Deep - Work - Rule For Foucsed Success in A Driacted World

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Deep Work Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

By Cal Newport

1: Introducción

Professional activities performed in a state of distraction – free concentration that push your

congnitive capabilities their Limit. These efforts crate new value, improve your skill and are hard

to replicate

The author checked all authors and their opinions about focus and concentration, and he found a

similarity between the authors, the network tools ( cellphones, mails, and other stuff are

distracting us from work that requires unbroken concentration, while simultaneously

degrading our capacity to remain focus )

-Example a man, who made a 40,000 usd, start to learn about coding and end with a job at

Silcom valley with 100,000 a year, so it’s a prove that deep work requires focus and the art of

learn complicated things

- Example, to be in the market and produce new products o improve your actual products, you’re

must be capable of producing and that takes Depth work

2: Deep Work is Valuable

Following all the chapter, tha autor talk about some guys, who are commited with deep work,

-Programmer who became rich biuding a software

-How improve our focus and deep work to learn more about tech , because this subject still

changing thought the years and let de the professional out of business if they don’t adapt

-He accept sort of ecuation

High Quality Work Produced = (Time Spent ) x ( Intensity of Focus )}

Conclusion : Deep work guarantee a high performance at work, it includes do the activities on

time and with a amazing outcome, the some work who involved the networks tools, and it’s okay

because the works demands that.

In order to achive something as a high effective professional you must out around all your work

time with distraction . as your first task of the day.

My point of view: I’m agree with the Autor of how deep work in something that is highly hard

to understand, make results if you applied, but I think if we quote the P and PC balance from the

book of 7 habits of highly effective people from Steven Covey, if you have time to increase your

PC and you must have, because that will make you increase your income in the future, Applied

deep work, you just have a small time , in case you work, to improve new skills or improve the

actual to build a great PC.

For academical Researches and code programmers and inventors as well as writers deep work,

works and have a highly impact in their work and life , because all matters

3: Deep Work Is Rare

Jack Dorsey, a building for programers, they could teach and learn form eachother in the hallway

A STUDY TO RESPOND, What’s the impact of our current e-mail habits on the bottom line ?.

The distractions has costs, and depth has value.

A professor at a research – oriented university. And you measure your job and how great or bad

your are by count how many pappers see the light, Jorge Hirsche create an H index ,to count that

Computer science ¸ the h index score above 40, and once you reached is considered the mark

ofg a strong long term career.

A quote from RICHARD FEYNMAN, explain one of his less orthodox productivity strategies

“To do real good physics work, you do need absolute solid lengths of time … It needs a lot of

concentration … if you have a job administrating anything, you don’t have the time. So I have

invented another myth for myself: that I’, irresponsible. I’m actively irresponsible. I tell

everyone I don’t do anything. If anyone aske me to be on a committee for admission, “ “; I tell

them : I’m irresponsible

Deep work shoul be a priority today’s business climate.

Today depth work is increasily rare, and something that is rare and value is highly expensive

You want ot go depth ? keep maintain the habit who make you go deep

4: Deep Work is Meaningful

A writer have a cancer, and go deep in way of thinking in the good thing in the day , like drink,

eat with friend stay happy, and avoid thinking about her illness, in a way she got deep into a

good thinking and live a plenty life, she didn’t distract about the things like,

They argued that deep work is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy at the same

time that it also is becoming increasingly rare (for somewhat arbitrary reasons). This represents

a classic market mismatch: If you cultivate this skill, you’ll thrive professionally.

PART 2 : The Rules

5: Rule # 1 Work Deeply

The most important part, create a room or space to adapt your deep work, some place where you

can study, analyze and do other stuff, for example J.K Rowling, the Harrys Potter Writer, rented

a suite in a luxury hotel, in that place she wrote the last book of harry potter. The author don’t

say to expend a huge amount of money to work deeply, just find a place with not distractions.

-Integrate deep work with your own time, mean adapt deep work in your life with your own


-Ritalize your work: Especified rituals, that you must have in order to achieve deep work in

your working days:

1. Where your’ll work and how long, create a space, like your room, and set a time of deep
2. How you’ll work once you start to work, Create rutines, like if youre reading a book, take
a 10 minutes brake to relax and chill and the continue with deep work
3. How Will ssuport your work , a clean room, cup of coffe, some food and other stuff will
contribute to focus on deep work

4DX Framework, disciplines of developing a deep work habit

1. Focus on Widly important , if you’re going to do deep work, make sure that you will
work in a specific subject, and don’t touch other, because The more you try to do, the
less you actually accomplish.”
2. Act on the Lead Measure, if you’re working on your habit of developing deep work,
make sure you measure the time per week or month that you put on Deep Work, the
you’ll see clearly the reality.

3. Keep a Compelling Scoreboard: Compare your results with an idealistic number,
measured by hours, for example Elon Musk said “ People must work 14 hours per day to
change the world “ so, that the number you want to reach, so
4. Create a Cadence of Accountability, Means once it’s end of the month, you sit and map
how much hours and objectives you achieve in the last month and how you will improve
your rituals or actions to make better the next month

6: Rule #2 Embrace Boredom

Remember, integrate deep work at your work schedule , support with rituals and routines

Rulle #2 is associated to develop the habit’s of deep work,

-Take breaks from focus to avoid overload

-Schedule your internet time, when you are going to surface it

The key to this strategy is not the specifics, but instead the motivating idea that your ability to

concentrate is only as strong as your commitment to trin it.

7: Rule # 3 Quit Social Media

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