 16, 46-47, 84 Larynx, 42

88 It's Perfectly No rma l

Latex Condoms. See Condom(s) Pubic Lice, 78 Sperm Bank, 67
Lesbian, 16, 17. See also Gay; Homosexual Spermicide, 57, 69-70, 71, 79, 81, 82
Making Out, 54, 55 Rape, 71, 73 Sponge(s). See Contraceptive Sponge(s)
Masturbation, 48- 49 Religion, 26, 32, 43, 48, 64- 65, 72 Spontaneous Abortion, 74
Menopause, 35 Reproductive Organs, 11, 12, 14. See also Sterilization, 72
Menstrual Cycle, 33 Sex Organs STDs, 77- 83. See also Sexually
Menstruation (Period), 24, 33, 35-36, 41, Respect,55- 56,75,84 Transmitted Diseases
51, 57 Responsibility, 15, 51- 52, 55, 73, 83 STis, 77. See also Sexually Transmitted
Midwife, 62, 70 Rhythm Method, 72 Diseases
,Miscarriage, 74 Straight. See Heterosexual
Roe versus Wade, 74
Moods, 32, 47 Rubber(s). See Condom(s) Supreme Court, 73- 74
Multiple Birth(s), 53 Sweat, 41, 42, 43, 44
Syphilis, 78
Safer Sex, 57, 69, 79, 82. See also Absti-
Navel, 61, 64 nence; Condom(s); Postponement
Needles, 78, 81, 82 Sanitary Napkins (Pad), 35-36 Tampon, 35-36
Nipples, 41, 42 Scabies, 78 Teasing, 13, 46
Nocturnal Emission (Wet Dream), 40, 42 Scrotum, 25, 26, 27, 37, 42. See also Testicle~1~25,26,27,32,3~42,44
Norplant, 70, 71 Testicles Testosterone, 37. See also Hormones; Sex
Semen,27,37,39- 40,56,69,72,81 Hormones, Male
Seminal Vesicles, 27, 37, 39. See also Triplets, 53
Orgasm, 39, 49, 56, 57
Semen Tubal Ligation, 72
Ova, 24. See also Egg Cell
Sex, 9, 10- 15, 28, 53- 54, 81. See also Twins, 53, 54
Ovaries, 12, 24, 32-33, 35, 41, 42, 53, 66,
70, 71, 72 Gender; Sexual Desire; Sexual
Over-the-Counter, 69, 72 Intercourse; Sexual Reproduction Umbilical Cord, 61, 64
Ovulation, 33 Sex Cells, 24, 26, 32, 37, 52. See also Egg Urethra, 22, 23,27,37,39
Ovum, 24, 33. See also Egg Cell Cell(s); Sperm Cell(s) Urine, 23, 25, 27, 39
Sex Hormones, 32, 33, 35, 37, 41, 47, 48. Uterus (Womb), 23, 24, 33, 35, 36, 41,
See also Hormones 58- 61,62, 64,65, 66, 71,72,73,74
Pad. See Sanitary Napkin Sex Hormones, Female, 32, 33, 35
Penis, 12, 14, 24, 25- 26, 27, 37-40, 42, 43, Sex Hormones, Male, 32, 37, 41 Vagina, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 33, 35- 36, 39, 41,
44,45,48,56,64- 65,69,72,81 Sex Organs, 11- 12, 32, 48. See also 49,56,57,58,62,66,69,70,71,72,81
Period. See Menstruation Reproductive Organs Vaginal Birth, 62. See also Birth
Pimples (Zits), 43- 44 Sex Organs, Female, 22- 24, 32 Vas Deferens, 27, 37, 39, 72
Placenta, 60- 61, 62-64 Sex Organs, Male, 25- 27, 32 Vasectomy, 72
Polyurethane Condom(s). See Condom(s) Sexual Abuse, 75- 77 Venereal Diseases. See Sexually
Postponement, 55, 68- 69, 72 Sexual Desire, 12- 13, 15, 16 Transmitted Diseases
Pregnancy, 15, 33, 35, 40, 41, 42, 57, 58- 61, Sexual Harassment, 76 Voice Change, 42
66- 67,68,69,71,72,73- 74,81- 82 Sexual Intercourse, 14- 15, 23, 24, 33,39, Vulva, 22, 41, 43, 49
Premature Baby (Preemie), 65
40,42,49,54- 57,58, 68- 72,73,77,78,
Prescription, 44, 61, 70, 72 82
Pro-Choice, 74. See also Abortion; Pro-Life Wet Dream. See Nocturnal Emission
Sexual Reproduction, 11- 12. See also
Progesteron_e, 32, 33. See also Sex Withdrawal, 72
Hormones, Female Womb. See Uterus
Sexuality, 15
Pro-Life, 74. See also Abortion; Pro-Choice Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs,
Prostate Gland, 27, 37, 39. See also Semen STis, VDs, Venereal Diseases), 77- 83 X and Y Chromosomes, 54
Puberty,24,26,27,30- 49,83- 84 Shaving, 43
Puberty, Female, 24, 31, 32- 36, 41, 43 Skin, 41, 42, 43, 53 Zits. See Pimples
Puberty, Male, 26, 27, 31, 37- 40, 42, 43 Slang Words (Dirty Words), 28 Zygote, 58-60
Pubic Bone, 43 Sperm Cell(s), 26, 27, 32, 33, 37-40, 42, 51 ,
Pubic Hair, 41, 42, 43 52-54,57,58,66-67,69,71,72

Index 89
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Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex & Sexual Health
by Robie H. Harris, illustrated by Michael Emberley

"Informal, wide-ranging, candid and funny ...

A younger child can enjoy the art ...
An independent reader can seek definitions in
privacy. Preadolescents can test their knowledge.
And adolescents can give a superior smirk while
secretly learning what they most need to know
about sexual survival."
-The New York Times Book Review

* "A terrific teaching tool that just may help slow

the spread of sexual disease and ignorance."
-Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

"Utterly contemporary and comprehensive ...

Highly recommended for talking your way through
just about any embarrassing interrogation your
ever-curious kids can devise."
-The Los Angeles Times Book Review

• An ABC Children's Booksellers Choice

• An American Library Association
Notable Children's Book
• A Booklist Editors' Choice
• A Boston Globe-Horn Book
Honor Award Winner
• A Bulletin ofthe Centerfor Children's Books
Blue Ribbon
• A Horn Book Magazine Fanfare Title
• A New York Public Library Top 100 Books
for Reading and Sharing
• A New York Times Book Review
Notable Book of the Year
• A Parenting Best Children 's Book
• A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year
• A School Library Journal Best Book of the Year
• Winner of the Will Solimene Award for
Excellence in Medical Communication
Jacket illust ration copyright© 1994
by Michael Emberley
Printed in Hong Kong


I ..
author of Your Baby and Child
and Children First

ISBN 1- 56402- 199-8

5 199 9

9 781564 02199 1

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