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ITEC 7460 Emy Aultman

PLN Assignment Part 1

As a former classroom teacher, there were many opportunities for me to join PLN in the
school as well as within the district. However, when I became a media specialist, I
realized that there are not very many PLN that are related to my job as a media
specialist. Matter of fact, the only PLN we have available for media specialists in my
district is our media specialist group. We do meet once a month, but the meeting is
more of a staff meeting than learning opportunities. Upon further investigation and
speaking to other media specialists in other districts, I came across Coastal Plain
RESA. At Coastal Plain RESA, they offer free classes, or sessions, for all media
specialists in the surrounding districts. They meet 4 times a year, and the first meeting
will be on October 6th. The classes are free and they will be learning and discussing
current trends and issues of media specialists.

Aside from the local PLN, I have been building my PLN on Twitter since 2009. I’ve
learned a lot from Twitter by spending at least 30 minutes of my day looking through my
feed and participating in TwitterChats. However, I stopped participating as one of my
go-to TwitterChat discontinued during the pandemic. After searching, I found a list of
TwitterChat on the ISTE but was not quite sure if the TwitterChats listed on the site is
current as the article was published in February 2021. Upon further investigating, I
found #EduChatList on Twitter and they have curated and verified several TwitterChats
that are happening on Twitter.

This semester, I would like to participate in
local PLN through Coastal Plain RESA where
I get to learn, share, and connect with fellow
media specialists from surrounding counties. I
will be attending the October and December
meetings as well as the 2 meetings that will
be happening in the spring.
Another goal for this semester is to be more
active on Twitter and participate in
TwitterChat. My intention is to participate in at
least 2-3 #EdTechchat and #crazyPLN
TwitterChats. I would also like to follow some
of the hashtags on ISTE articles even though
they discontinued their TwitterChats. I believe
that I can still learn from them.
ITEC 7460 Emy Aultman

Snelling, J. (2021, February 5). 44 education Twitter Chats worth your time. ISTE.
Retrieved September 7, 2022, from

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