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Lab ID: 8.8K612A030.SAI1.

Stand-Alone Lab: Router Basics Part I

Learn how to properly congure a router. You would typically perform these types of tasks when setting up the
local area network (LAN) for a new ofce. Congure Router1 with basic settings: set the router’s host name, and
congure security.

Lab Topology
The topology in this lab contains three 2800 series Cisco routers.

S0/0/0 S0/0/1

S0/0/0 S0/0/0

Router1 Router3

Command Summary
Command Description
congure terminal enters global conguration mode from privileged EXEC mode
disable returns to user EXEC mode
enable enters privileged EXEC mode
enable password password sets the enable password
enable secret password sets the enable secret password
end ends and exits conguration mode
exit exits one level in the menu structure
hostname host-name sets the device name
line console 0 accesses console line conguration mode
login enables password checking
password password species the password that is required for a user to log in
show running-cong displays the active conguration le

1 Boson NetSim Lab Manual

Lab Tasks
Task 1: Load the Initial Network Conguration
Make sure that the correct topology and conguration les for this lab are loaded. This will occur automatically
when you load this lab by using the Lab Navigator.

Task 2: Connect to a Router

Become familiar with the command-line interface (CLI), user EXEC mode, and privileged EXEC mode.
1. When the lab has nished loading, the Router1 window will open, and the text Ю»­­ ÛÒÌÛÎ ¬± ͬ¿®¬ÿ
will appear.

2. Click inside the Router1 window, and press the ENTER key to begin. You are now connected to Router1,
and the user EXEC mode prompt (᫬»®â) is displayed. The prompt is broken into two parts: the host
name and the mode. ᫬»® is Router1’s host name, and the â prompt indicates user EXEC mode.

Ю»­­ ÛÒÌÛÎ ¬± ͬ¿®¬ÿ


3. Next, issue the enable command to access the privileged EXEC mode. You should note that the â
changes to a ý after you issue the enable command, which indicates that you are in privileged EXEC


4. To return to user EXEC mode, issue the disable command. From user EXEC mode, issue the logout
command or the exit command to terminate the current session.


᫬»® ½±²ð ·­ ²±© ¿ª¿·´¿¾´»

Ю»­­ ÎÛÌËÎÒ ¬± ¹»¬ ­¬¿®¬»¼ò

Task 3: Learn the Basic User Interface

Become familiar with basic help commands.
1. Press ENTER to begin the session and connect to the CLI of Router1.

Ю»­­ ÛÒÌÛÎ ¬± ͬ¿®¬ÿ


2 Boson NetSim Lab Manual

2. You are now connected to Router1 and are at the user EXEC mode prompt. At the user EXEC mode
prompt, type a question mark (?). This will enable you to view a list of commands that can be issued
from the user EXEC mode. At the ŠŠÓÑÎÛŠŠ prompt, press the SPACEBAR key to view the next page of

Note: You can view the additional device output one line at a time by pressing ENTER or a page at a time
by pressing the SPACEBAR. To stop viewing the output before all of it has been displayed, press the TAB

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3. Issue the enable command to enter privileged EXEC mode.


3 Boson NetSim Lab Manual

4. Type a question mark (?). This will enable you to view a list of commands that can be issued from
the privileged EXEC mode. At the ŠŠÓÑÎÛŠŠ prompt, press the SPACEBAR to view the next page of

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4 Boson NetSim Lab Manual

5. In addition to showing available commands that can be issued at the user EXEC and privileged EXEC
prompt, the question mark offers additional help. For example, you can type show and a question mark (?)
to see all the show commands. At the ŠŠÓÑÎÛŠŠ prompt, press the SPACEBAR to view the next page of

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6. You can also use the help function with partial words in a command. For example, type show run? to view
the command that starts with “show run”. Now issue the show running-cong command to display the
active, or running, conguration on Router1. You can press TAB after typing show run, and the Cisco CLI
will ll in the rest of the command for you.

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䱫¬°«¬ ±³·¬¬»¼â

5 Boson NetSim Lab Manual

7. Finally, type one of the commands that will log you out of the router.




Task 4: Congure Basic Security

Congure basic security for Router1.
1. From user EXEC mode, issue the enable command to enter privileged EXEC mode.


2. Basic router security is congured from global conguration mode. To enter global conguration mode on
Router1, you must issue the congure terminal command from privileged EXEC mode.

᫬»®ý½±²º·¹«®» ¬»®³·²¿´

3. When you log in to the router, the host name is displayed in front of the prompt (either the â or the ý
prompt). The host name of a router is typically congured to enable you to determine the router’s location
or function within the network. In this lab, you will congure the router’s host name as Router1.

᫬»®ø½±²º·¹÷ý¸±­¬²¿³» ᫬»®ï

4. The enable password controls access to privileged EXEC mode. This is a very important password
because, when it is congured, only those who know the password can access privileged EXEC mode to
make conguration changes. Issue the command necessary to set Router1’s enable password to boson.

᫬»®ïø½±²º·¹÷ý»²¿¾´» °¿­­©±®¼ ¾±­±²

5. Test the password. Exit the router, and try to enter privileged EXEC mode. Notice that you have to enter
boson as the password in order to enter privileged EXEC mode.

᫬»®ïý½±²º·¹«®» ¬»®³·²¿´

6 Boson NetSim Lab Manual

6. The enable password is stored as plain text in the router’s conguration le. Because an enable password
is not encrypted, it is more secure to congure an encrypted password to control access to user EXEC
mode on a router. The enable secret password command stores the password in an encrypted form. Issue
the enable secret cisco command on Router1 to set the enable secret password to cisco.

᫬»®ïø½±²º·¹÷ý»²¿¾´» ­»½®»¬ ½·­½±

7. Test this password by logging out of the router and then typing enable at the user EXEC mode prompt.
Try to use boson as the password to access privileged EXEC mode on Router1. Authentication will fail,
because the enable secret password overrides the enable password. Therefore, if both enable passwords
are set, you must use the enable secret password to enter privileged EXEC mode. Enter cisco to access

û ß«¬¸»²¬·½¿¬·±² º¿·´»¼

8. You can connect to a Cisco device remotely by using a protocol such as Telnet or locally by using a
console connection. Physical access is necessary to connect to the console connection on a Cisco device.
You should issue the following commands to congure a password for Router1’s console connection:

᫬»®ïý½±²º·¹«®» ¬»®³·²¿´
Û²¬»® ½±²º·¹«®¿¬·±² ½±³³¿²¼­ô ±²» °»® ´·²»ò Û²¼ ©·¬¸ ÝÒÌÔñÆò
᫬»®ïø½±²º·¹÷ý´·²» ½±²­±´» ð
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᫬»®ïø½±²º·¹ó´·²»÷ý°¿­­©±®¼ ½·­½±

9. Test this password by logging out of the router and then pressing ENTER. With the console password
congured, you are required to provide a password before you can access user EXEC mode.

᫬»®ï ½±²ð ·­ ²±© ¿ª¿·´¿¾´»
Ю»­­ ÎÛÌËÎÒ ¬± ¹»¬ ­¬¿®¬»¼ò

7 Boson NetSim Lab Manual

10. Issue the enable command, and provide the password required to access privileged EXEC mode.


11. Sample conguration scripts are provided at the end of labs so that you can review the congurations
performed in the lab. You should note that the sample conguration script in this lab displays the plain
text enable password boson, the plain text console password cisco, and the encrypted enable secret
password cisco. The sample conguration script in this document is a copy of the show running-cong
command output from Router1 as it was displayed in NetSim when this document was created. The output
you receive may vary slightly.

8 Boson NetSim Lab Manual

Sample Conguration Script
Router1#show running-cong
Building conguration...
Version 12.3
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname Router1
enable secret 5 $sdf$6978yhg$jnb76sd
enable password boson
ip subnet-zero
interface Serial0/0/0
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
interface Serial0/0/1
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
interface FastEthernet0/0
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
ip classless
no ip http server
line con 0
password cisco
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
no scheduler allocate

Copyright © 1996–2012 Boson Software, LLC. All rights reserved. NetSim software and documentation are protected by copyright law.

9 Boson NetSim Lab Manual

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