Lovehammer 40K

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Lovehammer 40K

By Onyxdime

Submitted: March 16, 2019

Updated: August 16, 2020

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only smut.

The Agri-world of Glore IV is beset on all sides.

Each day Rapeanids advance closer to the planetary capital and last remaining city, Sanctuary's
Roaming Ork Waaaghs pillage farms, strip factories, and kidnap women as breeding stock.

Against this tide stands the Sisters of Battle. Will they persevere to victory or be fucked into a
humiliating defeat?

Provided by Hentai Foundry.

Chapter 0 - The Final Testament of Barnabas 2

Umbrix - Page 1
Chapter 1 - The Baroque Chapel 3
Chapter 2 - Arrival at Bedleyberk Ridge 26
Chapter 3 - The Battle of Bedleyberk Ridge 36
Chapter 4 - The Disaster at Bedleyberk Ridge 91
Chapter 5 - The Defiant Few 146
Chapter 6 - Secrets and Schemes 211
Chapter 7 - Ill Omens 228
Chapter 8 - Arrivals 308
Chapter 9 - Magic, Monsters, and Malevolent 388
Chapter 10 - Coming Home 484
Chapter 11 - Palatina's Nightmare - Part 1/3 (Alexi's 550
0 - The Final Testament of Barnabas Umbrix - Page 1

I am no remembrancer. I despised the Administratum's bureaucrats. I am an Inquisitor - one who acts

and passes judgment, not some petty pen pusher. And yet… as I lie against this misshapen tree with
blood spilling profusely from my gut, I find myself spending my final moments as one.

I pray to the God Emperor that you, dear reader, are loyal to Him. For if my final written testament
were to fall into the hands of the ruinous powers… well, I dare not imagine the consequences.

What you are about to read is, to the best of my knowledge, an accurate account of the disaster on
Glore IV. Testimony has been drawn from many witnesses, some no longer with us. Any
inaccuracies, contradictions, or errors in this account must be attributed to them.

I must push on, I feel myself growing weaker by the minute, and have much to share in my little
remaining time.

This is the tale of one brave squad of Adepta Sororitas, and the noble sacrifice they made for my God

~Inquisitor Barbabas Umbrix

1 - The Baroque Chapel

Where does one begin a tale?

Surely at the beginning.

But, that brings us to the question, what is the beginning?

The Rapeanid invasion of Glore IV?

The sudden betrayal that leaves me bleeding as I write?
The first colonisation of the Glore system?
The first moments that heresy took root in Horus's black heart?

It's hard to pick a point to begin. Everything built up to this moment, like bricks at the
foundation of a hive city.

I guess I shall begin a few weeks ago. On that ill-fated day when the Sisters sought a holy
relic from the Baroque Chapel. It is as good a place to begin my testament as any other.

“Yield not an inch, Sisters!” the stern-faced Canoness commanded, her voice booming
through the air as loudly as the relentless crack of her ancient bolt pistol.

Sister Superior Colette dashed behind what was left of the old manufactorm’s towering
iron walls, taking cover from the sputtering potshots of the advancing bipedal
monstrosities. She had spent the last shells of her clip taking out the first wave of the
approaching Gants, but more were still coming. With a solid click she ejected the empty
cartridge and locked a new clip into place. Colette closed her eyes and whispered a short
prayer of thanks to the God-Emperor. Her boltgun was a loyal and trusted instrument of
His wrath, Before she returned to the firefight she seized a minute to peer from her cover
and observe the scene. It seemed her Sisters were still following their orders.

Sister Serena had taken up a defensive position on the second floor of a bombed out
building on the other side of the pockmarked road. The once red stone walls had been
blackened with ash and dust. Any clues that the building had once possessed a roof had
been vaporized beneath a barrage of artillery shells. The steel frames and ceramite that
remained stretched upward, like the bony fingers of a skeletal hand clutching at the sky.
Serena was aiming her boltgun down the street at the approaching Gants. Her shots were
measured and precise, each pull of her trigger tearing a massive hole in the chest of a
different monster. The bipedal beasts were each about the size of a large dog. Their two
frontal limbs either wielded a biological gun, or had evolved into two sharp talons to shred
armour. The large explosive bolts fired by the boltguns were clearly overkill in dealing with
these smaller beasts; but that was always the problem with the Rapeanids - soldiers
couldn’t let their damned guard down. The second that they did larger and more heavily
armoured creatures would emerge, effortlessly shrugging off smaller bullets. The biggest
bastards treated a .45 round like mere stones from a sling.

Sister Alexi was taking cover behind the corpse of a burnt out car approximately twenty
meters ahead of Colette's squad. Trained as a Dominion, she specialised in close-range
weapons. Today she was wielding a small handheld flamethrower. Unfortunately, she was
currently pinned down by a swarm of tiny wriggling bugs. The small creatures had been
launched from the biological guns of approaching Gants and were now landing on and
creeping over the husk of the destroyed vehicle. She was desperately doing her best to
hold her ground with short, sharp bursts of superheated prometheum. The tiny fuel tank on
her hand flamer would not last much longer though.

As the Sister Superior's gaze drifted back up the street she locked her eyes on Sister
Palatina. Her pure white hair stood in stark contrast to the dirty ash and rust surrounding
her. Palatina was leaning out of an alleyway, peering at the oncoming horde. A second
later she stepped out and raised her bulky heavy bolter, aiming it down the street at the
approaching swarm.


Huge blasts tore concrete from the pavement, sending it soaring into the air as she
unleashed the full force of her weapon. It was dubbed a machine gun by those working in
the Administratum; those who had never set foot on a battlefield. If they had seen it in
action they would recognise the heavy bolter for what it truly was - an automatic grenade
launcher. Colette knew she was lucky to have a Celestian in her squad. Their heavy
weapons had proven invaluable against the Rapeanid forces.

Perhaps most impressive though, and what inspired Colette the most, was her Canoness;
clad in gold trimmed power armour with intricate ruby panelling and a pure white cape.
She stood at the center of the street with a faint blue sphere enveloping her. As she
marched forward smaller Rapeanid bugs and projectiles bounced off the azure shield, or
outright disintegrated. Personal refractor fields were rare pieces of gear - Canoness
Agatha was lucky to possess one. With a glowing power sword in one hand and her bolt
pistol in the other she was slowly advancing to support Alexi. Her figure was majestic to
behold as she strode down the center of the street, caring not for cover - her faith in the
Emperor and her blessed refractor field were shield enough.

The exhausted Sister Superior clenched her trusty bolt pistol and sharp chainsword in her
hands. She was normally in command of this squad - but today she were subservient to
the authority of the Canoness who had joined on this priority mission. It was an important
undertaking - a quest to recover the Sword of St. Stephen from the Baroque Chapel near
the center of Hab-City 1. Original plans were to adopt a stealthy approach, but when the
squad was only a couple of blocks from the Baroque Chapel they ran into a small patrol of
Termagants. The squad’s gunfire - or perhaps some kind of telepathic link - only served to
draw more of them to their position, and within minutes Collette and her comrades were
being overwhelmed by a relentless swarm of Xenos.

The only redeeming feature about fighting Rapeanids is that their smaller creatures need
to be within a close distance to a synapse creature to properly function. These synapse
creatures are usually larger, ranging from the size of a tall human to massive hulking
beasts that could dwarf an ancient Terran elephant. The logical conclusion of this theory
when applied to the current situation facing Colette's squad is that there must be a
synapse creature nearby supporting the Gants. After examining the situation for a few
more seconds she begin to mull over her options.

‘It may be worth breaking off from my squad and starting a search for this Synapse
creature. Canoness Agatha is already in command, so my absence won't hinder them
receiving orders,’ Colette pondered.

‘On the other hand, Sister Alexi is being overwhelmed and Agatha may not be able to
rescue her with just the support of Sisters Serena and Palatina,’ she countered herself,
weighing the value of each argument in her mind like her father had taught her.

Eventually, she made up her mind, deciding to hunt for whatever beast was supporting the
lesser troops. Colette bent over and picked up a small stone, clasping it firmly in her hand,
she chucked it towards Palatina. There is no way the Celestian would have heard her
voice over the roar of her monstrous firearm. The rock harmlessly bounced off her
armoured ceramite leggings and captured Palatina's attention. Colette signaled that she
was going off to hunt the synapse; the heavy weapons expert responded with a solemn
nod. For such an aggressive fighter she possessed the personality of a brick wall.

With the plan established, Colette turned around and sprinted down the side street
determined to seek out the synapse creature. It had to be nearby, probably within fifty
meters of the other Gants. As most of the buildings nearby were either ruined or reduced
to rubble, that meant that the synapse beast was either at the very bottom of the street
they were coming from, or in one of the two intact buildings near her squad.

‘This is probably good news,’ Colette mused, ‘I would have noticed a larger creature by
now, which means my target is likely no larger than an average human. I can handle that.’

The first of the two intact buildings was a small pharmacy, while the second seemed to be
a residential apartment. Both buildings were only two stories high. Searching either of
these should be quick enough.

The Sister Superior decided to begin her investigation with the residential building first,
slowly creeping up to the front door, letting the whirling blades of her chainsword calm

(Rolling luck test on 1d100. Needing a 20+... 83 rolled! Pass!)

As she approach the front door she reached out and twisted the handle. Thankfully it
seemed to be unlocked and she was able to get inside without having to use her loud
chainsword to cut down the door. As Cokette entered the house she was treated to a
relatively pristine scene. The furniture and upholstery was fairly clean. The massive
Rapeanid attack and ensuing Imperial counter-bombardment had kicked up huge clouds
of dust and dirt that had coated most of the old Hab-city in a thick ash. Perhaps the
windows were closed during the bombardment? Either way, it was a miracle that this
building was still standing, let alone habitable.

She decided to head for the roof to try and gain a vantage point over the battlefield below.
She might be able to spot the Synapse beast from a better angle. As Colette reached the
second floor she calmly listened for the sound of scurrying or clattering of claws. The
apartment was unsettlingly silent, but that was probably a good sign. It didn’t look like
anything had attacked here yet. The lack of cumstains on the curtains was a good sign
that Rapeanids hadn’t been here.

Unfortunately, access to the roof was difficult. Rather than a flat top like most of the
buildings, it had a steep roof composed of slanted grey interlocking slate. Colette could
just look out the window and gain a moderate amount of information about the street
below. Or she could try and climb out the window and pull herself up by the drainpipe to
the very top. This would give her a LOT of information and allow her to cross over to the
rooftops of neighbouring buildings. However, it also came with the risk that she may fall to
the streets below.

She mulled her options and elected to risk climbing onto the roof. Additional information on
the battlefield would prove invaluable.

Colette holstered her bolt pistol and sheathed her chainsword before leaning out the
window. She immediately saw a stretch of metal guttering - green paint had long since
flecked off, replaced by an ochre rust. Climbing that was the only way she'd be able to
ascend to the rooftop. Putting her reservations aside, she reached up and grasped the
decrepit drainpipe. Slowly, but surely, she edged out from the window ledge and tried to
climb up.

(Rolling strength test. 35+ required to pass... 16 rolled. Fail!)


The neglected metal groaned under Colette's weight. Perhaps feats of agility were better
left to those not donning heavy ceremite power armour. She couldn't pull herself up quickly
enough and began to lose her grip, the heavy chainsword was weighing her down. Colette
glanced down and saw the battle rage on below.

The Canoness was engaged with numerous of the small beasts in melee chopping them
limb from limb, while Alexi desperately attempted to attach a new canister to her hand

The rightmost part of the guttering sheared off from the wall, crashing loudly to the street

“Emperor save me!” Colette gasped, dangling by a single hand.

“Curse it! This isn’t what was planned at all!” she muttered angrily before deciding to try
and re-enter the window. She swung her body back and forth, trying to time her release so
she would tumble back into the open windowframe.

(Rolling agility test 50+... 77 rolled Pass!)



She timed it near-perfectly, crashing back into the house and landing on safe ground once

‘Perhaps it would be more valuable to seek a flanking position on the street instead,’
Colette thought.

As she rushed down the stairs and left the house Colette heard the shrill scream of a
woman - it sounded like one of her Sisters!

(Rolling 60+ awareness test… 17 rolled. Fail.)

Despite her best efforts, Colette couldn't identify whose voice it was or exactly where it
came from. Throne knows what happened!

When the Superior finally reached the end of the street she noticed a creature that looked
like a fat glowing snake. It was levitating behind a pile of brown stone rubble. The monster
was easily ten feet tall. Colette recognised it as a Zoanthrope - powerful psychic beasts.
They are physically weak though, especially to melee attacks. This one seemed to be
slightly smaller and weaker looking than other ones she'd previously encountered.
Perhaps it was a failed mutation that the Hivemind is sending into a warzone to get
dispose of. It was protected by a small group of three Gants armed with biological guns.
None had detected Colette's presence yet, so she would gain an advantage to her first

Weak Zoanthrope: 4/4 HP

Gants: 3/3 HP

Sister Superior Colette

-Bolt pistol
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
-Power Armour (Condition: 4/4)

Horniness: 0%
Orgasm: 0% (Sisters are safe from sexual attacks as long as they still have functional

Colette decided to play it safe at first, firing off a couple of shots with her bolt pistol. She
didn't fancy the odds of four against one right now.

(Rolling two 40+ accuracy tests… 40 and 71. With a 10% bonus for ambushing the results
are increased to 50 and 81.)

Her pistol cracked twice, spitting an inch of orange fire as two massive exploding slugs
struck their targets. The first one tore into the Gants, splattering one apart. While the
second struck the Zoanthrope in the chest, sending it barreling back a few metres.

Within seconds the Rapeanids had diverted their attention to the solitary Sister Superior.
The Zoanthrope began to glow with a pale turquoise hue, charging up some kind of
psychic attack, while the two remaining bodyguards raised their organic guns to open fire.

Weak Zoanthrope: 2/4 HP

Gants: 2 left

Sister Superior Colette

-Bolt pistol
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
-Power Armour (Condition: 4/4)

Horniness: 0%
Orgasm: 0%

“FOR THE EMPEROR!” Colette screamed fanatically, drawing her chainsword and
revving it to life.

The Zoanthrope was glowing a bright blue now, almost as radiant as the azure sun that
shines upon Taviar VI - the world that Colette's Order hailed from. The blinding light
suddenly shots forward, assailing Colette's mind with images of her being fucked by
swarms of the Xenos. Mental projections of her Canoness stripped naked assaulted her
mind. Collette saw her superior officer squealing in orgasmic pleasure in the street, alien
cocks thudding into both her tight asshole and wet cunt.
(Rolling 60+ psychic resistance test… 60 rolled! Pass!)

“Ugh!” she grunted, shaking her head. This is why it’s best to always take on psychic
Rapeanids in squads. Single soldiers can become mind controlled far too easily.

(Melee Combat Mechanics Explained: 2 attacks gained for having a chainsword, 1 attack
gained from pistol as the chainsword is a one-handed weapon, 1 attack gained from being
the charging party = 4 attacks! 30+ needed to wound since these particular Rapeanids are
terrible melee creatures.)

(Two 30+ combat tests… 38 and 52 Rolled! Pass!)

Colette's bolt pistol tears the first Gant a gaping hole in its face before it gets a chance to
return fire. As the second one raises its gun to blast her with a swarm of electrobugs she
spun around, cutting through flesh and bone with her chainsword. The Zoanthrope was
frantically backing down now, firing quick blasts of psychic lightning at the avenging

(Combat test, needing 45+ to pass… 1 rolled! PHENOMENAL FAIL!)

Despite Colette's best efforts to dodge these bolts of blue lightning she wasn't quick
enough and one struck her torso.


Her armour shook violently on impact, deep cracks running through the ceramite. One
more blow like that and she'll almost certainly be naked!.

(Armour Mechanics Explained: Armour protects you from taking any orgasm damage.
Different armours have different max conditions. Power Armour has 4/4 condition. This
means you can take 4 direct hits which your armour will deflect before you can be
molested. Although, some attacks will cause more than one damage to your armour, and
some attacks can ignore your armour too! In this case you rolled a phenomenal fail of 1,
so an attack that should have done 1 dealt 3 damage instead - almost stripping you naked
in one blast! Damaged armour can be repaired at base, but armour that is broken will
need to be completely repurchased or gained from the Canoness. Of course, you could
always get the free guardsman flak armour if you’re running low on credits… which has
toughness 1. But hey, it’s free.)

(Rolling final combat test… pass!)

Colette regained her footing and leaped into the air, slashing her chainsword down at the
synapse beast, cutting a deep gash into its alien flesh. It ceased levitating and collapsed
to the ground. Arterial blood gushed out as the monster’s life drained away. The blue
energy emanating from its oversized brain soon dissipated. Shortly after she heard the
rapid pattering of the remaining Gants flee in terror. Even though they outnumbered her
squad ten to one, they are nigh-useless without their leader.

With the threats neutralised, Colette returned to her squad. Canoness Agatha lowered her
blade and subtly bowed her head as a mark of respect.

“Well done, Sister Superior! Quick thinking there! You have done me, your Battle Sisters,
and the Emperor proud today!” the Canoness enunciated.

“Thank you, your holiness, I am honour- wait. Where is Sister Serena?”

Colette's gratitude turned to abject horror at the missing squaddie. Sisters Palatina and
Alexi turned around in confusion.

“Serena?!” Alexi yelled out, far too loudly, panic and worry warbling her voice.

“Calm down, you’ll give away our position,” Palatina snapped, slapping her fellow Sister.

“Ow!” Alexi exclaimed, raising a palm to her reddened cheek.

“Throne damn it, something must have caught her during the fight,” the Cannonness

“W-We have to find her!” Alexi almost screamed.

“We have no time Sisters, we must make it to the Baroque Chapel!” the Canoness
ordered, leading the way down the street.

Palatina prepared to follow her, cocking her heavy bolter and marching forward. Her dusty
white hair fluttered in the gentle breeze blowing through the dead buildings.

Alexi on the other hand looked at Colette, puppy-dog eyed. The ashes of burnt out
buildings had settled in her short blonde hair, but they had not dulled its golden lustre.

“Please… don’t leave her behind…” she whispered.

Sister SuperiorColette
-Bolt pistol
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
-Power Armour (Condition: 1/4)

Horniness: 0%
Orgasm: 0%

‘Alexi is right, I can’t just leave a Sister in trouble behind,’ Colette anxiously agreed.
She turned to face Palatina and call out to her, “Palatina! Serena wouldn’t abandon you -
don’t abandon her.”

The heavy bolter wielding sister hesitated… pausing in place. The thud of her power
armoured boots against the rockcrete streets turned silent. Suddenly, the Canoness spun
on the spot, wrinkles of fury at the corners of her eyes.


(Rolling 60+ charisma test to convince Palatina… 60 rolled! Pass!)

“Come on, Palatina. I’m your Superior. Not the Canoness. And Serena always had your
back. Remember how she saved you from being ass fucked by the Orcs on Darian II?”

“LANGUAGE, SISTER!” the Canoness screamed, her face scarlet.

Colette was unsure if it was from fury at her apparent insubordination or embarrassment at
her ‘colloquial’ language. Perhaps both. Palatina seems to digest her argument before
audibly sighing and walking back towards Colette and Alexi.

“Yay! Thanks Palatina!” the blonde haired bimbo squealed, hugging the Celestian who
blushed in response.

“Let. Go. Of. Me,” the steel-faced heavy weapons expert utters dryly under her breath.

(Rolling 70+ charisma test to convince the Canoness... 47 rolled. Fail.)

“And you Canoness? Perhaps you-”

“I will see you traitors back at base tonight for punishment. At least one of you will be
given time in the ranks of the Repentia for this!” she seethed through clenched teeth.

The Canoness stormed off towards the Baroque Chapel by herself. Her boots echoing
throughout the abandoned streets and squelching as she treads over Xeno corpses.

“Ok! Let’s head out. Serena needs us!” Colette ordered.

Sister Superior Colette

-Bolt pistol
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
-Power Armour (Condition: 1/4)

Horniness: 0%
Orgasm: 0%
The trio headed out to Serena’s last known position - the second floor of a ruined
structure. As Colette glanced over her shoulder the Canoness faded into the foggy
distance. A few seconds later she saw the blue crackle of her power sword glimmer
through the fog before striking down on some poor Rapeanid creature. There was a
garbled deathrattle, and then silence. Her swordsmanship was brutally efficient.

“I’ve found something,” Palatina announced, rubbing her gloved fingers in a pile of green
goop were Serena had previously been sniping from.

She examined it closely, before raising it to her nose and sniffing.

“Eww! You’re gross!” Alexi groaned, sticking her tongue out and clenching her eyes.

“Lictor cum,” Palatina whispered gravely, before looking up at Colette.

"Oh! Cum is okay! I thought it was something icky for a second there," the Alexi giggled,
her demeanour rapidly changing.

The Sister Superior clenched her teeth together. Lictors were bad news. Seven foot high
bipedal monsters capable of going invisible when they stood still; and that’s before you
get to the mouth of feeder tentacles that can latch onto a victim’s head and mind control
them. They had also been noted to be able to operate independently, not needing to worry
about the synapse restrictions faced by other Rapeanid beasts. If it really was a Lictor that
had captured Serena then she was in big trouble.

The gooey green cum trail led off the edge of the roof and down the Western Street.
However, that area was unscouted and could still contain many Rapeanid threats.
Heading that way was definitely risky.

As Colette looked around she remembered their Rhino transport was still parked just a few
minutes up the North Road. It was poorly armed with just a Storm Bolter for protection, but
it would allow her squad to move much quicker, and offer near-invulnerable protection
against the smaller Rapeanid creatures.

Squad: (This information will only appear if you choose to examine your squad during
battle. Otherwise it will remain hidden.)
-Power Armour (4/4)
-Heavy Bolter
0% orgasm

-Power Armor (2/4)
-Handheld Flamer
0% orgasm
“We’ll go by foot,” Colette announced to her Sisters, cocking her boltgun and advancing
down the misty street. Unscouted areas were particularly dangerous. There could be any
manner of traps and Rapeanid patrols scouring the area.

The sound of her heavy power-armoured boots clanged against the concrete street as she
followed the trail of lime green semen. It was almost luminous, emitting an eerie glow like
depleted uranium. The result was that even in the foggy weather it was hard to miss. She
dreaded to think what that stuff felt like when it was ejaculated inside a victim.

The Superior shuddered, shaking her head and continued on. Alexi and Palatina were
covering her rear, weapons raised to purge any assaulting Xenos.

(Rolling 30+ tracking test… 6 rolled. Epic fail!)

“Dammit…” Colette whispered, suddenly looking around.

The cum trail just ended in the middle of the street. There was no sign of it going
anywhere. It just… stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Palatina enquired.

“The trail ends here.”

“What?!” Alexi squealed in shock.

“It just fucking stops here. It must have finished raping her here. But where has it taken

“God knows… she could be anywhere in the whole city. I- we’ve failed. We’ve lost her,”
Colette announced, her voice cracking in anger.

‘If only I had acted more quickly!’ Colette lamented.

(Rolling 50+ luck test… 96 rolled. EPIC WIN!)

The Superior's power armoured boots clanged on the pavement and thudded against the
concrete as she stamped in impotent rage. She reviewed her next course of actions.

‘Our safest option is to return to our Canoness and admit our failure. I'll surely spend time
in the Repentia for this. I should accept total responsibility for this situation, my squad
shouldn't suffer for my disobedience,’ Colette mulled internally.

She stamped her left foot one final time in anger.

*Clang- lang -ang -ng -g*

An echoing reverberated beneath her heavy boot. Staring down in confusion Colette saw
a manhole cover, partially opened up. She slowly hunkered down over it and reached out
with trembling fingers. Her gloved digits hooked under the iron circle and begin to pull at it.

“Huggghh!” she grunted, lifting it up to reveal a thick blob of the glowing green cum in the
sewers below.

“Woohoo! Nice one! See Palatina! Told ya we’d do it!” Alexi laughed.

“Alright, Sisters. Let’s get down there and save Serena!” Colette command, leading the

Palatina sighed as the squad clambers down into the sewers below. Two thin walkways
stretched along the walls, while a murky stream trickled down the centre. Occasional
archway bridges allowed access from one side to the other. With the sewers not
experiencing any use for several weeks most of the city’s ‘waste’ had moved along,
leaving the sewers smelling far better than you would have expected. One still wouldn’t
want to go swimming in the river of water flowing down the middle though.

The trio were now standing on one such bridge, the only source of light coming from the
open manhole above. The dark tunnels prevented the squad from seeing scarcely more
than five metres any direction. Thankfully there were flashlights built into each member's
power armour, but turning them on could give away their positions. As Colette began to
debate what to do next she heard a voice echo from deeper in the tunnel.

“Uh.. ahh… yes… I’m a Rapeanid slut… fuck my sopping wet cunt!”

Sister Superior Colette

-Bolt pistol
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
-Power Armour (Condition: 1/4)

Horniness: 0%
Orgasm: 0% (You are mostly safe as long as you still have functional armour!)

Colette spun around to Palatina and pointed to her, then to the ground. She quietly
nodded in approval, understanding the orders for her to guard the entrance to the sewers.
The Sister Superior then pointed to Alexi and swirled her finger in the air, ordering the
blonde Sister to follow.

Alexi gulped and anxiously bit her lower lip as she followed Colette down the thin walkway
of the sewer. It was a surprisingly modern sewage system; rarely in the Imperium were
grand infrastructure projects for the benefit of civilians constructed. In a society waging
constant war against innumerable enemies the economy was mobilised for total war. The
Astra Militarum possessed priority rights to any concrete, plasteel, and even food before
surpluses were allocated to the civilian population.

Truly, these infested sewers were a testament to the vast wealth produced by Glore IV.
This planet was once a shining commendation to the success of Governor Randalph
Ojenhark’s centrally planned economic model. In fact, so successful was he in his
endeavors to modernise the agri-world’s economy that he was relieved of his duties and
promoted to some far flung system near the Ultramar System barely ten years after his
tenure began.

Colette draw a deep breath as the moans and pleasurable wails intensified.

(Rolling 45+ stealth test… 16 rolled. Fail)



Colette spun around to see Alexi clamping a hand over her mouth. One of the pavement
slabs lining the walkways of the sewer had come loose under the weight of her heavy
ceramite armour, splintering in half and crashing into the river below.


The sound of something heavy hits the floor in the other room with a dull thud and the
moaning abruptly ends; replaced by a calmer panting. Soon a gentle scratching and
tapping begins pacing around in the dark. It was almost too dark to see anything, but
Colette was almost certain that whatever was fucking that girl silly was coming for her

“Emperor protect me…” she whispered, reaching up and flicking on her flashlight to
destroy the darkness.


A blood-curdling screech like the noise of an unoiled train’s brakes wails through the
sewers.The creature’s face is a mass of writhing tentacles; its body at least seven feet tall
and looking down at Colette. Those are the same tentacles that wrap around victim’s
heads absorbing copies of their memories, draining their energy, and mind controlling
them to the sick creature’s will.

“AARRHHHHHHH!” Colette screamed in sheer terror, raising her bolt pistol and blasting
snap shots as quickly as she could pull the stiff her trigger. Bright flashes from the muzzle
of her gun accentuated the light projected by her suit’s torch.

(Rolling two 86+ combat tests…93, 100. One epic win, one phenomenal win.)
“Eeeep!” squealed Alexi, turning tail and putting a little distance between her and the
monster before raising her hand flamer, “Get out of the way! If you keep standing there I’ll
burn you too!”

The Emperor truly guided Colette's aim today. One of her boltshells struck the monstrosity
in the eye, blowing out a large chunk of it’s brain in the process. The second bullet
entered the hole created in its carapace by the previous shot, exploding deep within its
grey matter and sending it into a convulsing death on the ground.

“By the Emperor’s colostomy bag…” Palatina whispered, mouth agape in shock. Her
stern demeanour had completely disappeared, shocked by how easily her Sister Superior had
defeated this powerful beast.

“Cool!” Alexi exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement, “You totally fucked it up! Oh
wait! Serena!”

Her speech jumps from thought to thought faster than Colette can process them. Then,
before she can issue an order Alexi dashes past and into the side room where the Lictor
had been having its way with the unfortunate victim.

“SHE’S HERE! And… it looks like she’s ok, a little flushed, but she’ll come around. We
just need to get her home to make sure she isn’t pregnant!” Alexi yells out.

“Thank the Emperor…” Colette whispered, resting her head against the cold stone wall
and reciting a small litany of faith.

“What about the Canoness?” Palatina inquired, lowering her heavy bolter.

Lictor: 0/7 HP. (Instantly killed during overwatch fire.)

Sister Superior Colette

-Bolt pistol
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
-Power Armour (Condition: 1/4)

Horniness: 0%
Orgasm: 0%

“Alexi, grab Serena and let’s get the hell out of these sewers.”

The blonde Sister throws Serena’s arm over her armoured shoulder, helping the
struggling sister to walk. When the squad finally emerges from the sewers the city was just
as they had left it. Thankfully the gunshots had not attracted any more Rapeanids to the
“What now?” Palatina remarks, pulling the exhausted Serena from the manhole cover.

“Hmm… We’ll regroup at the Rhino and make haste for the Baroque Chapel. If we’re
lucky Canoness Agatha will be there. Alright Sisters, let’s move out.”

Sister Superior Colette

-Bolt pistol
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
-Power Armour (Condition: 1/4)

Horniness: 0%
Orgasm: 0%

-Power Armour (4/4)
-Heavy Bolter
0% orgasm

-Power Armor (2/4)
-Hand Flamer
0% orgasm

-No armour!
Status: Fucked silly. (Character cannot take any actions. They must be carried by a fellow
squad member.)

“Serena's still out of it,” Palatina muttered under her breath, “That Lictor fucked her pretty

The Sister was lying on her back, strapped down to the aged leather bench to stop her
rolling over as the Rhino traversed the rough terrain. Palatina was taking care of Serena,
holding her head in place with an open palm and gently examining her naked body.
Colette glanced back one final time. Palatina has a look of intense concern etched into her

"You're going to need to do it sooner rather than later. Just get on with it," Colette
instructed Palatina, "Just like you were taught in training."

"Yes, ma'am," Palatina sighed, taking off her other glove.

With preparations complete Palatina plunged her index and middle fingers into the barely
conscious Sister's pussy. Then, with a curling motion, she began pulling out as much of
the Lictor’s sticky cum as she could. It was a slow and arduous process. Leaving any of it
inside her would risk impregnation, not to mention a multitude of other side effects.

“We can’t do much for her now, she needs proper medical attention to soothe her body,”
the Palatina continued, wiping her cum covered fingers in a filthy rag.

Colette patted the sweat from her forehead with an open palm. The Rhino had notoriously
poor ventilation, resulting in a phenomenal buildup of heat the longer it was used. The
engine rumbled loudly as she drove down the city streets. Sister Alexi was manning the
pintle-mounted storm bolter, scouring every direction of the decrepit city for signs of
ambush and alien intrigue.

The Baroque Chapel wasn’t far now; just down the street and around the corner. It had
been just over forty five minutes since Colette disobeyed her Canoness’ orders and
watched her march alone into the mist, slicing Termagants limb from limb with her glowing
power sword. The Canoness had always been a formidable fighter - a leader that the
Sisters of Colette's Order were proud to follow. Rumour held that she was actually a virgin,
never having fallen in battle before. It was difficult to believe; every Sister had their share
of orgiastic battlefield experiences. In fact, Colette couldn’t think of an experienced soldier
who hadn’t been given orgasms from Orks, forced to consume aphrodisiac from aliens, or
even fertilised by flora and fauna. The worlds that the Sisters of Battle fought upon were
indeed rife with rape.

“Stop!” Alexi announced in a stage whisper, causing Colette to abruptly slam on the

“What is it Alexi?”

“We’ve got contacts up ahead surrounding the Chapel. I’m estimating twenty or so
Termagants with a couple of medium-sized Synapse creatures backing them up. I can’t
make out exactly what they are, the mist is growing thicker.”

“Hmm… any sign of the Canoness, or a commotion?”

“None. I don’t think she made it here...”

Colette widened the small eye-slit at the front of the Rhino and peered down the street.
The Chapel was at the middle of a town square. The road continued around the left hand
side of it, while small bollards and concrete flower pots offered some cover from the front.
There were also plenty of other buildings surrounding the Chapel that the squad could

Sister SuperiorColette
-Power Armour (Condition: 1/4)
-Bolt pistol
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
Horniness: 0%
Orgasm: 0% (You are mostly safe as long as you still have functional armour!)

-Power Armour (4/4)
-Heavy Bolter
0% orgasm

-Power Armor (2/4)
-Hand Flamer
0% orgasm

-No armour!
Status: Fucked silly. (Character cannot take any actions. They must be carried by a fellow
squad member. They will be left in the Rhino tank until you return to base.)

“Full speed ahead! We’ll run them down and break their ranks!” Colette commanded,
slamming her foot on the pedal.

(Rolling combat test 30+... 30 rolled! Pass!)

The Rhino’s engine wail as she s shed it to accelerate far quicker than it is normally used
to. While it screeches to life, the Rapeanids begin screeching in panic. The heavy metal
body of the light tank crashes through the flower pots, crunching several Termagants
under its heavy tracks. Alexii mans the storm bolter, blowing apart any Xenos that she can
hit. In one fell swoop the Rhino had scattered them and broken their defensive lines.

Gants: 16/20 left.

Colette turned the wheel, rotating the Rhino around while Alexi continued firing the storm
bolter, chewing through the weakly armoured Gants.

“Good job, Alexi! We’re gonna back up to the front door of the Chapel and use the Rhino
to block it.”

Colette changed gears and turned the tank into reverse, slowly and surely she begin
driving back up to the ornate brass door to the Chapel. When she was only a couple of
meters away Palatina leapt out the back and kicked the Chapel entrance open. The Rhino
then backed up, sealing the gap.
“Leave Serena!” Colette ordered as the squad emerged from the rear of the Rhino and
into the large stone church.

(Rolling 25+ luck test… 81 rolled!)

“She looks clear!” Palatina announced, lowering her heavy bolter.

“Wow… look at that!” gasps Alexi in awe, pointing at a large golden blade at the center of
the room. St. Stephen’s Sword.

Colette rushed up to it and grabbed it from the stand, handing her chainsword to Alexi and
wielding the holy relic instead. Suddenly the sound of screeching echoes from every
direction. Thuds, scrapes, and knocks begin coming from the wooden doors, while the
glass of the beautiful church windows starts shattering as the Rapeanids begin swarming
over the Sister's position.

14/20 Gants
2 unknown Synapse creatures.

Sister Superior Colette

-Power Armour (Condition: 1/4)
-Bolt pistol
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
Horniness: 0%
Orgasm: 0%

“FOR THE EMPEROR!” Colette roared, raising St. Stephen’s Sword to the ceiling and
extending her bolt pistol at the incoming horde.

Palatina and Alexi rested their backs against Colette's, quickly forming a defensive circle
in the center of the church.

“Give ‘em hell, ladies!” Alexi laughs, arming her hand flamer and pointing it at a side door
that had begun cracking in half; large Tyranid mandibles sticking through the gaps in the


The first window of the church breaks apart and a swarm of several small Gants pour in to
the room, armed with cuntborers - advanced bio-weapons which fired small bugs that
crawled into orifices and caused immense amounts of pleasure to the victim.

(Rolling 40+ bolt pistol test… 56 rolled! pass!)

Colette's pistol barks out a couple of well placed shots, crippling, killing, and severely
wounding the Xenos that pour into the room. Meanwhile the sound of Palatina’s heavy
bolter sings in the great chapel, spitting a holy barrage of death at a swarm of Gants trying
to break in the back door.

“Die foul Xenos!” she roared.

(Rolling two heavy bolter tests on 35+… 42 and 91 rolled! Pass and epic win!)

She cuts down half a dozen of them, tearing their bodies limb from limb with a series of
small explosions. By the time she was finished there were only a handful left. Colette
could easily manage them by herself now.



Wood splinters from another side door as two huge Warriors enter the room, one armed
with a massive bio-weapon Colette had never seen before, the other armed with sharp
melee instruments designed to crack open armour to rape the person inside. They were
each about two and half meters high.

6/20 Gants
Gun Warrior - 8/8 HP
Melee Warrior - 8/8 HP

As the last of the Gants finished swarming into the church Colette set her sights on the
Warrior with the large bioweapon.

“Sisters! Focus fire on that target!”

Alexi’s hand flamer sent a gush of fire across the room, doing a small amount of damage
to the beast while Palatina unloaded her Heavy Bolter in its direction.

(Rolling two 40+ Heavy Bolter tests… 52 and 67 rolled. Both pass!)

Her shots landed on target, sending the creature staggering backwards as explosions
send chunks of its carapace flying asunder. Eventually it collapsed on its side, destroyed
by Palatina’s overwhelming firepower before it could get off a shot at the squad.

*Thud thud thud*

The Warrior equipped for melee sprinted across the room, cracking the stone floor as it
pounded across the slabs. Colette drew her new blade and swung to parry the creature’s
first strike.

(Rolling 65+ melee test… 30 rolled. Fail!)


The Superior's holy armour crumbled like the stone floor under the strength of the
creature’s blow. Adamantium plating collapsed on the ground around her. She felt the
cool air of the chapel caress her bare breasts.

6/20 Gants
Gun Warrior - 0/8 HP
Melee Warrior - 8/8 HP

Sister Superior Colette
-Bolt pistol
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
Horniness: 0%
Orgasm: 0%

The remaining Gants take up ranks in the cover of the church pews and begin snapping
some shots at the Sisters with their cuntborers. The fat maggot-like bugs land all around
the Sisters and begin crawling up Colette's legs towards her exposed holes.

“DIE FOUL BEAST! I SHALL PURGE YOU!” she yells, swinging St. Stephen’s Blade
aggressively, parrying the large phallic swords wielded by the Warrior. The Xeno is
relentless in its attack though, slowly pushing Colette back across the room towards the
range of the Gants guns.

(Rolling 55+ combat test… 70 rolled! Pass!)

Colette managed to parry the monster’s attacks again before noticing an opening in its
armour and plunging the blade forward, dealing a strong wound. Meanwhile the other
Sisters attempted to open fire on the Gants to finish them off.

(Rolling 35+ combat test… 34 rolled. Fail!)

Unfortunately the Gants had dug themselves in well behind the pews and only one of them
was hit by Alexi’s hand flamer. In response to this lackluster attack the Gants returned fire
en masse, showering the two sisters with the cunt borers. (-1 to each sister’s armour.)

(Rolling 15+ squad morale check. 3 rolled. EPIC FAIL!)

“AHH BUGS! EW EW EWW!” Alexi squeals, dropping her hand flamer and trying to brush
them off herself. As she frantically rushes around she accidently steps in Palatina’s line of
fire, taking a heavy bolter shot to the chest which blows off the last of her armour. The
ensuing explosion sends Palatia tumbling backwards, completely breaking the squad's
defensive lines.

“SERIOUSLY ALEXI?! You’re gonna lose your spaghetti now of all times?!” Colette cried
in exasperation.

“Noooo!” Alexi screamed as the Rapeanids unload wave after wave of the fat bugs onto
the perky Sister, coating her lower body in cuntborers. She desperately tries to crawl away
from the fat grubs on all fours, but this only exposed her vulnerable ass and pussy to more
of their shots.

“It’s crawling inside me! Ohhh! UGH! Ohh… OHHHH! Oh my god! It’s wriggling s-so
much! Uh uhhh!”

Alexi is now writhing around in pleasure, if she isn’t saved soon she’s gonna be brought
to an orgasm.

“Noooo OHHHH! N-Not my little asshole! Ohhhh! Emperor p-prooohhhtect me!”

5/20 Gants
Melee Warrior - 4/8 HP

-Power Armour (3/4)
-Heavy Bolter
0% orgasm

-Power Armor (0/4)
-Hand Flamer
33% orgasm

“Thronr-damned fools! Pull yourselves together! You’re an embarrassment to the

Emperor!” Colette roared before redoubling her assault on the Warrior, frantically swinging
her blade and firing her bolt pistol to try and keep it at bay.

(Rolling melee test on 70+… 96 rolled! Epic win!)

Suddenly it lowers it’s boney weapon, preparing to jam it up into Colette's pussy. She
quickly parried, followed by a sidestep, putting herself behind the beast and swinging it in
a high arc, decapitating the Warrior in one fell swoop.

“PURGE THE XENOS!” she roared, raising St Stephen's blade in the sky.

With their synapse leader dead the Gants revert to their instinctive behaviour and begin
fleeing in a panic, trying to escape from the church.

(Rolling heavy bolter tests on 35+… 47 and 12 rolled. 1 pass, 1 fail!)

Palatina’s gunfire destroys another two gants before they can escape the church. Just as
the final two are about to escape they are blown back by gunshots from outside the
Baroque Chapel. Colette looked up in surprise to see the Canoness stride into the Chapel
and plunge her power sword into the final Gant. It sizzles under the power season's touch
and dies.

“Well done, Sisters. I shall withdraw my disciplinary recommendation for insubordination

in light of your… excellent fieldwork.”

Her expression darkens as she watches Alexi writhe around in pleasure on the floor.

“Ya ha ahhhhh yes! Fuck me! Ohhhh! It feels so good!”

The iron-willed Canoness strode over and began grabbing the cuntborerers and flinging
them aside. She plunged a clenched fist deep into Alexi’s pussy, making sure she got
them all.The blonde haired bimbo squealed and writhe in pleasure as the Canoness
destroyed the last of the bio-weapons.

“Hhhnnngggg….” gasps Alexi as the final one is removed, “Aww… that was fun…”

“Get your asses in the Rhino. We’re heading back to HQ,” Canoness Agatha snapped,
glaring down at Alexi.

0/20 Gants
Melee Warrior - 0/8 HP

Sister Superior Colette
-Bolt pistol
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
Horniness: 0%
Orgasm: 0%

-Power Armour (3/4)
-Heavy Bolter
0% orgasm

-Power Armor (0/4)
-Hand Flamer
58% orgasm
2 - Arrival at Bedleyberk Ridge

After a gruelling six hour journey the Sisters finally arrived back at the small encampment in the
middle of the peninsula. There weren’t many resources in this small sanctuary. The vast majority of
gear and supplies had either been abandoned, misplaced, or destroyed when the Adepta Sororitas’
main base fell slightly over a week ago. Colette shuddered. She couldn’t forget the cacophony of
moans from the hundreds of other Sororitas who didn’t make it out in time. The Rapeanids were
exceptional at bringing their victims to orgasm, as well as impregnating them to continue the cycle.
The surviving Sisters scattered across Glore IV’s surface, determined to support Imperial forces with
guerrilla warfare and surgical strikes. This also helped to minimise the Rapeanids ability to deal a
second crippling blow to the Sisters of Battle. If another Sororitas base were to fall then the
Rapeanids would, at most, only capture four or five soldiers. Colette drew a deep breath before
taking stock of the supplies. There were only three functioning suits of power armour remaining. After
outfitting herself and Alexi with new suits, only one would remain. Of course, there was plenty of
Astra Militarum flak armour lying around. The stuff was common as the blue birds that flew in Glore
IV’s azure skies. However, when it came to protection, the stuff was about as useful as wearing
paper. Women were stripped nude within mere seconds of entering combat.

With respect to vehicular support, two boxy Rhino tanks were parked outside. One of which belonged
to the holy Canoness Agatha. It was in a better shape than Colette’s; and rumour has it, had
functioning air condition. Such modifications were considered tech-heresy by the more
fundamentalist of the Adeptus Mechanicus Techpriests.

“Alright ladies, listen up,” Canoness Agatha announced, “I’m going to take Sister Serena to our
medical site at Sanctuary's Redoubt for a proper clean and decontamination. I will NOT be able to do
this every time you girls get fucked in the field. The planet and our Order simply doesn’t have the
medical resources to spare. You will probably get her back in two to four days depending on how
quickly we can get those Xeno aphrodisiacs and semen out of her system. Dismissed! Superior
Colette, I shall wire you new missions later tonight. I expect to hear you accepting one of them

“Understood, Ma’am!” Colette responded with a solemn nod.

“Oh, and before I forget,” Agatha added, “Keep a hold of this.”

The Canoness presented St. Stephen’s Sword to Colette.

“But, Canoness, I-”

“No buts, Sister Superior. You were the ONLY one to keep your senses out there today. You’ve
proven to be a fine and deserving wielder of such a weapon.”

“Thank you, Ma’am.”

“You are most welcome, Sister Superior.”

Serena was ceremonially strapped in to the back bench inside the Canoness’ Rhino. After a brief
farewell Agatha departed, her vehicle trundling down the road and out of sight between the thicket of

The camp itself was composed of a long abandoned three storey office block. It had served some
civil service agriculture department; and thus, was constructed in the middle of nowhere. One week
of living there had resulted in the Sisters converting a small bunk room on the second floor, and a
joint communications/mission planning room on the third. Aside from that there were no defences or
any luxuries. Many of the rooms remained chock-full of paper, dataslates, unpowered PC’s, and, of
course, a myriad of abandoned flak armour.

“Okay everyone,” Colette announced, “Let’s rest up and take two hours. Good job today!”

Palatina and Alexi nodded before ascending the stairs to the bunk room. It had been a long day and
their muscles ached. Colette stepped into the comms room and booted up her small electronic
terminal. She spent a couple of hours drafting her mission report, diligently including every minor
detail she could remember.

‘Emperor-knows who actually reads these things!’ she thought to herself.


The computer screen sprung to life with a pale blue light. Several new missions from the Canoness
appeared on screen. Colette tutted loudly as she glanced down the myriad available.

[In future chapters you, the reader, will be able to vote on which mission the sisters go on!]

-A Missing Commissar.
Last Tuesday we lost contact with Commissar Susan Razolov. We obviously don’t care for the unit
she was with, but she is an important inspirational leader. We need her alive, coherent, and with her
mind intact! Her rescue will help the overall war effort, but don’t expect any personal favours from

-Support the 244th Janazar Grenadiers at Bedleyberk Ridge

The guardsmen of the 244th Janazar Grenadiers, based on the eastern Bedleyberk Ridge, are
experiencing unusually heavy waves of Rapeanid activity. Your support could help them hold the line
until reinforcements can arrive. A success here could potentially lead to favours from the 244th
Janazar Grenadiers in future.

-Deliver shells to Gamma Basilisk Company.

The Gamma Basilisk company have radioed in that they are running out of ammunition. The Astra
Militarum at Beta Company have the extra shells, but they’ve got no free units to transport them.
Pick some shells up from Beta Company and deliver it to Gamma Company. A success here may
ensure fire support from them in future operations.

Glancing at the options presented to her, Colette decided to support the 244th Janazar Grenadiers.
She quickly replied to Canoness Agatha before logging off the system and jogging downstairs to
wake her comrades.
“Alright ladies, rise and shine! The Eastern Ridge is under heavy attack and are requesting
reinforcements! Gear up and meet me in the Rhino in… thirty minutes!”

Palatina stretched and cracked her neck as she threw back the bed sheets. Alexi, on the other hand,
raised a weary thumbs up and softly mumbled, ‘Wake me in twenty… I’ll be ready… Zzzz...”

Her loud snoring drew a scowl from Colette; but Palatina was quick to interject.

“Go and get ready, Sister Superior. I’ll handle Alexi.”

“Thank you, Palatina. I’ll meet you both downstairs.”

Thirty minutes later, and true to her word, Palatina was standing with Alexi at the front door. Both
were clad in power armour and ready to roll. Colette exchanged a subtle nod with Palatina before
opening up the Rhino.

“I’ll drive. Alexi - you take point on the storm bolter. Palatina, you’re on navigation.”

“Gotcha, Colette!” Alexi smiled, clambering on top of the Rhino.

“Certainly, Sister Superior,” Palatina replied in her serious tone.

As Colette drove out of the camp her mind pondered the importance of the operation they were about
to undertake. The Eastern Ridge was only two hours drive from their new base camp. Holding it was
of paramount importance to the security of her squad and their new home. As it currently stood the
Agriculture Department they had taken up residence in lacked any proper defences; her squad would
be unable to hold off a full blown Rapeanid attack.

“Palatina, give me a mission report on the situation at the Eastern Ridge.”

“Right away, Sister Superior,” Palatina responded, quickly flicking through a dataslate, “Ahem… The
Eastern Ridge represents one of the largest encirclements of Rapeanids to date. Eight days ago,
approximately seven thousand Rapeanid organisms were trapped between the sea and a twenty
kilometre stretch of land. With no retreat, the Rapeanids have been launching suicidal attacks on the
entrenched Janazar Grenadier’s who trapped them there. The Grenadiers have dug in and
entrenched themselves - a stalemate has now ensued. The Rapeanids can’t break the line - and the
Grenadiers don’t have the manpower or weaponry to finish this batch of Xenos off.”

“Thank you Palatina, I appreciate your comprehensive report. Alexi, how are things up above?”

(Rolling 30+ luck test… 72 rolled. Pass!)

“All rosy up here! Not a Xeno dick in sight!”

"Alexi!" Palatina snapped before sighing, "Let’s pray it stays that way until we reach the ridge."

When the Rhino finally arrived at the Eastern Ridge the Adepta Sororitas were greeted by sentences
of trench lines, abbreviated with watch towers, and punctuated with heavy bolter nests. It was a
miracle that the entire network had been constructed in under eight days. A shining testament to the
effort put in by loyal guardsmen. Behind this trench line rested several Chimeras and a couple of
Taurox Primes. There didn’t appear to be any tanks or air support in the vicinity. About fifty metres
behind the trench lines resided a trio of mortars. The crew were idly sitting back, sipping on some
crates of beer they probably looted from one of the overrun cities or towns. The trenches themselves
were full of guardsmen, tightly packed like peas in a pod. Lasguns, grenade launchers, and heavy
stubbers were trained over the edge of the parapet. Anxious soldiers awaited the next wave of
Rapeanid beasts that dared defy death to descend upon their lines. At the farthest side of the trench
line a squad of Tempestus Scions were busy checking their weapons. Busty chest plates signified
them as a female detachment.

'Why in Terra’s name did high command keep sending women to fight the Rapeanids?! Where were
the fucking Space Marines?’ Colette angrily mused to herself.

The colour scheme of the Scions deployed to Glore IV reminded Colette of a fresco she had seen in
a chapel as a child. The painting had been of a solitary rose in a field full of weeds. Its red was
muted, almost burgundy in colour, while its green stem had been replaced with a shining gold. The
Scions shared a similar scheme of burgundy carapace with gold metal trim.

As the Rhino ground to halt Palatina's voice piqued up, "What are your orders, Sister Superior?"

Colette hesitated, surveying the scene before making any decision.

"I will search for the commanding officer and make them aware of our presence. Scions operate
outside the normal command structure, so I need someone to liaise with them and establish their
operation here. Sister Palatina, I want you to take point on that."

"Aye, Sister Superior," Palatina nodded, climbing out of the Rhino and walking over to the Scions,
heavy bolter clenched in her hands.

"Alexi, I want you in the trenches. Gauge the morale of the troops. Find out what is going on. You can
give me a full report when you return."

"Sure thing!" Alexi smiled, snatching her hand flamer and legging it to the trench lines.

Sister Superior Colette Piousborne

Colette lifted her bolt pistol, St Stephen's sword, and checked her trio of frag grenades were still
attached to her belt. With her gear secure Colette left the tank and locked the door. A deafening
scream whistled through the air above her.

"CLEAR!" she heard a yell from one of the mortar teams.

A couple of seconds later a distant explosion erupted in the depths of no man's land. It was hard to
see at this distance, but there appeared to be a few Rapeanid beasts scurrying around in the muddy

'Probably Xeno scouts,' Colette mulled as she ascended a small hill. About a hundred and fifty
metres behind the trenches stood a solitary tent. It was a erection of moss green tarpaulin, easily four
times the size of the Rhino tank. If high command was to be found, it would be in there. As Colette
drew nearer she saw two burly soldiers standing guard at the entrance. The first one was armed with
a laspistol and chainsword. The second was wielding a black metallic shotgun. Neither seemed
surprised to see her.

"This is a restricted area," the one with the shotgun announced loudly.

"I'm here to speak with the commanding officer," Colette replied, "I am Sister Superior Colette
Piousborne. My squad are responding to an urgent request for aid."

The two guards exchanged a quick glance before nodding. They stepped aside and allowed Colette
entry. The insides of the tent stank like an underhive bar. Fumes from lho sticks, cigars, and vast
quantities of cheap liquor hung in the air. Colette attempted to breathe through her mouth instead of
her nose, but the taste coated her tongue instead. She wasn't sure if she hated that more.

An octagonal map rested at the centre of the room atop a cheap fold-up table. It was paper, overlaid
with sheets of clear plastic. A trio of officers, two men and a woman, were hunched over it scrawling
down arrows, circles, and crosses with coloured markers. The rest of the room was filled with bunk
beds, crates, a random assortment of supplies, and a solitary radio that hissed a constant static like a
vicious viper.

"Ahem!" Colette coughed, vying to get their attention.

Her interruption came like a shattered window. The room fell silent, all eyes turned towards her. She
introduced herself yet again.

"Sister Superior Colette Piousborne. Reporting for duty with my squad. Assets include two additional
Sisters and a Rhino tank."

The most highly decorated of the trio was the woman. Her jacket was a tapestry of medals and
commendations every colour of the rainbow. She looked at the ageing man to her left and stated,
"Take care of this, Lieutenant Yadax."

"Certainly, Captain Fortes."

Lieutenant Yadax was a gaunt man in his mid-fifties. He wore his dark hair neatly combed back, but it
was beginning to gleam silver at the edges. His skin was an East Asian complexion with narrow eyes
and a furrowed brow. He looked like a warp-borne leech had drained the energy out of him.

"I take it you are responding to our request and didn't just happen upon us?" he joked with a wry

Colette permitted herself to smile back for a second, "Yes, Lieutenant. We received the mission."

"That's good. It's a lucky day for us actually. I don't know if you saw them on your way here, but a
detachment of Scions arrived too."

"I did actually, it was good to see. I wasn't aware there were any deployed to Glore IV."

"Neither was I until two hours ago. They're the real deal though."
"What's the current status then?"

"We're expecting the big one any minute now."

"Forgive my interruption. What do you mean by 'the big one', Lieutenant?"

"An overwhelming attack by the Rapeanids to try and smash through our defences. Hundreds, if not
thousands, are going to be slamming into our ranks."

"What makes you suspect that?" Colette queried, cocking an eyebrow.

"They're amassing near the edge of the beach. They tend to do this before each attack, taking cover
in the small sand dune that runs along the coast. It's different this time though," Yadax paused,
perhaps for effect, "our scouts have reported that almost every single creature appears to be moving
up to the dune."

"Can we hold?"

"Before you and the Scions arrived our statistician, Lieutenant Holmes," Yandax paused to gesture to
the other male in the room, "calculated that we had a twenty two percent chance of success."

"And with our arrivals?"

"With the Scions, we're up to forty one. I can't say how much your squad will raise that be though."

"Very well. Where do you want us?"

"Join my men in the trenches. We'll need every firing spot filled in preparation for the next wave."

"Absolutely, sir," Colette replied, saluting the officer.

"INCOMING! Emperor save us… th-there's thousands!" a crackled cry came across the radio.

"Shit," Captain Fortes muttered, "Action stations, everyone!"

Colette turned and sprinted for the trenches.


"Hey boys!" Alexi smirked, jumping down into the trench.

She landed with a heavy thud, her power armour cracking one of the wooden boards on the
revetment. A trio of heads turned to face her. Each one wore the expression of an exhausted, near-
broken solider.

"Oops, sorry! I forgot how heavy this suit is. I should probably take it off…" she continued with a wink.

The joke finally elicited a smile from one of the guardsmen. His grin was a contagious candle lighting
up their darkened spirits. Soon another one was smiling, and then the third. Alexi giggled, and soon
the four were laughing at the absurdity of the situation. A Sister of Battle saying she'd strip her
clothes off in front of some guardsmen, how utterly propost-

And then she was doing it. With a click and a hiss the upper half of her power armour absconded
from her body.

"W-Whoa! You're serious?!"

"I don't want to damage your trench any more than I already have," she replied with a devilish wink.

"Yeah, but-"

Soon, Alexi was revealing her sizeable D-cup to the trio of onlookers. With her tits on full display she
stretched up in the air making sure everyone got a great view.

"Yawn! Its soooo boring. Is there no fighting going on here?"

"Things… uh.. have been quiet for a few… um… hours. But they charge our ranks frequently enough,"
one of the guardsmen stammers, clearly distracted by the sight before him.

"Okay, how about we do something to pass the time then?" Alexi grinned, raising a hand and pushing
her golden blonde hair behind her right ear.

"Do you mean…" one of them gulped.

Alexi knelt down on the revetment and gazed up at the men.

"It's rude to keep a girl waiting," she teased, finishing her sentence with a slow lick of her lips.

The guardsmen may have been exhausted, they may have been scared shitless of the relentless
Xeno onslaught, and they may have been hopeless. But they were not foolish. Events like this
happen once in a lifetime, and they weren't going to miss out. Belts unbuckled and khaki trousers
slumped to the ground. For a second, it seemed like there might be a scuffle for who got to use Alexi
first. The tallest one pushed a comrade aside and dashed forward, trousers around his knees.

"Whoa boys! No fighting! Do you not think a girl like me can handle three cocks at the same time?!"

The trio stood before her. Alexi licked her lips once more, her heart racing with excitement. She loved
her squad, but if there was one problem with the Adepta Sororitas it was the severe deficit of dicks.
She glanced left and right. The trench curved either direction, offering her a modicum of privacy. Not
that she particularly cared about that. Getting caught didn't bother her too much - chances are it
would mean another cock in the party. Unless it was one of her Sisters who caught her - then she
might get sentenced to a spell with the Repentia. She reached up with her hands grabbing one cock
in each. Then, leaning forward, she wrapped her lips around the final one.

"Ohh…" the guard groaned as she began simultaneously moving her hands and bobbing her head
back and forth.

The explosions of mortar shells and the occasional roar of an alien beast faded into nothing as the
three men relished a brief respite in heaven. Alexi alternated between the cocks, taking one in her
mouth and diligently sucking it before moving onto another. She never left any one unattended, her
hands gently massaging and stroking them closer and closer to a climax.

"Mmm… fuck…" one of them whispered, groaning as she twirled her tongue around his glans.

The wet slurping of her sucking grew louder as she picked up the pace. Soon she was taking entire
cocks into her mouth, feeling the shaft slide across her tongue and down her tight throat. She gagged
briefly, but such occurrences were rare. Experience had taught her how to swallow even the largest
phallus. When one could safely deepthroat an Orc's cock, human dicks became easy in comparison.

"Ugh! Fuck! I'm cumming!" the one occupying her mouth suddenly moaned.

Alexi began speeding up, bouncing her head back and forth, engulfing his cock in her tiny little
mouth. His legs were shaking with pleasure. Suddenly Alexi felt a pair of hands grab the back of her
head and pull it forward. A second later she felt his cock twitch in her mouth. She looked up at him
with her beautiful big eyes. They were watering as she gagged. And then she tasted it.

"Hnnngggg!!!! Ugh!!!"

It was warm and salty and everything she wanted. She sucked, pursing her cheeks in as she drained
him of every last drop of cum he had. It didn't take long for the second one to cum. As she wanked
him off she felt a torrid wave of jizz spray across her massive bosom.


She swallowed the last of the semen, gasping for air as the cock finally left her mouth. Immediately,
she turned her head and reached for the final guardsman. Shock overwhelmed him as she engulfed
his member between her plump lips. Her tongue teased his tip while her hot mouth slurped his shaft.

"Ohhh…. Oh Fuck… Throne-dammit, I'm cumming!" he gasped.

Alexi didn't waste a drop, turning and tilting her head with each wave of suction she delivered. His hot
jizz coated her tongue, the taste divine. She kept on sucking, draining his balls of every last drop until
he was a quivering mess, struggling to stand up.

"Alright! Ahh! Alright! I'm done! Ugh!" he gasped, still shaking.

(Morale of soldiers on the front line has increased from 21% to 36%)

"Hehe, that was fun! Have you guys got any friends who-"


The cry came from Alexi's right. She stood on her tiptoes and dared to peek over the parapet.

There were eighteen of them. Palatina had diligently counted as she approached. Eighteen Scions
and two opulently adorned transports. She recognised then as Taurox Primes, but she'd only ever
seen them once before in her life, and certainly not this close up. Each armour panel was gilded with
beautiful iconography. It stood in stark contrast to the four mucky tank treads that it drove upon. The
closest of the two was armed with a silver twin-linked gatling cannon. It glinted under the sunlight.
The second had a small battle cannon atop its turret. Both would undoubtedly prove vital in the
upcoming battle. One of the Scions turned to face Palatina. She hadn't put her helmet on yet, but she
seemed somewhat surprised to see the Sister. Her strawberry blonde hair was cut short, just above
her ears, and her eyes were a deep green. Stare into her irises for too long and one could imagine
they were peering into a deep algal lake.

"Hello, I'm Sister Palatina, a Retributor with the Adepta Sororitas."

The woman drew a sharp intake of breath at the mention of Palatina's name. Her head turned as if
she was desperately looking for someone. Eventually she gave up whatever she was attempting and
returned her gaze to the Sister before her.

"Uh, hey, I'm Sandra Esselbaum. Scion with the 3rd Celtic Rangers."

"Good to meet you. I'm with two other Sisters; we're responding to a request for help from the
Janazar Grenadiers. I assume your mission is the sam-"

"Classified. It's classified," Sandra interrupted.

"Ah, right. Are you going to be assisting us when the Xenos attack again?"

Sandra glanced over her shoulder at a moustached man in his fifties. He was the only male she could
see in this group of soldiers. He looked at Sandra and then at Palatina. His hair was a thin and white,
like strands of snow. The only deviation was his heavy ash grey moustache. He had been polishing a
hot-shot lasgun, but upon seeing the Sister decided to lay it down in the rear of a Taurox. When he
finally stood up Palatina saw him for the giant he was, standing almost six and half feet tall. Palatina
could sense his bulging muscles, even beneath the elegant carapace armour he wore. He was the
pinacle of masculinity - strong, tall, confident, imposing.. His heavy boots crunched rocks and gravel
to dust as he stomped over to the Battle Sister.

"Tempestor Prime Collingridge. I hope you're not harassing my girls, Sister," he spoke, enunciating
each syllable in a crisp, clear accent.

"Not at all, Tempestor Prime. I simply wished to know if you were supporting our mission to protect
this trench line."

"Our mission is confidential. However..." he paused briefly, "...our goals do align. You and your
Sisters can rely upon our assistance."

"Thank you, Tempestor Prime. It is appreciated," Palatina replied, "I wasn't aware there were a
detachment of Scions to Glore IV."

"There aren't many of us. We're an independent regiment." Collingridge answered.

"You're not part of the Astra Militarum command structure?"

"We take our orders directly from the Planetary Governor himself," he replied.

"Who is the governor? I don't recall ever hearing his name," Palatina asked, confused by the
unorthodox arrangements.

"Ric-" Sandra begins.

Before she can finish her syllable Collingridge interrupts, cutting her off.

"The planetary governor is a very private man. He prefers to keep his personal life private."

"Hmm…" Palatina's expression turned even sombre than usual.


The scream came from behind Palatina. She saw Sandra's eyes widen and her face turn a pallid
white. As Palatina turned around she saw what had frightened Sandra so much. A veritable tidal
wave of Rapeanids, rolling towards them like a Tallarn dust storm.

"Emperor have mercy," the Retributor whispered, before checking her heavy bolter and dashing to
the trench lines.

"Lock and load, ladies!" Collingridge's unmistakable voice boomed, "You know the mission, now
execute it to perfection or face a perfect execution!"
3 - The Battle of Bedleyberk Ridge


Colette ran as quickly as her legs would allow. The power armour was clunky and heavy; but
adrenaline drove her on. Her lungs burned as she pushed her body beyond its limit. As she
descended the hill she saw them in the distance, a veritable wave of Xenos washing towards the
trenches like an encroaching tide. Fat grey clouds hung low in the sky blocking out the sun.

‘At least it saves the guardsmen from any glare while they’re trying to aim,’ she pondered

“Clear!” a deep male voice yelled to her left.


A mortar whistled as it left the launching tube. Colette trained her gaze up at Rapeanid lines,
watching with anticipation for the bomb to crash down on their ranks. She didn’t have to wait long -
mere seconds later the shell smashed in the center of the Xeno ranks. Gaunts were tossed into the
air by the force of the explosion, showering the battlefield with gore and viscera. The hole in their
ranks was quickly filled by other beasts from behind.
‘It’s like flicking droplets of water at a blazing building… We’ll never whittle them down with mortars
alone,’ she lamented before quickly adding, ‘Emperor protect us.’

Colette noticed a shimmering crimson glow out of the corner of her eye. For a second she almost
mistook it for a lasgun shot. As she turned her head she noticed it was a figure who was dashing to
the trench lines just like her. Their ruby red armour with ornate gold trim quickly identified them as
Palatina. She was almost thirty metres ahead of Colette. The Sister Superior drew another deep
breath. This time the stinging scent of smoke from the mortars filled her nostrils. She shook her head
and tried breathing through her mouth instead. In the distance Palatina vaulted into the trenchline.
Colette made a mental note of some scattered jerry cans near the point her Sister entered the trench
so she’d know where to head if things got chaotic as they so often did in battle.

Thankfully, the remainder of her run to the trenchlines proved simple enough. As she approached the
parapet she heard two very familiar voices loudly shouting. Colette sighed.

‘Why can’t those two just get on?’

“That doesn’t answer my question though! Why are you topless?! The Rapeanids haven’t even
reached the trench yet!”

“I told you, Palat-”

“You told me your power armour ‘fell off’, Sister Alexi! You and I both know that is NOT how power
armour works!”

“But it did! It just kinda went ‘floop’ and then ‘clunk’ on the trench floor! And then I was half-


Colette leapt down into the trench to see Palatina furiously pointing at Alexi. The blonde Sister’s
power armour had been stripped from the waist up and was unceremoniously lying on the trench

“Praise the Emperor you’re here, Sister Superior,” Palatina began, “Sister Alexi has-”

“Palatina, stop interrogating Alexi. Alexi, put your throne-damned clothes back on. Now, please.”

Colette’s voice was stern and uncompromising. In her years as a Sister Superior she had learned to
nip bullshit in the bud lest it fester and lead to unruliness. Alexi and Palatina’s continuous spats were
beginning to wear her thin. Every day saw the pious and formal Palatina spar with the casual and
unorthodox Alexi. If they weren’t both excellent combatants she would have petitioned Canoness
Agatha to replace one of them.

‘I wonder which of them I would replace though. Palatina is fantastic help both on and off the
battlefield. Completely rigid and almost inflexible in her commitment to the rules and regulations. I just
wish she’d leave the disciplinary stuff to me. Alexi, on the other hand, is impertinent, bends the rules,
and seems to be far more interested in getting laid than doing her job. She really brightens basecamp
up in a way that Palatina can’t.’

“Sister Alexi, your Sister Superior told you to-” Palatina began.

“Enough, Palatina!” Colette interrupted, snapping her gloved fingers at the Retributor.
Palatina pursed her lips, realising she had overstepped her mark yet again. Colette turned her gaze
back to Alexi who was in the process of refitting her power armour.

“The trench line is under heavy attack. If the three of us concentrate on defending one position we
might hold the Rapeanids off in this section; but that will not be good if other sections fall. We’ll
simply be swamped from either side if that happens. In light of this I want each of us to split up and
reinforce separate tracts of the trench lines. Watch out for the guardsmen, offer them leadership if
you can, and try not to let those throne-damned Xenos get close. Are my orders clear, Sisters?”

“Yes, Sister Superior!” Palatina replied.

“Aye, Colette,” Alexi chorused in as she locked the final piece of her power armour back in place.

“Alright, let’s kick some Rapeanid ass ladies!”

With orders received the trio split up and prepared to try and hold back the tide.

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 1972/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 209 Guardsmen, 4 Chimera tanks, 4 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes

-Power Armour (4/4)
-Bolt pistol
-St Stephen’s Sword
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
Orgasm: 0%

-Power Armour (4/4)
-Heavy Bolter (60/60 rounds)
-1 Spare Heavy Bolter Drum (60 rounds)
0% orgasm

-Power Armor (4/4)
-Hand Flamer (100% fuel)
0% orgasm


Alexi checked her power armour was secure one final time. The blonde nymphomaniac then spun
upon her heels and leapt up onto the firing platform to get a better view. Being barely over five foot
four proved a hindrance to trench warfare. Even with the power armour's additional height she had to
stand on her tiptoes to see above the parapet. At this point the full size of the swarm was revealed.
The Xenos blotted out the horizon like a thick fog. Several guardsmen were triple-checking their
lasguns in preparation for the first wave.

"Aww nuts! There's a LOT of 'em, guys!" Alexi exclaimed.

She held up her hand flamer and aimed it over the top of the trench. She quickly realised how futile
this was though. It could barely reach ten metres, and waiting for the Xenos to get close enough was
simply wasting valuable time. Alexi gave up and set her hand flamer on the wooden boards covering
the trench floor.

"Can someone pass me a spare gun?! Anyone?!"

Eventually, a young guardsman, motivated by the prospect of receiving a blowjob too, passed his
own lasgun. Rumours spread faster than lice in the trenchline. Especially salacious rumours of a
slutty Battle Sister.

"Ma'am! You can have mine!" he announced, holding his battered rifle aloft.

His face was unblemished, free of wrinkles, and moderately clean. A hefty crop of ginger hair sat atop
his head. The kid looked no older than eighteen.

"Thank you sooooo much! My little hand flamer is only really good when things get… close and
personal," Alexi winked.

"Y-You're welcome, Ma'am! My name is Jenkins by the way, just in case you want to… um… meet me
after this battle to… give me my rifle back…"

"Sure! I'm Alexi. If I'm giving you your rifle back then we might as well celebrate our victory with some
anal too! I brought lube! Shotgun on reverse cowgirl!" Alexi beamed with a bountiful smile.

"I- ah- wh-" Jenkins stammered.

"I'll meet you near the mortar dugout when this blows over. Okay?"

"O-Okay Miss Alexi!"

Jenkin's helmet had been buckled to his belt beside a sloshing canteen, but even with his trembling
hands he managed to quickly put it on and scurry off. Alexi couldn't help but notice the single white
stripe running vertically along the protective gear. It was a cursed mark. The mark of a conscript. Her
mind returned to the weapon - the lasgun was a standard pattern, nothing fancy. Not even a bayonet.
The dark green paint was chipped and faded, while the brass aquila stamped on the side had
tarnished turquoise. The power pack suggested there were ample shots for a few good volleys.
Certainly enough to take out some of the smaller Rapeanids. She tucked the butt of the lasgun
against her shoulder and peered down the ironsight. The Xenos were still a couple of hundred metres

'Perfect range to practice my aim,' Alexi thought to herself as she lined up the small metal iron sight
with a particularly eager Gaunt.

(Rolling 75+ Lasgun test… 73 rolled! Fail!)

Alexi exhaled and squeezed the trigger. There was an audible crack, a stench of burning air, and a
flash of bloody red light. A scarlet beam scored across the battlefield, striking the Gaunt in the body.
It staggered under the blow, almost being trampled by the stampede of Xenos following it. Despite
this, it continued to hobble onwards.

(Alexi is taking two more lasgun shots. Hitting on 70+… 54 and 72 rolled! One success and one miss!)


Alexi squeezed the trigger again, her shot veering left and harmlessly hitting the toughened carapace
of one of the larger monstrosities. The creature’s ocean-blue cartilage was charred charcoal grey.

"Bugger!" she exclaimed, taking aim and trying once more.

It struck the original beast in the chest again, this time burning a blackened hole through its carapace.
The diminutive Gaunt somersaulted forward before collapsing on the battlefield.

"Woohoo!!!! Did ya see that, Colette?! Colette?"

Alexi turned to see her fellow Sisters had already split up to protect other parts of the trench line. A
pang of disappointment coursed through her veins. She was hoping they would be there to see it.

"I- I saw it! Nice shooting, Miss Alexi!" stammered an anxious voice to her right.

Alexi turned to see the conscript from earlier on the parapet beside her. He had returned and was
clenching a pair of magnoculars in one hand, and a spare lasgun charge pack in the other.

“I- I picked up an extra power pack in case you ran out of charges.”

"Thanks, you’re so sweet! It was Jenkins, wasn’t it?

“Y-Yes, Miss Alexi.”

“Say Jenkins, my Sisters have left me all alone here. How about you mark one of those out for me. I
get a point if I hit it!"

“You mean one of the aliens?”

“Yeah, one of the smaller ones. Something I can actually kill. A point for each one I hit.”

"And... what if you miss?" Jenkins pressed.

"Well… I guess that means I have to do a forfeit? How about I strip a piece of my armour for each

"Th-That's really not a good idea! There's Rapeanids everywhere! What if they reach the-"

"I know! It's exciting, right?!" Alexi beamed, "Choose one! Don't go easy on me!"
"Uhh… How about..." Jenkins lifted his magnoculars to his eyes and gazed over the battlefield at the
encroaching swarm.

There was a brief pause as the conscript surveyed the battlefield for suitable targets. It was difficult to
pick a specific one amidst the sea of bodies. It had to be an alien that Alexi could immediately
recognise as the target.

"No rush, Jenkins. It's not like they're getting closer!" Alexi teased.

"Umm… okay! See the big Carnifex on the right? Go five degrees right of that. There's a Gaunt with a
pink stripe down its carapace."

Alexi tutted as she scanned the horizon. She trained her weapon on the unmissable giant and then
slowly dragged her weapon right.

"Aha! Got him! Watch this!"

(Rolling 70+ lasgun test… 38 rolled. Miss!)


The lasgun snapped out another red beam. Alexi blinked.

"Did I get him?"

"Nope! Way off, sorry Miss Alexi."

"Aw, poop!" she sighed, thrusting the rifle into Jenkins' hands.

She quickly unfastened the top half of her power armour, leaving herself half-naked once more. Her
breasts swung freely as she chucked the venerable armour on the ground.

"Y-You don't have a bra on!" he gasped.

Other soldiers on the parapet were already turning to catch glances of the topless Sister's hefty tits.
Alexi knew they all wanted to screw her. She was like a lamb amidst a pack of wolves, and the mere
thought of what they might do to her was making her soaking wet.

'I'm drenched right now,' she thought to herself as she eyed up the lust-addled soldiers. Then,
grabbing the rifle once more, she prepared to make a second attempt.

(Rolling a 65+ lasgun test for Alexi… 93 rolled! Epic win! A strong hit!)

Alexi drew in a deep breath before lining up the little bastard in her iron sights once more. The
scream of heavy stubbers and thunder of mortar shells was near-deafening.


"Holy Terra! You got it in the head!" Jenkins exclaimed.

"Boo yah! Point to Alexi! Again! Again! Pick another one!" she squealed in excitement.

Alexi jumped in the air in celebration. Her breasts bounced up and down as she eagerly begged to
continue the game.

"Fine… okay! Check the Carnifex again! This time, look between its legs. There's another Gaunt
armed with some weird ass gun! Try and hit him!"

"Ohh, a tricky one! You're trying to see me naked, aren't you? Naughty boy!" she replied, sticking her
tongue out playfully.

Alexi watched as the Gaunt faded in and out of view behind the giant beast’s massive legs. The
Carnifex's hulking body offered a high level of cover to the minuscule creature. The terrain didn’t
help much either. The battlefield was muddy and uneven, courtesy of the ceaseless mortar

"C'mon… I gotcha…" she whispered under bated breath.

Her finger hugged the trigger, a temptation to squeeze growing with every passing second. Then she
saw her opportunity and seized the moment.
(Rolling a difficult 85+ lasgun test for Alexi… 81 rolled. A near-miss!)


The shot roared out, flashing across the cratered battlefield. Alexi held her pose, watching as the
beam headed directly for the-

"Oh poop!" she yelled.

The Carnifex's leg swung in front of the beam at the very last millisecond, narrowly protecting the
Gaunt behind it.

"It uh… looks like you missed again…" Jenkins piqued up.

Alexi sighed, she might be a sore loser, but she wasn't going to welch on a deal.


She promptly removed the last of her power armour, leaving herself clad in nothing more than a thin
pair of hot-pink panties. Well, that's if they could even be called panties. They were closer in
appearance to a skimpy thong one might find on a lap dancer in a disreputable Cadian bar. Jenkins's
gaze was glued to the Sister's stunning body. His eyes waltzed up and down, taking in every single
inch of her figure. Alexi glanced out over the battlefield once more. The Rapeanids were barely
seventy metres away now. She could see flashes of metal raining down on the Xenos as the heavy
stubbers spat hot lead.

"Okay, they're getting kinda close. How about we call this one the final round?"

"A-Are you sure?!"

"Yeah, we've still got time!"

"Err… Try and shoot the tall bastard!"

"Tall bastard?"
"Little bit to the left. Do you see him? The one standing on his hind legs!"

Alexi spotted it. The Xeno was a queer looking beast, standing eight feet tall. It rushed forward on two
muscular legs, while several gangly arms extended from its carapaced abdomen.

"What in damnation is that?" Alexi mumbled.

"I… don’t know, Miss Alexi. Some new variant? You know how quickly these Rapeanids evolve!"

"True… Now, watch me nail this big bug!"

(Rolling a 50+ lasgun test for Alexi against the unknown Rapeanid variant… 92 rolled! Epic win!)

Alexi aligned the lasgun with the creature's chest. There was no sense risking missing the head when
all she had left were her panties. It would leave her as little more than rape-bait to the Xenos once
they reached the trench.


The laser struck the unusual Xeno in the upper chest, just below its alien excuse for a neck. The shot
immediately staggered it. If not for the red light of the shot, an onlooker may have believed the
creature ran smack into an invisible wall. Despite how well placed Alexi's attack was, the beast was
far too tough to be felled by a single lasgun shot. It rallied before turning to face Alexi directly. Even
though it was almost fifty metres away she swore that it made eye contact with her. Its face was at
the top of a foot long extended neck. Its eyes were reptilian - lizard like. It opened its mouth and
unfurled a meter-long tongue that extended to its waist. Alexi no longer had any doubt, it was looking
at her. It was going to try and come for her… and maybe even IN her.

"Oh shit… That can't be good…" Jenkins mumbled, colour draining from his face.

"Uh huh, not good at all," Alexi gulped.

(Rolling 45+ tactics test for the Guardsmen to see how the Imperium’s defence line holds… 99 rolled!
Phenomenal tactics from the Astra Militarum!)

"FIFTY METERS! ALL SQUADS HOLD FIRE!" the voice came from a tall woman standing in one of
the guard towers.
She had a short black buzzcut, but it didn't deride her feminine facial features. She held a
megaphone in her left hand, while a laspistol rested in her right. Any question that she was a
Sergeant was settled by the massive chainsword strapped onto the back of her flak armour. The
litany of lasfire suddenly stopped, cut short by the unmistakable authority of her booming voice.


"Jenkins, pass me another power pack," Alexi requested, quickly unclasping the one she had been
using so far.

It hissed as it detached from the rifle, steam billowing up into the air. She discarded it on the trench
floor before snatching the reload from her assistant.


"She's cutting it a bit close, ain't she?" Alexi murmured to Jenkins.

"I've got no idea, Miss Alexi. This is my first fight," Jenkins replied.

"Hehe, you never forget your first time!" Alexi giggled, although deep down she couldn't recall if it was
Commissar Hawkins or General Oyler who claimed her virginity.

The Xenos were closing under twenty meters now. So close that Alexi could see the luminescent
yellow of their alien eyes, hear their screeching and chattering, smell their alien scent. One of the
monsters fired a biogun as it dashed forward, hurtling a smaller creature into the trenchline. Alexi
heard a yelp. A single lasgun fired back into the horde, but order was maintained by the Sergeant.

"HOLD! HOLD!" she chanted as the Rapeanids closed in.

Alexi raised the lasgun, tucking the cold metallic butt against her bare shoulder. Jenkins anxiously
looked for a weapon of his own. He elected not to touch the Sister's hand flamer, instead training his
eyes on an abandoned e-tool that had been shoved into the soil of an embankment. He reached out,
gripping the forgotten shovel in his right hand and tugged sharply. It came free. The edge was sharp
and the tool was heavy. It would make a fine club when the melee began.

Time seemed to slow down as adrenaline pumped through Alexi's veins. Her trigger finger was itchy
as the Rapeanids broke the ten meter barrier. The closest Gaunts bounded forward, leaping into the
air for a great dive into the trenches.


A fusillade of full-auto lasgun shots erupted from the trenchline. They peppered, burnt, and sliced
through the first ranks of Rapeanids. Alexi felt the harsh kickback of her lasgun as she sent seven
shots straight into the thorax of a fat Gaunt. Dozens of Rapeanids were cut down in seconds, each
one collapsing like Kastelan robots running out of power.


The Sergeant's voice boomed once more as a volley of lasgun shots erupted three feet above the
trench. Alexi looked up, seeing the red beams pass above them like shooting stars. A second line of
guardsmen had positioned themselves behind the trench, kneeling down to provide a second line of
covering fire. The effect on the Rapeanid ranks was withering. The point blank full auto ensured that
almost every shot fired hit its mark with deadly efficacy. A split second later heavy crimson beams
splintered the Xeno horde. Alexi heard the unmistakable hiss of ionizing air as the four Chimera tanks
unleashed volleys from their multi-lasers. In that punishing opening salvo a full third of the Xenos lay
butchered on the battlefield.

-No Armour. Only panties on.
-Lasgun (71% charge left)
0% Orgasm

-1 Frag Grenade
-Flak Armour (2/2)
-1 Lasgun power pack.
0% Orgasm

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 1219/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 207 Guardsmen, 4 Chimera tanks, 4 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes

(Rolling 75+ combat test for the Rapeanid horde… 93 rolled! Epic win! The Rapeanids push into the
trench at the cost of even more casualties.)
An army of human cultists or Tau fire warriors would have broken under such a punishing volley of
gunfire. They might have dived into craters for cover or simply turned tail and fled. The Rapeanids
were not a normal army though. They were relentless.

"Alexi, look out!" Jenkins yelled, pointing the e-tool in the air.

Alexi turned to see a swarm of winged Xenos flying high above the trench line. Several of them were
swooping down into the guard ranks. With outstretched claws, one of the flying Xenos swooped down
for the lone Sergeant. She was descending the guard tower on a rickety looking ladder.

(Rolling a 30+ agility test for the Guard Sergeant… 55 rolled! Pass!)

Alexi saw the guard Sergeant dive right, leaping from the precarious ladder and landing face first on
the muddy battlefield. The alien narrowly missed her, passing overhead before ascending once more.

"Gargoyles!" Alexi screamed, alerting other soldiers to the flying menaces circling above.

"Incoming!" Jenkins roared, pointing at a Gargoyle headed straight for them.

Alexi drew a bead on it with her lasgun, aligning iron sights with the target.


(Rolling three full auto lasgun shots for Alexi against the Gargoyle, hitting on 60+... 37, 41, and 23
rolled. All miss!)

The snap of the lasgun's superheated beam echoed through the trench, but the Gargoyle was too
nimble. It agily flapped right, dodging the trio of lasbeams.

"Aww, nuts!" Alexi cursed as the monster dive bombed towards her.

(Rolling a 35+ combat test for the Gargoyle... 71 rolled! Pass!)

Before Alexi could line up another shot the creature grabbed her wrists with clawed hands. It was
stronger than her, hyper-evolved muscles swelling from its alien biceps. Alexi felt her arms pulled
either side of her head. Jenkin's lasgun slipped from her fingers and clattered as it hit the wooden
floorboards of the trench.

"Alexi!" He yelled as the Gargoyle began to beat its thick leathery wings.

She yelled as it forced her back against the trench wall. Purple veins meandered down its pale wings
like rivers as each beat pushed her harder against the wall, restraining her.

"Shit! Hold on, Alexi!" Jenkins cried, frantically snatching the lasgun from the ground and aiming at
the Gargoyle.

Alexi saw the Gargoyle open its mouth and extend a long, slender tentacle. She almost diagnosed it
as a tongue, but stopped when she saw the narrow slit on the tip. It was no tongue. This Xeno had
evolved some kind of cock that could distend from its mouth. It flapped its wings frantically, each beat
sending a powerful gust of air through the trenches.

"Jenkins! A little help!" Alexi yelled in a mixture of fear and anticipation.

The conscript fumbled, dropping the rifle as his hands shook uncontrollably.

(Rolling an erotic attack for the Gargoyle on 40+... 40 rolled! A narrow pass!)

Alexi yelled at her bumbling companion once more.

"Jenkins! Shoot it! ShooOOHHMFFFF!"

The unusually placed cock shot out of the Gargoyle's maw and slipped between Alexi's lips. Her eyes
widened in shock as it began to piston in and out. The taste of Xeno precum slathered across her
tongue and trickled to the back of her throat.

"MMMPPFFF!!! GLOMMMPFFF!" she exclaimed.

Her wrists were firmly pressed against the trench wall, her exposed breasts swaying with each gust
of wind. If Jenkins didn't get his act together quickly then this monster would undoubtedly pump
something down her throat.

'What will it do to me?' Alexi wondered. Her mind was running wild with imagined possibilities. Some
of the Xenos focused on breeding women. They might pump them full of cum, or insert eggs into
them with ovipositors. Other Xenos would imbue their victims with poisons. Some left their victims
temporarily unable to move, freeing them up to be violated by whatever Xeno came next. Other
aliens used aphrodisiac toxins that would leave women indescribably horny.

(Rolling a 60+ leadership test for Jenkins… 77 rolled! Pass! He pulls himself together!)

Jenkins fumbled for the lasgun once more, his hands still trembling. The conscript shut his right eye
and leaned into the rifle. He was only out of basic training, still a virgin of the battlefield. His hands
trembled at the thought of accidentally shooting this innocent woman. If he didn't risk it though she'd
be pumped full of Emperor-knows-what and then carried off to Emperor-knows-where. She'd
probably be lost forever. There was a flapping of wings and a flurry of limbs as Alexi struggled
against the tongue in her mouth. Jenkins exhaled and pulled the trigger.

(Rolling a 75+ accuracy test for Jenkins to save Alexi… 77 rolled! Pass!)


"RAAAAGGHHHH!" the beast shrieked, dropping Alexi and plummeting to the earth.

It was wounded, but not yet dead. As it struck the ground two guardswomen from the second rank
leapt from the parapet and charged with their bayonets, plunging it into the wounded monster over
and over. It screeched and hissed before finally dying. The Gargoyles were a hated strain of the
Xeno among the Guardsmen. Too many of them had witnessed their comrades carried off by this
flying beasts, never to be seen again. Alexi doubled over, coughing and gasping for air. The Gargoyle
had almost choked her with its fat cock.

"Thanks, *cough* y-you really saved *gasp* my ass there," Alexi panted.

"D-Don't mention it. You'd have done the-"

"INCOMING!" the voice was unmistakably Colette's.

It came from Alexi’s left, somewhere far down the trench. The warning was too late. A shadow
blotted out the sun, the trench was swiftly overrun. Jenkins screamed. Alexi craned her neck up and
her jaw dropped.

A hundred Gargoyles were flapping overhead. Their vast fleshy wings were like parasols, blocking
out the sun’s already sparse rays. Before she could react the first swarm of Gaunts leapt into the
trench from the undermanned parapets. She glanced around in a panic, her chainsword and hand
flamer were lying on the ground.

"Cover me!" she called out, diving forward to grab her weapons.

(Rolling a 30+ agility test for Alexi… 39 rolled! She gets only one of the two weapons.)

Alexi bypassed three Gaunts, each armed with an overgrown bio-gun. It was much easier to dodge
the beasts when she was nearly naked. As she landed she snatched her hand flamer and flicked the
gas on.

(Rolling two 65+ covering fire tests for Jenkins… 62 and 64. Both fail!)

*Crack Crack*

Jenkins unleashed a volley of shots into the trio of Gaunts. The lasers singed the trench wall,
narrowly missing the Xenos. As one unleashed an inhuman wail he quickly realised that he had done
little more than piss them off and draw attention to himself.

(Rolling three 60+ attacks for the Gaunts strangleweb bioguns… 77, 43 and 33. Jenkins gets webbed!)

The trio of Xenos responded in unison, firing their bio-weapons at the unforutnate conscript. A wet
splatting sound echoed through the trench as three thick ropey webs emerged from the bizarre
weapons. Two of the shots splattered against the trench wall, leaving a sticky spiderweb-like print
upon impact.

"Jenkins! Look out!" Alexi called, turning her head just in time to see him be struck by the third and
final projectile.

It unfurled mid-air, colliding with him like a net cast into the ocean. Thick translucent white ropes
wrapped around his body, restraining him and sending him tumbling onto his back.

"Arrgghh!" he grunted in frustration, "It’s got me! I can't get out! Miss Alexi, help!"

(Rolling Alexi’s hand-flamer attack on the Gaunts. A trench is a small, compact space - so her
handflamer automatically hits all targets. Rolling three 50+ dice to kill the Gaunts. 90, 80, 53! All
Alexi pointed the hand flamer at the trio of Gaunts and squeezed the trigger. Her senses were
overwhelmed. The sound of the promethium rushing down the short rubber pipe. The crackling of
Xeno flesh. The intense illumination of the vibrant orange flames. The scorching heat of white-hot fire
felt over every inch of her nearly-naked body.


The Xenos screeched under Alexi's sustained attack. By the time she released the trigger they were
nothing more than charred corpses. Scarlet embers coated the bottom of the trench like rubies, her
flamer having singed the wooden boards. Wisps of smoke gently rose up above the parapet before
being blown away.

"Throne almighty… that was close…" Jenkins panted, throwing his head back against the ground and
allowing himself a moment's respite.

(Rolling for the strength of the next wave hitting Alexi's position. Higher numbers are more
dangerous. Anything below 15 gives her a respite. 9 rolled! A moderately long respite!)

Alexi kept her flamer trained on the trench for a few more seconds, wary of more Rapeanids leaping
in. Thankfully she seemed to have caught a bit of a respite. She lowered her weapon and picked up
her chainsword before turning to the webbed conscript.

"As much as I enjoy having my men tied up, now's not really the best time," Alexi laughed, "Just let
me put my power armour back on and I’ll get you out of that ASAP.”

“Thanks, Miss Alexi,” Jenkins panted, letting his head lie back as the Battle Sister began dressing
herself in her armour again.

-No Armour. Only panties on.
-Handflamer (91% Fuel)
0% orgasm

-1 Frag Grenade
-Flak Armour (2/2)
-1 Lasgun power pack.
0% Orgasm
Status: Webbed! (Cannot move or act until rescued. Can break free on a roll of 85+)

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 1053/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 171 Guardsmen, 4 Chimera tanks, 4 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes


The Sergeant's order to hold fire had been a risky investment, but it has yielded dividends. Beyond
the trench lay the bleeding bodies of hundreds upon hundreds of dead Xenos. Palatina had
expended two thirds of her heavy butler's shells in the initial assault. She reached down and gripped
the round drum, it was lighter now. She'd need to swap to a new magazine soon enough. Since
deploying to Glore IV she had been given a local pattern of heavy bolter. The effective range and
ammunition remained the same, however, the traditional belt-fed weapon had been replaced by a
massive drum magazine. It made the weapon more portable, although jamming was a more common
occurrence. Palatina had found a place to deploy her bipod at the beginning of the battle. Standing
upon a wooden platform she could just about see over the edge of the trench. With the help of nearby
soldiers the first waves of Xenos had been cut down, but soon soldiers needed to reload their
lasguns. The Rapeanids were closing in on the trench, climbing over the bodies of their fallen
comrades, encroaching inch by inch. Palatina muttered a quick prayer.

"Imperatore et custodiat animam meam ictibus exactis occidentes."

(Rolling three 25+ heavy bolter shots. Good accuracy because Palatina is using her bipod. 75, 73, 3.
Two passes and an Epic Fail!)

*Blam Blam CLUNK*

The first two shells exploded deep in Rapeanid ranks, sending viscera and blood into the air. The
third shot never came. Instead, a loud thunk emanated from the Glorian Pattern Heavy Bolter.

"Gah! Not now!" Palatina grunted, slapping the side of the drum mag with an open palm.

There was a reverberating echo as she tried to unblock the chamber.

-Power Armour (4/4)
-Heavy Bolter (19/60 rounds) (Jammed)
-1 Spare Heavy Bolter Drum (60 rounds)
0% orgasm

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 1038/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 169 Guardsmen, 4 Chimera tanks, 4 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes

(Rolling 1d100 to see how strong the Rapeanid assault is. Higher numbers are worse. Only a 1-10
will give any respite. 40 rolled! A squad of damaged Rapeanids break through.)


The scream came from behind Palatina. She turned her head to see Gargoyles swarming the closest
guard tower. The flying bugs were snatching soldiers off the heavy stubbers and carrying them away
from the battlefield.


The cry came from the last guardswoman, desperately clinging to the railings of the tower with white
knuckles. Each soldier knew their fate if they were captured, they would be dragged off to a Rapeanid
hiveship and used to breed more of those Xenos... over and over and over. The heavy stubbers fell
silent as the first tower fell. A guardswoman to Palatina's right desperately clicked a new power pack
into her lasgun. She had burnt her previous one out in a blaze of fully automatic glory.

Palatina didn't have a chance to finish unjamming her weapon. A dozen Gaunts leapt into the
trenches, accompanied by a much larger creature. She recognised it as a Rapeanid Warrior. It was
already wounded, but that was little consolation when she didn't have a functional weapon of her own
to fight back with.

(Rolling a 90+ rapid unjamming test for Palatina… 23 rolled. She fails to unjam the gun.)

"Throne dammit!" Palatina cursed as the onslaught of the Gaunts began.

They charged and swarmed their way through the Astra Militarum's ranks. Palatina watched in
disgust as two Gaunts pinned down a female soldier, quickly tearing her flak armour to ribbons.
Palatina had the misfortune to know what came next. The bastards would try and breed her.

"C'mon, c'mon…" she snarled, slapping the drum with her right palm, "Don't do this on me now, girl…"


"Throne!" Palatina swore as four more Gaunts leapt over the parapet and into the trench.

She tried to step back, but the creatures were too agile. A volley of bio-weapons was unleashed on
the flat-footed Sister.

(Rolling spike rifle attack on 60+... 18 rolled. Miss!)

(Rolling two cuntborer attacks on 60+... 61 and 35 rolled! One hit, and one miss!)
(Rolling buzzbug swarm attack on 60+... 89 rolled! A solid hit!)

Before Palatina could make another attempt to unjam her weapon a wave of attacks was unleashed
against her. The first emanated from a biogun over a full metre in length. It launched a heavy piece of
bone through the air with an audible *phut*. Thankfully the Gaunt's aim was abysmal and it
harmlessly hit the trench wall. Palatina recognised it as a spike rifle, a weapon designed for cracking
open and weakening armour. She was lucky it didn't strike her or she could very well be standing
naked right now.

The second volley came from two Gaunts wielding Cuntborer guns. A duo of the fat slugs were
hurled at Palatina, with only one barely hitting the intended target. It landed harmlessly on Palatina's
armoured left thigh, although, it could very well prove a problem later on.

The final strike came from behind her. She heard the distant buzzing, but by the time she thought to
turn around the last of the bio-weapons had already unleashed its payload. Several dozen minuscule
bugs hummed incessantly as they were ejected onto the back of Palatina's power armour. They
wasted no time crawling into the tiniest holes, cracks, and gaps.

'Dammit! Buzz bugs!' Palatina thought.

She couldn't help recalling how she had seen a tough-as-leather Sister Superior laid low by the petite
creatures. They were created with the sole purpose of neutralising heavily armoured targets. Only the
most airtight of suits, like tactical dreadnought armour, could hope to survive a direct hit by this
swarm of beasts. Once they reached skin they would seek out sensitive areas like the breasts,
nipples, or the clitoris. Then, they'd latch themselves on with small sucker mouths and proceed to
vibrate intensely. Targets would be reduced to quivering wrecks writhing around on the ground within
minutes. Palatina knew time was no longer on her side. She could already feel them crawling
between the tiniest gaps in her armour. They slipped inside, swarming their way across her body.
She steeled herself and resolved to take down as many as she could before she fell.

(Rolling a 70+ unjamming test for Palatina's heavy bolter… 60 rolled. Fail!)


"C'mon!" Palatina roared angrily as she slapped the drum once more.

It briefly rang with a discordant hollow hum. She squeezed the trigger.



-Power Armour (4/4)
-Heavy Bolter (Jammed!)
0% orgasm
Cuntborer attached to left thigh.
Buzz bugs infiltrating suit.

"Throne dammit!" Palatina cursed, rapidly setting her weapon on the ground before charging forth.

She clenched her fists, fingers digging into the padding of her power-armoured gloves. There were
two of them before her. It would be a tough fight, but she might be able to punch her way out of this
one. The Gaunts were taken by surprise, but it didn't prevent them firing off another round at the
approaching Sister. Palatina placed her hope in the fact she was now a moving target.

(Rolling Spike Rifle overwatch attack on 85+... 8 rolled! Epic fail!)

(Rolling two Cuntborer overwatch attacks on 85+... 4 and 44 rolled! Epic fail and a miss!)

The Gaunts panicked, failing to fire a single shot before the Sister was upon them. With tightly wound
fists and clenched teeth Palatina descended upon the aliens.

(Rolling two 20+ melee attacks with extra damage for the Gaunts epic fails! 76 and 90 rolled! Two
strong passes!)


The Xeno wielding the spike rifle screamed as her fist cracked carapace with a cathartic crunch.
Palatina wasted no time following up with a second strike beneath the Gaunt's chin. The alien head
snapped back and its limp body was hurtled a metre down the trench. Lasgun fire crackled and
rippled overhead as Palatina turned her attention to the next Xeno. She knew she couldn't ignore the
most pressing issue for much longer though. Those Buzzbugs had infiltrated her armour. She could
feel them wriggling and writhing closer and closer to her sensitive spots. Palatina gritted her teeth
and attempted to strike down another Rapeanid.

(Rolling a 50+ reinforcements test for the Rapeanids… 93 rolled! Epic win! A lot of Rapeanid
reinforcements arrive.)

With fists poised to strike once more, Palatina suddenly stopped. A shadow was rapidly descending
over the trench. She risked an upward glance, her eyes widened in terror. There must have been
another dozen Gaunts leaping over the parapets. They would soon work their way into the trench
below. Two eager Xenos dived atop a guardsman, knocking him onto his back. In mere seconds they
had torn his flimsy flak armour from his body, exposing his chiseled abs. Not long after, his cock was
on display as well.

“INCOMING!” Palatina roared, far too late.

The soldier in front of her had his arms and legs pinned to the ground as he lay back. He struggled
and grunted, but more Gaunts joined in the fight. One of them eventually aimed a slender tube with a
large fleshy sack attached to the end at the guardsman’s head. Palatina thought it looked somewhat
like a set of organic bagpipes. There was a soft ‘puffing’ sound as a pink gas cascaded over the
soldier. It clung in the air like a mist for a few seconds. Palatina thrust her fist at the Gaunt beside her
armed with a cuntborer.

(Rolling a 40+ melee test for Palatina… 26 rolled! Fail!)

The Sister’s fist connected with the Gaunt’s carapace, but failed to do any significant damage to the
creature. It struck back in kind, attempting to dismantle her armour. In the heat of the fight Palatina
caught a glance at the male guardsman who had been subjected to the unnatural pink gas. It
appeared to be some kind of strong aphrodisiac - his cock had grown rock hard. Another Gaunt was
approaching him with a fairly small gun, barely over a foot long. It had four small pouches on the
sides, one of which had swollen up. The tip of the weapon was a slit-like opening glistening with
wetness. She recognised it instantly - a harvester. Rapeanids would use it to extract semen from
captured males. From what she’d heard those guns felt far better than any orifice a human could
offer. The Commissars were known to distribute exceptionally harsh punishments to those
Guardsmen who were found to have looted harvesters off Rapeanid corpses for personal use.

(Rolling 70+ melee attack for Gaunt… 23 rolled. Fail!)


The thud against her ceramite armour snapped Palatina back to reality. The creature had failed to
hurt her. But it was still three against one, and she didn’t fancy those odds.

"Ah…" Palatina gasped as the Buzzbugs reached her breasts.

The first couple clamped onto her sensitive nipples and began vibrating. Intensely pleasurable
sensation coursed through her chest. There was nothing she could do without stripping her power
armour off. And there was no way in heck she was going to do that in the middle of a melee.

"Arrgh…" she grunted, stifling her moans as she pushed onward.

The guardsman shouted and protested from down the trench, but it was no good. An eager Gaunt
lowered the dripping wet harvester over the soldier's shaft and slowly plunged it down. Then, with the
organic device in place the Xeno pulled a trigger. The alien weapon began to pulsate and vibrate as
the attack began. Soon enough, unfathomable pleasure would see his testicles forcefully milked of
every last drop of semen. His protests turned to moans as the weapon sucked and slurped on his
rock hard cock.

Suddenly, the Rapeanid reinforcensnts arrived. Two hulking Warriors standing twice Palatina's
height. The first was armed with a two metre long 'Deathspitter.' The bio-gun was not actually deadly,
it launched massive maggot-like creatures that were capable of both assaulting victims, and using a
corrosive acid to melt armour away. Palatina recalled her Sister Superior once describing them as
'Cuntborers on steroids.' The second one wielded two bone dildos, excellent for cracking open
armour as well as pleasuring women. This would be a tough fight to win. Palatina mentally prepared
herself to get fucked silly.

(Rolling three 50+ Deathspitter attacks… 87, 65, 14. Two hits, one miss! 2 damage to Palatina's power

She didn't need to wait long for the first volley. The bioweapon pulsated and spat a trio of fat maggots
her way, each one the length of her forearm. Two of the oversized grubs landed on her chest and
dissolved large chunks of her armour before she could strip them off.
"Gah! Get off me!" she grunted, firmly stomping on the third grub that missed its target and landed on
the trench floor.

All the while the Buzzbugs continued to vibrate on her nipples, and a cuntborer slowly wriggled it's
way up her left thigh. The three remaining Gaunts redoubled their efforts, launching another volley of
blows against the struggling Sister.

(Rolling two cuntborer attacks on 60+... 70 and 5. One pass, and one epic fail!)
Rolling one buzzbug attack on 60+... 19 rolled. Miss!)

As the two Gaunts armed with Cuntborers prepared to attack, Palatina swung out with her armoured


"Arrgh!" she grunted, feeling it connect with the Rapeanid's hardened chitin.

The first of the Gaunts dropped, but not before the second successfully launched another Cuntborer
at her. The acid from the Deathspitter maggots had melted her chest armour away, exposing her
naked body from the waist up. This newest Cuntborer landed on her bare belly, latching on and
gently sucking on her tummy. It was a sensation not entirely unlike being kissed. Explosions, roars,
and crackling gunfire punctuated the battlefield as Palatina's fate became cleared.

'I'm screwed,' she thought to herself, 'These damn Xenos have me surrounded! I'll try to go down
fighting, but it's going to be tough with these damn Buzzbugs on me.'

-Power Armour (2/4) (Naked from waist up)
-Bare Fists
6% orgasm
Cuntborer attached to left thigh.
Cuntborer attached to belly.
Buzz bugs infiltrating suit.

Nearby Enemies:
1 Gaunt with Cuntborer
1 Gaunt with Buzzbug Launcher
1 Warrior with Bone Dildos
1 Warrior with Deathspitter
Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 997/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 162 Guardsmen, 4 Chimera tanks, 3 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes

The final Warrior approached Palatina, each stomp cracking the wooden floorboards in the trench.
She didn't bother backing up - she'd only end up bumping into one of the Gaunts behind her. She
glared up at the bipedal giant. It towered over her at nearly four metres tall.

"C'mon, you big bastard - bring it on!" she roared, clenching her fists and bracing herself for the

(Rolling four bone dildo attacks on 30+... 7I, 34, 27, 11. Two hits and two misses!)

The Warrior bounded forward, bone dildos raised aloft. Palatina angled herself to take the hits.


Two heavy blows landed against her remaining armour, smashing it open and destroying her last line
of defence. The bone dildos struck hard, nearly knocking her off her feet. Thankfully, the attack also
carried away one of the Cuntborers attached to the armour of her thigh.

"Oof!" Palatina grunted, catching her breath as she struggled to stay on her feet.

She barely had any protection remaining. Her left boot, her right glove. These meagre pieces of
clothing were little comfort while her vulnerable pussy and ass were on display. And then she saw it…
the fighting was lighter down the line where Alexi was.

'If I can break through, maybe I can make it to Sister Alexi and rally with a new weapon!' Palatina

It would be tough, she'd have to force her way past the Warrior and then move fast enough to outrun
the bioweapons firing at her.

'It's either that or I get fucked stupid here,' she lamented, 'Emperor protect me, let's do it.'
(Palatina must pass an 85+ strength test to push past the Warrior, and then a 50+ agility test. Higher
rolls on agility will make it harder for aliens to shoot her as she escapes.)

(Rolling an 85+ strength test for Palatina … 97 rolled! Epic win!)

(Rolling a 50+ agility test for Palatina… 91 rolled! Epic win!)

Palatina turned sideways and charged with all her might. She struck the Rapeanid Warrior shoulder


The sudden burst of energy from the diminutive woman caught the creature off guard. It staggered
back, colliding with the edge of the trench. Bone dildos clattered to the broken wood panels on the
ground as the creature attempted to grip onto anything to hold itself aloft. And then she was barreling
down the trenchline towards the blonde bimbo. That slutty soldier who had no respect for authority
was her best chance of survival right now.


The sound of alien bioweapons firing behind her only motivated Palatina to run faster. Her breathing
came in ragged pants, the Buzzbugs and Cuntborer continuing to stimulate her naked body.

"Alexi!" she yelled.

The blonde warrior was some twenty metres ahead of her, kneeling over a guardsman trapped in
thick webbing. She was repeatedly revving a chainsword up and down strands of the web, slowly
freeing her comrade. At the sound of Palatina's scream she turned to face her approaching Sister. A
veritable swarm of Xenos were virtually crawling over one another in a mad bid to catch the escaping

"Palatina! Hurry!" Alexi yelled, stopping her chainsword and raising her hand flamer.

The guardsman gripped the remaining webbing and tore as much of it away as he could. He
stumbled to his feet, snatched his lasgun from the ground and raised it to his right eye. Jenkins
prepared to open fire the second the naked Sister got clear.

Palatina looked back, they were mere metres behind her. If she tripped, if she fell, if she stumbled for
even just a second, they would be upon her. They would be inside every one of her vulnerable holes.
She clenched her teeth and continued sprinting to the promised salvation of Alexi before her.

-Power Armour (0/4) (Naked)
-Bare Fists
12% orgasm
Cuntborer attached to belly.
Buzz bugs infiltrating suit.

-Power Armor (4/4)
-Hand Flamer (85% fuel remaining)
0% orgasm

-Lasgun (69% power remaining)
-1 Frag Grenade
-Flak Armour (2/2)
-1 Lasgun power pack.
0% Orgasm

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 942/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 147 Guardsmen, 4 Chimera tanks, 3 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes

"Move! Now!" Alexi yelled.

(Rolling 25+ agility test for Palatina. Easy since she is wearing no armour. 79 rolled. Success!)

Palatina flung herself left, pushing her body up against the trench wall. A split second later she heard
the hiss of the hand flamer's ignition. Palatina shut her eyes and drew in a breath until her lungs hurt.

'Emperor protect me, this is much too close for comfort,' she prayed.

Alexi lifted her hand flamer and pointed it at the swarm. The hulking Warrior with the bone dildos was
the only one that followed. It was, however, accompanied by six Gaunts. With one eye closed, Alexi
cocked her head and squeezed the trigger.


(Rolling six 50+ kill tests for Alexi’s handflamer against the Gaunts. 74, 79, 68, 53, 47, 22. Four dead

(Rolling one 85+ damage test for Alexi’s handflamer against the Warrior… 3 rolled. Epic, near
phenomenal fail.)

(Rolling two 85+ overwatch shots for Jenkins… 61, 57. Both miss.)

Intense flames leapt forth like thick orange clouds. Palatina felt the burning heat on her back, making
her naked body begin to sweat. She pushed herself tighter against the trench's edge to avoid being
burnt. The unmistakable snap of lasgun fire erupted behind her as well. This was followed by the
sound of crackling Xeno flesh. It seemed to signify a victory. As the heat died away the Retributor
opened her eyes.


The Warrior's scream was monstrous, terrifying, unholy. It had braved the fire and emerged
unscathed, shielding a couple of the smaller creatures with its body.

"Oh shi-" Palatina choked as the alien discarded one of its bone dildos and elected to wrap a clawed
hand around the back of her neck.

The Retributor was pushed face first against the trench wall. The sheer strength of the Warrior forced
her to lean forward and bend over. Her vulnerable naked ass was now on display. The creature
lowered its bone dildo, preparing to thrust the massive weapon into her pussy.

"N-No…" she gasped weakly as the tip of the alien mutation reached her vulva.

She felt the cuntborer on her belly writhe and wriggle as it desperately attempted to cling on in the
ensuing struggle. The buzzbugs were experiencing no such difficulty, happily vibrating on her
engorged nipples.

The two remaining Gaunts charged at Alexi.

"Aww, nuts!" she exclaimed.

(Rolling a 25+ assault test for the Gaunts… 82 rolled! Success! Rolling two 70+ damage tests against
Alexi's armour… 95 and 71! Epic win and pass!)

The duo dove through the air, leaping and crashing into Alexi. These Gaunts wielded long scything
talons - perfect for cracking open the more heavily armoured foes. A rending screech wailed from the
holy suit as the breastplate was the asunder. The force of the two Gaunts sent the blonde bimbo
tumbling back onto the ground. Jenkins stepped back, narrowly avoiding getting caught in the
engagement. Alexi fumbled as she struggled to get back to her feet, but the Xenos were already
upon her, weighing her down into the muddy earth.

“Miss Alexi! Look out!” Jenkin’s voice called out.

"Aww poop!" she grunted.

One of the diminutive Gaunts was atop her bare chest. Alexi watched as it buried a six inch cock
between her cleavage. Temptation burned in the Sister's mind, she imagined it thrusting its shaft
between her tits, she longed to feel it unleash its hot load all over her chest.

(Nobody is perfect. Each character has flaws that may hamper them from taking the most rational
action in a given situation. Alexi's flaw is Xenophilia - Her sluttiness extends beyond just humans, the
thought of getting used and fucked by Xenos turns her on. When fighting Xenos species Alexi may
not be able to resist giving into her carnal urges. Rolling for Alexi's Xenophilia flaw now. Alexi will
manage to resist her urges on a 20+... 12 rolled! Fail! She gives into her urges!)

Warrior armed with Bone Dildo: 8/8 HP
Two Gaunts with Scything Talons: 2 HP each.

-Power Armour (0/4) (Naked)
-Bare Fists
18% orgasm
Status Effects:
Cuntborer attached to belly.
Buzzbugs attached to nipples.
Restrained: Pinned against the trench wall by a Warrior. Needs to pass an 85+ strength test to break
-Power Armor (2/4 Upper half gone)
-Hand Flamer (68% fuel remaining)
0% orgasm
Status Effects:
Restrained: Pinned down by two Gaunts. Needs a 70+ strength test to break free.
Xenophilia Flaw: Has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.

-Lasgun (69% power remaining)
-1 Frag Grenade
-Flak Armour (2/2)
-1 Lasgun power pack.
0% Orgasm

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 942/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 147 Guardsmen, 4 Chimera tanks, 3 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes

“Mmm…” Alexi bit her lower lip, watching the cock placed firmly between her breasts with excitement.

She should have fought back, should have punched that Gaunt in the chin with a clenched fist. She
didn’t though. The temptation of the alien appendage was too great for her to resist. The blonde
bimbo reached up and pressed her breasts together around the cock. At first the Gaunt seemed a tad
confused by its victim’s reaction, but it quickly accepted the fact and began thrusting in earnest. Alexi
felt a pang of pleasure course through her body with each thrust from the alien’s massive cock.

(Rolling an 85+ strength test for Palatina to break free before the bone dildo penetrates her… 42
rolled! Fail!)

“Get… off me!” Palatina gasped.

Speaking was difficult with the clawed hand around the back of her neck, and the buzzbugs vibrating
ceaselessly over her sensitive nipples. They were slowly weakening her resolve, bringing her closer
and closer to another climax. And then she felt it - the alien sex toy. Many women, and even some
men, had been laid low by the perfectly crafted bone-dildos of the Rapeanids. They were smooth
enough to glide in, and once inside seemed to cause almost as much pleasure as an actual shaft.
“Ahh… N-No!” Palatina moaned as she felt the tip of dildo reach her vulva.

Her smooth pussy lips were already wet from the malign attention of the vibrators on her breasts. The
Warrior wouldn’t have much trouble penetrating her with his weapon. Palatina writhed and wriggled
frantically, desperately trying to shake her attacker off. It was no good though - she wasn’t strong
enough to break free. If someone didn’t do something soon she’d be drooling Rapeanid fuckmeat.
The Warrior slowly pushed forward with its weapon. Palatina’s vulva gradually parted, engulfing the
first half-inch of the thick alien dildo.

“No!” she protested, biting her lower lip to prevent a moan escaping.

Alexi wasn’t even aware of Palatina’s predicament. Her eyes were fixated upon the thick shaft
sliding back and forth between her breasts.

(Rolling 1d30 pleasure damage for Alexi having her breasts fucked… 28 rolled! 28% orgasm has been

“Ahh… Just like that! Mmm!” Alexi moaned and begged, relishing the sensation of her body being
used like a sextoy for this alien’s amusement.

(Rolling to see if the Gaunt cums from titfucking Alexi. Starting on 75+ and getting easier each round.
98 rolled! An epic, near phenomenal win! The Gaunt doesn’t just titfuck Alexi!)

“Raaaggghhh!” the Gaunt roared, picking up the pace.

Bursts of pleasure continuously erupted from Alexi’s chest. The sensation of the alien fucking her
sensitive boobs was driving her closer and closer to an orgasm of her own.

‘Soon’ the slutty Sister thought, ‘Soon, I’m gonna feel it coat my tits with its hot sticky cum!’

Unlike Palatina, Alexi made no effort to bite her lip or suppress her moans. She opened her mouth
fully and emptied her lungs. The pleasure was all she wanted right now.

“Ohhh! MMM! Yesss! Ahh!”

Alexi’s moans filled the air, intertwining with the snap of lasguns, the whistling or mortar shells, and
the chorus of a hundred other Imperial soldiers being screwed. It never crossed the bimbo’s mind
that she may be the only willing participant in the battle at Bedleberk Ridge. The Gaunt was picking
up the pace now. Alexi recognised it was approaching a climax. She prepared to feel the hot alien
semen soak her boobs.

“Ah! Rape my titties! Yes! Fuck them soo-mppfff!”

The Gaunt was indeed approaching its climax - Alexi was right about that much. Ultimately though, it
was still a Xeno, and Alexi was not the dominant party in this sexfight. The Gaunt had sprung a full
foot forward, plunging its cock straight into the Sister’s open mouth. Her eyes widened for a second -
it was a rare event for Alexi to be caught flatfooted during sex. And then the creature was thrusting
with all the energy it could muster.

*Shlick Shlick*

The sound of saliva replaced Alexi’s screams, but did little to stifle her moans. At this angle the alien
could thrust back and forth across her tongue; but it couldn't quite deepthroat her. A small saving

“Mmm! MMMPFFF! *GAG* Mmmm!!”

She gagged each time the alien cock almost breached her throat. Endorphin coursed through her
body as the alien dominated her, treated her like the dumb fucktoy that she knew she longed to be.
And then the alien shaft engorged deep in her mouth.

(Rolling a character flaw test for Alexi’s Xenophilia. She needs a 35+ to snap out of her lust-addled
state and withdraw her head before it is too late. 1 Rolled…. Phenomenal Fail!)

(Whenever a natural 1 or 100 is rolled on a character flaw test the character in question their
personality will develop. In the case of a character whose flaw is “Cowardice” they might overcome
this trait on the roll of 100. This same character might develop another flaw if they rolled a 1. In
Alexi’s case she has rolled a 1 for her Xenophilia test. She has developed a specific fetish for
Rapeanids, and will find it incredibly difficult to resist them. This is in addition to her pre-existing

The feeling of the Rapeanid cock rushing into her mouth. The salty taste of its precum leaking over
her eager tongue. The intoxicating scent of the Gaunt’s pheromones. The sight of it raping her face
without a single care for her wellbeing. Something awakened deep within Alexi. A primal lust greater
than anything she had experienced before. She wanted to be fucked, to be used, to be screwed in
every hole at the same time. She longed to feel Rapeanid semen rushing into her pussy, flooding her
womb, and fertilizing her eager eggs. Alexi looked up at the Gaunt as best she could and sucked her
cheeks in, preparing to drink the little alien dry.

“Mmm! *Suck* *Suck* Mppff!”

The cock in her mouth pulsated, swelling as it prepared to erupt inside her. Alexi curled her tongue
around the base of the shaft and eagerly sucked one final time. The Gaunt jittered and shook, and
then the first wave of hot semen coated her tongue. Seconds later a second wave, and then another,
and another. Alexis’ cheeks puffed out as her mouth flooded with the alien cum. Any other Sister or
soldier would be desperately trying to spit it out right now, but not Alexi. To her, it was delicious.

“Mmm! *Gulp* Mmm… *Gulp*”

She eagerly swallowed as much as she could. Even her best efforts could not prevent small trickles
of cum escaping the corners of her lips and dribbling down her cheeks.

(Rolling 1d150 pleasure damage for Alexi getting facefucked and absolutely loving it. 71 rolled! 71
pleasure damage has been added to her orgasm. Alexi is right on the edge of an orgasm!)

The facefucking had brought the blonde bimbo to the cliffedge of a climax. A single lick of her clitoris,
a few thrusts more in her mouth, and she would undoubtedly experience a crippling climax. The
Gaunt pulled its dick out of her mouth, leaving Alexi gasping for air. It seemed to deduce that she was
almost completely finished and turned to face Jenkins. The fresh-faced conscript wore an expression
that was a mixture of terror and anger.

“G-Get off her you brute!” he exclaimed, far too late to prevent Alexi’s blowjob.

He lowered his lasgun and fired from the hip at it.

(Rolling two lasgun shots for Jenkins on 70+. 13 and 90 rolled! 1 very good hit, and 1 miss!)

His first shot veered left, knocking a clump of dirt from the trench wall. The second red beam hit true
though, catching the Gaunt in the neck and sending it flying back. That only left the Warrior toying
with Palatina, and the last Gaunt rapidly advancing towards Alexi’s body.


Warrior armed with Bone Dildo: 8/8 HP

One Gaunt with Scything Talons: 2 HP each.

-Power Armour (0/4) (Naked)
-Bare Fists
18% orgasm
Status Effects:
Cuntborer attached to belly.
Buzzbugs attached to nipples.
Restrained: Pinned against the trench wall by a Warrior. Needs to pass an 85+ strength test to break
free. A bone dildo is pressing against her vulva and about to penetrate her.

-Power Armor (2/4 Upper half gone)
99% orgasm
Status Effects:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

-Lasgun (64% power remaining)
-1 Frag Grenade
-Flak Armour (2/2)
-1 Lasgun power pack.
0% Orgasm

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 931/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 140 Guardsmen, 4 Chimera tanks, 3 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes

Alexi blinked in confusion as her sex partner was blasted away. As she lay on her back she tilted her
head to look at Jenkins. He was advancing towards her, firing the lasgun as he moved.

“Get up, Miss Alexi! I’ll cover you!” he yelled,

(Rolling a 50+ for Alexi to snap out of her Xenophilia character flaw. 46 rolled. She doesn’t move. A
part of her still wants to be fucked by these Xenos.)

Alexi looked back at the advancing Gaunt. Her eyes were drawn to its shaft. She was so close to
cumming right now. Another few seconds and she would get the release she so desperately wanted.
All she had to do was remove the rest of her power armour. Jenkins saw her hesitation and focused
his fire on the Gaunt.

(Rolling two 70+ lasgun shots. 30 and 19 rolled! Both miss!)

The red beams of light passed by the Gaunt harmlessly. Conscripts didn’t have the field experience
to aim as well as the veteran soldiers. Jenkins cursed as the Gaunt turned its attentions towards him
and charged.

‘At least it’s leaving Miss Alexi alone,’ he took solace in that thought.

“Arrgh! No! Help!” Palatina grunted, clenching her thighs and trying to resist the bone dildo plunging
inside her.

The alien weapon was continuously pushing against her clitoris now, making Palatina feel that
unwanted pleasure. She longed to hold on, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep it out of her
body forever.

(Rolling 1d25 pleasure for Palatina from the bone dildo pushing at her vulva. 24 rolled! 24% orgasm

“Ah… You won’t break me…” she grunted.

(Rolling an 80+ resistance test for Palatina to keep the bone dildo out of her pussy… 96 rolled! An epic
win! She manages to clench tightly enough to stop it entering her! Future resistance rolls against the
bone dildo are made on 50+ instead of 80+!)

(Rolling an 85+ strength test for Palatina to break free of the Warrior’s grip. 23 rolled. Palatina is still

“Hnnnggg…” Palatina grunted, feeling the bone dildo slip a full inch past her vulva.

She couldn’t let it enter her holy hole any further. If it did she’d undoubtedly be defiled by this foul
Xeno! With a gargantuan effort Palatina clenched and tried to push it out. Against the might of the
Warrior the bone dildo slowly slid back out. She had avoided a full penetration for the time being, but
she couldn’t hold on forever. Especially if more Xenos reinforcements arrived.

(Rolling a tactics test for the Tempestus Scions to see if they complete their mission on 25+... 85
rolled! The Tempestus Scions are on point and almost on time!)


“Target acquired! Vector Zero Thirty!” a loud voice boomed from atop the trench.
Jenkins looked up to see the two Taurox Primes drive into position. Their doors swung open and the
Tempestus Scions leapt into action. They immediately began raining pinpoint accurate fire into the
trench, targeting the Warrior attacking Palatina. While the Scions maintained their fire the Taurox
Primes unleashed their heavy weapons on the Rapeanid horde, delaying any Xeno reinforcements
arriving in the trench lines.

(Rolling 10 hot-shot lasgun attacks from the Scions against the Warrior on 50+. 5 Need to pass to
save Palatina. 43, 55, 97, 74 31, 74, 72, 69, 62, and 27 rolled. 3 Fails, 6 Passes, and one Epic Win!)

Jenkins admired the Tempestus Scions. They were the most elite the Imperial Guard had to offer.
Perhaps no match for a legendary space marine, but definitely true heroes. The hot-shot lasguns
they wielded were capable of slicing through even the toughest of materials.

‘There’s no reason that they would, but if those Tempestus Scions ever went up against the Sisters
of Battle their power armour would melt. They wouldn’t stand a chance! Praise the Emperor we have
something dangerous on our side, for once!’

Jenkin’s thoughts were largely correct, Rapeanid carapace stood no chance. The Warrior’s
armoured shell cracked and snapped under the weight of armour-piercing fire. It soon collapsed,
dead on the ground. Palatina fell forward too, panting desperately at just how close things had gotten.
She reached up with a free hand and tore the buzzbugs off.

“Mission accomplished,” one of the Scions announced, “Take up positions in the trench. We need to
plug this gap!”

The armoured soldiers began descending into the trenchline. It was the break that Alexi and Palatina
so desperately needed.

‘Perhaps now we can begin to turn the tide in this battle,’ Palatina silently prayed.

All clear.

-Power Armour (0/4) (Naked)
-Bare Fists
42% orgasm

-Power Armor (2/4 Upper half gone)
99% orgasm
Status Effects:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

-Lasgun (60% power remaining)
-1 Frag Grenade
-Flak Armour (2/2)
-1 Lasgun power pack.
0% Orgasm

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 897/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 140 Guardsmen, 4 Chimera tanks, 3 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes


(Rolling a luck test to see how Colette has fared while the other Sisters were fighting. There is no
pass, but higher numbers are better for her. 50 represents an average situation… 81 rolled. She's in a
fairly good position with fewer Xenos than elsewhere. She has only suffered 1 damage to her armour
so far.)

The Sister Superior raised her bolt pistol and blasted a fist-sized hole in the body of an approaching
Gaunt. It somersaulted forward before crashing to a halt in a pool of it's on viscera. The mud of the
battlefield was increasingly drowning in a growing pile of Xeno bodies. Her side of the line had held
well. Collete had taken up position with a squad of guardsmen. So far they had only lost two soldiers
to the flying Gargoyles above - a young female recruit, and the squad sergeant. The Sister Superior
was quick to fill the leadership void, assuming command of the squad and willing them to stand their
ground against the alien menace.

"Drive them back!" she roared, her bolt pistol spitting death at the encroaching Xenos.

-Power Armour (3/4)
-Bolt pistol
-St Stephen’s Sword
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
Orgasm: 0%

8 Guardsmen (7 lasguns, 1 grenade launcher)

Seven lasguns snapped, while the squad's grenade launcher launched drag grenades deep into the
Rapeanid ranks. They would hold this trench no matter what.

(Rolling strength of next Rapeanid wave. Higher numbers are more dangerous. 50 is average. 59
rolled! Twelve Gaunts and a single Warrior leading them!)

Colette pointed at the next wave with her glimmering sword. There were a dozen small Gaunts armed
with bioguns, supported by a much larger Warrior wielding two bone dildos and a tubular gun. The
Sister Superior couldn't quite decipher its exact purpose at the range though.

"Direct all fire on the incoming Gaunts!" she yelled.

The guardsmen unleashed a volley of fire, spitting red lasers from the parapet of the trench.

(Rolling seven 50+ lasgun tests. Four need to pass to have a chance of stalling the Rapeanid
advance. Six passes will guarantee it stops… 63, 61, 51, 26, 23, 12, 7. Three passes, three misses,
one epic fail!)

The crackling gunfire dropped a trio of the Gaunts, but the majority of shots missed. A scream
pierced the air as another guardswoman was struck by a cluster of Cuntborers from the Gargoyles
above. She collapsed to the ground, writhing as the creatures wriggled their way into her pussy and

"Frag out!" a muscular man wielding the grenade launcher yells before angling it up.

(Rolling 50+ for frag grenade launcher to hit. 14 rolled. Miss!)

His shot veered wide. An explosion ripped off somewhere in no-man's land.

"Shit! I missed! Reloading!"

The Rapeanid advance wasn't broken. It wasn’t even stalled. The accursed Xenos were advancing
as quickly as before, closing the gap.

"Prepare for melee!" Colette commanded.

(Rolling a 20+ charge test for the Rapeanids… 96 rolled. Epic win! No overwatch as the Xenos have
been too quick! A challenge has also been issued!)

The Rapeanids hit the westernmost part of the trench with tremendous force. Gaunts threw
themselves at the defenders with scant regard for their own safety. Colette raised Saint Stephen's
Sword in preparation to counterattack - and that is when she saw it. The Warrior was standing above
her, glaring down at her - only her. It was a threatening presence, an unspoken challenge.

(Challenge Rules: Sometimes, during a melee, an enemy will issue a challenge to a character. These
characters can either agree to the duel, or refuse and back down. If they refuse the character will
attempt to flee the fight and seek safety. If they agree to the challenge then these two characters will
ONLY fight each other. Any allies will simply watch on, and maybe offer motivational support. The
duel will last until either the enemy is dead, or the character has been fucked silly by orgasm hitting
100%. At this point they are assumed to have lost the duel and allies will be allowed to intervene.)

(Rolling a bravery test for Colette on 20+ to see if she accepts the duel. 27 rolled. Pass!)

Colette gulped, realising just how difficult such a fight would be. She knew she couldn't back down
though. With her holy relic and bolt pistol clenched tightly in her fists she whispered, "Bring it on…"

-Power Armour (3/4)
-Bolt pistol
-St Stephen’s Sword
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
Orgasm: 0%

In a challenge with the Warrior. No other allies can assist until the enemy has been defeated or
Colette has climaxed at least once.

7 Guardsmen (6 lasguns, 1 grenade launcher)

The Warrior dived into the trench beside Colette, raising it's two bone dildos. It had the advantage
here. It was bigger, tougher, faster, and better equipped. But Colette had faith on her side though.
Faith that the Emperor would protect her this day.

(Rolling nine 35+ Termagaunt attacks from the charge… 100, 84, 80, 39, 38, 26, 20, 2. Four passes,
two misses, a phenomenal win, and an epic fail!)

As she prepared for battle the Termagaunts swarmed over the Guardsmen. Their ranks melted like
butter in a hot pan. Panic, chaos, and disorder spread like a plague. A couple of Gaunts were killed in
the close quarters, but these losses paled in comparison to the complete decimation of Colette's
soldiers. Within seconds almost every one of them was pinned to the ground and being fucked by the
alien creatures. One woman was being pushed face down onto the ground by a large Gaunt that had
mounted her back. Her trousers were roughly tugged down, revealing her bare ass. Meanwhile, a
second Gaunt aligned a bio-gun directly with her newly exposed pussy.

"N-Nooo!!!" the guardswoman screamed.

The Xenos chittered as the nozzle of the weapon slipped between her vulva. Colette couldn't help but
watch the scene unfold from the corner of her eye. With a pull of the organic trigger the bio-gun
unleashed a torrential stream of Rapeanid semen deep inside her pussy. Her womb was quickly
filled, with the excess semen overflowing and dripping on the trench floor below. The soldier gasped
and squirmed, her feet kicking against the floor - but there was nothing she could do to escape.

"Ahhh!!! No!!! I'll get pregnant! Help! Oooohh! Throne-dammit! It’s so hot!" she moaned, her cries of
fear fading into moans of pleasure before Colette's eyes.

(Rolling for the first round of the challenge, Colette wins on a 70+, the Warrior wins on anything less
than that. 18 rolled! A strong start for the Warrior!)

The Warrior struck first, swinging down with a bone dildo. Colette was quick to parry with her holy
sword. A clatter of metal against cartilage rang through the trench as it forced her back.

"Arrghhh!" Colette grunted, struggling against the brutal strength of the hulking creature.

The Xeno struck again, barely giving her a chance to recover from the first blow. And then again, and
again. The Warrior was relentless in its assault. Colette found herself driven back, step by step. Her
blade occasionally chipped the bone weapons, sending splinters scattering across the dugout. The
sounds of warfare were soon playing second fiddle to the orchestra of orgiastic screams from the
fallen guardsmen.

Colette was struck in the side by a sweeping blow. A large chunk of her power armour detached,
smashing to the ground. Before she could move to block the creature struck again. There was a
thunderous clang as another segment of her armour fell aside.

(2 damage to Colette's armour!)

"Oof!" she grunted, nearly winded by the continuous melee.

She was barely protected now, with only a breastplate and a small segment covering her waist. If
either of those were to fall she would be left vulnerable to the alien machinations.

Warrior (Armed with 2 bone dildos and an unknown gun): 8/8 HP
8 Termagaunts.

-Power Armour (1/4)
-Bolt pistol
-St Stephen’s Sword
-Frag Grenades (3 remaining)
Orgasm: 0%

In a challenge with the Warrior. No other allies can assist until the enemy has been defeated or
Colette has climaxed at least once.

1 Guardsmen (1 lasgun)
7 being fucked silly.

(Rolling the second round of the challenge. 70+ will see Colette make gains, lower results will see the
Warrior make gaind. 68 rolled. It's a fairly close matchup.)

The Warrior raised its bone dildos, preparing to finish her armour with a pair of cleaving blows.
Colette raised Saint Stephen's Sword sideways, simultaneously halting both attacks.

"Arrghhh! You… won't… beat me!" she snarled through gritted teeth.

It was a battle of David and Goliath. It stood twice as tall, with four times the muscle mass. Colette
preserved to a stalemate through sheer determination and faith alone.

(Rolling 90+ morale test for the final guardswoman… 62 rolled. They flee!)

The final guardswoman's lasgun shook in her trembling hands. Her entire squad was being stripped
and bred right before her eyes. For a brief second she lifted her rifle and aimed at a Gaunt eagerly
thrusting into one of her comrades. The sight proved too much though. She shook her head in
despair and turned tail, leaving them to their fates.

"Coward!" Colette roared, forcing back the bone dildos once more.

'How had everything turned so quickly? How did the bastards get the jump on us so fast?' she
wondered as she was forced back another few steps.

A few feet to her left was a Gaunt fucking a ginger female soldier doggy style. It had mounted her and
was rapidly pistoning a bumpy cock in and out of her pussy. Colette longed to turn and behead the
beast, but she didn't have a moment to spare in her duel. The slightest complacency would see her
screwed silly.

(Rolling third round of challenge on 75+... Colette is beginning to tire as she is worn down. 44 rolled!
The Warrior makes a solid gain!)

(Rolling special attack from the Warrior on 60+... 72 rolled! Special attack activated!)

A bone dildo raised in the air above her, making Colette hold her sword horizontally to counter it. She
realised her mistake far too late.


Her body was left wide open to an upward swing from the second Xeno weapon. The armour around
her crotch was demolished, shortly followed by a second swipe that removed her breastplate. Colette
had been stripped naked. From this point on the monster would undoubtedly focus on making the
Sister Superior climax and, ultimately, attempt to breed her.
Colette backstepped, raising her sword and trying to regain some modicum of an advantage. To her
surprise, the Warrior didn't follow. It kept its distance and raised its unknown bio-gun. Colette didn't
have time to react - all she could do was gaze at the barrel as a torrential stream of alien semen
blasted her way.

"Arrgh!" she grunted, turning her head as the warm fluid splashed over her naked body.

It coated her from head to toe, a thick viscous creamy liquid. The warmth was the most notable thing
about it. Colette made an effort to ensure it never entered any orifices. She has no doubt it contained
vast quantities of aphrodisiac.

(Colette has been bukkaked! Her combat ability has decreased and rolls are now 10 harder than they
would normally be!)

"Ugh! Yuck! I will slay you for that, beast!" she cried, spitting on the ground.

Warrior (Armed with 2 bone dildos and an unknown gun): 8/8 HP
8 Termagaunts.

-Bolt pistol
-St Stephen’s Sword
Orgasm: 0%

In a challenge with the Warrior. No other allies can assist until the enemy has been defeated or
Colette has climaxed at least once.
Bukakked: Combat rolls are 10 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes an 80+.

7 being fucked silly.

Colette wiped the semen from her face, desperate to try and retain her sight for the duel. The Warrior
proved relentless though, continuing its unending assault.

(Rolling a 75+ challenge, increased to 85+ for the bukkakked status effect. 52 rolled. Advantage to
the Warrior!)

The holy sword was knocked from Colette's right hand and sent scattering away. In a vain attempt at
saving herself she fired the bolt pistol in her left hand.

*Blam Blam*


Two shots veered wide as her arm was pushed aside by the bone dildo. The bolt pistol rang empty,
she didn't get a chance to reload it earlier.

"Ugh!" she grunted, finding herself disarmed.

Her frag grenade was her last resort. If she could pull the pin and shove one in its mouth she might
yet make it out of this situation unfucked. She reached down to her belt and felt only skin.

'Shit, I forgot it had broken my armour,' she cursed to herself.

Cum dribbled down her face, obscuring her vision as she glanced for the grenades. They were still
tied to her belt, lying in a useless pile behind the Warrior. It was now to never. Colette rushed
forward, attempting to dive past the massive beast and make a break for the explosives.

(Rolling a 25+ grapple test for the Warrior… 35 rolled! It successfully restrains Colette!)

Two bone dildos clattered to the ground. The monster had released them to free up its hands.
Massive claws wrapped around her waist, hefting her aloft in the air. She didn't even make it close to
the frags.

"Nooo! Release me!" Colette yelled, her fists pounding against the carapaced knuckles of the

She thought of crying for help, but she knew she wouldn't… couldn't. She was too proud, much too
proud. One didn't rise to the ranks of a Sister Superior without some level of self-respect. She wasn't
about to beg for salvation like some common Imperial citizen. There was another reason too, a far
more damning one - the honour of the challenge. Across the galaxy, human and Xenos alike
respected one rule of combat and one rule alone. The sanctity of the duel. Until the foe was either
defeated (or in the case of Sisters of Battle, usually mindbroken) the challenge would go on while the
world watched. If Colette lost here it could be a truly shameful display.

(Colette has gained the ‘Restrained’ status. She now needs to roll an 85+ strength test at the start of
each of her turns if she wants to break free of the Warrior’s grip.)

The alien gripped each of the Sister's thighs, holding her aloft with her back against its carapaced
chest. Slowly, forcefully, methodically, it spread her legs into a full Nelson, exposing her genitalia to
the world. Colette grimaced, tilting her head down and trying to avoid eye contact with anyone who
may be watching. She soon wished she hadn't. The creature's carapace covering its groin opened,
revealing a hole from which a thick engorged lurid pink shaft emerged. The tip was already glistening
with precum. Unless she could escape she was about to be screwed senseless.

(Rolling 85+ strength test for Colette to escape the restraint… 32 rolled! Fail!)

Colette writhed and punched the creature. It was no use. Her actions barely had any impact on the
creature at all. The cock began approaching her vulnerable vulva. In vain she reached down to cover
her pussy with both hands, locking her figners together over her hole.

"Ugh! Let me go!" she snapped, wriggling in a vain attempt to break free.

The creature's cock was only a couple of inches away now. At almost two feet long it was monstrous
in size, with a girth the size of her own fist. It would destroy her pussy if it started fucking her. She felt
it inch closer, the glans pressing against the back of her hands. Colette planned to shield herself for
as long as she could. She wasn't a virgin like some of her luckier Sisters - but getting fucked or
impregnated by an alien species was rarely appealing. The Xeno’s cock repeatedly thrust harmlessly
against her hands, failing to penetrate her body. Sensing that its target was blocked off the creature
elected to adopt an alternate strategy. The Warrior raised its bio-gun and directed it at Colette's face.

"Oh fuc-" the Sister Superior began to swear.

The hot sticky semen erupted over her face. An intense heat and stench of cum flooding over her. A
taste of semen had already reached her tongue as litre after litre was blasted over the stupefied

(Rolling a 25+ willpower test for Colette. This is fairly easy since she is the squad leader and has a
higher natural leadership and willpower than regular soldiers. 5 rolled! Epic fail! Nevermind. She
Colette's decision to swear proved her undoing. As the alien cum blasted into her mouth she
instinctively raised her hands to her face. She knew how strong the aphrodisiac contained within it
was. Being forced to consume such a large quantity would undoubtedly leave her a horny mess. As
her palms clamped over her lips her pussy was left exposed. The Warrior seized the initiative,
pushing the glans of its massive throbbing erection up against the Sister Superior's vulnerable vulva.

"Nnmmmmmm!!!" she screamed from behind her hands.

Her wet pussy lips parted as the first inch began sliding inside her body. The pleasure was already so
intense. How could she have fallen for such a simple trick? She cursed herself for not putting up
more of a fight.

'Alexi and Palatina are still out there. They can come and save me! I'm not fucked yet!' she wrongly

(Rolling 2d100 pleasure damage, because of the epic fail! 25 and 7 = 32% orgasm.)

The creature lowered Colette's body down, inch after inch of its massive cock engulfed by her
soaking wet cunt. She clenched her fingers tightly together over her mouth, fighting against the
pleasure. Hot cum was still trickling down her body.

"Mmmmm!!!!" she moaned, half in pleasure, half in protest.

She felt her pussy being filled up as the massive shaft swelled inside her. Colette struggled to
breathe through her nose, desperate to avoid opening her mouth. She couldn't afford to ingest any of
the aphrodisiacal semen.

"RAAAAGGGHHHH!" the alien unleashed a primal roar as it began aggressively fucking Colette's

Inch after inch of the alien cock plunged into her tight pussy. Once it had finished it withdrew before
plunging in again. Colette opened her mouth slightly, biting the back of her right index finger to stifle
her growing moans. With a cock now buried deep within her body wriggling free had just grown
significantly more difficult.

(Colette has gained the ‘Impaled’ status from the alien cock buried deep inside her pussy. This
makes escaping even more difficult. Instead of the 85+ roll to escape, Colette must now roll a 90+ to
break free.)
Warrior (Armed with 2 bone dildos and an unknown gun): 8/8 HP
8 Termagaunts.

Orgasm: 32%

In a challenge with the Warrior. No other allies can assist until the enemy has been defeated or
Colette has climaxed at least once.
Bukakked: Combat rolls are 10 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes an 80+.
Restrained: Colette needs to roll an 85+ strength test to break free of the Warrior's grip.
Impaled: Colette has been impaled on the Warrior's shaft, making her escape rolls more difficult. The
85+ roll for Restrained has been increased to 90+

7 being fucked silly.

(Rolling 85+ strength test for Colette to escape, increased to 90+ because she is now impaled on the
Warrior's cock… 8 rolled. Epic fail!)

Colette struggled to close her thighs, she exerted every minuscule amount of energy she could
muster into that sole task. And yet, despite her efforts, she failed to do little more than cause her
pussy to clamp down on the creature's invading shaft. The pleasure doubled, intensifying until she
finally gave up.

"Ayaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!" she screamed, taking her hands away from her mouth.

(Rolling special attack from the Warrior on 60+... 60 rolled! Special attack is happening!)

She quickly realised her mistake. The gun that had been spraying her with semen was raised to her
face. More hot cum gushed over her in a torrential blast. She couldn't help swallowing some as it
entered her gaping mouth and hit the back of her throat.


It trickled down her oesophagus and into her belly, warming everywhere it touched. She barely shut
her lips in time to prevent more from entering. The Warrior was incorrigible though, it pushed forward
the bio-gun against her sealed lips, trying to gain entry. She felt the warm fleshy organ rub up against
her mouth.

(Rolling 2d100+1d20 pleasure damage. 2d100 from the epic fail while she is being fucked, and
another 1d20 from being made to swallow some of the aphrodisiac semen. 56+32+18= 106%
pleasure damage added onto the 32% Colette already has.)

The combination of the overpowering smell of the semen, the salty taste of it on her tongue, and the
relentless pounding of her holy pussy were quickly proving too much for the Sister Superior. She felt
the growing convulsions of an incoming orgasm. There was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Mmm!!! Mmmmm!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!" she moaned, feeling the climax ripple through her
pussy and spread across every inch of her body.

"NNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!" she couldn't open her mouth, couldn't scream.

If she dared to open her mouth the cock would plunge inside and pump unholy amounts of that alien
semen into her belly. The cock continued slamming in and out of her pussy, defiling her body over
and over. Warm cum dribbled over her tightly sealed lips and trickled down her chin onto her
bouncing breasts.

(Every multiple of 100% will cause a climax. Each time a Sister climaxes they must roll a mindbreak
test. If they fail, they go ahegao and are rendered useless for the rest of the day. Collete has hit
138% orgasm and climaxed! Mindbreak tests get more difficult with each successive orgasm. For the
first, she needs to pass a 10+ mindbreak test… 51 rolled. Pass!)

And yet, as the orgasm finally subsided, she found she still had the presence of mind to resist.

'I haven't been reduced to a drooling sex slave yet…' she fiercely reminded herself, 'You won't break
me, you foul Xeno!'

Warrior (Armed with 2 bone dildos and an unknown gun): 8/8 HP
8 Termagaunts.

Orgasm: 138%
In a challenge with the Warrior - Colette has now climaxed and her allies can freely intervene.
Bukakked: Combat rolls are 10 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes an 80+.
Restrained: Colette needs to roll an 85+ strength test to break free of the Warrior's grip.
Impaled: Colette has been impaled on the Warrior's shaft, making her escape rolls more difficult. The
85+ roll for Restrained has been increased to 90+

7 being fucked silly.

(Rolling to see how the overall battle is going. 75+ is good for the Guardsmen, anything less than that
is varying degrees of Rapeanid advantage… 45 rolled! The Rapeanids continue pushing through the
trench lines and overrunning Guard positions.)


Colette blinked, her eyes following the sound of twisting metal. It was coming from her left, a tall
guard tower about fifty metres down the trench. The Gaunts had charged it, clambering on top of
each other in a writhing mass attempting to reach the soldiers at the top. Heavy stubbers rattled
down hot lead on the inbound Xenos, but there were simply too many. Aliens climbed on top of
aliens, forming a living tidal wave that ascended to the top of the tower. The entire structure was
slowly tilting and buckling under the weight of a hundred Gaunt bodies.

"Ahhh!!!" the scream came from a guardswoman leaping from the tower.

She appeared to prefer risking death to becoming a Rapeanid breeding slut. Her arms flailed and her
legs swung as she hurled herself off the massive erection. Fortunately, or unfortunately, an eagle-
eyed gargoyle swooped down catching the guardswoman mid-fall. She didn’t make it halfway to the
ground. Claws hooked into the back of her flak armour and she began to rise once more into the
cloudy skies of Glore IV.

"Nooooooo…." she yelled, her voice fading into the distance as she was carried from the battlefield.


The northern face of the tower gave way. It crumpled forward, delivering the garrison directly into the
writing mass of Rapeanid bodies and silencing three more machine guns. Somewhere down the line
a flamethrower erupted, engulfing a swathe of Xenos in superheated promethium. Colette gazed left
to right. There were few areas that the trench was holding. The line was like an elastic band stretched
to its limit, about to snap.
(Rolling 90+ strength test for Colette to break free of the Warrior… 76 rolled! No escape yet.)

In a sudden burst of energy the Sister Superior gave her strongest resistance yet. She kicked and
roared, punched and pounded. Yet, even this was not enough. The monster's thick erection was
buried a foot inside her. There would be - could be - no escape from this.

(Rolling 60+ special attack for the Warrior… 69! Pass! The Warrior engages in a special lewd attack!)

The Warrior struck again, pressing the advantage. Colette's squad of guardsmen were being fucked
and impregnated all around her, the Imperium’s lines were collapsing, and her Sisters were nowhere
to be seen. She was helpless.

"Ah!!!" she suddenly gasped as the Warrior thrust its cock especially deep into her pussy.

That single moment of weakness exposed another hole for the giant alien to take advantage of. The
cum-spraying bio-gun was unceremoniously thrust between Colette's pink lips. Her eyes widened in

"Nmmpppffff!" she gagged, attempting to close her mouth.

It was no good. The weapon was so large that her lips formed an involuntary tight seal around its
"barrel", rendering her completely and utterly at its mercy. Colette furiously tried to shake her head to
no avail. She opened her eyes to witness one of the creature's multiple arms closing in on the trigger.
A clawed digit wrapped around it and a dribble of Xenos cum ran across her tongue. And then it
squeezed. A rush of salty semen flooded her mouth, puffing out her cheeks. The pressure was
instantly intense. Cum squirted from the corners of her lips where the slightest air gap existed, but
this alone couldn't handle the flow. With nowhere else to go and an overwhelmed gag reflex,
Colette's body betrayed her.



Warm semen flowed down her oesophagus and entered her belly. There was so much. Each passing
second saw another mouthful of hot semen filling her up.

'Throne! I can't stop!' she panicked, unable to prevent herself from swallowing load after load.

'Shit! I've swallowed so much! I'll need to break free before the aphrodisiac kicks in,' she lamented.

(Colette has gained the ‘Swallowed Aphrodisiac’ status effect. There is no immediate effect, but if
she continues to swallow the cum things will get very bad for her, very fast.)

All the while the Warrior continued thrusting its hips, plunging its thick cock into her abused pussy.
Her holy hole was assaulted over and over. Pleasure receptors were frantically sending unwanted
signals to her brain - her own body betraying her, commanding her to cum again.

(Rolling 1d100+1d50 pleasure damage. 1d100 for fucking her pussy, 1d50 for making her swallow
cum. 6 and 3 rolled. 9% pleasure damage added on!)

Thankfully, she seemed to have found a bit of a respite. Her body was managing to hold off another
climax. If only her Sisters could make it over, perhaps they could save her.

Warrior (Armed with 2 bone dildos and an unknown gun): 8/8 HP
8 Termagaunts.

Orgasm: 147%
Status: Engaged in challenge with Warrior.
Bukakked: Combat rolls are 10 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes an 80+.
Restrained: Colette needs to roll an 85+ strength test to break free of the Warrior's grip.
Impaled: Colette has been impaled on the Warrior's shaft, making her escape rolls more difficult. The
85+ has been increased to 90+
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.

7 being fucked silly.

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 815/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 116 Guardsmen, 4 Chimera tanks, 2 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes


(Rolling to see how the battle is progressing on Alexi, Jenkins, and Palatina's flank with the
Tempestus Scion reinforcements. 65+ luck test for them to hold the line, 90+ sees them push the
Xenos back. 29 rolled. The Xenos continue to push the Imperial forces and break the trench lines.

(Jenkins, Palatina, and Alexi must each roll a luck test now on 70+ to determine if they managed to
fall back in time.
Palatina - 18 rolled. She hasn't escaped the Rapeanids and has a poor position in the trench.
Alexi - 94 rolled. Epic win! She hasn't sustained any additional damage and has gained a good
Jenkins - 7 rolled. Epic fail! The conscript is in trouble.)

(Rolling for the squad of Scions to make a tactical retreat. They are a cohesive elite squad who will
succeed on 60+. Any results below this will see some of their numbers captured. 60 rolled! They
narrowly make it out.)

It was pure chaos.

Not the malevolent entities living in the Warp. Actual chaos. The complete breakdown of order on the

Alexi had scrambled out of the Rapeanid-infested trench and now stood over it. All manner of foul
Xenos swam up and down the length of the dugout like water in a bath. Sometimes they would
overflow onto the land. Alexi was quick to act on such instances, wielding her chainsword and hand
flamer as she aggressively hacked and burnt any that dared leave. During the brief moments of
respite she stared at the alien abyss before her. She saw the occasional body of guardsmen and
women caught naked and being screwed silly. They were beyond saving right now.

Alexi bit her lower lip. A part of her deeply wished she could trade places, to be part of that never-
ending orgy. She knew better than that though, her comrades still needed her help. Fifteen metres to
her right was a large dugout connected to the trench line. It had been designed for a heavy weapon
emplacement, and during the opening volleys a lone autocannon had resided there. The autocannon
was now destroyed, its lengthy barrel bent by some alien monstrosity. The only thing that now
resided in that dugout was Palatina. Surrounded by the swarm, she had been forced into a corner.
Completely naked and armed with nothing but her own knuckles, she was fighting back as best she
could. Her breasts swinging with each punch she threw. Their vibrations continued endlessly
throughout the fight. Her face was scarlet red from exhaustion and her breathing came in ragged

"Jenkins!" Alexi yelled for the fifth time, unleashing another wave of fire into the trench.

"Jenkins! Where are you?!"

Only the Scions had also escaped Alexi's section of the trench. Another massive swarm had arrived,
smashing through the gunfire laid down by the Taurox Primes. The Scions scrambled out of the
trench, using tactical covering fire from their comrades. Alexi managed to pull herself to her feet after
the Scions arrive. She had briefly lost her senses when she was giving that boobjob, but rationality
had come back to her now. She had snatched her hand flamer and chainsword, then climbed an old
ladder leaning against the rear parapet and was now standing over the trench. Jenkins had gone
missing in the kerfuffle. She strained her eyes. There was no sign of the innocent conscript.

"Nmmpfff! Mppfff!!!"

Alexi's gaze drifted left as a muffled plea caught her ear. It was then that she saw her Sister Superior,
fully naked, and being forcefully fucked in front of the entire Imperial Guard. Her belly had distended
slightly, presumably from the massive amount of cum being injected into her mouth.

'Dammit!' Alexi thought, 'Why does Colette get to have ALL the fun?!'

"Raaahhhh!!!" a screaming alien clung to the edges of the trench, desperately crawling towards Alexi.

She glanced down at it before raising her handflamer.


Its flesh crackled and burned as it was engulfed by fire. Several of its friends met a similar fate. Alexi
glanced at the trench once more. As much of a slut as she was, she felt sick to her stomach at the
thought of anything happening to Jenkins.

'Maybe he made it out of that mess alright…' she pondered, 'I hope he did.'

Alexi was snapped back to reality by the clang of a Chimera armoured personnel carrier being
overturned. A massive hulking beast the siege of a Leman Russ tank had single handedly flipped the
APC. Thankfully for Alexi, it was much too far down the lines to be an imminent threat. There was a
rumble behind her, she turned to see the two Taurox Primes of the Tempestus Scions repositioning
themselves back. The drivers were clearly wary of meeting a similar fate to the battle tank.

She had to make a choice right now.

Palatina was being overwhelmed by the horde. She wouldn't last much longer. Alexi watched the
pious Sister launch a bold one-two punch into another Gaunt. But she was STILL losing ground and
being backed further into the corner of her dugout.

'I could attempt to save her, but it would be extremely risky…' she mulled.

Then again, Colette was already being fucked senseless further down the trench. Alexi watched her
being pounded senseless by the Warrior

'On the other hand, Palatina is still standing, and Colette needed my help ten minutes ago!'

Finally, there was the question of the missing conscript. There was still no sign of him.

'The Scions and Guard could surely hold the line if I take a short break from my post to search for
Jenkins…' she rationalised.

-Power Armor (2/4) (Top half missing)
-Hand Flamer (51% fuel remaining)
99% orgasm

-Power Armour (0/4) (Naked)
-Bare Fists
49% orgasm

Status Effects:
Missing In Action

Orgasm: 182%
Status: Engaged in challenge with Warrior.
Bukakked: Combat rolls are 10 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes an 80+.
Restrained: Colette needs to roll an 85+ strength test to break free of the Warrior's grip.
Impaled: Colette has been impaled on the Warrior's shaft, making her escape rolls more difficult. The
85+ has been increased to 90+
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 799/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 95 Guardsmen, 3 Chimera tanks, 2 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes

You, the reader, can now vote for which direction you want the story to go. Typically, choices
will be for more major events than this. For example, choosing which mission Sisters go on.
However, this is such a long chapter that I decided to introduce one now.

Characters can be permanently lost to Xenos. They might get kidnapped, mindbroken and
enslaved, or even lost in battle, their exact fate unknown (but presumably rather lewd).

Alexi now has a choice. Who would you like her to try and save?

[li]Sister Palatina[/li]
[li]Sister Superior Colette[/li]
[li]Conscript Jenkins[/li]

Feel free to vote in the comments section.

If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate a dollar on Patreon.

This is not a monthly subscription. I will only ever charge whenever I produce a full chapter
like this one.
4 - The Disaster at Bedleyberk Ridge


‘Where the fuck ARE you, Jenkins?’

The same words played over and over in Alexi’s brain like a holotape stuck on repeat. The sprawling
battlefield had become messier now. There were no clear battle lines drawn anymore. A full third of
the trenchline had been overrun. The blonde soldier looked left - it was a small saving grace that
things did seem to be marginally better farther up the line.

‘Maybe Jenkins made it out in time?’ she thought to herself.

The Rapeanids had swarmed the Easternmost point of the trench, trapping a dozen or so Imperial
soldiers in the network. In response the Tempestus Scions had turned the trench into a killbox. They
stood aggressively on the edges of the dugouts and fired full-auto with their hot-shot lasguns. The
result was gory and grizzly to behold - but devastatingly effective at containing the beasts. Chief
among the trapped soldiers was Sister Palatina. She had been backed into the corner of a large
square section of the trench that had been designed for a heavy weapon emplacement. The Sister
was now fighting tooth and nail with her bare hands. She was at least sixty metres away from Alexi’s
current position.

“Oy! Where’s that girl that was with you?!” a furious voice called out from behind her.

Alexi turned her head to see a dominating figure standing tall three metres away. They were clad in
the armour of the Tempestus Scions, but unlike the rest of the squad he was male. In his left hand he
wielded a bolt pistol, while his right was encased in a massive shimmering glove. Alexi recognised it
as a powerfist, a powerful energy weapon capable of crushing… well, almost anything short of a Titan!
The Scion was glaring straight at her with chilly, hard eyes. There was no doubt he was addressing
the question to her.

“The girl you were just with!” he repeated, “Where did she go?!”

He staggered each word, giving them more time than they required. The urgency of his request was
not lost though.

“P-Palatina, she’s uh… She’s just over there,” Alexi gestured towards Palatina’s general direction,
“She got caught up in a… in a dugout when the trench got overrun.”

Alexi’s speech was sluggish, her mind still wracked with worry about Jenkins. The man turned to
face the Scions behind him. Alexi rushed forward and grabbed his right arm.

“W-Wait, are you in charge of the Scions?”

“Let go of me,” he replied curtly.

“Oh, s-sorry,” Alexi stammered.

“And yes, I am. Tempestor Prime Collingridge of the 3rd Celtic Rangers.”

“I need your help, I’ve lost someone when the trench got overrun.”

“What’s their name, gender, and appearance?”

“Umm… Name is Jenkins, he’s male, and wearing guard armour with a white stripe on the helm-”

“Hold on, he’s a conscript?”

“Please! You need to find him, he’s important!”

Collingridge had never been known as a patient man; and this bubbly Sister was wearing him thinner
than paper.

“Fu… Fine, we’ll search for him,” narrowly avoiding swearing at the Sister. It wouldn’t be worth the

“Thank you!” Alexi grinned.

She now had free reign to go and rescue Colette! Alexi quickly checked her handflamer and
chainsword were in place before dashing down the trench. Her heavy boots thudding over the battle-
scarred field. Collingridge watched her leave, then turned to face Palatina. The Retributor launched a
clenched fist into the jaw of a leaping Gaunt, sending it crashing into its comrades like a bowling ball.
Collingridge tutted quietly.

‘The Administrator will have a crimson collar wrapped around my neck if I lose this girl,’ he mulled to

“Tempestor Prime, sir!” the voice came from Collingridge’s left.

It was one of his squad. They had moved away from the trench and were standing at attention.

“Speak, Scion Esselbaum.”

“Thank you, sir!” she replied, “I overheard your conversation with that Sister, sir! I am happy to
volunteer to lead the search party, sir!”

“There is no need for a search party, Esselbaum. I have already located Sister Palatina.”

“Apologies if I was unclear, sir. I was referring to the Astra Militarum soldier - Jenkins, sir.”

Collingridge blinked. Sandra Esselbaum had always been an eager soldier, keen to volunteer for
even the most dangerous assignments. Especially when it came to helping people. She was good-
natured. Perhaps a bit too good-natured to fight with the 3rd Celtic Rangers. The Tempestor admired
her strawberry blonde hair and moss green eyes. She was a beauty to behold. A virgin as well, if
rumours were to be believed.
(Rolling a character flaw for Tempestor Collingridge - Morally bankrupt. Collingridge is morally
bankrupt and will care about nothing more than carrying out his orders. Because rescuing soldiers is
not part of his mission, and because Jenkins is such a low-value target this will be an almost-
impossible test for him to pass. Rolling a 96+ morality test… 50 rolled. A solid fail.)

“Listen closely, Esselbaum, because I ain’t gonna repeat myself. We don’t take orders from some
jumped up whore from the Adepta Sororitas. And we sure as shit aren’t gonna be wasting manpower
on a throne-damned manhunt in the middle of a fucking battle!” Collingridge’s voice seemed to
increase in volume with each sentence, “Especially when the target is a worthless, replaceable
Whiteshield! Have I made myself clear, Esselbaum?!”

“Y-Yes, sir! S-Sorry, sir!”

“Now, return to your throne-damned position before I rip your carapace off and toss you into that
trench myself!”

Sandra nodded frantically, struggling not to tear up as she returned to the edge of the trench.

(Rolling for Sandra Esselbaum’s character flaw - Just Following Orders. Sandra will generally obey
orders no matter how callous they are. She needs an 75+ to disobey her orders and unilaterally go
searching for Jenkins. 42 rolled. She fails her character flaw and stays at her post.)

She raised her hot-shot lasgun once more and reopened fire on the swarm of Xenos. Thoughts
rushed through her mind - the Tempestor was rude to her, but he was correct. What did the life of
one conscript matter when compared to the value of the mission?

(Rolling an agility test for Alexi. If she rolls higher than 90+ she makes it to Colette before the Warrior
can attack again. Any result over 11+ will pass, but the Warrior will get more turns to violate Colette
before Alexi arrives. 16 rolled. Alexi has been slowed down by the ongoing battle and uneven terrain.
The Warrior gets four free turns to violate Colette before Alexi arrives.)

Alexi panted as she ran across the rugged, uneven battlefield. Mortar shells, grenades, and bombs
had carved deep craters into the fields. She drew in a deep breath through her nose and the scent of
the ocean filled her nostrils. She almost forgot how close they were to the seaside. If the guardsmen
could actually get off the backfoot and launch a proper offensive they might be able to drive the
Rapeanids into the ocean.

“Whoa!” Alexi yelled, nearly tripping over the gunned-down corpse of a Gargoyle.

She snapped back to reality, now was no time to daydream. The battlefield was getting more
dangerous with each passing second. She couldn’t afford to just rush directly towards Colette or
she’d end up just like her.

‘Of course, that mightn’t be an entirely bad thing,’ she mulled with a smirk.

The knowledge that the Scions were going to search for Jenkins was comforting to her. As her mind
relaxed fantasies of fucking Rapeanids returned.

-Power Armor (2/4) (Top half missing)
-Hand Flamer (51% fuel remaining)
99% orgasm
Status Effects: None
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 752/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 81 Guardsmen, 3 Chimera tanks, 2 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes


(4 turns until Alexi arrives.)

“Mppfff!” Colette moaned, her mouth still being packed full with cum from the alien weapon.

The Sister Superior knew her body was about to betray her a second time. She was rapidly
approaching the precipice of a second climax. The sensation of the Warrior’s thick cock plunging in
and out of her wet pussy was driving her crazier with each thrust. She knew she wouldn’t be able to
resist forever. She’d be forced to cum and cum and cum. Over and over. Again and again. Sure, she
might be able to hold onto her sanity for the first few climaxes - but what about the fourth or fifth time
she was forced to cum? Would she still have her presence of mind after the sixth time? Would she be
a drooling slut after the seventh orgasm? Would she be begging to be fucked harder by the eighth?

Colette cursed herself for letting her mind wander down such inappropriate avenues. She was a
Sister Superior - she shouldn’t even be countencing defeat; let alone wallowing in fantasies of it.

“MMMMM!!!! *Gulp* Ahhmmmmfff!” she gagged, choking on the thick salty fluid occupying her

(Rolling a strength test for Colette to break free. She needed an 85+ because she was restrained, but
being impaled on the cock as well has increased the threshold to 90+. 49 rolled! She hasn't escaped

The Sister Superior wriggled and writhed against the Warrior’s grip. It was stronger than her - much
stronger. Even if she did manage to break free of its vice-like claws, she’d still have to pull herself up
and off its massive cock that was buried deep inside her. It came as little surprise that she didn’t
manage to escape.

The squad of guardsmen that had accompanied her in the trenchline had been long-since broken.
Fucked, sucked, impregnated, violated in every single hole. Colette caught a glimpse of her future in
their ahegao-riddled faces. It terrified and excited her at the same time. One of the guardswomen
was obviously pregnant, clutching her swollen stomach. Colette had worried about being reduced to
a mindbroken slut before; but this was the first time she just might get pregnant as well. The
Warrior’s cock had been thrusting inside her for a few minutes now - surely it was going to cum
sometime soon.

“Nmmpfff!!” Colette protested, realising that her eggs could very soon be fertilised.

(The Warrior is going to climax on a 70+... 34 rolled. It doesn’t flood her womb with cum yet!)

“Rraaaaaggghhhh!” the Rapeanid screeched.

It was a primal roar of pleasure. The creature was enjoying every second that it spent with its shaft
deep inside the Sister Superior’s vagina. It squeezed the biological trigger on its weapon once more,
unleashing a fresh blast of semen into its captive’s mouth.

(Rolling 1d100+1d50 pleasure damage. 1d100 for fucking her pussy, 1d50 for making her swallow
cum. 34 and 28 rolled. 62% pleasure damage added on! 182%+62%=242% Orgasm! As she has hit
another multiple of 100% she has cum again! Each multiple of 100% will indicate an increasingly
intense climax, which gets much harder for Sisters to resist before being mindbroken.)


The sensation of hot cum trickling down her throat and the hard alien cock slamming into her soaking
wet pussy drove the Sister over the edge once more. Colette’s toes curled and she arched her back
as another climax burnt through her body. Her pussy clenched around the invading cock as her own
body betrayed her. As she wriggled around the Rapeanid weapon slipped from her mouth. Alien
semen continued to spray from the weapon, coating her breasts with the warm fluid as she
unleashed a scream of her own.

“Ahhhhhhhh!!!! *GASP* I’m cummiiiiinnng!” she cried, shaking and trembling as orgasmic
convulsions wracked her body.

(As Colette has cum again she must pass another mindbreak test! This time on 15+... 96 rolled! Epic
win! Colette manages to calm herself down and removes up to 50% from her Orgasm stat down to
the lowest multiple of 100%! This brings her down to 200% orgasm and buys her some time.)

The temptation to give into the pleasure and stop resisting was strong, but Colette’s resolve was
stronger. With gritted teeth and clenched fists she shook off the worst of her climax and managed to
restore some modicum of calmness. She inhaled a deep breath through her nose and spat out the
last of the semen she’d avoided swallowing.

“Is… Is that the best you’ve got?!” she grunted, defying the creature the pleasure of seeing her

In that moment Colette stood against the Rapeanid Hivemind. It wanted to fuck her, to break her, to
ruin her body. And with guts and bravado that only a human can muster, she defied it.

Warrior (Armed with 2 bone dildos and an unknown gun): 8/8 HP

Orgasm: 200%
Status: Engaged in challenge with Warrior.
Bukakked: Combat rolls are 10 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes an 80+.
Restrained: Colette needs to roll an 85+ strength test to break free of the Warrior's grip.
Impaled: Colette has been impaled on the Warrior's shaft, making her escape rolls more difficult. The
85+ has been increased to 90+
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.

(3 Turns Remaining Until Alexi Arrives)

“Raaagghhhhh!” the alien roared once more, attempting to regain some semblance of control over
the situation.

“Return to the Galactic Void, foul Xeno! You shall NOT break me!” Colette hollered in reply.

(Rolling a strength test for Colette to break free. She needed an 85+ because she was restrained, but
being impaled on the cock as well has increased the threshold to 90+. 35 rolled. No escape yet!)

Despite her bravery, despite her resistance, despite that phenomenal courage - Colette could not
break free. All the will in the sector counted for naught if she could not free herself from its restraining
(Rolling a special attack from the Warrior on 60+... 6 rolled. An epic fail! The Warrior can’t get its gun
back in her mouth! Colette does 1 damage to the Warrior!)

The Warrior attempted to return the semen-spraying gun to her mouth. This bitch clearly required
more cum before she would become compliant. As the alien weapon returned to her mouth Colette
snatched the barrel with her right hand and bent it back as hard as she could. There was an audible
crack followed by a screech of pain from the beast.


“Take that you - ahh - oversized bug!” she gasped.

(Rolling a 65+ for the Warrior to cum… 19 rolled. It doesn’t cum yet.)

(Rolling 1d100 pleasure damage for the cock fucking her pussy. 75% damage! Colette’s orgasm has
increased to 275%!)

There was still a thick cock inside her body. It was growing closer and closer to climax with each
thrust made. She knew that if it filled her up she would almost certainly lose her mind to the pleasure
of it. Not to mention the other effects - like being impregnated. Thoughts of feeling that hot alien
semen splashing up against her womb left her feeling terrified and horny in equal measure.
Thankfully though, there was still time. Even if she couldn’t manage to break free someone would
surely come to her aid - a noble Guardsman? One of her Sisters? Maybe those Scions?

“Ahhh! Ohhh!” she moaned, feeling her body quickly approach another climax.

The alien’s cock was positioned perfectly to strike her g-spot at this angle. Each thrust was more
pleasurable than the last, slowly breaking down her resistance. She knew that a couple more
climaxes and she would be cumming so hard that she’d be squirting over the battlefield.

Warrior (Armed with 2 bone dildos and an unknown gun): 7/8 HP

Orgasm: 275%
Status: Engaged in challenge with Warrior.
Bukakked: Combat rolls are 10 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes an 80+.
Restrained: Colette needs to roll an 85+ strength test to break free of the Warrior's grip.
Impaled: Colette has been impaled on the Warrior's shaft, making her escape rolls more difficult. The
85+ has been increased to 90+
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.

(2 Turns Remaining Until Alexi Arrives)

(Rolling for the trenchline East of Colette’s original position. The Imperium will need a miracle to hold
this part of the line. An 80+ combat test is required. 22 rolled. A very bad result for the Imperium.)

(Rolling a strength test for Colette to break free. She needed an 85+ because she was restrained, but
being impaled on the cock as well has increased the threshold to 90+. 78 rolled. She doesn’t break
free, but it’s a fairly high roll so she does 1 damage!)

Colette had a superb view of the battle as she was held aloft by the Warrior. To her East she saw the
Rapeanids break through the trenchline. Gaunts, Warriors, and creatures the size of Leman Russ
battle tanks stormed over the flimsy defences. She saw soldier upon soldier stripped naked and
dragged, kicking and screaming into the swarm. Men and women alike were pulled into the alien
horde. She tried not to lose heart, to hold faith that they would turn this around. But deep down,
Colette knew this was going to be nigh-impossible. The Imperial forces were stretched far too thinly
to provide any reinforcements. There would be no backup. There would be no majestic cavalry of the
Rough Riders thundering over Bedleyberk’s Ridge to save the day. There would be no flight of the
Valkyries obliterating the aliens with a barrage of rockets and lascannons. The 224th Janazar
Grenadiers had been reduced to just five dozen, and at a glance, the Imperials were outnumbered by
the Xenos ten to one.

(Rolling a faith test for Colette on 90+... 36 rolled. Fail. Colette doesn't believe they can win the battle
anymore. She has gained the ‘Defeatist’ status effect. Defeatist: Each turn Colette must roll a 20+
willpower test, or she may skip her action and just give up.)

‘They don’t stand a chance…’ Colette believed.




An ungodly monstrosity the size of a small house had charged one of the last guardtowers, knocking
out another set of heavy stubbers. All around here guardsmen were frantically scrambling from the
trench, falling behind the second rank. As her eyes traversed the battlefield, Colette felt the Warrior’s
cock continue to slam into her body. The creature was too strong for her to break free from its grip.

“Ugh!” Colette groaned, her resistance fading like a dying candle.

(Rolling a special attack from the Warrior on 60+... 53 rolled. A regular fail. Nothing special happens.)

Colette turned her gaze to the West. The Xenos had been somewhat contained here - a row of brave
Scions and some Guardsmen unleashing red beams of searing light into the trench. Over a hundred
alien bodies had piled up into a growing hill of corpses. But they couldn’t last forever. Soon, the
Rapeanid forces in the East would break through and attack the Scions’ flank. As the darkness
closed in Colette thought about the end, about the things she had always longed to do. She never got
to see the Cadian Gate. Never got to stand side-by-side with those legendary soldiers in their eternal
watch. She never got to make that pilgrimage to Holy Terra. To gaze upon the imperial palace in all
its righteous majesty. Now, her future would be nothing more than a breeding slut for these foul

“Ah! Ah! AHHH! Ohhh! Oh Fuck! You’re gonna break me!” Colette gasped and closed her eyes,
letting the darkness shield her from the horrors of this accursed battle.

(Rolling a 60+ for the Warrior to cum… 18 rolled. Colette is one lucky Sister!)

“Colette! Colette!”

The melodic voice carried over the sound of gunfire and alien roars. It reverberated across the
battlefield crisp and clear. Colette opened her eyes, and she saw it. A blonde flame bobbing in the
dark storm.

“Ahhlexi! Ohh!! Mmm!” Colette yelled back, struggling to get her words out in between the moans of

Alexi was struggling across the battlefield wielding handflamer and chainsword. Orange gouts of fire
erupted every now and then as she burnt more aliens to a charred crisp. A swarm of Gaunts leapt at
the Sister and attempted to bring her down. There must have been five or six of them. Alexi revved
her chainsword and swiped in a wide circle.

(Rolling 2d100 35+ attacks for the chainsword against the Gaunt. 63 and 98! Pass and a near-
phenomenal win! This near phenomenal combat display may be enough to bring Colette’s fighting
spirit back.)
Viscera filled the air as Alexi fought back with renewed vigour. She was refusing to yield, even in the
face of near-certain defeat. Subconsciously, Colette knew that Alexi probably saw this situation as a
win-win. A victory for the Imperium, or endless sex. But right now, all that mattered was this Sister
was fighting back.

(Rolling a 20+ test for Colette to regain her faith. 34 rolled! Colette has regained some faith that there
is still a slim hope. The Defeatist status has been removed!)

If Alexi was still fighting, then surely she could still resist too. Perhaps things weren’t truly over yet.
Maybe they could still turn this around. And even if they couldn’t - they could make these alien’s pay
dearly for every soldier captured.

(Rolling 1d100 pleasuire for the cock fucking Colette’s pussy. 14 pleasure damage rolled! Colette is
up to 296% Orgasm!)

“Ahhhh!” she screamed as the Warrior plunged its thick shaft deep inside her abused pussy once

It was bringing her close to another climax.

“F-Fuck! You’re gonna make me cum again! Ayaaahhh!!!” Colette squealed, feeling the orgasmic
convulsions begin in her stomach.

The captured Sister Superior knew that Alexi wasn’t going to reach her in time. She realised the only
thing she could do would be to try to hold on and pray she could hold onto her sanity after one more
climax. Her breasts bounced up and down with each thrust into her cunt.

Warrior (Armed with 2 bone dildos and an unknown gun): 6/8 HP

Orgasm: 296%
Status: Engaged in challenge with Warrior.
Bukakked: Combat rolls are 10 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes an 80+.
Restrained: Colette needs to roll an 85+ strength test to break free of the Warrior's grip.
Impaled: Colette has been impaled on the Warrior's shaft, making her escape rolls more difficult. The
85+ has been increased to 90+
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.
Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 684/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 64 Guardsmen, 3 Chimera tanks, 1 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 17 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes

(1 Turn Remaining Until Alexi Arrives)

“Hold on, Colette! I’m nearly there!” Alexi yelled, hacking the last Gaunt apart.

It didn’t stand a chance against the raw power of the blonde Sister’s chainsword. Each alien
monstrosity that approached Alexi was relentlessly cut down as she inched her way towards her
Sister Superior. She was barely twenty metres away now.

“Ahh! Ohh!” Colette’s moans filled the air.

(Rolling a strength test for Colette to break free. She needed an 85+ because she was restrained, but
being impaled on the cock as well has increased the threshold to 90+. 15 rolled. Colette remains
restrained by the Warrior!)

(Rolling a special attack from the Warrior on 60+... 38 rolled. A regular fail.)

She should have known it by now - knew that she wasn’t strong enough to break free. It didn’t stop
Colette putting up a fight though. Perhaps it was this persistent wriggling, kicking, and punching that
saved her from the Warrior pulling off another elaborate erotic attack.

‘I don’t think I’d be able to hold on if it started making me drink more of that cum,’ Colette thought
to herself, ‘At least Alexi is nearby now. Hopefully she can save me.’

(Rolling a 55+ for the Warrior to fill Colette’s pussy with cum… 20 rolled. Colette is one lucky Sister!)

The Warrior pounded the Sister Superior’s pussy again and again, driving deeper and deeper with its
cock. Soon the creature’s glans was touching her sensitive cervix, making the Sister scream in
pleasure. Colette knew she was doomed if the alien ejaculated now - it was in the perfect position to
fertilise her eggs.

(Rolling 1d100 pleasuire for the cock fucking Colette’s pussy. 20 pleasure damage rolled! Colette is
up to 316% Orgasm!)
(Colette has cum again, and must pass a 20+ Mindbreak test! 87% rolled! She manages to hold on,
but even if Alexi rescues her - this Warrior has already weakened the Sister Superior.)

The third orgasm began deep within Colette’s clenched stomach. It was an intense convulsion that
rippled down every limb.


She screamed as the pleasure sent her body spasming. It felt good. Guilty good. Colette knew she
shouldn’t be allowing herself to let a foul Xeno make her feel this way. It was borderline heretical to
give into such pleasure.

“Ohhhhh! F-Fuck! I’m cumming!” she gasped, tightly shutting her eyes.

The climax lasted for far too long, undoubtedly extended by the Warrior’s ceaseless thrusting. Half a
minute later Colette was still feeling the occasional tingle of a post-orgasmic spasm.

“Ahh… Ah! Ohh… Ah!”

‘That’s the third time this alien monstrosity has made me cum. I’m getting into dangerous territory
now - it’s already gotten much harder to avoid giving up,’ Colette mulled in her mind.

Warrior (Armed with 2 bone dildos and an unknown gun): 6/8 HP

Orgasm: 316%
Status: Engaged in challenge with Warrior.
Bukakked: Combat rolls are 10 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes an 80+.
Restrained: Colette needs to roll an 85+ strength test to break free of the Warrior's grip.
Impaled: Colette has been impaled on the Warrior's shaft, making her escape rolls more difficult. The
85+ has been increased to 90+
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.

“Hey! Pick on someone who can handle your size!”

“Ah-Ahhlexi! That’s n-not the expression! Mmm!” Colette corrected the blonde Sister.

Colette was used to Alexi’s misuse of idioms. She had never quite worked out if she was doing it
intentionally though. She suspected Alexi didn’t even notice. Regardless, her salvation was now at
hand. The Dominion stood on the other side of the trench staring up at the Warrior. Colette noticed
that Alexi’s face was flush red. She considered attributing it to the marathon Alexi had just made
across the battlefield; but then she noticed Alexi’s nipples. They were stiff and engorged. Alexi was
on the verge of an orgasm of her own.

‘Maybe salvation isn’t here after all…’ Colette lamented.

“C’mon big boy, let’s dance! Just you and me!” Alexi bellowed out a challenge of her own.

(The Warrior accepts the challenge on a 25+, modified to 15+ because the Rapeanids are decisively
winning the battle. 42 rolled! The Warrior tosses Colette aside and a new duel begins!)

(Alexi and the Warrior are now engaged in a challenge. The usual rules will apply - nobody else will
be permitted to intervene until the Warrior has been defeated, or Alexi has been forced to cum at
least once.)

“Whoa!” Colette groaned as the Warrior lifted her up off its thick cock and tossed her aside.

She landed with a soft thud just above the trench. Colette took the opportunity to finally wipe her face.
There was a lot of cum still covering her body and it would take a couple of minutes before she could
wipe enough of it off. As she lay back she heard the rumble of Alexi revving her chainsword. A
whistling explosion detonated deep in the enemy lines - probably another mortar shell.

‘That mortar team are probably running low on ammo by now,’ Colette thought.


Alexi’s chainsword grumbled again, its fanged teeth snarling at the Warrior. Small grey puffs
emerged from the exhaust port near the handle. The Warrior paced back and forth along its side of
the trench, beckoning Alexi to try and charge it. When it became clear that Alexi had no intention of
trying to cross the trench and risk losing the high ground it became apoplectic.

“RAAAAGGHHHH!!!” it fulminated, suddenly bounding forward.

(Rolling a 35+ agility test for the Warrior to leap across the trench and attack Alexi. 16 rolled! It fails!)

The hulking alien charged forth, leaping in the air. It was far more agile than a creature of its size
should have been. However, it wasn’t high enough. The Xeno began descending too early, narrowly
missing the far parapet. As it slipped forward its vulnerable neck was exposed. Alexi revved her
chainsword and swung it in a wide arc.

(Alexi tries to seize the advantage - she gets a single attack with her chainsword that hits on 25+.
Additionally, this attack scores an epic win on an 81+, rather than 91+. Furthermore, phenomenal
wins will now happen on a 97+ instead of a 99+... 57 rolled! A strong attack, but no bonus effects. 3
damage to the Warrior as it was in a vulnerable position!)



There was a cracking of carapace as the chainsword slashed at the creature’s throat. The beast
crashed back into the trench before staggering to its feet once more.

“It’s over, Warrior! I have the high ground!” Alexi chuckled, swinging her chainsword in wide arcs.

“Raaagghhhh!” the creature snarled.

Warrior (Armed with 2 bone dildos and an unknown gun): 3/8 HP

Orgasm: 316%
Status Effects
Bukakked: Combat rolls are 10 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes an 80+.
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.

-Power Armor (2/4) (Top half missing)
-Hand Flamer (39% fuel remaining)
99% orgasm
Status Effects: In a challenge with the Warrior.
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

It revealed its massive teeth and took a couple of steps back. Colette watched from the other side as
the Warrior reared up, preparing to launch one final attack. With Alexi on the verge of an orgasm and
the Warrior severely weakened this fight could very quickly go either way. Colette held her breath and
silently prayed to the God Emperor that Alexi would win.

(Rolling an Act of Faith test for Colette’s prayer on 85+... 96 rolled! Epic win! Colette’s prayer has
been answered!)

Alexi felt emboldened with a valorous courage. She was filled with a resolve she hadn’t felt in years.
Colette saw a fire burn deep within the Dominion’s eyes hotter than her handflamer.

“Well? What are you waiting for, coward?! Look at you skulking in that trench! Pathetic!” Alexi’s
taunting was growing louder with each passing second.

(Alexi has gained an Act of Faith: ‘The Passion’ for the rest of this battle. There is a chance she may
lose it each time she is forced to climax. The Passion grants Alexi a bonus to her melee attacks.
Each time she scores a successful hit in melee it will count as two hits.)

(Rolling a 60+ agility test for the Warrior. 62 rolled! It makes the leap up, but doesn't roll well enough
to strike first! Alexi will get to swing before it does!)

The Warrior responded to Alexi’s taunting in earnest, leaping up towards the Dominion with both
bone dildos raised. Alexi raised her chainsword and prepared to strike the beast down. This time she
would kill it.

(Rolling two 60+ melee tests for Alexi with her chainsword. It’s a more difficult test because the
Warrior is well armoured and also tougher than Alexi’s strength. 2 and 2 rolled.)

(Author’s note: Every single roll in this game is 100% genuine. Extremely bad things may happen to
the Sisters leading to them getting very lewded. I am not artificially changing numbers in any way.
This is an actual DOUBLE PHENOMENAL FAIL with a 0.01% chance of happening!)
Colette wiped another globelt of the alien’s cum from her eyes as she watched what would become
known as the ‘Disaster at Bedleyberk’ unfold. It was a fuck-up of phenomenal proportions. The
Sister Superior watched, her mouth slowly gaping wider with each passing second. Things
sometimes went from bad to worse during the cut and thrust of battle - it was to be expected. What
wasn’t expected was that things went from bad to worse to utter calamity. In what can only be
displayed as a stunning display of ineptitude Alexi violently swung her chainsword back above her
head, apparently attempting to instigate a sudden downward strike.

(Colette has removed enough cum to reduce the bukkake penalty a bit!)

Warrior (Armed with 2 bone dildos and an unknown gun): 3/8 HP
Unknown Rapeanid Strain (Six Arms and a tongue weapon): 10/10 HP.

Orgasm: 316%
Status Effects
Partially Bukakked: Combat rolls are 5 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes a 75+.
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.

-Power Armor (2/4) (Top half missing)
-Hand Flamer (39% fuel remaining)
Orgasm: 99%
Status Effects:
In a challenge with the Warrior.
Act of Faith: The Passion - Each time this Sister scores a successful hit in melee it will count as two
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

Perhaps it was the exhaustion of fighting the drawn-out battle. Perhaps it was some slippery alien
cum. Perhaps it was just sweat from having ran across the trenchline. Whatever the accursed reason
the chainsword slipped from Alexi’s hand, flying a solid ten metres behind her and landing amidst a
pile of discarded lasgun power packs. As if that wasn’t bad enough, in the shock of the moment Alexi
attempted to grab her escaping chainsword with her other hand.
“Nooooooo!” Colette could hear herself scream in slow motion as Alexi also released her hand
flamer from her grip.

The lightweight promitherum-filled weapon soared through the air a different direction. Colette and
Alexi’s eyes followed the ill-fated trajectory, coursing through the air and crashing down upon a
Chimera tank. The spherical fuel tank of the hand flamer erupted, dousing the armoured personnel
carrier in a sea of raging orange flames.

(Rolling a damage test for the hand flamer against the Chimera. The hand flamer only has a small
chance of actually damaging the vehicle. The Chimera tank is tough and well armoured, so it gets an
11+ armour save against the handflamer exploding… 53 rolled! It doesn’t get damaged!)

(Rolling a leadership test for the crew who might believe their tank has caught fire, needing a 40+ to
pass, but since being caught in a flaming tank is so terrifying it has increased to 60+ to pass. 66
rolled! The tank crew just about hold their nerve!)

Colette’s eyes were affixed to the shitshow. By the Emperor’s grace the Chimera didn’t seem to be
damaged nor its crew phased. It continued to drive forward, spitting out repeated volleys of searing
red light from its multilaser. The Sister Superior’s gaze drifted back to Alexi who was now anxiously
stepping back from the towering Warrior. She was completely disarmed. Nothing but her own two
fists to defend herself from this alien monstrosity. The Warrior was advancing on her now, closing the
final gap and preparing to launch an attack of its own.

(Because Alexi screwed up her attack so phenomenally badly the Warrior is going to get an
opportunity for a special attack that succeeds on a 20+... 93 rolled! An epic win!)

The Warrior dropped its bone dildos and grabbed Alexi with its massive claws. She didn’t have a
hope of escaping - the creature was much too quick.

“Ahh!” Alexi screamed as she was lifted off the ground.

Colette began struggling to her feet. He body was still trembling and shaking from the intense fucking
she had received. She saw the Warrior begin aligning its cock with Alexi’s pussy. And then… it
stopped. Colette drew in a deep gasp of air; she’d been holding her breath without realising it. Alexi
gulped. The blonde Sister was looking up at the Warrior preparing to fuck her. She wasn’t fighting
back. Unlike Colette, she wasn’t going to waste her energy punching a carapaced giant. The Warrior
tilted its head to the sky and unleashed a deafening roar, prompting both Sisters to shield their ears.

Alexi waited anxiously for the Warrior to slam its cock inside her. To fill her up and make her scream.
To destroy her pussy.

And yet… that moment never came. It simply waited.

Colette seized the opportunity to dash for the trenchline. She vaulted into the trench, landing with a
dull thud on some dead Gaunts. The Sister Superior wasted no time valiantly searching for a
weapon. Any weapon. The guardsmen that had once accompanied her were long gone. She had no
doubt what happened to them and tried to suppress such thoughts. The Gargoyles would have
carried the mindbroken soldiers far away.

‘Divine Emperor, by your eternal grace let me find something right now,’ she prayed as she
rummaged through rubble, ruin, and debris.

(Rolling a luck test for Colette. She needs a 20+ to find a functional weapon. Higher rolls will yield
better weapons… 94 rolled! An epic win! Colette finds St. Stephen’s Sword AND a Bolt Pistol.)

As Colette overturned a loose wooden plank that had peeled away from the trench wall she saw a
silvery glint. Her eyes widened.

“Saint Stephen’s Sword…” she whispered.

Truth be told, she thought she had lost the holy relic earlier in the fight. To find it again was nothing
short of the very will of the God-Emperor made manifest! As she picked the silver sword up she
noticed another item as well.

“My bolt pistol!” she gasped, snatching the weapon back into her possession.

Colette began looking for the nearest spot to clamber back out of the trench, eventually finding a
rickety wooden ladder. As she ascended she saw the Warrior and Alexi, but also a second Rapeanid
creature. This one was just as tall as the Warrior, but seemed to be a completely different genetic
strain. It had a lengthy serpentine neck and slits for eyes. Six gangly arms extended from its torso
ending in a variety of hand-like appendages. A single-charred burnmark rested at the top of its
carapaced chest, just below its throat. Alexi’s stomach sank as she recognised it from her
marksmanship challenge with Jenkins earlier on.

“Oh! Ah.. Haha…” Alexi nervously laughed as she saw the new entity approaching, “It-It’s you! I d-
didn’t REALLY mean to shoot you y’know!”

The Warrior passed Alexi to the new creature who was immediately restrained by its mass of writhing
limbs. Her only saving grace was that she still had her bottom-half protected by power armour.
Colette suddenly realised that rescuing Alexi was now or never - if she left her any longer this
creature would break her. The Sister Superior glanced around the nearby battlefield.

(Rolling to see how strong Rapeanid presence is in this section of the trench. A 25+ will mean there
are at least some more Xenos beyond the two Colette currently sees. 17 rolled! It looks like the battle
has mostly ended in this section.)

She couldn’t see any other Rapeanids nearby apart from the two hulking brutes before her. The rest
of the Gaunts seemed to have charged down the line to where the fighting was more intense. Truth
be told, there was nothing much left to attack here anyway apart from Alexi and Colette. The last
Chimera had driven off, the soldiers that were being fucked had been captured and carried away, and
the guardtowers had been silenced.

The Rapeanid was holding Alexi’s wrists and ankles and forcing her spread eagle mid-air. Its two
free hands reached up to her exposed tits and roughly groped them. This simple act alone was
probably enough to drive Alexi over the edge. She was already on the verge of a climax.

(Rolling a 90+ pleasure resistance test for Alexi. 49 rolled! She fails to resist it!)

(Rolling 1d20 pleasure damage for the groping. 11 rolled! Alexi has hit 110% orgasm and cums!)

(Rolling a 3+ mindbreak test for Alexi since it’s only her first climax. 11 rolled! She hangs on.)

Colette saw Alexi’s eyes close as the alien’s hands buried into her soft chest. Her body was starting
to shake.

“Ah… Ahhhh!!!” Alexi gasped as orgasmic waves emanated from her breasts, coursing through her

The pleasure grew more and more intense with each squeeze of her tits weakening her resolve. She
moaned and bit her lower lip, relishing the pleasure of being manhandled by something so much
more powerful than her. Something that could do whatever it wanted to her body. Something that
treated her as if she was nothing more than a mindless sextoy.

(Rolling Alexi’s character flaw to see if she gives into being molested by the Rapeanid. She would
normally need a 35+ to pass her Xenophilia character flaw test; however, she also has the Rapeanid
Fetish flaw which increases this to 60+. Not to mention she has just climaxed, which also makes this
harder! The final requirement is a 70+ roll to not just give in and enjoy it! 7 rolled. Epic fail.)
(Alexi has lost her Act of Faith - the Passion due to cumming and submitting to the Xenos.)

“Mmm! Yes! Just like that!” Alexi screamed, “Fuck me! Please fuck me!”

The invitation didn’t fall on deaf ears. Alexi put up no resistance, and even seemed to aide the
Rapeanid in stripping off the last of her power armour. As it fell to the ground the blonde bimbo was
once again clad in nothing more than her pink g-string. Colette knew that she had to act now before
the situation got even worse. The last thing she needed as a mindbroken slut on the squad - or
worse, an impregnated slut.

The Sister Superior aimed her bolt pistol at the wounded Warrior and held Saint Stephen’s Sword

“For the Emperor!” she cried, charging one last time.

Warrior (Armed with 2 Bone Dildos and an Semen-Spraying Gun): 3/8 HP
Unknown Rapeanid Strain (Six Arms and an elongated Tongue): 10/10 HP.

-St Stephen’s Sword
-Bolt Pistol
Orgasm: 316%
Status Effects
Partially Bukakked: Combat rolls are 5 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes a 75+.
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.

-Hot pink panties.
Orgasm: 110%
Status Effects:
Fully Restrained: Alexi’s limbs have been fully restrained. She needs to pass an 85+ strength test to
Rapeanid Fetish Flaw: Alexi has given into her Xenophilia and Rapeanid Fetish character flaws and
will not attempt to resist Rapeanid sexual assaults.
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

Palatina held her corner of the trench with the ferocity of a cornered fox. With fists raised and teeth
clenched she delivered a continuous barrage of punches into each Xeno that dared approach her.

“C’mon! Is that all you’ve got?!” she snarled.

She knew that the Rapeanids couldn’t understand her. She wasn’t shouting for them though. She
was trying to pump her own wavering confidence. Tiredness was setting in, her arms were feeling like
deadweights and beginning to tingle with numbness.

(Rolling three combat tests for Palatina on 60+... 43, 83, and 63. Two passes and a fail, she still
holds her ground!)

Another punch sent a leaping Gaunt crashing back. From her position at the corner she could barely
see the other side of the trench. The mass of writhing Xenos had all-but-blocked any hope of escape.
She took a moment to glance up, watching the Tempestus Scions pouring an incalculable number of
shots into the trench below. The steel barrels of their hot-shot lasguns were glowing red. Steam rose
from the end as the very air ionised.

(Rolling a tactical test for the Tempestus Scions on 35+... 50 rolled! They achieve their objective, but
sustain some losses!)

Suddenly, in perfect unison the Imperial stormtroopers vaulted into the trench. Some retained their
hotshot lasguns, others were holding pistols and elegant melee weapons. They were cutting their
way through the Rapeanid ranks, slowly ploughing their way towards Palatina.

And then she saw him. That Tempestor Prime from before.

“Collingridge!” she yelled, raising her hand in desperation.

His power fist crackled blue with the fury of the Emperor Himself.
His face was splattered with blood and viscera as he waded his way through the alien ranks.

(Roll three 15+ combat tests for Collingridge… 68, 26 and 18 rolled! All pass.)
He swung his armoured glove in wide arcs, hammering and beating down Xeno after Xeno as his
loyal Scions followed him into the thick of battle. They seemed to be forming a line to the other side of
the trench.

“Sister!” he yelled at Palatina over the screaming of Rapeanid beasts, “My soliders will cover you,
get out of here! Make for the Officer’s tent!”

Collingridge roughly grabbed her left shoulder with his power-armoured fist and threw her down the

“GO! Covering fire!” he barked out his order.

The Scions had formed a narrow corridor across the length of the trench, each trooper almost back to
back with the exception of the narrow gap for Palatina to squeeze past. The Sister shielded her ears.
The screaming of overheated lasguns was deafening. They were disciplined, brave, and unwavering.
Palatina was reminded of the Mechanicum’s automatons. At least, most of the Scions where. As she
shuffled her way down the line she noticed one wielding nothing more than two large knives. She was
bloodier than the rest, cutting and hacking the Rapeanids to pieces each time they charged her.

For a second, Palatina paused. This Scion wasn’t wearing a helmet like some of the others. Her
neck-length black hair was flowing free as she ducked and dodged inbound attacks. The girl
appeared to be one of the youngest in the squad, probably not a day over twenty. In the days and
weeks after the Battle for Bedleyberk Ridge it wasn’t the sound of gunfire, or the stench of ionised air
that haunted her.

It was that girl’s wicked laugh each time she killed another bug.

“What the fuck are you waiting for?! MOVE!” Collingridge’s voice snapped Palatina back to reality.

A couple of the Scions had been dragged into the trenches and carried away from the main squad.
Collingridge was right behind Palatina now, rallying his squad with a repeated sharp whistle as he
began leading them on a desperate clamber back out of the trench. Palatina was first, followed by the
Tempestor Prime. He then gradually pulled his soldiers out one at a time. The rescued Sister
watched as eleven, twelve, thirteen Scions emerged.

‘There was sixteen or seventeen earlier,’ she thought.

“What are you waiting for?! Get to the Captain Fortes! You need to relay that we’re getting
slaughtered down here!” Collingridge snapped one last time before drawing his bolt pistol and firing
two shots into the trench.

Palatina nodded and turned tail, running as fast as she could for that tent atop the ridge. Her lungs
and arms ached from the endless battle, but she didn’t dare stop. She heard that Tempestor Prime
continue to roar out orders as she dashed away.

“Taurox Primes, get to my position! We need an emergency evac from the front lines and covering

-Bare Fists
Orgasm: 49%
Status Effects

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 584/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 41 Guardsmen, 2 Chimera tanks, 1 Towers.
Tempestus Scions: 13 Scions, 1 Tempestor, 2 Taurox Primes


The Sister Superior charged forward, aiming the bolt pistol at the Warrior’s center mass.

‘I’ll have to discipline that dumb slut later on,’ she thought as she caught another glance of Alexi
eagerly permitting her panties to be pulled aside.

Colette refocused her attention on the wounded Rapeanid. She clenched her teeth and pulled the
trigger twice in quick succession.

(Rolling two bolt pistol tests for Colette against the Warrior on 45+, increased to 50+ because of the
Bukakke… 6 and 7 rolled. Two epic fails! The pistol completely breaks!)



“The bloody thing’s jammed!” she growled, electing to throw it aside and charge forth with nothing
more than her holy sword.
The Warrior saw her coming and turned to face her with that semen-spraying bioweapon. Colette
pushed herself to run faster, to close the last few metres before it could get off another shot.

(Colette needs to pass a difficult 75+ agility test to stop the Warrior getting an overwatch attack… 1
rolled. Phenomenal fail. The worst possible result.)

The definition of ‘farce’ had long been understood. Dictionaries from Cadia to Tallarn to Holy Terra
all knew the meaning. It was concrete and well comprehended. There was no ambiguity to ‘farce.’
Certainly not like there was with other words like ‘ambience.’

And yet, on this fateful day, the definition of ‘farce’ was forever changed on Glore IV. If the planet’s
largest printing factory hadn’t been seized by Orks last month then perhaps the 174th Edition of the
Glorian Lexicon would have been published.

The events which took place at the Disaster at Bedleyberk Ridge.
It was the motionless corpse of a Gaunt. No more than four or five feet in length and lying flat against
the ground. Colette’s left foot had caught on the lasgun-charred body. The shock sent her off
balance and she tumbled forward. It was, perhaps, the first time in recorded Imperial history that a
Sister had been laid-low by a Xeno that was already dead.

“Ahh! Shit!” Colette yelped, rolling forward as she hit the ground at full speed.
Her body tumbled over and over, ushered on by the slight incline of the Bedleyberk Ridge. The
broken bolt pistol and holy sword slipped from her hands leaving her disarmed once again. It was
only when the Sister Superior collided with something hard that she finally came to a stop. She
blinked, dazed and dizzy from the sudden tumble. Gradually, her blurred vision faded and she saw
just how awful her situation was. She was lying face up, looking at the Warrior she had just attempted
to charge. Her back was bent up and her legs were resting on the creature’s waist. It had already
dropped its bone dildos and grabbed her ankles, leaving her pussy and ass on full display. The cum-
spraying bioweapon was dripping profusely as the alien clearly debated whether to pound her pussy
with its cock again, or just defile her womb with an unholy amount of semen.
(Rolling a d3. On a 1 the Warrior fucks her pussy with its cock, on a 2 it puts the cum-spraying gun
into her pussy and begins preparations to impregnate her, and on 3 it puts the cum-spraying gun in
her ass. 2 rolled! The Warrior prepares to impregnate Colette!)

The Warrior’s face was reptilian, devoid of emotion, and impossible to read. And yet… Colette
couldn’t help but feel it smirked at her as it lowered the bioweapon to her pussy. She had already
swallowed some of the cum from that weapon - she knew what was coming next. It would plunge it
into her pussy and pull that trigger. In mere seconds she’d feel a rush of hot sticky semen blasting
against her cervix, flooding into her womb, and fertilising her eggs.
(Status Effect Gained! Ankles Restrained: (Strength 3 Bondage) Colette has been restrained with her
ankles in the air. She needs to pass an 80+ strength test to try and wriggle free.)

(New game mechanic added - Bondage Strength Levels. Whenever a character gets captured or
restrained a Bondage Strength Level will be determined. There is no upper limit on how difficult it can
be. As an example, Colette being held by her ankles is a strength 3 bondage. If a Sister somehow got
locked in a pillory the bondage strength could be well into the double digits. Each time the restrained
character passes the required strength test the bondage will be decreased by 1. When it hits 0 she
will break free.)

“Gah, release me!” Colette screamed, desperately trying to kick and break free.

The Warrior paused for a second as the bioweapon briefly shook. Colette watched as the cum
dripping from the end of the tube suddenly stopped. Her confusion quickly turned to horror as she
saw several tiny tentacles emerge from the end of the alien’s weapon. Each one was as thin as a
snake’s tongue, tapering out to a needle-fine point with a tiny hole at the end. It was in this moment
that Colette realised what she was up against.

“An Impregnator…” she whispered in shock.

(New game mechanic added - Finishing Moves! Certain enemies will be able to use special attacks
known as Finishing Moves. These are even more powerful than rendering a character Ahegao or
Mindbroken. If an enemy performs a Finishing Move to completion on a character then they will
be permanently be defeated and unavailable to use ever again. These Finishing Moves can take
many forms depending on the enemy. For example, some might use brainwashing or bimbofication,
while others may focus on intense impregations. Because they are so dangerous and have the
potential to remove characters from the story these are long multi-stage attacks. If Colette cannot be
rescued before this Finishing Move is complete she will be lost.)

She’d heard reports of impregnators on several field reports. They were complex biological weapons
that went far beyond the usual Rapeanid wargear. Each one was capable of multiple functions. The
Sister Superior had already seen its ability to spray semen. She desperately thought back to those
field reports, trying to remember what else she should watch out for.

‘Other variants of the Impregnator include, what we dubbing, the Fertiliser Maximus. An autopsy has
been conducted on one retrieved from a recent battle. Please see the attached images.’

Colette wished she could forget what she had seen, wished that she could press pause on the
memory playing in her mind. But she couldn’t. Like a cinema screen, it just kept rolling.
‘In addition to the vast semen-producing glands, the interior of the Fertiliser Maximus contains an
array of thin tentacles lining the inner walls. These are retractable. Upon the ‘shaft’ of the weapon
entering a woman’s vaginal orifice these tentacles will extend out and slip past the cervix before…’

“No no no!” Colette panicked as the alien’s weapon inched closer to her vulnerable pussy.

It was barely a few inches away now. She tries to reach up to cover her vagina.

(Rolling an agility test for Colette to shield her pussy on 30+, increased to 35+ because she is a bit
dizzy from the tumbling. 5 rolled. Epic fail!)

She was too slow. Much too slow. By the time Colette’s hands had reached her vagina the tip of the
bioweapon had already begun to part her vulva. The pleasure made her gasp as the weapon brushed
across her clitoris. She grabbed the shaft, attempted to pull it out, or at least stop it going in any
further. But it was no good.

“Ahh! No! Don’t impregnate me!” Colette squealed in shock.

The Warrior forced its impregnator inch by inch into the Sister’s wet pussy. Her legs trembled, ankles
still held aloft by the alien’s vice-like grip. Her pussy lips clung tightly around the invading object.
Colette’s toes curled and her back arched.

“Ayaaahhhh!” she cried, trying to resist the growing pleasure.

There was nothing she could do. She had failed to stop this creature from defiling her pussy at every
stage so far. She felt the bioweapon lightly pulsate. Deep down she knew what was coming next.

‘...seeking out the oviducts. Lubricated aphrodisial secretions on the surface of the tentacles will
maximise pleasure for the victim as they wriggle deeper past the womb towards the ovaries.’

Colette could do nothing but gasp as she felt unseen tendrils emerge from the tip of the shaft inside
her. They curled and twisted as they wormed their way deeper into her body. The Sister Superior felt
them getting closer to her cervix with each passing second.

(Rolling 1d30 pleasure damage for the penetration, and 1d45 pleasure damage for the tentacles. 12
and 10 rolled! 32% pleasure damage added to Colette!)

“Ohhh!” she moaned, her fingers still tightly wrapped around the alien weapon, desperately
attempting to pull it out.

(Rolling the Unknown Strain’s sex attack against Alexi on 6+ since she is fully cooperating. 75 rolled!
A moderately strong sex attack!)

Alexi, meanwhile, was not faring much better. The blonde Sister had been flipped upside down and
made to face the creature. Her thighs were either side of the creature’s head, her pussy mere inches
from its face. Her ankles and wrists were still restrained by far too many pairs of hands - but it
probably wasn’t necessary. Alexi was eagerly complying with every move the monster made. If the
Unknown Strain possessed a cock of its own, there was no sign of it yet. The creature opened its
mouth and extended its elongated tongue towards Alexi’s pussy. If Alexi had still been upright she
might have been able to see into the alien’s mouth and capture a brief glimpse of what else was
coming. She might have seen the seven or eight additional tongues lying in wait to seize upon the
Battle Sister during a moment of weakness.

“Mmm! Hurry up and fuck me!” Alexi practically begged.

She desired nothing more than to be fucked senseless. To have her pussy and ass destroyed by this
hulking beast. Alexi didn’t need to wait long. She might not have been able to see what was going
on, but she soon felt it. An intensely warm slippery organ grazed across her pink panties, soaking
them in the process. It pushed against the cotton fabric stimulating her vulva before flicking over her
engorged clitoris. The Battle Sister squealed with excitement. Her panties were useless as a last line
of defence. The Unknown Strain wasted no time curling its tongue beneath the flimsy garment and
ripping them off with a sudden tug. With her defences laid bare the slippery muscle returned to her

“Ahhh! Yeessss! Lick my pussy! Mmm!”

The thick alien tongue dragged itself back and forth across her pussy, lapping up the captured
Sister’s wetness. Alexi’s slit was soon soaked in a mixture of the Rapeanid’s saliva and her own
juices. Seizing upon the opportunity the Unknown Strain realigned its tongue with her vulnerable hole
and pushed forward, spreading her glistening vulva. The tongue felt red hot as it snaked its way into
her vagina, tasting every small crease and fold within her.

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for the tongue attack against Alexi! 22 rolled! 22 pleasure damage

“MMMM!!! Oh ffffuuuuccck!” Alexi moaned, gently bucking her hips to encourage it to dig deeper.

Warrior Finishing Move Progress Against Colette

1. Insert the Impregnator into the Target’s Pussy: 100% Complete.
2. Penetrate Cervix: 25%
3. ???: 0%
4. ???: 0%
5. ???: 0%
6. ??? (Colette Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Warrior (Armed with 2 Bone Dildos and an Impregnator Gun): 3/8 HP
Unknown Rapeanid Strain (Six Arms and an elongated Tongue): 10/10 HP.


Orgasm: 348%
Status Effects
Partially Bukakked: Combat rolls are 5 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes a 75+.
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.
Ankles Restrained: (Strength 3 Bondage) Colette has been restrained with her ankles in the air. She
needs to pass an 80+ strength test to weaken the Warrior’s grip.

-Hot pink panties (Torn off)
Orgasm: 132%
Status Effects:
Fully Restrained: (Strength 5 Bondage) Alexi’s limbs have been fully restrained. She needs to pass
an 85+ strength test to weaken the Unknown Strain’s grip.
Rapeanid Fetish Flaw: Alexi has given into her Xenophilia and Rapeanid Fetish character flaws and
will not attempt to resist Rapeanid sexual assaults.
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

(Rolling an 80+ luck test for Colette… 33 rolled. Nothing happens.)

(Rolling an 80+ strength test for Colette to weaken her restraints. 8 rolled. Epic fail. The monster
gains a bonus to its erotic attack!)

Colette soon realised that she wouldn’t be able to pull the bioweapon out with her hands alone. All
she was doing was slightly delaying the inevitable.

‘This requires a radical change in tactics,’ she decided, releasing the alien’s weapon and clenching
her fists.

The Sister Superior then attempted to swing a fist upwards at the monster’s chin. If she could strike it
there perhaps she would be able to stun the beast, or knock it off balance. She pushed herself off the
ground with an aggressive sit-up and launched her arm forward. Unfortunately, Colette’s great plan
was not to be. Her strike fell short and caught nothing but air. She fell back down on the ground, even
more vulnerable now than she was before.

(Rolling 1d100 progress for the special attack, with a bonus 1d100 added for Colette’s epic fail! 9
and 68 rolled =77% progress made. The ‘Penetrate Cervix’ stage of the special attack has been


Colette screamed in pleasure as slimy tentacles slipped deeper into her pussy. They wriggled and
writhed inside her as they squirmed closer to her cervix. The Sister Superior had served on dozens of
battlefields and been fucked time and time again.It was a risk that came with the profession. She had
her pussy pounded, her ass assaulted, and her throat trashed by all manner of alien and heretic
cocks. Never before had she ever considered that something would even be capable of fucking her
cervix. The tiny tentacles slipped deeper inside her than she’d ever been fucked before. She felt
them prod against her final virgin hole. One of the tentacles prodded it. The lubricant was far too
slippery for her to even attempt to clench or resist. There was nothing Colette could do as the slimy
alien tendril slowly slipped through her external os and penetrated her.

“Ohhh! Fuuuucckk!” she moaned a pleasure unlike anything she had ever felt before rocked her

There was nothing she could do right now. The alien tentacle would soon reach her uterus, and
Emperor-knows what it would do to her once it got there. Colette had a strong suspicion that it
wouldn’t stop - that it would go deeper. Her mind raced with thoughts of the thin tendril squirming
down her oviducts, coating the walls of them in that aphrodisial lubricant as it hunted down the source
of her fertile eggs.

‘Is it going to inject a hot blast of cum straight into my ovaries?’ she wondered, half afraid and half

(Rolling 1d150 pleasure damage for the insanely intense attack on her pussy. 81 rolled! 81%
pleasure damage added! 348%+81%=429% Colette has climaxed again!)

‘This Warrior is ruining my pussy!’ Colette panicked.

The thought should have frightened her. It should have angered her. And yet, as those thoughts of
being violated coursed through the Sister Superior’s mind she felt nothing other than her cunt
growing wetter as the tentacles buried deeper. The pleasurable sensations of her cervix being fucked
proved to be too much for her to handle. Her legs began to frantically shake once more as another
climax raged through her exhausted body.


Colette’s screams of pleasure drowned out the distant gunfire and whistling of mortar shells. It was
close to the hardest she had ever cum in her life; and this big brute showed no signs of stopping
anytime soon.

(Colette must now pass a 25+ mindbreak test… 72 rolled! She still holds on, but things are getting
more difficult with each passing second.)

“F-Fuck! Ohhh! OOOHHHHHH!!!” she moaned, managing to hold onto her lucidity a little while

And then the tentacle was inside her uterus. Writhing and wriggling frantically as it squirmed inside
her body. She felt it shift left to right, tracing the surface of her uterus walls. In that moment Colette
knew what it was up to. It was searching. Searching for that tight little hole to her oviducts. She
clenched her teeth and desperately tried to think of a way to escape.

In the rare moments that Colette opened her eyes she caught glimpses of the upside-down Alexi, and
the fat tongue plunging inside her soaking wet cunt again and again. The blonde slut seemed to be
enjoying it. Her mouth was agape and her eyes were rolling back in her head. It was then that Colette
saw an additional wave of tongues emerge from the Unknown Strain’s mouth. It was hard to tell at
this distance, but she saw at least five more.

“Aayaaaahhhhh! Yessss! Right there! Lick my little pussy!”

Alexi’s yells confirmed Colette’s suspicions. The dumb slut had given into her damned fetish for
Xenos yet again.

‘I knew I should have sent her to the Repentia after the incident with the Fire Warriors,’ Colette

The things that Alexi had done to those poor defenceless Fire Warriors were truly unspeakable.
Indeed, it was possibly the first time in Imperial history that the High Lords of Terra had sent a formal
letter of apology to an alien empire. They did stop short of the Tau’s demand for reparations though.
Even still, Alexi’s actions that day saw her neutralise close to fifty senior Fire Warriors officers in the
command bunker. It was Palatina and Serena who found her in the act. Serena had told Colette in
strictest confidence that Sister Alexi was forcing herself upon six dicks at once. After being assured
that Alexi was not using her hands or feet, Colette grew curious. At this point the Sister Superior tried
to count the number of dicks against Alexi’s holes Serena got down on her knees and pleaded with
Colette not to do the maths. Palatina spoke no more than four words of what she saw that day - ‘that
slut is insatiable.’

“Ohhhh! Yeeessssss!” Alexi panted, feeling the additional tongues join in.

The first two lined themselves either side of her clitoris and began rubbing up and down, stimulating
the Sister’s sensitive nub. This combined with the sensation of the thick tongue plunging deep into
her pussy. Meanwhile, a third tongue sought out Alexi’s vulnerable asshole. It didn’t take long for
the Unknown Strain to locate its target and soon Alexi felt another warm muscle teasing her rear

(Rolling pleasure damage for Alexi! 1d100 for being tongue-fucked, 1d75 for the dual clitoris
stimulation, and 1d50 for her asshole being licked. 6, 62, and 10 = 78% pleasure damage.
132%+78%=210% orgasm! Alexi has cum again!)

(Rolling an 11+ mindbreak test for Alexi. 69 rolled! She’s still fine!)

“Cummmiinnnnngggg!” she squealed, her hips bucking wildly against the plethora of tongues
exploring her body.

Colette caught sight of a gush of fluids flying from Alexi’s pussy. The most recent attack seemed to
cause the slutty Sister to squirt.

Warrior Finishing Move Progress Against Colette

1. Insert the Impregnator into the Target’s Pussy: 100% Complete.
2. Penetrate Cervix: 100% Complete.
3. Penetrate Oviducts: 0%
4. ???: 0%
5. ???: 0%
6. ??? (Colette Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Warrior (Armed with 2 Bone Dildos and an Impregnator Gun): 3/8 HP
Unknown Rapeanid Strain (Six Arms and an elongated Tongue): 10/10 HP.


Orgasm: 429%
Status Effects
Partially Bukakked: Combat rolls are 5 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes a 75+.
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.
Ankles Restrained: (Strength 3 Bondage) Colette has been restrained with her ankles in the air. She
needs to pass an 80+ strength test to weaken the Warrior’s grip.

Orgasm: 210%
Status Effects:
Fully Restrained: (Strength 5 Bondage) Alexi’s limbs have been fully restrained. She needs to pass
an 85+ strength test to weaken the Unknown Strain’s grip.
Rapeanid Fetish Flaw: Alexi has given into her Xenophilia and Rapeanid Fetish character flaws and
will not attempt to resist Rapeanid sexual assaults.
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

(Rolling an 80+ luck test for Colette… 46 rolled!)

(Rolling an 80+ strength test for Colette to weaken her restraints. 58 rolled! No luck!)

It had become routine at this point. Colette would desperately try to break her ankles free from the
Warrior’s grip, and it would ignore her efforts as if she were no more than a fly. The Sister Superior
knew she was in trouble, her nemesis was progressing through its special attack at an alarming rate.
If she couldn’t break free - or if someone couldn’t save her soon then she would probably be lost.
Colette had known and fought alongside plenty of Sisters who had fallen to vile special attacks from
enemies. Indeed, one of her trainees, Sister Aiko Sakura, got separated from her squad during an
attack upon a Chaos-held manufactorm. Colette recalled trying to locate the missing Sister on the
Manufactorum’s security camera system. By the time Palatina had located Aiko on camera it was too
late. The Asian Sister had been strapped to a chair and was having her pussy pumped full of
corrupting cum. Small white text on the bottom right of the camera indicated she was on the other
side of the factory, an hour’s journey through a battlefield. They knew they wouldn’t make it. When
the cultists began corrupting Aiko with a lewd tattoo just above her crotch Colette ordered the camera
be shut down.

‘Am I going to end up like Sister Sakura’ she thought, ‘A slave to the Xenos, just like she became a
slave to the darkness?’
(Rolling 1d100 progression for the Warrior’s Finishing Move, with an extra 1d25 since Colette
climaxed. 95 and 16 rolled! The Warrior surges through the next stage of its Finishing Move!
Penetrating the Oviducts has been completed! Because the Warrior accomplished this part of its
Finishing Move so quickly it is going to get an extra turn!)

Her oviducts should have offered some more resistance than her cervix. It should have taken the
tentacles at least a couple of minutes to locate them. And then perhaps another few squeezing down
such a narrow passage. Colette was not afforded any such luxury.

“AAHHHHHHH!!!” she screamed in ecstasy as a second tendril passed into her cervix.

The two inside her collectively targeted her oviducts, slipping inside them and into the innermost
recesses of her body. Everywhere the slimy tentacles squirmed they left trails of lubricant. It seeped
into the tissue, increasing the sensitivity of her nerves until both her oviducts felt as pleasurable as
her clitoris.

“NOOOOOOOOO!!!! TAKE THEM OUT!!!!” she hollered as the blood rushed to her head.

Inch by inch the tentacles curled deeper inside her until they reached the end of the line. Her ovaries.
She thought she knew what was coming next; she was almost certain that she would be seeded with
hot cum. A mass fertilisation of all her eggs at once. She felt the small hole at the tip of the tentacle
latch over the entrance to her ovary. Colette was fierce, shaking and kicking in vain.

(Rolling 1d100 progress for the Warrior’s Finishing Move’s next stage - Suck Up Eggs. 92 rolled!
The Warrior’s on fire!)
And yet, when the moment finally came she was surprised. She didn’t feel a deluge of alien semen
flooding into her ovaries. Instead she was greeted with an intense sucking sensation. Colette’s eyes
widened with shock. She gasped. Another suction followed a few seconds later.


‘Oh shit! It’s stealing my eggs!’ she realised in horror.

‘The Fertiliser Maximus will then latch onto the entrance of a woman’s ovaries and attempt to suck
all eggs out of a woman. The captured eggs will then be drawn into one of the specialised glands of
the Impregnator. It is in this gland that the eggs will be…’

“Ahhhh!” she moaned in unexpected pleasure.

Colette couldn’t understand why it felt so good to have her ovaries drained of their fruits. With each
passing second the creature was plucking her dry. She tried to resist it. She clenched her gut and
gritted her teeth. She tried to hold her breath. Nothing seemed to stop it.


“AAAAHHHHH! Noooo! Don’t take my eggs!” she screamed.

Her words were hopelessly ineffective at preventing what was happening. The Warrior knew exactly
what it wanted to do to her body and it wasn’t going to stop for protests.


(Rolling 1d200 Pleasure damage for the intense double suction of Colette’s ovaries. 33 rolled!
429+33=462%. No orgasm this turn!)

“Ugh! You. Won’t. Make. Me. Cum! You bastard!” she spat out each word, defying the creature.

Deep down Colette knew that this was a small victory. She was pretty sure that most of her eggs had
already been consumed by the suction of the tentacles. She dreaded to think about what was going
to happen next.

(Rolling a 90+ test for Alexi to regain her senses. 19 rolled! Fail!)

As had been the case for most of the battle, Alexi was absorbed in her own lust for Xenos. The
wriggling mass of tongues continued to assault her pussy and asshole. The slutty Sister was
demonstrating the resistance of a Techpriest around an STC. Or, to put it another way, absolutely

“Mmmm! Ohhhhhh!” she moaned.

Her ankles and wrists were still restrained, but there was no need for them to be. She’d let the
creature do anything it wanted to her right now, just as long as it kept giving her pleasure like this.
(Rolling pleasure damage for Alexi! 1d100 for being tongue-fucked, 1d75 for the dual clitoris
stimulation, and 1d75 for her asshole being tongue fucked. 33, 65, and 57 rolled! 210+155=365%!
Alexi has cum again!)

(Rolling a 15+ mindbreak test for Alexi… 95 rolled! Epic win! Alexi’s orgasm goes back down to 200%
as she manages to keep her mind somewhat focused.)

“Oh fuck! Right there! Just like that!” Alexi squealed as she felt the tongue slither deeper into her

The warm wet appendages licking both of her holes drove her to another climax. Her pussy clamped
down on the invading tongue, clenching as orgasmic convulsions rippled through her body. Her
breathing grew quicker until she couldn’t handle it any longer.


Warrior Finishing Move Progress Against Colette

1. Insert the Impregnator into the Target’s Pussy: 100% Complete.
2. Penetrate Cervix: 100% Complete.
3. Penetrate Oviducts: 100% Complete
4. Suck Up Eggs: 92%
5. ???: 0%
6. ??? (Colette Permanently if Stage Completed.)

Warrior (Armed with 2 Bone Dildos and an Impregnator Gun): 3/8 HP
Unknown Rapeanid Strain (Six Arms and an elongated Tongue): 10/10 HP.


Orgasm: 462%
Status Effects
Partially Bukakked: Combat rolls are 5 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes a 75+.
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.
Ankles Restrained: (Strength 3 Bondage) Colette has been restrained with her ankles in the air. She
needs to pass an 80+ strength test to weaken the Warrior’s grip.

Orgasm: 200%
Status Effects:
Fully Restrained: (Strength 5 Bondage) Alexi’s limbs have been fully restrained. She needs to pass
an 85+ strength test to weaken the Unknown Strain’s grip.
Rapeanid Fetish Flaw: Alexi has given into her Xenophilia and Rapeanid Fetish character flaws and
will not attempt to resist Rapeanid sexual assaults.
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.


Palatina was naked as the day she was born as she raced to high command’s green tent. The two
guards standing either side of the door were clearly anxious, their fingers resting uneasily on the
triggers of their weapons.

“Restricted area!” a soldier armed with a sleek black shotgun roared.

“I’m with the Adepta Sororitas! Tempestor Prime Collingridge has an urgent message for Captain
Fortes; we’re getting slaughtered out there! The front line is almost lost!” Palatina replied in one

The two guards looked at each other before the electing to permit Palatina passage. The Retributor
was surprised to see that things were not any less chaotic inside the tent. An overwhelming stench of
lho sticks hung in the air. Ash trays were overflowing on a table surrounding a scrawled-upon map.
Uproar and bickering from the generals was almost drowned out by the frantic screaming of a middle-
aged woman into a vox-caster.

“Charlie Squad, do you copy?! Repeat, Charlie Squad, do you copy?”

Palatina anxiously advanced into the room. In any other circumstance a naked woman entering the
command tent would cause some kerfuffle.

“Delta Squad, do you copy?! Delta Squad, do you- Shit! We have no contact from Alpha, Charlie,
Delta, and Foxtrot!”

The vox operator was clutching her thick blonde hair in both hands, frantically scrawling down the
positions of whatever squads were responding to her.

“Is there ANYONE still active on the Western trenchline? I repeat, this is a general call to ANY
soldiers on the Western trenchline!”

“Captain Fortes?” Palatina enquired, looking around the room.

There were a trio of commanders squabbling over the battle map. It was the only female officer who
looked up.

“Yes, solider?”

“Sister Palatina Katoris, Ma’am. Retributor with the Adepta Sororitas. I’ve been tasked with relaying
an urgent communication from Tempestor Prime Collingridge.”

“Speak, Sister,” Captain Fortes replied.

She glared at Palatina with her short jet black hair and harsh brown eyes. The eyes of a woman who
tolerated no fools. Fortes was leaning over the battle map, fingers spread across the wrinkled,
discoloured paper. Her plethora of medals dangled from her chest; a highly decorated junior officer.

“The front lines have almost fallen, Captain Fortes. Tempestor Prime Collingridge has advised that
the battle is a ‘slaughter.’ His word - not mine, Captain.”

Captain Fortes didn’t reply. Not immediately. It was an aging Asian man who broke the silence.

“We should order a retreat, Captain. Regroup what is left of our forces and prepare to establish a
new perimeter in a more defensible location.”

“You can’t be serious, Lieutenant Yadax! If we retreat now it’ll mark the end of our careers!”

(Rolling an 85+ tactics test for the Captain Fortes to see if an order to retreat is given. 92 rolled. An
epic win! Captain Fortes elects to perform a desperate last stand at Bedleyberk Ridge.)
“Lieutenant Holmes is partially correct, Lieutenant Yadax. Retreat cannot be an option. We’ve lost
the Battle for Bedleyberk Ridge. Our careers are over no matter what we do. The best we can hope
for right now is to go down with a blaze of glory. Lieutenant Holmes, get our vox channels open - rally
all soldiers to the peak of Bedleyberk Ridge where the hill is at its highest point. Lieutenant Yadax,
get the heavy weapons team to abandon their mortar and bring all ammunition and weapons to the
“Should we bring the rations toor?” Yadax enquired.

“Every box of rations you bring is one less box of grenades. Leave them.”

“Yes, Captain,” Yadax replied before vacating the tent.

Lieutenant Holmes had rushed over to the woman by the radio, desperately putting out a call for a
final stand.

“Captain Fortes,” Palatina interrupted, “I’ll alert my Sisters and the Scions. We’ll meet you on the
peak of the ridge as soon as we can.”

“No,” the officer’s reply was curt, “Your will both serve your purposes better elsewhere. There is no
sense in wasting away the lives of our elite soldiers. Regroup with your Sisters, use the time that we
buy you to make your escape. I will alert the Scions, take some flak armour and a weapon and get
your comrades out of here.”

“But, Captain-”

“No buts Sister,” Captain Fortes replied, walking over to a foot locker at the rear of the tent and
opening it up, “I am the commanding officer and you will obey a direct order.”

Palatina hesitated in her response as the Captain unlocked the chest before pulling out a heavy
shotgun and a bandolier of shells. The Captain fastened it around her torso before looking at the
Sister of Battle still standing there.

“Please don’t force me to spend my last hour dishing out a disciplinary measure. I told you to grab
some gear and go.”

“Yes, Captain. Sorry, Captain,” Palatina nodded, snatching an uncomfortable suit of guard flak
armour before turning to vacate the tent.

(Rolling to see what kind of weapon Palatina finds. Higher numbers are better. 81 rolled! A very good
weapon! Palatina finds a grenade launcher!)

Palatina couldn’t help glancing back one last time. The Captain was holding something up to her
right ear and talking in a hushed voice. She couldn’t quite hear what the officer was saying, but it
sounded like her voice was breaking. Palatina sighed and left the tent. The two soldiers standing
guard were gone. The Retributor surveyed the scene before her. Guardsmen were scrambling over
one another to rush up the ridge. Word of the final stand atop the hill had spread fast. Palatina turned
to face the hill to her right. This is where the battle would be decided. This is where Captain Fortes
would make her final stand to buy Palatina and her Sisters time to outrun the Rapeanids. The hill
itself was grassy and largely untouched by the war, stretching almost a hundred metres up. If the
Guard could get enough men atop it they might be able to hold the Rapeanids off for a while longer.

(Rolling a perception test for Palatina to see if she can find her Sisters on a 60+ normally, but 40+
since she is on high ground. 60 rolled! Pass! She sees them!)

“You have got to be kidding me…” Palatina whispered as her eyes finally caught sight of her two
Sisters being fucked senseless on the Western trench lines.

Palatina frantically looked for something to arm herself with. And then she saw it. It was lying outside
the command tent - a large multi-chamber grenade launcher. She quickly picked it up and checked it
out. Its six cylinders were already filled with frag grenades; and there were plenty more resting in a
case beside it. She wasted no time stocking up on half a dozen more fragmentation grenades and
the same number of anti-armour krak grenades. Then, without wasting another second, Palatina
rushed over to the Sororitas Rhino.

‘There’s no way I’m getting my Sisters out of here without this,’ the thought as she clambered into
the driver’s seat.

-Flak Armour (2/2)
-Grenade Launcher (6/6 Frag Rounds)
-6 Extra Frag Grenades
-6 Extra Krak Grenades
Orgasm: 49%
Status Effects: None


(Rolling an 80+ luck test for Colette… 96 rolled! Epic win!)

“Ahh! Ayaaahhh!

In between her moans and screams of pleasure Colette caught sight of something lying a metre to
her left. There was a brief moment of respite as the creature paused sucking up her eggs. In that
moment Colette reached out and wrapped her fingers around the handle of St. Stephen’s Sword. It
hadn’t fallen that far after all. This could be her last chance to break free and save herself.

‘One perfect swing. That’s all I need!’ she reassured herself, preparing to decapitate the Warrior.

She drew in a deep breath and unleashed a roar. Colette swung the blade high in the air, aiming for
the Warrior’s exposed neck. The silver blade gleamed in the sunlight as it neared its target.

(Rolling a single attack for Colette on 65+, decreased to 30+ though because she rolled an epic win
on her luck! If Colette passes this she will kill the Warrior. 23 rolled!)

“Die foul Xeno!” she cried, slashing in a wide arc.

Her strike fell short and Colette hit the ground. She still had her fingers clenched around the holy
relic. The Warrior could have attempted to disarm her once more; but it seemed to focus the entirety
of its efforts on ruining her pussy.

(Rolling 1d100 progress for the Warrior’s Finishing Move’s next stage - Suck Up Eggs. Any roll that
gets an 8 or more will see the Warrior complete this stage. 39 rolled! Stage Complete!)

(Rolling 1d200 pleasure damage for the intense double suction of Colette’s ovaries and an extra
1d25 for the stage being completed. 48, 91 and 3 rolled! 462+142=604%! Colette has two orgasms!)

(Rolling a 45+ mindbreak test for Colette. 60 rolled! She’s holding on!)




“Noooohhhhhhhh!” Colette screamed in ecstasy, feeling the last of her eggs gulped up by the hungry
Rapeanid weapon.

Colette wasn’t sure how this would end; all she knew was that it was very fucking nigh. The hulking
Rapeanid was nearing the end of whatever devious attack it was conducting. The Sister Superior
shivered with a mixture of fear and pleasure. Was this really how it was going to end for her?
(Rolling pleasure damage for Alexi! 1d100 for being tongue-fucked, 1d75 for the dual clitoris
stimulation, and 1d75 for her asshole being tongue fucked. 4, 15, and 57! 200+76=276%. Alexi does
not cum!)

The tongues twirled and swirled around Alexi’s nether regions without a single objection from the
slutty Sister. The pleasurable sensation they were giving her was indescribable. Each tongue was
tenacious, licking and lapping with wild abandon. Alexi tried to recall the last time she had
experienced something quite like this.

‘It was probably the tentacled plants near the jungles of Glore IV’s equator,’ she mulled to herself,
‘God, those plants were fucking hot. I wish I’d taken a couple of seeds back to base to plant.’

Warrior Finishing Move Progress Against Colette

1. Insert the Impregnator into the Target’s Pussy: 100% Complete.
2. Penetrate Cervix: 100% Complete.
3. Penetrate Oviducts: 100% Complete
4. Suck Up Eggs: 100% Complete
5. Bio-Rewrite Egg DNA and Reimplant Eggs:: 0%
6. ??? (Colette Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Warrior (Armed with 2 Bone Dildos and an Impregnator Gun): 3/8 HP
Unknown Rapeanid Strain (Six Arms and an elongated Tongue): 10/10 HP.


-St Stephen’s Sword.
Orgasm: 604%
Status Effects
Partially Bukakked: Combat rolls are 5 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes a 75+.
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.
Ankles Restrained: (Strength 3 Bondage) Colette has been restrained with her ankles in the air. She
needs to pass an 80+ strength test to weaken the Warrior’s grip.

Orgasm: 276%
Status Effects:
Fully Restrained: (Strength 5 Bondage) Alexi’s limbs have been fully restrained. She needs to pass
an 85+ strength test to weaken the Unknown Strain’s grip.
Rapeanid Fetish Flaw: Alexi has given into her Xenophilia and Rapeanid Fetish character flaws and
will not attempt to resist Rapeanid sexual assaults.
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

(Rolling an 80+ test to see if Palatina arrives in the Rhino yet. This roll will get 20 easier each turn. 79
rolled! It’s so damn close that next turn she’ll make it on an 11+!)

Colette bit her lower lip, stifling the ever-loudening moans emanating from her lips. And yet… it wasn’t
these moans that filled her ears. It was the distant rumbling of a distinctive engine.

‘The Rhino!’ she thought to herself, ‘It sounds like it’s getting closer!’

Emboldened by the possibility of salvation Colette clenched the sword once more and attempted
another grandiose lunge.

(Rolling a single attack with St. Stephen’s Sword for Colette on 65+ If Colette passes this she will kill
the Warrior. 1 rolled! Phenomenal fail! The Warrior gets three opportunities to progress its Finishing

It was an attack that proved even less successful than the last. Colette barely managed to pull herself
off the ground before she collapsed back, leaving her flailing haphazardly against the dirt. Exhausted
and near-defeated she lay back and took each humiliating attack the alien delivered. Such ludicrous
failures from Serena or Alexi would have merited disciplinary action from the Sister Superior. Colette
silently thanked the Emperor that Alexi was too lust-addled to witness her shameful display.

(Rolling progress for the Warrior’s Finishing move 3 times because of Colette’s phenomenal fail. 82,
8, and 54 rolled. That’s enough to fully complete the Bio-Rewrite Egg DNA and Reimplant Eggs

The wicked organic device inside Colette squirmed and writhed, almost as if it was processing her
eggs deep inside it. Her mind drifted back to the autopsy of the Fertiliser Maximus.

‘That’s EXACTLY what that bastard is doing,’ Colette thought.

‘...Bio-Rewriting of DNA and RNA is used to greatly enhance the chance of eggs being fertilised by
semen from Rapeanid species. Once genetic recomposition has been completed the hyper-fertile
eggs will be reinserted into the ovaries. It also appears to mildly enhance the risk of impregnation
from homo-sapien semen. Additional research into the impact this bio-rewrite process has upon
fertility rates from other alien species has not yet been determined due to chronic shortages of Ork,
Tau, and Eldar samples.’

“Uggghhh!” Colette moaned.

The fertiliser maximus continued to gently vibrate and pulsate. Colette knew there was nothing she
could do now. It was a lose-lose situation. If she somehow managed to pull away she’d be left
completely barren. If she accepted the rewritten eggs she would be left far more susceptible to
impregnation - something which was already a worrisome occupational hazard.

“Mmm! Shit…” she groaned, trying her best to resist the ever increasing sensitivity of her pussy.

Each orgasm hit her harder than the last. Each climax was more difficult to resist giving into. Each
convulsion shook her more than the one preceding it.


The bio-weapon suddenly swelled up before forcing a small duo of blasts back down the tentacles. It
was a horribly pleasurable sensation that shook Colette to her core.

(Rolling 1d200 pleasure damage for the sudden reimplantation of her eggs. 110 rolled!
604+110=714% Colette cums again!)

(Rolling a 50+ mindbreak test for Colette. 4 rolled! Epic fail! Colette has gone mindbroken with the

“No! Noo! NOOOHHH!! OHHHH FFFUUUUCCCCKK!!!” Colette screamed from the bottom of her

The pleasure was too intense. All across her body her nerves shot messages of pleasure straight to
her brain. Dopamine coursed through her body like blood. The sheer amount of ecstasy was making
it near-impossible to think, to imagine new strategies, to concentrate on anything. She felt small
bumps deep within her core as the monster seeded her ovaries with the genetically-modified eggs.

(Colette has gained a permanent status effect - Hyper Fertile Eggs - This character has had their
eggs bioengineered by Rapeanids. Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully
impregnating this character. Other strains of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their
likelihood to impregnate this character.)
writhing and squirming on the ground.

(Colette has gained the Mindbroken status effect - Mindbroken: This character has experienced so
much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests
they must make. Getting mindbroken a second time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them
completely defeated for the battle.)

As her mind began to give into the pleasure she saw the alien bioweapon begin to change colour. It
was fading to a pale cream which slowly gave way to a translucent, almost see-through appearance.
Looking up Colette could see the internal workings of the fertiliser maximus. She could see each
tube, each gland, each cluster of cells producing all manner of dangerous substances. But her eyes
were drawn to an increasingly large bulge at the base of the weapon. It had begun about the size of a
golf ball and within seconds had almost doubled. It seemed to be filled with a swirling creamy fluid.

“N-Nooohhhh! Oohhhh! Ahhhhh! Doohhhhhn’t cuuummmmm in meeee…!” Colette panted.

And then she saw it, the white fluid slowly started to secrete from the gland and travel down a curled
tube throughout the device. Colette was able to do little more than watch as cum inched closer and
closer to the tentacles that had penetrated the deepest parts of her body. It was going to inject the
hot cum straight into her ovaries. There was absolutely nothing she could do to stop the Warrior from
drowning her vulnerable eggs in its potent semen.

(This is the final stage of the Finishing Move. Colette will be permanently defeated if the semen
reaches her ovaries.)

(Rolling a special attack for the Unknown Strain against Alexi on 40+. On a 91+ it will initiate a
Finishing Move instead. 6 rolled! Epic fail! The Unknown Strain has fumbled and almost dropped
Alexi. It misses a turn!)

For a second it appeared that the Unknown Strain was going to attempt a new attack on Alexi. It
withdrew its tongues and reeled back its head. It was a small mercy to the slutty Sister that the
special attack never came. It stumbled and almost fell back, very nearly releasing its grip on Alexi in
the process.

“Aww, why’d you stop?” she pouted, completely missing her only chance to escape.

Warrior Finishing Move Progress Against Colette

1. Insert the Impregnator into the Target’s Pussy: 100% Complete.
2. Penetrate Cervix: 100% Complete.
3. Penetrate Oviducts: 100% Complete
4. Suck Up Eggs: 100% Complete
5. Bio-Rewrite Egg DNA and Reimplant Eggs: 100%
6. Inseminate Target and Fertilise Eggs: 0% (Colette Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Warrior (Armed with 2 Bone Dildos and an Impregnator Gun): 3/8 HP
Unknown Rapeanid Strain (Six Arms and an elongated Tongue): 10/10 HP.


-St Stephen’s Sword.
Orgasm: 714%
Status Effects
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bioengineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle.
Partially Bukakked: Combat rolls are 5 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes a 75+.
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.
Ankles Restrained: (Strength 3 Bondage) Colette has been restrained with her ankles in the air. She
needs to pass an 80+ strength test to weaken the Warrior’s grip.

Orgasm: 276%
Status Effects:
Fully Restrained: (Strength 5 Bondage) Alexi’s limbs have been fully restrained. She needs to pass
an 85+ strength test to weaken the Unknown Strain’s grip.
Rapeanid Fetish Flaw: Alexi has given into her Xenophilia and Rapeanid Fetish character flaws and
will not attempt to resist Rapeanid sexual assaults.
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

(Rolling to see if Palatina arrives on an 11+... 84 rolled! She makes it to Alexi and Colette, and she
rolled so well that she’ll get a free round of shooting on the Rhino’s Storm Bolter after the Warrior
takes its action.)
The deep grumbling of the Rhino’s engine was growing louder as it approached the helpless Colette
and Alexi. Neither noticed it though. Both were far too engrossed in their own erotic predicaments. If
either of them had been paying attention they would have seen their armoured transport park behind
the trench line and the top hatch open up. However, the Sister Superior’s eyes were transfixed on
the cum preparing to travel down the translucent tubes and into her all-too-fertile body.

(Rolling 1d100 progress for the Warrior’s final attack. It also gets a bonus 1d25 for making Colette
cum last round! If this adds up to 100 Colette will permanently be defeated. 58 and 22 rolled = 80%

It was then that Colette saw the bulging alien gland clench within the bioweapon. Concentrated
semen rushed its way through the tendrils and deep towards her vulnerable pussy.

“Noooohhhh!” the Sister Superior moaned, her focus still broken, “Dohhhn’t impregnate meeee!!

Thirty inches.
Twenty inches.
Ten inches.

Colette saw the fluid enter the tentacles inside her and vanish from sight. The cum was now
centimeters away from her oviducts. She believed that it was finally over. After years of service in the
Adepta Sororitas and she had always known this day would come. In her imagination she had always
thought she would lose at the hands of a brutish Ork.

(Rolling for Palatina using the Rhino’s Storm Bolter with two 60+ combat tests against the Warrior…
82 and 89 rolled! Two very solid hits scored! 4 damage dealt to the Warrior! The Warrior is killed with
mere seconds to spare before Colette was impregnated!)

*Blam Blam Blam Blam*

The thunderous shots roared like a volcano. Colette gasped as the Warrior was struck heavily in the
chest with a barrage of high-impact rounds.

“RAAAAGGHHH!!!!” the Warrior unleashed a screeching deathrattle as it was thrown back.

The fertiliser maximus was sharply tugged out of her pussy. As the creature fell back the hot semen
that was intended for her eggs sprayed harmlessly over the battlefield. Colette blinked a few times,
stunned that salvation actually came. She turned her head, still panting heavily from the intense
pleasure she had received. Her eyes caught sight of the Rhino. The top hatch was open and a
guardswoman was manning the pintle-mounted stormbolter. Trails of smoke were rising from the twin

“Sister Superior! Get over here! I’ll cover you!” the woman yelled in a familiar voice.

At that moment Colette recognised that this was no guardswoman - it was Palatina clad in flak
armour. With St. Stephen’s Sword in hand Colette struggled back to her feet and began stumbling to
the Rhino. As she reached the edge of the trench she pointed back towards the other captive Sister.

“Ahh-Ahlexi…” Colette gasped, still visibly shaking from the pleasure.

“I’ve seen her, Sister Superior. Leave that to me,” Palatina replied, “Just get in the back and take
care of yourself.”

As Colette prepared to cross the trenchline she saw the Retributor fully emerge from the top hatch
and leap to the ground. She was clad in a full suit of guard armour. It wasn’t much better than being
naked; but any protection was probably worth it. Palatina wasn’t carrying her heavy bolter anymore.
Instead, wrapped tightly in her hands, was a large grenade launcher. The Retributor appeared to be
calmly changing the shells in the chamber as she walked towards the Unknown Strain attacking
Alexi. Colette stood beside the Rhino, feeling relieved by the sensation of the cool metal against her
palm. The holy vehicle was oddly reassuring.

Palatina had clambered to the far side of the trench now, distancing herself about fifteen metres away
from Alexi and the Rapeanid having its way with her. There was an audible click as she primed her
grenade launcher and prepared to attack.

(Rolling a taunting test for Palatina on 30+... 71 rolled! Success!)

“Oy! Why don’t you pick on someone who’s actually gonna fight back?!” she yelled at the beast.

The challenge seemed to work, for the great beast dropped Alexi and turned to face the newest
Sister. It unfurled its many tongues, demonstrating just what it could use against Palatina if it
managed to catch her. Alexi’s juices were still dripping from them onto the ground below. The
Retributor pointed the grenade launcher at the beast’s center mass and pulled the trigger. She had
switched out the fragmentation rounds for armour-piercing krak grenades. As much as she despised
the irresponsible Sister Alexi, Palatina wasn’t going to risk her getting hurt in the ensuing blast.

(Rolling a very easy 20+ combat test for Palatina with the grenade launcher since krak grenades are
so much stronger than the creature is tough. 46 rolled! An average hit that deals 5 damage.)
The kickback from her new weapon surprised Palatina. She hadn’t expected it to be as strong as
that of her heavy bolter. The absence of a bipod certainly made a difference. Regardless, she was
satisfied with the concentrated explosion striking the beast in the chest.


“Uugrrrghhhhh!” it groaned.

The krak grenade had veered left slightly, missing the creature’s most important organs. It was still a
solid hit that wounded the beast.

(Rolling an agility test for the Unknown Strain on 60+... 87 rolled. It isn't’ staggered by the hit!)

Unfortunately, Palatina’s plan didn’t come to full fruition. She had been betting on the monster being
staggered for long enough to buy her time to line up a second shot. It didn’t seem stalled at all by the
heavy shot. As the smoke from the explosion cleared Palatina saw the beast rushing towards her like
a predator on the hunt.

Warrior Finishing Move Progress Against Colette (Finishing Move Halted!)

1. Insert the Impregnator into the Target’s Pussy: 100% Complete.
2. Penetrate Cervix: 100% Complete.
3. Penetrate Oviducts: 100% Complete
4. Suck Up Eggs: 100% Complete
5. Bio-Rewrite Egg DNA and Reimplant Eggs: 100%
6. Inseminate Target and Fertilise Eggs: 80% (Colette Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Warrior (Armed with 2 Bone Dildos and an Impregnator Gun): 0/8 HP (Deceased)
Unknown Rapeanid Strain (Six Arms and an elongated Tongue): 5/10 HP.


-St Stephen’s Sword.
Orgasm: 714%
Status Effects
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bioengineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle.
Partially Bukakked: Combat rolls are 5 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes a 75+.
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.

Orgasm: 276%
Status Effects:
Rapeanid Fetish Flaw: Alexi has given into her Xenophilia and Rapeanid Fetish character flaws and
will not attempt to resist Rapeanid sexual assaults.
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

-Flak Armour (2/2)
-Grenade Launcher (5/6 Krak Rounds)
-12 Extra Frag Grenades
Orgasm: 49%
Status Effects: None

“Palatina! Watch out!” Colette screamed as the monster rushed towards the Sister.

(Rolling a 50+ charge test for the Rapeanid since it is still 12ish metres away. 54 rolled! It makes it
into combat!)

The beast was closing in fast. Palatina desperately waited for the grenade launcher’s chamber to
turn and the next round to ready.

“Come on… Come on…” she quickly whispered.

The silver metal chamber seemed to rotate in slow motion, She’d need to land a perfect shot here to
finish this. Plus, the Rapeanid was now a fast-moving target.

‘Emperor guide my shots,’ she prayed.


As the next chamber locked into place Palatina squeezed the trigger once more and braced against
the immense kickback.

(Palatina will get one final chance to stop it before it engages her in melee. She needs to pass a 90+
overwatch test. 91 rolled! Epic win! 9 damage dealt!)


The krak grenade struck the Warrior in the face, obliterating its head in a devastating split second. It
collapsed forward, tumbling over as it crashed to the ground.

‘Too damn close,’ Palatina thought to herself as she started looking for Alexi.

It didn’t take long to find the Sister sitting up and looking somewhat disappointed that the show was

“C’mon! Get to the Rhino! We don’t have much time, the guard are retreating!” Palatina yelled out.

“R-Retreating?” Alexi stammered.

“Bedlebyerk Ridge is lost. Now get to the Rhino before more of those Xenos start making their way
back over here!”

Alexi was quick to clamber back to her feet, making her way over to her saviour.

“I’m gonna guess those Scions got you outta that trench,” Alexi remarked.

“Yeah, and not a moment too soon.”

“Oh shit! Have you seen Jenkins?”

“Who?” Palatina stopped walking and turned to face Alexi.

“Jenkins - guy with a helmet. Big white stripe down the center. Part of the Astra Militarum.”

“Doesn’t ring a bell.”

“He… He was in the trench with you before it got overrun! You must have seen him! He was the guy
beside me when you ran towards us!”

“I’m sorry, there were a lot of soldiers about. I don’t remember any specific one.”

“Fuck! You didn’t see him when the Scions helped you out of that trench?”

“Alexi, we need to go,” Palatina insisted.

“DID YOU SEE HIM?!” she exclaimed, raising her voice.

“For Throne’s sake. There was no one else in the trench with me. I got cut off. I was alone, okay?!”

“I-I need to find him!” Alexi gasped, turning towards the thick of the battle.

“Alexi, you’ll just get yourself captured. The Astra Militarum are already retreating to the hilltop. If
Jenkins is with them then he’ll make a final stand there. They’re gonna buy us time to escape, but
we can’t keep wasting it like we are right now.”

(Rolling a 70+ rationality test for Alexi to see if she elects to retreat with the Sisters or run to try and
search for Jenkins. 70 rolled. It’s barely a pass and nothing more. She’s gonna go with the Sisters,
but she needs coaxed.)

“Jenkins…” she whispered.

Palatina grabbed Alexi’s right arm and began leading her back to the Rhino. As they returned to their
vehicle they saw the growing crescendo of the Battle of Bedleyberk Ridge. Dozens of soldiers were
scrambling up the hillside, chased by hundreds upon hundreds of Rapeanids. Two Taurox Primes
could be seen skirting around the base of the hill, rumbling into the distance as they made their

(Rolling a 50+ tactics test for the guardsmen to see how well their retreat to the hilltop goes. 66
rolled, two thirds of the guardsmen make it!)

“Emperor help them…” Colette whispered, her senses slowly returning to her.
She watched on, completely unable to help as she witnessed guardswomen pounced upon, dragged
into the slavering horde by their ankles. She knew what their fate would be. It had almost been her
fate a couple of minutes earlier.

“C’mon, Sister Superior, we need to go,” Palatina urged, ushering Alexi and Colette into the Rhino.

Battle Report:
Rapeanid Horde: 516/2000 HP
Astra Militarum: 27 Guardsmen

Unknown Rapeanid Strain (Six Arms and an elongated Tongue): 0/10 HP. (Deceased)

-St Stephen’s Sword.
Orgasm: 714%
Status Effects
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bioengineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle.
Partially Bukakked: Combat rolls are 5 harder than they would otherwise be. For instance, a 70+ test
becomes a 75+.
Swallowed Aphrodisiac: No immediate effect, but continuing to consume it will lead to additional
status effects.

Orgasm: 276%
Status Effects:
Rapeanid Fetish Flaw: Alexi has given into her Xenophilia and Rapeanid Fetish character flaws and
will not attempt to resist Rapeanid sexual assaults.
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - has given into her character flaw and will not resist the Gaunt’s sexual attacks.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

-Flak Armour (2/2)
-Grenade Launcher (4/6 Krak Rounds)
-12 Extra Frag Grenades
Orgasm: 49%
Status Effects: None

As Palatina drove her squad away from the battlefield she could feel the grief in the air. It was an
ignominious defeat. She had very nearly lost two Sisters. It was impossible to empathise with how the
244th Janazar Grenadiers felt. Their regiment had been broken, their defensive lines overrun, and
their mission failed.

The journey home was a silent one. Neither Alexi nor Colette opened their lips. The only sounds were
the hum of the engine and the occasional crackle of the radio. Palatina occasionally stopped the tank
and peered out the top hatch. No Rapeanids appeared to be following them. It seemed the brave
soldiers had bought them enough time to escape. Palatina wasn’t sure how long they had been
driving for. She didn’t take a direct route back to basecamp - Throne forbid she lure a splinter force
directly to their hideout. The Rhino’s brakes squeaked as she stopped it once more on a winding
road that ascended the side of a mountain. It had once been a tourist destination for the beautiful
sights, but was now simply a tarmac road littered with abandoned cars. Palatina cracked open the
hatch once more and cautiously peered around. The mountside was peppered with coniferous trees.
Bushes and shrubbery had begun reclaiming the edges of the road. Fifty, maybe sixty, miles in the
distance she could make out the beautiful blue sea glittering in the evening sunlight. And just before
that - the hill on Bedleyberk Ridge. It was too far to see what was going on. Smoke was rising from
atop the hill, but without a strong pair of magnoculars it was impossible to see just how many
guardsmen were still fighting back.


The sound came from inside the Rhino. Palatina listened carefully.

“Prior-*Kkzzztt* -ransmission. Repeat, Priority Tran-*Kzzzhhhhttt* - is inbound on coordinates 92 -

*Kzzccchhh* - 72. This is a priority warning ordering the evacuation of Bedleyberk Ridge. A
Deathstrike missile is inbound. I repeat…”

And for the first time on her journey home Palatina heard a voice that wasn’t the radio. A soft, sharp


Alexi burst from the back of the Rhino, rushing up to the metal railguards overlooking the great
“Alexi! Get back inside!” Palatina snapped.


Palatina’s hair rustled as something cast a brief dark shadow overhead.

A massive missile.
A warhead.

“Noooo!” Alexi screamed, fingers clenched into the aluminum railings.

The warhead shrunk from view as it covered miles in mere seconds. For the briefest of moments
there was nothing and Alexi held her breath.

Perhaps it had malfunctioned?

Perhaps it was a dud?
Perhaps its ignition didn’t-

The flash was blinding. Alexi and Palatina were thrown back in the shockwave as a mushroom cloud
extended into the sky and parted the clouds.

Alexi collapsed to her knees.

Palatina steadied herself against the hatch, watching the orange cloud turn grey and black.

“Blessed Emperor…” she whispered, “Have mercy on their loyal souls.”


Thank you for reading the latest chapter. There will not be a vote at the end of this story asking which
direction readers want it to go. I want to write one (short) final chapter from the perspective of the
soldiers making their last stand atop the hill. Then it'll be back to business as usual!

If you've any feedback, good or bad, please feel free to let me know either on here or at my email:

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This is not a monthly subscription. I will only ever charge whenever I produce a full chapter
like this one.
5 - The Defiant Few

Captain Ophelia Fortes

76 Minutes to Deathstrike Detonation.

“No ‘buts’ Sister,” Captain Fortes reply was sharp and curt, “I am the commanding officer in this
engagement and you will obey a direct order.”

The Battle Sister looked dumbfounded at the order to retreat. It wasn’t a tactic often countenanced in
the Imperial Guard, let alone the Adepta Sororitas. Ophelia ignored her, turning to unlock her
armoured chest and pulling out a heavy shotgun and donning a bandolier of shells. In the time it took
her to prepare her weapon the visiting Sister still hadn’t moved.

“Please don’t force me to spend my last hour dishing out a disciplinary measure. I told you to grab
some gear and go,” Captain Fortes repeated.

“Yes, Captain. Sorry, Captain.”

As the visitor finally departed from the tent Captain Fortes finally found a moment of respite. She
reached into her pocket and withdrew her mobile phone. She nimbly flicked through the contacts
before selecting the entry marked ‘Daniel’. He’d been her partner for ten years now. She’d married
later in life shortly after her deployment to Glore IV for the first time. They had met during an
especially rowdy night in the planetary capital that ended with far more than just a simple goodnight
kiss. He was a freighter by trade. His nights were spent flying grain shipments for GloreCorp around
the planet for processing. His days were spent trying to squeeze as much sleep as he could muster
in between caring for their eight year old kid, Jebediah. Ophelia’s job didn’t make it easy to share
family-time together.


*Ring Ring*

He answered almost-instantly. Daniel always did.

“Hey honey, I hadn’t heard from you in a few days. I was starting to get worried. What’s up?”
“Hi Danny,” she replied, barely getting a couple of words out before her voice began to break.

“Are you alright?”

“I… We’re losing the battle, Danny. I don’t think… I don’t think I’m going-”

“No! Don’t you dare finish that thought, Ophelia. You’re coming home. You hear me? Where are

“We’re… We’re at Bedleyberk Ridge. The lines have broken,” Captain Fortes lowered her voice to a
whisper, “We’re fucked Danny. There’s no one getting out of this one.”

Daniel was silent and Captain Fortes couldn’t help but feel a little queasy.

“Danny… I love you.”

She could hear the tears in her husband’s voice. They both knew what was coming. If she was
captured by the Rapeanids she’d be brought aboard some breeding ship and never seen again.

“I- I love you too, honey.”

“I don’t have much time, can you put Jebediah on?”



“He’s over at Patrick’s house. How long do you have? It’s a fifty minute drive there.”


“You won’t make it in time…” she whispered, “T-Tell him… Tell him that his mom loves him very, very

“Ophelia! You’re coming home! You hear me? I don’t care if you have to leave behind every soldier!
You’re not leaving us!”

“I can’t…” she sniffed, “Goodbye, Danny.”



Captain Fortes’s teeth chattered in her mouth, she clenched her eyes and fought back against the
quivering of her lips. A Captain worth their salt goes down with the ship. Ophelia dried her eyes on
her sleeve before marching out of the command tent.

"What are you all waiting for?! Make for the hilltop!” she bellowed.

63 Minutes to Deathstrike Detonation

Captain Fortes ran up the hill as fast as her legs would carry her. Lieutenants Yadax and Holmes
weren't far behind her. A larger Rapeanid was quickly gaining ground on them. She spun around and
unleashed a blast from her shotgun. Three inches of fire erupted from the end of her weapon.

(Rolling a 35+ combat test from Captain Fortes against a Warrior. 57 rolled! A solid hit!)


Ophelia’s shot connected with the beast’s chest, sending it tumbling down the hill and buying her
soldiers a precious few extra seconds.

“Come on!” she rallied her troops as she pumped the shotgun, “Get to the crest!”

A young woman in tattered flak armour tripped over a jagged rock jutting from the side of the hill. Her
helmet came tumbling off as she hit the ground exposing her fiery ginger hair. The girl looked up at
her Captain with frightened emerald eyes. Ophelia cursed, the girl was twenty metres away and the
Rapeanids were closing in fast; she wouldn’t make it down to her in time. Lieutenant Yadax was
closer, but even then it would be a challenge to pull her back to her feet without being swarmed too.

(Rolling character flaw for Lieutenant Yadax: Self-Preservationist - This character’s driving
motivation is the will to survive another day. They will put themselves above others. He will need to
pass a 60+ to overcome his character flaw. 55 rolled! A narrow fail!)

For a second Ophelia thought she saw Lieutenant Yadax stride towards the girl, but he hesitated -
not wanting to throw himself into harm’s way. The girl’s name was Christina, a relatively new recruit.
This was only her third actual battle. She looked up at Yadax for a second, hoping that her superior
would come to rescue her.

“Keep moving, dammit!” the Asian man eventually snapped, ushering his troops farther up the hill.

(Rolling three 15+ Rapeanid attacks against Christina and picking the best result because the entire
swarm is over her. 21, 63, and 69 rolled. 69 is the best result! The girl gets captured with little hope of

“Nooooooo! Don’t leave me! Help m-aaaahhhh!” Christina screamed as a long slender tongue
wrapped around her ankle and pulled her down the hill and into the writhing mass of alien bodies.

The presence of another woman in their ranks did nothing to slow the slavering swarm. They
bounded, leaped, and dashed across the jagged terrain like feral predators. Ophelia risked another
glance back and saw they were even clambering over each other's backs in a maddening effort to
close the gap.

“We’re almost at the crest! Go! Go! Go!” Captain Fortes yelled, “When you reach the top take up
firing positions and cover your comrades!”

“Watch out!”

The voice came from her left. Ophelia turned to see Yadax raise his dual laspistols and aim them
directly at a swarm of Gaunts that were leading the charge. Lieutenant Seizon Yadax had been an
expert pistolier, eschewing the traditional officer’s sword in lieu of his twin laspistols. Ophelia
watched as the Asian man flashed his teeth and began firing from the hip.

(Rolling two combat tests for Lieutenant Yadax’s laspistols on 50+... 60 and 92 rolled! One hit and
one epic win! The epic win gives him another shot due to his ‘Gunslinger’ special rule!)
(Rolling one more combat test for Lieutenant Yadax’s laspistols on 50+... 95 rolled! An epic win! The
epic win gives him another shot!)

(Rolling one more combat test for Lieutenant Yadax’s laspitols on 50+... 73 rolled. Another hit!)
That’s 2 epic wins and 2 hits!)

Red lasers blazed down from the hillside as Lieutenant Yadax’s laspistols sliced Gaunt after Gaunt.
Alien bodies collapsed as he landed innumerable shots with near-perfect precision.


*Pew Pew*


The laspistol barrels were glowing a vibrant purple as the Lieutenant pushed his weapons to the limit
of their capability. It was a phenomenal display of exactly what a dedicated Imperial officer could do.
As the last of the Gaunt’s bodies hit the ground Yadax turned and began scrambling to catch up with
his comrades.

(Rolling a 30+ agility test for Yadax to reach the Crest. 31 rolled! He makes it!)

Lieutenant Yadax was gasping for breath when he finally reached the top of the hill. His eyes began
surveying the scene before him. It was a rocky crest with the occasional tree and sparse bracken.
Hardly the location of a glorious last stand.

“Looks like the show-off made it!” someone jeered.

Yadax looked up to see Lieutenant Holmes grinning.

“You’re just jealous ‘cause you couldn’t hit a Carnifex with a flamer if it was standing in front of
you!” Yadax snapped back.

“Haha!” Holmes laughed, reaching out and grabbing Yadax’s forearm to pull him up the final few
inches of the hill, “I’m gonna miss you when this is all over, Seizon. You cowardly old dog.”

“Oh please, Jack. I haven’t been caught in thirty five years of service. If you think I’m going down
today you’re sorely mistaken.”
“What you gonna do this time? Hide under some Rapeanid corpses and wait til it all blows over?”

Yadax’s grain faded and his neatly-trimmed moustache levelled out as he looked at his fellow
Lieutenant, “Whatever it takes.”

“Enough jabbering you two!” Ophelia snapped, “Jack, I want you to lead the first line of defence.
Seizon, I saw a ruined cottage about a hundred metres further up the hill. Take a few men and check
it out. See if we can make a stand there.

Lieutenant Jack Holmes saluted his commander and reached for the small silver whistle tied around
his neck. He brought it to his lips and blew sharply on it, rallying his troops to the hill’s edge.There
were barely two dozen of them left.


As the whistle sounded out the Rapeanids screeched in return. Nearly doubling their speed.

“They didn’t like that whistle…” Seizon murmured to Jack.

“Nope, they definitely didn’t,” Jack replied, “ALL GUNS FIRE!”

The sound of a dozen lasguns crackled down the ridge. Bright red gunfire lit up the Rapeanid lines
like a lightshow.

“I’m gonna need some troops to scout the ruins up ahead,” Seizon yelled over the sound of the

“You three!” Jack yelled at a trio of guardswomen, allowing the whistle to drop back around his neck,
“Go with Lieutenant Yadax!”

“Are there any Sergeants still around?” Ophelia’s voice carried over the din of battle.

“Y-Yes, Ma’am!” a battle-worn trooper approached her with a power sword in one hand and a
laspistol in the other.

Her skin was ebony black with long dark hair that had been tied up in a ponytail. She was either in
her late twenties or early thirties. Her flak armour had been ripped and torn, partially exposing her
ample C-cup breasts.

“I want you to focus on morale. This line cannot break no matter what.”

“With all due respect, ma’am. What’s the point? We’ve already lost,” the dark-skinned soldier

“Look over there,” Ophelia pointed, resting her arm around the final Sergeant’s shoulder, “You see
that Rhino driving in the distance?”

“Yes, Ma’am?”

“We have to hold that hill until they get away from this battlefield. We buy them every fucking second
that we can. We’ve already lost, you were correct about that. Those women in that Rhino though -
they still have a chance, but only if we can buy it for them. Do you understand me?”

“Aye, Ma’am. Loud and clear.”

“What’s your name, soldier?”

“Sergeant Brokenshire, Ma’am. Sergeant Precious Brokenshire.”

“We’re all gonna be heroes today, Precious. If we do a good job here today the Imperium will
remember our names for decades to come.”

“I’d like that very much, ma’am,” Precious replied.

“Alright, dismissed soldier.”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

As Precious returned to the hill’s edge Captain Fortes took a minute to check her phone. Three small
words were plastered on the screen, ‘SIX MISSED CALLS.’ She knew exactly who they were from.
She also knew that she wouldn’t have another chance to talk again. There was no time for one final
call with her husband. This final battle would require her entire concentration if they were to distract
these Xenos for long enough.
‘And what happens when the Rapeanids break through Bedleyberk Ridge?’ her mind wandered,
‘They’ll plunder, rape, destroy tens of thousands of acres of farmland. They’ll capture thousands of
farmers from the outlying villages. The supply lines to Sanctuary’s Redoubt will be crippled.’

(Rolling a Character Flaw for Captain Fortes - Martyr. This character has a morbid fascination with
ensuring the mission gets done, no matter the cost. Only in victory is their glory, and victory is always
worth the price paid. Captain Fortes needs to pass a difficult 80+ character flaw test to overcome this.
7 rolled. Epic fail!)

In that moment, Captain Fortes realised what she must do.

“Lieutenant Holmes! Get me a vox caster!”

Captain Ophelia Fortes

Officer’s Flak Armour (3/3)
Adeptus Arbites Pump-Action Shotgun (27 Shells Remaining)
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects: None
Character Flaws:
Martyr - This character has a morbid fascination with ensuring the mission gets done, no matter the
cost. Only in victory is their glory, and victory is always worth the price paid.

Lieutenant Seizon Yadax

-Flak Armour (2/2)
Laspitol (59% charge)
Laspistol (64% charge)
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects: None
Special Abilities:
Gunslinger - When using pistols this character gains an extra shot for each roll of 91+ they make.
Character Flaws:
Self-Preservationist - This character’s driving motivation is the will to survive another day. They will
put the safety of themselves above others.

Lieutenant Jack Holmes:

-Flak Armour (2/2)
Bolt Pistol (Three Magazines Remaining)
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects: None
Character Flaws:
Career-Driven - This character is focused entirely on advancing their career. They may even take
immoral actions if the potential for career advancement is great enough.
Sergeant Precious Brokenshire
-Flak Armour (1/2)
Power Sword
Laspistol (44% charge)
Orgasm: 8%
Status Effects: None.
Character Flaws:
Gambling Addict - This character has a penchant for gambling a bit too much.

49 Minutes to Deathstrike Detonation

“What frequency are we tuning into?” Jack asked, setting the vox caster up against a wind-worn

Captain Fortes reached into her inner pocket and withdrew a small time-yellowed envelope sealed
with a red wax mark. She tore it open and began reading out a series of numbers. Lieutenant Holmes
diligently obeyed his orders, tuning the vox caster into the secret channel.

“I’m getting something,” he suddenly announced.

*Kzzzchh* - Password - *Kzzzcchh*

Ophelia reached out an open palm and took the microphone from her kneeling Lieutenant.

“This is Captain Ophelia Fortes, ID-642-419-34792. Bedleyberk Ridge has been lost, I repeat,
Bedleyberk Ridge has been lost. Following an in-field risk analysis the cost of allowing Rapeanid
forces to penetrate deeper into Glore IV has been deemed too high. Code Black has been

The vox caster was silent.

“What’s Code Black?” the voice came from behind Ophelia, Yadax had returned from exploring the
ruined cottage.

Captain Fortes never got the opportunity to answer.

*Kzzcch* Confirm Code Black. Is that correct Captain Ophelia? *Kzzccch*

The Captain’s heart sank as she realised the gravity of what she had just ordered.

“Confirm Code Black.”

*Kzzccch* A Deathstrike missile is being primed for launch. Send your coordinates. ETA forty eight
minutes. May the Emperor have mercy upon your souls. *Kzzch*

Yadax’s face turned pale.

“Y-You can’t be serious, Captain!”

“I am deadly serious, Yadax. It’s over. If the Rapeanid’s break through our lines then the entire
countryside and delta is wide open to their advance. Holmes, punch in the coordinates for this hill.”

“What about an evacuation?! A retreat?!”

“There isn’t going to be a damned evacuation, Lieutenant!” Ophelia snapped back, “If they had any
Valkyries to spare they would have sent them to support us days ago! We have no Chimeras left.
And if we run down the other side of this hill we’ll get caught by the Rapeanids within minutes.”

“But we’ll die!”

“This isn’t about us anymore. It’s about them!” Ophelia gestured into the distance behind the hill,
“It’s about those farmers, those villages, those civilians who are going to be turned into Rapeanid
breeding stock if we don’t end this right here, right now!”

Holmes finished punching in the last coordinates.

“It’s done, Captain,” he replied sullenly, “Should I tell the troops?”

“No, don’t burden them with this. We need to keep morale high to the end. I CAN trust you not to
leak this to the men, can’t I Yadax?”

The Asian man struggled to make eye contact with his superior officer. He looked like a cornered rat
who realised he had nowhere left to run. Eventually his shoulders sunk down and he seemed to
accept his fate.

“I won’t say anything.”

“Good. Now, how defensible is that cottage?”

“It’s dilapidated - but we could probably squeeze nine or ten soldiers inside it. Certainly more
defensible than this goddamn hilltop.”

“We fall back there when our numbers thin down. Now, let’s make the Emperor proud.”

“Aye, Ma’am!” Holmes saluted before turning to face the frontline.

Sergeant Precious Brokenshire

46 Minutes to Deathstrike Detonation

“Hold the line!” Precious yelled.

It was a far larger squad than she was used to leading. There were about twenty soldiers lined up on
the ridge. Almost all of them wielded lasguns with the exception of a single flamer and a pair carrying
grenade launchers. The flamer was a lifesaver - thick gouts of orange fire were keeping the
Rapeanids well at bay.

(Rolling a charge test for the Rapeanids on 80+... 33 rolled! The Rapeanids can’t make it close
enough yet.)

(Rolling a combat test for the guardsmen on 20+... 44 rolled! A pass! A modest volley against the

“They’re charging! Fire!” Precious commanded, watching as her soldiers knelt down at the ridge and
unleashed everything they had into the aliens.
Explosions ripped into the alien ranks, decimating dozens of the smaller ones. Lasguns focused on
picking off any lucky Gaunts that rushed ahead. Even the most valiant of orders could not hope to
hold back the Rapeanids forever. Precious knew exactly how she would end up. She knew every
hole in her body would be relentlessly ravaged and filled with semen before the end of the day. The
azure sun was hanging low in the cloudless sky.

(Rolling to see what strain of Rapeanid attacks. Higher numbers are stronger enemies. 90 rolled!
Something very dangerous!)

“Sarge! There’s something coming up the hill!”

“What the hell is that? I can’t see shit!” another soldier yelled.

More and more voices joined the chorus of confusion.

“There’s a big pink cloud down there!”

Precious rushed to the cliff edge and looked down at a pink fog obscuring the advancing Rapeanids.
It didn’t take her long to realise what it was - she’d been unlucky enough to face the monsters that
produced it before.

“Venomthropes! We’ve got Venomthropes inbound!” she hollered back to the trio of officers
standing by a vox-caster.

Venomthropes were tall levitating creatures with a mass of writhing tentacles emanating from their
snake-like bodies. They were capable of producing thick gaseous clouds that acted as a powerful
aphrodisiac to anyone who breathed it in. Precious knew that if that cloud reached her lines her
soldiers would soon be stripping off and fingering themselves silly.

“Has anyone got any gas masks?! Anyone?!” another guardsman cried.

Without any gas masks, the sole hope laid in somehow shooting the alien monsters hidden within the
fog. It certainly wouldn’t be an easy task to pull off.

‘The bastards could be anywhere within the thick smog,’ Precious thought to herself.

“Rapid fire into the smog! And pray that you hit one of those bastards!” she eventually ordered.
(Rolling six 85+ luck tests for the squad shooting blindly into the smog. 13, 85, 88, 2, 84, and 19.
Two, 1 phenomenal fail. The Venomthropes advance successfully, one gets hit and badly wounded.
The Phenomenal fail will give the Rapeanids a free chance to attack Sergeant Brokenshire.)

The guard’s gunline erupted with a renewed crackle of fire. Lasguns snapped shots blindly into the
encroaching pink fog.

‘Shit, that miasma’s barely fifteen metres away now! We’re going to have to consider a retreat!’
Sergeant Brokenshire thought to herself.

As she turned to debate her next order she saw a long slender tentacle snap out of the mist.

(Rolling a 40+ agility test for Precious to avoid the Rapeanid attack… 34 rolled. She’s been grabbed!)

The tentacle snapped around her left ankle before she could move. Suddenly, she was on the ground
and being dragged down the hill. She dropped her weapons and wrapped her hands around a rock
that was jutting out at a rough angle, clinging on for dear life.

“Help me! Somebody!” she yelled.

The monster was strong. She looked back to see the tentacle vanish into the fog. It was impossible to
tell exactly what was grabbing her. She knew it wouldn’t be good though.

“We gotta save the Sarge!” a young blonde soldier yelled, dropping her lasgun and rushing down
towards her commander.

She was already naked from earlier on in the battle. Precious knew that this soldier was taking a big
risk in trying to help her like this.

“Thank you!” the Sergeant yelled as her saviour approached.

“Private Hilary Swinton at your service! I’ve got you, Sarge!” she called out.

(Rolling five 80+ ranged attacks from the Rapeanids against Hilary… 63, 81, 14, 94, and 89. That’s 2
misses, 1 epic win, and 2 passes! Hilary gets overwhelmed.)
The Cuntborers were launched out of the mist en-masse. A veritable barrage of the fat wiggling
grubs. While Precious was lucky that none landed directly on her she saw Hilary get plastered by the
creatures. Two, three, four - more and more of them kept latching onto the guardswoman. They were
soon attached to both her breasts, sucking aggressively on the soldier’s large mammaries. Hilary
turned her back to the fog and fell face down, desperately attempting to pull the bugs away.
Unfortunately, it left her rear exposed in the process. One landed directly on her vulva and wasted no
time squirming its way into her body.

“Noooohhhhh!! Get out of me! Get it out! AHHHH!!” she screamed in a combination of terror and

Precious could do nothing but watch as the soldier was relentlessly swarmed with the bugs. She was
completely unable to help; if she let go of her rock for even a split second she’d be dragged into that
pink fog and lost forever.

(Rolling 2d25 pleasure damage for the cuntborers attached to Hilary’s breasts, and 1d75 for the one
that squirmed into her pussy. 2, 12, and 30! 44% pleasure damage added to Hilary! Added onto the
preexisting 16% pleasure damage from earlier in the battle she is now on 60% Orgasm.)

“Oh! Oh shit!” the soldier moaned as pleasure began building deep in her body.

Her Sergeant watched as the two cuntborers attached to her tits began pulsing in a regular rhythm.
Precious knew exactly what she was looking at and felt disgusted.

‘The bastards are milking her,’ she thought angrily, ‘That poor girl needs to get those things off her
body or she’s gone. If she goes down I probably will too. She’s my best hope for making it out of

“You gotta pull ‘em off! Get rid of the bugs!” Precious yelled, feeling an especially strong tug on her

“Arrghh!” she grunted, kicking out at the tugging tentacle.

(Rolling a 30+ strength test for Precious to hold on. Additionally, rolls of 70+ will also deal damage to
the tentacle. 55 rolled! She clings on!)

The Sergeant interlocked her fingers around the far side of her stony salvation. As Precious looked
up she saw the shimmering barrels of her soldiers' lasguns, each one flashing with ruby-red hues as
they poured a relentless volley of shots into the advancing swarm.

“Ahh! It’s inside me! Get out! Get out!” Hilary was panicking.
Sergeant Precious Brokenshire
-Flak Armour (1/2)
Orgasm: 8%
Status Effects:
Leg Restrained (Strength 3 Bondage)
Being dragged into the pink fog.
Character Flaws:
Gambling Addict - This character has a penchant for gambling a bit too much.

Private Hilary Swinton

Orgasm: 60%
Status Effects:
Two Cuntborers Milking Nipples
One Cuntborer in Pussy
Character Flaws:
Impatient - This character compulsively acts when it would be prudent to wait.

16 Guardsmen with Lasguns
2 Guardsmen with Grenade Launchers
1 Guardsman with Flamer

Rapeanid Horde:
400+ Rapeanids remaining.
Venomthrope A: 6/6 HP
Venomthrope B: 6/6 HP
Venomthrope C: 3/6 HP

(Rolling a 35+ strength test for Precious to hold onto the rock. Rolls of 70+ will also deal damage to
the tentacle. 37 rolled! She just barely holds on.)

Another sharp tug; this time Precious felt her fingers slipping. She felt herself starting to lose her grip
of the rock.

“No! HELP ME!” she yelled, trying to hug onto that rock as tightly as she could.

That unnatural fog was continually advancing, never slowing as it ascended the hill. Just a couple of
breaths and it would ruin her mind. She’d be left a cockhungry bimbo, begging to be ravaged in
every hole.
‘Shit! Oh fuck! It’s going to get me!’ she panicked.

(Rolling two 60+ rolls for Hilary to get the Cuntborers off her tits… 48 and 34 rolled! Two fails!)

(Rolling an 85+ roll for Hilary to get the Cuntborer out of her pussy. 38 rolled! Fail!)

Hilary reached for the fat grubs aggressively suckling at her boobs. She clenched her fingers around
their warm bodies and tugged, desperately attempting to get them off. Unfortunately, their suction-
cup mouths were firmly clamped over her nipples. As she tugged and pulled on the Cuntborers she
felt the creatures begin to gulp down bursts of milk from her breasts.

“Ahh- Wh-What?! OHHH!!! Mmmm!!!” she groaned, tightly shutting her eyes and doubling over once

She let go of the bugs on her tits and frantically positioned her right hand by her pussy; desperately
chasing the bastard burying deeper inside her. It was wriggling and squirming now, stimulating every
wall of her pussy, hitting every sensitive spot.

“Ahh… G-Get out of meeeeeaaahhhh!” she yelled, trying to reach inside and grab it. It proved too
deep though.

(Rolling 2d30 pleasure damage for the Cuntborers milking Hilary’s tits. 10 and 20 rolled! Rolling 1d80
for the cuntborer in her pussy. 21 rolled! 51 Pleasure damage added! 51+60=111% Orgasm! Hilary
has climaxed!)

“Ayaaahhh!! I’m gonna cum!” Hilary squealed, giving up on trying to get the creatures off her naked

“Private Swinton!” Precious yelled, “Pull yourself together!”

The private was hunched over trembling and shaking as her sensitive spots were abused all over her
body. Intense pleasurable sensations rocked her body from head to toe.

“Ahhh! AHHHHHH!! No! Don’t make- ahh - me cum! AAYAAAAAHHHHH!!!”

(Rolling a 15+ mindbreak test for Hilary. She is just a regular soldier so she is likely to break sooner
than a well-trained Sister of Battle is. 95 rolled! Epic win! Her orgasm goes back down to the nearest
100. In this case she loses 11% pleasure damage and goes back to 100% Orgasm.)
The naked soldier finally stopped cumming a few metres above Precious, thankfully she showed no
signs of rolling down the hill into the mass of advancing Rapeanids. The Sergeant gave up hope that
Private Swinton would be able to save her. She turned her attention instead to the row of dedicated
soldiers lining the ridge.

“Someone shoot this fucking tentacle!” Precious yelled out to her squad.

She glanced back. The pink mist was barely eight metres away now. Time was quickly running out
for the restrained Sergeant.

(Rolling two 80+ tests for her squad to shoot the tentacle. 57 and 43. Both fail!)

Precious flinched as two lasgun shots ripped down from the hilltop, kicking up small clouds of dirt as
they struck the ground either side of the Sergeant’s position. Somewhere deep within the pink mist
an explosion from a grenade launcher detonated.

‘Their aim wasn’t even fucking close!’ Precious lamented.

She dared another glance back. The pink mist was continuing to advance. At this distance she could
begin to make out the dark silhouettes of the various Rapeanid beasts deep within the aphrodisial

“Oh shit…” she panted, her arms beginning to ache from struggling to cling to the rock.

Sergeant Precious Brokenshire

-Flak Armour (1/2)
Orgasm: 8%
Status Effects:
Leg Restrained (Strength 3 Bondage)
Being dragged into the pink fog.
Character Flaws:
Gambling Addict - This character has a penchant for gambling a bit too much.

16 Guardsmen with Lasguns
2 Guardsmen with Grenade Launchers
1 Guardsman with Flamer

Private Hilary Swinton

Orgasm: 100%
Status Effects:
Two Cuntborers Milking Nipples
One Cuntborer in Pussy
Character Flaws:
Impatient - This character compulsively acts when it would be prudent to wait.

Rapeanid Horde:
400+ Rapeanids remaining.
Venomthrope A: 6/6 HP
Venomthrope B: 6/6 HP
Venomthrope C: 3/6 HP

(Rolling three Rapeanid attacks against Hilary on 75+... 88, 78, and 80! She gets heavily attacked! I
was expecting maybe one of these attacks to land - but all three means Hilary is getting wrecked.)

Precious watched as Hilary reached up once more for the Cuntborers on her tits. For a split second,
the Sergeant had hope that this brave Private could somehow turn things around. And then that hope
was snapped away. Six tentacles shot out of the encroaching pink mist, lashing out around Private
Swinton. They wrapped around her ankles, her wrists, her torso.

Hilary’s head turned to look at Precious, her mouth slightly open as if she was about to say
something. The scene played out as if gravity itself had ceased functioning properly. The Private was
pulled horizontally off the side of the mountain and into the air.

“Holy shit!” one the guardsmen on the ridge yelled in horror.

“Ahhh!!!!” Hilary screamed as her body was suspended mid-air by the tentacles.

And then, just as quickly as she was dragged off the hill, she was snapped down into the pink fog and
vanished from sight. All that remained was the crying of her voice, which grew ever fainter with each
passing second as she was carried further down the hill.

“Nooohhh!!! Help meeeeee...!!!” she cried.

Precious regretted ever looking behind her. The sight of Hilary being engulfed into that thick pink fog
both haunted her, and made her a little excited. Thoughts of what those bugs were going to do to her
now that she was in there were beginning to make the Sergeant horny.

(Rolling three Rapeanid attacks against Precious on 50+... 41, 32, and a 74 rolled! Two misses; one
hit! A second tentacle lashes out around her other ankle!)

The dark-skinned Sergeant heard the sound of the wet tendril wrap around her ankle before she felt
it. Both of her legs were simultaneously being pulled now. Her grip was growing weaker with each
passing second.

(Rolling a 70+ strength test for Precious to hold on! An 80+ will additionally damage the tentacles. 90
rolled! Just of an epic win! She deals two damage to one of her leg restraints!)

“Get the fuck off me!” she grunted, slamming her heavy brown boots together.

She felt something squish and had a brief moment of satisfaction, knowing that she might have just
wounded the beast grabbing her. The pink fog was barely four metres behind her now. She didn’t
have any extra time to waste. As Precious glanced around the nearby battlefield she saw her
powersword lying nearby. It still shimmered with that blue energy field. If she could reach that she
might be able to hack the tentacles off and run up the hill.

‘It’s gonna be one hell of a difficult move to pull off,’ she lamented, ‘I ain’t got much of a choice
right now though. Emperor help me…’

“Lieutenant!” she suddenly gasped, noticing the Asian man at the crest, “Help me! It’s got my legs!”

Seizon met Precious’s gaze for a minute. His eyes then wandered up to the pink miasma engulfing
the landscape.

(Rolling a Self-Preservationist character flaw for Lieutenant Yadax on 65+... 9 rolled! An epic fail!
Yadax doesn’t just abandon the ridge. He brings the entire squad with him.)

“Seizon! Help me!”

The officer clenched his teeth and looked down at Precious once more. His brow was quivering
slightly. Yadax opened his mouth and drew in a deep breath, then slowly raised his whistle to his lips.

“No… No! Don’t you dare! Don’t you fucking dare you fucking coward!”

The shrill sharp song of the whistle cut over the noise of the battlefield, followed by the booming voice
of Lieutenant Yadax.

“Gas inbound! All soldiers fall back! Retreat to the ruins!”

“NO! SEIZON! Don’t leave me you bastard! You fucking bastard!”

One by one the soldiers on the hill obeyed their commanding officer. The silvery barrels of the
lasguns vanished from sight. For some reason the Rapeanids seemed enraged at the shrieking
sound, hastening their advance up the hill. Lieutenant Yadax turned away from the trench as the pink
mist reached the tips of Precious’s boots.


Precious realised she was truly alone now. No comrades, no officer, and no Emperor was going to
save her. As the pink mist reached her knees she let go of the rock with her right hand and reached
out for the power sword.

(Rolling an agility test for Precious on 35+... 45 rolled! She grabs it.)

It was barely a metre away. She reached out, stretching her fingers until they touched the cold metal

‘Just a little bit farther…’ she thought, leaning over as much as she could.

Her hold on the rock was slipping. Her palms were growing sweaty, her knees weak with the constant
tugging. The exhaustion of holding on had left her arms feeling heavy as lead. And yet, she managed
to grab her powers word and pull it close.

“Gotcha!” she exclaimed.

‘All I need to do now is slice these tentacles off and then-’ she planned.

(Rolling a strength test on 90+ for her to hold onto the rock with one hand… 53 rolled. She is dragged
into the mist.)

Her exclamation of ‘Gotcha’ was the last word Precious said before she lost her grip. Her fingers
released the rock, completely incapable of holding on for another second. And then she was taken,
just as quickly as Hilary was into the depths of that magenta miasma.


(Roll a aphrotoxin resistance test for Hilary on 30+... 92 rolled! An epic win! She manages to avoid
inhaling any of it!)

(Rolling 2d250 Orgasm Damage for literally dozens of Rapeanids assaulting Hilary assaulting… 243
and 234 rolled! 477% pleasure damage! Hilary cums four times!)

(Rolling four 60+ mindbreak tests for Hilary. 50, 54, 4 and 77. One pass, two fails, and an epic fail.
Hilary has gone straight through mindbroken to full blown ahegao and defeated!)

As Precious was dragged through the impossible thick mist she saw shadows of great big beasts
either side of her. Smaller creatures scuttled beneath their legs. And then she saw the owner of the
tentacle. It was a Venomthrope. One of the creators of the pink mist.

Somewhere deeper in the fog she heard an unholy wail of pleasure.


Precious held her breath as she was pulled before the Venomthrope. She knew she couldn't risk
breathing or she was a goner.

“Sh-Sh-SHHHIIITT! N-NOT AGAIN! AAAAYAAAAHHHH!!!!” the screaming was growing louder.

(Rolling a resistance test for Precious on 80+... 91 rolled! An epic win! She has the presence of mind
to challenge the Venomthrope to a challenge!)

“C’mon you bastard,” Precious whispered, using some of the precious air in her lungs, “Just you
and me.”

The Venomthrope hissed for a second before seeming to agree to the fight. The tentacles around her
ankles released allowing her to stagger to her feet. Half naked and armed only with a power sword
Precious prepared to try and strike down one of the toxic monsters.

“F-Fffffuck… It’s too intense! T-Too much! Don’t put it in th-ummfff! Mmmpffff! Glomppfff! Nmmpfff!!
Shhhoooo Gooood… Mppfff! *Shlurp* Mmmm!”
Precious tried to ignore the change in the tone of Hilary’s outbursts. She clicked her power sword on
sending bright blue electricity crackling up and down the blade. Other Xenos circled around the
duelling pair, waiting for that moment that they all knew Precious would lose. The Sergeant soon
realised that holding her breath was mostly pointless at this point. She needed to breathe if she
wanted to win this duel - she’d just have to try and resist the aphrotoxins in the air.

“Let’s dance, Octopus-face,” she muttered with the last of the air in her lungs.

Sergeant Precious Brokenshire

-Flak Armour (1/2)
Power Sword
Orgasm: 8%
Aphrotoxin Levels: 0%
Status Effects:
In the Pink Fog - Aphrotoxin levels will rise each turn. Aphrotoxin levels work like Orgasm values.
Every multiple of 100% sees the character devolve into a more and more submissive slut.
Duelling with Venomthrope A.
Character Flaws:
Gambling Addict - This character has a penchant for gambling a bit too much.

Private Hilary Swinton (Ahegao - Defeated)

Orgasm: 577%
Status Effects:
Ahegao! -This character has gone beyond mindbroken and cannot consider anything beyond
Lost in Pink Fog. Exact status is unknown.
Character Flaws:
Impatient - This character compulsively acts when it would be prudent to wait.


Rapeanid Horde:
400+ Rapeanids remaining.
Venomthrope A: 6/6 HP (Duelling with Precious)
Venomthrope B: 6/6 HP
Venomthrope C: 3/6 HP

36 Minutes to Deathstrike Detonation

Precious held her breath until her lungs burnt. She knew she couldn’t do it any longer and reluctantly
drew in a breath of the sweet-tasting gas. It eased the pain in her chest, but she knew she couldn’t
last long if she kept inhaling it.

(Rolling a 25+ aphrotoxin resistance test for Precious. 29 rolled! She manages to stave off the worst
of the aphrotoxins and only gains 1d10 Aphrotoxin in her system. 5 rolled! 5% aphrotoxin level

The Venomthrope raised three of the many tentacles emerging from its mouth, but it was Precious
who struck first, striding forward and swinging her sparkling sword.

“Aaarrrgghhh!” she roared, unleashing a battle cry as she fought to kill the beast.

(Rolling two 50+ attacks from Precious with her power sword. 1 and 8 rolled! That’s an epic AND a
Phenomenal Fail. She has rolled so badly that the enemy will get to initiate a Finishing Move against
her for free. It also gets a bonus round of advancing its Finishing Move tracker.)

It was supposed to be the duel of her life.

It was supposed to be the moment she beheaded the Venomthrope, cut off its tentacles, and struck
down its brethren.
It was supposed to be her glorious last stand.

Instead, Precious found herself hoisted into the air, her wrists and ankles wrapped by tentacles. Her
power sword clattered against a stone on the ground as she was held aloft. A trophy to the Rapeanid

“Nooooo! Let go! AAAHHHH!!” she screamed in terror.

‘It’s going to fuck me! I’m going to pounded in every hole and there’s nothing I can do about it!’
she fretted.

(Rolling 1d100 progress for the Finishing Move AND a bonus 1d100 since Precious rolled SO badly.
84 and 94 rolled! The Venomthrope completed the first stage so quickly that it gains another round of
progressing its finishing move before Precious can attempt to escape!).

The black soldier didn’t have to wait long to find out what the monster had in store for her. A new
tentacle rose up to her face. This one ended in a large oval cup that almost looked like some kind of
oxygen mask given to patients in a hospital.
‘I don’t know what it’s got there, but it sure as shit ain’t oxygen,’ she worried, trying to turn her
head to avoid the contraption.

Two additional tentacles wrapped around the sides of her head, holding it in place as the mask
approached her.

“Noo! Nooo!” she yelled, closing her eyes and shaking her head as much as she could.

It was no good though - what should have been a lengthy battle of resistance was over in mere
seconds. The mask was fully attached over her face. She reluctantly opened her eyes and shook
against her restraints. The Venomthrope looked at her through its slit eyes. They were vibrant yellow,
and completely merciless.

Venomthrope Finishing Move Progress Against Precious

1. Secure the Delivery Mechanism Over Target’s Face - 100% Complete
2. Discharge Concentrated Aphrotoxins into Mask - 0%
3. ??? 0%
4. ???: 0%(Precious Permanently Defeated if Stage Reached)

Sergeant Precious Brokenshire (Warning: Target of Finishing Move)

-Flak Armour (1/2)
Power Sword
Orgasm: 8%
Aphrotoxin Levels: 5% (Aphrotoxin levels work like Orgasm values. Every multiple of 100% sees the
character devolve into a more and more submissive slut.)
Status Effects:
Restrained by a Myriad of Tentacles (Strength 9 Bondage)
Aphrotoxin Mask - No effect yet.
Duelling with Venomthrope A.
Character Flaws:
Gambling Addict - This character has a penchant for gambling a bit too much.

Rapeanid Horde:
400+ Rapeanids remaining.
Venomthrope A: 6/6 HP (Duelling with Precious)
Venomthrope B: 6/6 HP
Venomthrope C: 3/6 HP

(Rolling the free extra attack the Venomthrope gets to progress its finishing move. 16 rolled!)
Slowly, the mask around her face began to gently hiss. It sounded as if it was being gradually filled
with more of that gas that was surrounding her. She knew the substance would be far more
dangerous concentrated in the confines of such a small space. Precious tried holding her breath once

‘I’ve got to limit as much of this as I can from getting into my system!’

(Rolling a strength test for Precious against the bondage. She needs a 91+ to have a chance at
breaking free. 21 rolled! Fail!)

“Mmm! Mppfff!” Precious grunted, keeping her lips firmly sealed.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t much she could do about her nostrils. She could smell the gas slowly
rising up them, slowly polluting her body with the toxic fumes.

(Rolling 1d100 progress for the Venomthrope’s Finishing Move…. 89 rolled! It has passed the second
stage, but doesn’t roll well enough for a free bonus round.)

The slight hiss of gas quickly crescendoed into a torrent. Precious felt the warm air growing around
her face. The mask covered everything below her eyes, allowing her to do little more than glare
fearfully at her attacker. Precious continued holding her breath, refusing to submit to breathe in the
creature’s toxic fumes.

‘I can’t let it beat me! I won’t let it do to me whatever happened to Hilary!’ she grunted, shaking her

The captive Sergeant’s lungs ached and she longed to draw in fresh air. She closed her eyes and
focused on holding on just a few more seconds. Someone was going to save her. The Emperor
wouldn’t abandon her like this. If she could just keep the fair, the cavalry would come.

‘The cavalry will come…’ she repeated in her mind, clinging on to the last vestiges of hope.

(Rolling a strength test for Precious against the bondage. She needs a 91+ again. 30 rolled. Fail!)

As she failed to fight back against the restraints additional tentacles rose up. These ones had tiny
sharp hooks at the end. They gripped at her clothing, ripping holes in her flak armour’s most
important places. Her crotch, her ass, her tits. One by one they were exposed and put on display for
the entire swarm to see. Precious felt a deep embarrassment at her privates being put on display.
‘Shit, I’m completely exposed now!’ she lamented.

(Rolling 1d200 progress for the Venompthrope’s Finishing Move since Precious can’t hold her
breath forever… 170 rolled! The next stage has been passed!)

The Venomthrope was apparently not a patient creature. It could have waited for the restrained
Sergeant to draw in another breath. After all, the alien was completely unaware of the inbound
missile that would soon obliterate everything in a three kilometer radius. Regardless, the
Venomthrope elected to expedite the process. From the corner of her left eye Precious caught sight
of one of the alien’s tentacles curling around her.

‘Dammit! This bastard’s gonna fuck me now!’ she thought.

Precious desperately clenched her thighs together as tightly as she could to try and deny the Xeno
access to her pussy. It was not an easy thing to do; especially when her attacker was trying to pull
her legs spread eagle. As she saw more and more of the tentacle squirm behind her and out of her
line of sight she braced herself.

Precious held her breath like a deep-sea diver.

She held her breath like her life depended on it.
She held her breath and clenched her teeth.

‘It’s gonna take everything I’ve got to avoid gasping when this thing finally shoves its tentacle in my

The Sergeant never got to finish her thought. She had been so focused on clenching her thighs and
protecting her pussy that she had left her asshole completely exposed and vulnerable. A thick alien
tentacle penetrated her puckered anus. Her asshole was the last spot that Precious still considered
‘virgin.’ It had never been entered - not by a finger, not by a cock, not even a Cuntborer. Not until

It wasn’t painful. By the grace of the Emperor the tentacle had a natural lubricant coating the surface.
It was, however, a massive shock to the guardswoman. A big enough shock to make her eyes and
mouth both open in surprise.

“Ah!” she gasped, drawing in a lungful of the rose-pink aphrotoxin.

(Adding 5d100 to Precious’s Aphrotoxin Level due to her breathing in the concentrated gas. 42, 56,
11, 91, and 54 rolled. 254% added to Precious’s Aphrotoxin Level.)

Precious didn’t have time to panic about what just happened. She didn’t have time to analyse the
impact of what she had just endured. The effect on her body was instant. A warm sensation deep in
her lungs that coursed farther through her body with each beat of her heart. Deep within her mind the
aphrotoxin worked to fundamentally rewrite parts of her very personality. There wasn’t a single facet
of her being left untouched. Her darkest desires were amplified, her suppressed fetishes were
brought to the forefront of her imagination.

(The penultimate stage of a Finishing Move has been reached - A permanent debuff has been
applied to Sergeant Brokenshire! Submissive Slut - Inhaling too much aphrotoxin has left this
character subservient and slutty. They may give into sexual harassment instead of resisting.)

(Additionally, because Precious has hit 200% Aphrotoxin level one of her suppressed fetishes has
been revealed and added to her character. Rolling a random fetish… 56 rolled! Precious fantasises
about having her breasts milked!)

As the toxins coursed through her body the tentacle slipped deeper into her ass. Inch after inch
penetrating her virgin bowels. She was being defiled by this Venomthrope. Her once proud mind was
being ruined by its foul Xeno poison. And yet, she found herself quickly beginning to love it.

“Ohhh… Mmm!” she moaned into the mask as the squirming tentacle plunged another six inches
deeper into her derriere.

She had no idea how deep the alien appendage was inside her now. Far deeper than was physically
possible for it to go in her vagina, that much was certain. It had penetrated deep into her bowels and
was threatening to go farther than that. The pleasure was growing with each intense thrust.

(Rolling 1d100 pleasure damage for the tentacle in her ass, and an additional 1d35 for the
concentrated gas she just inhaled. 69 and 22 rolled! This adds up to 91% with the current 8%
orgasm she has has been brought to 99% orgasm!)

“Hmmm! Mmmm! Oh fuck! Yes! Slam that tentacle into my tight ass!”

The words weren’t her own. She’d never spoken like that before in her life. And yet here she was,
screaming the most degrading things she could contemplate, and growing wetter with each syllable
she uttered..

“Ahhh! I’m gonna cum! Ughh! Destroy my ass! Turn me into your - ahhh - little breeding slut! Ohhh!
Screw me til i can’t think straight anymore! MMM! I’m so fucking close!”
(Rolling to see if any salvation comes for Precious. She’s gonna need a natural 100 to even have a
slight hope of escaping as she is in the centre of a Rapeanid horde. 64 rolled. Nope!)

Venomthrope Finishing Move Progress Against Precious

1. Secure the Delivery Mechanism Over Target’s Face - 100% Complete
2. Discharge Concentrated Aphrotoxins into Mask - 100% Complete
3. Force the Target to Inhale the Aphrotoxins: 100% Complete
4. Permanently Sluttify Target by Injecting Concentrated Aphroxin Amplifier: 0%(Precious
Permanently Defeated if Stage Reached)

Sergeant Precious Brokenshire (Warning: Target of Finishing Move)

-Flak Armour (1/2) (Holes ripped in the fabric covering the crotch, ass, and breasts. It’s functionally
useless as protection.)
Power Sword
Orgasm: 99%
Aphrotoxin Levels: 259% (Aphrotoxin levels work like Orgasm values. Every multiple of 100% sees
the character devolve into a more and more submissive slut.)
Status Effects:
Restrained by a Myriad of Tentacles (Strength 9 Bondage)
Aphrotoxin Mask - Concentrated Aphrotoxin Gas causes a 5d100 increase to Aphrotoxin Levels each
Anal Fucking - A tentacle has buried itself very deep in this character’s ass. This will make escaping
restraints more difficult.
Duelling with Venomthrope A.
Submissive Slut (Permanent) - Inhaling too much aphrotoxin has left this character subservient and
slutty. They may give into sexual harassment instead of resisting.
Character Flaws:
Gambling Addict - This character has a penchant for gambling a bit too much.
Milking Fetish - This character has a fetish for having their breasts milked. They will take extra
pleasure damage from experiencing this, and will also have a chance of giving in to the pleasure
instead of resisting it.

Rapeanid Horde:
400+ Rapeanids remaining.
Venomthrope A: 6/6 HP (Duelling with Precious)
Venomthrope B: 6/6 HP
Venomthrope C: 3/6 HP

Beads of sweat had begun to form on the soldier's ebony skin, glistening under what little sunlight
managed to penetrate the thick pink miasma. Precious was completely helpless now; her mind had
been defiled by the aphrotoxins leaving her utterly incapable of offering up even a sliver of resistance.
Her body was so close to the brink of climax that no matter what the alien did she knew she would be
cumming. It was at this moment that the mask lifted from her face. The first thought rushing through
her toxin-addled mind was that the Venomthrope wanted to hear her scream. This idea was quickly
debunked by a thick green tentacle which culminated in a cock-like appendage rising to her face.
“Ahh… You want me to suck it, don’t you? Go ahead and facefuck me with your fat alien co-

The tentacle was quick to thrust into her open mouth. It plunged across her tongue and approached
the back of her throat. Precious was given a brief taste of something intensely sweet as the tip of the
appendage crossed her tongue. It tasted like how the pink mist smelled.

‘Oh God, it’s so thick!’ she thought, feeling her lips stretched around the invading tentacle.

She soon learned that those weren’t her only lips the Venomthrope would be stretching today.
Completely distracted by the one fucking her mouth Precious failed to notice another tentacle curve
behind her body and align itself with her wet pussy. The latest tentacle to join the fey pushed forward,
dragging across her engorged clitoris before separating her vulva. The pleasure of yet another
tentacle entering her body proved to be too much for the young Sergeant to handle.

(Rolling 2d100 pleasure damage for Precious’s ass and pussy getting fucked, as well as 1d35 for the
aphrotoxin gas. 28, 23, and 17 rolled! 68% pleasure damage added - Precious has climaxed!)

“Mppfffff! MMMPFFFF!!! MMMMM!!!!” she squealed as her body began to shake erratically.

The black woman spasmed and shook uncontrollably as the first climax rocked her world. Her toes
curled in her brown boots, her back arched as much as the tentacle restraints would permit. She tried
to moan. She tried to scream. She tried to unleash the pent-up sexual pleasure within her. But all she
could manage to do though was gag on that fat alien cock.

“Mppf! MMM! HMMM!!! *GAG* Mpp- *GAG* Mppff!!!”

(Rolling a 20+ mindbreak test for Precious… 62 rolled! She may have been sluttified, but she isn’t
mindbroken yet!)

(Rolling 1d100 progress for the Venomthrope’s finishing move, with a bonus 1d50 for making
Precious climax. 28 and 30 rolled! 58% progress added)

It was at that moment that the Sergeant simultaneously felt a warm fluid flowing into all of her orifices
at the same time. The Venomthrompe’s tentacles pulsated as it began pumping concentrated
aphrotoxins directly into her body. It had conducted the same operation on dozens of victims. Each
one succumbing until they were nothing more than a slutty sex slave, eager and willing to be bred by
the Hivemind.
‘Holy fuck! It’s soooo warm!’ Precious thought, her eyes rolling back in her head.

Intense heat radiated in her womb as the alien filled her up with the mind-altering mixture. Her bowels
slowly filled up as the tentacle fucking her ass injected thick wads inside her deepest recesses.
Meanwhile, she was powerless to do anything but gulp down the sweet nectar flowing down her
throat. She had been thoroughly defeated - and was relishing the sensations that came with it.

‘I’m such a filthy slut! Fill my holes! Fuck me silly! Defile my body with your poisons until I’m your
little slave-bitch!’ she begged the enemy in her mind.

Precious could hear the orgasmic moans of Hilary Swinton in the distance. They were growing
increasingly quiet as she was dragged away from the battlefield.

‘Away to wherever these Xenos take naughty sluts like me,’ she pondered.

It was a thought that did nothing to help with her own soaking wetness. Once a proud Sergeant she
had been reduced to nothing more than a quivering sextoy, begging to be used, begging to be filled
with anything and everything the Rapeanids were willing to squirt inside her.

“Mmmmm!! *GAG* *Shlurrrrp* Hmmm! *Suck* *GAG* Ahhmmmm! Mmmpfff!”

Precious began bobbing her head back and forth on the alien tentacle. She didn’t realise it, but she
was salvinating more than she had any time in her life. The fallen Sergeant longed for the taste of
that addictive aphrotoxin. She needed to feel more of it inside her body.

Venomthrope Finishing Move Progress Against Precious

1. Secure the Delivery Mechanism Over Target’s Face - 100% Complete
2. Discharge Concentrated Aphrotoxins into Mask - 100% Complete
3. Force the Target to Inhale the Aphrotoxins: 100% Complete
4. Permanently Sluttify Target by Injecting Concentrated Aphroxin Amplifier: 58%(Precious
Permanently Defeated if Stage Reached)


-Flak Armour (1/2) (Holes ripped in the fabric covering the crotch, ass, and breasts. It’s functionally
useless as protection.)
Power Sword
Orgasm: 167%
Aphrotoxin Levels: 259% (Aphrotoxin levels work like Orgasm values. Every multiple of 100% sees
the character devolve into a more and more submissive slut.)
Status Effects:
Restrained by a Myriad of Tentacles (Strength 9 Bondage)
Pussy Fucking - A tentacle has buried itself deep in this character’s pussy. This will make escaping
restraints more difficult.
Anal Fucking - A tentacle has buried itself very deep in this character’s ass. This will make escaping
restraints more difficult.
Duelling with Venomthrope A.
Submissive Slut (Permanent) - Inhaling too much aphrotoxin has left this character subservient and
slutty. They may give into sexual harassment instead of resisting.
Character Flaws:
Gambling Addict - This character has a penchant for gambling a bit too much.
Milking Fetish - This character has a fetish for having their breasts milked. They will take extra
pleasure damage from experiencing this, and will also have a chance of giving in to the pleasure
instead of resisting it.

Rapeanid Horde:
400+ Rapeanids remaining.
Venomthrope A: 6/6 HP (Duelling with Precious)
Venomthrope B: 6/6 HP
Venomthrope C: 3/6 HP

(Rolling a 100+ salvation test for Precious… 55 rolled! Fail!)

(Rolling 1d100 progress for the Venomthrope’s finishing move, with a bonus 1d25 for Precious
eagerly blowjobbing the tentacle. 74 and 18 rolled! 92% progress added! The Finishing Move has
been completed!)

Something happened that shouldn’t have happened.

Perhaps it was the realisation of just what was about to happen to her.
Perhaps the aphrotoxin didn’t quite take full effect.
Perhaps fear and adrenaline were counteracting the poison.

Regardless of what caused it, Precious regained her consciousness for a few terrifying moments. In
those few seconds she saw the Venomthrope’s tentacles swell up with bulges travelling down their

‘NMMPFFF!!! NMMMPPFFFF! MMPPFFF!!!’ she screamed, instinctively realising that whatever was
about to happen would mark the end of her career, and probably the end of who she knew she was.

‘It’s going to break me! Emperor help me! It’s going to ruin me!’ she prayed.
The final dose of highly concentrated aphrotoxin was about to be delivered to the core of her body.
As it worked its way through her system it would attack her mind, destroying any fear or objections
she had to being a Rapeanid sextoy. Her confidence, her defiant nature, her pride - all erased and
replaced with an eternal desire to do nothing but serve her new masters. Precious’s asshole
clenched around the tentacle, desperately attempting to hold back the large bulge. All that did was
give her even more pleasure when the thick swelling forced her anus open again.


‘NO! NO NOOOO!!! I don’t want to be a slut! I don’t want to be a Rapeanid seedbed!’ she silently

(Rolling a 100+ the-Emperor-is-not-just-a-corpse-on-a-fancy-chair test… 67 rolled. Bye bye, Precious!)

The three large bulges entered her body, bursting open with heavy doses of the aphrodisiac. Toxins
and poisons coursed through her bloodstream, rushing to her mind and altering her personality to
something more subservient to the Hivemind. Her body twitched as tiny ripples of pleasure coursed
through every inch of her being.

(Aphrotoxin levels have increased to 999%.)


It all proved too much. She felt her resistance melting away like Glore IV’s icecaps during the

‘Noooo! You won’t defeat me! I am a soldier of the God-Emperor! I’m not just a slut! I’m not going
to be an obedient good little… slut! I won’t obey you foul Xenos, so you’re just gonna have to… spank
me until I do! Maybe then I’ll be a good girl who lets you fuck ALL of her slutty holes. You’ll be able
to breed me all you want. Filling me up with your hot cum for years and years…’

“Mmm! *Shlurp* Mmmmpfff! *GAG* MMMM! *Gulp* MMMMMM!!!”

As the last vestiges of what were Sergeant Precious Brokenshire forever slipped away she
experienced the most cathartic climax of her life. Her entire body felt aflame with pleasure. She
gagged on the cock one final time before it slipped out of her mouth.

“Yeeesssss! *Pant* I’m your horny slut! Breed me!” she gasped.
As the tentacles pummeled in and out of her pussy and asshole Sergeant Brokenshire full gave into
the lust that the Rapeanids can offer. The Venomthrope slowly turned around, its body continuing to
levitate above the battlefield as it slowly floated away from Bedleyberk Ridge. Precious would
experience one thing for the rest of her life. Sweet unending pleasure. Tentacles inseminating her
womb again and again, milking tubes drinking her dry each night to feed the hungry Rapeanid
armies, and ceaseless orgasms from having her tight little asshole pounded. Such thoughts used to
terrify her. Not anymore. All Precious thought now was that in a galaxy of unending war she had
found her happy ending.

Venomthrope Finishing Move Progress Against Precious

1. Secure the Delivery Mechanism Over Target’s Face - 100% Complete
2. Discharge Concentrated Aphrotoxins into Mask - 100% Complete
3. Force the Target to Inhale the Aphrotoxins: 100% Complete
4. Permanently Sluttify Target by Injecting Concentrated Aphroxin Amplifier: 100% Complete.

Sergeant Precious Brokenshire (Character Permanently Defeated)

-Flak Armour (1/2) (Holes ripped in the fabric covering the crotch, ass, and breasts. It’s functionally
useless as protection.)
Power Sword
Orgasm: 200%
Aphrotoxin Levels: 999% (Aphrotoxin levels work like Orgasm values. Every multiple of 100% sees
the character devolve into a more and more submissive slut.)
Status Effects:
Restrained by a Myriad of Tentacles (Strength 9 Bondage)
Pussy Fucking - A tentacle has buried itself deep in this character’s pussy. This will make escaping
restraints more difficult.
Anal Fucking - A tentacle has buried itself very deep in this character’s ass. This will make escaping
restraints more difficult.
Duelling with Venomthrope A.
Submissive Slut (Permanent) - Inhaling too much aphrotoxin has left this character subservient and
slutty. They may give into sexual harassment instead of resisting.
Character Flaws:
Gambling Addict - This character has a penchant for gambling a bit too much.
Milking Fetish - This character has a fetish for having their breasts milked. They will take extra
pleasure damage from experiencing this, and will also have a chance of giving in to the pleasure
instead of resisting it.

Rapeanid Horde:
400+ Rapeanids remaining.
Venomthrope A: 6/6 HP (Carrying Precious away from the battlefield.)
Venomthrope B: 6/6 HP
Venomthrope C: 3/6 HP
Captain Ophelia Fortes

28 Minutes to Deathstrike Detonation

“Are there any stragglers?!”

The Captain’s voice boomed loud and clear, cutting over the din of the surviving soldiers’ gunfire.
She glanced around the remaining men. The Rapeanids had been hot on their heels after Lieutenant
Yadax had ordered that retreat.

(Rolling to see how well the retreat went for the Guard. They need to roll 70+ to avoid losing
anybody… 92 rolled! Epic win! They actually all made it and were able to set up defensive positions in
the ruined cottage.)

“No stragglers. Everyone is accounted for except Private Swinton and Sergeant Brokenshire. I have
confirmation that they got lost in the mist,” Lieutenant Yadax replied.

The ruined cottage was about twelve metres wide. Judging by the location it had once likely belonged
to a herder of Glorian Milkcows - bizarre creatures native to Glore IV that tended to reside on hills.
Whatever calamity had befallen this cottage had been lost to time. The roof had long disappeared
leaving Ophelia to conclude that it must have been thatched. Its stone walls were jagged with missing
rocks and large gaps. There were no doors nor any panes of glass in the windows. The staircase was
barely functional, constructed from a wood that was slowly rotting away from exposure to the
elements. The upper level had a few safe spots on which to stand. Imperial sharpshooters were
positioned with lasguns there preparing to rain down hell upon any Rapeanids that dared approach.

“Good job, Lieutenant Yadax. It was a skillful retreat. You made the right call,” Captain Fortes
announced, patting the Lieutenant on the shoulder, “Lieutenant Holmes - get on the vox. Put out one
final call for an emergency evacuation. Yadax, I want you to organise an ammo count. Double time

As the two Lieutenants got to work on preparing defenses the Captain strode to the front door of the
cottage. A kneeling guardswoman glanced up at her before shuffling aside to give her superior officer
some room.
“At ease, Private. I’ve got plenty of room.”

“No problem, Ma’am,” they replied before quickly adding, “Ma’am?”

“Yes, Private?”

“Is it true you authorised a deathstrike missile on our position?”

Several heads turned to face the Captain. It had not been formally announced, but anyone could
have overheard the three officers discussing the plans. One of her Lieutenants could have leaked the
information for all she knew. Ophelia drew in a deep breath and sighed. There was a near silence,
punctuated only by the hissing of the vox as Holmes transmitted the coordinates of their final position.

“Repeat, this is Lieutenant Holmes with the 224th Janazar Grenadiers. We are requesting an
emergency evacuation from any available Imperial forces.”

(Rolling an 80+ test to see if there is a chance of a last minute rescue. 59 rolled. Fail.)

“*Kzzccch* Negative, Lieutenant Holmes. There are no military aircraft within twenty minutes of your
position. Emperor be with you and your men. *Kzzccch*

Ophelia sighed, realising she would have to be truthful with her soldiers.

“Yes, Private. I ordered a nuclear strike on our position. It was the only way I had of stopping the
Rapeanids overwhelming the farmlands and delta. We have approximately... twenty five minutes until

(Rolling a reaction test for the squad to this news. A fail will result in a massive drop in morale and
desertions. A massive fail may result in a coup attempt or even throwing the Captain into the horde.
They’re gonna need an 85+ to take this news well. 88 rolled. Only in death does duty end.)

The Private adjusted her helmet slightly before clicking the safety off her lasgun and aiming it out the
door. Captain Fortes caught sight of her hair. It had been dyed bright pink. Certainly not allowed in
the guard, but now was hardly the time to be enforcing dress codes.

“Thank you, Ma’am. I really don’t want to end up like them. Like all the ones we’ve lost. I get
scared thinking about what Precious is going through right now,” the Private nodded her head
towards the pink mist.
Another soldier placed his hand upon Captain Fortes shoulder. He was a grizzled soldier with a
heavily stubbled face and a foul stench of cheap whiskey.

“Y’all heard the C’apn! Twenty five minutes! We hol’ these fuckers off for twenty five minutes and
we all die an ‘onourable death today! We give these *hic* bugs the fuckin’ fight of their fuckin’
pathetic lives!”

“Good speech, Specialist Samson,” Lieutenant Holmes quickly intervened, “How about we get you
back at the window with that grenade launcher, okay?”

“Y-Yeah. *Hic* Good idea my lieurs… lieufeen… lieu… tent…. loo tent.”

“You’ve been hitting the whiskey pretty hard, huh?” Holmes continued.

“We’re all ‘bout to get fucked by *hic* Rapeanids or blown to smithereens… Couldn’t let a good
bottle go to waste!”

Jack Holmes holstered his bolt pistol and helped get Samson propped up against the window. The
cottage was quite crowded. With the three officers included there were nineteen bodies in a
fortification that could, at best, garrison ten. A handful of soldiers had elected to guard the sides of
the building, freeing up a little bit of space and protecting the flanks.

Ophelia raised a hand to her forehead to block out the glare of the sun. The pink mist was about fifty
metres away and slowly approaching.She knew her squad didn’t have much ammo left. They
couldn’t afford to waste any shots until they could guarantee to hit a target. On the bright side the
miasma appeared less dense than earlier.

‘Perhaps their numbers have been thinned out a bit,’ she pondered hopefully.

(Rolling Rapeanid tactics test. There is no pass mark, but higher numbers are better. Anything over
50 is considered above average. 90 rolled. It’s not an epic win, but it’s a really fucking poweful

As they waited for their officer’s orders the Rapeanids suddenly leapt out of the pink mist
abandoning their mobile cover. They had the numbers to weather a direct assault. Such action took
the final surviving soldiers of the 224th Janazar Grenadiers by surprise. Many soldiers had been
checking their charge packs, cleaning their barrels, and saying their final prayers.

“INCOMING!” Seizon roared, drawing his dual laspistols.

(Rolling a tactical reaction test for the guardsmen. They’re gonna need to equal or beat the
Rapeanid roll of 90 if they want to avoid losing any soldiers. 34 rolled. Heavy losses for the

There were too few men with too few weapons and too little ammo.
They were up against a foe that outnumbered them by at least twenty-two to one.
The Rapeanids smashed the cottage like a wrecking ball.

Captain Ophelia Fortes

Officer’s Flak Armour (3/3)
Adeptus Arbites Pump-Action Shotgun (27 Shells Remaining)
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects: None
Character Flaws:
Martyr - This character has a morbid fascination with ensuring the mission gets done, no matter the
cost. Only in victory is their glory, and victory is always worth the price paid.

Lieutenant Seizon Yadax

-Flak Armour (2/2)
Laspitol (59% charge)
Laspistol (64% charge)
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects: None
Special Abilities:
Gunslinger - When using pistols this character gains an extra shot for each roll of 91+ they make.
Character Flaws:
Self-Preservationist - This character’s driving motivation is the will to survive another day. They will
put the safety of themselves above others.

Lieutenant Jack Holmes:

-Flak Armour (2/2)
Bolt Pistol (Three Magazines Remaining)
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects: None
Character Flaws:
Career-Driven - This character is focused entirely on advancing their career. They may even take
immoral actions if the potential for career advancement is great enough.

13 Guardsmen with Lasguns
2 Guardsmen with Grenade Launchers
1 Guardsman with Flamer
21 Minutes to Deathstrike Detonation

(Rolling a 99+ ?????????? test for ??????… 29 rolled. Fail!)

The Rapeanids collided with the stone walls of the cottage with a sickening crunch. Decades old
brickwork crumbled and tumbled to the ground. Decrepit window frames caved in. Guardsmen were
thrown onto their backs, dogpiled by wave upon wave of the alien monsters. Holding back the swarm
was impossible - they may as well have tried to hold back the tides of the sea. As the soldiers
gradually recovered from the initial shock and began to fight back Ophelia took a moment to survey
the battlefield.

‘There must be a hundred of them…’ she thought to herself.

The pink cloud was not moving anymore. It had stopped about forty metres beyond the ruins of the
cottage. As the miasma continued to grow thinner Ophelia saw the rows of alien bodies braying and
waiting for their chance to strike. It was at this moment that she realised the Rapeanids that had
attacked the cottage represented barely a quarter of the Xeno’s total strength. The vast majority of
the Xenos at the cottage were various varieties of Gaunts. She was also dismayed to see a larger
armoured creature the size of a van. It plodded forward on a pair of immense hooves. Two of its six
limbs ended in massive weighted claws.

“Tyrant Guard!” Ophelia cried, trying to alert her final few soldiers to the inbound monstrosity.

“They’re going to launch waves at us until they wear us down!”

It was Holmes who shouted at Ophelia. He was pointing his bolt pistol through a heavily damaged

“No shit, Sherlock!” Seizon quipped back before turning to his soldiers, “Drive them back! Don’t let
them into the cottage!”

“You agreed to stop calling me Sherlock after I won our last bet! Holmes snapped.

Yadax chuckled, “Of course, my bad. How about we make one final bet? For old time’s sake.”
“You’re on. Whoever kills the most Gaunts?”

“Deal,” the Asian man replied with a wicked grin, “Loser buys the winner a drink.”

There was a brief moment of awkward silence between the two men until the absurdity of the bet hit
Jack. It was Lieutenant Holmes who laughed first, shortly followed by Seizon. The last bet the two
comrades would ever share began in earnest.

(Rolling a bolt pistol shot from Jack Holmes on 40+ against the Gaunts… 41 rolled! He passes and
manages to kill one!)


The shot cracked out, striking a leaping Gaunt by the front door. It wasn’t a good shot - but it proved
enough to kill the diminutive beast.

“One, nil!” Holmes called.

Not going to be outdone by his sparring partner Seizon turned to face a group of five Gaunts that had
breached the cottage’s western wall. Two guardswomen had been forced face down and were being
ridden doggy style by the eager-Xenos. As their ecstatic moans filled the air Lieutenant Yadax flicked
the safety off his pistols with his thumbs and opened fire.

(Rolling two 50+ laspistol tests for Yadax. This is slightly more difficult than Holmes’s roll as
laspistols aren’t as strong as a bolt pistol. Because of his gunslinger rule epic wins yield extra rolls
for Yadax. 87 and 17! Yadax kills one!)

Red lasers flickered through the cottage, knocking back one of the Gaunts. Two were still advancing
towards him though. They raised their scythed talons and prepared to charge the Asian Lieutenant.

“Oh shi-” he began to exclaim.

As he yelled out in panic Seizeon was suddenly pushed aside. He hit the rough floor of the cottage
and looked up to see Captain Fortes standing with her shotgun raised.

“Eat lead!” she roared, pulling the trigger.

(Rolling a 25+ shotgun combat test for Ophelia. 5 rolled! Epic fail! The shotgun has jammed!)

“Huh?!” Ophelia gasped, looking down at her gun.

The two Gaunts leapt at her, diving through the air and pinning her to the ground.

(Rolling four 50+ attacks against Captain Fortes’ armour. 93, 19, 70, 29 rolled. The Epic Win does 2
damage, the pass does 1 damage, and the two fails do nothing. 3 total damage!)

Captain Fortes gasped as the sharp talons shredded her elegant flak armour, exposing her
underwear beneath it. The flimsy clothing would barely offer any protection against Rapeanid attacks.
Most of the bigger ones wouldn’t even bother ripping things like panties off - they’d just plough their
cocks right through the elastic material until it snapped.

“RALLY ROUND THE CAPTAIN!” Yadax suddenly yelled from his prone position.

As he lay on his back the Lieutenant raised his pistols and prepared to unleash another volley. The
sound of his brave soldiers fighting back rang in his ears. Somewhere to his left he felt the hot blast
of a flamethrower pouring searing promethium on the Rapeanids. Seizeon pointed his weapons at
the aliens atop his Captain and squeezed the triggers.

(Rolling two 50+ laspistol tests for Seizon. 57 and 61 rolled…. Both pass!)

*Pew Pew*

“Woohoo! Three to one, Holmes!” he taunted.

With a flash from his pistols the Gaunts tumbled from the officer’s body. Seizeon clambered to his
feet and quickly reached over to help his Captain up. Her D-cup breasts were barely hidden by the
bra she wore.

“Thanks for the rescue,” Ophelia smiled at the Asian before noticing his dipped head, “Eyes up here,

“Of course, Captain. Just making sure you weren’t… injured.”

“Uh huh, sure,” Ophelia replied, checking out her shotgun.

Yadax rushed back to the front door where a drunken Samson was stumbling around with his
grenade launcher. The launchtube was being pointed in all kinds of risky directions and watching the
fool was making him sick with worry. As Yadax marched to confront the inebriated soldier the
specialist suddenly raised his voice.

“F-F-Fiiireee in *hic* the hollllleeee!”


(Rolling a 30+ combat test for Specialist Samson’s grenade launcher, increased to 70+ because he
is blind drunk. 92 rolled. Epic win!)

There was a puff of smoke from the end of the dangerous weapon and a fragmentation grenade was
hurled near-perfectly into the center of a formation of Gaunts. A full dozen were torn to shreds by the

“Fffuuck… I misshedd... *hic* Bugger!” Samson swore before stumbling back into a wall.

Seizeon didn’t bother correcting the fool. It wasn’t worth wasting one's time arguing with a drunkard.

“Three one, eh? Watch me even the score!” Holmes boasted, aiming his bolt pistol once more.

(Rolling a 40+ combat test with Holmes’s Bolt Pistol… 1 rolled. A phenomenal fail of the worst
possible kind.)

The eager Lieutenant reached his arm further out the window, tracking a Gaunt that was bounding
across the grassy knoll outside the cottage. Before he knew it he was leaning the top half of his body
out the window, trying to guarantee that hit.

(Rolling to see what Holmes gets grabbed by. There is no pass or fail threshold here. A 30 would be
a creature about as strong as a Guant. Higher numbers are more dangerous. 86 rolled! A Lictor
ambushes Holmes and tries pulling him out of the window.)

At that fated moment Jack caught a glimpse of something shimmering to his left. He turned his head
to see an eight foot tall monstrosity materialise out of nowhere. It stood atop a pair of long legs. It’s
mouth was a mass of writhing tendrils. In that moment he recognised it as a Lictor, a Rapeanid
predator with an amazing ability to camouflage itself. As the alien decloaked Jack felt it grab him by
his shoulders and sharply tug him out the window.

(Rolling three 70+ agility tests for nearby soldiers to grab Jack’s legs… 9, 10, and 81. Those two epic
fails will more than cancel out that win.)

“Aahhhhhhh!” Jack screamed in terror as he was pulled out of the defensive position.

The bolt pistol tumbled from his hand as he lost his grip, rattling on some stonework outside the
abandoned house. Inside the cottage soldiers fruitlessly fumbled in vain to try and grab their
Lieutenant’s legs. In the scramble to grab his limbs guardsmen butted heads and smashed into each
other. The clusterfuck culminated in their Lieutenant disappearing out the window.

“Heeellllpp meee….” Jack’s voice faded as he was pulled round the Eastern side of the cottage.

“Jack?! Jack!” Seizon yelled, rushing up to the window, “Have we got a window on that side of the

“N-No, sir! That’s the only stable wall!”

“Sharpshooters! I need eyes on the Eastern wall!” Seizon snapped at the guardsmen on the roof.

“That’s a negative, sir! We have no line of sight! The stone gable is too high!” one of the guardsmen
called back, “The only way we’re getting him back is if we make a push outside!”

“FUCK!” Seizon cursed, glaring at the mass of writhing Rapeanid bodies swarming outside.

(Rolling a Self-Preservationist character flaw for Seizon. He’ll pass this one on a 35+ this time
because someone he actually cares about is in serious trouble. 29 rolled. The selfishness of Yadax
knows no limit.)

“Sir, are we going out for Lieutenant Holmes?”



“No. Leave him. Man your stations! Captain Fortes, we’ve just lost Holmes! How long until that
damned deathstike arrives?

“Holmes is gone?!”
“A throne-damned Lictor dragged him out the fucking window!”

“You hear that everyone! Watch the windows! We’ve got a Lictor about!”

“How long til our missile hits?” Yadax repeated his question.

Ophelia pulled out her phone and checked the time. Twenty one missed calls. Eight voicemails. Her
husband was still calling her.

“Captain?!” Yadax prompted a third time.

“I… uh… fourteen minutes!”

(Rolling a 95+ ?????????? test for ??????… 91 rolled. It’s still a fail, but the roll was so good that the
next one will be much easier.)

“You heard the Captain! Fourteen minutes! If you’ve never given anything you’re all in your life,
now’s your last chance to try!”

Captain Ophelia Fortes

-Black bra (1/1 HP)
-Black panties (1/1 HP)
Adeptus Arbites Pump-Action Shotgun (27 Shells Remaining) [JAMMED]
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects: None
Character Flaws:
Martyr - This character has a morbid fascination with ensuring the mission gets done, no matter the
cost. Only in victory is their glory, and victory is always worth the price paid.

Lieutenant Seizon Yadax

-Flak Armour (2/2)
Laspitol (53% charge)
Laspistol (58% charge)
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects: None
Special Abilities:
Gunslinger - When using pistols this character gains an extra shot for each roll of 91+ they make.
Character Flaws:
Self-Preservationist - This character’s driving motivation is the will to survive another day. They will
put the safety of themselves above others.

Lieutenant Jack Holmes:

-Flak Armour (2/2)
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects: Captured by a Lictor (Strength 3 Bondage)
Character Flaws:
Career-Driven - This character is focused entirely on advancing their career. They may even take
immoral actions if the potential for career advancement is great enough.

9 Guardsmen with Lasguns
1 Guardsmen with Grenade Launchers
1 Guardsman with Flamer

Rapeanid Force Attacking Cottage:

61 Rapeanids remaining.
1 Lictor: 8/8 HP
1 Tyrant Guard: 10/10 HP
-Armoured Shell - This creature ignores damage from most weapons with a special saving through of
-Lockdown Claws - This creature will initiate Finishing Moves on a roll of 91+ instead of 99+.

Rapeanid Reserves:
300+ Rapeanids remaining.

Lieutenant Jack Holmes

14 Minutes to Deathstrike Detonation

“Let go of me!” Jack grunted, desperately attempting to kick out at the lictor as it pulled him round to
the blind spot in the guard’s defences.

(Rolling a 65+ strength test for Lieutenant Holmes to break the bondage. 40 rolled! No damage!)
His best efforts were fruitless. The lictor was too fast, too strong, too agile. It dodged his leg as easily
as a mosquito dodges a hand. It was at this moment that the xeno lifted the Lieutenant up against the
stone wall. The sounds of intense fighting within the cottage echoed through tiny gaps in the
stonework. Holmes snarled in frustration. It sounded like his soldiers were being screwed hard. As
the Lieutenant's feet dangled in the air he was brought face to face with his attacker. The myriad of
tentacles adorning the monster's face didn’t scare Holmes. No matter what this bastard did to him,
they’d both be dead as soon as that missile struck the hilltop. And so Holmes laughed.

“Haha! Hahaha! You ugly fucking bastard!”

He punctuated his defiance by spitting in the creature’s face. It flinched, but only briefly. Jack was
well aware of lictors. Every guardsman was. They were the creatures that haunted every soldier’s
nightmare. There were quite a wide variety of lictor subspecies. Some were intel gatherers, attaching
those tendrils to their victim’s head and reading their mind for military secrets.

Other lictors of the intellidrainus subspecies were skillful assassins - sneaking into encampments and
nighttime and creeping into the commanding officer’s tent. Perhaps ‘assassin’ was the wrong word.
There weren’t any records of lictors ever having killed an officer. Instead, these lictors would attack
their victim’s minds. Deliberately draining the victim’s intelligence with their tendrils until the
commander was left nothing more than a giddy bimbo. Too many battles had begun with a once-
proud Commander emerging from their tent in their lingerie and giggling stupidly in front of their entire
regiment. Such battles rarely ended in victory.

There were dozens of other subspecies. Lictors that mind-controlled their victims. Lictors that
inseminated key targets to take them out of action. As he started into its alien eyes Holmes

‘Which kinda bastard are you then?’

(Rolling a lewd attack for the Lictor to see how it attacks. A really low roll might just be milking
Holmes’s cock dry, while an especially high roll might steal military secrets from his mind. 98 rolled!
An epic win - but just shy of starting a finishing move! This Lictor is going to do something that will
cause permanent effects on Lieutenant Holmes if it can’t be stopped! As Yadax has already failed
his character flaw test the Lictor gets three free turns without being interrupted.)

(Lictor’s 1st Free Action: Rolling three 30+ attacks for the Lictor against the flak armour. 85, 24, 56!
Two passes, One fail. That’s enough to wreck the armour!)

The Lictor released one of its hands from holding Jack aloft. The Lieutenant watched as the clawed
hand rose in the air before suddenly slashing down.
“SHIT! W-Wait!” Holmes gasped, almost expecting to be gutted by the alien’s razor sharp talons.


The sound of tearing of fabric made him open his eyes. His armour, or the shreds that remained of it,
lay on the ground before him. At this point Jack saw the lictor’s tail curling up between its legs and
towards his waist. The tip ended in what was unmistakably a cock. It shimmered with a lubricated
wetness under the evening sun.

“Go on, have your way with me. You won’t survive the next hour. I get the last laugh here you ba-

Jack moaned as the alien’s appendage prodded against his asshole. It was worthless to try and
resist; the alien’s weapon was far too well lubed. As a full six inches plunged into his ass Jack felt
the alien press up against his prostate. The pleasure was greater than he wanted to, or expected to

“Mmm... Ugh!” he gasped, feeling his cock stiffen to an erection.

It was at this point Lieutenant Holmes realised he couldn’t identify what strain of lictor he was facing.
The Rapeanids often milked men for their cum - but he’d never experienced one that shoved
something in a man’s ass before. His concern only increased as the alien failed to thrust. It just kept
it’s tail-cock buried inside him.

‘What the fuck is it doing?!’ Holmes wondered in frustration, desperately reaching up for the clawed
hand around his chest.

The creature’s carapaced fingers were too tough for him to pry off, so he resolved to do little more
than continue to hurl abuse at his captor. Holmes cursed off every word he had learned across three
campaign deployments to four different worlds. Had the Lieutenant put the same amount of effort into
learning local dialects as he did into learning their swear words he might have made a fantastic
interpreter. Regardless, his demonstration of eloquence was cut short by a sudden warm sensation
deep in his rear.

“Ugh, what are you doing now? Cumming inside me? I hate to break it to you fuckface - ah - but I
ain’t a woman; and even if I was - ohh - you’ve got the wrong damn hole!”

(Lictor’s 2nd Free Action: Rolling 1d50 transformation progression… 32 rolled! 32% added.)
As he spoke Jack couldn’t help but notice an inflection in his voice. It wasn’t louder. It wasn’t a new
accent. His voice was… higher. Less gruff.

“Wh-What’s going… Why do I sound like this?” he gasped, looking down to his chest hair had

His eyes glanced down to his legs. They were bare too. And less muscular than before. In that
moment Jack realised what this lictor was doing. He deeply wished he hadn’t. This damn alien was
pumping him full of hormones to change his sex. He’d read the field report written by an attractive,
but disgruntled, Sergeant who claimed she used to be a man before some tall alien got her. Holmes
had privately laughed at the report dismissing the soldier as simply being a victim of shellshock. And
yet, here he was right now - his masculine features slowly fading away.

[The Lictor is attempting to change Jack from male to female. This is not a Finishing Move. However,
as it progresses Jack will become a woman and it may turn into one. At 50% Jack will develop
breasts, and at 100% his body will appear exactly like a woman’s. If Jack hits 100% the aliens will
attempt to milk his cock one final time. When the last of his sperm is gone Jack the hormones will
fully kick in and his penis will be replaced by a pussy.]

“”N-No! Stop! Let go of me! Get your damn cock off me!” he yelled.

Lieutenant Jack Holmes:

Orgasm: 12%
Gender Transformation: 32% complete.
Status Effects:
Captured by a Lictor (Strength 3 Bondage)
Lictor Injecting Concentrated Hormones.
Character Flaws:
Career-Driven - This character is focused entirely on advancing their career. They may even take
immoral actions if the potential for career advancement is great enough.

Lictor: 8/8 HP

9 Minutes to Deathstrike Detonation

(Lictor’s 3rd Free Action: Rolling 1d50 transformation progression… 43rolled! 43% added! The
transformation level has risen so high that Jack now functionally a woman with the exception of his

Another trickle of the warm hormones seeped into his ass. The lictor was mostly motionless, focusing
entirely on holding the soldier in place. Between his increasingly effeminate moans Jack watched the
lictor’s tentacles on its face wriggling enthusiastically. It was relishing torturing him like this.

“Ah! S-Stop it!” he moaned in a voice that he thought sounded like his sister.

Jack felt a heavy weight on his chest. With morbid curiosity he looked down once more to see a
perfect pair of e-cup breasts forming on his chest. In this moment Jack realised why the Imperium
never sent all-male regiments to fight the Rapeanids. It didn't matter. If the Xenos didn’t capture
enough women to continue their breeding programs they would just use hormones to transform some
of the men.

“Ohhh!” her moans rose from the depths of her lungs.

With the transformation almost complete Jack realised she only had a few seconds to act. She
clenched her right fist and swung for the alien’s tentacled face.

(Rolling a 70+ strength test for Jack against the alien…. 35 rolled. Fail!)

The Lictor saw her attack coming and pulled its head back. Her fist came up short, narrowly missing
the target by a couple of inches. In response to this failed attack the alien elected to punish its
captive. Jack suddenly felt the largest blast of the alien hormones deep within her bowels. She
arched her back and her tits bounced slightly.

“Ah! NOOOO!!! S-Stop!” she moaned, still surprised by her new voice.

(Rolling 1d100 transformation progression… 87 rolled! 87% added! The transformation level has risen
to 100%, Jack will fully transform into a woman if her cock is milked of all its semen.)

At this moment the lictor finally removed its cock from her ass. With its mission complete the alien
dropped Jack to the ground and began fading away. The active camouflage was quickly making her
attacker blend in with the background.

“C-Come back here! I’m not finished with - ah - you!” she panted.

But it was already gone.

‘Probably off to grab another soldier and transform them as well,’ Jack thought angrily.

It didn’t take long for the surrounding Rapeanids to notice the newly transformed soldier. They were
advancing on her. She was vulnerable, exposed, weaponless. Everything a Rapeanid wanted.

“Sh-Shit…” she panted, frantically looking for a way to escape; every avenue seemed to be cut off.

There was no way out. Everywhere she looked she saw the aliens closing in with all manner of crude
and lewd bioweapons. She knew they were going to force her to cum again and again. She knew that
her brilliant breasts would be a prime target for these vile Xenos. Jack tried to rise to her feet, to offer
some semblance of defiance as the deathstrike missile approached. At that moment the swarm of
Gaunts surrounding Jack raised their weapons and fired.

Lieutenant Jack Holmes:

Orgasm: 26%
Gender Transformation: 100% complete.
Semen Remaining: 100% (When the last of Jack’s semen has been milked she will be fully
Status Effects:
Captured by a Lictor (Strength 3 Bondage)
Lictor Injecting Concentrated Hormones.
Character Flaws:
Career-Driven - This character is focused entirely on advancing their career. They may even take
immoral actions if the potential for career advancement is great enough.

Lictor: 8/8 HP (Activated camouflage and disappeared)

(Rolling a 70+ agility test for Jack… 68 rolled! She doesn’t escape in time!)

(Rolling six 40+ combat attacks for the Gaunts bioweapons. 12, 49, 24, 56, 67, and 67. That’s four
successful hits!)

Jack desperately tried scrambling to her feet. Her new body felt strange, unbalanced. She wasn’t
used to having breasts - especially such a large pair. As she looked around wondering how to escape
she saw her body. She still had her cock. It was the last testament to the manhood she had known
her whole life. It stood erect and vulnerable.

“Raaaghhh!” the Rapeanids screeched before Jack could move.

A volley of alien bioweapons were launched her way. She raised her right arm to cover her face,
leaving her breasts fully exposed. Jack felt two sharp pangs on her nipples. She lowered her arm to
witness a pair of small round creatures lock themselves down over her nipples. They looked like
those limpets that attached themselves to the rocks at the beach. Jack reached up and tried to grab
them, tried to pull them off. Their shells were rock hard and near-impenetrable. Just beneath that
hard calcite shell she could feel a warm fleshy creature sucking on her new breasts..

“Ahhhh… Ahhhh!” she gasped in shock.

‘Why are these things so sensitive?!’ she panted, leaning back against the cottage wall to avoid
falling over.


When they started vibrating Jack realised just what she’d gotten herself into.

‘Vibrobugs! Dammit! I never appreciated why the women in my squad hated these things so damn

“Ugh! Ohhh! Fuck… Mmm!” she gasped.

The alien attack was far from over though. A wet ‘phut’ sound prompted Jack to look up. One of the
Gaunts was carrying an unusual weapon. It was almost twice as long as the ones that launched the
Cuntborers. That ‘phut’ sound had marked the ejection of a snake-like creature. It was a deep
mauve in colour with a tip that didn’t look unlike a puffy pair of labia. The creature was perhaps half a
metre long as it coursed through the air.

“Oh shi- Ohhhhh!!”

Jack never got to complete her sentence. The newest entity had engulfed her cock before wrapping
its tail around her left thigh and clinging on tightly. With its position secured the creature began
rapidly pumping up and down the length of her cock. The inside of the creature felt incredibly warm
and wet. A constant sucking pressure massaged her shaft continually, promising to drink her dry -
like the most perfect blowjob one could imagine.

“Ah! Oohhh! Let go!” Jack gasped, reaching for the wiggling insect and desperately trying to pull it

(Rolling 2d50 pleasure damage for the Vibrobugs and 1d125 pleasure damage for the Cockmilker.
25,32 and 124 rolled. 181% pleasure damage! 181+26 means her new orgams total is 207%! Jack
has climaxed twice!)
(Rolling a 40+ mindbreak test for Jack. 70rolled. She holds on!)

(Rolling two d75 to see how much cum Jack loses. 53 and 50 rolled! 103%! All of Jack’s cum has
been drunk, she has been permanently changed into a woman and will now have a pussy!)

*Shlurp* *Suck* *Suck*


“Ahh! AAHHH!!” she moaned as the Rapeanid creatures brought her to her knees.

Lieutenant Jack Holmes:

Orgasm: 207%
Gender Transformation: 100% complete.
Semen Remaining: 0% (When the last of Jack’s semen has been milked she will be fully
Status Effects:
Cockmilker Attached to Cock (Strength 2 Bondage)
Two Vibrobugs Attached her Nipples (Strength 5 Bondage)
Character Flaws:
Career-Driven - This character is focused entirely on advancing their career. They may even take
immoral actions if the potential for career advancement is great enough.

She soon felt her first climax approaching. It was aided by the feeling of a tonguelike appendage
deep within the Cockmilker. It licked and slurped at her glans, teasing her most sensitive spot.
Meanwhile the two limpet-like aliens that had attached themselves to her nipples were vibrating
harder than ever.

‘Fuck! These damn aliens are gonna make me cum! Throne dammit! It feels so good!’

“Hnnnggg! UGH!!! Oh shit! I’m cumming!” she screamed, bucking her hips as the Cockmilker gulped
down her cum.

She never got a chance to rest, never got any respite. The Cockmilker was relentless in its assault,
tightening its grip around her thigh. It began pistoning twice as fast as before.

*Shlick Shlick Shlick*

“Ooohhh… Ahh…. *Gasp* Ahhh….”

Jack’s panting grew more erratic as her heightened sensitivity drove her closer to a second climax.
She collapsed on her back, desperately trying to recover. She was completely vulnerable and the
Gaunts realised it. One of them rushed forward and shoved its stiff cock between her breasts before
squeezing them together and proceeding to fuck her newest body part.

“Wh-What are- Ohhhh!!”

The sensation of having her breasts raped by the alien was driving her wild with lust. She reached up
and feebly pushed at the Gaunt, but it was a worthless effort. Her boobs tingled as the thick shaft
slammed between them again and again.

“Ah! Ahh! Ah! Ah!” she moaned.

Each thrust of the cock drove her closer and closer to another climax.

(Rolling a 75+ climax test for the Gaunt. 79% rolled! Pass!)

And then the creature raping her tits finally came. She wasn’t expecting it. The sudden splash of hot
semen across her once-virgin breasts and over her now-feminine face. Jack could barely believe
what had just happened. Things only grew worse for the fallen Lieutenant as she felt another orgasm

“”Ah! F-Fuck! It’s so hot! Oh! Oh God!¬ I’m cumming! Hnnngggg!! Aaahhhhh!!”

Her screams resounded across the battlefield as the alien sucked the very last of the cum out of her
body. She quivered and shook as each orgasmic convulsion proved stronger than the last. Now that
she was a woman, pleasure felt so much more intense than it did before. As Jack trembled and
quivered uncontrollably against the grassy ground she looked down to see the Cockmilker slithering
away. Her shaft was slowly shrinking, the final part of her transformation into a woman catalysed by
the hormones rushing through her body. Jack closed her eyes and let her head fall back against the

‘The nuclear strike is only a few minutes out. Why does it matter what they do to me now?’ she
thought, resigning herself to defeat.

Lieutenant Jack Holmes:

Orgasm: 207%
Gender Transformation: 100% complete.
Semen Remaining: 0% (When the last of Jack’s semen has been milked she will be fully
Status Effects:
Two Vibrobugs Attached her Nipples (Strength 5 Bondage)
Unfamiliar with Female Body: Jack has been transformed into a woman. She is unfamiliar with the
female body and will be extra sensitive to touch until she gets accustomed to it.
Intact Hymen: It might be a stretch to call Jack a virgin given how many partners she had when she
was a man, but her new pussy’s hymen is certainly intact!
Character Flaws:
Career-Driven - This character is focused entirely on advancing their career. They may even take
immoral actions if the potential for career advancement is great enough.

Captain Ophelia Fortes

7 Minutes to Deathstrike Detonation

(Rolling a ?????????? test for ?????? on 70+... 75 rolled! This mysterious roll has been revealed!)


The sound began as a distant rumbling before quickly growing. All eyes Rapeanid and human alike
stared into the sky at the battered rectangular ship flying above them. The plane was easily sixty
metres in length with massive wings that contained large whirling blades. It had been painted white at
some point in its lifetime. However, that point must have been decades ago, for the ship was
peppered with brown rust. Four large containers of a variety of colours had been locked into the main
body - each one emblazoned with the words ‘GloreCorp - Food you can taste!’

“H-Holy shit! It’s a freighter!” Seizon yelled, “Down here! DOWN HERE!”

He waved frantically leaping up and down, trying to attract the attention of the pilot. As it hovered

*Bzzt Bzzt*

Captain Forte’s phone was vibrating in her pocket once more. She took cover behind two guardsmen
and put it to her ear. She didn’t get a chance to speak. A voice was screaming down the other end
the second she answered.

“Get everybody on! I can’t hold it here forever!”

“Danny!” Ophelia exclaimed in surprise, “What are you-”

“There’s no fucking time! These Rapeanids will bring this ship down if we don’t move! Opening the
locks now!”





As she looked up she saw the doors to the cargo crates release. They clunked down heavily against
the ground to the south of the cottage. The doors were angled down like ramps for soldiers to
clamber into the cargo containers.

“Everyone! Get to the ship!” she ordered, clearing the jam in her shotgun and rushing forward.

(Rolling a 40+ agility test for Lieutenant Yadax… 55 rolled! He makes it to the shuttle.)

(Rolling a 40+ agility test for Captain Fortes… 43 rolled! She barely makes it to the shuttle.)

(Rolling an 80+ agility test for Jack Holmes… 26 rolled. The Gaunts prove to be too numerous for her
to escape.)

(Rolling twelve agility tests of 50+ for the last surviving guardsmen and women. 18, 43, 10, 46, 56,
87, 20, 14, 77, 86, 10 and 26. Only 4 soldiers make it to the shuttle. Eight are pounced upon by
Rapeanids as they try to escape.

Captain Fortes noticed Seizon was among the first to reach the freighter. The Asian man had dashed
into the nearest cargo container and turned around with his pistols drawn, panting heavily. Ophelia
dashed up after him, the sound of snarling Rapeanids hot on her heels. All around her soldiers were
being dragged to the ground, set upon, and fucked senseless.

‘There’s barely any of us left,’ she lamented as her feet hit the reassuring clang of the metal ramp.

*Pew Pew*

Seizon unleashed a couple of shots into the creatures pursuing her, buying her a few more seconds.
Ophelia brought her phone to her ear once more.

“Go, Danny! Punch it! A deathstrike hits this position in five!” she cried.

“There’s a nuke inbound?! Christ!”

The freighter began to rise into the air, slowly ascending from the ground. Rapeanids climbed on top
of each other as they attempted to reach their escaping prey.

“H-How many did we get?” Captain Fortes asked, glancing around the cargo container, it was only
Seizon, a scared looking recruit with a lasgun, and her.

It was a large metal cuboid with a folding entrance on the side. They were primarily used to transport
raw vegetables and grains from the vast farms on Glore-IV to the factories that processed them for

“I’ve no idea how many made it to the other containers,” Seizon guessed, “Maybe six or seven?”

“Fuck,” Ophelia exclaimed, slumping down against the wall and looking out over the battlefield

“That’s some view though,” Seizon admitted, striding towards the edge and wrapping his hand
around the outside of the container.

They were a few metres in the air now and slowly rising. High enough to avoid the angry Rapeanids.
As Seizon looked down at the anarchy below he suddenly saw a familiar face at the side of the
cottage. It was a woman, stripped naked and being violated by half a dozen Gaunts. It wasn’t until he
squinted that he saw the girl’s blonde hair. It was too short for a woman.
“Holmes?” he whispered in confusion, “Hey - Captain, down there! That woman, does that look like
Holmes to you?!”

“Holmes? Where? No that’s… That’s definitely Jack. Throne preserve him, what happened?!”

(Rolling a self-preservationist character flaw for Seizon Yadax. If he passes he will suggest going
back for his friend. He’s failed every one so far, so he clearly doesn’t have much of a spine. Seizon
is going to need an 85+ to suggest the last surviving soldiers aboard the freighter launch a rescue
mission… 100 rolled. A phenomenal win.)

[New Game Rule: Inspiration.

Yadax has just rolled a natural 100 on their character flaw. From now on anytime a character
passes their flaw with a natural 100 two things will happen:
1.) they will lose the character flaw that they just rolled for as they develop as a person, and
2.) they will enter an Inspired state. During an inspired state they will reroll all failed rolls. This
will last until the mission’s end.]

Lieutenant Seizon Yadax

4 Minutes, 30 seconds to Deathstrike Detonation

“Hold the freighter. I’m going back for Jack.”

“What?! Are you insane? There’s hundreds of them down there! You won’t even make it to him let
alone get him back to the freighter!”

Seizon strode towards the edge of the container and peered down. It was an eight metre drop and
there were indeed an awful lot of Gaunts swarming the area. As he surveyed the terrain Seizon
realised the second floor of the cottage was a couple of metres higher than the ground. If he could
land atop that he could ease his fall.

‘I’d just have to fight my way down the stairs and round the side of the building. It’s not ideal, but
it’s the only route I have right now,’ he mulled.
“Get the pilot to keep this ship low. Swing by Jack and me once I’ve cleared the area. Got that?!”

“Seizon! There’s a missile inbound in four minutes!”

“I only need two,” the Asian officer replied before turning to his Captain, “It’s been a pleasure
serving under you, Ma’am.”


(Rolling a 75+ agility test for Seizon to make the landing successfully. 63 rolled! That’s a fail, but
Seizon gets to reroll it for his Inspired status. 84 rolled! Pass!)

The Lieutenant leapt from the plane towards the cottage below. For a minute, as the ground rushed
towards him, he was afraid he had misjudged his timing. Thankfully though he managed to crash
onto the wooden floor panels of the cottage roof. He scrambled back to his feet and raised his pistols.

‘Not the most elegant landing, but at least I didn’t break my fucking legs,’ he chuckled to himself.

The first Gaunts presented themselves instantly, bounding up the fragile staircase. Seizon pointed his
guns and opened fire.

(Rolling two 40+ laspistol tests for Seizon. He gets a slight advantage for having the high ground. 46
and 62 rolled. One fail, one pass. Rerolling the fail for inspiration! 93 rolled! This epic win generates
another shot! 66 rolled! Total is 1 epic win and 2 passes!)


*Pew Pew*

Seizon advanced down the stairwell, firing shot after shot into the approaching Rapeanids. Alien
bodies dropped to the ground as the Lieutenant pushed on. As he reached the ground floor another
six of the Gaunts sprinted at him, scything talons raised to strip his armour. He didn’t blink as he
fingered the two triggers on his pistols once more.

(Rolling two 50+ laspistol tests for Seizon. 99 and 27 rolled. That’s a phenomenail win and a fail; the
fail gets rerolled. 24 rolled! The phenomenal win generates an extra shot! Another 99 rolled! This
generates another shot! 32 rolled for the second extra shot. Rerolling this failed shot as he is
inspired. 57 rolled! That’s two phenomenal wins, a pass, and a fail! That is MORE than enough to
break through to Holmes position. )



*Pew Pew*

Seizon walked through the abandoned cottage with a determination he had never felt before. It was a
selfless act he was undertaking - one of very few in his life. He never slowed his pace, never once
cowered in the face of his enemies, never considered his own survival. His mind was focused on one
thing and one thing alone - that he could not live with himself if he left Jack to die on this accursed
hill. Jack was the only one who stood beside him even when his own selfishness had driven his other
friends away. It was Jack who had helped Seizon pass the Lieutenant’s exam.

‘It was Jack who helped me pass my Lieutenant’s exam when I was still a Sergeant. And how did I
repay him? I left him and his squad to the fucking Orks on Herxes VII.’


Seizon shot another Gaunt down before wiping its blood from his neatly trimmed moustache.

‘The stupid bastard actually laughed it off over drinks. Why couldn’t the idiot have just abandoned
me like everyone else?!’

*Pew Pew*

The Lieutenant was moving faster now, his pistols firing in quick succession at each Rapeanid to
jump out at him. Twelve, thirteen, fourteen… Alien corpses continued to pile up in the wake of
Yadax’s onslaught.

(Rolling to see how many more are waiting to face Seizon once he leaves the cottage. Anything over
15 will see some enemies ready to fight… 12 rolled! The aliens are distracted elsewhere!)

As Seizon strode out of the cottage he was greeted with the sight of hundreds of Gaunts clambering
and scrambling atop one another. They were forming a mountain from their own bodies as they
scrambled towards the cargo freighter hovering in the air. The sky behind the shuttle was glowing a
vibrant purple as the bright blue sun slowly sunk towards the horizon. He could see lasguns being
fired from the open cargo crates, desperately trying to repel the Rapeanids. It served as a good
distraction for Seizon who rushed round the side of the cottage.

Lieutenant Seizon Yadax [Inspired]

-Flak Armour (2/2)
Laspistol (41% charge)
Laspistol (49 charge)
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects: None
Special Abilities:
Gunslinger - When using pistols this character gains an extra shot for each roll of 91+ they make.
Character Flaws: None.

3 Minutes, 30 Seconds to Deathstrike Detonation

As Lieutenant Yadax closed around the side of the dilapidated house he saw just what had become
of his old friend. She was lying naked on her back. Jack still had her crop of blonde hair, however,
her facial features were more feminine now. A pair of magnificent breasts rested on her chest. Her
nipples were swollen, as if something had been intensely sucking on them for some time. A smooth
virgin vulva was nestled between her thighs. Of course, if the Rapeanids had their way her pussy
wouldn’t be virgin for much longer. A Gaunt had aligned its cock with her pussy and was an inch
away from penetrating her. Seizon quickly eyed up his opposition.

‘Four, five, six Gaunts. I can take ‘em,’ Seizon counted.

He raised his laspistols once more and primed to fire them. The alien’s cock brushed against his
friend’s pussy. In another second the alien would have plunged inside her and broken her hymen.
Seizon realised he’d need to be quick to save her purity.

(Rolling two 50+ combat tests for Seizon. One of these needs to be an 80+ for him to kill the alien
before it takes Jack’s virginity. 72 and 81 rolled! Both pass and he rolls high enough to save her at
the last second. Unfortunately, he doesn’t get any bonus rolls.)

The glans of the cock parted her vulva making Jack gasp in pleasure. Her new clitoris was extremely
sensitive and she felt like she might climax just from the dick entering her.


*Pew Pew*
The dick was suddenly ripped from her pussy as the alien atop her was blasted back by a well-placed
las shot. A second blast struck another Gaunt. And then it was four against one.

“C’mon Sherlock! I need you on your feet!” Seizon roared, raising hit pistols to meet the alien

“Seizon? What are-”

“We got a fucking evac! Did you not see it?! We need to get back to the ship! I’ll cover us! GO!”

Lieutenant Jack Holmes

2 Minutes, 45 Seconds to Deathstrike Detonation

Jack struggled to her feet preparing to run towards the large freighter. It was slowly turning in the sky,
changing its course to meet them halfway. As Jack ran towards it she saw Captain Fortes blasting
her shotgun out the door. There were a handful of other guardsmen as well. Most were wielding
lasguns, one had a grenade launcher. She could hardly believe any of them had made it.

“C’mon, Seizon!” she yelled, we’re gonna make it!”

Jack turned her head to see the remaining Gaunts charge the Asian officer.

(Rolling two 85+ overwatch tests for Seizon. 59 and 5 rolled! Rerolling both fails due to his inspiration.
61 and 38 rolled. Both still fail.)

(Rolling a charge test for the Rapeanids, needing 30+ to pass... 27 rolled! They close in on Seizon.
But he will have a slim chance to escape.)

The Gaunts screeched as they charged Seizon. He took some potshots from the hip, trying to stem
the tide, but failed to hit any of his attackers. In that moment Seizon realised he was going to have to
make a run for it.
“Go! GO!” Lieutenant Yadax’s voice boomed out.



The cargo crate’s doors smashed loudly into the ground, kicking up dust and dirt about twenty
metres ahead of Jack. She pumped her arms and rushed as hard as she could. Sweat accumulated
on her forehead as she saw the swarm of aliens closing in either side of her.


Gaunts had begun leaping onto the freighter, slashing at the metal framework with their long sharp
talons. It was only a couple at first, but soon others were joining them. They threatened to damage
the structural integrity of the whole ship.

*Thud Thud*

(Both characters are going to need to pass a difficult agility check to make it to the shuttle in time.
They will only get one chance at this.)

(Rolling an agility test for Jack on 60+... 87 rolled! Pass!)

Lasfire from the open cargo crates rained down either side of Jack. Rapeanids that tried to catch her
were swiftly gunned down as she approached. And then she was there - Captain Fortes was leaning
out of the freighter with an open palm. Jack reached out and grabbed her hand.

“Get in!” Fortes hollered.

Jack collapsed on all fours as she entered the freighter. The cold steel of the floor was a relief to feel.
And yet, that feeling of relief didn’t last.

“Seizon!” she uttered in shock, turning to face the exit ramp.

Lieutenant Holmes heard a voice to her right, it was coming from a phone the Captain was clenching
in her left hand.

“We’ve only got two minutes to impact! I need to pull away NOW or we’ll never clear the blast

“Hold it Danny! Thirty more seconds!” the Captain replied.

“Fuck! We don’t have thirty more seconds! These blasted aliens are tearing the ship up! If they hit a
promethium pipeline we’re done for!” the voice on the other end of the phone replied, clearly
panicked, “I’m pulling this ship out!”

Jack’s heart raced with fear as the freighter slowly began to rise in the air. He watched as his friend
was still more than twenty metres away. The Asian man was rushing through the swarm, alternately
shooting and beating down everything he could with his pistols.

(Rolling an agility test for Seizon on 75+ since he is further away… 54 rolled. Rerolling the fail for his
inspiration. 2 rolled. A phenomenal fail. Seizon has no hope of escaping. The swarm around the ship
has grown too dense.)

Lieutenant Yadax suddenly stopped.

“Seizon! C’mon!” Jack screamed.

Captain Fortes was screaming something down the mobile phone to the pilot, but Lieutenant Holmes
didn’t hear a word of it. It was white noise. Slowly and methodically, Lieutenant Yadax dropped one
of his pistols to the ground and reached for the silver officer’s whistle around his neck. He hesitated
for a second, clenching the metal object in his left hand before locking eyes with Jack.

“I lost count at twenty!” Seizon abruptly yelled.

“W-What?!” Jack replied.

“You hold this fucking ship, Danny! I swear to the Emperor! I’ve still got a guy down there!”

The shuttle continued to drift away from Bedleyberk Ridge. The clanging of Rapeanids shattering the
hull was growing louder.

“Twenty to one!” Seizon repeated louder, “We’ll call that the final score on our bet!”

“You either lose your guy or we all go down when that missile hits! I’m bailing us out of here!” the
pilot replied.
A Gaunt leapt from Seizon’s right, the Lieutenant raised his laspistol and gunned it down mid air. For
a second Jack thought that her friend was going to make a run for the other side of the hill.

‘Maybe if he found a large rock formation to take cover behind he could survive the blast,’ she tried
to reason to herself.

(Rolling a heroism test for Seizon on 50+... 94 rolled. Epic win.)

Seizon never moved though. He stood there like a statue.

“When you get back to Sanctuary’s Redoubt don’t forget to buy me that drink you owe me!”

“Run, you fool!” Jack screamed at the top of her lungs.


The sound of metal being wrenched apart was growing louder. Gaunts on the ship’s full were starting
to do some serious damage.

The panicked voice of the pilot came over the phone once more, “There’s too many on us - we’ll
either crash or burn up mid-air!”

Jack watched as her friend raised the whistle to his lips. It sparkled under the reflection of the setting
sun. So did Yadax’s eyes. It was impossible to tell at this distance, but Jack could have sworn the
once-selfish Lieutenant was welling up himself. The Asian officer was getting distant now, his figure
shrinking with each passing second.

“You don’t look half bad as a woman!” Lieutenant Yadax laughed, getting one final jibe in at his only
friend before wrapping his lips around the whistle.



The shrill sound pierced the air and the behaviour of the Rapeanids changed as if by the flick of a
switch. From within the cargo container Jack watched as Gaunts leapt from the shuttle, throwing
themselves senselessly at the source of the shrill sound. Some died upon impact as they hit the
ground, others were cushioned by the corpses of their allies. All of them beelined for the last Imperial

Without its unwanted passengers the shuttle picked up speed, hurtling rapidly through the air as it
made haste away from the accursed ridge. Jack watched as the alien bodies dogpiled onto the last
position she had seen Seizon. There were dozens, hundreds of them swarming that single soldier.
The gusts of wind blowing through the cargo crate carried away the tears streaming down Jack’s
face. She couldn’t take her eyes off the hill.

They were barely three miles away from the point of impact when the missile struck the mountain.
The mushroom cloud lit up the hill with a flash brighter than the sun. Jack finally had to avert her gaze
as the light grew blinding.

“I have to seal the cargo doors! The shockwave of that missile is gonna send some serious
turbulence! Step back everyone and grab onto anything you can! These crates are lined with lead, so
you should be resistant to the radiation,” the pilot’s voice came over the mobile phone.

The cargo crate doors slowly closed and the ship began to rattle and shake. Captain Fortes hunkered
down beside Jack and held her tightly. As the last inch of the metal barrier closed up the crate was
plunged into darkness.


The Defiant Few - Mission Rewards and Consequences:

Asset Earned:
-The few surviving members of the 224th Janazar Grenadiers have reformed into a unit of Veterans.
They can be called for assistance if missions are going especially badly and may be randomly
encountered undertaking their own missions across Glore IV.

Tactical Changes:
-The loss of the defensive lines at Bedleyberk Ridge have slightly increased the chance of Rapeanid
advances into once safe territory. Every night the Sisters sleep the chance of a Rapeanid attack has
increased from 5% to 10%.

Author’s Notes:
Thank you all for reading the latest chapter of Lovehammer. This was supposed to be a short
sidestory, but it evolved into something longer when some characters like Yadax made some
surprising roles. My original plan was just to kill the regiment off in a glorious last stand and see how
long they could survive, but I’m glad I rolled this ending. I think it has more of an impact.

You’ll see a Mission Consequences and Rewards section above. There will be a second one of
these done for the Sisters of Battle. Theirs will be much more detailed highlighting weapons and
armour lost, as well as more detailed tactical changes about other enemy forces on the planet.

My plan for the next chapter is to have the Sisters return to their encampment for the night. They will
rest and rearm, and then be able to select their next mission. I’ll put this to a vote when I get it
written. The next chapter will be very short and I won’t be charging for it on Patreon. I expect 3-4
days before I get it released.

This is the first time I’ve ever written a gender-transformation scene. I don’t think I’ll include another
in the story; it worked for a one-off, but I think it is perhaps a bit too niche. If you didn’t enjoy it don’t
worry - it won’t crop up again. There might be the occasional futa character, but I think those will be
fairly rare and I might be writing alternate non-futa scenes side-by-side so people can choose which
canon they prefer.

Thanks again for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks to all of you who provided feedback to help me improve my writing. I really appreciate it.
And thanks to those of you who pledged on Patreon. I appreciate being able to bounce ideas with
you guys over there - you’ve all been amazing.

If you've any feedback, good or bad, please feel free to let me know either on here or at my email:

If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate a dollar on Patreon.

This is not a monthly subscription. I will only ever charge whenever I produce a full chapter like this
6 - Secrets and Schemes

Sister Palatina Katoris

By the time Palatina had coaxed Alexi back into the overheated Rhino the sun had already set. Glore
IV’s pale red moon hung low in the sky, partially obscured by the thick smoke still emanating from
the blast site. Palatina had watched the devastation unfold from atop the Rhino. Trees had been
blown horizontal. All manner of wildlife ran and flew away in unison.

The drive back to basecamp was a quiet one. Colette and Alexi didn’t speak much leaving Palatina
with plenty of time to concentrate on the roads. The Rhino’s headlamps painted an ominous picture
as they drove through long-deserted townships and villages. It reminded the Retributor of the zombie
movies she had watched as a teen.

And finally, after another hour’s drive, the Rhino made it back to that office block the Sisters of
Colette’s squad called home. It towered three storeys high. The Rhino’s headlamps reflected
against the regularly placed windows adorning each floor.

‘It’s remarkable they all still have glass in them,’ Palatina mulled, ‘Things go to ruin so quickly

As the tank’s engine slowly rumbled to a pause the rear door opened and the two passengers
stepped out into the cool night air. They were both naked. Palatina was the only one with a shred of
clothing left - and even then, it was a flimsy suit of guard flak armour.

(Rolling an emotional intelligence test for Palatina on 30+... 37 rolled. She passes.)

“You two head inside and take a shower. Maybe get some rest as well. I’ll finish up the field report
and sort things out.”

“Thanks, Pal,” Alexi mumbled, forging a smile.

“Good work, Sister,” Colette nodded, “You can hand me the field report in the morning. Don’t worry
about rushing it out tonight.”

Alexi and Colette entered the front door leaving Palatina alone in the cold night. She didn’t mind. It
gave her time to clear her head, and it was often easier to get things done without the airhead Alexi
trying to help. Palatina put her mind to her work.

[At the end of a mission each Sister will undertake some work around the camp to improve the base,
check supply levels, and engage in important tasks. Sometimes, they may just need to rest after a
particularly tough fight.]

(Rolling a productivity test for Palatina on 1d3. That is how many tasks she will complete tonight… 3
rolled! She will check the status of the Rhino and conduct minor repairs if necessary, do an inventory
of supplies, and conduct a defensive assessment of the base.)

There was a sizeable toolshed at the side of the office compound. It didn’t have a fantastic selection,
but enough to conduct some minor repairs on the Rhino if something small were to happen. Palatina
lifted out the heavy toolbox and a small clipboard as she prepared to conduct the daily check. It was
supposed to be on a rotational basis, but not every Sister put the same effort into it. She audibly
groaned as she read the previous report signed only with a scrawled ‘A’ followed by a series of

‘Tracks: Eh… They look ok.

Fuel Remaining: Took the cap off and it smelled bad.
Coolant: Couldn’t find it lol
Notable battle damage: Yes.’

The appalling report’s answers grew shorter with each passing category. Palatina sighed and
crumpled the piece of paper up, tossing it over her shoulder.

‘Completely worthless,’ she thought to herself as she began her own report on a new page.

‘Tracks: The left track appears to be in working order. A cursory assessment has indicated slight
wear and tear which might require additional maintenance to prevent a catastrophic occurrence in the
Fuel Remaining: Fuel levels in the tank are standing at approximately 67.5%. We should take stock
of our fuel reserves in base to ensure an adequate supply for prolonged combat.’

It took her the guts of an hour, but by the time she was finished a comprehensive report on the Rhino
had been produced.

[Rhino Stats updated!]

Condition: 82%
Fuel: 67.5%
Storm Bolter - Functional and armed.

With the report complete Palatina opened up the toolbox and began engaging in some minor repair

(Adding 1d20 percent to the Rhino’s condition. 12 rolled! The Rhino has been repaired to 94%!)

Palatina yawned as she finished tightening the last bolt on the vehicle’s surface.

“Why on Terra do these things have so many damn bolts?” she grunted, wrestling with the last loose
metal appendage.

When it finally squeaked into place she wiped the sweat from her brow and carried the tools back to
the shed.

‘Right, I’ll just take inventory of our supplies, then I’ll call it a night,’ she decided.

The Sisters didn’t yet have a room dedicated to storing their gear. What they did have though was a
room filled to the brim with flak armour. A hundred suits of it at least. Palatina elected to move the last
of the gear into this room and see how their supplies measured up.

Grenade Launcher (12 Frag Grenades, 4 Krak grenades)
St. Stephen’s Sword.

100+ Suits of Flak Armour (2/2 HP)
1 Suit of Power Armour (4/4 HP)

Eight jerrycans of promethium.
Six days supply of water
Two days supply of food.

Palatina had been worried about the lack of weapons they had on site after the battle. She especially
missed her heavy bolter. But right now, her mind was focused on something far more worrying.

‘Two days supply of food…’

She closed the door to the makeshift armoury, scratching her head as she climbed upstairs.

‘That can’t be right, we were due to have a food delivery earlier on this week,’ she thought as she
approached the Communications Room.

She quickly rapped the door with her knuckles. After a couple of seconds she heard an exhausted,
“Come in.”

Colette was slouched back in her chair dressed in a fresh suit of flak armour. The computer screen
before her was flickering with information on prospective missions.

“I said you could bring me the reports in the morning, Sister Palatina,” Colette yawned.

“Sister Superior, this is important. I was taking inventory of our food. I think what we have will last us
a couple of days. Unless you know of any more around the camp that I missed?”

“Were we not supposed to get a delivery a couple of days ago? Who was in charge of receiving

“It wasn’t me. That leaves either Alexi or Serena.”

“Huh. I’ll have a chat with Alexi about that,” the Sister Superior replied with a stern look on her face.

“How about you let me do it? As much as she, pardon my language, pisses me off, I think she’s
having a tough time right now.”

“Go ahead. See if you can figure out what happened to the delivery.”

“Thank you, Sister Superior. I’ll report back in ten min-”

“Just do it in the morning, Palatina. Okay?” Colette sighed, rubbing her temple.

“Yes, Sister Superior. Goodnight.”

“Night, Palatina.”
And so Palatina set off for the dorms. The generator powering the building was poorly made, poorly
maintained, and thus functioned poorly. The bulbs in the building’s dark corridors flickered
intermittently. There were still entire rooms of the office block that the Sisters hadn’t properly
examined. That was something for another day though when they were all less tired. Palatina arrived
at the dormitory to see Alexi lying on her bunk facing the wall, her covers pulled up to her neck.
Palatina sat down on her own bunk and faced the Sister, trying to empathise with someone who
always wound her up.

“Hey Alexi, how are you keeping?”

“I’m okay,” she replied after a short silence.

“Good, good…” Palatina began, “I was… I was wondering, there was a good delivery due a couple of
days ago. Do you remember anything about it?”

“Oh, yeah - they cancelled.”

“What?!” Palatina gasped in shock.

“I remember Serena giving off about it. GloreCorp sent a message to the terminal saying they
couldn’t deliver anything.”

“Wait - when did they reschedule it for? We’ve barely got two days of food left And most of it is the
awful canned meat that nobody wants to risk opening.”

“Eww!” Alexi replied looking visibly disgusted at the thought of those cans of mystery meat, “Serena
didn’t say anything. I don’t think any of us where expecting her to have to go to medical.”

“No problem, Alexi. I’ll give GloreCorp a call tomorrow and straighten it out,” Palatina leaned
forward as if to rise up from the bed, before pausing and looking up at her Sister, “I’m sorry about
the conscr- your friend.”

Palatina struggled to find the best word to describe Jenkins. Truth be told, she didn’t have a clue
what exactly Alexi liked him so much for. The slutty Sister screwed at least a dozen men and aliens
each week, what made this one any different? It didn’t matter anyway. Alexi didn't answer. Palatina
rose up from the bed and walked towards the door.


“Yeah, Alexi?” she replied, pausing at the doorframe.

“What’s in this little box?”

“Huh? What little-”

Alexi rolled over revealing a small cuboid box in her hands. It was made from a beautiful brown wood
with brass etchings adorning the surface in a floral pattern. An elegant lock in the shape of a small
rose with its petals spread rested at the very top.

(Rolling for Palatina’s character flaw. Extremely Distrusting - Trust is not won easily for this
character. They know that anyone could turn on them. The safest way is to block everyone out.
Palatina needs to pass a 91+ character flaw test… 15 rolled. A very bad fail.)

“Where did you get that?!” Palatina snapped.

Alexi shot up in bed, startled by her comrade’s raised voice.

“It was just under your bunk there - I knocked it with my foot when I was getting changed. I only
asked you cause I couldn’t get it open,” Alexi replied somewhat nonchalantly.

“Why on Terra would you want to open it? It’s not yours!”

“Eh, I’m curious,” Alexi answered before suddenly grinning, “Oh my God! This is where you keep
your nude pics, isn’t it?!”


“I tried to start a collection of my own pics a few times. The problem is that I can never resist handing
them out to cute guys,” Alexi laughed.

“Give me that box!” Palatina shouted, reaching out to snatch it from the blonde soldier’s hands.

“Mmm! You can have my box anytime you want, honey,” Alexi winked, rolling farther away and
sending the bedsheets flying off.

In this moment Palatina realised Alexi was fully naked. She was hunched under the corner of her
bunk, the precious box held in her right hand. In a moment of fury the Retributor attempted to leap at
Alexi and restrain the slutty Sister.
(Rolling an agility test for Palatina on 30+... 86 rolled. A strong pass!)

Alexi saw Palatina moving in and tried to dive right. The Retributor was too quick for the naked Sister
though, pinning her down on the bed and prying the box from her fingers.

“Leave my stuff alone!” she concluded with a final snap before marching out of the dormitory.

Alexi sighed, finding herself on her own once more. She reached under the pillow and found the two
pairs of handcuffs she had stashed away.

‘If only I’d been quicker I could have caught her,’ she thought to herself, her mind briefly imagining
all the naughty things she’d do to Palatina. Her thoughts soon wandered back to conscript Jenkins
though. She’d made a promise to fuck him after the battle.

‘It’s heartbreaking! I never even got to see his cock,’ she privately lamented.

Her moping was interrupted by a loud rumble from her stomach.

“Ah well, guess mystery meat’s on the menu tonight. Thanks Serena!” she chimed sarcastically.

Alexi squeezed into a pair of tight pyjama bottoms and nothing else, before wandering off to find
where Palatina had stored all the food.

[New Game Rule: Night Raids - Every night there is a slim chance some enemies will stumble upon
the Sisters of Battle base. If this happens they might launch a raid, they might sneak inside, they
might lay siege, or they might simply gather intel and relay the position to more hostiles. The chances
of the current enemy groups attacking the base update based on battles won/lost. More than one
enemy group CAN attack at the same time if they both roll a success.]

(Current Night Raid Chance:

Rapeanids: 10% - 80 rolled. Nothing happens.
????: 5% - 85 rolled. Nothing happens.
???????: 1% - 39 rolled. Nothing happens.
???? ?????: 2% - 61 rolled. Nothing happens.
??? ??????: 0% 0 Nothing can happen no matter the roll.
????? ?????????: 1% - 8 rolled. Nothing happens.
????? ?????: 0% Nothing can happen no matter the roll.

There are no night raids happening tonight.)

[New Game Rule: Resting and Recovery - Each night the Sisters of Battle will rest and lower their
orgasm % by a random amount. This random amount can be increased if they avoid doing any labour
around the base. In tonight’s example Palatina did a lot of work, so she will only be rolling 1d100 to
reduce her orgasm %. Colette and Alexi both rested, which means they will be rolling 3d100 each.
This can be improved further by upgrading the furniture and bedding in the base. Epic wins will allow
an additional 1d50 to be rolled. Phenomenal wins will allow an additional 1d100 to be rolled.]

(Rolling a 1d100 Recovery Test for Palatina. 30 rolled! 19% Orgasm remaining!)

(Rolling a 3d100 Recovery Test for Alexi… 18, 83 and 94 rolled. One epic win with the 94 allows an
extra 1d50 to be rolled. 10 rolled! Total is a 205% reduction in her Orgasm! Alexi is down to 71%!)

Author's Note: I buggered up Colette's orgasm stat in chapter 4. It should have been 714%. I
am unable to go back and correct it, so I am changing the numbers here to fix things. Sorry!

(Rolling 3d100 Recovery test for Colette… Colette's Orgasm has fallen from 714% to 427% orgasm.
She’s still extremely sensitive and very prone to going ahegao in battle.)

Palatina: 49% Orgasm -> 19% Orgasm
Alexi has 276% Orgasm -> 71% Orgasm
Colette has 714% Orgasm. -> 427% Orgasm

[New Game Rule: Medical Recovery - Sometimes Sisters defeated in battle will be left in such a lust-
addled state that they require proper medical attention from the hospital at Sanctuary’s Redoubt.
This is what happened to Sister Serena. These Sisters will gradually recover over time and will have
a chance of returning to the squad that increases day by day.]

(Rolling a 60+ medical check for Serena… 91 rolled! An epic win! Serena will return from hospital
tomorrow morning and be ready to go on a mission. The epic win means the hospital managed to
cure any negative status effects the encounter left on her.)

Sister Superior Colette Piousborne

*Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep*
“Hello, Sister Superior Colette Piousborne speaking.”

“Ah, hello dearie. Just the woman I’m looking for! I’m Matron Periwinkle from Saint Sanguinius’s
Hospital. I was just calling to inform you we are going to be discharging Sister Serena in the next few

“Excellent, I’ll drive by and pick her up.”

“There’s no need, dearie. Your lovely Canoness popped by for some tea earlier - she’s got quite a
few of her girls in here. She said she would be MORE than happy to drop her back.”

“Even better, thank you for the update, Matron.”

“Not a problem dearie, you have yourself a lovely night now.”

Colette ended the transmission and returned to her work screen. She clicked a button and the newest
missions began to load. A pale blue light flooded the room and bright green text crawled across the
small screen.

‘It’s good to hear we’re getting Serena back. I don’t think I could have lasted another day with
Alexi’s tomfoolery or Palatina’s brownnosing. Emperor have mercy, what I wouldn’t give for a
promotion out of this shithole.’

(New Game Rule: Unending War - The Sisters of Battle in Colette’s squad aren’t the only actors on
Glore IV. Mission won’t just wait around to be completed, and if you fail to take action others may
complete them, or enemy forces may secure a victory. There will now be a roll for each mission you
didn’t pick last time to see its current status. Only rolls of 1-10 or 91-100 will change the status of a
mission. Otherwise it will remain on the roster.)

(New Game Rule: Mission Difficulty Levels - Each mission is listed with a required number of
soldiers. Think of this as the difficulty indicator. If you only have two Sisters left, you won’t be able to
undertake a mission that needs three or more soldiers. Any soldiers who don’t get deployed on the
mission will rest and help improve/fortify the Sister’s base.)

(Rolling for ‘A Missing Commissar’… 84 rolled. There has been no change to the availability of this
mission. However, because the roll was pretty good additional mission intel has been gained.)

(Rolling for ‘Deliver shells to Gamma Basilisk Company’... 100 rolled. A phenomenal win! The
Imperial Guard have completed this mission themselves and the artillery guns are now operational.
The mission has been removed from the roster, and because the Sisters of Battle did so well they
may now call in a single artillery barrage from the Basilisk company.)


-A Missing Commissar.
Last Tuesday we lost contact with Commissar Susan Razolov. We obviously don’t care for the unit
she was with, but she is an important inspirational leader. We need her alive, coherent, and with her
mind intact! Her rescue will help the overall war effort, but don’t expect any personal favours from
Intel Update: Photographs taken from a passing plane have identified a moderate sized Ork slave
camp. There is an estimated 40% chance that Commissar Susan Razolov is being held there.
Estimated Travel Time: 4 Hours in Rhino
Soldiers Required for Mission: 4

-The Holy Martyr Finishing School Siege

As you are probably aware the Holy Martyr Finishing School is the most prestigious academic
establishment for women on Glore IV. The planetary elite send their daughters to our vast, heavily
fortified boarding school from ages eighteen to twenty where they will be trained in the ways of
decorum, planetary administration, and diplomacy. Unfortunately, our school came under siege from
what I, Headmistress Bianchi, believe to be a foul Chaos cult. This mission is, ironically, not time
sensitive. Our vast grounds are surrounded with heavy iron fences, auto-turrets, and a networked
security camera system. The Chaos cult are both few in number and lacking equipment. In my
opinion, they do not have any feasible way to breach my school. While this is not an urgent request
for help, I would appreciate you dropping by at some point to clear these rabble away. They are not a
threat, they are a nuisance.
Estimated Travel Time: 10 Hours in Rhino.
Soldiers Required for Mission: 3

-Lornegulf Potassium Mine

Testing testing, is this auto-dictation thingy on?! Y’all listen up and y’all listen good. Lornegulf
Potassium Mine has been in my family since the first Rogue Traders set foot upon Glore IV. My
great, great, great, great granddaddy was born in this mine, and he died in this mine. An’ so was I -
Prospector Dakota Mayflower. I might be the first female to run the family business, but I know my
shit just as well as any man does! So you listen to me when I tell you that I’ve seen the seismic
graphs and felt the tremors. We ain’t on a fault line, so I know there is trouble afoot! There’s
somethin’ down in my mine. The Astra Militarum say they can’t spare the men to check it for me.
The damn Arbites say if it ain’t in Sanctuary's Redoubt then it ain’t their jurisdiction. And to make it
worse, the rumblin’ and some of my staff disappearin’ has got my workers all shook up and NOW
they’re tryin’ to fuckin unionise! I need y’all to haul your asses down here and help me figure the
fuck out what is going on. Dakota out. Alright, let’s see if we can’t sack the rabble rousers? Darlin’
d’you think we could make a couple of those union-girls disappear? I hear that Ork camp a few miles
north is willin’ to trade and lookin’ to buy human slav- Huh? Shit, is this thing still on-
Estimated Travel Time: 7 Hours in Rhino.
Soldiers Required for Mission: 2

Colette sighed as the last of the text appeared on the screen before beginning a brief analysis of the

‘With Serena coming back tomorrow I should have enough soldiers to undertake any of these
missions. The Canoness will probably drop off some extra weapons and armour as well, so we
should be moderately well equipped to handle these.’

The Sister Superior scrolled back up to the very first transmission. It had been sitting there long
before that disastrous Battle at Bedleyberk Ridge. None of the squads of Sisters scattered across the
planet’s surface seemed to want to touch it. It was too politically toxic - after all, being responsible for
losing a Commissar would be a career-ending move for any ambitious Sister Superior.

‘Commissar Susan Razolov has already been missing for quite a while. Even if we do find her there
is no guarantee that she will be in any state of mind to maintain discipline in a regiment. And forty
percent isn’t great odds that she’s actually even there. On the other hand, it would be extremely
powerful to have a contact in the Officio Prefectus owe us a favour. So it might be worth gambling
that she is in that Ork camp. We’ll definitely need to bring Serena along if it turns out to be as
dangerous as it sounds.’

She scrolled down to the second mission and rested her head in her left hand. She was growing tired
now. Her pussy still ached from being played with earlier that day. Colette drew in a deep breath and
tried to think.

‘The Holy Martyr Finishing School. As far as I remember this ‘all-girls’ school extends to the staff as
well. No male teachers, no male janitors, and certainly no male pupils. They don’t even allow the
girls to leave the estate for the two years they are there. No matter how luxurious it is, there’s gotta
be some serious pent-up sexual tension in those girls. That said, when they’re not studying in their
gorgeous high-gothic mansion they’re relaxing in fifty acres of forests, lakes, and private beaches.
And then there’s the defensive perimeter. When the Orks first attacked the Glore System ninety
years ago the Holy Martyr Finishing School held back a Waaagh for twelve weeks. The massive
estate is surrounded by twenty foot high iron bar fences with security cameras and automated turrets.
There’s nowhere on the planet better defended, except for Sanctuary’s Redoubt. I honestly don’t
think it’s worth our time heading over there yet. On the one hand there are a LOT of high value
targets in one place. A lot of very powerful politicians, governors, directors, and military generals
send their daughters to that school. It could be catastrophic if anything happened to them. On the
other hand, if an Ork Waaagh can’t break the gates, then a rabble of Chaos Cultists doesn’t have
much hope!’

Colette flicked to the final mission and buried her head in her hands.
‘Emperor almighty, why did we open this mission network to the public? The public are fucking idiots!
What am I even supposed to do with this? There’s no tactical data, no information on what enemy
we could be facing, and no support from any other Imperial forces. For all I know we could simply be
helping a disgruntled business owner bust a union that’s trying to form. On the other hand, if the
Arbites and the Astra Militarum have both ignored Dakota’s call for aid and there IS something going
on, then it would be good to catch it early.’

‘Of course, there is always the fourth option… We’re all still pretty worn out from today’s mission. A
full day’s rest and recovery mightn’t go amiss. I could take the girls out somewhere to relax. Maybe
a shopping trip to Sanctuary’s Redoubt? Or we could drive and search for a beach that hasn’t been
overrun by horny alien monsters?’

Tempestor Prime Montague Collingridge

“...uncontrolled widespread famine.”

The final three words of the sentence came out uneasily. Their timing was all wrong. It was the sound
of anxiety in the speaker’s voice. Collingridge watched the conversation from the sidelines with a
sick pleasure, like a spectator watching their most hated enemy fall into a shark tank.

“Famine, you say?” the elderly man whispered, but didn’t turn around.

He was facing away from the two other men, staring out of a massive window that looked out over
the rooftops of Sanctuary’s Redoubt. The man’s hands were clasped behind his back, left under
right. Collingridge began to count the deep wrinkles that ran down them like valleys, stopping when
his eyes reached the back of a gold signet ring. The room was far too hot for most humans to
comfortably live in, but the individual seemed content enough in his elegant deep purple robes. He
stood an imposing six feet tall, with a healthy crop of whitened hair which had been meticulously
‘puffed up’ to give it some volume. The result was an almost regal appearance, like royalty from
ancient Terra. The purple robes he wore stretched down to his ankles, almost touching the floor.
Small silver and gold threads interlaced themselves throughout the garment, occasionally reflecting
light from an opulent chandelier adorning the ceiling.

“Starvation,” the man resumed once again, not turning around, “on an agri-world. Who could have
countenanced such an occurrence?”

As much as Collingridge despised the bearer of the bad news, he knew that he would have to
intervene lest some wrath be directed his way too.

“I ain’t the fondest of your friend here big guy,” the Tempestor Prime began in a gruff, aggressive
tone, “but Edwards ain’t wrong. Me and my boys, we’re out there. You’re bumping into hungry
beggars every fifteen steps! Ain’t that right, Eddy?”

“Edwards,” the first speaker corrected, “or Gerald. Not Eddy. And Collingridge is correct,
Administrator. We’ve got to do something. Cities without food are festering grounds for rioting and

‘I hate that smug bastard,’ Collingridge thought to himself as he glared at Gerald Edwards, ‘What a

The Administrator remained motionless, his eyes transfixed on something far beyond Glore IV.
Somewhere in the vast depths of space. Neither Collingridge nor Edwards could see the
Administrator’s face - but if they could, and if they were perceptive enough, they might have noticed
a brief flicker of fear in his eyes. The eyes of a man who saw his ambition almost fade into an
unattainable dream.

“Administrator?” Collingridige prompted after thirty seconds of uncomfortable silence.

“Tempestor Prime, riddle me this,” the Administrator eventually replied, turning his head ever so

From this angle Collingridge could see the Administrator’s face partially reflected in the massive
window. It led out onto a precarious balcony two hundred and twelve floors high in the sky. The old
man’s cheeks were gaunt. His skin was a pale cream colour. A single blue eye leered at him

“Riddle me this,” he repeated, “How do the logistics of the food chain fail on an agri-world?”

“There was-”

“Has there been an unforeseen drought that none of our weather satellites countenanced?”
“No, Administrator, I-”

“Has there been some vast plague that destroyed our harvest?”

“No, Admi-”

“Did the pillaging Orks or the all-consuming Rapeanids take our crops?”

“No, Administrator. We have-”

The elderly man finally turned around, his face contorted with unbridled fury. Wrinkles buried deep
like ocean trenches, casting unnatural dark shadows that contrasted his pure-white hair.

“Then why is there a Throne-damned famine brewing on my planet?! And why am I only finding out
about this now?!”

His voice echoed in the sparsely decorated office. The walls rose some six metres before they
reached the ceiling, creating a perfect amphitheater for echoing when voices were raised. In the
presence of the Administrator they frequently were.

Edwards raised his right hand with an open palm, “We thought the civil servants had the situation

“Contained?! From what I’ve just witnessed, neither of you two nor them could contain a penal
legion in a whorehouse!”

The Administrator drew in a deep breath through his nostrils before glaring at Edwards.

“Was the food harvested from the fields?”

“Yes, Administrator.”

“Then, my great detective, where is the food right now? It can’t just have vanished! You have
developed the concept of object permanence, haven’t you?”
Edwards winced slightly, taking a moment to carefully choose his next words.

“It’s stored in- The food’s all stored in GloreCorp’s warehouses. They’re preparing to ship it off
world. Turns out wealthier sectors can pay almost quintuple what people on Glore IV would pay.
Even taking fuel costs into account, their profit margins are much higher.”

“Collingridge, get me my Solicitaris Primus. Edwards, I want you to contact the CEO of Glore Corp.”

“There’s three key owners, Administrator.”

“Then contact them all, arrange a face-to-face meeting. Tell them… Tell them that the Planetary
Governor is... making them a formal offer to nationalise their company.”

“How much are we offering?” Collingridge enquired.

“Three trillion credits.”

“Geez,” the Tempestor Prime replied, “That’s a lowball offer. Even with the ongoing Rapenaid
invasion and Orc incursions, they’re valued at fifteen trillion.”

“Three trillion credits. We take control of the company and all existing stocks, shares, ships,
factories, and assets.”

“And, whenever they likely refuse?” Edwards enquired, resting his hands in the pockets of his black

“Persuade them.”

“Do you mean-”

“You are authorised to do any and all things necessary to secure this deal. I am going to have my
Solicitaris Primus redraft legislation to ensure public ownership of any companies whose CEOs… pass
their expiration date.”

“C’mon, you can’t be serious, Administrator. If anything ends up happening to these CEOs - or ANY
CEO for that matter, you’ll be the prime suspect!” Edwards chimed.
“You’re a Detective-Surveillor with the Adeptus Arbites. How many of your colleagues would open
an investigation into the Planetary Governor? Especially one who just averted a famine and saved
tens of millions of lives? It would be a PR disaster.”

“It’s not me or my Arbites that I’m worried about, Administrator. It’s the damn judges. You’ve got
the legislature and the executive fully under your control; but if Lord Justice Halper or Supreme
Justice Winthrop decide to open up another investigation they might pass findings onto the

“I will deal with the judiciary when the time comes,” the Administrator replied curtly.

Edwards backed down, “I’ll go arrange that meeting then.”

“If it comes to it, make it look like an accident.”

The detective nodded before walking towards the elevator. It was an eight minute trip to the ground
floor. With the detective finally gone Collingridge stepped closer to the elegant mahogany table that
stretched several metres horizontally across the room.

“Well?” the Administrator asked.

“The mission was a… partial success,” Collingridge replied.

The old man’s face contorted once more and Collingridge knew he would have to act quickly.

“We found her, sir. You were right. She’s on Glore IV.”

“You said partial success, Tempestor… I swear, if anything laid a claw on her!”

“She wasn’t harmed. We kept her safe, just like you said. Things turned real nasty at the end of that
battle though. The Grenadiers lost their nerve. Heck, their Captain ordered a full retreat!”

“Please just get to the point, Tempestor. You’re stalling.”

“I… We weren’t able to locate where she was staying.”

“You lost her?!”

“As I said, it was madness at the end. The Rapeanids were swarming over us! We meant to follow
them in our Tauroxes. By the time we got to a safe position we’d completely lost track of ‘em.”

The planetary governor looked furious, but his feature slowly softed.

“Thank you, Tempestor. Thank you for protecting her. We know she is here. I’ll set a plan in motion
to find out exactly where she is.”

“Do you need me to-”

“No, Tempestor. Do not take any action. I will handle it from here. You’re dismissed.”

“Sir!” Collingridge saluted before turning and calling the elevator.

Readers can now vote for which mission they would like Colette to choose.

A.) A Missing Commissar

B.) The Holy Martyr Finishing School Siege
C.) Lornegulf Potassium Mine
D.) Colette spends a day relaxing with her squad instead of going on a mission.


Apologies for the lack of smut in this chapter. I just needed to get the plot ball rolling again. Now that
that’s all out of the way we can get back to lewds.

As always, if you've any feedback, good or bad, please feel free to let me know either on here or at
my email:

If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate a dollar on Patreon.

This is not a monthly subscription. I will only ever charge whenever I produce a full chapter like this
7 - Ill Omens

[New Game Rules: Weather - Periodically throughout the game the weather will change. Glore IV is a
temperate planet with a wide variety of possible weather patterns from heatwaves to snowstorms.
The climate around the Sister’s base allows for the following possible weathers to happen. However,
if the Sisters travel close to the planet’s equator or near the poles then the chart will change.

1. Blizzard
2. Freezing fog
3. Snow
4. Downpour
5. Raining
6. Drizzle
7. Cloudy
8. Overcast
9. Overcast
10. Sparse clouds (current)
11. Clear skies
12. Clear skies
13. Warm
14. Intense Sunshine
15. Heatwave

Each day a weather test will change by rolling 1d7 and consulting the chart below. Rolls of 1, 2, or 3
will move the current position up the chart, while rolls of 5, 6 or 7 will move the current weather down
the chart. Rolls of 4 keep the weather the same. As an example: if the weather was currently at 7
(Cloudy) and a 1 is rolled, the weather would go up three spaces to a downpour. If a 2 is rolled, it
would only go up 2 spaces to raining, and if a 3 is rolled it will go to drizzling. Likewise, a roll of 5 or 6
would increase the weather from cloudy to overcast, ,while a roll of 7 would increase the weather to
Sparse Clouds.]

(The weather near the Sister’s base is currently at 10 - Sparse Clouds. Rolling 1d7 to see how it
changes…. 7 rolled! It goes up three levels past Clear Skies and up to Warm! This may have an
impact on how tired Sisters will get during prolonged periods of combat. Especially if they are wearing
heavy armour.)

Sister Palatina Katoris

Palatina was awoken, not by the yell of her Sister Superior, nor by the beeping of an alarm, but rather
by the rays of sunlight streaming through the ground floor window. After her fight with Alexi last night
the Retributor had hid her locked box elsewhere in the encampment. Guilt about overreacting had
made her want to return to the dormitory and apologise to Alexi. Pride made her spend the night in an
employee break room on the ground floor, sleeping on a threadbare old couch. It might have been
purple or red once; but it had grown pale and stained over time.

The lone window into the break room was filthy, but not grubby enough to block out the beautiful rays
from that brilliant blue sun. Palatina drew in a deep breath through her nose, smelling the musty
stench of this room. The Sisters hadn’t properly explored it yet. None of them dared open any of the
cupboards for fear of what spoiled food they might find. Indeed, Colette had threatened to banish any
Sister to service in the Repentia if they dared touch the fridge. There were no objections. The
structure had been without power for at least four months.

'Emperor knows what kind of biohazards reside in there now,' Palatina thought.

If the glorious morning sun hadn't woken her then the rumbling of an approaching vehicle certainly
would have. A loud crunching sound came from outside the building. Palatina recognised it from last
night - it was the sound of tank treads driving over gravel. She pulled herself up from the couch and
stretched before leaving the staff room and heading to the front of the building. The entrance to the
office block was a large set of double doors, the top half of which were translucent glass. From here
Palatina could see a second Rhino pulling up and parking outside.

‘Canoness Agatha,’ she thought to herself, unlocking the front door and stepping outside.

Sure enough, the grand Canoness soon emerged from the Rhino, wiping droplets of sweat from her

“Welcome, Canoness,” Palatina greeted, nodding respectfully.

Agatha nodded in reply before adding, “Throne almighty, it certainly is warm today.”

“Indeed it is, Canoness. Why do you grace ourselves with your presence today?”

“I don’t know if ‘ourselves’ is the correct word to use, Sister Palatina. You appear to be the only
one to have shown up.”

“I believe the others are still resting. It was a tough mission yesterday.”

“Hmm…” the Canoness sounded, betraying no hint of her true emotions, “I came to deliver unto your
squad supply and reinforcements. I’m sure you have all been eager to see the return of Sister
A second figure emerged from the Rhino. Tall, thin, waist-length brunette hair. Palatina abandoned
formality, rushing up to greet her old friend.


“Palatina!” the Sister smiled, throwing her arms around the Retributor.

“I’m so glad you’re back, Alexi has been driving me insane!”

(Rolling a 70+ test to see if the Canoness brought any other reinforcements… 71 rolled! A new Sister
has come along with Serena.)

“Hehe! I’m sure she has. Oh! The Canoness brought us some extra stuff, fancy lending me and
Raven a hand?”

“Sure. Who’s Raven?” Palatina asked, slightly confused.

(New Game Rule: New Sisters - There is a slim chance that the Canoness will bring a new Sister to
the base some mornings. Their personalities will be rolled for randomly using 3d100. Rolls above 50
indicate a positive character trait, rolls below 50 will indicate a negative character trait. For example,
a roll of 72, 91, and 32 might indicate a Sister who is a brilliant tactician, a skilled fighter, but has a
moderately bad character flaw like a fetish for daemons.)

(Rolling 3d100 to see what kind of character Raven is.... 55, 6, and 3 rolled. So this character is
slightly above average at something, and has some incredibly serious drawbacks.)

It was at this moment a third figure emerged from the Rhino. Palatina’s eyes widened as she saw a
girl emerge from the back of the tank, clad in nothing but a black bra and matching panties. Her
massive f-cup breasts were barely contained by the tight bra. The girl had a short crop of black hair
with several streaks dyed neon red. It was at this moment that Raven turned to face Palatina and
looked her dead in the eye.

“What? Cat got your tongue?”

“No. Why are you naked?!”

Raven looked down at her bra and panties.

“I ain’t.”
“That’s not what I meant, Sister Raven,” Palatina stammered, “Where is your armour?”

“Eh, I left it back in there. Too fuckin’ hot so I stripped off.”

“Say, Sister Raven, do you fancy helping Palatina and me carry in the-”

“Nope!” Raven replied before reaching into her bra and pulling out a packet of lho sticks and a
lighter, “Anyone wants me I’ll be taking a smoke.”

With that, the newest recruit wandered over to the tool shed, leaned against the wall, and lit up one of
her lho sticks. Serena looked at Palatina and shrugged.

“Canoness,” Palatina began, “What is wrong with-”

Palatina never got to finish her sentence, the Canoness raised an open hand motioning for her to
stop talking.

“She’s unmanageable, Sister Palatina. She’s been sent to the Repentia twice. They sent her back
each time. She doesn’t follow orders, she’s disobedient, and now she’s your problem.”

“W-Wait, at least tell me she’s an exceptional close combat fighter? Or a trained marksman?”

“She is an average shot with a boltgun. Unremarkably average,” the Canoness replied before
changing the subject, “Is your Sister Superior inside? I should like to speak with her..”

“I don’t know if she’s awake yet,” Palatina answered honestly.

“You two - check the back of the Rhino. You’ll find I’ve brought what gear the Preceptory can spare.
It isn’t a lot, but it will hopefully keep you battle-ready.”

(Rolling a quality test for weapons to see what the Canoness has brought. Higher numbers mean
rarer and better items. 36 rolled. She brings two extra boltguns. These have been added to the base

(Rolling a quality test for armour to see what the Canoness has brought. Higher numbers mean rarer
and better items. 19 rolled. She brings a single suit of Poorly Crafted Power Armour. It has been
added to base storage.)
As Serena and Palatina walked around to gather the supplies from the Rhino Canoness Agatha
entered the office block. The two Sisters began rummaging through the small stock of supplies that
had been delivered.

“Oh, that power armour and the boltgun both belong to Raven,” Serena began, “She stripped down
in the Rhino because she said it was too hot.”

“I won’t fault her for that. Did you see the Canoness? She looked like she just came out of a sauna!”

Serena laughed and Palatina realised just how happy she was to have her back with the squad.

“What have we got then that doesn’t belong to our delinquent?” Palatina continued.

“Umm… Two boltguns, and a suit of power armour that doesn’t look like it belongs in a
manufactorm’s reject pile.”

“Geez… Supplies must really be short right now,” Palatina winced, “Okay, let’s get this stuff inside. I
don’t think ‘daddy issues’ over there is going to lend us a hand with this.”

Raven was continuing to lean back against the side of the tool shed, her pale white skin basking in
the warm sun. She blew out a cloud of grey smoke before closing her eyes and tilting her head back.

‘This girl’s gonna be trouble,’ Palatina mulled.

Updated Base Inventory
Grenade Launcher (12 Frag Grenades, 4 Krak grenades)
St. Stephen’s Sword.
3 Boltguns

100+ Suits of Flak Armour (2/2 HP)
2 Suits of Power Armour (4/4 HP)
1 Suit of Poorly Crafted Power Armour (3/3 HP)

Eight jerrycans of promethium.
Six days supply of water
Two days supply of food.

Sister Superior Colette Piousborne

“You cannot be serious, Canoness! I’m well aware of Sister Raven! She’s unruly, stubborn-”

“Unruly? You’ve got some nerve! You disobeyed a direct order from me on our mission to the
Baroque Chapel,” Agatha replied.

“That was different!”


“I… It was…”

Colette was lost for words. By the time she had even begun to construct a counterargument the
Canoness had already moved the conversation on.

“Which mission are you intending to undertake today?”

The Sister Superior turned to face her small computer and scrolled until she had the transmission
from Prospector Dakota Mayflower on the screen. As the green text gradually loaded and flickered
the Canoness leaned over and began reading.

“Lornegulf Potassium Mine… Hmm… Fair enough. Don’t bother sending me a mission report unless
you find something significant. I’ve got too much to do each day.”

“Absolutely, Canoness,” Colette replied.

“It’s only a scouting mission for two Sisters. The rest of you will presumably be undertaking other
work around this… dump,” Agatha muttered, glancing at a suspicious yellow stain crawling down the

“Yeah. There’s a lot of work needs done here.”

“Clearly… I’ll tell you what. I’ll transfer you some credits. Send someone to Sanctuary’s Redoubt to
buy some extra supplies.”

(Canoness gives 1d15 thousand Imperial Credits to spend… 4 rolled! 4,000 Imperial Credits have
been added that can be spent in Sanctuary’s Redoubt or other human settlements once they have
been discovered.)

“If you delegate someone soon they can travel back to Sanctuary’s Redoubt with me. I’m on my
way there after Serena and Palatina finish unloading the Rhino.”

“I’ll have a think about who I send.”

Agatha nodded and turned to leave before suddenly stopping.

“I almost forgot, I’ve got some good news for you. Gamma Basilisk Company received a large
supply of earthshaker shells - far more than they ever expected. As such they have offered limited
fire support to the Adepta Sororitas.”

“That’s excellent to hear, Canoness.”

“Indeed. I have elected to provide your squad with one of the barrages they have promised us. Use it

“Thank you, Canoness. Please pass my gratitude onto Gamma Company.”

“There is one final thing. It concerns Bedleyberk Ridge.”

Colette’s heart sank. Nothing good had come from that disaster at the ridge. The Sister Superior
studied her Canoness’s face for clues about what was going on, but Agatha’s expression was

“What is it?” Colette asked.

“It seems that a small contingent of the 224th Janazar Grenadiers escaped from Bedleyberk Ridge
before the missile hit.”

“They escaped?! How?!” Colette raised her voice, stunned by the revelation.

“It seems an employee of GloreCorp either hijacked or stole a grain freighter, flew it to the ridge and
picked them up.”

“Throne…” Colette whispered, “Where are they now?”

“They returned to Sanctuary’s Redoubt, currently awaiting further instructions. As far as I know the
224th Janazar Grenadiers have had their regiment disbanded and are awaiting a debriefing. The man
who hijacked the freighter has been marked for a crimson collar.”

“A crimson collar?”

“The mark of the death penalty on Glore IV. The ropes they use on the gallows are crimson red.”

“But he rescued them?!”

“By stealing a multi-million credit vessel that wasn’t his own. I understand where you are coming
from, but there are laws by which we must all abide lest we descend into anarchy. Regardless, a
handful of the former 224th Janazar Grenadiers are now without a regiment. Your squad, and the
Tempestus Scions were the only ones to show up to their distress signal. As such, until they have
been reassigned or subsumed into another regiment these soldiers have vowed to assist you
whenever you or the Scions require them.”

“How do we contact them?”

“I’ll leave radio frequencies for the Gamma Company Basilisks and the former 224th Janazar
Grenadiers before I depart.”

“Thank you, Canoness.”

[The remnants of the 224th Janazar Grenadiers have formed a small squad of soldiers that Colette’s
squad or Collingridge’s Scions can call upon for aid. Their experience fighting the Rapeanids on
Glore IV has turned them from regular guardsmen into Veterans. This will improve their combat
abilities. Additionally, they have gained the following special rule:
Vengeful Bastards - Those who remain of the once-proud regiment are on a furious quest for
revenge. When fighting Rapeanids this squad will gain substantial bonuses to bravery, leadership,
tactics, and combat tests.].

Headmistress Penelope Bianchi

The bodies lay piled up on the road by the main gate. The once well-maintained gravel road had
been torn into chunks by the sixteen heavy bolters mounted on top of and around the main entrance.
It was a beautiful marble gate, installed by wealthy donors to the school two hundred years into its
founding. A massive gatehouse, far larger than the homes of ninety nine percent of humans in the
Imperium guarded the entrance. It sat like a bulwark beside a formidable cast iron gate. This gate
extended into a twenty foot high fence that stretched around the entire perimeter of the estate.
Additional periodic heavy bolter and autocannon emplacements had been placed intermittently
around the compound, each one automated from a central security room. Entry was nigh-impossible
without sustaining massive losses, as the latest attackers had discovered. White-grey marble
columns around the gatehouse still bore the occasional battle damage from the Ork’s assault sixty
years ago. The school had elected to not repair the marble - it had been agreed that those chipped
bricks and bullet holes would be worn on the building like medals. Recognition of the role that this
fortress-estate played in the defence of the planet.

Right now though the guns were silently pointing at a rabble of three leather-clad individuals. Two
men and a woman. Their clothing was tight, torn, and completely absent in some of the most
important places. The tallest among them was a black-haired man with half of his face heavily
tattooed with rich purple ink. He smiled wickedly through the gaps in the iron gate. On the inside
stood a woman in an elegant deep blue dress. Her hands were clasped together on her belly as she
looked out at the ragged band of strangers. Her auburn hair had been neatly tied up in a bob, while
her facial features suggested she was a woman in her early forties.

“What do you seek at my school, heretic?” the woman asked through pursed lips.

The tattooed male walked up to the gates and wrapped his fingers around the iron bars. They were
barely wide enough for a single hand to stretch through. He leaned in and looked at the woman
before licking his lips.

“I… want to have a party,” the man slowly replied, “I want to play some… games with the girls.”

The two other figures behind him began to laugh, drawing the woman’s gaze up to them.

“No, don’t look… at them. Pay attention to… me,” the figure seemed to struggle to speak in a
complete sentence without pausing to gather his thoughts, “You are the headmistress. Yeah, you…
are. Mistress Bianchi?”

The Headmistress took a couple of steps forward towards the gate until there was only a couple of
metres between her and the heretic’s grasping arm. She peered down at him through her circular

“So sad,” she murmured, “Look at you standing before the corpses of your brethren, desperately
reaching through my gates like a prisoner-
“I am no… prisoner, I am-”

The Headmistress ignored his reply, raising her voice to drown him out, “Like a prisoner! Like a drug
addict enslaved to his next high!”

“You call me a prisoner and yet you… hide behind these… iron bars!”

“Turn around, heretic. Turn around and look at the losses you have sustained! Our security camera
network has captured your numbers. Seventy percent of your miserable cult are already dead. Did
you honestly think you could breach our gates with a wanton assault?”

The cult leader never looked behind him, his eyes were focused solely on the Headmistress.

“The losses mean nothing to us. We are not… afraid like you.”

“Pfft! Afraid? We don’t fear you. You disgust us!”

(Rolling a trickery test for the Cult leader on 50+... 70 rolled. Pass!)

“If you’re not afraid then why are you standing so far away from the fence?”

Penelope strode forward until she was half a metre away from the gate. She glared at the cultist and
slowly began to speak.

“Do you know why I came out here? Do you know why I didn’t just turn the security systems on and
let the heavy bolters and autocannons slice you down?”

“Enlighten me… gorgeous,” the cultist rasped.

“To give you a chance to leave. Reinforcements are already on their way. They’ll eviscerate what
remains of your worthless cult.”

“I… don’t think so, Mistress Bianchi. Because… you see, I know things…” the cultist lowered his voice,
“I, Byre Sluttongue, know things that could… end this world.”

“You know nothing, heretic. And what kind of stupid surname is ‘Sluttongue?’”
“DO NOT MOCK THE NAME MY GOD GAVE ME!” Byre roared, making Penelope flinch back.

The cultist never tried to attack her though, never reached through the gate. He simply leered at her
with an open mouth, baring his white teeth and the tip of a long forked tongue. When he began to
speak again his voice was hushed, as quiet as the rustle of leaves in the trees.

“I do have a secret though… just for… you, Headmistress Bianchi.”

His voice was so low that she doubted the other cultists could hear it.

(Rolling a 65+ trickery test for Byre Sluttongue... 66 rolled. He succeeds!)

“It concerns… the future of the Imperium... Would you like to hear my secret? The other cultists, they
cannot… know this.”

Penelope felt herself leaning in, enticed by the promise of secret knowledge.

“Yesss, that’s it… Closer… so I may whisper into your ear…”

The Headmistress tilted her head so her left ear was facing the cult leader. Her heart raced as she
imagined what hidden knowledge the enemy could provide.

‘Perhaps I can get him to divulge enough information to help locate and exterminate the rest of the
Chaos worshippers on this world,’ she thought to herself.

(Rolling an agility test for Byre and an agility test for Penelope. Whoever rolls higher wins. Byre: 30
rolled. Penelope: 3 rolled! An epic fail as well for Penelope!)

Byre’s hand shot up around her throat and pulled her up against the metal bars.

“Ahh!” she screamed.

“Vesper! Shorzathra! Help me restrain her!”

The two other cultists rushed forward, reaching through the barriers and grabbing the
Headmistress’s wrists.
‘Oh fuck! I’m trapped! Shit! I can’t activate the guns unless I get back to the security room!’

“Hush… Hush…” Byre whispered, letting go of her neck and placing his pale hands on her cheeks
instead, “That’s a good girl. You look into my eyes now.”

As the Headmistress looked ahead she saw Byre’s irises were a deep purple. His tattoo was moving
now, swirling across his face like ripples on a pond. It twisted and turned as Byre leaned in and
planted a deep kiss on Penelope’s mouth.

(Rolling a 10+ hypnosis resistance test for Penelope… 99 rolled! She passes with a phenomenal win!
No hypnosis will work on her for the rest of the day, her mind is strong!)

She fought to keep her lips shut as the cultist’s tongue probed and prodded, seeking entry. She had
no idea what he intended to do to her, but she knew if she allowed him to go any further she would
probably be lost.

“Open your mouth… wide, please,” Byre instructed.

“Go back to the warp...” she muttered, keeping her lips sealed as tightly as she could.

“I said, open… your mouth. Now, bitch.”

Penelope struggled to shake her head.

“It ain’t workin’, Byre,” a woman with a colourful mohawk interjected to Byre’s left.

“I can see… that, Shorzathra!”

“We oughta just facefuck her,” the second man replied.

He was already rock hard, his leather pants conveniently lacking any crotch.

“Nmmppff NMMM!!!!” the Headmistress shook her head.

“And what good does that do us? This bitch would probably… just bite you… Let her go…”

“Wait - you can’t be serious,” Shorzathra replied incredulously.

“I said, let… her go!”

The cultists reluctantly let go of the Headmistress who tumbled back away from the gate, scrambling
as quickly as she could. She quickly brought herself to her feet, sprinting the six acre distance back
to the main school building.

“That’s it… run away, Mistress Bianchi. You haven’t… seen the last of us yet.”

“What’d we do that for?!” Vesper snarled.

“She was too strong… willed. I couldn’t break her… We need an easier target… someone more easily

“One of the girls,” the mohawked cultist smiled, reaching up and squeezing her exposed left breast.

“Precisely, Shorzathra. Precisely… Now, we must seek… shelter before she reactivates the weapons

“Heh, heavy bolters go BRRRRR!”

“Oh fuck off, Vesper. That joke wasn’t funny the first time you told it,” Shorzathra snapped.

“Quit the infighting you two, you’re acting like Khornate disciples right now! Spread out. Find a naive
girl stupid enough to go near the fence. Leave the rest to me.”

Sister Superior Colette Piousborne

"Well?" Agatha enquired, raising her left eyebrow, "Have you decided who is coming with me?"

"Yeah, I have. Alexi will accompany you back to the planetary capital for the day."
"Good. I won't be returning until tomorrow morning at the earliest. I could even be a couple of days."

"If needs be we can pick her up after we get back from the mission."

"Excellent," the Canoness replied, turning towards her Rhino before tilting her head back, "And who
is going to Lornegulf Mine?"

"I'm bringing the new girl. Gonna lay down the law around here."

"Pfft!" the Canoness sniggered, the corners of her mouth slightly rising..

It was the first time the Sister Superior had ever seen the woman smile in all the years she had
known her.

“Hey - I’m serious!”.

"I wish you well, Colette. Send down Alexi, I shall be departing in fifteen minutes."

"Will do, ma'am."

Colette strode back inside the office block, beginning her search for the slutty Sister. The Sister
Superior had given her four thousand Imperial Credits to spend. It wasn’t a whole lot to be honest.
Alexi would be lucky to come back with one really good gun, or an average suit of armour. She would
get a good amount of supplies though.

“Alexi?!” the Sister Superior called out.

“Yeah?” the voice came from the makeshift dormitory.

Colette followed the sound until she located Alexi lying back in bed reading a book.

“The Canoness gave us a few thousand credits to spend. I need someone to go with her to
Sanctuary’s Redoubt and pick up some supplies. You good for that?”

“Sure!” Alexi smiled, closing the book and setting it on the floor beside her bunk.
The Sister Superior glanced down at the ruby red cover. It was a hardback with the title emblazoned
in vibrant gold lettering, much like the power armour that their Order wore.

‘The Siege of Sengraria,’ Colette mouthed. It had been a few days since she’d had time to sit down
and read a book. It had always been one of her passions. That and playing the harp.

‘Emperor knows where I’d find one of those at a time like this though,’ she thought sullenly.

“What do you want me to grab?” Alexi asked, fastening the buckle on her canvas trousers.

It was at this point that Colette realised the Sister had been masturbating, and that the beautiful book
resting beside her bed wasn’t just your standard work of fiction. The Sister Superior’s mind
eventually drifted back to the situation at hand.

“Whatever you think will suit us best. The Canoness is waiting for you outside in her Rhino. Be ready
in ten.”

“Woohoo! Shopping trip!” the blonde sister exclaimed excitedly as Colette prepared to leave the

Colette found herself stopping by the doorframe as something came to mind.

‘The Canoness mentioned that some people had escaped from Bedleyberk Ridge. Maybe that
conscript Alexi liked was one of them.

(Rolling for Colette’s character flaw - Emotionally Distant - this character avoids letting anyone get
too close to them. Colette is going to need to roll an 60+ to open up to Alexi about the prospect that
Jenkins survived. 84 rolled. She actually passes it!)

“Uh, Alexi… Agatha, I mean - Canoness Agatha. She mentioned that one of those GloreCorp
freighters dropped by Bedleyberk Ridge before the bomb went off. Now, I’m not saying that Jenkins
got onto it, but maybe…”

“There’s a chance?” Alexi beamed.

“I heard the ones that escaped are hanging out in Sanctuary's Redoubt. Maybe you could search for
them while you’re there.”
“Yay! Thanks Colette!” Alexi beamed, rushing up and throwing her arms around her Sister Superior.

(Rolling an 80+ Emotionally Distant character flaw for Colette to react to the hug…. 33 rolled. Colette
is very uncomfortable with it.)

“Umm… Alexi?”

“Uh huh?”

“You can let go of me now.”

“Hehe, sorry! I’ll go and get ready!” the blonde bimbo giggled.

Colette nodded in approval before turning and leaving. The dormitory had three bunk beds set up in it
so far which could, uncomfortably, sleep six people. With the return of Serena and the addition of
Raven the base was beginning to approach full capacity. Of course, they could always clear some
space in additional rooms. The majority of the building still hadn’t been fully searched. There were
probably couches here and there that could be conscripted into service as beds.

‘Even still, it would do morale a whole lot of good if we upgraded our living quarters a bit,’ she
thought as she walked by the pathetic, grungy excuse for a kitchen.

They had elected to avoid renovating the staff break room into a kitchen, instead clearing out an old
IT storage room on the ground floor. A solitary gas stove supplied by a single propane tank rested on
the floor, alongside an assortment of mismatched pots, pans, and cutlery. There were a couple of
plates and bowls too - never enough for everyone to have the same style though. Now that Raven
was here Colette was beginning to worry if there were even enough forks to go around everyone. As
she stepped back outside into the warm, fresh air Colette drew in a deep breath. The scent of plants
and blooming wildflowers reclaiming the land around the office block enchanted her. Nature was
taking back what had always been hers - not that the locals had treated Glore IV badly. Indeed, the
terraforming that had taken place had allowed wildlife to truly flourish. There was sparsely any life
beyond a few hundred miles either side of the equator. Now wild animals roamed, birds nested, and
flora grew almost up to the two poles. There was another scent on the air though, carried on a gentle
breeze. It burned Colette’s nostrils and made her cough.

‘Tabac,’ she thought, glancing around until she saw the lingerie-clad Raven leaning against the

The small filter lying by her feet suggested this was probably her second smoke of the day. Colette
sighed and marched over, trying to look as important as she could in the flak armour. As Raven
looked up the Sister Superior caught full sight of the black and red dyed hair.

‘This girl’s gonna be trouble,’ she thought to herself.

“Sister Raven, is it?” Colette introduced herself.

(Rolling a character flaw for Raven - Unmanageable: Every employer gets one now and then. The
smartass. The troublemaker. The joker. Ordering this character around will be an exceptional burden.
Rolling Raven’s character flaw on 75+... 64 rolled. She’s not openly disobedient at the minute, just

“Yeah. I didn’t know they let guardsmen ‘round these little Sororitas outposts. Heard you guys get
all gropey when we show up.”

“I am not a guardsman! I am your new Sister Superior, Colette Piousborne!” Colette snapped.

Raven’s eyes glanced up and down, “You’ll forgive me for gettin’ it wrong; you ain’t dressed for the

“At least I’m dressed in something,” Colette quipped back, nodding at the nearly-naked Raven.

She drew one final puff of her lho-stick before stubbing it out against the tool shed wall, and blowing a
grey cloud up into the sky. A second later a slight smile crept across her face.

“Ya got me there. What’s the deal then boss? You here to discipline me for smokin’ on the job?”

“No. I really don’t give a damn if you smoke. Just don’t bring that shit inside. It’ll stink the whole
place up. The place barely has any ventilation,” Colette paused for a second to let the words sink in
before resuming, “I want you to join me on a quick mission today. Nothing serious. Just a scouting
operation up at Lornegulf Mine.”

“Sure… When we setting out?”

“As soon as you can gear up.”

“Cool,” Raven replied, leaning forward, “Any idea where your ladies left my stuff?”

“Storage room, second floor. I didn’t catch your surname by the way.”
“Valeri, but no one calls me by that.”

“Raven it is then,” Colette replied, happy enough that things didn’t turn out as badly as she thought
they would.

(Rolling a sexual history test to see if Raven is a virgin in either her mouth, ass or pussy. This would
normally be a 60+ to be a virgin, but given Raven’s delinquent nature her chance of being a virgin is
much lower. She needs an 85+ to be a virgin.
Mouth: 43 rolled. She’s given plenty of blowjobs.
Ass: 11 rolled. Her ass is most definitely not virgin. She’s had more men in her than fit in a Gorgon
Armoured Assault Transport.
Pussy: 19 rolled. She’s not a virgin either.)

Sister Alexi O’Neill

“And THAT’S the secret of how the fifth dick ended up inside me!”

“B-But’s that’s where the Helldildo already was? Or was that in your ass?”

“No silly! The first Helldildo was in my pussy, the second one was in my,” the rumble of the Rhino’s
engine drowned out the next few words, “...but the cocks were ALSO in there too!”

Canoness Agatha’s hands were white and trembling. She had heard some seriously fucked up
stories of what the Xenos and Daemons can do to girls. She’d even seen some of their terrible erotic
atrocities first hand. But this story Alexi was recounting about the Bloodletters of Khorne would haunt
Agatha’s nightmares forever.

“I… I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I know it is tough when the enemy rapes us like tha-”

“Oh! No! They didn’t rape me! I started it!”

“W-W-Wait,” the holy Canoness stammered, “E-Everything y-you just told me. I-It was
“Not for them!” Alexi giggled, turning to face the driver before sticking her tongue out and winking.

(Rolling a 40+ constitution test for Canoness Agatha. 38 rolled. Agatha has fainted. The Rhino has
crashed offroad. Sanctuary’s Redoubt is a 5 hour drive away from the Sister’s base. This episode
has added 1 hour to the travel time.)

Sister Superior Colette Piousborne

Halfway to Lornegulf Potassium Mine (3 Hours 30 Minutes Remaining)

(Rolling to see how Raven and Colette’s journey is going. Anything above 40+ is good. 12 rolled. Not
an epic fail, but still extremely bad!)

The Rhino rumbled as it drove across an overgrown savannah. Tall grass that was once kept short
by cattle ranchers had grown four foot high in the absence of any grazing animals. Unfortunately, this
meant that visibility from the front slit of the Rhino was near impossible. Colette squinted, but there
was no seeing through the wall of yellow-green grass. Obese seeds broke from the brittle strands
and scattered through the viewport, landing on the Sister Superior’s lap. She sighed and brushed a
handful of them off the dashboard.

‘Am I even going the right direction?’ she pondered before braking and switching off the engine.

“Raven,” Colette turned to the rear of the vehicle, “I can’t see anything in this tall grass. I’m gonna
need you to pop out the top-hatch and guide me.”

The Sister was lying on her back along one of the leather seats. Once again she had stripped down
to her underwear. She opened her juniper green eyes and blinked at her Sister Superior.

(Rolling an unmanageable character flaw for Raven on 70+... 49 rolled. Fail!)

“Eh… Can’t be bothered. Why don’t you do it?”

“Excuse me?! I’m the one driving.”

“You ain’t right now. You haven’t even got the engine running.”

“Fuck’s sake…” Colette cursed under her breath, unfastening her seat belt and clambering towards
the hatch herself.

‘I can see why the Canoness wanted rid of her now. This girl’s a complete bitch!’ the Sister
Superior thought to herself.

-Power Armour (4/4 HP)
-St Stephen’s Sword (Strapped on back)
-Boltgun (Equipped)
Orgasm: 427%
Status Effects
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects:
Character Flaws:
Unmanageable - Every employer gets one now and then. The smartass. The troublemaker. The
joker. Ordering this character around will be an exceptional burden.
????-?????? - (This character flaw has not yet demonstrated itself. It will be revealed when the
character acts on it.)

Condition: 94%
Fuel: 61.2%
Weapons and Systems:
-Storm Bolter - Functional and armed.
-All Other Systems Fully Functional

Rhino Storage:
Raven’s Power Armour (4/4 HP)
Colette reached up and gripped the cold metal handle before twisting it open and climbing out the
top. The grassy savannah seemed to stretch on for miles. Eventually the Sister Superior noticed a
thinning in the dense grass to the North East. She made a mental note to steer to the right slightly.

(Rolling a 40+ encounter test. Due to the tall grass any encounter WILL be an ambush, not just the
epic fail rolls. In ambuses the Sisters will get massive penalties for the first round. 5 rolled. Epic fail!
It’s a serious ambush against a full strength enemy squad. This is at least double what Colette and
Raven should be expected to handle.)

(The Sisters get attacked by between 5 and 10 Ork Kommandos. 10 rolled. It’s a full squad with all
the wargear! The two girls are well and truly fucked.)


“Huh?” Colette’s ears picked up the sound of something rustling.

It was hardly surprising in a field full of grass, but with visibility being virtually zero the Sister Superior
was feeling on edge. She glanced around the golden sea of grass once more. Listening intently for
any threats that might be in the area.

“Ugh, c’mon boss! How long does it take you to figure out which way to go?!” Raven yelled up,
sounding thoroughly frustrated at the whole ordeal.

“Quiet! I thought I heard something,” Colette snapped back.


‘There it was again. It almost sounded like something moving through the gr-’


(The Orks have launched a successful ambush. Due to the epic fail on the encounter test AND the
tall grass the Orks will get two free turns before the girls can even react.)

[Start of Ork’s First Free Turn]

The Greenskins came out of the grass like a tidal wave, crashing against the sides of the Rhino.
Colette didn’t have a chance to shout out a warning or grab the pintle-mounted stormbolter. They
were already attacking the transport with all manner of weapons.

(Rolling two tankbusta grenades against the Rhino tank. The Orks are pretty inaccurate, so
these will only hit on a 65+... 66 and 27 rolled! The Rhino takes a glancing hit!)

(Because they only scored a glancing hit there is a -15 penalty to their damage roll. Rolling 1d100-15
to see the damage… 78 - 15 = 63. Mechanical failure! The Rhino’s engine has completely cut out.
The ignition is going to need repaired before the engine can be started.)


The first explosion went off harmlessly several metres left of the Rhino, sending grass seeds erupting
into the air. As a gentle breeze carried them off to propagate elsewhere a second explosion rang out.


It was louder this time and Colette felt herself shaken as she clung to the edges of the tophatch. An
explosion had hit the front of the vehicle, right beside the engine. Colette prayed that everything
would be alright, deep down she knew it wasn’t though.

“Somethin’ is sparking in here!” Raven suddenly yelled up.

“Ork ambush! Grab your boltgun and prepare to fight back!” Colette yelled out.

“Shit! I’m not even dressed!” Raven grumbled.

It mattered not, the rest of the Orks began their assault on the Rhino immediately. Everywhere
Colette looked she saw hulking brutish Greenskins clambering and fighting their way up the sides of
her Rhino.

(Rolling six 95+ agility tests for the Orks as they scramble up the sides of the Rhino to try and grab
Colette before she can close the hatch. 18, 25, 4, 47, 81, and 68 rolled. Five fails, one epic fail. Five
of the six Orks will get easier agility rolls next turn.)

“Shit!” she cursed, struggling to get a hold of the stormbolter.

She was lucky enough that none of the Orks managed to finish their climb in time to reach her. One
even lost its footing, tumbling down to the farmland below.
“Get ‘em Kommandos!” a guttural voice choked from their left flank.

The Sister Superior turned to see a much larger creature, almost twice the size of the smaller Orks.
She recognised it instantly as a Nob - the squad leaders. It had either lost or replaced its left arm with
a massive multi-purpose metal weapon. Colette had no doubt it had both practical and lewd
purposes. Such were the ways of the Orks. In its right hand it wielded a standard ‘stunna.’ A gun
that could briefly knock out or paralyse a girl, although not for usually any longer than a few seconds
if they were wearing armour. An unarmoured target that took a direct hit could go down for a couple
of minutes, if not longer. It raised the stunna and pointed it at Colette as it charged.


(Rolling an 85+ accuracy test for the Ork Nob. 34 rolled! A miss!)

A blue bolt of lightning zapped several feet above Colette’s head as the Nob blindly squeezed the
trigger while it aimed. It wasn’t an Orc’s aim you had to worry about though.

She glanced around, trying to gather as much data as she could from the battlefield. There were six
regular Orks wielding stunnas and choppas. The choppas were large blades, particularly good at
cracking open armour. Another two had tankbusta bombs, good anti-armour weapons. While one Ork
wielded a massive machine gun that would have looked more appropriate on a tripod.

‘A big stunna,’ Colette thought, ‘Just like the regular ones, but with a much higher rate of fire and

(Rolling three 85+ Big Stunna shots against Colette. 4, 1, and 31 rolled. An epic fail, a phenomenal
fail, and a fail. The Big Stunna malfunctions.)

The Ork wielding the big stunna pointed it up at her and began chanting maniacally. It squeezed the
trigger and the gun glowed blue as it charged a volley of shots.

“Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakk-


Suddenly, where once there was an Ork, there was nothing but ash and a pair of smouldering boots.
A couple of Kommandos scrambling up the vehicle turned to look at the fate of their fallen comrade
before laughing with delight. Orks weaponry was notoriously unreliable.
[Start of Ork’s Second Free Turn]

(Rolling two more tankbusta attacks against the Rhino on 65+... 44 and 33 rolled! That’s two failures
to damage the vehicle.)



The Rhino shook again, but this time there didn’t appear to be any structural damage. The tankbusta
bombs were dangerous, but nowhere near as threatening as the railguns of the Tau, or the Gauss
weaponry of the Necrons.


The Ork’s battlecry thundered out a second time as the climbing Kommandos began growing closer
to Colette.

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Colette cursed, struggling to decide whether to fire the heavy bolter or to clamber
back inside.

(The Kommandos are climbing the Rhino to grab Colette. Five made progress last round and will
reach Colette on 85+. The last one fell down and will need a 95+ to reach her. The first five… 81, 98,
79, 44, and 29. One epic win and reaches Colette! Four fails! The Kommando that needs a 95+... 21
rolled. Fail!)

Suddenly, the sun was blotted out as a large Greenskin stood triumphantly atop the tank. It roared
down at Colette and slammed down its choppa, desperately attempting to crack open Colette’s
power armour.

(Rolling two 60+ attacks against Colette’s power armour, increased to three attacks because the Ork
made an epic win during its agility test! 10, 70, and 75 rolled! 2 damage to Colette’s armour! She is
now naked from the waist up!).



“Ah! Get off me!” Colette screamed as the Kommando whacked again and again with its sharp


Chunk after chunk of her power armour cracked open, falling off and tumbling into the tank. The Ork
reached out and roughly grabbed her damaged breastplate. With a sharp yank it pulled it free,
removing the upper half of her defences. St Stephen’s Sword tumbled down into the Rhino below.
The Sister Superior’s white bra was put on display to the happy cheers of the inbound Orks.

(Rolling an agility test for the Boss Nob on 90+... 84 rolled! He’s climbing pretty damn fast, but
doesn’t quite make it yet!)



“Sneeky Kuntfucka is comin’ ta get cha!” the Boss Nob taunted as it began clambering up the front
of the Sister’s tank.

“Colette! What’s happening?!” Raven yelled.

(Rolling an easy agility test for Colette to retreat inside the Rhino on 20+... 57rolled! Pass!)

“Move!” Colette screamed at Raven as she dived back inside the Rhino, “They’re coming! We need
to close the hatch!”

Colette reached up and began pulling the hatch back shut. An immense pair of green fingers
suddenly clutched the other side of it, trying to hold the door open.

“Nooo!” the Sister Superior yelled in terror.

(Rolling a strength test for Colette and a strength test for the Ork. Whoever rolls higher wins! The Ork
gets to roll 1d125 since it is stronger. Colette: 87 rolled! Ork Kommando: 26 rolled! Colette manages
to shut the hatch!)


“RAAAGGHHH!” the Ork yelled as the tophatch snapped down on its fingers, prompting it to let go
and withdraw.


Colette was panting uncontrollably as she twisted the handlebars on the hatch, sealing it shut. It
squeaked loudly as she tightened it harder than it had been in months. She finally let go, turning
around to see Raven dressed in her underwear.


(Rolling a 20+ unmanageable character flaw for Raven. It’s easier than usual because it would be
incredibly stupid to pick a fight right now. 47 rolled. Pass)

“Y-Yeah, I’m on it,” Raven answered, rushing to grab her armour.

Sneeky Kuntfucka (Boss Nob) - Power Klaw and Stunna (5 HP)
Ork Kommandos x6 - Stunna and Choppa (2 HP Each)
Ork Kommandos x2 - Tankbustas (2 HP Each)
Ork Kommando x1 - Big Stunna (2 HP Each) (Self Destructed)

-Whtie Bra.
-Power Armour (Top half is broken off!) (2/4 HP)
-Boltgun (Equipped)
Orgasm: 427%
Status Effects
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects:
Character Flaws:
Unmanageable - Every employer gets one now and then. The smartass. The troublemaker. The
joker. Ordering this character around will be an exceptional burden.
????-?????? - (This character flaw has not yet demonstrated itself. It will be revealed when the
character acts on it.)

Condition: 87%
Fuel: 61.2%
Weapons and Systems:
-Storm Bolter - Functional and armed.
-Mechanical Failure - Ignition Damaged. The ignition needs repaired before the engine can be

Rhino Storage:
Raven’s Power Armour (4/4 HP)
St Stephen’s Sword

(Rolling an agility test for Raven to get dressed. She needs a 40+ to get her lower half on, and an
80+ to get her full armour on. 17 rolled! She fails to get dressed yet and wastes her turn.)

“C’mon, Raven! Get into that armour!”

“I’m - ugh - trying!” she grunted, tumbling over onto her back as she desperately tried to get her legs
back in the heavy power armour suit.

As Colette ignored her fumbling squadmate she debated the best way for the two Sisters to escape
this ambush. There were at least nine Orks out there that they knew off. The sound of their weapons
clanged against the vehicle, echoing loudly inside.

‘C’mon Colette… think, think, think!’ she chided herself.

(Rolling a tactics test for Colette on 60+, reduced to 50+ because she is the Sister Superior. 90
rolled! She comes up with an extremely solid tactical plan!)

“Aha! Raven! I need you to cover me, I’m gonna drive us out of here,” Colette announced, dashing
into the driver’s seat.

“Shit, the ignition is fried! Raven! Do you know how to hotwire a vehicle?!”

“Why are you asking me?”

“You look like the kinda girl who does!”

“Hey! That’s extremely offensive!”

“Offensive maybe, but can you?”

(Raven’s second character flaw has been revealed. Anti-Social - This character acts in ways
contrary to the general wellbeing of others around them. If Raven FAILS this character flaw then she
has had a history of hotwriting vehicles. This is a rare instance when you want a character flaw to fail!
She passes it on a 60+... 5 rolled. Epic fail! She’s got a lot of experience doing this kinda thing.
Raven has gained a new skill: Hotwiring!)

“Fuck it. Swap, boss!” she yelled, ignoring her power armour, “Cover me and I’ll get the engine

As the two girls swapped the Orks began desperately attempting to breach into the Rhino. The
banging grew louder as the Greenskins renewed their assault on the trapped girls.

(Rolling two 65+ attacks for the Tankbustas… 21 and 77 rolled. One glancing hit on the Rhino! Rolling
once on the damage table with a -15 penalty to the roll. 80 rolled - 15 = 65. Almost inconceivably the
ignition has been struck a second time! It will be impossible to repair now and requires hotwiring to
bypass it.)



“Goddammit!” Raven swore, “We got hit again! Ignition is fucked! I need some time to sort this out!”

“I’ll buy you all the time I can, we don’t have long though!”

(Rolling six 99+ attacks for the Ork Kommandos to try and break into Rhino’s shell. 46, 100, 97, 69,
64, 18. Five fails, one phenomenal win! The back door is wrenched open!)


“Fuck!” Colette exclaimed as the tophatch loudly rang with the sound of something metal striking it.

The darkened interior of the Rhino was suddenly illuminated by bright beams of sunlight as the rear
door was pried open. Beautiful rays of Glore IV’s blue sun cascaded inside, occasionally blocked out
by the hulking figure of a massive Greenskin. Colette raised her boltgun and aligned her iron
sights with the gap in the door.

“We’ve been breached!” she roared to Raven, “How much longer are you gonna be?!”

Sneeky Kuntfucka (Boss Nob) - Power Klaw and Stunna (5 HP)
Ork Kommandos x6 - Stunna and Choppa (2 HP Each)
Ork Kommandos x2 - Tankbustas (2 HP Each)

-Whtie Bra.
-Power Armour (Top half is broken off!) (2/4 HP)
-Boltgun (Equipped)
Orgasm: 427%
Status Effects
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Unmanageable - Every employer gets one now and then. The smartass. The troublemaker. The
joker. Ordering this character around will be an exceptional burden.
Anti-Social - This character acts in ways contrary to the general wellbeing of others around them.

Condition: 84%
Fuel: 61.2%
Weapons and Systems:
-Storm Bolter - Functional and armed.
-Mechanical Failure - Ignition Destroyed. The ignition has been destroyed and must be bypassed with
hotwiring before the engine can be restarted.
-Rear door partially wrenched open.

Rhino Storage:
Raven’s Power Armour (4/4 HP)
St Stephen’s Sword

“I’m going as fast as I fucking can!” Raven quipped back, the irritation thick in her voice.

(Rolling a hotwiring test for Raven. She needs to get the progress to 100 to hotwire the vehicle. A
normal character would add 1d50 each round. Because she is skilled at it she can add 1d100
progress each round…. 32 rolled! Hotwiring Progress is 32/100.)

The first Kommando reached into the back of the Rhino, pulling the rear door partially open. Colette
didn’t wait for him to finish, drawing in a deep breath and firing off a volley of shots from her boltgun.

(Rolling two 50+ boltgun tests for Colette, lowered to 40+ because she is at such close range. 78 and
21 rolled! 1 shot goes through for 2 damage to the Kommando! It is killed!)

*Blam Blam*

She squeezed the trigger twice, feeling the immense kick of the weapon as the Ork’s remains
splattered out of the Rhino, knocking over some of the tall grass. She took a moment to breathe. Her
hands were trembling, nervous as she watched the Ork’s only point of access.

‘They’re all out there. If I take my eye off this door for even a second that’ll be the moment that they

“C’mon… C’mon you bastards… Where are you?” she repeated, waiting for the next Greenskin to
attempt to charge inside.

(Rolling two Tankbusta attacks on 65+... 99 and 55 rolled! A phenomenal win and a fail! The
phenomenal win rolls 1d100 with a +10 bonus for damage! 65 rolled again [Author’s note: This would
have actually been a 3rd hit on the ignition. What are the chances of that?!]. The +10 bonus
increases this to a 75! The storm bolter has been disabled!)

Another explosion. This one came from atop the tank, shaking the entire vehicle as if there was an
earthquake. Colette reached out, balancing herself against the Rhino’s chassis with her left hand.

*Beep Beep Beep*

“Boss, there’s a yellow light flashing on the dashboard!”

“Shit! That’s a weapons malfunction! They took out our stormbolter!”

(Rolling three 99+ combat tests for the Kommandos.... 75, 13, and 22. No success opening up a
second entrance.)

(Rolling two 70+ charge tests for the Kommandos attempting to charge in the rear of the vehicle. It is
difficult because the rear door is still only partially wrenched open. 17 and 41 rolled!)

(Rolling two overwatch shots from Colette on 85+... 88 and 6 rolled! The epic fail means Colette
needs to reload! The success means another dead Kommando!)

*BLAM* *Click*



“Shit! I need to reload!” Colette frantically announced.

(Rolling a 40+ damage test for the Boss Nob, Sneeky Kuntfucka, against the Rhino’s top hatch. This
is easy because of the Power Klaw he is wielding. 89 rolled. He wrenches the hatch partially open.
This is another avenue that the Orks can now attack from.)


The sound of groaning steel made Colette look up. She saw herself face-to-face with the Boss Nob
leering down at her. Its muscular green face contorted into a cruel alien smile. Colette reeled back
from the sudden intrusion, things were going to shit fast.

“Sneeky seez you!” it teased, flashing massive teeth that would have been more appropriate on a
wooly mammoth.

Sneeky Kuntfucka (Boss Nob) - Power Klaw and Stunna (5 HP)
Ork Kommandos x4 - Stunna and Choppa (2 HP Each)
Ork Kommandos x2 - Tankbustas (2 HP Each)

-Whtie Bra.
-Power Armour (Top half is broken off!) (2/4 HP)
-Boltgun (Clip Empty) (Equipped)
Orgasm: 427%
Status Effects
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring the Rhino - Progress: 32/100
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Unmanageable - Every employer gets one now and then. The smartass. The troublemaker. The
joker. Ordering this character around will be an exceptional burden.
Anti-Social - This character acts in ways contrary to the general wellbeing of others around them.

Condition: 77%
Fuel: 61.2%
Weapons and Systems:
-Storm Bolter - Disabled. This weapon needs repair before it can be used again.
-Mechanical Failure - Ignition Destroyed. The ignition has been destroyed and must be bypassed with
hotwiring before the engine can be restarted.
-Rear door partially wrenched open.
-Tophatch partially wrenched open.
Rhino Storage:
Raven’s Power Armour (4/4 HP)
St Stephen’s Sword

(Rolling an agility test for Colette to reload. Normally a 15+ for a simple action like this, but the Orks
swarming all around her is making her nervous - she needs a 30+... 99 rolled. A phenomenal win!
Colette doesn’t have to skip her shooting this turn because she reloaded so damn quickly.)


Colette’s fingers danced nimbly over the boltgun, snapping out the empty clip and allowing it to drop
to the floor. In a stunning display of agility the Sister Superior snapped a spare clip from her waist
and slammed it into the base of her weapon. The gun cocked and was ready to fire before the empty
clip struck the Rhino’s floor.

“C’mon! Bring it on!” she roared, aiming her boltgun up at the Nob above her and pulling the trigger.

(Rolling two 50+ damage tests as the close range and the Nob’s cover balance out against each
other…. 33 and 30 rolled! Both miss!)

*Blam Blam*

The Boss Nob saw the Sister of Battle raise the boltgun his direction. At the last second he leapt
down from the open hatch. Colette’s shots rang up into the clear sky above.

“Dammit!” she cursed, slowly backing into a corner of the Rhino.

She waved her ironsights back and forth between the two gaps in her vehicle's defences.

‘The bastard Greenskins could come from either direction,’ she thought to herself.

Her heart was racing now, pumping adrenaline through her system. Her breathing intensified. They
were out there. They were going to get inside. They were going to fuck her silly. Normal Orks would
have simply charged in headfirst. These Kommanos were much more subtle in their approach. They
knew they had the upper hand right now.

“C’mon you cowards! Show yourselves!” Colette snarled, snapping her gun back to the rear door.

There was still nothing there but the tall blades of grass and a couple of Ork corpses. A thudding of
footsteps on metal prompted her to raise her rifle back to the hatch on the roof. Still nothing.

(Rolling 1d100 progress for Raven hotwiring the Rhino… 19 rolled. Progress is up to 51/100)

“Where are we with that hotwiring, Raven?!”

“Halfway there!”

(Rolling two 65+ tankbusta attacks against the Rhino… 49 and 55 rolled. No damage!)



The Rhino shook once more as another volley of explosions struck the side of the tank. Thankfully
this time the armour plating seemed to protect the important internal systems. Immediately after this
volley a thunderous roar erupted once more.


The final Ork by the rear of the Rhino attempted to charge in, prying the rear door open with their own
raw strength.

(Rolling a 70+ charge test for the Kommano by the rear entrance. 37 rolled! Fail!)

(Rolling two 85+ overwatch tests for Colette…. 93 and 20 rolled! Epic win and a miss!)


Colette fired down at the Kommando trying to pry its way in the rear door, knocking out another Ork.
It stuck the beast in the head, sending it barrelling back into the grassy field. At that moment Colette
heard a thunderous echo from above.

(Rolling a single 99+ Ork attacking the Rhino… 11 rolled. Fail.)

(Rolling two 80+ charge tests for Orks trying to get in the top hatch…. 8 and 14 rolled. The epic fail
means an Ork falls off the Rhino as it scrambles to get inside!)
The two Orks struggled and fought to be the first one into the partially open tophatch. In the ensuing
scuffle one of them was kicked off the tank and knocked to the ground below.

“Graahh! Yeh stupid gitz!” Sneeky Kuntfucka yelled from outside, “Watch ‘ow a proper boss does

(Rolling a 40+ attack against the Rhino with Sneeky’s powerklaw. 91 rolled! Epic win! The tophatch
has been fully ripped off. Orks will receive NO charge penalty from leaping in from above.
Additionally, Sneeky will get a chance to charge this turn!)


The bent tophatch was suddenly ripped completely off by a large metallic claw. Bright beams of
sunlight flooded into the tank from above.

“Gotcha now!” the Greenskin Nob chuckled before preparing to leap inside.

(Rolling a 40+ charge test for Sneeky, lowered to 30+ since he’s leaping down on Colette from
above. 77 rolled! He reaches Colette! She’s already fired overwatch this round and won’t get
another chance to do so!)


The big beast landed with an immense thud that tremored throughout the Rhino.

“The fuck was that?” Raven called from the driver’s compartment.

“We’ve got company!” Colette yelled as the Ork Nob charged her.

(Rolling three 35+ melee attacks from Sneeky Kuntfucka, increased to 45+ because a powerklaw is
an unwieldy weapon. 90, 82, and 20! Two strong passes and a miss! Colette has been fully stripped!)

The Sister Superior didn’t have time to retreat. The enemy was already upon her. It raised its
massive, menacing powerklaw and swung out at her legs. There was a crunching of metal as it
ripped the power armour leggings open as easily as a man could crinkle tinfoil. As Colette was
stripped to her underwear the powerklaw struck once more, easily stripping her bra off and exposing
her breasts.

“H-Hey! Stop that!” Colette cried, backing off and instinctively covering her exposed boobs with her
left arm.

Sneeky Kuntfucka (Boss Nob) - Power Klaw and Stunna (5 HP)
Ork Kommandos x3 - Stunna and Choppa (2 HP Each)
Ork Kommandos x2 - Tankbustas (2 HP Each)

-White Panties
Orgasm: 427%
Status Effects
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring the Rhino - Progress: 51/100
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Unmanageable - Every employer gets one now and then. The smartass. The troublemaker. The
joker. Ordering this character around will be an exceptional burden.
Anti-Social - This character acts in ways contrary to the general wellbeing of others around them.

Condition: 75%
Fuel: 61.2%
Weapons and Systems:
-Storm Bolter - Disabled. This weapon needs repair before it can be used again.
-Mechanical Failure - Ignition Destroyed. The ignition has been destroyed and must be bypassed with
hotwiring before the engine can be restarted.
-Rear door partially wrenched open.
-Tophatch completely ripped off.

Rhino Storage:
Raven’s Power Armour (4/4 HP)
St Stephen’s Sword

(Rolling 1d100 progress for Raven hotwiring the Rhino… 67 rolled. Progress is up to 100/100. Raven
manages to start the engine.)


The Rhino’s engine suddenly roared with new life.

“Got it, boss!” Raven called back to Colette.

“Get us out of here!” the Sister Superior called back.

‘One Greenskin has already gotten inside. If we drive away we might be able to lose a few more
before they have a chance to get inside as well,’ Colette mulled as the massive Nob before her
prepared to attack again.

(Rolling a 40+ agility test for Raven to scramble back into position and driving the Rhino. 69 rolled!
They begin pulling away!)

“Shit… Shit…” Raven’s voice repeated over and over as the delinquent scrambled into the driver’s
seat before slamming her foot down on the accelerator.

The Rhino jutted forward, trundling away from the Ork ambush and into the unknown of the grassy

“Get on ya gitz! Youz will be left behind!” Sneeky Kuntfucka yelled at his squad.

(Rolling two tankbusta attacks. These normally hit on 65+, but the vehicle is now moving, so 75+ to
hit. 70 and 81 rolled! One glancing hit!)

(Rolling 1d100 damage with a -15 penalty against the Rhino. 47-15=32. Crew stunned! Everyone on
board the Rhino will need to make a toughness test or something bad will happen.)


The entire tank shook as a tankbusta bomb stuck the left side. Colette reached out to try and stabilise
herself against the wall.

(Rolling a 60+ toughness test for Colette. 52 rolled! She suffers penalties to her melee attacks this

(Rolling a 60+ toughness test for Raven… 98 rolled! An epic, near phenomenal win! She manages to
expertly control the Rhino and drive it away from the Tankbustas! They have been left far behind in
the grass and are out of the fight for now!)

(Rolling a 30+ toughness test for Sneeky Kuntfucka… 64 rolled!)

(Rolling three 40+ toughness tests for the Ork Kommandos clambering on top of the Rhino… 34, 47,
and 27. Two of them fall off!)

“Oofff! Colette grunted as she was thrown back against the metal wall.

There was a loud rattling as St. Stephen’s Sword bounced and rattled over the floor of the vehicle.
She was on the backfoot now. The massive Greenskin would have an advantage against her until
she could regain her momentum. Colette suddenly felt the Rhino speed up. The sudden burst of
speed quickly put them out of range of the Ork tankbustas.




Gruff roars resounded from atop the Rhino as a couple of Orks tumbled from the roof, landing on the
ground outside. Unfortunately for Colette, Sneeky Kuntfucka showed no sign of wavering during the
chaotic shaking. The massive Ork slammed its powerklaw into the roof and clung on until the worst of
it had passed before wrenching it free and advancing towards the staggered Sister Superior.

(Rolling three 35+ melee attacks from Sneeky Kuntfucka, increased to 45+ because a powerklaw is
an unwieldy weapon. As Colette is almost naked, these will be lewd attacks. Higher numbers will be
lewder. 99 or 100 are finishing moves…. 55, 38, and 41. Only one very moderate pass. The Ork tries
to force Colette to her knees.)

(Colette needs to pass her melee test in order to resist being forced to her knees. She would
normally need a 60+, but she has no melee weapon, is currently staggered from the tank being
shaken, and is much less strong than an Ork Nob. She now needs an 85+ to resist the Ork. 38 rolled.

“Waaaghhh! Hahaha!” the Boss Nob laughed as it rushed towards Colette.

She tried raising her boltgun, but the creature was too close. The creature stretched out and grasped
her left hand which was holding her boltgun. With its brute strength it forced the barrel down to the

“Ugh! Let go of me!” Colette snapped.

The Boss Nob wasted no time leveraging its height and weight to begin forcing the Sister Superior
down to the floor of the Rhino. Colette struggled to resist, but it proved too difficult to offer any
resistance to the hulking beast. Within seconds she had been forced down to her knees before the
beast. Suddenly, it reached forward with its mechanical left arm and snapped its powerklaw around
her right wrist.

“GOTCHA!” it bellowed.

“Arrghh! Shit!”

The metal klaw had locked around her wrist, firmly locking it in place. With both arms now fully
restrained the Boss Nob began shaking her left arm, trying to get her to drop the boltgun.

(Rolling a charge test for the last Kommando on the roof of the Rhino. It needs a 30+ to break in,
increased to 40+ because the Rhino has begun moving quickly. 84 rolled! The Kommando easily
makes it in!)


Another Ork dropped into the Rhino from the gaping hole in the roof. It landed a couple of feet behind
the Boss Nob and gave a tusky grin as it advanced towards Colette.

“No, ya stupid git! I ‘as already got ‘dis one! Go after ‘da ‘umie in ‘da front!”

The Kommando looked a little disappointed before angrily stalking towards the driver’s compartment.
Colette screamed a desperate warning out to Raven.
“There’s one coming for you!”

“Shaddup, bitch,” the Ork grunted, “Drop ‘da fuckin’ gun!”

She didn’t know whether the Sister would be able to react in time. All she could do was pray that
Raven didn’t miss her chance to kill it. Colette desperately attempted to pull the boltgun towards the
Boss Nob’s body. If she was lucky she could maybe get a shot off into its chest and even up the

‘C’mon… I can do this!’ she thought as she struggled to force the Ork’s arm back and align her
weapon with its exposed gut.

(Rolling a 50+ charge test for the Kommando Ork against Raven… 94 rolled! Epic win!)


Raven’s screams confirmed Colette’s worst fears. The Sister wasn’t at all prepared to fight the
Kommando that had boarded their vehicle. Clad only in lingerie, the Greenskin would have an easy
time accessing any part of her body it so desired.

(Rolling a very difficult strength test for Colette. She’s gonna need a 65+ to hold onto her gun.
Additionally, if she manages to roll a 91+ she is able to pull it up and fire it at the Boss Nob’s chest.
43 rolled! A fail! She drops her boltgun!)

As Colette struggled against the Ork she felt her grip on the boltgun weakening. In a heart-wrenching
moment it slipped from her fingers, clanging loudly against the metal floor.

“No!” she yelled in exasperation.

Sneeky Kuntfucka (Boss Nob) - Power Klaw and Stunna (5 HP)
Ork Kommando x1 - Stunna and Choppa (2 HP Each)
Ork Kommandos x2 - Stunna and Choppa (2 HP Each) (Left far behind in the grassy fields!)
Ork Kommandos x2 - Tankbustas (2 HP Each) (Left far behind in the grassy fields!)

-White Panties
Orgasm: 427%
Status Effects:
Right Arm Restrained by Powerklaw: (Strength 6 Bondage)
Left Arm Restrained by Ork’s Hand: (Strength 3 Bondage)
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring the Rhino - Progress: 100/100
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Unmanageable - Every employer gets one now and then. The smartass. The troublemaker. The
joker. Ordering this character around will be an exceptional burden.
Anti-Social - This character acts in ways contrary to the general wellbeing of others around them.

Condition: 72%
Fuel: 61.2%
Weapons and Systems:
-Storm Bolter - Disabled. This weapon needs repair before it can be used again.
-Mechanical Failure - Ignition Destroyed. The ignition has been destroyed and must be bypassed with
hotwiring before the engine can be restarted.
-Hotwired - The Rhino has been hotwired and can be driven as normal.
-Rear door partially wrenched open.
-Tophatch completely ripped off.

Rhino Storage:
Raven’s Power Armour (4/4 HP)
St Stephen’s Sword

Sneeky Kuntfucka looked down at Colette, and then at his tattered brown trousers before realising
that he had no way of pulling them down without letting go of his prey. He mulled it over for a second
before roughly tugging on Colette’s left arm, trying to bring it up to the grasp of the massive claw as
(Rolling a 40+ strength test for Sneeky Kuntfucka to restrain both of Colette’s arms in the powerklaw,
reduced to 20+ because the Orks’ strength is vastly increased by the powerklaw. 29 rolled. Colette
puts up a bit of a fight, but still gets grabbed.)

“Ugh! No! Let go!” Colette grunted, kicking out with her feet against the brutish Ork.


It was no good though, both her hands were soon locked within the metal contraption and held above
her head.

“Ahh, ‘das much better now!” the Nob chuckled, using his free hand to unfasten his trousers and
unleash a monstrously large cock.

‘Shit! He’s got me! There’s no way out of this,’ Colette panicked as she felt herself completely

(Rolling a 75+ strength test for Colette to kick out against the Ork Nob… 44 rolled! She doesn’t
weaken the bondage at all or do any damage!)

Colette lashed out with her right foot, driving it firmly against the Ork’s left leg. Unfortunately, it didn’t
even seem to notice her weak attack. It simply began rubbing its shaft, making it even harder and
longer. The Sister Superior gulped as she saw the glans begin to leak precum.

“Suck it, bitch!” Kuntfucka grunted, thrusting the cock at her face.

She quickly turned her head, feeling the Xeno’s warm shaft press up against the side of her face.
The brute wouldn’t be dissuaded though. The hulking Greenskin pulled his hips back before reaching
down with his free hand. With four of its fingers on one cheek and a thumb on the other it began to
firmly squeeze, slowly forcing the Sister’s mouth open into a perfect ‘O’.

‘No! I don’t want to suck this bastard’s cock!’ she thought to herself in anguish.

(Rolling a strength test for Colette and Kuntfucka. Kuntfucka is rolling 1d150, Colette rolls 1d100.
Whoever gets higher wins.
Kuntfucka: 131
Colette: 12
The Sister of Battle can’t keep her mouth closed!)
“Nmmmooooo! Ohhh!” Colette protested as the raw strength of the beast forced her jaw open.

She was still looking to her right, but the creature never bothered trying to turn her head. Instead, with
her mouth widely open, the beast elected to plunge its cock in at an angle.


The thick Ork cock glided across her tongue before hitting the inside of her right cheek and pushing it
outwards. The Ork decided to let go of her cheeks, content that his latest toy wouldn’t be able to shut
her jaw again with his massive dick still inside it.


The sound of sloshing saliva resounded through the Rhino as Sneeky Kuntfucka picked up a steady
rhythm. Colette could do nothing but endure the humiliation as the Greenskin defiled her beautiful

‘It’s so big! I need to get this fucking brute off me before it jizzes in my mouth!’ Colette panicked.

*Shlick Shlick*

“Ugh! ‘Das it! Suck my fuckin’ cock!” the Ork grunted.

In her moment of desperation, Colette wondered how Raven was coping with her own Xeno.

‘If she can manage to overpower the Kommando attacking her then we can certainly finish this Nob
together. There’s no way it’ll be able to take on two of us at once!’ she thought hopefully.

(Rolling a 90+ test for Kuntfucka to climax. This will get easier each round as he approaches orgasm.
90 rolled. He’s a fast shooter.)

“Graaagghh! Hnngg! I’m fuckin’ kummin!” the Ork suddenly grunted.

“Hmmppp?!” Colette yelped in shock.

The flood of hot Ork semen blasting against her cheek surprised her, not as much as how quickly the
Nob unloaded in her mouth. She could barely contain the fluid filling her mouth and soon felt it squirt
from the corners of her mouth. Warm droplets of semen splattered across her exposed tits.

“Hnnnggg!! Ugh! Drink it all, yeh slut!” the big beast continued to groan as it roughly facefucked the
Sister Superior.

“Nmmpfff! *Glug* Hmmpfff!” Colette accidentally began gulping down some of the Ork’s semen.

Sneeky Kuntfucka (Boss Nob) - Power Klaw and Stunna (5 HP)
Ork Kommando x1 - Stunna and Choppa (2 HP Each)

-White Panties
Orgasm: 427%
Status Effects:
Facefucked - Colette is being forced to give a blowjob to an Ork. While humiliating, it doesn't really
come with any negative side effects.
Both Arms Restrained by Powerklaw: (Strength 6 Bondage)
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

Status: Unknown.

Sister Raven Valeri

“There’s one coming for you!” Colette’s voice rang out.

“Shaddup, bitch. Drop ‘da fuckin’ gun!” a gruff voice followed.

Raven took her foot off the gas, allowing the Rhino to begin slowing down, and reached for her
boltgun. The Kommando burst into the driver’s compartment, roaring insanely as it charged. It stood
seven feet tall and was wielding both a stunna and a choppa. Upon laying eyes on his lingerie-clad
victim the Greenskin Kommando discarded his choppa.
“I won’t be needin’ ‘dis,” it chuckled.

Sister Valeri dived for the boltgun she had left on the passenger’s seat while she was hot wiring the
vehicle. The Ork saw what she was up to and moved to intercept.

(The Ork rolled an epic win for its charge earlier on, so only a 95+ agility test is going to save Raven
right now. 7 rolled. Epic fail!)

Even if the Ork hadn’t interceded she wouldn’t have made it to her weapon. Raven greatly
misjudged her dive, leaping at far too awkward an angle.

“Shit!” she exclaimed mid-flight.

It wasn’t long before she landed nowhere near her boltgun. With a moderate bump she struck the
footrest under the passenger’s seat facefirst. As she desperately tried to pull herself back up the
delinquent quickly realised that she was firmly stuck in the tight gap. She pushed against the floor
and then looked down to see why her body wasn’t moving. Her massive bosom was stuck against
the underside of the chair, blocking any chance to redeem herself from this mess. With her arms,
head, and tits jammed tightly in the gap the only part of her body left visible was from her panty-clad
ass to her bare feet..

‘Oh fuck! I’m completely exposed right now!’ she panicked, desperately wishing that she hadn’t
gotten into that terrible habit of stripping her power armour during transit.

(Raven has gained the ‘Trapped’ status effect! - Trapped - Raven has gotten her head stuck
facedown under the Rhino’s passenger seat. She will need to pass a 75+ strength test at the start of
each of her turns to break free.)

“I… uh… I don’t understand wot you iz trying to do?” the Kommando hesitated, confused by the girl’s
incredible display of ineptitude.

The Kommando eventually shrugged, deeming it nothing more than an ineffective ‘umie tactic. With
the girl no longer considered a threat the Ork decided to do what it did best - fuck girls silly.

(Rolling two 40+ erotic attacks for the Kommando, reduced to 11+ because Raven is hopelessly
trapped. 21 and 18 rolled. The Ork barely does any pleasure damage this round.)
“Ugh! Don’t touch me fuckface!” Raven swore as she felt a large warm hand grope her right

A second hand joined in shortly after, squeezing her other one. Completely trapped and unable to
escape Raven momentarily resigned herself to enduring the assault until she could build up the
strength to break free.

‘Throne dammit, this is just like my graduation party all over again!’ Raven recalled, debating
whether it was worth fighting back or if she should just light up a lho-stick and wait for the alien to

(Rolling 2d5 pleasure damage tests for the ass groping. 2 and 1 rolled. 3% pleasure damage added.)

The horny Greenskin seemed to enjoy Raven’s nearly-naked ass. It’s thick fingers roughly
squeezed and groped it relentlessly. She sighed and placed her palms flat on the floor, preparing to
push herself up and escape the jam she had gotten herself into.

‘Here we go. Three… two… one…’ she counted down, drawing in a deep breath and forcefully pushing
herself back.

(Rolling a 75+ strength test for Raven to escape from being stuck… 33 rolled! Fail! The Kommando
gets another round of messing with her body.)

“Arrghh!” she grunted, pushing herself up with all the strength she could muster.

It wasn’t enough and she barely budged an inch. Her breasts were still keeping her trapped against
the underside of the passenger seat. After a few seconds of effort she gave up and allowed the upper
half of her body to slump back to the floor.

‘I’m gonna have to endure this for a little longer. A little longer and I’ll give it another go,’ Raven
reassured herself.

(Rolling two 40+ erotic attacks for the Kommando, reduced to 11+ because Raven is hopelessly
trapped. 44 and 54 rolled! The Ork picks up the pace!)

If Raven thought the Ork was simply going to molest her ass for a while she was sorely mistaken.
Greenskins are creatures that get easily bored, always seeking something else to fight or fuck. The
monotony of just groping this girl’s ass wasn’t going to last for long.
“Heh heh,” the Kommando chuckled to itself as it grabbed the waistband of Raven’s panties and
sharply tugged them up.

The elastic material stretched up causing the panties to quickly dig into her pussy. Raven felt the
fabric intensely rub against her clitoris. It sent a pleasurable sensation coursing through her body and
made her gasp.

“H-Hey! Stop that!”

The Kommando knelt down behind the trapped girl and leered at her crotch. Her panties had
crumpled into a thin line down the middle of her pussy leaving her vulva completely exposed either
side of it. The Greenskin reached out with two fingers and placed one on each of her bare pussy lips.

“Oy! I said no touching, fuckface!” Raven yelled again.

She could hear moans coming from the back of the Rhino, although the voice was somewhat

‘It doesn't sound like Colette is faring any better than I am right now.’

With the Ork’s fingers in a v-shape over her pussy lips the Greenskin began to repeatedly contrast
and part its digits. Raven bit her lower lip as she felt her pussy lips continuously open and close. The
creature’s second hand was still tugging on her panties as well, increasing the pleasurable sensation
from the lewd wedgie.

(Rolling 1d15 pleasure damage for the wedgie, and 1d20 pleasure damage from the Ork’s fingers.
15 and 14 rolled! 29% pleasure damage added to the 3% already there to give 32%!)

“Ahh… Ugh… Stop - ah - doing that!” Raven grunted, struggling to resist the pleasurable sensation
afforded by the Ork.

‘Shit… This bastard’s gonna make me cum if I can’t get out of this! I swore that I’d never get stuck
with my ass hanging out again.’

Raven’s mind turned back to her fateful graduation party and the local scrumball team who had, so
kindly, informed her that there was a hidden stash of booze in the air vent. She had believed them
when they told her they were too big to fit in the vents, but that she was the perfect size! It was a
combination of naivety and a stupid desire to hang out with the “cool guys” for a change. The night
ended with her massive tits getting her upper torso trapped inside the vent, with her feet planted on
the floor outside.

‘Of all the nights I chose to wear my shortest miniskirt, it had to be THAT one.’

Her purple miniskirt was an especially rebellious number she had worn to piss off her foster dad. She
hadn’t heeded his warnings about the unwanted attention it could attract - and ultimately, DID attract.
Raven didn’t like to admit it, but she did enjoy being the centre of attention. The thought of the fifteen-
strong scrumball team all leering at her body excited her to the point of wetness. Indeed, she delayed
herself getting out of the vent and even briefly played the damsel-in-distress. It wasn’t until she heard
the snap of a camera that she realised how much shit she had gotten herself into.

Sneeky Kuntfucka (Boss Nob) - Power Klaw and Stunna (5 HP)
Ork Kommando x1 - Stunna and Choppa (2 HP Each)

-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 32%
Status Effects:
Trapped - Raven has gotten her head stuck facedown under the Rhino’s passenger seat. She will
need to pass a 75+ strength test at the start of each of her turns to break free.
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Unmanageable - Every employer gets one now and then. The smartass. The troublemaker. The
joker. Ordering this character around will be an exceptional burden.
Anti-Social - This character acts in ways contrary to the general wellbeing of others around them.

Condition: 72%
Fuel: 61.2%
Weapons and Systems:
-Storm Bolter - Disabled. This weapon needs repair before it can be used again.
-Mechanical Failure - Ignition Destroyed. The ignition has been destroyed and must be bypassed with
hotwiring before the engine can be restarted.
-Hotwired - The Rhino has been hotwired and can be driven as normal.
-Rear door partially wrenched open.
-Tophatch completely ripped off.

Rhino Storage:
Raven’s Power Armour (4/4 HP)
St Stephen’s Sword
The Sister balled her hands into fists this time and pushed down again, trying to force her body out of
the hole.

“Aaargghh!” she grunted louder.

(Rolling a 75+ strength test for Raven… 61 rolled! A fail, but she was close enough to make some
progress. She will pass next time on a 70+. Additionally, the Ork now needs a 15+ to pass its erotic
attack tests.)

She budged a couple of inches this time and felt herself making actual progress. Another push or two
and she’d be able to give that Ork a solid punch in the gob.

‘Just like I shoulda done with Peter Omaha,’ she thought, still disgusted that she was once attracted
to the handsome scrumball team Captain.

(Rolling two 40+ erotic attacks for the Kommando, reduced to 15+ because Raven is hopelessly
trapped. 50 and 92 rolled! A success and an Epic Win! The Ork begins licking her pussy, followed by
an especially dirty move!)

The Greenskin knelt down behind Raven, still stretching her panties up with its right hand. As she
began mustering the strength to try and break free once more she felt a warm breath blow over her

“W-Wait! You can’t be seriohhhhhhhsss!”

A large warm tongue dragged its way across her stretched panties, teasing her clitoris through the
thin fabric. The black and red haired girl tried to suppress the moans suddenly escaping her lips.
After a few seconds of licking the Ork’s tongue managed to curl under the nylon of Raven’s
underwear. The effect was instantaneous. Raven’s back arched as her sensitive nub was suddenly
set aflame with pleasure from the alien’s tongue.

“A-Ah! Ohhh…” she moaned as her body trembled with a growing pleasure.

‘I got it! I got it! Hurry up and share it! I’m trying!’

Raven could still recall the sound of the scrumball team’s voices. There was one voice more
pronounced than any other though.
‘I told y’all to just wait a minute. Uploadin’ forty percent… Sixty percent...’

She had screamed at them, kicked her legs, and begged them not to share the pictures they were
taking of her slutty little ass. They paid her no heed, uploading photo after photo to all social
networking sites on Cadia. Others raised their phones to livestream the event on the planet’s second
most popular pornsite, Cadiass. Of course, she didn’t become aware of the live streams until much
later on.

‘Eighty percent… a hundred! That’s ‘er uploaded! Woo! That’s a lot o’ ‘likes’ comin’ in on this
post! How ‘bout we show the world what’s underneath them pan’ies?’

Peter’s accent was a drawl. His family hadn’t been born on Cadia. He was the wealthy son of an off-
world shipping magnate. A wealthy son whose parents had powerful connections across the planet.
Raven knew she’d never see justice for her humiliation. After the first picture had been uploaded the
scrumball team had ceremoniously pulled the tight black g-string she had worn down around her
Raven remembered the sickening pleasure and gut-wrenching excitement she had felt in the moment
she realised at least two dozen people were probably staring at her bare pussy.
She remembered the smell of the musty air in that vent as she tried her best to will herself not to get
She remembered the feeling of clenching her thighs as her body began betraying her.
But most of all, she remembered the laughter.

‘Ahahaha! Look guys, she’s gettin’ wet! Gimmie your phone, I’ll take a close up!’


The electronic sound of the camera-phone forever capturing her nakedness was the final straw.



Each click of the phone made her hornier and hornier. Shame and guilt mingled with an intense
desire to spread her legs and give the onlookers a view of her tight little asshole too.


Raven remembered the echoing of her heavy breathing in the metal air vent.
*Snap* *Snap*

Raven remembered curling her toes in her high-heel shoes.

*Snap* *Snap* *Snap*

Raven remembered feeling her body succumbing with each subsequent picture taken. And then the
dam burst. Raven felt her pussy’s juices dribbling down her thighs, practically begging the scrumball
team to pound her slutty little hole into oblivion.



The sudden sharp lick from the Kommando’s tongue dragged her back to reality. Raven realised
she’d slipped back into fantasising about that night that had nearly ruined her life. She shook her
head and clenched her fingers as the Ork’s wet muscle flicked back and forth across her sensitive

“Ahhh… Mmm… Shit… That the best you’ve got? Ah...” she grunted defiantly.

The Greenskin didn’t appear to enjoy having its oral technique denigrated. It ceased licking her
clitoris seconds after she finished her taunt. Any hope that it would let her go was short lived though.
It soon returned with a vengeance.

(Rolling 1d40 pleasure damage for the Kunninglingus, and 1d60 pleasure damage for the Ork eating
her ass. 21 and 55 rolled = 76%. 32+76=108%. Raven cums!)

(Rolling a 5+ mindbreak test for Raven since it’s only her first orgasm… 28 rolled! She passes.)

“Youz don’t think I’z got a good tek’nique?!” the Kommando snarled, “I’ll show yeh, so I will! I’ll
show ‘da boss dat I’m ‘da best at breakin’ bitches!”

“Pfft, I’ve had more fun with guys who couldn’t get it up. You ain’t got nothin’ on me, sugar,”
Raven taunted again.

As the Ork knelt down behind her once more Raven braced herself. She clenched her thighs and
drew in a deep breath, desperately willing the nerves in her clitoris to stop sending pleasure signals.
Raven held her breath, awaiting that moment when the hot tongue would plunge deep into her pussy
and stir up her insides. The moment never came. At least, not where she expected it.


Her cry of ecstasy rippled through the Rhino. The sudden sensation of the Kommando’s thick tongue
swirling over her asshole pleasured her far more than her clitoris ever did.

“Not there! Uhhh!! OHHH!!!”

Raven’s body squirmed in pleasure as the Ork tonguefucked her tight little butt. It’s technique was
strong, alternating between circular motions over her anus and a pistoning motion in and out. The
delinquent girl felt beads of sweat growing on her lust-addled body. She was going to be broken by
this beast.

“Ahh! F-Fuuck! Stop! Leave my ass aaahhhhhloneee! N-Noo! It’s too much! T-Too sensitive!” she

Raven began spasming as the Greenskin’s tongue attack brought her to her first climax of the day.
Her entire body shook and trembled uncontrollably as the Ork ceaselessly teased her most exclusive
hole. Guys had to make it to the third date before they got permission to fuck it.

‘It’s always so much fun when they do it without my permission though…’ Raven thought as the
orgasm continued to wrack her body.

“Ahhh! AAAAAHHHHHH! Hnnnnggg!!!” she gasped, panting for air.

Sneeky Kuntfucka (Boss Nob) - Power Klaw and Stunna (5 HP)
Ork Kommando x1 - Stunna and Choppa (2 HP Each)

-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 108%
Status Effects:
Trapped - Raven has gotten her head stuck facedown under the Rhino’s passenger seat. She will
need to pass a 70+ strength test at the start of each of her turns to break free.
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Unmanageable - Every employer gets one now and then. The smartass. The troublemaker. The
joker. Ordering this character around will be an exceptional burden.
Anti-Social - This character acts in ways contrary to the general wellbeing of others around them.

Condition: 72%
Fuel: 61.2%
Weapons and Systems:
-Storm Bolter - Disabled. This weapon needs repair before it can be used again.
-Mechanical Failure - Ignition Destroyed. The ignition has been destroyed and must be bypassed with
hotwiring before the engine can be restarted.
-Hotwired - The Rhino has been hotwired and can be driven as normal.
-Rear door partially wrenched open.
-Tophatch completely ripped off.

Rhino Storage:
Raven’s Power Armour (4/4 HP)
St Stephen’s Sword

Sister Superior Colette Piousborne

(Rolling a general luck test to see how Colette has fared since the Boss Nob forced her to give a
blowjob. Only results of 80+ will yield a positive effect for Colette. 6 rolled. Epic fail! While Raven was
stuck, Colette’s situation had become much worse.)

The Nob had wasted no time upping the ante after the humiliating blowjob. As Colette had spluttered
and gasped for breath the Ork had flipped her over, pushing her head against the leather bench. Her
arms were still restrained by that powerklaw; although, they were now firmly held behind her back.

“R-Release me, you brute. *Cough* I will not tolerate this!” Colette gasped, still choking from the cum
forced into her mouth.

“Shaddup!” the Boss Nob snarled, aligning the tip of its cock with Colette’s panties.

The brute didn’t bother to tear them off or pull them aside. It simply forced its glans against her
visible camel toe.
“Ah!” Colette moaned as the beast roughly pushed forward,

She felt its thick cock push up against her panties. The elastic material stretched as the first inch of
its thick shaft pushed into her pussy. Colette was already soaking wet. The misadventures at
Bedleyberk Ridge had left her cunt extra sensitive.

(Rolling a 50+ resistance test for the panties to see if they snap. 47 rolled! They snap!)

Another half inch of the Ork’s cock plunged inside her pussy. Colette gasped as she felt a pang of
pleasure course through her abused pussy. Her drenched panties were stretched to the limit now.

“Ohh!” she moaned.

‘They could snap at any se-’

Colette never got to complete her thought. The elastic gave way and the Nob’s monstrously large
shaft suddenly plunged forward, slamming deep into her pussy.

“AAAHHHH!!!” Colette screamed in a combination of pleasure and pain.

(Rolling 1d100 pleasure damage for Colette... 86 rolled! 427+86=513%. Colette has cum!

(Rolling a 50+ mindbreak test for Colette since her orgasm is already so high. 31 rolled. Fail! Colette
has gone mindbroken and will suffer massive increases in the difficulty of all her rolls.)

The sensation of the shaft slamming into her slit sent shockwaves of pleasure shooting up her back.
She was being dominated by this brute. She was completely defenceless, incapable of offering any
resistance as it pounded her pussy. Within seconds it had brought her to an intense climax.

“AAAAHHHHHHH!!! I’M CUMMMIINNNG!” Colette screamed, the pleasure overwhelming her mind
for the second time in two days.

As her body convulsed and shook it grew more and more difficult for the Sister Superior to
concentrate on escaping. Her mind was growing blank as it focused more and more on the pleasure
the Nob’s cock was giving.

“Hnnnggg…. Aayaaaahhhh!!!” she squealed in ecstasy, her tongue slightly lolling from her mouth.
(Rolling a 90+ climax test for Sneeky Kuntfucka… 59 rolled. It doesn’t cum yet.)

“Ugh! ‘Das it bitch! Take my fuckin’ cock!” Sneeky groaned, using his free hand to spank the
Sister’s jiggling ass, “You iz my slut now! I iz gonna breed you good!”

Sneeky Kuntfucka (Boss Nob) - Power Klaw and Stunna (5 HP)
Ork Kommando x1 - Stunna and Choppa (2 HP Each)

Orgasm: 513%
Status Effects:
Both Arms Restrained by Powerklaw Behind her Back: (Strength 6 Bondage)
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

Status: Unknown to Colette.

June Fitzgerald

(Three hours have passed since the cultists attempted to corrupt Headmistress Bianchi. They are
attempting to break in once again.)

June Fitzgerald was a sheltered girl. She had spent the first eighteen years of her life never breaking
a rule. Her father was an intimidating giant of a man, a senior General in the Astra Militarum who
never squandered an opportunity to smack her older brother for misbehaving. She learned at a very
young age to never step out of line. When her father wasn’t disciplining her rebellious brother, he
was off on long campaigns. This left ample time to bond with her sibling and her mother. Neither of
them spoke up to her defence when her father insisted she attend the Holy Marytr Finishing School
though. She had protested. She had begged on her hands and knees not to go. General Fitzgerald
was not for budging though. And so, three hundred and sixty five days ago, June was shipped off to
learn how to be a proper lady.

Her first year had sucked. She missed her brother, her mother, and even her dad. Letters were tightly
monitored by the school and her father, meaning she could never express what she was feeling.
Perhaps if she had been able to talk to her mum about the sensations she was feeling in her crotch
things wouldn’t have turned out the way they did.

Perhaps she wouldn’t have been so damn naive.

June’s bright ginger hair glowed like a campfire as she walked the perimeter of the finishing school’s
vast grounds. There were rules against going within a hundred metres of the fence. June didn’t care.
It was her birthday and nobody had remembered. She was alone. She was pissed off. And she was
going to break some rules.

“Look at me! I’m beside the fence!” she called out.

The massive mansion that was the school sat at the centre of the grounds. Clusters of forests, small
ponds, and a beautiful lake with a private beach were all peppered across the estate. The girls had
been allowed free reign to relax and enjoy the many beautiful wonders of the school in between their
lessons. Many of the girls had enjoyed the relaxation of sunbathing on those golden sands, content in
the knowledge that no one would be able to leer at their bikini-clad bodies. June was at the edge of
the compound, standing a few feet away from the tall metal fence. Looking between the iron bars she
could see the overgrown ill-maintained forest outside. Ferns, bushes, and knee-high grass grew
beneath the shadow of crooked trees. It stood in such stark contrast to the pristine landscape within
the school. Inside the grass was cut, the hedges were trimmed, and the trees were nurtured to grow
tall and straight. She smiled a little. It had felt good to clear out her lungs and vent her frustrations

“I’m going to walk around the whole estate and you can’t stop me!” she bellowed once again.

The only answer she got was the panicked chirping from a flock of golden yellow fist-sized birds
tweeting as they fled from a nearby tree. June suddenly felt a little guilty for disturbing the beautiful
creatures. As she listened to the rustling leaves begin to fade away she heard a sudden sharp snap.


“Huh?!” she gasped, spinning to face the gate.

Her eyes peered into the forest, searching for the source of the sound. A few metres beyond the gate
and the forest grew too thick for the sunlight to penetrate. June gulped and nervously took a step

“H-Hello? Is someone there?” she whispered.

It wasn’t uncommon for the occasional wild four-horned deer or pygmy rabbit to wander through the
nearby forest. One of the girls had even swore by the Golden Throne that she’d seen a Glorian Milk
Cow tumbling around beyond the fence. Ms Bianchi didn’t dismiss the sighting, suggesting it had
probably escaped from a local farm. June leaned over, placing her hands on her knees as she
searched the undergrowth for any signs of life. Every now and then one of the tiny pygmy rabbits
would hop through the narrow gaps in the fence. It had been a longstanding tradition to try and
capture one of these creatures as a pet. No more than five people in the school’s entire history had
ever succeeded.


Another twig snapped. June bolted upright and instinctively balled her hands into fists. Her heartbeat
quickened in her chest. And then she saw a shadowy figure emerge from behind the nearest tree. As
it slowly approached the sunlight illuminated their face to reveal a tall man with lustrous black hair.
The left half of his face was covered in a patterned purple tattoo, while the right was completely
unblemished. June’s heart raced. She hadn’t seen a man in a year, and she certainly couldn’t
remember the last time she had ever been alone with one who wasn’t related to her. This man was
wearing a pair of dark leather trousers, a matching jacket, and a pair of heavy black boots. The edges
of a white vest were visible beneath the jacket’s collar..

(New Game Mechanics: Corruption and Fear. The Chaos Cult are going to attempt to corrupt one of
the schoolgirls. They will do this with a variety of techniques which will slowly increase her corruption.
As corruption rises more options will be unlocked for the Chaos Cult to influence how June acts. For
example, they may be able to influence her to wear sluttier clothing, do something naughtier with
them, and eventually even fuck her. Every 10% corruption gained unlocks a new corruptive ability for
the cultists. At 100% corruption June will be a good little slut and do whatever the Cult tells her to.

June’s protection against this corruption is Fear. As the cult interact with her, June’s fear will
gradually rise. When it hits 100% she will panic and flee from the fence for a few hours until she
calms down. Her curiosity will mean that she will usually return. The time the Sisters spend on
missions, travelling, sleeping etc. will be time that the Cultists can use to try and corrupt June.)

“Well, hey there,” the man smiled, “I didn’t think I was gonna meet anyone out here.”

“W-Who are y-you?” June stammered, looking at the man.

“Oh, sorry! My bad, I forgot to... introduce myself. The name’s… Byre. And your name… is?”

“W-What are you d-doing at my school?”

“Your school?” Byre replied, his eyes looking up at the metal gate, “This looks more like a… prison to

“It can feel like it sometimes,” June replied with a slight smile.

“What’s... your name?” Byre asked again.

“I’m June. June Fitzgerald.”

“Very nice… to meet you June.”

“Say, what are you doing at my school?”

“I didn’t know it was a… school. I live nearby and normally take my walks… around this time each day.
I guess I have never wondered what was… actually inside here.”

The man was constantly hesitating mid-sentence. June couldn’t help commenting on it.

“Are you okay? Your voice is-”

“A speech… impediment. Speaking slow can help me… avoid stammering,” Byre lied.

In truth, the elongated tongue gifted by his God, Slaanesh, wasn’t without its drawbacks. Swallowing
saliva required extra effort, but it was a price he was happy to pay in exchange for the pleasure he
could impart unto others.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she replied, feeling bad that she had brought the subject up.

“It’s… okay. I am used to it now. Say, June, do you not get bored living in this place?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe. It’s great relaxing between classes and all, but I wish I could go out and
meet people who weren’t my classmates. Y’know? Once you’ve swam in the lake, sunbathed, and
walked around the forest there isn’t much left.”
“I am so sorry to hear… that,” Byre began before suddenly widening his eyes, “Say, I have an idea
June. How about you… and me play a little game together? Something to pass… the time and ease the

“Eh… I should probably be getting back soon…” June remarked, looking back over her shoulder at the
school in the distance.

“We won’t be long… We’ll make it a quick one.”

(Rolling 1d50 initial fear level for June… 45 rolled. Starting fear is at 45%. Her actions with Byre will
progressively increase this causing her to flee when it hits 100%)

“O-Okay, I guess. What game do you want to play?”

“Are you familiar with rock, paper… scissors?”

“Yeah, I can’t see us having much fun with that though.”

“Oh, we can. You just have to up the… ante,” Byre replied with a devious smile.

“What do you mean?”

“If you win, I’ll take off a piece of clothing. If I win, you take one off. Simple?”

“You want me to take off my clothes?!”

“You could take off your tie or your shoes. It doesn’t mean… you have to get naked. Besides… the risk
is what makes this… fun.”

“I guess…” June remarked, biting her lower lip.

“How about we start on the count of three. One… two, three.”

(Rolling a luck test for June. On a 1-33 she loses, on a 34-66 she ties, and on a 66+ she wins a
round. 42 rolled. Tie. Going again! 54 rolled. Tie. Going again. 55 rolled. Tie.)
“Both rock!” June laughed.

“Haha, again! One, two… three!”

“Paper! That’s us tied twice in a row now!”

“And again…” Byre began the countdown.

“Scissors! Haha, three times! What are the odds?!” she laughed, feeling oddly comfortable at the

(June loses 1d15 fear. 3 rolled. She’s down to 42%.)

“Okay! Let’s see if we can break this tie,” June announced, counting herself this time.

(Rolling a luck test for June. On a 1-33 she loses, on a 34-66 she ties, and on a 66+ she wins a
round. 19 rolled! She loses!)

“Rock, paper, scissors! Oh no!”

“Haha, gotcha!” Byre teased, pushing his fingers through the gap in the fence and imitating a cutting
motion, “You’ve got to lose a piece of clothing now. What’s it gonna be?”

June felt a little anxious as she decided to remove her red blazer.

‘It’s a hot day anyway, I shouldn’t be wearing it in this weather,’ she tried to rationalise.

(Rolling 1d5 fear. 5 added! She is up to 47% fear.)

“Okay, next round!”

June Fitzgerald
-Red Blazer (Removed)
-White Blouse
-White Bra
-Striped Tie
-Tartan Skirt
-White Panties
-Black Thigh-high Stockings
-Black Shoes
Fear: 47%
Corruption: 0%
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.

“One, two, three!” Byre counted, bouncing his hand up and down with each word.

(Rolling a luck test for June. On a 1-33 she loses, on a 34-66 she ties, and on a 66+ she wins a
round. 48 rolled. Tie. Rolling again! 62 rolled. Tie. Rolling again! 71 rolled! June wins!)

(Losing 1d10 fear for the repeated ties and the win! 10 rolled. She is down to 37% fear now.)

(Adding 1d10 fear for Byre stripping off some clothes. 10 rolled. She’s back up to 47% fear.)

The two players drew twice more, seemingly unable to outthink their opponent. When June finally
cast a stone to Byre’s scissors he didn’t mind. It didn’t matter if he stripped her or if she stripped
him - he would win no matter what.

“Aww, ya got me. Let me just… take this jacket off,” Byre began unbuttoning his jacket to reveal a
tight white vest underneath.

June’s eyes widened as she saw every muscle on his chest. He was so tough, so hot. His muscular
arms cast the leather jacket down on the ground before returning to the fence. It was the first time in
Emperor-knows how long that she had seen a nearly-topless man. She imagined reaching through
the gate and running her fingers over his finely defined muscles. Squeezing his abs and-



“I said, shall... we continue?” Byre replied, snapping the girl out of her lustful trance.

“Uh, y-yeah!” she quickly stammered in reply.

(Rolling a luck test for June. On a 1-33 she loses, on a 34-66 she ties, and on a 66+ she wins a
round. 8 rolled! June loses! Rolling two more to speed things up. 13 and 11 rolled! That’s three total
losses for June!)

The short term euphoria from winning a round quickly dissipated as June lost a trio in quick
succession. Her tie was the second piece of clothing to go.

‘It covers nothing. I’ve nothing to lose by taking this one off,’ she reasoned with herself, dropping
the piece of fabric on top of her blazer.

When she lost again her mind turned towards her shoes.

“Do shoes count as two or one?”

“The shoes come off together,” Byre smiled wickedly.

June reluctantly removed both her shoes and set them beside her blazer. She could feel the grass on
the soles of her feet through her stockings. At this moment June realised she was quickly losing
things that she could take off without consequence.

(Rolling 1d5 fear for the tie, and 1d10 fear for the shoes…. 1 and 6 rolled. 7% fear added. June’s fear
is at 54%.)

“Rock, Paper, Scissors!” June announced in a louder voice this time, as if it would somehow help her

“Scissors... wins again,” Byre grinned.

June felt her heart racing.

‘I can’t remove my blouse or he’ll see me in my bra. I can’t get rid of my skirt or my panties. It’s too
embarrassing. That only leaves my stockings. They probably count as one just like my shoes,’ she

“Having trouble making… up your mind, June?” Byre teased.

“I… Uh…” she stammered in reply.

“How about this… How about… I offer you a forfeit. You keep your clothes on… and we do something
else instead.”

“Like what?”

(Rolling 1d100 to see how serious the forfeit is. Higher Numbers are more intense forfeits that will
yield more corruption. 60 rolled! Byre comes up with something moderately devious.)

“Okay, we’ll make a deal… You don’t take off any clothes this round. But next time you have to take
off some clothing, I will… be the one to choose it.”

“O-Okay, I guess that’s fair…” June answered, “Ready when you are.”

“Rock, paper, scissors!”

(Rolling a luck test for June. On a 1-33 she loses, on a 34-66 she ties, and on a 66+ she wins a
round. 24 rolled! June loses! Byre picks the clothing.)

“Crap!” she proclaimed as she saw Byre’s scissors once again.

‘Why the heck do I keep picking paper?!’ she chastised herself.

“Mmm… My choice… Let’s have you lose that blouse.”

(Rolling 1d40 fear for June…. 13 rolled! She’s up to 67% fear.)

“M-My blouse?!”

The man didn’t answer. He simply stared at her, waiting for her to do as she was instructed. She
hesitated for half a minute before reluctantly reaching up with her fingers and undoing the buttons.

‘I can’t believe I’m actually doing this,’ she thought as she let the flimsy garment fall from her

(June gains 1 corruption for taking her blouse off.)

Byre unleashed a gentle wolf whistle at the sight of her bra. His eyes leered at her chest, making her
feel anxious.

“Looking good! What are you a size… B? Maybe a C?”

June didn’t reply. She was seriously beginning to wonder why she had ever agreed to play the game
in the first place. Perhaps Byre noticed this, for he suddenly stretched, revealing his toned muscles.

(Rolling a 25+ seduction test for Byre… 56 rolled. Pass!)

“If you think about it, you’re only one… point behind me. Win a round, and you get to see what I…
have under my vest here,” Byre promised.

It was almost as if he was reading her mind. June desperately wanted to see his bare chest and his
chiseled abs. Her mind was beginning to imagine just what he looked like beneath it.

“Again!” she suddenly snapped, “Rock! Paper! Scissors!”

(Rolling a luck test for June. On a 1-33 she loses, on a 34-66 she ties, and on a 66+ she wins a
round. 57 rolled. Tie.! Rolling again! 87 rolled! A win!)

(Losing 1d5 Fear for the tie. 5 rolled. Fear is down to 62%.)


“Ah damn, looks like you finally stopped picking scissors,” Byre remarked, managing to get a full
sentence out without hesitating, “I guess I’ll just have to take something off. Won’t I?”

Byre reached up for the hem of his shirt and mental images of the topless man began to flood June’s
mind. She didn’t realise that she was glaring at his chest intently. She didn’t realise that her mouth
was slightly open. The first thing that she DID realise was when his hands moved from the hem of his
shirt down to the belt buckle on his leather trousers.


The buckle unclasped and he began sliding the leather trousers down.
“W-Wait, what are you doing?! K-Keep your trousers on!”

(Rolling 1d40 fear for June… 7 rolled! Fear is now at 69%)

“I lost, June. That means I have to take… a piece of clothing off. And it’s my choice,” the man smiled
as he stepped out of his leather trousers.

June was suddenly witness to a nearly-naked man clad only in black boots, a pair of tight white
underwear, and a similarly white vest. Her eyes couldn’t help but notice the bulge within his pants.
Little did she know that he wasn’t even hard yet.

(Rolling 1d2 corruption for June. 1 rolled. June’s corruption is now at 2%.)

June Fitzgerald
-Red Blazer (Removed)
-White Blouse (Removed)
-White Bra
-Striped Tie (Removed)
-Tartan Skirt
-White Panties
-Black Thigh-high Stockings
-Black Shoes (Removed)
Fear: 69%
Corruption: 2%
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.

June audibly gulped. She was beginning to realise just how dangerous this game was. If she lost
another round or two she could very easily find herself exposing a lot more than just her bra. As her
heart raced she saw Byre pull his leather trousers fully off and step up to the fence. He didn’t ask this
time if she wanted to play another round.

“One… Two, Three.”

(Rolling a luck test for June. On a 1-33 she loses, on a 34-66 she ties, and on a 66+ she wins a
round. 92 rolled! A win!)

He counted down without warning, causing June to panic and quickly throw out a clenched fist. She
felt like she was on a rollercoaster, a participant in something both exciting and terrifying. When she
compared her fist to Byre’s two fingers she realised she had won another round. Somehow, it didn’t
make her feel any more relaxed.

“Another win for June!” Byre smiled before kneeling down and unlacing his boots.

He must have taken off his socks as well, for as he stepped out of them June realised he only had
two items of clothing left.

(Rolling 1d10 fear for June… 10 rolled! Fear is now at 79%. She’s getting very close to fleeing.)

“Looks like you’ve almost got… me on the ropes,” Byre teased, “Luck doesn’t last… forever though.”

June nodded quietly, unable to get any words out. Her left hand was trembling as she prepared for
another round.

“R-Rock, P-Paper, Scissors!”

(Rolling a luck test for June. On a 1-33 she loses, on a 34-66 she ties, and on a 66+ she wins a
round. 15 Rolled! She loses another round!)

“Oh, that is a shame. What’s going to get removed next? Your skirt? Your… stockings?” Byre
hesitated for a moment, allowing the tension to build in the air before finishing, “Your panties?”

June shuddered at the thought of revealing her most precious place to this man.

‘I can’t take off my bra, and there’s now ay in hell I’m taking off my skirt right now! I could risk
taking off my panties, but if the wind blew he might see underneath my skirt. That only leaves my

The schoolgirl reached down for the top of her thigh to grab her dark stockings. As she began sliding
them down she saw more and more of her porcelain-white skin exposed.

(On a 50+ Byre will offer June a forfeit instead of having to remove clothing… 57 rolled. He offers her
something. Rolling to see how bad it is. 84. It’s a very corrupting alternative.)

“You look nervous there, June. Would you... prefer to do another forfeit?”
“I-I’m not letting you pick the clothes I have to t-take off again,” she stammered.

“Haha… No, absolutely not. All I want is for you to… stand still there and let me take a picture of you.”

“A picture?!”

“You are so incredibly beautiful and I never… want to forget this moment,” Byre grinned, reaching
down for his leather jacket and pulling a small digital camera out of the pocket, “Well?”

“I… I…”

(Rolling 1d45 fear for June. If her fear stays below 100% she agrees to be photographed and will
gain some corruption. If her fear rises above 100% she will run away. 12% rolled! Total fear is now
91%. She’s absolutely terrified, but she still allows the man to take pictures of her.)
“Well?” Byre asked, waving the camera in his left hand.

“S-Sure, let’s do it. As long as I get to k-keep my clothes on in exchange.”

“Oh, absolutely. How about you put your hands... on your hips and we’ll take a couple of shots.

“O-Okay! Like this?”




“That’s great, June. Now, lean towards… me.”

June leant forward, not fully realising that it offered the camera a perfect view of her cleavage.
Adrenaline rushed through her veins with each flash of light.


“And one from behind,” Byre suggested.

The naive schoolgirl turned around, allowing the camera to capture shots of her nearly-naked back.

‘This isn’t too bad… I mean, it’s certainly much better than having to lose ANOTHER piece of
clothing,’ June thought to herself.


(Rolling a 70+ to see if June enjoys being photographed. If she does, then her fear will drop.
Otherwise, it will increase substantially. 71 rolled! The girl actually enjoyed it. 1d20 fear will be lost.
13 rolled. Fear is down to 78%.)

[Corruptive Photography has been unlocked! The next time Byre attempts to corrupt June he can
choose to do racy photoshoots instead of rock, paper, scissors.]

“H-How’s this?” June asked, sticking her ass out slightly.

“Absolutely perfect…” Byre purred, refocusing the lens on her bare thighs.

(Rolling 1d5 corruption for June. 4 rolled. Corruption is now at 6%.)

(Rolling a trickery test for Byre on 30+, increased to 60+ because June is so afraid right now. 75
rolled! He manages to succeed!)

“Hmm…” Byre suddenly mumbled, lowering the camera.

“I-Is something wrong?”

“Yeah, I can’t quite… put my finger on it. It’s just not… professional enough.”

“Wh-What do you want me t-to do?”

“It’s the lighting. The sun is far too bright today and… your skin is far too matte. It’s going to ruin the

“Oh no!” June exclaimed, still not exactly sure what Byre was talking about.

“The only way I could think of fixing it would be to… apply some photographic lotion to give your skin a
nice sheen. What do you… think?”
“Huh, I guess so? I don’t have any ph-photographic lotion though.”

“It’s okay, I have some over here…” Byre murmured, reaching for a small satchel placed behind a
nearby tree.

He rummaged through the leather satchel for a few seconds before withdrawing a cylindrical grey
plastic bottle with a small nozzle at the tip. It didn’t look like it would hold much more than a liter.

(Rolling an intelligence test for June on 50+... 91 rolled. Epic win! June is going to gain 1d100 fear
from this sudden realisation unless Byre can somehow roll better than a 91 to convince her

“Wait… Why are you carrying photographic lotion with you if you’re going for a walk by yourself?
Surely you wouldn’t be expecting to meet a model in the middle of the forest?” June asked, her
suspicion growing.

“I… uh…” Byre began, reaching up and stroking the purple tattoo on the side of his face.

“Well? I’m waiting,” June responded, folding her arms over her chest.

(Rolling an intelligence test for Byre to lie. He needs a 92+... 97 rolled. Epic, near phenomenal win. In
addition to stopping her panicking, June loses 1d25 fear. 16 rolled! Total fear is now 62%.)



“I like to take professional selfies of myself in the forest.”

“Oh… That makes sense.”

“Y-Yeah, it does… Doesn’t it…” Byre wiped the sudden sweat from his brow, “How about you come
over here and I’ll... apply it for you through the fence?”

“Oh! That’s very kind of you,” June replied, completely ignorant of the danger she was in as she
approached the fence.
When she was within touching distance Byre opened his right palm and squirted some of the lotion
into it. The pink oily substance shimmered and glittered under the sunlight. June extended her left
arm and the man began to diligently rub it into her skin. It was a warm, pleasing sensation. June
found herself closing her eyes and enjoying it. Before she knew it Byre was already asking for her
other arm.

“Sorry, there you go,” she replied, extending her right arm.

It didn’t take long before her upper limbs were fully coated in that luxurious warming oil. She looked
down at her shining skin. Byre was right, it DID look much more enticing for a photograph now.

(June loses 1d10 fear from the relaxing massage. 8 rolled! Total fear is down to 54%.)

“Turn around and I’ll finish your back as well for you,” Byre spoke in a dulcet tone.

“Sure,” June replied, offering her back to Byre.

Her hands had stopped trembling, calmed by the reassurance that this wasn’t some creepy guy. All
that remained was her swiftly beating heart.

‘He’s such a sweet guy,’ she incorrectly thought to herself, ‘I wonder why I was ever afraid of him.
It’s probably me just being irrationally afraid because I’ve never done anything like this before.’

She felt the man’s hands begin massaging the oil into the back of her shoulders. Then they were
rubbing down her back, coating her body in the intensely warm oil. June felt her breathing quicken.
There was still a tiny part of her mind that suspected something wasn’t right. The man’s hands slid
around the sides of her waist and began rubbing the lotion over her bare belly. June gulped as
another wave of anxiety washed over her.

(Rolling 1d20 fear for June. 12 rolled. Total fear is now 66%)

(1 Corruption added from having the oil rubbed over her belly.)

“Ah…” June gasped.

His hands were moving up her stomach now towards the bottom of her ribs. He was methodical in his
technique, never missing a spot. June drew in a deep breath as he reached the underside of her bra.
Suddenly, he stopped.

“Is t-that you finished?” she anxiously asked.

“Almost, June. Almost,” he reassured her, “I still haven’t applied any… to the space between the top
of your bra and your neck. And we still need to… apply it to your thighs. If we don’t coat you
completely then the lighting… in photographs will appear uneven.”

“O-Okay…” June gulped nervously.

(Rolling 1d10 fear for June… 9 rolled. Total fear is now 75%.)

The schoolgirl heard the sound of additional lotion squirting behind her. Byre’s hands returned to her
body, resting upon her shoulders before sliding forward. They glided across her neck and over her
upper chest. His palms moved in circles over her body, coating her in that shiny fluid. And then June
noticed something.

‘Oh no… He’s getting closer to my bra. If I don’t stop him he’ll probably end up touching my boobs. I
need to warn him.’

“Y-You’re g-getting kinda close to my… um… my…”

“Your breasts?” Byre whispered.

“Y-Ye… Yeah…”

(Rolling a difficult trickery test for Byre, needing an 80+ to pass… 89 rolled. A strong pass, just shy of
an epic win!)

“Well, there’s a reason for that,” Byre began, his hands slowly sliding down towards her bra, “When
I’m taking… pictures we do a lot of different angles. Sometimes a girl will lean a certain way and
expose an… area of her body that hasn’t been properly oiled. It ruins the picture.”


“So, what we professionals do in this business is… make sure we coat more of your body than we
think we need.”

“I… I guess that makes sense…” June reasoned.

The man’s warm hands reached her cleavage. His fingers spread over the small amount of her
breasts exposed by her white bra.

(Rolling a panic or pleasure test. As June has been touched in a pleasurable place for the first time
she might either feel a lot of pleasure, or simply panic. Originally this needed a 90+ to pass, but
Byre’s trickery has reduced this to a 60+. On a 60+ she will feel pleasure and gain corruption, if she
rolls less than 60 she will instead take a large fear roll… 68 rolled! Pass)

Byre fingers squeezed and caressed the top of her breasts as he coated them in the warming oil.
Gradually, his fingers slipped half an inch under the top of her bra, slathering more and more of her
teenage tits with the oil. June felt her breathing growing more ragged as the situation continued to

(Rolling 1d5 corruption. 5 rolled! Corruption is now at 12%. The first 10% threshold has been hit!
Exhibitionism Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings.)

(Roll 1d10 pleasure damage… 8 rolled. 8% Orgasm added.)

“Ah… Mmm…” June found herself moaning slightly with each breath.

June Fitzgerald
-Red Blazer (Removed)
-White Blouse (Removed)
-White Bra
-Striped Tie (Removed)
-Tartan Skirt
-White Panties
-Black Thigh-high Stockings
-Black Shoes (Removed)
Fear: 75%
Corruption: 12%
Orgasm: 8%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
The schoolgirl found it hard to describe what she was feeling right now. It was unlike anything she
had ever experienced. As Byre’s digits continued to squirm their way deeper into her bra June
realised that his fingertips were barely an inch away from her sensitive nipples.

“W-Wait! That’s far enough,” she warned.

“I’m almost there, just a little… bit more. You don’t want to ruin the pictures, do you?”

“B-But you’re close to my… *Gulp*… Umm… Y’know…” June felt herself losing her voice.

“Relax June. I won’t touch your nipples. I… promise,” Byre lied.

(Rolling a 30+ intelligence test for June, increased to 65+ because she’s so afraid and not thinking
straight… 55 rolled. A minor fail. She’s going to gain a bit of fear.)

(Rolling 1d20 fear… 8 rolled. June is up to 83% fear.)

“R-Really? You’re not?”

“I only need to finish getting the parts… of your breast that I haven’t coated yet,” Byre lied again.

“O-Okay, S-Sure…”

June tried to regulate her breathing and calm herself down. It wasn’t working though. Byre’s hands
continued sliding into her bra. She felt his oiled-up fingers half an inch from her nipples.

‘He’s so close to my nipples right now. If his hand slipped he could end up touching them,’ the
schoolgirl half-thought, half-fantasised.

She didn’t need to think about it for long. Byre’s true intentions were revealed as his hands slid
forward. June jumped as the man teased both her nipples between his thumb and two fingers. The
strange warming oil seemed to accentuate the sensitivity of her pink teats.

(Rolling a panic or pleasure test. As June has been touched in a pleasurable place for the first time
she might either feel a lot of pleasure, or simply panic. On a 90+ she will feel pleasure and gain
corruption, if she rolls less than 90 she will instead take a large fear roll… 85 rolled! She panics, but
it’s still a strong roll so her fear roll won’t be as bad as it could have been.)

(Rolling 1d100 fear, lowered to 1d75 fear for the good roll. 49 rolled. June’s fear goes over 100%
and she flees.)

(Rolling 1d15 pleasure damage… 7 rolled! She is up to 15% orgasm.)

(June gains 1d8 corruption for having her nipples played with. 5 rolled. Corruption is up to 17%!)

“What are hell you doing?!” June suddenly yelled, tugging herself away from the fence and turning to
face Byre, “Y-You promised you wouldn’t-”

He never got a chance to answer. The schoolgirl snatched up her uniform lying on the ground and
dashed away from him. She disappeared beyond a thicket of neatly trimmed trees leaving Byre

“You lost her,” a feminine voice whispered from behind, “We need a new plan.”

“Easy, Shorzathra. This IS the plan.”

“But she’s gone! She’ll tell that Headmistress and then no girl will ever come to the gate aga-”

“Hush, Shorzathra. Little June won’t tell anyone… She’ll be too embarrassed about it.”

“Well, good luck getting her to come back then.”

“She’ll come back,” Byre replied, “She’ll get bored and curious. And even if she doesn’t, I have
photographs of her that she’s... going to want deleted.”

The cult leader held up the camera to prove his point. His purple tattoo contorted as he smiled.

“Tell me, did your or Vesper’s squads find any other blindspots in their defences?”

“I haven’t heard from Vesper yet. However, there is a large lake on the Eastern side. The fence cuts
directly through it with about three quarters of the lake on the inside of the estate. I think I’ve located
a spot down there where the cameras and automatic weapons can’t see us.”
“Good… I’ve seen the girls swimming down there before. Shorzathra, I want you to... head back to
our camp and grab the concentrated aphrodisiac.”

“How much?”

“Five or six barrels. We might not be able to enter… the estate yet, but we can certainly pollute our
side of the lake and let it flow into theirs.”

“For a lake of that size, three barrels would probably suffice. Any more than that and you risk this girl
fucking the first thing she sees.”

“Good point, Shorzathra,” Byre replied, turning to face the mohawked cultist, “Better make it nine.”

June Fitzgerald
-Red Blazer (Removed)
-White Blouse (Removed)
-White Bra
-Striped Tie (Removed)
-Tartan Skirt
-White Panties
-Black Thigh-high Stockings
-Black Shoes (Removed)
Fear: 100%
Corruption: 17%
Orgasm: 15%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

Sister Raven Valeri



“Aahhhhhhhh!!” Raven screamed as the Ork continued tonguefucking her tight ass.
Realising that things were only going to get worse from here on out Raven attempted to break free
once more.

(Rolling a 70+ strength test for Raven to break free… 98 rolled! An epic, near phenomenal win!)

Raven’s mind drifted back to the scumball team. Those bastards plunging their unprotected cocks
deep into her pussy. One after another they took turns pounding her slutty little hole, making her
scream in unwanted pleasure. Her ecstatic moans reverberated through the air vents and echoed
through the entire building. Raven remembered being completely defenceless as he fertile womb was
subject to creampie after creampie. When her cunt was full to bursting of their semen they switched
up to her tight ass, using her own pussy’s wetness as their lube.

She could never recall the number of times they forced her to cum.
She could never recall the number of guys that ended up fucking her.
The only thing she could recall was 32,726,712.

It was the big bold number at the bottom right of the screen. It sat proudly just below the video of the
webpage she loaded.


She had often gone back to that website, desperate to try and get the video taken down. Cadiass
never replied to her emails though. And more often than not Raven had found herself searching for
the video when she was especially horny.

“Not… again…” she snarled, angrily pushing down with all the might she could muster.

Her body popped free and she barreled back into the Ork eating her ass, sending him sprawling to
the floor. The emo reached for her boltgun, grabbing it and aiming it at the creature.

“Eat lead, fuckface,” she spat.

(Rolling two boltgun attacks on 40+, reduced to 25+ because the Kommando has been knocked
down and is stationary. 69 and 93 rolled! Pass and an epic win! 6 damage to the Ork Kommando!)

*Blam Blam*

Two shots ripped from the end of the boltgun, striking the beast in the chest and the underside of its
chin. Miniature explosions tore the beast open and left it dead on the floor. Raven slumped back into
the passenger’s seat, panting and trying to catch her breath.

‘That was too fucking close…’ she thought.


Her moment of relaxation was suddenly interrupted by a scream from the rear of the Rhino. Raven
suddenly realised she had forgotten about Colette.

“Hang on, Colette! I’m coming!” she yelled, cocking her boltgun and heading into the rear of the

As the emo stepped into the passenger compartment of the Rhino she saw Colette face down on the
leather couch. A hulking Ork Nob had pinned her arms behind her back in a large powerklaw while it
fucked her pussy.

(Rolling a climax test for the Ork to see if it came before Raven arrived on 80+... 44 rolled. Fail. It
definitely didn’t manage to cum.)

(Rolling one final climax test for the Ork Nob as Raven arrives on 70+... 65 rolled! It’s getting close to

“Ugh! I iz gonna cum!” the Nob grunted, squeezing Colette’s ass and ramming its cock in as deep
as it could manage.

(Rolling 2d100 pleasure damage to see how hard Colette was fucked while Raven was being pinned
under the seat. 84 and 80 rolled! 164% orgasm damage. 513%+164%=677% Orgasm. Colette has
cum again and has a serious change of losing her mind and going Ahegao!)

(Colette needs to roll a 60+ to keep her sanity and avoid going ahegao. If she goes ahegao she will
be unavailable for the rest of this mission… 100 rolled. Phenomenal win! Not only does Colette avoid
Ahegao, she actually manages to snap out of her mindbreak and loses 3d100 Orgasm damage…. 89,
21, and 91 rolled. 677%-201%=476% Orgasm.)

“Ohhh! Ffffuck! I’m cumming!” the Sister Superior gasped, digging her fingers into the worn leather

At first Raven though Colette was going to lose her mind to the pleasure of being pounded doggy
style. The dark-haired Sister remembered how sensitive the g-spot could get in that position. And yet,
as the Sister Superior’s orgasm subsided Raven saw a renewed defiance in Colette’s eyes.
‘She’s still lucid…’ Raven noticed in amazement.

“Hey, fuckface!” she yelled, pondering if she was perhaps overusing her catchphrase.

Sneeky hadn’t noticed the second Sister enter the room. It turned to face her with a look of surprise
before letting go of Colette and preparing to charge Raven. She squeezed the trigger on her boltgun
and felt the powerful weapon kick in her hands.

(Rolling two shots hitting on 40+, reduced to 25+ for the close quarter fighting… 91 and 100 rolled. An
epic win and a phenomenal win. 12 damage to Sneeky Kuntfucka. Raven has performed so
excellently that she will have a couple of choices about how to advance as a character. You will be
able to vote for this at the end of the chapter.)


The Ork never made it a single step forward. Her first shot landed in the creature’s head,
demolishing half its face. Her second shot followed the trajectory of the first one. The massive Nob
was sent hurtling out of the rear of the Rhino and into the grassy plains. Raven doubled over, panting
and trying to catch her breath. They hadn’t even made it to the Lornegulf Mine and they had already
been severely weakened by the ambush.

“Fuck… I can’t believe.. *pant* ...we made it out of that… We actually beat the bastards!” Raven

Colette struggled back into her seat before looking up at Raven, “We can celebrate later. There are
still a *pant* lot of them we left behind when we drove off. They’ll be on our way. We *pant* need to

“Y-Yeah, I’m on it,” Raven replied, staggering back into the driver’s seat and restarting the engine,
“How much farther to the mine?”

“Another few hours,” Colette replied, checking her pussy for any trace of Ork cum.

After inserting her fingers a few times and finding nothing she breathed a sigh of relief. This
encounter had been far too close for comfort.

Sneeky Kuntfucka (Boss Nob) - Power Klaw and Stunna (Deceased)
Ork Kommando x1 - Stunna and Choppa (Deceased)

-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 108%
Status Effects: None.
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Unmanageable - Every employer gets one now and then. The smartass. The troublemaker. The
joker. Ordering this character around will be an exceptional burden.
Anti-Social - This character acts in ways contrary to the general wellbeing of others around them.

Orgasm: 476%
Status Effects:
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

Condition: 72%
Fuel: 61.2%
Weapons and Systems:
-Storm Bolter - Disabled. This weapon needs repair before it can be used again.
-Mechanical Failure - Ignition Destroyed. The ignition has been destroyed and must be bypassed with
hotwiring before the engine can be restarted.
-Hotwired - The Rhino has been hotwired and can be driven as normal.
-Rear door partially wrenched open.
-Tophatch completely ripped off.

Rhino Storage:
Raven’s Power Armour (4/4 HP)
St Stephen’s Sword


Thank you for reading the latest chapter. At the end of this chapter Raven rolled extremely well and
has a chance to improve as a character.
Feel free to vote for which path you would like Raven to take:

A.) Raven has developed her skills using a boltgun and gains the Sharpshooter (Boltgun) skill.
Whenever she is fighting with a boltgun her rolls will be 10% easier.
B.) Raven has learned that perhaps she needs to start working with others if she wants to make it
through another day. Raven’s ‘Unmanageable’ character flaw will be improved to ‘Difficult to
C.) Raven has observed the Orks during this fight and learned how they act. She has gained the
Veteran (Orks) skill. Whenever she is fighting against Orks she will find her combat tests slightly
easier, and Orks will also find it harder to make Raven climax.

If you've any feedback, good or bad, please feel free to let me know either on here or at my email:

If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate a dollar on Patreon.

This is not a monthly subscription. I will only ever charge whenever I produce a full chapter like this
8 - Arrivals

Alexi O’Connell’s Day Off

The Rhino’s tophatch burst open. A second later Alexi emerged awestruck by the towering visage of
the planetary capital. Sanctuary’s Redoubt rose up before her with the grandeur of an Imperial
Warlord Titan. The few clouds that floated in the sunny sky were skewered by gargantuan hab-blocks
stretching into the heavens. The vast city was surrounded by an eighty metre high concrete wall that
formed a semi-circle bulwark. This wall served as Sanctuary’s Redoubt’s first line of defence. It was
further reinforced with heavy ceremite towers bristling with lasguns, massive turbolaser cannons
powerful enough to melt vehicles, and as many firing points as there were stars in the night sky.

Canoness Agatha began giving Alex a short verbal tour There, "There are three main gates divided
equidistantly along the wall - Jacobin's Gate to the very left of us mainly serves for military logistics. It
was named in honour of General Heinrich Jacobin, the brilliant man who orchestrated the
counterattack during the First Ork Incursion. The next one is Central Gate. That's the one we'll be
entering via today. It's predominantly used by traders seeking to move goods in and out of the city."

Alex waited for the Canoness to complete her story, but a description of the third gate never came.

"What about the last one?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"The last one is Pontain’s Pass. At least, that’s what it used to be called. If you look to your right you
should be able to see it. After the danger of the First Ork Incursion had passed the defensive gate
was permanently opened to allow a free and easy point of access to encourage economic growth.”

The blonde Sister looked to her right. A vast heavily-guarded gate was barely visible behind a
veritable settlement of rusting ramshackle houses.

“Doesn’t look particularly open to me,” Alexi joked.

“Not anymore. The arrival of the Rapeanid splinter fleet and the ensuing displacement of countless
towns and villages created a refugee crisis. It is now the focal point for processing new arrivals who
seek entry to Sanctuary’s Redoubt. They call it the “Gate to Heaven” now.”

“And these are the only three ways into the city?”
“Yes. The rear is completely protected by the natural barrier of the Ovlar Mountains. During the First
Ork Incursion the Orks sent Kommandos to try and cross the mountains and attack the city from the

“What happened?”

“The steep snowy slopes left the Greenskins no cover. Valkyrie and Vendetta gunship patrols tore
them to shreds. If you’re quick enough you might be able to see the mountains before we get too
close to the wall.”

Alexi let her gaze drift upwards. Sharp steep peaks dusted with cotton-white snow rose even higher
than the city’s skyscrapers.

“That’s also where they train the 2nd Glorian Mountaineer Division,” Agatha called up to Alexi,
“Survive long enough and you might find yourself fighting alongside them someday.”

“Cool,” the blonde Sister replied, her eyes taking in everything, “I can’t get over how tall everything

“The city isn’t tall by choice, Sister Alexi. The distance from those mountains to the city wall is only
about seventy five miles. Sanctuary’s Redoubt could have easily sprawled out much farther if it had
been allowed to grow. See this green valley and all these plains surrounding us?”


“Well, when the Orks arrived the planetary governor at time mandated nothing be built on this land. It
was clear and open. A perfect killing zone. All construction efforts were refocused onto the walls.
Eighty thousand workers spent twelve years building these defences.”

“That’s… pretty damn impressive,” Alexi replied.

“Indeed. With the restrictive limit on how wide they could expand and a rapidly growing population
Sanctuary’s Redoubt had no choice but to build skyward.”

Alexi’s eyes drifted down. They were still some fifteen miles away from the Central Gate. As they
approached the walls seemed to grow taller, taking on an oppressive tone. Their massive shadows
blotted out the morning sun and left the ground sodden with unevaporated rainwater. There were
other vehicles on the road as well. Armoured buses ferrying farmers and citizens to and from the
outlying settlements. Chimeras and Tauroxes of the Astra Militarum. Large trucks and flatbed lorries
stamped with the unmistakable blue and green logo of ‘GloreCorps.’ As they neared the massive
gate Alexi’s gaze returned to the mass of ramshackle structures. They stretched all the way from
Pontain’s Pass to the Central Gate. Large encampments of impoverished people had set up semi-
permanent residence outside the walls of the capital. While some of them were resting in filthy beds
or cooking scavenged food over campfires; others were holding picket signs at the road’s edge and
wielding crude weapons. Two thin lines of police officers attempted to hold back the protestors. By
the grace of the Adeptus Arbites was the road to the Central Gate kept clear.

“It would be best for you to come back inside,” Agatha advised Alexi.

She didn’t argue with the Canoness. As she returned to the passenger seat the ruckus grew louder
and some of the protestors’ slogans finally became audible. They had an intrinsic rhythm to them,
like the battle chanting of Orks.


The queue of traffic ground to a halt as the highway was quickly coagulated with unmoving trucks.
The Arbites aggressively searched each vehicle before permitting them entry through the massive
gateway. Alexi glanced out the small slithole and caught sight of a middle-aged woman with straight
brown hair. She was clad in a tattered leather trenchcoat and stood atop an unstable pile of wooden
crates before a mass of protestors.

“Brothers!” her voice chimed out, “Sisters! We toiled in their fields! We supplied their food! And now,
it goes into the planetary capital for the elite to gorge themselves upon! I ask you brothers and
sisters. Is this right?”

“No!” the crowd cheered back.

“When the price of a loaf of bread triples overnight - I tell you now! This is an egregious wrong! The
elite are stealing the food from your fields! GloreCorp are plundering our natural resources at the
behest of the Administrator and their cronies! This injustice cannot continue! Can we allow this
persecution to go unpunished another day?!”


“I, Kassandra McKenzie, leader of the GloreCorps Agriculture Labourers Union do declare a three
day general strike!”

The crowd exploded with excitement.

“We DEMAND that our towns and villages be given a share of the food we grow!”

“We DEMAND that the Administrator and the political elite be made to answer for their crimes
against humanity!”


“And we DEMAND that we, the workers, be given a fifty percent stake in the company and
representation on the board of directors!”


Alexi turned to face Agatha, “Things are really heating up out there…”

“It’s been getting worse with each passing day. The influence of the trade unions is growing and
they’re becoming more militant.”

“Are they all trade unionists?”

“No. Maybe twenty percent. The vast majority of these people camped here are refugees who fled
from the Eastern Hemisphere when it fell. Anytime another major town or village falls a few hundred
more join them and that crowd swells up.”

“And they can’t go inside? Even temporarily?”

“There’s no room. A lack of property means rent prices are already sky-high, and the Sanctuary’s
Redoubt City Council wants to avoid swathes of homeless beggars lining the streets. Every day a few
people in the city will die or take a shuttle off world. This leaves houses vacant, which they can then
fill up with people living outside the wall.”

“What about the people who own the houses? Surely if someone dies the house would go to their

“The Administrator reformed inheritance law two months back. If you receive a house in a will then
the government acquires the house and pays you compensation. It was supposed to be a temporary
scheme, but I reckon it’ll become a permanent fixture. The same thing applies if you try to sell your
house in preparation for immigrating to another planet. The government swoops in and pays you
around sixty to seventy percent of the value, then assigns it to a refugee family.”
“Yikes. If the amount being offered is so terrible why would anyone want to sell up?”

“That, Sister Alexi, is the whole point. Glore IV was bleeding population to safer worlds. This policy
has strangled Sanctuary’s Redoubt’s private sector, but it has vastly decreased the amount of
people fleeing the planet, and it is getting these refugees homes.”

“Geez… That sounds rough.”

“It is. Try to avoid discussing it with anyone when you get inside; it’s a politically sensitive top- Shit!”


The Canoness swore as a chunk of concrete was tossed over the police lines, smashing into the side
of a GloreCorp transport truck. A few seconds later a crowd of furious protestors charged the
Adeptus Arbites. The rowdy mob was equipped with all manner of improvised weaponry. Crowbars,
blowtorches, wooden planks. Anything they could get their hands on.

(Rolling a containment test for the Adeptus Arbites on 40+... 91 rolled. Epic win!)

The Imperial police locked riot shields and began a concerted effort to push the protestors back
towards the shanty town. It turned out to be a devastatingly effective tactic against the disorganised
mob. Some of their number were cuffed by the Arbites, with the vast majority of the prospective
rioters being driven back from the road. With distance and police dominance reestablished the social
unrest was briefly defused.

“Try not to make eye contact with anyone, Sister Alexi. We’re almost at the gate now and I don’t
want us targeted by a flying brick either.”

“Sure,” Alexi answered, trying to keep her gaze focused on the entrance before her.

The police checks on the Rhino went much quicker than any other vehicle seeking access. Riding
with a Canoness had its perks. And so, the gate yawned open and the vast metropolis of
Sanctuary’s Redoubt greeted the two Sororitas.

“I’ll drop you off near the commercial district,” Agatha stated as the Rhino rumbled inside.
Sister Serena Romano

“Seriously though, it’s good to have you back Serena,” Palatina opened up, “You have no idea what
it was like with just Alexi to talk to.”

“Hehe,” Serena giggled, “Alexi can be a handful. Was Colette not around?”

“You know how the Sister Superior is. If the conversation isn’t related about work it’s like talking to a
Kastelan that’s missing its data wafer.”

The two girls burst into laughter. Serana was wearing a pair of denim jeans and a loose fitting red
and black checkered shirt. Her waist-length brown hair dangled down as she lifted up another box of
old paper records.

“Where are we putting these?”

“We’ll just stuff everything in that storage closet on the second floor. If we ever manage to retake
this planet the Agriculture Department might find these records useful.”

“Coolio!” Serena chirped a reply before sauntering off with the cardboard box.

With the other Sisters away Serena and Palatina had been left behind to undertake work at the base.
Under Palatina’s instruction they had begun to clear some of the unsearched rooms. Palatina didn’t
outrank Serena, but Sister Romano didn’t mind following instructions. She enjoyed Palatina’s
company. Three hours into their day and they had cleared two rooms filled to the brim with old
computers, boxes of paper records, and an unfathomable amount of office junk. About the only useful
find had been a working television. If they connected it to the generator then the oh-so-boring
downtime might actually be bearable.

“I’m parched! Can I get you a drink, Pal?”

“Just a water!” the voice yelled back from the other floor.

“I’ll catch you out front in five!”

By the time Palatina arrived Serena was already lying back on the ground. She had unbuttoned her
shirt and was soaking up the intense heat of the sun. Sister Katoris sat down beside her, picking up
the cool glass of water.

“Thanks, Serena.”

“No problem, Pal.”

“Listen, I’m sorry about what happened with the Lictor. I should have-”

Serena opened her eyes and looked at her friend.

“You’re not feeling guilty about what happened, are you?”

“I should have been paying attention. You were only a few metres away from me. I was too focused

“Pal, it’s okay,” Serena smiled, “You didn’t do anything wrong. We lose girls to Rapeanids all the
time. Besides, you all came after me and rescued me before it was too late.”

Palatina was quiet for a little while, staring off into the scorching ball of fire in the sky. Serena
watched as the white-haired Sister looked off into the distance.

(Rolling a 75+ character flaw for Serena - Hopelessly Naive.Serena is very naive and will almost
always assume that people are good natured. She rarely believes that bad things could happen. 84
rolled! She actually passed!)

In that moment Serena noticed the sun’s reflection sparkling in her friend’s eye. Perhaps it was from
staring too close to the sun, or perhaps she was simply trapped in memories of the past. Serena
gambled with a question.

“This isn’t the first time you’ve lost someone, is it Pal?”

Palatina drew in a sharp breath through her nose. Serena noticed her friend’s fingers clutching into
the tough Glorian grass. It was too quiet. There were no birds in the sky, no wind rustling the nearby
trees. The only thing Serena could hear were the erratic rush of her friend’s breathing and the distant
pounding of her heart.
(Rolling for Palatina’s character flaw - Extremely Distrusting - Palatina needs to pass a 91+ character
flaw test, but this has been lowered to 80+ because she enjoys Serena’s company. 94 rolled. An
epic win. She actually opens up.)

“Years ago.”

Palatina only spoke two words, but it was the most she had ever opened up to anyone. The most
honest she had been in years.

“Who was it?” Serena prompted.

“My… uh... She was my best friend. And now that… Well… You’re the closest person I have left. I
didn’t want to lose you too.”

“I’m sorry, Pal. You didn’t lose me though. You came back for me. You got me,” Serena replied,
reaching out and cupping her hand over her friend’s clenched fist.

She looked down at her tanned skin, comparing it to the white of Palatina’s. Had Serena been
around on Ancient Terra they might have described her as Neapolitan.

“How about you take a break, Pal? Let me finish up the rest of the work today. I’ve had far too long a
break stuck in that hospital bed anyway.”

“It’s okay, I clear my head better when I’m working,” Palatina replied, wiping her left eye.

“If you’re sure. What all still needs done?”

“Umm… We can finish off the rooms, and… we’re still expecting a shipment of food from GloreCorp.”

“Our food hasn’t arrived?”

“Yeah, no sign of it for days now.”

“That’s really weird. I’ll get in touch with them later on and see if I can figure out what the delay is.”
“Thanks Serena, appreciate it.”

The two Sisters finished their drinks on the grassy green field before returning to the base.

“Say, Pal, did I ever tell you the story of the Dominion Gina Brown?”

“Was that the one who thought she could take down a Hive Tyrant by herself?”

“Haha, nah. That was Angela, the girl in the Repeantia. Sister Brown used to be in my squad during
a campaign against the Ambrakazhar Dynasty on the moon of Korliss VII.”

“Hmm, I’ve never fought Necrons before. Is there any tactical data to learn from this story?”

“Count yourself lucky! The metal zombies just don’t stay down! Yeah, there’s a LOT to learn from
this one.”

“Fire away, Serena. Let’s hear the story,” Palatina smiled, picking up another cardboard box to stuff
into storage.

Dominion Gina Brown

3 Years Ago

(This scene has not been randomised by rolling. It’s just a fun bonus lewd for readers to

“Sister Superior?! Penelope? Do you copy? Sister Serena? Sister Wendy? Is anyone there?”


“Sister Brown! It’s Serena! Where are you?!”

“I’ve been separated in this accursed tomb complex. This place is a maze! I’m down to my last
canister for my meltagun. What’s your location?”

“I’m the only one that made it out, I think. I’m at the tomb entrance with the Astra Militarum.”

“Shit! Begone foul Xeno! I shall melt your metal flesh!”

“Sister Brown, if you turn on your helmet cam I might be able to guide you out.”

“Excellent idea! Broadcasting on channel seven.”

Serena flicked the switch on her helmet, tuning it into the broadcast. She was immediately greeted by
a green-tinged cavern. Onyx black walls curved at perpendicular angles, while viridescent circuits
criss-crossed up the alien structure.

“Okay, I’m in.”

“Do you recognise this place, Serena?”

“No, I’m afraid not. Keep moving.”

There was a pattering of footsteps as Sister Brown continued down the corridor. As she turned the
corner she was greeted by a metallic skeletal figure. It was a giants, easily seven foot tall. It wielded a
glowing orange weapon in his hands.

“Tesla! Look out!” Serena yelled.

A burst of molten fire erupted from the meltagun. Serena closed her eyes as the camera turned bright
white. By the time it cleared there was nothing remaining of the Necron but a pile of slag.

“I’m running out of fuel here, Serena. I need some directions.”

“I don’t know where you are!”

“Shit!” Gina cursed, frantically searching for an avenue of escape.

Necron Immortal: 0/6 HP

Meltagun (3 Shots Remaining)
-Power Armour (3/4 HP)
-White Bra
-White Panties
Orgasm: 4%
Status Effects:
Character Flaws:
Dogmatic - This character believes their principals are the undeniable and only truth.

Serena watched helplessly as her comrade rushed down tunnel after tunnel, desperately looking for
an exit. The Sister was now standing in a cuboid room. It stretched at least twenty metres high, with a
large black oval hole halfway up the wall.

“The hell is that thing?”

“It looks like a vent of some kind,” Serena answered.

As Gina walked closer towards it the camera suddenly went dark.

“Gina! I lost your feed!”

“The fucking lights have gone out. Hold on, I’m turning my helmet lights on.”

*Click Click*

“What’s that sound?” Serena asked.

“Shit, shit. C’mon! C’mon!” Gina yelled.

The clicking grew louder by the second. Suddenly Gina finally turned her headlamp on.


Mere inches from her face was a vast mechanical construct. A solitary neon-orange eye leered her
way. It clattered around on six metal legs while a slender coiled metal tail squirmed behind. Before
the Sister even had a chance to raise her meltagun the creature pounced on her.
“Wraith! Look out!” Serena yelled.

It was too late. In that moment Sister Brown was disarmed, her meltagun sent scattering across the
alien floor.

“Ahh- Aayaaahhh- Hel- Seren-”

The camera feed and audio became interrupted and jittery. Every now and then the mechanical face
of the alien menace would appear in shot before the frame would freeze. And then the connection
was gone.



“Gina! Can you hear me?!”

Serena repeated her comrade’s name again and again into the microphone, praying to the Emperor
that the connection would be restored. When it finally returned, she switched to praying it never had.
The helmet had been ripped from Gina’s head and cast aside on the floor. It cast a spotlight on the
now-naked Sister Gina as she grappled and wrestled fruitlessly with the Canoptek Wraith. The
captured Dominion’s short blonde hair waved back and forth in the struggle. Her blue eyes were
wide with terror. The Wraith was holding her from behind, exposing the full front of her naked body to
the camera. She had been a promising soldier. Not many advanced to the specialisation of Dominion
so quickly. At nineteen years old Gina was a prodigy in the Sororitas ranks.

“Ahhh! Noo! Let me go!” Gina cried as the Wraith began curling its tail between her spread thighs.

Serena could do nothing not but watch the scene unfold. She daren’t turn off the recording. It would
provide useful data to the Astra Militarum about the interior of the Necron complex. And so Serena
watched as the Wraith’s tail curled towards Gina’s exposed pussy.

“Oh no, no, no!” the Dominion repeated louder as the Xeno’s tail closed in.

Serena finally got a good view of the alien weapon. The tail tapered into a slender silver dildo. It
stood in stark contrast to the metallic green-black living metal of the Ambrakahazar Dynasty. Gina
wasn’t even wet yet, and for a second Serena thought the Wraith was simply going to plough her
pussy without lube. As the dildo turned towards Gina’s vulva Serena caught a glimpse of a shiny
coating covering the surface.

‘It’s been pre-coated with some kind of alien lubricant,’ she thought to herself.

“Don’t do this! I’m still a virgin! I’m still a virgin!” she yelled repeatedly.

‘Emperor almighty, I hope Gina remembered to say her Rites of Virginity Protection during morning
prayers,’ thought.

The Rites of Virginity Protection were a canticle of prayers that served as a living testament to the
power, grace, and care the God-Emperor felt for his daughters. If properly recited by a Sister who
was truly a virgin then a brief few moments of protection would be afforded to allow them a chance to
escape. The alien dildo continued on its course, closing in inch by inch on her pussy.

“No, no! Shit! Help! Somebody! Help!”

As the silver shaft touched Gina’s pussy there was a flash of blinding light. The Wraith recoiled, but
still held onto its prey. Serena blinked hard and tried to see what was going on. Gina was still
trapped, but a shiny translucent substance was covering her pussy.

“Praise the Emperor… she said the prayer!” Serena breathed a sigh of relief, before quickly
remembering that it was all for nought anyway.

As long as it was recited daily, the prayer would cause shields to appear over a girl’s pussy and ass
when she is endangered. The translucent ‘shields’ were gelatinous in nature and usually strong
enough to hold back a cock for a few extra minutes. In the heat of battle that was often enough to
save a girl’s hymen from being broken.

The Wraith appeared to be a little confused by the flash of light. Once it realised it still had the upper-
hand against its captive it resumed its attack. The metal dildo returned to her pussy and began to
push against her vulva. At first the alien weapon penetrated half an inch into the gelatinous shield,
but eventually the holy shield proved too tough and the dildo was forced to a halt.

“Hnnnggg….” Gina grunted, clenching her fists.

Pussy Gelatinous Shield - 5/5 HP
Ass Gelatinous Shield - 4/4 HP
Orgasm: 6%
Character Flaws:
Dogmatic - This character believes their principals are the undeniable and only truth.

Upon realising that there was a final layer of protection blocking it the Wraith adopted a different
strategy. A warm orange light glowed down the tail, sending a small surge of power to the silver dildo.
As the light reached the base of it the dildo began to visibly vibrate.


“N-Noooohhh… Ugh!” Gina gasped as the vibrations travelled through the protective gel.

The Dominion could do nothing but endure the pleasure as the Necron forcefully held the vibrator in
place. Gina was gasping louder with each passing second. Her teenage pussy was unprepared for
anything this intense.

“Ahh… Hnnnggg…. Ugghhh!!” she moaned and grunted defiantly.


A single plop echoed against the floor of the tomb. Gina’s eyes widened as she heard the sound.
She looked down to see a small splatter of the gel. It was already weakening under the Necron’s
continuous attack. She felt the small dildo push in another quarter inch. Her vulva lips had begun to
part, preparing to accommodate the alien weapon once her vaginal shield broke.


“Shit… Ohh! Fuck!” she gasped, her legs trembling as the alien vibrator rubbed over her clitoris.

This proved to be too much for the teenager. Her back arched and her toes curled as she
experienced her first orasgm of the day.

“AYAAAHHHHH!!! NOOOOO!!!” she screamed as her body shook and trembled uncontrollably.


The intensity of her orgasm caused a couple of drips to hit the ground. Her final defences were being
breached. Once the dildo got past her vulva it would plunge deep inside her body and destroy her



Pussy Gelatinous Shield - 3/5 HP
Ass Gelatinous Shield - 3/4 HP
Orgasm: 109%
Character Flaws:
Dogmatic - This character believes their principals are the undeniable and only truth.

Gina’s body was glistening in the light from her discarded helmet. Beads of sweat were trickling
down her body as the Wraith’s vibrator grew in intensity. Her translucent defences were melting
away, just like her willpower would once that pleasurable device got inside her.

“Mmmm! T-Turn it off! Let me goooohHHHHHH!!! Gina’s protests devolved into moans of pleasure.

It was at this moment that the Wraith unveiled a second tail coiling from its back. The structure was
similar to the first tail, with the exception of the dildo on the end. The second tail had a long series of
glowing orange bumps that didn’t look dissimilar to anal beads. Gina was given no warning as the
second alien weapon attempted to penetrate her virgin asshole.

“Ohh! Ahh! W-Wait - ugh! Stop that!” she gasped in panic.

It was in this moment that Gina realised she could very well lose two virginities today. Two virginities
she had jealously protected for nineteen years.


The vibrator stuck again, stronger this time. Gina felt herself growing weak at the knees as her
gelatinous shield continued to wither away. Half of it had fully melted to the floor under the sustained
assault. And then she felt it - the gel had fallen off her clitoris leaving her most sensitive spot
completely exposed. The alien vibrator pushed up against her vulnerable weak spot.

“Aahhhhhhhh! F-Fuuucckkk! AAAYAHHHHHHH!!!!”

She came again, much harder this time. Her juices flowed freely down her thighs as only a thin sliver
of her cunt’s protection remained. The vibrator pushed in another half inch. She could feel the cool
metal tip inside her body now. If the final strands of the gel shield snapped it would be game over.
The dildo would forcefully enter her cunt and wreck her little teenage pussy.

“N-NOOO! Dohhhhhn’t take my virginity! Ahhhh!” she screamed in ecstasy.

The gel protecting her asshole was breaking down as well. Second after second it grew weaker and
weaker. Her breathing grew ragged as she felt another her body begin to betray her with a third

“You won’t make me f-f-fucking cum! Ugh! I won’t cum for you! HNNNNGGGG!!!”

Pussy Gelatinous Shield - 1/5 HP
Ass Gelatinous Shield - 1/4 HP
Orgasm: 298%
Character Flaws:
Dogmatic - This character believes their principals are the undeniable and only truth.

“Hnnngggg! Nooo! Nooo! FUCK! I’M CUMMINNNNNGGG!”

The climax proved to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. The last vestiges of Gina’s defences
simultaneously collapsed. The teenager felt a cold chill as she realised there was no longer anything
stopping this alien machine from ravaging her. Inch by inch the silver dildo began sliding into her
soaking wet cunt.

“Ugghhhh! T-Too big!” she gasped.

Serena wondered if Gina was referring to the silver dildo sliding into her pussy, or the second one
trying to enter her ass from behind.


Gina felt the vibrations inside her young pussy this time. The vibrator was three inches deep now and
pushing up against the blonde girl’s hymen. Her pleasurable moans were growing louder despite the
fear she was feeling.
“Ahh! P-Please! Ohh! Nooo!”

In that moment she realised there was nothing she could do to stave off her fate any longer. The
vibrator pushed forward and pressed up against the final barrier protecting her virginity. Slowly and
steadily the pressure increased.

“No! I don’t want to - ahh! You’re going to break it - you’re going to- ahhhhhh! I’m cummmiinng!”

The alien weapon plunged deep into her once-pure hole, breaking through her hymen. Gina felt a
pang of pain as her virginity was roughly taken from her. This was intertwined with a much stronger
wave of pleasure though.

“Noooo! Aayaaahhhhh!” she squealed, turning her attention to her last bastion of virginity.

The blonde girl clenched her rear as tightly as she could. She desperately tried to deny the Wraith
from breaching her tight teenage asshole. The lubricated spheres of the Necron’s second weapon
were slowly forcing their way inside though. The alien weapon forced her sphincter open millimeter
by millimeter.

“Nooohhht my ahhhhsss!” she gasped, barely able to speak properly with the orgasmic contractions
rippling through her body.

“Ayyaaaahhhhhhh!!! Hnnnngg!!”

Attempting to prevent the machine from taking her anal virginity proved as fruitless as protecting her
hymen. As the first sphere of the alien anal beads crossed the halfway mark she felt it suddenly slip
inside her. In that moment she knew it was over. Her anal cherry had been popped and there was no
backup team coming to rescue her.


A rush of pleasure unlike anything she had ever expected shot through her body as a second sphere
entered her ass, followed by a third, then a forth. Gina threw her head back and gasped in pleasure
as both her holes were abused by the alien machine.

“Hnnnnnggg! Ohhhhh! Fuuuuccckk! I’m cumming! I’m cumming! You’re making me fucking cum
you bastard! AAAHHHH!” she swore at her attacker.

Pussy Gelatinous Shield - 0/5 HP
Ass Gelatinous Shield - 0/4 HP
Orgasm: 546%
Character Flaws:
Dogmatic - This character believes their principals are the undeniable and only truth.

Serena knew she should stop the tape soon. She had watched her comrade cum again and again
and again for over twenty minutes since she lost her virginity. The teen’s two holes had been
thoroughly violated by the Necron.

“Hnnnngggg…. Soooooo fuckkking gooooodd….” Gina gasped, her tongue lolling from her mouth as
the slender vibrator pistoned in and out of her cunt.

Her wetness was flowing down her thighs and freely dripping on the floor now. The sensations of the
anal beads entering and then popping out of her rear end had driven her to the brink of ahegao. The
once proud Sister now longed for nothing more than the pleasure another climax could offer her. A
prospective future Sister Superior, and maybe even a Canoness one day, had been reduced to a
horny slut longing for nothing more than her holes to be filled by the Necrons’ pleasurable machines.

“Ahhhh… Ohhh! Yeeessss!” she moaned

Sensing that the girl was almost fully broken the Wraith’s body began to glow a bright orange as it
went into overdrive to finish Gina off. The vibrator buzzed more intensely that ever before. The anal
beads pistoned her tight asshole.


“AAAAAHHHHH!!!! HNNNGGG!!!” Gina screamed.

Her tight teenage pusssy clamped down around the invading dildo. She felt the vibrations rock her
world as the strongest orgasm yet began crashing over her. She started to pant and gasp, her eyes
rolling back in her head.

“CCCUUUMMMMIIINNNNGGGGG!” she squealed a final time, her body shaking as she squirted
hard over the tomb’s floor.
Pussy Gelatinous Shield - 0/5 HP
Ass Gelatinous Shield - 0/4 HP
Orgasm: 1072%
Character Flaws:
Dogmatic - This character believes their principals are the undeniable and only truth.

“Enough of that…” Serena sighed, stopping the tape and saving the recording.

She removed a small datachip from her helmet and turned to face one of the nearby Guardsmen
guarding the exterior of the tomb.

“Can you pass this to your tactical unit? It’s intelligence on the interior of the Necron structure.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Whenever you launch your attack, could you ask your boss to keep an eye out for a blonde Sister of
Battle? Her name’s Gina. If you find her make sure she gets sent back to our monastery.”

“Will do, Ma’am.”

“That’s all soldier.”

Sister Superior Colette Piousborne

Colette and Raven have travelled such a long distance and enough time has passed that there is a
reasonable chance the weather has changed.

Rolling a weather test on 1d7 and consulting the chart below. Rolls of 1, 2, or 3 will move the current
position up the chart, while rolls of 5, 6 or 7 will move the current weather down the chart. Rolls of 4
keep the weather the same.]

1. Blizzard
2. Freezing fog
3. Snow
4. Downpour
5. Raining
6. Drizzle
7. Cloudy
8. Overcast
9. Overcast
10. Sparse clouds
11. Clear skies
12. Clear skies
13. Warm (Current)
14. Intense Sunshine
15. Heatwave

(The weather near Lornegulf Potassium Mine is currently at 13 - Warm. Rolling 1d7 to see how it
changes…. 6 rolled! It goes up two levels past intense sunshine and a heatwave breaks out! This may
have an impact on how tired Sisters will get during prolonged periods of combat - especially if they
are wearing heavy armour.)

(Results of Raven’s character improvement vote.

A.) Sharpshooter - 3 Votes
B.) Character Flaw Improvement - 3 Votes
C.) Veteran Ork Fighter - 2 Votes
A and B were tied with 3 votes each. Flipping a coin. On a 1 A wins, on a 2 B wins…. 2 rolled.
Raven’s character flaw improves a bit.)

The battered Rhino trundled along, slowly baking its passengers like an oven in the ever-increasing
sun. Colette hadn’t bothered to scavenge the broken pieces of her power armour back together. It
was too fucking hot to bother.

‘I can see why Raven strips off so often in these accursed metal boxes,’ she thought as she fanned
herself with an old wooden clipboard.

Sister Raven Valeri was still driving. Colette had spent the rest of their journey cleaning out the Rhino
and chucking Ork junk out the open back door. The only saving grace of the Ork attack was that the
broken tophatch and bent rear door created a wonderful cooling draught.

They had left the overgrown grassy plains long ago and now found themselves in a sprawling
savannah-come-desert. The land here was parched, the yellowish-brown grass sparse, and the
wildlife almost non-existent. A lone Yellow Vulture circled overhead, occasionally swooping down to
examine each piece of junk that Colette discarded out the back of the Rhino.
‘The bird is probably looking for something to build up its nest with,’ she thought as she watched the
metre-long creature swoop down once again. With the last bit of junk tossed from the Rhino Colette
returned to the driver’s compartment and glanced through the slithole.

“Over there. Follow those tyre tracks in the ground,” Colette pointed at a series of rugged dirt tracks
meandering into the horizon, “If they’re from the mine, like I think they are, then we’ll be there within
half an hour.”

“Uh huh,” Raven nodded, not paying much attention to her Sister Superior as she shifted the
Rhino’s course slightly.

Colette’s intuition proved to be correct. As the sun began a scorching afternoon descent the two
Sisters were greeted by a series of vast metal mineshafts emerging precariously from the side of a
hill. Dozens of temporary prefab housing blocks had been set up to accommodate the miners, while
vast trucks and diggers built to transport the freshly mined potassium lay idle. They were half a mile
outside the mine’s perimeter when Colette ordered Raven to stop the vehicle.

“Hold up here, I need to get changed. Are you planning to use that power armour?”

“Nah, too hot,” Raven replied, leaning back in her seat and fanning herself with her right hand.

“I’ll take it then,” Colette answered, stepping over to the pile of parts.

(Rolling a Difficult to Manage character flaw for Raven on 40+... 18 rolled. She fails to act like a
decent human being.)

“Actually…” Raven suddenly turned her head, “We don’t know what’s in that mine. I reckon I’ll just
keep my armour.”

“Fuck’s sake…” Colette cursed under her breath, “Sister Valeri, I have no clothes. You still have your
underwear intact. We are about to walk into a mine filled with men and Throne-knows-what lurking in
the dark.”

“So? I wasn’t the one who lost my power armour fighting an Ork Boy.”

“It was a Nob!”

“Eh, didn’t look bigger than a regular one to me.”

“Are you letting me borrow your power armour or not, Sister Valeri?” Colette scowled.

“Of course not - I deserve to wear it after killing that Ork Nob attacking you. I mean, did you see the
size of that thing?” Raven teased, stepping into the back of the Rhino and beginning to dress herself.

“But you just said it wasn’t a Nob! You can’t expect me to just walk into that mine naked! I am your
Sister Superior! Those miners - they’re almost all men! How do you think they’d react to seeing a
naked woman?”

“Don’t the first-aid kits on these Rhinos have things for just such an occasion?” Raven replied,
fastening the leg pieces of her armoured suit.

“There is no way in the Warp I am using those Throne-damned things. I’d sooner go naked.”

“Suit yourself,” Raven responded, attaching her power armour chestpiece.

(Five Minutes Later)

Colette’s face was scarlet red. Partially with anger, partially with embarrassment. The first-aid kits on
the Rhinos came with a variety of medical devices and medications. There were tablets to counter
aphrodisiacs, injections to temporarily prevent impregnation, and liquids that could accelerate an
unwanted alien pregnancy to get the worst part over with. Colette had rummaged to the bottom of the
hard green plastic box until she found them. They came in a small strip pack, a bit like plasters. The
Sister Superior reluctantly removed them from their packaging.

‘Please don’t be the heart design, please don’t be the heart design,’ she silently prayed.

(Rolling a luck test for Colette on 40+... 12 rolled. Fail.)

“Fucking shit,” she cursed again.

“Haha!” Raven laughed from the driver’s seat, “Did you get the star design?”

“No! The fucking hearts.”

Raven’s laughter grew tenfold. None of the Sisters liked having to use the emergency pasties. They
came four to a pack and acted as a temporary barrier to protect the nipples, pussy, and asshole. For
some accursed reason the designer hadn’t opted for plain, functional pasties, but instead had
designed a plethora of humiliating, bright, lewd designs.

Colette angrily peeled the first two cherry-red hearts off and applied the sticky pasties over her
nipples. She repeated the process on her pussy and asshole. There were a lot of terrible designs, but
the hearts were close to the worst. The shape of the pastie meant that, while it covered her vagina,
the valley at the top of the heart left her clitoris fully exposed.

“See boss? That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Raven smirked.

“Another word out of you Sister Valeri and I won’t hesitate to feed you to whatever is inhabiting this

“Aww, c’mon boss. They look good on you!”

Raven’s eyes took a moment to examine her boss’s body. Colette’s hair had been cut to her
neckline. It was impossible to tell what her natural colour was - she’d dyed it regulation Sororitas-
white. Her hard eyes were emerald green like the chlorophyll-rich seaweed that washed upon the
planet’s beaches. She was an average height, a couple of inches shy of six foot. At almost forty
years old the early signs of wrinkling had appeared in the corners of her eyes. They were far more
pronounced each time she scowled at Raven. Perhaps her most distinguishing feature was her round
E-Cup breasts. Her pink nipples had been covered by the scarlet heart-shaped pasties. The small dip
at the tip of the hearts did offer a slight glimpse of her areolae though.

“Shall I take us into the mine now, Boss?” Raven asked, her voice still tinged with laughter.

“It’s not like I have much of a choice in the matter. The mission needs to be done,” Colette muttered
in response, clambering into the passenger seat.

Raven stole another glance at Colette, catching sight of the Sister Superior dressed like a low-class
stripper in a Cadian whorehouse. She was going to enjoy watching the mens’ reactions to seeing her

‘I wonder if I can encourage them to mess with her,’ Raven thought to herself as the Rhino’s engine
rumbled to life.

St Stephen’s Sword
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Nipples)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Asshole)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Pussy - Clitoris Exposed)
Orgasm: 476%
Status Effects:
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

-Power Armour (4/4 HP)
-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 108%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
Anti-Social - This character acts in ways contrary to the general wellbeing of others around them.

Condition: 72%
Fuel: 57.3%
Weapons and Systems:
-Storm Bolter - Disabled. This weapon needs repair before it can be used again.
-Mechanical Failure - Ignition Destroyed. The ignition has been destroyed and must be bypassed with
hotwiring before the engine can be restarted.
-Hotwired - The Rhino has been hotwired and can be driven as normal.
-Rear door partially wrenched open.
-Tophatch completely ripped off.

Rhino Storage:
Broken Power Armour (0/4 HP)

The appearance of a damaged, dented Rhino driving towards Lornegulf Mine arose suspicion and
curiosity among the miners. Its top hatch had been bent open. The rear door was wrenched ajar at an
aesthetically unpleasing angle, and the once red and gold hull had been pockmarked with half a
dozen soot-black craters. Shimmering silver sparkles glittered under the sunlight where the red paint
had been scratched off. Miners, labourers, and supervisors began emerging from the mine’s
Colette peered out the slit-visor, they were wielding blowtorches, pickaxes, and other mining
equipment. About eighty percent of them were male. Raven parked the Rhino in a space to the left of
the closest hut and glanced right at her Sister Superior.
“They don’t look too happy to see us, boss,” she remarked.

“They’re just anxious, Sister Valeri. The planet is engulfed in several simultaneous wars. For all they
know we could be retreating from a fight and leading a swarm of Rapeanids right to them.”

“Eh, good point. Let’s get this over with quickly. Ready when you are, boss.”

“Yeah, just… give me a minute,” she replied, taking a moment to fruitlessly adjust the pasties.

If the confusion and shock of seeing the damaged Rhino roll into the encampment had worn off, then
it was renewed with vigour at the sight of one of the Emperor’s holy warriors striding from the back of
the tank. She was carrying a boltgun in her left hand and St. Stephen’s Sword in her right. None of
the onlookers eyes were on her weapons though, their leering gazes honed in on her scantily clad

‘This is so fucking embarassing,’ Colette thought as she struggled to avoid eye contact with the
gathering crowd.

“We need to find the woman who runs this place - Dakota Mayflower.”

“What’s she look like?” Raven asked.

“No idea. I’m not asking any of these lecherous imbeciles for directions though.”

(Rolling an anti-social character flaw for Raven on 50+... 5 rolled. Epic fail. She’s still a brat and pulls
a colossally dickish move.)

“Hey everyone!”

“Sister Valeri, what the fuck are you doing?!” Colette snapped beneath her breath.

“Yoo hoo! Everyone, my boss here is looking for Dakota! Are any of you guys able to give her the
guided tour?”
Raven’s invitation was punctuated with an exaggerated pointing motion from her right hand above
Colette’s head. It wasn’t often that women came to Lornegulf Mine. Less frequent were Sisters of
Battle. And even rarer were scantily dressed Sisters of Battle. The crowd began moving in from all
directions as Raven stepped back.

“Good luck, boss. Let me know when you find Dakota. I’m gonna go take a break for a while.”

“S-Sister Valeri! Come back here!” Colette shouted as the crowd closed in.

(Colette has fallen victim to a horny crowd. She will continue to be groped and molested each round
until someone notices the ruckus and breaks it up. This will be represented by a progressively easier
luck test each round.)

“G-Get back, I have a gu-” Colette started to order before realising she couldn’t turn her weapon
upon Imperial civilians, no matter how lecherous they were.

Her eyes darted left and right, looking for an escape. There must have been fifty or sixty miners
circling around her though from every direction. She was completely and utterly trapped. To her
horror she realised that the mob wasn’t even entirely male. A few women with lewd looks plastered
across their faces were also approaching Colette.

“Shit… Shit…” she repeated, desperately searching for a gap in the crowd.

There were none. With barely two metres to go Sister Superior Piousborne did the last thing she
could think of.

“Dakota! Dakota!”

Her yelled words rose into the air before vanishing into nothing.

‘I swear to the Emperor, when I get out of this I am going to strangle Raven! Where the heck are
you, Dakota?!’ she angrily mulled.

(Rolling a 99+ luck test for Dakota to show up… 13 rolled. Not yet!)

(Rolling a 60+ test to see how lecherous the crowd is. Results of 60+ mean the crowd of miners will
stay at Stage 1: Light Groping and Jeering, results below 60 will see the crowd grow rowdier and
more depraved. This will happen every round. 67 rolled. The crowd’s lewdness does not advance
and remains at Stage 1: Light Groping and Jeering)
Colette’s eyes were affixed to the muscular men and women before her. Years of working in the
harsh mines had developed their upper body strength. Even with her military training there was no
way she would be able to break out of this mob.

‘I might have had a sliver of a chance if those damn Orks hadn’t broken my power armour,’ she

The first touches came from behind the Sister Superior, a pair of hands suddenly spanking her
exposed ass.


“Ow!” she gasped in shock, turning to face her attacker.

It was a muscular woman in her late thirties. She had midnight black hair, but it had been speckled
with ochre dust from a recent shift. The woman was clad in a cream tank top and a pair of brown
work slacks. Her work uniform had been similarly coated in dust and dirt. As Colette locked eyes with
the woman she was greeted by a devious smile. Seconds later another pair of hands reached out
and squeezed her ass. Colette instinctively reached her arms behind her to try and protect her
abused bottom. Unfortunately, she inadvertently exposed her sizable breasts to the crowd in front of

“Mmm, nice tits!” the dark-haired miner catcalled

“Love the little hearts!” another jeered.

The crowd’s cheers were growing filthier with each passing second. Remarks about her ass,
comments on her tits, threats about what they would do to her pussy. Colette shuddered as the
muscular woman stretched out a hand and groped her left breast.

“H-Hey! Stop that! I am a Sister of B-”



Another strike on her ass. Colette gasped as she reached up with her right arm and tried to pull the
woman’s hand away. Her left hand continued to try and protect her defiled derriere. Colette’s grasp
of tactics didn’t rise above leading a squad, but even she knew it wasn’t going to be easy fighting a
defensive war on two fronts.
(Rolling 2d5 pleasure damage for the spanking, and 1d10 pleasure damage for the groping. 4, 5, and
8 rolled. 17 pleasure damage! Colette is up to 493% Orgasm.)

St Stephen’s Sword
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Nipples)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Asshole)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Pussy - Clitoris Exposed)
Orgasm: 493%
Status Effects:
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Caught in the Crowd (Stage 1): Colette is trapped in a crowd of lusty miners. They are lightly groping
and jeering at her.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

-Power Armour (4/4 HP)
-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 108%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
Anti-Social - This character acts in ways contrary to the general wellbeing of others around them.

(Rolling a 40+ luck test for Raven to escape the crowd, reduced to 15+ because she is fully dressed
and likely to attract less lewd attention. 68 rolled. She escapes the crowd without falling victim to their

(Rolling a 91+ luck test for Dakota to show up. 27 rolled. Fail. She doesn’t appear yet.)

“Dakota! D-Dakota Mayflower!” Colette’s yells were growing louder, but there was no sign of the
prospector anywhere.
As she looked around she noticed a tall motorised yellow crane to her right. Sitting halfway up the
metal frame with a smouldering lho-stick in her left hand was Raven. The deviant Sister’s eyes were
focused on the huddled masses below as she enjoyed the show.

‘The bitch is just watching me! I should have left her as bait for the fucking Orks.’

(Rolling a 60+ test to see how lecherous the crowd is. 46 rolled. The crowd’s lewdness advances to
Stage 2: Groping and Restraining)

Helpless to properly protect herself, Colette found the crowd getting rowdier. Hands were reaching
out more frequently. She tried to pry them off wherever she could. A thick arm reached under her
right shoulder and curved up to roughly grope her right breast. A pang of pleasure exploded in her
chest like a miniature firework.

“Ah- H-Hey! Cut it out!” she snapped, trying to pull the attacker off.

No sooner had she begun to focus on this obscene attack than another person joined in, electing to
play with her naked ass. She felt strong fingers dig into her soft buttocks and elicit even more
pleasure. It was in that moment that she realised they were no longer just spanking her. Their hands
were clinging to her body and groping her.

“Ugh… Mmm… Ah…” Colette desperately tried to turn her pleasurable moans into defiant grunts.

(Rolling pleasure damage for Colette - 1d10 for her ass getting groped, and 1d10 for her boobs being
groped. 9 and 5 rolled. 14 pleasure damage! 507% orgasm - Colette has climaxed!)

(Rolling a 40+ mindbreak test for Colette… 55 rolled. She holds on.)

“Ayyaaahhhh!!!” the Sister Superior screamed as her body was pushed over the edge.

She quivered and trembled as the mob continued to play with her body as if she was there for no
other reason than their amusement. Nothing more than a whore. Nothing more than a sexdoll. Her
wetness pooled beneath the red heart-shaped pastie covering most of her pussy.

“Ayaaahhhh! AAAAHHHHHHH!”

By the time her orgasm had finally passed Colette realised the crowd had further closed ranks. Her
wrists had breen grabbed by unknown assailants and her arms were being pulled away from the
vulnerable areas of her body she was so desperately trying to protect.

“Ah… L-Let go! Oh!” she gasped, still feeling the post-climax tingles rushing down her limbs.

(Rolling two 50+ strength tests for Colette, increased to 65+ because she has just orgasmed and is
feeling a little weak. 54 and 18 rolled. Both of her wrists have been restrained by the crowd. Colette
can no longer protect herself from groping.)

“Ugghh! Give me my hands back!” she grunted.

“Get ‘em! Gimmie a hand here!”

“Hold her in place!”

“Go for her ankles, Micky!”



The Sister Superior’s weapons slipped from her grip and struck the ground. She had no tools to fight
back with - not that she would use them on Imperial civilians anyway. The only modicum of protection
she still possessed were those pathetic pasties.

‘Shit! I’m in real trouble now!’ Colette panicked as she was aggressively restrained.

The indecency of the crowd was worsening at an alarming rate. With each passing second the
miners were growing bolder. They were taking greater risks with this captured Sister of Battle.

Boltgun (On Ground)
St Stephen’s Sword (On Ground)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Nipples)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Asshole)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Pussy - Clitoris Exposed)
Orgasm: 507%
Status Effects:
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Caught in the Crowd (Stage 2) - Colette is trapped in a crowd of lusty miners. They are groping and
attempting to restrain her.
Arms Restrained - Both of Colette’s arms have been restrained by the crowd. She will need to pass
a difficult 90+ strength test to break them free.)
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

(Rolling two 90+ strength tests for Colette to break her arms free of the mob’s grip… 46 and 22 rolled.
Both fail!)

(Rolling an 80+ luck test for Dakota to show up. 7 rolled. Epic Fail. Dakota does not appear, and the
luck test will not get any easier next round.)

“Arrgh! Get… off… me!” the Sister Superior growled.

Her words were bold and tinged with fury but she lacked the physical strength to match her wrath.
She struggled and failed to pull her arms free from the crowd. The rowdy miners had her entire upper-
body restrained. She was almost defenceless. Colette criss-crossed her legs in a desperate attempt
to protect her pussy from the lecherous crowd.

(Rolling a 60+ luck test to see if the mob becomes more lecherous, increased to 75+ because Colette
climaxed last round and turned a bunch of them on. 39 rolled. The crowd’s lewdness advances to
Stage 3: Molesting and Stripping.)

“Let’s get these pasties off her!”

The suggestion came from some unseen voice in the crowd. Colette barely had time to process what
had been shouted before members of the crowd began acting on it. Anonymous hands were reaching
out and were furiously tugging at the sticky coverings protecting her sensitive nipples.

‘They’re designed to protect against attacks from Xenos - these things will hopefully hold for a few
minutes before they come off,’ Colette thought to herself.

(Rolling two 90+ strength tests for the crowd to peel the nipple pasties off. This will get easier each
round as the toughness of the material degrades. 14 and 7 rolled. Fail and epic fail! They aren’t

“Dammit, they aren’t moving!”

“Let me try!”

“Ugh! They’re fucking stuck!”

“Stop that! Ah! Leave my breasts alone!”

“She’s got another one on her pussy!”

“And one back her coverin’ her asshole! Spread ‘er legs lads!”

(Rolling two 50+ strength tests for Colette to resist her ankles being pulled apart. She will need to
pass both of these. 33 and 26 rolled. Both of her ankles have been pulled apart and her legs spread
wide. Colette’s pussy and asshole pasties are her last line of defence.)

“N-No! Stop! I am with the Adepta Sororitas! I demand you respe- HEY!”

Colette’s protests fell on uncaring ears as a myriad of grasping hands snatched her ankles and
began pulling them apart. She was soon spread like a starfish for the amusement of the crowd. It
didn’t take long for the mob to remember their original reason behind spreading her legs. Two more
miners swooped in with outstretched hands, pinching the pasties on her pussy and ass.

(Rolling a 90+ clothing damage test for the asshole pastie, and a 90+ clothing damage test for the
pussy pastie. 66 and 29 rolled. The mob fails to get either off.)

“S-Stop! Get away from me!”

The horny crowd tugged and pulled at her final defences. Colette’s mind was ablaze with fear.

‘What will they do to me if they get them off? There’s no way I can outlast this many molesters all at
once! They’ll break me before I’ve even begun my mission!’

Despite their best efforts the pasties remained in place. Colette breathed a brief sigh of relief. She
knew that they wouldn’t last forever though. If you fiddled around with the pasties too much the
stickiness would wear off.

“Hey! Look! This one isn’t attached properly!”

The Sister Superior’s heart almost stopped.

“See! You can see her clitoris!”

‘Fuck! How could I forget about that?!’ Colette chastised herself.

She felt a cold chill rush through her veins as a single finger reached down for her exposed clitoris.
The Sister Superior tried pulling her hips back to avoid it. It was no good. Her limbs were restrained
too tightly to enable any meaningful retreat.

“N-No! Please don’t touch my cli- there! You don’t need t-”

Her pleading was answered with the warm touch of a soft fingertip. Colette gasped as the finger
began to draw small circles over her sensitive spot.


(Rolling 4d5 pleasure for the miners trying to take the stickers off, and 1d25 pleasure for the clitoral
rubbing. 4, 5, 5, 1 and 12 rolled. 27% Orgasm Damage. Colette is now at 534% Orgasm!)

“Ah! S-Stop it! Ohh! It’s too sensitive! Hmmmmm!!” Colette tried to suppress her moans by biting
her lower lip.

Boltgun (On Ground)
St Stephen’s Sword (On Ground)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Nipples)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Asshole)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Pussy - Clitoris Exposed)
Orgasm: 507%
Status Effects:
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Caught in the Crowd (Stage 3) - Colette is trapped in a crowd of lusty miners. They are molesting and
trying to strip her.
Arms Restrained - Both of Colette’s arms have been restrained by the crowd. She will need to pass
a difficult 90+ strength test to break them free.)
Legs Forcibly Spread - Colette’s legs have been forcibly spread. She will need to pass two 70+
strength tests to close them again.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

(Rolling two 90+ strength tests for Colette to break her arms free of their grip… 49 and 51 rolled. Both

(Rolling two 70+ strength tests for Colette to break her legs free. She needs to either pass both or get
an epic win on one of them. 82 and 19. She almost breaks one leg free, but it isn’t enough to stop
her attackers.)

(Rolling an 80+ luck test for Dakota to show up. 69 rolled. Fail. Dakota does not appear.)

Colette’s hopes that Dakota would soon show up and put an end to this rabble were quickly dashed.
The Sister Superior stole another glance at Raven sitting on the latticed boom of the crane. The
delinquent was grinning ear to ear. It was evident that the newest addition to Colette’s squad found
her perverted predicament hilarious.

‘We’ll see how funny you think this is when I get you back to base,’ Colette thought.

(Rolling a 60+ luck test to see how lecherous the crowd is... 92 rolled. An epic win for Colette. The
crowd’s lewdness stays on Stage 3: Molesting and Stripping. Additionally, because of the epic win
the lecherous test will be on 30+ next turn, meaning the situation is less likely to escalate.)

The Sister Superior continued to struggle for her freedom and continued to fail. Amidst the hustle and
bustle of the crowd the attacks on her pasties continued. She felt her nipples tugged as the miners
attempted to pull the sticky plasters off. Whoever was working on the pastie covering her ass had
adopted a different strategy. She felt a finger repeatedly poke and prod at her rear hole, trying to
break through the sticker.

“Ah! Will you - ugh - stop that?!” she demanded once again knowing full well that they wouldn’t
comply with her requests.

(Rolling four 80+ clothing damage tests for the nipple, anus, and pussy pasties.
Nipples: 5 and 44. No change.
Asshole: 39 rolled. No change.
Pussy: 97 rolled. Epic win! The pasty is gone! The epic win means the molesters did it so quickly that
they get an extra turn to play with her pussy!)


“Ow!” Colette gasped as the sticky pastie covering her pussy suddenly ripped off.
The Sister Superior blushed crimson as her wetness which had previously been contained began
trickling down her creamy white thighs. She clenched her teeth and flashed a volcanic glare at
Raven. There was nothing she could do as another faceless arm reached out and pushed a finger
into her exposed hole.

“Ahh… N-Not there! Don’t you dare put that inside meeeeeeehhhhh!!!”

Colette squealed in delight as her holy hole was violated by a curled index finger. It began slowly
pushing in and out of her. Each time it plunged in she gasped with another moan of pleasure. Matters
were only made worse by the other attacker’s continual teasing of her sensitive clitoris.

“Ah! Ohh! S-Stop it! Ayaaahhh! Hnnnggg!”

(Rolling 1d25 pleasure damage for the finger on her clitoris, and 1d35 pleasure damage for the finger
inside her pussy. 9 and 35 rolled. 44% damage! Colette is now on 551% orgasm!)

“P-Please! It’s t-too sensitive! *Pant* You’re g-gonna make me cum again!”

Colette’s protests had descended into begging. She still hadn’t fully recovered from the intense
fucking she had received at the hands of the Rapeanid Warrior and the Ork Nob. She felt like her
next climax would be a coin-toss as to whether or not she could retain her sanity.

“P-Pleeeeasseee… Nooohhhh moreeee!” she begged as the assailant prepared to stuff a second
finger inside her.

She felt the attacker’s middle finger join his index and begin to squeeze its way inside her soaking
wet cunt. Colette moaned as her pussy was slowly stretched to accommodate the second digit.

[Bonus Pussy Attack for the mob rolling an Epic Win!]

(Rolling 1d25 pleasure damage for the finger on her clitoris, and 1d40 pleasure damage for the two
fingers inside her pussy. 20 and 3 rolled! 23% orgasm added! Colette is now on 574% Orgasm!)


The sound of the man’s fingers plunging into her wet pussy was music to the crowd’s ears. Colette
could do little more than scream and tremble in ecstasy as the two fingers curled up to her g-spot and
began beating it like a drum. It was a steady rhythm that was making the Superior’s legs quiver and
shake. Her toes curled into the dusty ground as the attackers furiously tried to remove the final
pasties. She knew her body wasn’t far off another climax. One that had the potential to take her out
of the mission.

“Ahhh! Haaaaahhhhh! N-Noooohhh! It’sh tooo muuccchhh! Shhttoooopp!”

It was growing more difficult for Colette to properly enunciate her words. Her entire body was
weakening with the ever-increasing pleasure. She desperately tried to avoid thinking about what the
crowd would do if they succeeded in breaking her. And then she realised, it wasn’t what the crowd
was doing to her that she should feel embarrassed about - it was what she would do to the crowd.

Colette had seen many a comrade driven into such a lustful state that they would willingly fuck and
suck anything put in front of them. Human, Xeno, Daemon - it mattered not when one’s mind was
solely focused on the next orgasmic release.

Boltgun (On Ground)
St Stephen’s Sword (On Ground)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Nipples)
-Heart-Shaped Pasties (Asshole)
Orgasm: 574%
Status Effects:
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Caught in the Crowd (Stage 3) - Colette is trapped in a crowd of lusty miners. They are molesting and
trying to strip her.
Arms Restrained - Both of Colette’s arms have been restrained by the crowd. She will need to pass
a difficult 90+ strength test to break them free.)
Legs Forcibly Spread - Colette’s legs have been forcibly spread. She will need to pass two 70+
strength tests to close them again.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

(Rolling two 90+ strength tests for Colette to break her arms free of their grip… 86 and 55 rolled.
Close, but no cigar!)

(Rolling two 70+ strength tests for Colette to break her legs free. She needs to pass both, or get an
epic win on one of them. 83 and 45 rolled. As last round, she almost breaks one leg free, but it isn’t
enough to stop her attackers.)
Colette struggled and fought her assailants as best she could. Sheer overwhelming numbers
prevented any realistic chance of escape though.

‘If these weren’t Imperial citizens I’d punch them in their Throne-damned faces!’ she thought to

(Rolling a 70+ luck test for Dakota to show up. 30 rolled. Fail. Dakota does not appear to put an end
to the groping.)

(Rolling a 60+ luck test to see how lecherous the crowd is, reduced to 30+ because of the epic win
last round. 90 rolled. A strong pass, just shy of an epic win. The crowd’s lewdness stays on Stage 3:
Molesting and Stripping.)

As the unwanted molestation entered its seventh minute Colette prayed that the Prospector would
return to put an end to it. And yet, there was still no sign of her. The Sister Superior could do little
more than try to resist cumming again. That, in itself, was proving to be a Herculean effort. The hands
caressing and rubbing every inch of her body were bringing her closer to another climax. None more
so than the fingers pistoning her poor pussy.

“Ah! Ahh! Ahh! Ohh! Ahh!”

It was precious little comfort that she still had pasties covering her nipples and asshole. The sticker
she had wanted to stay on the most was the only one that had been ripped off.

‘Even still, I guess these are better than wearing nothing at all,’ she reassured herself.

(Rolling three 70+ clothing damage tests for the nipple and anus pasties.
Nipples: 79 and 84. Both come off!
Asshole: 70 rolled. It comes off!)



“Ow! Ohh! Ouch!”

There was a sharp sting, like a plaster being ripped off. In a sequence of shocking seconds both of
her nipple pasties were stripped from her body. The sudden removal had left her teats tingling and
sensitive to the touch.
“N-No! Don’t look!” she panicked.

Her exposed breasts were applauded with wolf whistles and cheers from the crowd. Before Colette’s
mind had time to process this newest humiliation she felt a breakthrough on another front.


The stranger poking her asshole had finally succeeded, not in tearing the anal pastie off, but rather in
tearing through it. In one shocking instance Colette felt a hole rip through her asshole’s final
protection. A finger plunged deep inside her ass immediately after.

(Rolling 1d10 pleasure damage for her asshole being fingered, 1d25 pleasure damage for the finger
on her clitoris, and 1d40 pleasure damage for the two fingers inside her pussy. 1, 17 and 13 rolled!
31% orgasm added! Colette is now up to 605% Orgasm and climaxes!)

“Ah! Ahhh! G-God Emperor! Not agaaaaahhhinnn! AAAAAHHHH!!!” the Sister Superior squealed as
her body fell victim to another climax.

It was even more intense this time. She felt her tight pussy clamping down around the two fingers
massaging her g-spot. Orgasmic contractions were rippling through her belly and zipping down her
limbs like electric shocks. Her clitoris felt aflame with lust. Her entire body was growing hotter with
each passing second as she lost control.

‘It’s too much! I’m gonna lose my mind!’

(Rolling a 45+ mindbreak test for Colette. 13 rolled! Colette has gained the Mindbroken status effect!)

(Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle!)

“Hnnnngggg….. Oohhhhhh!!! Yesssssss!!! AYAAAAHHHHHH!!!” Colette screamed.

She welcomed the rush of ecstasy. The mob’s hands and fingers felt so good in her wet cunt. Her
resistance began bleeding away until there was nothing left but a horny slut on the verge of being
sent full-blown ahegao.
“Look at this stupid bitch! She’s cummin’ like crazy!”

“Heh, dirty slut!”

(Rolling a 40+ Anti-Social character flaw for Raven to see if she realises that this has gone far
enough, reduced to 15+ because it’s pretty serious and Raven would have to undertake the mission
alone if Colette passes out. 1 rolled. Phenomenal Fail. Raven actively attempts to make the situation
worse. Additionally, because she phenomenally failed a character flaw roll with a natural 1, Raven’s
flaw will worsen.)

(The Anti-Social character flaw has changed into ‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character
doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will work to undermine them for her own amusement.
If such malicious behaviour continues it may attract the unwanted attention of a Chaos God.)

“Fuck her! Screw her silly! She’s practically gagging for it!” Raven hollered from her perch halfway
up the yellow crane.

The crowd needed no more encouragement than that. Things rapidly escalated with work slacks
being dropped to the ground. Colette soon found herself faced with at least a dozen dicks. If she
were still in a rational state she would have pleaded and fought for her purity and decency; her lust-
addled mind held no such convictions. As the mob closed in around her the last thing the Sister
Superior saw was Raven laughing as if the girl had just heard the funniest joke on the planet.

(Raven’s phenomenal fail has caused the ‘Caught in the Crowd’ status effect to massively increase
to Level 6 - Hardcore Gangbang.)

Boltgun (On Ground)
St Stephen’s Sword (On Ground)
Orgasm: 605%
Status Effects:
Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle.
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Caught in the Crowd (Stage 6) - Colette is trapped in a crowd of lusty miners. They are going to
roughly gangbang her.
Arms Restrained - Both of Colette’s arms have been restrained by the crowd. She will need to pass
a difficult 90+ strength test to break them free.)
Legs Forcibly Spread - Colette’s legs have been forcibly spread. She will need to pass two 70+
strength tests to close them again.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

-Power Armour (4/4 HP)
-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 108%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.

(Colette is mindbroken and will no longer attempt to break free as she has given in to the pleasure.)

(Rolling a 60+ luck test for Dakota to show up. 57 rolled. Fail. So close, but she still doesn’t show.)

“Hold the bitch in place, I’m goin’ in!”

The voice came from in front of Colette. She wasn’t sure which of the men in front of her though had
blurted it out. Eventually, a burly giant of a man strode forward. He was over six feet tall with a
bristling grey beard as thick as the wool of a Glorian Llama. Colette was still struggling to catch her
breath after her last mind-shattering climax which prevented her protesting as his thick shaft aligned
with the entrance to her drenched cunt.

‘That thing… it must be six or seven inches long…’ she weakly thought to herself, ‘Curse you, Raven…
I shoulda… I shoulda left you back with the… Throne-almighty that dick looks good.’

The Sister Superior offered scant resistance as the glans began parting her labia. She opened her
mouth and let out a soft moan as the first inch of the cock entered her body.


Unfortunately for Colette, while her attention was focused upon her cock entering her cunt she
neglected to notice a second one behind her. It wasn’t until she felt the tip of the shaft press up
against her tiny tight asshole that she realised she was about to be doubly penetrated. The thick cock
pushed through what remained of the tattered heart-shaped pastie, forcing its way into her
unprepared rear. It was at this point she realised the guy preparing to fuck her ass had no intention of
using any lube.

“Ah!” she grunted, partially awoken from her stupor by the pang of pain.

The two cocks were thrust into her holes as she stood rooted to the spot. With her ankles and arms
held tightly by the crowd there was nothing she could do but endure the pulsing pleasure from the
front and the pang of pain from behind.

“Mmm! Ow! Ah!”

(Rolling 1d100 pleasure damage for the guy fucking her pussy and 1d50 pleasure damage for the
guy fucking her ass without lube. 54 and 34 rolled! 88% pleasure damage! Colette’s Orgasm is now
on 692%)

“Ah! Ahh!” she gasped.

The pain of her ass being fucked raw only seemed to enhance the sensations she was feeling from
having her pussy relentlessly pounded. She knew deep down that she shouldn’t be enjoying this.

‘I’m a Sister Superior! I’m supposed to carry myself with some decorum. But… holy fuck do these
dicks feel so good.’

“Ugh! Fuck, her ass is so damn tight!”

“I’m gonna destroy her tight pussy!” the guy in front of her responded.

Such lewd insults should have turned Colette off. They should have disgusted her. But in this
moment, with her mind barely functional due to the immense pleasure, she found them far-too-
appealing. Each jeer, each tease, each insult only made her hornier, wetter, more willing. The Sister
Superior trembled with pleasure as she felt yet another climax building deep within her body. If she
still had her wits about her she might have realised just how dangerous this next one would be - a
climax strong enough to likely incapacitate her for the mission.

(Rolling a 91+ climax test for the guy fucking her pussy… 17 rolled. Fail.)

(Rolling a 91+ climax test for the guy fucking her asshole… 93 rolled. Epic win! He cums!)
Raven watched from afar as the two cocks relentlessly pounded in and out of her Sister Superior’s
holes. She had almost finished a lho stick and was debating whether she should light up another.

“Ah! Ahhhh! Ohhhhhh!” Colette’s moans were growing louder.

She felt the thick unlubed cock slamming into her derriere begin to swell. A few seconds later her
attacker began to grunt.

“Ugghhh! Hnnngggg! Take it you bitch!” he swore, slamming balls deep into her tight asshole.

“AYAAAHHHHHH!!” Colette screamed as she felt a hot rush of semen flood deep into her bowels.

(Rolling 1d15 Orgasm damage for the anal creampie. 13 rolled! Colette’s Orgasm has increased to
705% and she cums again!)

(Rolling a 50+ mindbreak test to see if Colette goes Ahegao. 71 rolled. She holds on!)

“Ayyyaaaahhh! I’m cummmmiinnngg!” the Sister Superior cried, panting and gasping as the warm
surge of semen into her ass sent her over the edge.

As the man behind her unloaded his balls deep into her ass, the man in front continued slamming his
cock into her soaking cunt. A wet shlicking sound filled the air as he relentlessly thrust into the Sister.

(Rolling a 55+ luck test for Dakota to show up. 66 rolled. Pass.)


The sound of a gunshot reverberated through the air. Miners looked around in fear before scurrying
away from the scene of the crime.

“What in tarnation is going on here?!” a heavily accented feminine voice drawled.

She was answered with a cold silence.

“None of y’all willing to tell me what’s going on? What you all fightin’ over there? Get outta the
At this point Colette felt the cocks slip out of her ass. She collapsed down to the ground, trembling
and exhausted from the ordeal. The men who had been fucking her scampered into the mob of
miners and disappeared from view.

“Y’all are fuckin’ animals! Meal rations are halved tonight! And what the HELL are you doin’ up in
that crane? Get down from there before you break the damn thing!”

Raven flicked the embering remains of her lho stick away and began her descent. The woman of the
moment didn’t appear any older than thirty. She wore a pair of heavily-patched dungarees and a
straw panama hat atop her head. In her right hand she held a menacing-looking double-barrelled
shotgun. A small crop of fiery ginger hair was slightly visible at the edges of her hat. The woman
marched forward until she was standing above the cum-stained Sister Superior.

“Prospector Mayflower,” the woman introduced herself, “You the help they sent me?”

“Uh huh…” Colette weakly nodded.

“That your girl clamberin’ o’er my crane?”

“I wish she wasn’t…” she honestly answered.

“Oy! You!” Dakota quipped at Raven, “Help your friend o’er to my cabin and we’ll talk about the
mission. I might have something that can temporarily patch her up. Can’t guarantee it though.”

Boltgun (On Ground)
St Stephen’s Sword (On Ground)
Orgasm: 705%
Status Effects:
Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle.
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Caught in the Crowd (Stage 6) - Colette is trapped in a crowd of lusty miners. They are going to
roughly gangbang her.
Arms Restrained - Both of Colette’s arms have been restrained by the crowd. She will need to pass
a difficult 90+ strength test to break them free.)
Legs Forcibly Spread - Colette’s legs have been forcibly spread. She will need to pass two 70+
strength tests to close them again.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

-Power Armour (4/4 HP)
-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 108%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.

Sister Raven Valeri

Dakota’s “cabin” was a rectangular prefabricated housing unit. Raven had always imagined that a
mine owner would live in a vast mansion in the countryside.

“I’m going… to fucking… slap you when I get my strength back…” Colette weakly gasped.

“Aw, shut up, Boss. It was just a just,” Raven replied, dismissing the Sister Superior’s temper,
“Where do you want me to put her?”

“Toss her down on the couch o’er there. I’ll see if there’s anything left in the medical kit. Damn
miners keep demanding me to refill the thing. You think they’d catch on and do it themselves!”

Raven laid her boss down on an ugly green couch. It clashed with the grey carpeted floor and the
ancient blue wallpaper that peeled away from the walls like a wilting flower. The cabin was composed
of two rooms - a large kitchen, come living room, come dining room, come office, and a smaller
sealed room. If Raven had to guess what was behind the closed door she’d have suggested a small

The sound of clattering cans filled the air as Dakota scavenged through her kitchen cupboards,
eventually returning with a small white box. The Prospector slammed it down on a rickety wooden
coffee table and opened it up.

(Rolling a luck test on 80+ to see if there is anything useful in the first aid kit. 4 rolled. Epic fail. There
isn’t even any pasties left. Colette will have to go into the mission mindbroken.)

“Eh, fuck all in here,” she lamented, “Let your girl rest for an hour You two can go into the mine
when she wakes up.”

“W-Wait, you’re still expecting us to go in there?” Raven replied.

“‘course I am. And if your boss ain’t fit to do it then you’ll be doin’ it by yourself. Now, I need y’all
to figure out the source of this shit. Find out what’s going on, and deal with it if you can. If you can’t
deal with it, then bring some backup or talk to me and I’ll see what I can do.”

Raven nodded anxiously. It came as a gradual realisation that she might have just screwed herself
with her mischievous nature.

“What… uh… What exactly is in the mine?” Raven asked, a little less confident than before.

“Hell knows. Miners been goin’ missing. Almost all women,” Dakota replied, “Whole lotta rumblin’
underground. Maybe somethin’ or someone is detonatin’ blasting charges down there. Now, I advise
you take an hour to rest up too. Can I get you a drink? I got freshly squeezed kalaprachyade. Some

“You got something stronger?”

For the first time since they had met the Prospector smiled.

“Best not to drink before goin’ in there. But I’ll tell ya what - if you sort out my mine I’ll crack open a
case of the good stuff and we’ll celebrate. Deal?”

“Deal,” Raven reached out and firmly shook the Prospector’s hand.
The Cultists Second Attack on the Holy Martyr Finishing School

June Fitzgerald

(Almost four hours have passed since June’s previous encounter with Byre. She is beginning to calm
down and may return to see him again. On a 50+ she visits Byre. If she rolls less than 50 she goes
sunbathing with one of her friends.43 rolled. She goes sunbathing!)

“You seem nervous, June. Everything okay?”

The Asian girl’s gentle voice was reassuring, but the question was not. June hadn’t felt ‘okay’ since
she had met Byre. Her stomach was tied in knots.

‘The idiot touched my nipples! He even has photographs of me in my underwear!’ she lamented,
realising that the man could very easily upload them to the planet’s internet and she was powerless
to stop it.

“I’m fine, Thuy,” she answered, “Just stressed out about the upcoming exams.”

“It’ll be fine. We’re all worried,” Thuy replied with a soft smile.

The girl was a foot shorter than her, with beautiful bronze skin and flowing black hair. June couldn’t
remember what Thuy’s father did, but she recalled her mother was a businesswoman who led the
influential Sanctuary’s Redoubt Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber’s influence had waned in
recent decades with the growing strength of GloreCorp. However, it was still a significant lobbying
group that couldn’t be ignored. Both girls were dressed in matching one-piece red swimsuits - the
same type each pupil at the Holy Martyr Finishing School must wear. It was Thuy who had suggested
the two of them visit the lake in light of the ever-increasingly good weather.

“If this keeps up there won’t be a lake next month,” Thuy joked.

There was a kernel of truth to her wit. The lake had indeed dried up almost twenty years ago during
an especially hot summer. This had a twofold effect upon the class, simultaneously cancelling the
swimming element of their physical education, and also launching the school’s first archeology
course. The sunbaked soil at the bottom of the lake had revealed the remains of an Ork Bomba, shot
down during the attempted invasion of the school some forty years prior to the drought. Excavations
lasted through Summer and Autumn as the class recovered eighty percent of the entire rusty wreck.
The project had to be abruptly cancelled after an unexploded Ork bomb was accidentally struck with
a shovel. What happened next was passed around the school like an urban legend. The less logically
minded girls whispered that the ghost of the Ork pilot stalked the students and fucked them in the
communal showers. A couple even swore it had happened to them. The more rationally minded ones
told the story of the bomb exploding in an eruption of concentrated aphrodisiac gas, turning the
class’s archeology dig into a lesbian orgy at the bottom of the pit. Other stories still talked about the
bomb not exploding and being taken away by the Astra Militarum for proper disposal. Whatever the
truth was, it was bad enough to warrant the dig being called off. The parts of the Ork bomba that had
been recovered now hung from the ceiling of the Grand Gallery in the Holy Martyr Finishing School. A
solemn trophy that served as a reminder of the school’s victory against the innumerable Ork swarms.

June looked at Thuy again, it was hard to pinpoint her exact ethnic background. If she had lived on
ancient Terra the locals might have dubbed her Vietnamese. Such nationalities were long lost to the
annals of thirty eight thousand years of human history. June’s eyes glimpsed down at her friend’s
breasts. They weren’t much larger than her own - perhaps a C-cup.

“Here we go,” Thuy smiled as they approached the lake.

The water was crystal blue. Gentle waves coursed over the surface, blown by a friendly breeze. It
was a sizable water feature that spanned just shy of five acres within the estate and extended
another three acres outside it. June glanced anxiously at the protective metal bars that cut through
the lake. She couldn’t see anyone out there and her heart felt a little relieved. The Southern bank of
the lake had been coated with a fifty metre long bank of golden-yellow sand that formed a makeshift
beach. June smiled as she felt the summery sand against the soles of her feet. She threw her
crimson red towel down on the beach beside Thuy’s.

(As the weather has gone from Warm to Heatwave the chance of the girls swimming in the lake has
massively increased. The girls may elect to go swimming on a 40+, down to an 11+.
Thuy - 49 rolled. Pass!
June - 95 rolled. Epic win! She’s going to spend longer than usual in the water.)

“Fancy taking a dip?” the Vietnamese girl asked.

“Heck yeah! Last one in is ghost Ork bait!”

“H-Hey! No fair! You got a head start!” Thuy yelled as June leaped off the edge of the beach and
cannon balled into the lake with a tumultuous splash.

Thuy followed shortly after with a more elegant dive.

June Fitzgerald
One-Piece Red Swimsuit
Fear: 20%
Corruption: 17%
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

Thuy Duong
One-Piece Red Swimsuit
Fear: 0%
Corruption: 0%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.

Byre Sluttongue

“There are two of them in the water, Byre. This isn’t part of the plan.”

“Then we’ll… adapt the fucking plan, Shorzathra.”

“How are we going to get that girl on her own?”

“We’ll have to delay meeting with her again… temporarily. It doesn’t mean we can’t continue our…
corruption right now though. As long as those two girls remain in the water long enough… I think we
might be able to enjoy a show. Pour the last three barrels into our side of the lake… and get me my
video recorder.”

The cultists were hidden within the bushes watching as the two girls excitedly dived into the lake.
They hadn’t expected their chance to use the concentrated aphrodisiac in the lake so soon, but the
hot weather had gifted them the opportunity. Byre watched as Vesper pried the lid of another barrel
open with a metal crowbar before tilting it into the lake on their side of the gate. Thick viscous pink
fluid glugged into the water. It had the texture of honey, but quickly dissolved before being carried
through the metal bars by the slight waves. Two additional barrels followed until there were nine
empty metal cylinders obscured behind the treeline.

“Heh, what now?” Vesper chuckled, lying down on the ground beside Byre.
“We wait for it to affect… the girls. It shouldn’t take too long.”

There was a soft thud as the female cultist with the mohawk positioned a tripod around the
overgrown tree roots. She then spent a couple of minutes focusing the recorder on the two girls.

“It’s proving difficult to get a consistent video with those metal bars in the way,” she murmured to

“Just capture as much as you can. We don’t need a perfect tape to… finish blackmailing her.”

“Gotcha, Byre. That’s us rolling,” Shorzathra replied.

June Fitzgerald

(Each turn that June and Thuy are in the polluted water they will gain aphrotoxins. Every aphrotoxin
level reached that is a multiple of 100% will trigger reduced inhibitions and make the girls hornier.
Rolling 1d50 aphrotoxins for each of the girls. June - 27 rolled. Thuy - 37 rolled.)

“Haha!” June laughed as Thuy splashed the cool water over her head.

She had felt better now than any time in the past month. Happier, more alive! As the minutes ticked
by she found herself thoroughly enjoying her time with Thuy.

“Are you getting sunburnt? Your cheeks are turning red!” Thuy suddenly called out.

June reached up and touched her cheek. It did feel quite warm, but she was pretty sure she hadn’t
gotten sunburnt in the ten minutes they had been in the lake. As her eyes glanced over her friend she
noticed that they too had a red-pink tinge to their face.

“You’re a little flushed yourself,” June replied.

(Rolling a 95+ awareness test for the two girls. June - 7 rolled. Epic fail. Thuy 37 rolled. Fail. Neither
of them suspect anything. June rolled so badly that she won’t even make an awareness test next
The Asian girl reached up to touch her own face, but the two of them quickly attributed it to the
unusually warm weather.

“It must be the heat. We’re not used to it!” Thuy smiled as the two of them continued splashing in
the lake.

“Race you to the other side of the lake?”

“You’re on!”

(Rolling 1d50 aphrotoxins for each of the girls. June - 16 rolled. Thuy - 44 rolled. June is now on 43%,
Thuy is on 81%.)

As the two girls earnestly began their competition the contaminated water continued to soak through
their swimsuits. Unbeknownst to either of them, vast amounts of aphrotoxins were seeping into their
skin. In a short time they would both be phenomenally horny.

June Fitzgerald
One-Piece Red Swimsuit
Fear: 20%
Aphrotoxins: 43%
Corruption: 17%
Orgasm: 0%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

Thuy Duong
One-Piece Red Swimsuit
Fear: 0%
Aphrotoxins: 81%
Corruption: 0%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.

As the two girls swam across the lake June couldn’t help but notice her body continuing to heat up. It
was an unusual sensation that seemed to come from deep inside her. They were two thirds of the
way across the lake when she heard Thuy’s panting.
“Ahh… Ah…”

June stopped swimming and began treading water, turning to face her friend.

“You okay, Thuy?”

“I’m feeling… *pant* ...really weird right now. Ah…”

“Kinda hot?”


“I’m feeling it too. It’s just the hot weather.”

(Rolling a 70+ awareness test for Thuy, June skips her awareness test this turn. 75 rolled! Thuy
realises that something is up and tries to make it out of the water.)

“I’m not sure that it is… *pant* ...June. I… ah… think there might be *pant* something in the water.”

“I’m feeling fine. How about you swim to the shore? I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

“But June-”

“The water’s fine. Go on, I’ll see you in a bit.”

“O-Okay…” Thuy conceded, realising she wasn’t going to be able to bring her friend out of the water

(Rolling one final 1d50 aphrotoxin test for Thuy as she swims to the shore. She needs to get a 19 to
hit 100% aphrotoxin level. 20 rolled! She’s on 101% and can’t restrain herself anymore!)

(Rolling 1d100 aphrotoxin test for June since she’s spending longer in the lake… 80 rolled! Junje is up
to 123% aphrotoxin and will feel an urge to masturbate.)

(Both girls have hit 100% aphrotoxin and are horny enough to touch themselves.)
Thuy soon reached the edge of the lake, climbing out onto the scorching sand and flopping back on
her soft towel. June watched as her friend’s chest rose and fall. She was breathing quite heavily

‘Thuy’s just tired herself out from too much exercise,’ June thought as she prepared to do another
length of the lake.

Rain on Glore IV was all too common and opportunities to swim in the lake were few and far
between. June wasn’t about to let her friend’s momentary exhaustion ruin her enjoyment of the cool

After completing her second length June looked back at the other side of the lake to her friend. At this
distance Thuy was no larger than a small bird. June squinted her eyes, it appeared that the Asian girl
was rubbing her hands over her body.

‘I didn’t realise she brought suncream with her,’ June thought to herself before turning and
preparing to swim back to the towels.

As the schoolgirl crossed the halfway point she suddenly noticed a change in her own body. The
warmth she felt earlier on was now a burning heat concentrated around her breasts. She reached up
to touch her left one, only to find that her nipples were stiff beneath the swimsuit. Her own breathing
was growing heavier as well.

‘What’s happening to me?’ she thought to herself.

(Rolling an awareness test for June on an easy 25+ since it’s pretty damn obvious something is
wrong. 20 rolled. Fail.)

‘It must be this heatwave. Either that or I’m getting a flu!’ June postulated.

The teenager dismissed the idea of there being anything wrong with the water. Then, deciding it
would be safe to take a break, June began swimming over to a shaded enclave on the Western bank.
A cluster of dense Kalaprachy trees had been planted beside the lake decades ago. Native to the
planet’s equator these trees lived near bodies of freshwater. Their roots extended down through the
soil and directly into the lake, while chains of waxy green-yellow leaves descended straight down
from branches. These curtains of leaves could easily be parted allowing people to enjoy shelter from
the sweltering heat.

‘I’ll take a break from the sun under there until I cool down.’

(Rolling 1d100 aphrotoxin for June still being in the water. 88 rolled. June has reached 203%
Aphrotoxin and is now horny enough to engage in kissing and light-petting.)

By the time June reached the dangling leaves she felt seriously strange. Her breathing was heavy
and uneven. Her crotch ached as the nylon swimsuit rubbed against her clitoris. She felt an unusual
desire to pinch her nipples. The schoolgirl reached out for the dangling leaves before her. They felt
smooth and waxy as she pushed them aside, revealing the sheltered sanctuary beneath the tree’s
canopy. The sound of water dripping filled her ears as she swam into the shady enclave. Cool
shadows protected this spot of the lake against the sun’s harsh rays. June glanced at the leafy dome
now surrounding her. Specks of sunlight broke through the small gaps between the leaves, making
the canopy look like a starry night sky. The space under the tree was barely a couple of metres in
diameter, with a third of the space taken up by a soft earthy bank that the tree grew from. Twisted
gnarly roots extended from the soil and curved down into the pure water below. June clambered atop
the roots and sat back on them, leaving her body submerged in the lake from the waist down.

(Rolling a 95+ ?????????? test for Thuy… 52 rolled. Nothing happens yet.)

“I feel so strange…” she whispered quietly.

She barely noticed her hands rising up to her breasts. It was the sudden pang of pleasure from her
fingertips pinching her nipples through her swimsuit that awoke her.

“Ah!” she gasped, not realising just how sensitive her body could be.

‘Why do I want to touch myself so badly right now?’ the schoolgirl despaired.

June felt a growing guilt deep inside her, but it wasn’t enough to stop her from continuing to gently
circle her nipples with the flats of her thumbs. A pleasurable sensation rushed through her chest and
left her feeling light-headed. She leaned back further against the tree and felt her cool hair draping
over her shoulders. June looked down to see her fiery ginger hair had darkened to a rust-brown
under the wetness of the lake.

(Rolling 1d10 pleasure for June. 3 rolled. June’s Orgasm is on 3%)

(June gains 1d3 corruption from playing with her breasts. 2 rolled. Her corruption is up to 19%.)


The schoolgirl dug her teeth into her lower lip and closed her eyes. Her head rolled back as she
allowed herself to give in to the pleasurable sensation. It wasn’t long before she moved on from
teasing her nipples. June’s palms were groped over her small B-cup breasts as she squeezed her
soft mammaries through the swimsuit.

June Fitzgerald
One-Piece Red Swimsuit
Fear: 20%
Aphrotoxins: 203%
Corruption: 19%
Orgasm: 3%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

Thuy Duong
Status: June cannot see Thuy. Her status is Unknown!

June’s mind was barely conscious of the fact her right hand had stopped groping her breast and was
slowly sliding down her belly. She felt her fingers dip into the cool water as she reached the top of her
swimsuit-clad pussy.

‘What am I doing?’ she thought to herself.

Her heart was racing with excitement and anxiety. She glanced around and listened carefully for
anyone approaching. The only sound was the gentle rustle and splash of the Kalaprachy trees’
dangling leaves gently bobbing on the surface of the crystal blue lake. Her fingers were resting an
inch above her excited clitoris now.

(Rolling an 85+ ?????????? test for Thuy… 57 rolled. Nothing happens yet.)

‘Why do I want to touch my flower so much?’ June pondered.

She could do little more than wonder as her fingers descended to her camel’s toe protruding through
the skin-tight swimsuit. Her index finger gently danced over her sensitive clitoris. June began to pant
with pleasure.

‘Why have I never done this before? It feels so… naughty.’

“Mmm… Ah…”
(Rolling 1d15 pleasure for June. 6 rolled! She’s up to 9% orgasm.)

(Rolling 1d5 corruption for June. 4 rolled. Her corruption is up to 23%. June’s corruption has hit a
new threshold! Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people
remove their clothing.)

“Ohh…” she gasped.

The pleasure was gradually building. She wanted nothing more than to just sit here and do this all
day. As she continued to play with her pussy the aphrotoxins in the water continued to slowly enter
her system.

(Rolling 1d30 aphrotoxin since half her body is still submerged underwater. 3 rolled. Aphrotoxins are
now at 206%.)

(Rolling a 90+ Chaos corruption test for the Kalaprachy tree. 37 rolled. Nothing happens.)

While June enjoyed masturbating for the first time in her life a wicked idea crossed her mind.

‘What if I did it under my swimsuit?’ she thought.

(Rolling an aphrotoxin resistance test for June on 70+. If she fails she will begin masturbating more
intensely. 63 rolled. Fail!)

The teenager anxiously withdrew her left hand from her breast before sliding it under the edge of the
material. It was elastic and the material stretched easily enough for her to slip her hand in. Soon, she
was cupping her own breast with the palm of her hand. Nothing was obstructing her. She tried
squeezing her left boob. The effect was instant as an electric wave of pleasure rippled through her
chest leaving her feeling light-headed. Such a discovery quickly proved too much for the
inexperienced June. She lay back on the roots and began groping her breast as she furiously rubbed
circles on her overstimulated clitoris.

(Rolling 1d50 pleasure damage. 33 rolled! June’s Orgasm is now 42%.)

“Ah! Ah… Ah! Ah…!” she gasped repeatedly, struggling to keep her voice down.

The pleasure was building faster than ever before. June’s innocent mind was struggling to make
sense of these new sensations. Indeed, she barely made it a minute before another idea popped into
her head.
‘Why not touch my clitoris directly too?’

(Rolling an aphrotoxin resistance test for June on 50+... 7 rolled. Epic fail! She gives into the
aphrotoxins and progresses two stages of masturbating.)

‘Why stop at my clitoris? I could put a finger inside my flower…’

And so, high on endorphins, June slipped her right hand under the waist of her swimsuit and instantly
felt her warm, wet pussy. If she had been aware of the toxins those Cultists had poured into the lake
she wouldn’t have fingered herself. The naive schoolgirl was ignorant to this though. She began
pushing her index finger against her tight teenage vulva. It parted slightly, allowing the tip of her
finger entry. Unbeknownst to June, as she pushed her finger inside her body she was also drawing in
the polluted water. Corruptive chaos chemicals were entering her vagina and seeping into her skin.

“Ah… Ohh…” she moaned, closing her eyes and throwing her head back.

‘I can’t believe I’m doing this. It feels so damn good! Just a little bit more…’ she thought, feeling
another inch of her finger push up inside her.

The feeling of being penetrated was unlike anything June had ever experienced. She curled her toes
and arched her back against the gnarled roots. Her mouth opened in a silent scream of ecstasy as
she pushed her finger in deeper. Her left hand roughly squeezed her breast, aggressively groping it
again and again.

(Rolling 1d70 pleasure damage. 37 rolled! June’s Orgasm is now 79%.)

(Rolling 1d10 corruption for the first time having her pussy penetrated by something… 10 rolled!
Corruption is now at 33%. June has gained a new level of corruption.)

(Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.)

(Rolling 1d75 aphrotoxin because she fingered some of the water inside herself. 32 rolled. June’s
Aphrotoxin level is now 238%.)
“Ah! Ohh! Mmm! Oh crap! Ah!” June began shouting.

The tree might have stopped some of the sound, but if anyone had been nearby they would have
heard her horny moans. June herself was completely unaware of how loud she was becoming. A love
for this newfound pleasure had overwritten caution.

“Mmm! OHHH! Yes! Ahhh!”

(Rolling a 75+ ?????????? test for Thuy… 38 rolled. Nothing happens yet.)

The teenager’s movements were growing faster with each passing minute. Her hand groped her
breast quicker, her hips bucked harder, her finger plunged deeper. And then she felt it. Her finger
touched something a couple of inches inside her pussy that seemed firm. She tried pressing against
it and found it only gave a little bit of resistance.

‘This… This must be hymen,’ she thought to herself, a pang of guilt suddenly returning as she
realised just what she was doing, ‘If I break this I won’t be a virgin anymore. Maybe. At least, I think
that’s how it works…’

(Rolling an aphrotoxin resistance test for June on 20+. If she fails this she will break her hymen.... 96
rolled. Epic win! She manages to resist and stop masturabting altogether. Her aphroxin levels drop
back to 100% as her rational mind retakes some control.)

“Wh-What the heck am I doing?!” she spoke aloud.

The schoolgirl quickly withdrew her hands from her swimsuit and sat bolt upright. Her finger was
shining with her pussy’s wetness. June quickly rubbed it off in the lake, trying to wash away the guilt
she was feeling.

‘Thuy might have been correct - there’s possibly something in the water! I have to get out of it and
warn her!’
She scampered out of the water, stumbling and tripping over the gnarled roots as she desperately
dashed for the bank.

(Rolling an 80+ Chaos corruption test for the Kalaprachy tree… 73 rolled. Nothing happens yet!)

June burst through the curtain of leaves and into the sunlight once again. Her swimsuit was still
soaked with the lake’s water. She began running around the lake towards the distant image of her
friend lying back on the shimmering sands of the beach.

‘There’s nothing I can do about it right now. I can’t exactly run around naked,’ she lamented,
‘Hopefully the sun evaporates it away quickly.’

June Fitzgerald
One-Piece Red Swimsuit
Fear: 20%
Aphrotoxins: 100%
Corruption: 33%
Orgasm: 79%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their
Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.

Thuy Duong
Status: June cannot see Thuy. Her status is Unknown!

(Rolling a 65+ ?????????? test for Thuy… 89 rolled. Pass! This test has been revealed as a
‘Resistance’ test to the aphrotoxins.)

(Rolling 3d30 pleasure for Thuy in June’s absence. 16, 9 and 26 = 51% Orgasm.)

(Rolling 3d10 corruption for Thuy’s actions in June’s absence. 5, 3, and 2 rolled = 10% Corruption.
Thuy has hit level 1 Corruption.)
When she was halfway around the lake June noticed the Asian girl stand up. She appeared slightly
confused before noticing her friend running around the embankment. At that point Thuy began
running as well. The two girls met up not too far from where they originally dived in.

“Y-You *pant* were right about the water!” June panted, trying to catch her breath.

“There’s something wrong *pant* with it,” Thuy replied, “It made me feel *pant* so weird.”

“Me too!”

“Do you think someone could have done something to it?”

June’s mind raced, desperately trying to think of what could have happened. It was then that the
mysterious man she had met by the fence came to her mind. Slowly, the puzzle pieces began falling
into place.

(Rolling an intelligence test for June on 30+, increased to 40+ because of the Aphrotoxins. 6 rolled.
Epic fail! She fucks up the mental puzzle and doesn’t realise Byre might have polluted the lake.)

“H-Hold, on Thuy. I… I met a man by the gate earlier today.”

“Huh? A man by the gate! He must be with the Chaos cult!”

“N-No, he wasn’t… He was a photographer out for a walk.”

“Really? You believe that?”

“Well, he didn’t actually attack me or anything. Surely if he was a cultist he would have shot at me or
tried to kidnap me?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Thuy mulled.

“I’m thinking, maybe he saw what happened! We could go and ask him! Maybe he even caught
them on camera!”

“That’s a good idea, June. I’ll come with you.”

“Thanks! Last time we met he was over there,” June pointed.

“Shouldn’t we change first? Do we really want to be seen in our swimsuits?” Thuy replied.

(Corruption Level 2 has been hit for June changing her response.)

“Nah, it doesn’t bother me if someone sees me in this.”

“Well, we should probably at least swap clothes anyway. Especially if the water has been poisoned.”

“That’s… actually a pretty valid point. Do you have any clothes with you?”

(Rolling 1d10 aphrotin for June and Thuy since they are still in contaminated clothes.
June: 8 rolled.
Thuy: 2 rolled.)

“Nope, just my towel. We could nip over to the sports pitch changing rooms and grab something from
the lost and found there though. They’re only five minutes away.”

(Rolling a 30+ intelligence test for June to see if she’ll swap out of the wet swimsuit. 54 rolled. She

“Good call, let’s go.”

June Fitzgerald
One-Piece Red Swimsuit
Fear: 20%
Aphrotoxins: 108%
Corruption: 33%
Orgasm: 79%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their
Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.

Thuy Duong
One-Piece Red Swimsuit
Fear: 0%
Orgasm: 51%
Aphrotoxins: 103%
Corruption: 10%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.
Corruption Level 1: Thuy will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of other people. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

The two girls wasted no time heading over to the sports facility changing rooms. With their actual
outfits neatly folded in their bedroom wardrobes the two girls were forced to temporarily raid the lost
and found box. It offered an eclectic mixture of gym uniforms dating back a decade. The majority of
them were found, washed, and then promptly dumped in a large wooden box never to see the light of
Glore IV again.

(Rolling four luck tests for June’s uniform. Above 50 is good. Lower than 50 is varying degrees of
Gym Top: 97 - It’s a solid black top that isn’t see through.
Bra: 40 - A white bra that is a tiny bit too tight.
Gym Shorts: 21 - A pair of very tight grey cotton gym shorts. They almost leave the camel toe visible.
Panties: 71 - An unremarkable pair of black panties.)

(Rolling four luck tests for Thuy’s uniform. Above 50 is good. Lower than 50 is varying degrees of
bad. 17 + 36 + 50 + 1 = 104
Gym Top: 17 - It’s a tight, white cotton top that will almost certainly go see-through if it gets wet.
Bra: 36 - A white bra that is rather tight.
Gym Shorts: 50 - A pair of regular black nylon gym shorts.
Panties: 1 - Thuy could not find ANY panties in the box. She is going commando!)

Their rummaging through the lost and found box had yielded mixed results. June was relatively
content with her well-fitting gym top and black panties. As an added bonus the gym top was dark
black, the colour that the teachers used. It would help protect her modesty in the event it became
wet. Unfortunately, the only bra June could get her hands on was too tight, and the light-grey gym
shorts she was wearing hyper-accentuated every curve around her crotch.

‘If it wasn’t for those panties underneath the outline of my flower would probably be showing,’ she
worried to herself.

Thuy, on the other hand, was having terrible luck with finding suitable clothing. June glanced at her
friend as she finished pulling on an all-too-tight gym top. It clung to her body tighter than her red
swimsuit had, wrapping around her breasts like cling-film. The Vietnamese girl wasn’t having much
luck with her undergarments either. It had taken her tipping the entire lost and found box on the floor
for her to realise that there were no panties left. In the end Thuy resigned herself to wearing the best
pair of bottoms she could find, a pair of black nylon gym shorts.

“I kinda thought there would be… better stuff here,” Thuy mumbled as she awkwardly adjusted her

“Well, to be fair it is lost and found. Others have probably already nicked anything decent.”

“Point taken. Are you still sure about meeting this friend of yours?”

“Absolutely - he’s the only person we know outside the fence. If anyone saw what happened to the
water supply, it’ll be him.”

“Alright then. Lead the way June.”

June Fitzgerald
Solid Black Gym Top
Tight White Bra
Tight Light-Grey Cotton Gym Shorts
Black Panties
Fear: 20%
Aphrotoxins: 108%
Corruption: 33%
Orgasm: 79%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their
Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.

Thuy Duong
Very Tight White Cotton Gym Top
Tight White Bra
Black Nylon Gym Shorts
Fear: 0%
Orgasm: 51%
Aphrotoxins: 103%
Corruption: 10%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.
Corruption Level 1: Thuy will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of other people. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

Byre Sluttongue

“Well, that was fucking shit,” Shorzathra hissed as she paused the recording, “That damn tree
completely obscured whatever the fuck was happening. Now both of them have pissed off for the day
and we've only got a single barrel of aphrotoxin left.”

“Calm down, Shorzathra,” Byre replied.

The cult leader was sitting cross-legged looking longingly through the fence. He had been so close.
All that effort for a few minutes of some Asian girl rubbing her body through a swimsuit.

‘It mighn’t even be enough to properly blackmail the girl,’ he thought to himself as he leaned back
against a thick oak tree.

“Calm down?! Don’t tell me to calm down! It was your stupid idea! Look at the size of our cult, Byre.
We used to number several dozen, but now there’s only a handful of us left. You wasted lives
charging those fucking turrets, and now you’ve pissed away our poison too!”

“Have some faith, Shorzathra. This is… all according to Slaanesh’s plan. The souls of our fallen
comrades are with Slaanesh now in his realm of infinite... pleasure. Are they not? There is no death
for them. Only… eternal ecstasy.”

The mohawked cultist finally sat down beside the camera’s tripod. She tilted her head back and
unleashed a deep sigh.

“And Vesper - he spent so long devising those traps and torture machines. Imagine how upset he’ll
be if he doesn’t get to use them.”

“I know, I know…” Byre chanted monotonously, “Our fate is in the hands of the Dark Prince… now.
We await a sign.”
Shorzathra turned her head to face Byre. His purple tattoo seemed to shift and move ever so slightly,
as it often did when the man was communing with his lewd deity. The effect was subtle. An onlooker
had to continually focus on the tattoo before its true power became clear. As she watched her boss’s
face she saw an increasing number of wrinkles fold at the corner of his eye like an unmade duvet.
The man’s face was contorting into a smile.

“Shorzathra, be a dear and… kindly reposition your camera two hundred metres in the treeline over
there. I want you to capture… all of this.”

She turned her gaze from Byre to the school estate once more. The two schoolgirls were crossing
over the sunny grounds. They weren’t clad in their swimsuits anymore, instead wearing what
appeared to be gym uniforms.

“I better get prepared. I do believe June is looking… to meet me at our old spot.”

“Praise Slaanesh,” Shorzathra whispered before licking her lips, “Perhaps I’ll get to ravage some
schoolgirl pussy after all.”

“Oh! And get Vesper to ready a barrel of the aphrotoxin, a pump… and a hosepipe. I have a plan.”

June Fitzgerald

“Byre? Are you there? Hello?”

“I don’t think he’s around, June. We should probably just go back,” Thuy interjected, her right hand
tightly gripped around her friend’s wrist.

“Just give him a few minutes. He might just-”

“Hello again, June. Fancy seeing you… again so soon.”

The honied voice was unmistakable. June turned to see Byre emerging from behind a tree not far
from where she had last seen him. To her relief he was properly dressed again. She didn’t fancy
having to explain to Thuy why he wasn’t fully clothed, or the lewd game she played with him earlier
that day.
“What brings you back, June? Who’s your… friend?”

“This is Thuy Duong. Thuy, this is Byre.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Duong,” Byre smiled, bowing slightly.

“H-Hi,” Thuy answered, her grip on June’s wrist tightening.

“Byre, did you notice anything weird happening lately?”

“Weird?” Byre began, “Well… now that you mention it I did see some of those… folk attacking your
school congregating down by the lake this side of the fence.”

“Really?” Thuy interjected, her voice louder than she intended it to be, “What were they doing?”

“I didn’t hang around too long, but it appeared they were pouring something into the… water.”

“Holy crap! I knew there was something funny about that water when we were swimming in it!” Thuy
exclaimed, “We should get to the showers ASAP and wash whatever was in the water off!”

“You’re telling me that you two girls… were swimming in that lake?”

“Y-Yeah,” June stammered, the realisation finally hitting her.

“You need to decontaminate yourselves as quickly… as you can. Say, I have a barrel of special
decontamination fluid I… use as part of my work.”

“What’s your job?”

(Rolling to see if Byre can tell a convincing lie. This will impact how difficult the intelligence tests are
for the two girls. He needs a 30+ to pass, but a decent lie needs at least 50. 55 rolled. It’s slightly
above average.)

“I… uh… am a… decontaminator. I decontaminate stuff to make it… habitable for humans again.”
June was somewhat dubious, she never recalled Byre mentioning this at their first meeting.

(Byre’s lie was just above average, this means June and Thuy will have to pass a 50+ intelligence
test each. However, both girls have similar levels of aphrotoxins in their systems which will make this
more difficult. They will need a 60+ to succeed.
June - 12
Thuy - .56
Both fail their intelligence, although June is FAR more gullible than Thuy.)

“Huh…” Thuy answered, clearly a little unsure of the tattooed man’s intentions.

“Well? What are you waiting for, Byre?! We need to get this cleaned off us as soon as we can!” June

“I’ve got the supplies just behind the treeline. I’ll get the pump… set up and we can begin washing
you down.”

“D-Do we need to take our clothes off?” Thuy stammered.

“The decontamination will be much more… effective if you do,” the lying cultist responded before
disappearing from view into the thicket.

Thuy and June looked at each other for a moment.

“Should we take our clothes off?” June asked, breaking the silence.

“You can’t be serious! I’m NOT showing this man my naked body!” Thuy responded in a stage

“How do you plan to get this poisonous gunk off your body then?”

(Rolling gullibility tests for June and Thuy; if they fail this they will either fully or partially strip. Thuy
will pass her gullibility test on an 11+ because she doesn’t really trust Byre, but this will be modified
up to 15+ because of her aphrotoxins. June will pass her gullibility test on a 50+ because she scored
worse on her intelligence test earlier. Her aphrotoxins bring this up to 55+. Furthermore, her level 1
and level 3 corruption abilities bring this roll up to a 65+)
June - 30 rolled. She partially strips and takes off her solid black gym top.
Thuy - 90 rolled. Just shy of an epic win. She keeps all her clothes on.)
(Rolling 1d3 fear for June. 3 rolled. Her fear is now on 23%)

“I’ll be fine. These gym clothes are absorbent. The decontamination fluid will get to my skin no
matter what, June.”

“Well, you do you, but I’m not taking a risk with this,” June replied, reaching for the hem of her jet
black gym top and pulling it over her head.

It was at this moment that Thuy caught sight of her friend’s bare belly, shortly followed by her barely-
contained breasts. June’s bra was much too tight for her tits, resulting in a highly accentuated
cleavage in the centre of her chest. The Vietnamese girl averted her eyes.

They didn’t have to wait too long before Byre returned with a shiny black hose pipe in his hands. The
metallic nozzle tapered into a narrow point as he approached the gate.

“I don’t have a whole lot of this stuff… left. So I am doing you both a huge favour here. Please try…to
avoid wasting any.”

“Thank you, Byre,” June replied.

“If you would both step forward, please,” Byre requested, managing to speak his short sentence
without hesitating.

(Rolling 1d5 fear for each girl. June - 3 rolled. Thuy - 5 rolled.)

The two girls anxiously shuffled forward, awaiting for Byre to clean them of the unknown contaminant.
For the briefest moment Thuy was afraid of what was going to happen next. As Byre aimed the hose
their way the Asian noticed a lurid-pink fluid dripping from the tip. She never got a chance to vocalise
her concerns. Concentrated aphrotoxins erupted from the nozzle like lava from a volcano, blasting
against the two girls.

June Fitzgerald
Tight White Bra
Tight Light-Grey Cotton Gym Shorts
Black Panties
Fear: 26%
Aphrotoxins: 108%
Corruption: 33%
Orgasm: 79%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their
Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.

Thuy Duong
Very Tight White Cotton Gym Top
Tight White Bra
Black Nylon Gym Shorts
Fear: 5%
Orgasm: 51%
Aphrotoxins: 103%
Corruption: 10%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.
Corruption Level 1: Thuy will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of other people. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

As the pink syrupy fluid struck her body, June realised that something was seriously wrong. While the
intense heat in the lake had taken time to make her body feel funny, this pink goop was making it
happen instantly. Everywhere is touched felt warm and naughty. It was an unusual sensation that
quickly spread as the fluid soaked into her clothes. She gasped as it trickled down her neck and into
her bra. The concentrated aphrotoxin dribbled across her nipples and caused them to be as sensitive
as her clitoris.

(Rolling 1d500 aphrotoxin damage for June since she partially stripped and more of her body is
exposed. 470 rolled. June’s aphroxin levels have reached 578%. She is now too addled with
aphrotoxins to gain any more fear.)

“Ah… Ahh…” she began panting uncontrollably.

It was growing harder to think as Byre continued spraying her with the fluid. She looked to her right
and saw Thuy shielding her face with her arms. The Vietnamese girl’s gym shorts had been
thoroughly soaked leaving a delicious impression of her vulva showing through. June felt her own
hands reaching up to her breasts, squeezing and playing with them enthusiastically.

(Rolling 1d10 pleasure damage for June playing with her breasts, increased to 1d50 pleasure
damage because of the high aphrotoxin levels. 42 rolled! June has gone up to 121% Orgasm and
(Rolling a 3+ mindbreak test for June. 22 rolled. Pass)

(The Aphrotoxin levels in June’s body drop by 100 as she climaxes. June’s aphrotoxin levels are
down to 478%.)

“Oh! Ohhh…” she moaned, breathing heavily as her fingers kneaded into her soft breasts.

June’s body was already on the verge of an orgasm following her foray under the tree. Massaging
her hyper-sensitive breasts proved enough to push her over the limit. As the lurid pink liquid splashed
against her body she felt herself begin to quiver and tremble with a climax.

“Ahh! Ahh! Wh-What’s h-h-haaappening?! Ayaaahhh!!”

(June gains 1d10 Corruption for her first orgasm. 1 rolled. June is up to 34% corruption.)

The schoolgirl felt her black panties soak with her juices. Her first climax almost caused her to double
over. She gasped and moaned as the orgasmic contractions grew in intensity. June struggled to
realise that she needed to get out of the stream. Her mind was overwhelmed with lustful sensations.

“Ohh… Ahh…” she panted, turning her head to face her friend.

(Rolling 1d300 aphrotoxin damage for Thuy. 149 rolled. Thuy’s aphroxin level has reached 252%)

Thuy was fairing slightly better. Electing to keep her clothes on had clearly helped to limit the amount
of aphrotoxin reaching her skin. Even still, her once white gym top had turned an almost see-through
shade of pink. The top stuck to her breasts like cling-film. Between that and the outline of her vulva
through her gym shorts below below nothing was left to the imagination.

(Rolling an 11+ willpower test for Thuy to realise she has to run away from the fluid. This is
increased to 35+ because of her aphrotoxin levels. 88 rolled. She realises the danger and turns to

“It’s the poison from the lake!” the Asian yelled from behind her arms, “Run!”

June heard her friend, and a small part of her brain understood the warning she had just imparted. A
much larger part was enjoying how sensitive her body was feeling right now. Thuy decided to leg it
when she realised her friend was more interested in running her fingers down her gym shorts than
running away.

(Rolling a 40+ agility test for Thuy to escape without getting sprayed again. Lucky number 13 rolled!
That’s a fail!)

As the Vietnamese girl turned around Byre aimed the hose at the retreating girl. Thick pink fluid
splattered over her before she could get far enough away.

“Going somewhere, Thuy?” the cultist smiled wickedly.

(Rolling 1d300 aphrotoxin damage for Thuy. 244 rolled. Thuy’s aphroxin level has reached 486%.
She has grown so horny that she might decide to return to the fence. She is now too addled with
aphrotoxins to gain any more fear.)

Thuy felt the aphrotoxins splatter over the rear of her clothes and trickle down her back. She felt the
river of viscous pink treacle drip down her spine, past gym short’s waistband, and into the crack of
her ass. As the warming liquid pooled over her tight virgin asshole the schoolgirl doubled over to the
ground in ecstasy. Her puckered anus was in pleasurable agony. The black nylon gym shorts
continuously rubbed up against her new virgin hole. Thuy continued crawling on the grass until she
had finally gotten out of range of the jetstream. The Asian looked up at her attacker through the fence
and trembled with newfound desire.

“Ahh…. What did you - ohh - do to me?!” she gasped, reaching down and debating whether or not to
take off the irritating gym shorts.

“I don’t know what you are talking… about,” Byre teased, “I am merely trying to… decontaminate you

“L-Liar… Ah…” Thuy gasped.

(Rolling a 30+ willpower test for June, increased to 70+ because of the insanely high aphrotoxin
levels. 58 rolled! Fail!)

As Thuy protested Byre's actions and wrestled with the influence of the aphrotoxins June had done
the opposite. The ginger-haired schoolgirl was unfastening her tight white bra. Thuy realised it was
fruitless to try and warn her friend - she was too far under the influence of the unusual chemical. The
Asian watched in alarm as June dropped her bra on the grass and exposed her breasts to the
stranger on the other side of the fence.
(Rolling 1d10 corruption for June going topless and flashing her tits. 4 rolled! Corruption is up to

“Ohh… Mmm!” June moaned as her fingers sunk deeper into her chest.

Despite this exotic display Byre’s eyes were still focused on Thuy. The one getting away. The one he
couldn’t have. The Vietnamese girl locked eyes with Byre and saw the large purple tattoo sprawled
across his face. The cultist turned off the hose allowing the gush of pink aphrotoxins to slow to a

‘He has to be with the bastards besieging our school,’ she correctly thought.

With each passing second Thuy noticed it was growing more and more difficult for her to do the right
thing. She knew she had to run to Headmistress Bianchi and tell her about what was going on. She
knew she had to get herself to the school’s infirmary. She knew so many things, but the lust she was
feeling was growing exponentially. As she looked back at Byre the cultist’s lips slowly parted and he
began to speak.

“You two should… start making out with each other. That would be really hot, wouldn’t… it, Thuy?”

Words which would have weirded her out if she had heard them any other day were now a
compelling suggestion.

‘Why shouldn’t I make out with June? He’s right. It would be really…’

(Rolling a willpower test for Thuy on 11+, increased to 50+ because of the aphrotoxins coating her
body. 15 rolled. A bad fail!)

‘ damn hot,’ the Asian finished her thoughts with a lick of her lips.

Thuy never replied to Byre. At least not with words. Standing up, walking over to her classmate, and
planting her lips firmly against June’s was answer enough. Thuy felt her friend’s bare breasts
pushing up against her gym top, still soaking with the pink syrup. June’s eyes widened in shock as
her friend stole her first kiss.

(Rolling a 30+ willpower test for June, increased to 70+ due to aphrotoxins… 63 rolled. She fails and
gives in to kissing Thuy.)

It had been her first kiss, something she had intended to keep for her first boyfriend - but something
just felt so right sharing it with Thuy. The sensation of Thuy’s tongue passionately intertwining with
her own felt so hot, so naughty. She wrapped her hands behind her friend’s head and pulled her in

“Mmm!” Thuy moaned.

(Rolling 1d5 corruption for June and Thuy both having their first kiss.
June - 3
Thuy - 2
June’s corruption has increased to 41%. Thuy’s corruption has increased to 12%.)

(June has gained Corruption Level 4. Corruption Level 4: June is almost not afraid at all of dressing in
slutty outfits. Additionally, her school uniform will start each encounter in a moderately sluttier state.)

June knew she was slowly losing herself. She was becoming more confident, more open to flaunting
her teenage body. She was already planning on how she could adjust her uniform tonight.

‘If I roll up the hem of my skirt I could turn it into a miniskirt,’ her mind wandered as she continued
kissing Thuy.

Byre turned behind him and glanced into the dense forest. A glint shone from between some
branches. He waved and mouthed, ‘Is it recording?’ A pale arm reached out in response with a
silent thumb’s up. The cult leader smiled. He’d have some new material to watch tonight while
Shorzathra gave him one of her legendary blowjobs.

“Very nice, girls. Now, the two of you should take… things up a notch.”

June Fitzgerald
Tight Light-Grey Cotton Gym Shorts
Black Panties
Fear: 26%
Aphrotoxins: 478%
Corruption: 41%
Orgasm: 121%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their
Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.
Corruption Level 4: June is almost not afraid at all of dressing in slutty outfits. Additionally, her school
uniform will start each encounter in a moderately sluttier state.

Thuy Duong
Very Tight White Cotton Gym Top
Tight White Bra
Black Nylon Gym Shorts
Fear: 5%
Orgasm: 51%
Aphrotoxins: 486%
Corruption: 12%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.
Corruption Level 1: Thuy will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of other people. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

Byre’s instruction to escalate the encounter prompted Thuy to pull her lips away from June’s. For a
brief moment the two girls considered the voyeur’s command.

(Rolling a 20+ willpower test for June, increased to 60+ due to aphrotoxins. 51 rolled. Fail!)

(Rolling an 11+ willpower test for Thuy, increased to 50+ due to aphrotoxins. 41 rolled. Fail!)

‘This isn’t something I would be doing without this drug in my system,’ Thuy thought as she began
kissing her way down June’s neck.

She knew what she was doing was deeply improper. She knew it wasn’t what she would do sober-
minded. And yet, the desire to continue kissing her way down June’s naked torso was overwhelming.
While her mind pondered objections, her body acted. A soft gasp from above awoke Thuy to the fact
her lips were now pursed around June’s right nipple, gently sucking on her friend’s breast.

“Ohh…” June moaned, raising her hands behind Thuy’s head and pulling her in closer.

(Rolling 1d5 corruption for Thuy sucking June’s nipples. 1 rolled. Thuy’s corruption has reached
The tingling pleasure of having her nipple sucked was making her extremely horny. The black panties
she had stolen from the lost and found were thoroughly soaked with her juices now. Thuy’s mouth
felt better than Byre’s fingers had when he pinched her nipples. Feeling the Asian’s warm wet
tongue flicking back and forth across her stiff bud was driving her crazy.

“Mmm, don’t stop…” she begged.

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for June - it’s much higher than normal as June is loaded with
aphrotoxins right now. 37 rolled. June’s orgasm has increased to 158%.)

“Ah.. Ah… Yes…” she gasped, begging more with each bated breath.

June barely noticed her right hand releasing Thuy’s head and slipping down to the waistband of her
grey gym shorts. As it squeezed past the tight elastic she felt her fingers graze across her mons
pubis. A second later they reached her drenched clitoris. June’s back arched. Her legs buckled. She
emptied her lungs in shock.

“Oh my God-Emperor!”

(Rolling 1d100 pleasure damage for June massaging her clitoris. Again, higher than usual due to
massive levels of aphrotoxins. 32 rolled. Her orgasm has increased to 90%.)

Her clitoris felt amazing to touch. She half-closed her eyes and relished the sensation of gently
circling her finger over her sensitive spot. It felt even better than it had done at the lake. Having Thuy
suckle at her breasts heightened the pleasure.

‘It would be so hot if Thuy could suck down there too…’ she thought to herself.

June’s imagination ran rampant, imagining Thuy on her knees lapping at her juicy teenage vulva.
The schoolgirl shuddered at the thought.

(Rolling 1d8 corruption for fingering herself in front of Byre and Thuy. 7 rolled. June’s corruption has
increased to 48%)

“Very nice girls…” Byre commented, a lustful grin painted on his tattooed face, “How about the two of
you strip off and start… licking each others’ pussies?”
Byre knew this moment was unlikely to succeed. However, he already had enough lesbian action on
camera to blackmail the two girls into silence. If he managed to get them lying on the grass and
licking each other senseless - well, that would be a bonus.

(Rolling a very difficult 5+ willpower test for Thuy, increased to 45+ because of the aphrotoxins. 29
rolled! IT’S HAPPENING!)

(Rolling a difficult 20+ willpower test for June, increased to 60+ because of the aphrotoxins. 91 rolled.
Epic win. June convinces both girls to leave.)

It was only when Thuy stopped sucking on June’s nipple that the teenager realised her best friend
had stripped off her black nylon gym shorts. The Vietnamese girl’s pussy was now fully exposed to
Byre outside the gate.

“T-Thuy! What are you doing?!” June snapped, withdrawing her hand from her gym shorts to snatch
her friend’s wrist.

“Bugger…” Byre sighed, leaning back against the bark of a tree.

“I thought we were… y’know…”

“No! Damn, it must be the… the stuff in the water! We have to tell Headmistress Bianchi.”

“I would not be doing… that if I were you, girls,” Byre’s voice was soft and calm, “Shorzathra, you
can come out now.”

It was at this moment that a scantily-clad woman emerged from the forestline. She was clad in a
garish yellow and purple bikini with a pair of high-heeled pink shoes. Atop her head rested a well-
maintained mohawk every colour of the rainbow. The clashing colours offended the senses. She
looked to be in her mid-twenties, her hips swaying left and right as she advanced towards the two
schoolgirls licking her lips with each step. Under her right arm she held a large black and silver
cuboid with a small shiny circle on the front.

“Is that a…” Thuy began before trailing off.

“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” Shorzathra teased, “Did you mean to say ‘camera?’
Because you’d be right. It is. And we just caught eveeeerrryyything the two of you little sluts were
doing. Say, Byre, it’d be a shame if these tapes got sent to their families, wouldn't it?”
“It most… definitely would, Shorzathra.”

“W-Wait, don’t send anything t-to anyone!” June stammered in a panic.

“Can you think of anything these girls could do to convince us not to, Byre?”

“Hmm, I guess they could keep their… mouths shut about us being here.”

“Yeah, that’d be a good start. Oh, and they should definitely come back here whenever we want
them to. Right?”

“Yeah… You two girls rest up. We’ll catch you both… let’s say tomorrow morning, sharp at sunrise.”

June and Thuy were dumbstruck. Neither one of them had woken up this morning expecting to star in
a sextape, let alone be blackmailed.

“Byre lied to you, by the way,” Shorzathra turned to face June, “It’s a concentrated aphrodisiac. The
time to wash it off was within a minute of getting it on your skin.”

“H-How do we get rid of it?!” Thuy replied louder than she intended.

“Its effect on the body weakens with each successive orgasm," Shorzathra smirked, "I think you two
are going to be having some fun tonight. Four or five ought to clear your systems. Haha!”

Byre chuckled as the two girls frantically grabbed their clothes and dashed away from the gate.

“What are your plans for the girls, Byre?”

“You know the plan, Shorzathra. We fully corrupt one of them and then… we will have them-”

“No, not the main plan. I’m talking about tomorrow morning.”

“Your question was ambiguous.”

“There’s no need to be a dick about it, Byre. I’m just saying, if you haven’t got any plan yet then I
want the Asian one.”
“That is… fair enough. I have unfinished business with sweet little June anyway,” Byre paused for a
moment, watching the two schoolgirls shrink into the distance, “What was it… that you had planned?”

“I’m going to head back to camp and pick up some other toxins and toys. Do we have any of that
futavirus left?”

“Is that the one we... bought from that Nurgle cult? I reckon we’ve still got a bit. If not… we’ve got
plenty of mean-looking strap-ons.”

“Mmm, I think I’m going to handcuff that Thuy girl to the fence, infect her with the futavirus, and then
see how long she can last me going down on her. By Slaanesh, I’m getting horny just imagining it.
Sucking all that delicious innocence out of her teenage body.”

“That girl’s in for a treat and…. she doesn’t even know it,” Byre smirked, “I reckon I’ll give June’s
ass a go. Or maybe I’ll… just show her Slaanesh’s gift to me.”

The cult leader looked up at Shorzathra before opening his mouth and stretching out his forked
tongue. It extended down his body just above the tip of his penis. The mohawked-cultist looked at her
leader and bit her lower lip. She’d felt that tongue explore her own pussy many times. Even as an
experienced disciple of Slaanesh she found it difficult to avoid cumming quickly. That silly schoolgirl
wouldn’t have a flicker of a chance against the dextrous muscle.

June Fitzgerald
Tight Light-Grey Cotton Gym Shorts
Black Panties
Fear: 26%
Aphrotoxins: 478%
Corruption: 48%
Orgasm: 158%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their
Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.
Corruption Level 4: June is almost not afraid at all of dressing in slutty outfits. Additionally, her school
uniform will start each encounter in a moderately sluttier state.

Thuy Duong
Very Tight White Cotton Gym Top
Tight White Bra
Fear: 5%
Orgasm: 51%
Aphrotoxins: 486%
Corruption: 13%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.
Corruption Level 1: Thuy will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of other people. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

Alexi’s Time in the City

“This should do you here,” the Canoness announced, parking the Rhino outside a bustling array of
businesses and shops.

Alexi opened the tophatch and looked around her. There were clothes shops, food stalls, takeaways,
furniture stores, weapon and armour vendors lining each side of the street. Her eyes gradually rose
above these shops to see vast skyscrapers vanishing into the cloudline. Neon signs and colourful
advertisements lined the walls of skyscrapers like graffiti.

“Wow! This place is amazing! People really live above shops like this?!”

“Those aren’t residential towers, Sister Alexi,” Agatha corrected, “We’re in the commercial district.
Some of those towers are occupied by offices. Most of them are more shops. Think of those
skyscrapers as vertical malls.”

Alexi squealed with excitement, eliciting a sigh from the Canoness.

“Just be careful, Sister Alexi. There are seedy places within Sanctuary’s Redoubt that are best
avoided. If you avoid the alleyways and backstreets you should be fine.”

“Thanks, Agatha!” Alexi grinned, bouncing out of the Rhino.

The Dominion eagerly rushed up to the window of the closest shop, as excited as a child
on Sanguinala. Alexi caught a glimpse of her reflection in the perfectly polished mirror. She was clad
in tight light-grey leggings and a pink crop top that exposed her belly. She wore a pair of pink high
heel shoes on her feet. A small pink handbag had been thrown slung over her right shoulder. It
carried her mobile phone, a pre-loaded card with 4,000 credits, and most importantly for Alexi,
completed the outfit.

‘The planet might be falling to the Rapeanids, but Armageddon is no excuse to dress like I’m
homeless,’ she thought to herself before looking around.

There were so many things to do, so many places to visit. It was rather overwhelming. Eventually she
narrowed herself down to three main options.

‘I can either go shopping with the few credits that I have. Or I can search for a one-off job to earn a
bit more. Or, I could search the local bars for the remnants of the Janazar Grenadiers. I hope Jenkins
escaped with them.’

Alexi O’Connell
Pink Crop Top
Pink Bra
Tight Grey Leggings
Pink G-String
Pink High-Heel Shoes
Orgasm: 71%
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Xenos and has a chance of simply
submitting to them.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.


Readers can now vote for which activity they would like Alexi to undertake. (All of these have
potential lewd scenes planned, so don't worry about missing out on erotic content when making your
A.) Go shopping with the 4,000 credits. More time to visit shops, but not a lot of cash.
B.) Search for a quick job in Sanctuary's Redoubt to earn some cash first. There will be less time to
visit shops, but she'll have more money when she does.
C.) Hit the local bars to look for the Janazar Grenadiers and Jenkins.


I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter of Lovehammer. Sorry this one took a while to release.

As always, if you've any feedback, good or bad, please feel free to let me know either on here or at
my email:

If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate a dollar on Patreon.

This is not a monthly subscription. I will only ever charge whenever I produce a full chapter like this
9 - Magic, Monsters, and Malevolent Manoeuvres

Sister Alexi O’Connell

‘Four thousand credits really ain’t that much when you think about it,’ Alexi mulled, ‘I mean, what
can that really buy you? A fancy dinner for two and a night on the town could burn through that pretty

The Dominion’s eyes glossed over the array of shiny new weapons resting proudly on display
stands. The clear window of the Emperor’s Emporium had been polished to such perfection that an
onlooker could be forgiven for believing there was no glass. Alexi looked longingly at a variety of
fancy guns that came with equally fancy price tags. There were some things she could afford, of
course. Bolt pistols were running at a cheap 2,000 credits each - las pistols were less than half that at
a mere 500 credits. A replacement hand-flamer for the one she lost at Sanctuary’s Redoubt was
3,800 credits. Her gaze turned to a massive Glorian-Pattern Heavy Bolter with a 12’000 credit price

“Ouch,” she winced.

‘No way I’m gonna be able to get Palatina a new one,’ she mulled, ‘Agatha really didn’t give us a
lotta money to work with here. Perhaps I could supplement it with some cash from a part time job?’

Alexi began wandering down the bustling streets. The vast majority of the locals were very-well
dressed and groomed. She had no doubt that things would look a lot different if she dared go down
one of those dark alleyways. It didn’t take Alexi long to find a flickering electronic terminal advertising

“Eh, what’s the worst that could happen?” the slutty Sister asked herself before approaching the

With a tap of her finger a plethora of temporary jobs began scrolling down the screen. Some were
bog-standard warehouse work, sales assistants, and cashiers. She filtered these out and was soon
left with a handful of possible options.

Glore IV Public Employment Terminal

“Laziness opens the door to corruption; get a job!” - Arch Confessor Youbedah Gotowork




>Populating Results…

A.) Waitress at the Handsy Ogryn Bar.

The Handsy Ogryn Bar is the prime drinking establishment for the thirsty guardsman. Proudly serving
our brave troops for almost one hundred and fifty years, the Handsy Ogryn Bar is eagerly seeking
new and experienced waitresses! Please note: Uniforms will be supplied by the owners of the
Handsy Ogryn Bar and wearing it is non-negotiable. The Handsy Ogryn Bar does not accept any
responsibility for any molestation, groping, rape, or impregnation that may occur in the line of duty.
Men are now eligible for this position. Men seeking work should seek out our sister-bar, ‘Harvey’s
Salary - 3000 Credits per shift with tips and optional overtime.

B.) Model sought for Battle Sister Monthly magazine.

Are you a Sister of Battle looking for some extra cash at the end of the month?
Battle Sister Monthly is seeking hot models from ages 18-50 to star in next month’s photoshoot!
Salary - 2000 Credits minimum, increasing with each additional photoshoot. Additional credits are
offered for an interview describing your worst experience with a Xeno!

C.) Adeptus Arbites Public Transportation Civilian Asset

Crime continues to plague Glore IV’s public transportation network. Our city’s monorail system has
been experiencing a crimewave of perverts molesting women. In order to catch these bastards we
need brave volunteers to lure them out so our officers can arrest them when the train arrives at the
next station. Please report to Enforcer Aliana Dezri at Eastmark Precinct to sign up.
Salary - 4500 Credits awarded per pervert caught.

D.) Underground Wrestling Contestant.

Are you a physically fit female aged 18 to 30 looking for some extra cash?
You can earn big money for participating in an underground mixed-wrestling tournament before a live
Interested? Speak to Big Mick at the Headless Ork Tavern.
Salary - 1500 Credits for participation. 6000 Grand Prize for winning.

E.) The Great Branderwaltz Seeks an Assistant for Travelling Magic Show!
Due to workplace complications my past assistant has temporarily left my entourage; the Great
Branderwalt thus seeks a beautiful assistant to partake in a magnificent once-in-a-lifetime act!
Salary - 2000 Credits per Trick!

Alexi scanned her eyes over the jobs, glancing at their descriptions. They were all fairly appealing. In
the end she reached out and tapped the job as a magic assistant. A small popup window appeared
requesting her details. She quickly tapped them in.

Name: Alexi O’Connell

Planet of Birth: Licadus
Age: 19

When she finally finished documenting her personal details the machine beeped.

Please check your phone for the location of your work assignment.

Alexi reached into her small pink handbag and pulled out her phone. It vibrated as a message came
through directing her to Jasper’s Hall of Entertainment. She debated putting it in her phone’s satnav,
but it wasn’t worth the hassle. The presence of the Rapeanid Hivefleet orbiting half the planet was
playing haywire with Glore IV’s satellite network. And so, the Sister continued her journey relying on
the road signs lining the streets. Fifteen minutes later she found herself walking down one of the
darkened alleyways that the Canoness had warned her about. Alexi didn’t mind. Worst case
scenario she got held against a wall and fucked senseless by some criminal scumbags.

“Mmm…” she caught herself biting her lower lip as she walked by a pair of dented metal trash cans.

As she continued down the path she noticed a couple of guys loitering. They were clad in black
leather jackets and had chains hanging from their waist.

‘Gangers,’ Alexi thought to herself, ‘I hope they don’t try anything. I mean, if one of them grabbed
me from behind while the other tore my leggings open and fucked me silly. God, that would be so
fucking hot.’

The Dominion’s heartbeat increased with excitement as the two leather-clad men glanced at Alexi.
Their eyes leered at the Sister as she passed their way.

(Rolling a luck test for Alexi walking down the alleyway. She needs a 40+ to get by safely, increased
to 70+ because she’s dressed like a slut. 72 rolled. Nothing happens.)

She felt herself growing wet as her mind raced with thoughts of what these tough men would do to
her teenage body. The clicking of her high heels echoed through the alleyway as she walked
between the two men. But despite her best efforts to make herself visible, neither of them so much as
catcalled her.

“Phew…” Alexi allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief.

Truth be told, Alexi wanted it both ways. She loved the thrill of putting herself in dangerous situations,
knowing that she might be raped. She loved the excitement of being accosted by men who would
abandon her after screwing her silly, leaving her with cum leaking from every orifice. And yet, there
was a tiny part of her that wanted to resist it as well. She relished the possibility of fighting back, of
knowing that her fate was never quite sealed and she had the chance to escape.

Jasper’s Hall of Entertainment appeared as little more than a red steel door with damaged neon
letters above it reading - ‘JASPER’S H LL OF ENTE TAI MENT.’ They glowed a sickly green and
hummed incessantly. Alexi reached up and rapped the door three times. A small slit opened
revealing a pair of grey eyes.


“I’m here for the job, the uh… magician’s assistant?”

“A’righ… coo… coo…” the man replied, unbolting the door and pulling it open, ‘C’min, c’min!”

Alexi accepted the invitation and found herself walking into a large open hall. A vast wooden floor
sprawled out across the room, decorated with a dozen round tables each of which had four chairs
around it. There was a bustle of activity as men and women scurried back and forth from their tables
to a dishevelled dirty bar in the far corner. The place probably once had a grandeur to it; now it
appeared as if it was struggling to survive month to month. At the far side of the room was an
elevated stage. Deep purple stage-curtains easily twenty metres tall dangled from the ceiling.
Standing alone in the centre of the stage was a twenty-something year old man. He wore flowing
black and purple robes a couple of shades lighter than the curtains. Right now he was frantically
sorting through a massive box of props and occasionally dropping anxious glances into the crowd
before him.

‘That looks like the magician,’ Alexi thought to herself as she walked his way.

A few eyes turned to glance at her body as she walked through the crowd, but the vast majority of the
patrons were only interested in getting as many drinks back to their tables as humanly possible
before the show began. Alexi reached the bottom of the stage and looked up at the magician. His
flowing hair was golden blonde and neatly tied in a single ponytail behind his head. Silver, gold, and
platinum rings adorned almost all of the fingers on his left hand, while his right remained behind a
black silk glove.

“Please, please, please take a seat, madam. The show will be beginning shortly.”

“The show just got here,” Alexi smiled at the magician, “You put up an ad for an assistant?”

“Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Right this way, please, let me help you up,” the magician exclaimed, reaching
down and grabbing Alexi’s hand before pulling her up onto the stage.

Once upon the stage the magician turned to face Alexi and glanced at her outfit.

“I was going to suggest changing you into my assistant’s outfit, but I think you might already be
glamorous enough. We’ll skip that step. The name’s Branderwaltz, by the way. Branderwaltz the

“Alexi,” she replied with a grin, “Sister Alexi the Dominion.”

“D-Dominion? You’re with the Sisters of Battle?”


Branderwaltz turned pale before leaning into Alexi and whispering in a hushed tone, “I… uh… You do
realise that everything you see here tonight is just tricks. No psychic nonsense, just tricks.”

(Rolling to see if Alexi will undertake her duty to report a suspected psyker as a Sister of Battle on
25+. This will increase to 50+ because she wants the job, 75+ because she doesn’t consider herself
on duty, and 85+ because she tends to half-ass her job anyway. 24 rolled. She doesn’t give a shit if
he’s an illegal psyker or not.)

“Suuure,” Alexi replied with a wink.

Her cavalier reaction calmed down the unsanctioned psyker who wiped the sweat from his brow with
his ungloved hand.

“Okay… Good, good, good. So, you’ll be filling in for my previous assistant tonight. Your role is just
going to be doing exactly as I say. Got that? Don’t stress out about it, it’s all very, very simple.”
“No problemo. What happened to your last assistant by the way?”

Branderwaltz froze on the spot, his jaw slightly unhinged and his eyes darting to the left. There was a
momentary pause before he awkwardly coughed and stammered, “She… uh… went on a brief holiday…
in the middle of a show. But! I’m hoping she’ll be back soon. Any day now… hopefully.”

Alexi O’Connell
Pink Crop Top
Pink Bra
Tight Grey Leggings
Pink G-String
Pink High-Heel Shoes
Orgasm: 71%
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Xenos and has a chance of simply
submitting to them.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

“A holiday? What do you mean? Did she just-”

“Umm, it’s about time we began,” Branderwaltz quickly interrupted while gazing out at the crowd,
“Okay Sister Alexi, let’s give them a show!”

The magician strode forward capturing the center-stage and loudly clapping his hands three times
before a microphone. The booming clap silenced the room and prompted the crowd to rush to their

“Ladies! Gentlemen! My charming audience! I am the great, the all powerful, the amazing…
BRANDERWALTZ THE MAGNIFICENT! And tonight, I shall perform for you a show the likes of
which you will have never seen before in your lives!”

He held a brief pause to allow a rapturous applause to die out.

‘The man sure knows how to capture a crowd’s attention,’ Alexi thought to herself.

“Behind me is my wonderful assistant, Alexi! Take a bow, won’t you?”

Alexi smiled as she strutted to the edge of the stage before leaning forward. A couple of wolf whistles
resounded from the tables.
“Ladies and gentlemen, for my first trick - I shall be making Alexi vanish and reappear somewhere in
this room! You, sir! Yes! You dressed in the bowtie! I want you to pick a table! Any table at all! That
one? Great! I shall make Alexi reappear on that table for you! Alexi, would you kindly stand in clearly
in the center of the stage.”

The eager Dominion walked to the center of the stage and looked up at Branderwaltz. His luxurious
blonde ponytail elegantly swished with each turn of his head.

“Ready!” Alexi chimed.

The magician raised his arms and began mumbling incomprehensible words over and over.

(Special Rules: Untrained Psyker. Branderwaltz is a psyker. Psykers harness their powers from the
Warp, a hellish otherworldly dimension. However, Branderwaltz is untrained and his powers are a
liability to himself and everyone around him. Normally, an epic fail on a psychic test will cause a
Perils of the Warp event to happen which can cause the Warp to seep into reality and strange events
to occur, including full-blown daemonic incursions. As Branderwaltz is untrained he will cause a Perils
of the Warp to happen on any epic fail AND on any doubles that he rolls.)

“Mamba shamalam, q’ortanza! KABOOSH!”

(Rolling a 35+ psychic test for Branderwaltz the Magnificent. 91 rolled. Epic win! He actually pulls off
the trick perfectly. Alexi has earned bonus credits for this trick succeeding so well!)

Branderwaltz threw his hands towards Alexi. A blast of bright blue smoke erupted on the stage where
Alexi was standing. For a few seconds Alexi felt as if she was rushing a thousand miles an hour
through space before coming to an abrupt stop.

*Cough Cough*

The Dominion waved the blue smoke out of her face. As it cleared she found herself standing on the
table pointed out by the gentleman in the audience. A thunderous round of applause filled the hall
which built into a standing ovation.

“Thank you! Thank you! You’re too kind! Alexi, c’mon back up here darling!” Branderwaltz

“Wow! That actually worked,” Alexi whispered as Branderwaltz helped her back up on the stage.
“I know, right? Surprised myself to be honest. Are you comfortable doing some tricks that are a little
more lewd? I’ll pay extra.”

(Rolling a 60+ confidence test to see if Alexi is comfortable performing potentially lewd acts in front of
the crowd, reduced to 5+ because Alexi is a slut. 89 rolled. That’s a very solid pass!)

“Of course! Let’s do it!” Alexi grinned, before winking and sticking her tongue out.

“Thank you!” the psyker called out to the crowd again, “For my next trick, I shall make my...
assistant’s top disappear!”

He glanced back to check if his assistant was comfortable with this suggestion only to find Alexi
already standing center-stage waiting for it. Branderwaltz locked his fingers together and cracked his
knuckles before rolling his head around and drawing in a deep breath.

“My audience, you must not fear, as I make her top... disappear!”

(Rolling a 35+ psychic test for Branderwaltz the Magnificent. 19 rolled. Fail! Nothing happens.)

Branderwaltz thrust his hands towards Alexi. There was an awkward moment of silence. Alexi
glanced down at her pink top before turning her gaze back to the magician.

“Ready whenever you are,” she smiled.

“Uhh, p-prepare to be amazed! As I make this girl’s top vanish right before your very eyes!”

(Rolling a 35+ psychic test for Branderwaltz the Magnificent. 39 rolled. He barely recovers from his

A flash of weak light emanated from Branderwaltz’s palms, striking Alexi in the chest. As it faded
away her pink crop top was lying on the stage floor by her feet. Alexi pursed her lips and tried to
avoid sniggering.


The pink top suddenly burst into purple flames leaving nothing but a pile of green glowing ash.
“Aha! B-But, I bet y-you’re all wondering HOW the top caught… fire!” the psyker awkwardly

“Booooo!” a lone voice yelled out from the audience.

The display of Alexi in a bra was apparently not enough to mitigate the shoddy work of the failing
magic show. Alexi scuttled towards the psyker and whispered some advice.

“I think you need to up the ante a bit. This isn’t going great. Your last trick was a bit shit.”

“They’re not tricks! They’re illusions!”

“Whatever. Do you think you can do the same with these?” she suggested, pointing at her leggings,
“Make them vanish as well and you’ve got a girl in a g-string on your stage. They’ll all be too horny
to complain!”

“Good idea, let’s go for that. Ahem! Ladies and gentlemen! I shall now make my beautiful
assistant’s leggings disappear! Enkrachow! Farenzzi! Plakoon!”

(Rolling a 35+ psychic test for Branderwaltz the Magnificent, increased to 45+ since he seems to be
shit at making stuff disappear. 7 rolled. Epic fail!)

(Rolling a Perils of the Warp test on 1d100. Higher results might cause stuff like people to become
horny or have an orgasm. Really bad results might cause a rift to open and daemons to pour though.
26 rolled. It’s pretty fucking bad, but not bad enough to cause a complete daemonic incursion.)

Once again, a bright light flooded the room. This time though Branderwaltz didn’t seem to have
control over it. Blinding blue beams coalesced around Alexi from her waist down. By the time they
faded away the crowd had turned deathly silent. The slutty Battle Sister looked out at the crowd
before glancing down at… a bright blue of light locked around her waist like a belt. She reached down
to touch her leg only to feel nothing. Everything below her belly button had vanished.

“Holy crap! Where’d my legs go?!” Alexi screamed in panic.

She tried walking forward but nothing moved. She could feel her legs wiggling, but they weren’t
anywhere to be seen. Alexi reached out for the microphone stand and tried to pull herself, but her
body was suspended mid air.
“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!” Branderwaltz began stammering, “Shit, shit! This is Claudette all over

“What’s going on?! Who’s Claudette?!”

“My former assistant! Shit! Crap!”

Branderwaltz rushed forward and waved an arm under Alexi confirming that her legs were not simply
invisible. Laughter had broken out in the crowd who must have assumed this to be an elaborate part
of the act. Shortly following this came another thunderous applause.

“I think… I think half your body is caught on the other side of a… Umm… of a Warp rift.”

“A what?!”

“Your legs and… uh… privates are probably in the Realm of Chaos right now. Either that or the void of
space. Do your legs feel cold?”

“The Realm of Chaos?!”

“Ahh, you’re not screaming or crying. That’s good. That means they probably didn’t end up in the
void of space. That’s… That’s the good news. Let’s focus on the positives here.”

(Rolling a reaction test for Alexi. Normally a Sister would need a 90+ to avoid panicking. Alexi is
going to need a 60+. Daemons aren’t as exciting as Xenos, but she’s still kinda interested in getting
fucked by them. 28 rolled. Even Alexi realises how bad her situation is. She might be hot for Xeno
cock, but she doesn’t want to be corrupted by Chaos.)

“Branderwaltz! Get me out of this fucking portal!”

“O-Okey dokey, let me just see if I can… um… remember how to unbind it.”

“Hurry up you dolt! Do you have any idea how corruptive daemonic cum is?!”

(Rolling 1d5 to see which Realm of Chaos her lower body ended up in.
1. Nurgle’s Garden
2. Slaanesh’s Realm
3. Khorne’s Domain
4. Tzeentch’s Silver Tower
5. The Realm of Chaos Undivided
3 rolled! Alexi’s lower half is at the mercy of whatever Khorneate Daemons find her until
Branderwaltz can fix his fuckup.)

(Rolling a 25+ encounter test to see what, if anything, finds Alexi. Higher numbers represent stronger
daemons. 20 rolled. Nothing finds her yet!)

“Umm, I’m going to need to know what realm of Chaos you are in?”

“How am I supposed to know that, Branderwaltz?! I can’t see any more than you can!”

“Oh, of course, right… Umm… Err… I left my books backstage. Give me a minute to run and grab

And so Branderwaltz left Alexi alone on the stage, staring awkwardly into the crowd. The applause
was slowly mutating into an uncomfortable silence as the audience eagerly awaited the next part of
the act.

“He’ll… uh… He’ll just be a minute guys,” Alexi tried her best to appease the audience.

The brief break gave some of the clientele a chance to return to the bar to grab more drinks. Others
simply chatted or leered at Alexi’s E-cup breasts barely contained by her pink bra.

“Sorry ladies and gentlemen!” Branderwaltz announced, stumbling back onto the stage with a small
stack of decrepit leather-bound books.

He dropped them on the floor and began fumbling through the frayed pages. Alexi caught a glimpse
of writing. Strange, indecipherable cursive symbols had been scrawled from corner to corner on the
time-yellowed paper.

Translocation Curse:
Lower Body Portal (Khorne’s Domain)

Alexi O’Connell
Pink Bra
Tight Grey Leggings
Pink G-String
Pink High-Heel Shoes
Orgasm: 71%
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Xenos and has a chance of simply
submitting to them.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.
Translocation Curse: Alexi’s lower half has been translocated into Khorne’s domain. It will remain
there until Branderwaltz can unbind the psychic power.

“Can you feel anything with your legs? Are you standing on a mushy or soft ground?”

“No, they feel like they’re dangling mid air. If I stretch though I think I can feel my shoes touching
something hard. Maybe rocks?”

“Good, good. Okay, not likely to be Nurgle’s Garden then,” the psyker replied, tossing aside the first
book before grabbing another.

(Rolling a 25+ encounter test to see what, if anything, finds Alexi. Higher numbers represent stronger
daemons. 80 rolled. It’s something pretty fucking strong!)


Alexi’s exclamation was loud enough to make the closest members of the audience jump in surprise.

“Something bit my butt!” she yelped again.

(Rolling a 95+ clothing resistance test for Alexi’s leggings since they are basically just fabric, and the
entity trying to rip them off is extremely strong. 52 rolled! A massive hole is ripped in her leggings,
exposing her ass.)

“Eeek!” Alexi squealed.

The slutty Sister felt something tear into her tight grey leggings. A second later she felt them rip open.
Her ass had been exposed and nothing but her pink g-string stood between her and whatever
Warpborn entity had found her.

"Hold still, I can fix this! I think…" Branderwaltz second guessed himself, raising his left hand and
pointing two fingers at the portal.
(Rolling a 40+ unbinding test for Branderwaltz, increased to 80+ because he isn’t sure which Realm
of Chaos the portal leads to. 72 rolled. Fail!)


A crackle of pink lightning zapped from his finger to the glowing ring around her waist. Unfortunately
for Alexi nothing seemed to happen.

"Well, not the Realm of Tzeentch either," the untrained psyker mumbled, tossing aside a second

(Rolling a 99+ clothing resistance test for Alexi's g-string. 13 rolled. *Snap*)

With her leggings removed from the equation the unseen entity began burrowing its teeth into Alexi's
pink g-string. The Dominion gasped with pleasure as she felt a fiery-warm rush of breath cascade
over her exposed pussy.

“Kinda need you to hurry up here!” Alexi chided.

“I’m trying, I’m trying!” he repeated, desperately flicking through another weighty tome, “Ahem -
Pherison holebegone!”

(Rolling a 40+ unbinding test for Branderwaltz, increased to 70+ because there are still other possible
Realms of Chaos. 6 rolled. Epic fail! He makes things worse!)


A vibrant light of a colour not found on the rainbow encircled Alexi’s upper half. She blinked hard as
her eyes adjusted to a new surroundings. The slutty Sister tried moving her arms, but they felt
trapped. She looked down to see her arms trapped within a shimmering orange portal at the elbows.
The top third of her body from her bra-clad breasts up was dangling from another portal.

“B-Branderwaltz?” Alexi stammered in confusion as she turned her gaze to the hellscape around

(Rolling 1d5 to see which Realm of Chaos the upper third of body ended up in.
1, Nurgle’s Garden
2. Slaanesh’s Realm
3. Khorne’s Domain
4. Tzeentch’s Silver Tower
5. The Realm of Chaos Undivided
3 rolled! The top third of Alexi’s body also ended up in Khorne’s Domain.)

It was then that Alexi felt it - an intense heat prickling her skin. The intense heatwave Glore IV had
been experiencing felt positively cool in comparison.

“Branderwaltz!? What the hell did you do?! Branderwaltz?”

There was no answer. Her eyes began scouring the landscape. Vibrant orange and red lava flows
ran like streams through pitch black volcanic rock. Anyone could have been forgiven for mistaking the
scene before them for the big ball of magma that was Glore I. The ground around her was and
scarred with veins of red-hot lava threatening to burst from below. An unholy, blistering scarlet sky
stretched out above her.

And then she saw it.

It was a portal, much like the one she was currently trapped in. This one, however, had the lower half
of a woman dangling out the back of it. Tight grey leggings covered her thighs, while a gaping hole
had been torn in the crotch, exposing the victim’s pussy and asshole. Alexi’s next thought probably
wasn’t the one she should have had.

(Rolling a 20+ intelligence test for Alexi. 8 rolled. Epic fail.)

‘Looks like someone else got stuck in here too. Wait - she’s got the same shoes as me!’

Her eyes drifted slightly left to see a massive creature. It stood six-foot high and foot-foot wide on four
thick legs. Massive armoured plates ran down parts of its body. Some had been dented, battered,
and scarred from war exposing the scaly hide underneath. The creature’s houndlike head was mere
inches from Alexi’s ass dangling from the other portal.

(Rolling to see what the Juggernaut of Khorne does. Higher numbers are worse for Alexi. 100 will
trigger a finishing move. 23 rolled. It’s a fairly minor sex attack.)

Alexi watched as the creature opened its mouth and extended a thick tongue the length of her elbow
to her fingers, and just as thick. The creature pushed its face forward and snorted loudly. Even in the
hot climate of Khorne’s Domain steam billowed from its nostrils. As the torrid air blasted against her
pussy Alexi suddenly had an epiphany.
(Rolling a 10+ intelligence test to see if Alexi realises these are in fact her legs. 61 rolled! She

“Ah!” she gasped in pleasure as an intense heat washed over her clitoris.

‘Oh shit! Those ARE my shoes!’

The creature was eagerly snorting again and again. Alexi could do little more than watch as the
steam made her wetter and wetter.

(Rolling 2d5 pleasure damage for the Juggernaut blowing hot hair over her pussy. 2 and 3 rolled. 5%
pleasure damage added. Alexi is up to 76% pleasure damage.)

“Ohh… Fuck…” Alexi gasped.

The heat was beginning to make the slutty Sister sweat. She could feel it trickling down her brow.
With her arms firmly locked into the portal though she couldn’t reach up to wipe it away. Her ass was
similarly beginning to glisten with sweat as the Juggernaut continued preparing for its attack..

(Rolling a 40+ unbinding test for Branderwaltz, increased to 70+ because he still doesn’t know what
Realm of Chaos she is in. 18 rolled. Fail! He doesn’t achieve any success this round!)

“Branderwaltz! I don’t know if you can hear me, but I kinda need you to get me outta here!” Alexi
yelled down at the portal.

(Rolling to see what the Juggernaut of Khorne does. Higher numbers are worse for Alexi. 100 will
trigger a finishing move. 89 rolled. It’s mounting her.)

The Juggernaut reared back on its hind legs before dropping them down on top of the portal. Alexi
felt a slight vibration around her waist, but the portal otherwise held.

“No, no, no!” Alexi shook her head as she saw a monstrous cock begin to swell between its thighs.

Alexi wasn’t one to shy away from a monster’s cock. She had been dicked by the colossal shafts
from Ork Warbosses and Rapeanid Tyrant Guards alike. This creature’s penis was truly gargantuan
in size though. It was almost two foot in length and a clenched fist in girth. Taking it from aliens was
one thing - it excited her. Even Alexi had her limits. Daemons were a firm no.

“Shit, oh shit!” she stammered as the massive alien cock became fully erect.
As it began closing the distance to her pussy she saw the fat veins running down its length. They
glowed orange and crimson, as if the same magma that bubbled beneath the surface flowed through
the creature. Her eyes widened in terror at what she saw next.

“Oh fuck! NO! HELP! HELP!”

Her cries were heard by no one as the Juggernaut’s cock dripped precum on the ground. Perhaps
precum wasn’t an accurate term to describe what Alexi had seen. Boiling, bright, blood red magma
was dripping from its cock. Alexi panicked, thrashing and clinging to the portal in a failed attempt to
break free. The thick shaft swayed as the creature attempted to position it with her pussy. Alexi saw a
thick goopy strand of the creature’s magma flick off the glans and soar through the air towards her
right butt cheek. She screamed and braced herself for an agonising burn.


The daemonic precum was indeed hot, but barebly so. She felt a slight sting of pain for barely half a
second before the magma cooled to an intense warmth. Alexi let out a deep sigh of relief. As she
looked at her ass she saw the magma seem to seep inside her. It was only a tiny drop, but it was
enough to let her realise just how corrupting Chaos was.

(New Rule: Khorne Corruption. Each of the Chaos Gods has their own methods of corruption and
effects. You have already seen the effects of Slaanesh’s corruption on the schoolgirls. This was
done by a Slaaneshi cult rather than Slaaneshi Daemons and its effects will be very minor. Gaining
100% corruption from a cult will not have the same level of impact as gaining 100% corruption
directly from daemons. Alexi is in the Khorne’s Domain right now, so corruption will be much more
intense. Corruption from Khorne will cause the affected character to feel compelled to rape and show
their dominance over others at inopportune times. Sisters can pray to the Emperor to lower their
corruption by a small amount each day. The Khorne Corruption status effect has been added to Alexi,
starting at 0%.)

It was at this moment that the Juggernaut managed to align its cock with her pussy. Alexi screamed
in shock and pleasure as the fat daemonic dick began spreading her pussy.

“Emperor help me!” she cried out in panic.

(Rolling a 91+ Act of Faith test to see if Alexi’s prayer is answered. 53 rolled. Fail.)

The creature’s thick purple glans slipped into her soaking wet pussy far easier than she would have
liked to admit.
“Ahh!” she gasped.

The daemon’s fat cock continued sliding deeper and deeper inside her body. Alexi saw her knees
begin to shake as inch after inch forced its way into her. Pleasurable sensations were building with
each passing second. Soon, with just over half of the massive cock inside her, the daemon reached
her cervix and could go no further.

“Ohhh! Ahh!”

Content that it was in as deep as it could go, the Juggernaut began thrusting its hips. Alexi screamed
in ecstasy as the massive cock began destroying her teenage pussy.

(Rolling 1d150 pleasure damage for the insanely thick cock fucking her pussy. 52 rolled. Alexi’s
Orgasm has increased to 128% and she cums!)

(Rolling a mindbreak test for Alexi on 10+. 82 rolled. That’s a pass.)

The intense pounding of the Daemon’s thick cock was too much for Alexi’s body to handle. She
gasped and screamed as her body betrayed her with her first climax. Her stomach clenched as the
first contractions rippled down her legs, sending her spasming with pleasure.

“AAAHHHHH! Ohhh! Shit! It’s sooohhh big!”

(Rolling a 99+ climax test for the Juggernaut, decreased to 90+ because Alexi came. 79 rolled. It
doesn’t cum yet.)

(Rolling 1d3 Khorne corruption for the Juggernaut’s precum leaking inside her pussy. 1 rolled. 1%
Khorne Corruption added.)

‘Come on, Branderwaltz! I need you to get me out of here!’ she thought as the creature began
fucking her faster and harder.

Translocation Curse:
Lower Body Portal (Khorne’s Domain)
Upper Body Portal (Khorne’s Domain)

Alexi O’Connell
Pink Bra
Tight Grey Leggings (Gaping hole over ass.)
Pink High-Heel Shoes
Orgasm: 128%
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Xenos and has a chance of simply
submitting to them.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.
Khorne Corruption: 1%
Translocation Curse: Alexi’s lower half has been translocated into Khorne’s domain. It will remain
there until Branderwaltz can unbind the psychic power.

Alexi could do little more than try to endure the daemon’s assault on her pussy while praying that
Branderwaltz got his shit together.

(Rolling a 40+ unbinding test for Branderwaltz, increased to 60+ because he still doesn’t know what
Realm of Chaos she is in. 52rolled. Fail! He doesn’t achieve any success this round!)

As the creature continued pounding her pussy Alexi screamed and moaned in pleasure. Making such
loud noises was always a poor idea on the battlefield. Even less so when you were trapped in
another dimension.

(Rolling a 25+ encounter test to see if anything shows up to Alexi’s upper half. 71 rolled. A Herald of
Khorne appears.)

The arrival of a second Khorne daemon was not what Alexi wanted to see. It’s leathery red skin
stood out against the blackened rocks on the ground as it scuttled over the crest of a volcanic hill and
beelined towards the upper half of her body dangling out of the portal.

(Rolling 1d150 pleasure damage for the Juggernaut pounding Alexi’s pussy. 104 rolled! Alexi’s
Orgasm goes up to 232%! She cums again!)

(Rolling a mindbreak test for Alexi on 15+. 22 rolled. That’s a pass.)

The persistent rhythm of the thick cock slamming into her cunt was driving Alexi crazy. She closed
her eyes and opened her mouth in her loudest scream yet as a second orgasm crashed through her

It was more intense than the first, making Alexi clench her fists and tilt back her head.

(Rolling a 90+ climax test for the Juggernaut, decreased to 80+ because Alexi came. 67 rolled. It
doesn’t cum yet.)

The Herald of Khorne was getting closer now. At barely twenty metres away she could make out
some of its finger details. A long eight inch cock, a massive glowing orange-red Helldildo, and an
impossibly long serpentine tongue. The creature was designed by Khorne to pleasure women.

The Herald of Khorne hissed at her, its long tongue flicking as it closed the last of the distance and
gripped Alexi’s hair. It held her head in place and raised its hips upwards. The scent of its daemonic
precum filled her nostrils.

‘It’s going to facefuck me,’ she panicked.

“L-Let go - ahh - of me!” Alexi cried as it prepared to force it’s bright red cock into her mouth.

(Rolling a 40+ unbinding test for Branderwaltz, increased to 50+ because he still doesn’t know what
Realm of Chaos she is in. 72 rolled. Pass! He manages to close a portal!)

(On a 1 he seals the upper body portal, on a 2 he seals the lower body portal. 1 rolled! The upper
body portal is sealed!)


There was a rush of cool air as Alexi’s upper half was returned to the hall.

(Rolling an audience reaction. Anything over 40+ is positive. 74 rolled. They love the show and
haven’t realised anything is going wrong yet!)

A cheer erupted from the audience who were clearly finding the act quite entertaining. Applause
shortly followed which masked Alexi’s growing screams.

“Ah! There you are,” Branderwaltz exclaimed, “Khorne’s Domain? Correct?!”

“Ah! Oh! Y-Yes! It’s fucking me! HURRY UP!”

(Rolling 1d150 pleasure damage for the Juggernaut pounding Alexi’s pussy. 65 rolled! Alexi’s
Orgasm goes up to 297%! She is on the verge of a climax)

She could no longer see the Juggernaut, but she could certainly feel it. It slammed into her pussy
with reckless abandon. Each thrust sending a firework of pleasure rippling through her body.

“Sh-Shit, I’m gonna cum!” she squealed, reaching out with her now-freed arms and gripping
Branderwaltz’s left sleeve.

(Rolling an 80+ climax test for the Juggernaut, 43 rolled. It doesn’t cum yet.)

“Ah! Ahh! AHHHHH!” Alexi screamed.

She knew it was getting closer. It would soon defile her pussy with that thick daemonic magma. Alexi
shivered and prayed that Branderwaltz didn’t fuck up again.

(Rolling a 40+ unbinding test for Branderwaltz, reduced to 30+ because he knows for certain where
she is and has already cast the spell successfully. If he rolls an epic win he will be able to close it fast
enough to stop the Juggernaut getting one more round of fucking her. 55 rolled. Pass! He manages
to close the last portal! But he didn’t roll an epic win, so the creature might have enough time to
finish off.)

“Ak la hamazar! Sham ur-bae!” Branderwaltz began chanting.

Alexi knew she was going to cum again. The pleasure was growing more and more intense.

(Rolling 1d150 pleasure damage for the Juggernaut pounding Alexi’s pussy. 9 rolled! Alexi’s
Orgasm goes up to 306%! She cums again!)

(Rolling a mindbreak test for Alexi on 20+. 27 rolled. That’s a pass.)

“AHHH! AHHH! I’M CUMMMMIIINNNG!!” Alexi yelled, her body convulsing and shaking.

Her pussy clamped down around the invading cock, gripping it tightly as it pounded in and out of her
(Rolling an 70+ climax test for the Juggernaut, lowered to 60+ because Alexi came. 71 rolled!

Alexi felt the heat running down the cock before she felt the daemonic semen flood her pussy.

“NOOOOO!” she screamed in terror as a full litre of thick daemonic baby-batter blasted into her

The intense heat of the magma-like semen heated her body in the most pleasurable way. She
gasped and screamed as the daemonic cum blasted against her cervix and flooded her womb.


(Rolling 1d200 pleasure damage from the Juggernaut’s magama-like semen. 69 rolled. Alexi’s
orgasm has increased to 375%.)

(Rolling 1d50 Khorne Corruption from being creampied by a Juggernaut. 20 rolled. Alexi’s Khorne
Corruption has reached 21%.)

(Rolling an impregnation test for Alexi on 50+. Daemons can’t survive outside the warp except in
very specific circumstances, so if she gets pregnant whatever has been created will be growing and
waiting in the Warp. Perhaps someday it will seek out its creator... 5 rolled. Epic fail. Alexi will not
need to make any more impregnation tests for this semen. Perhaps it wasn’t the right time of the
month, or maybe the Juggernaut wasn’t very potent.)

“AAHHH! It’s soooo hot!” Alexi gasped as she felt the viscous daemonic semen rush into her body.



Alexi’s body hit the floor as she materialised back into the real world, magma appearing to leak from
her pussy onto the stage floor.

(Rolling an 80+ reaction test from the audience. NATURAL 100 rolled!)

Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.

The literary works of Shakespeare.
Pavarotti’s rendition of Nessun Dorma.
Even in the cultural darkness of the 41st Millenium the passage of time cannot erase such
masterpieces from human consciousness. The rare and radiant works that bring a tear to the
audience’s eye.

For some unknown reason that is what the audience saw in Branderwaltz’s abysmal show today.

The ovation was standing.

The tears flowed like rivers.
Cash, coins, and cheques were cast upon the stage.

Word would spread for decades, nay, centuries to come of the ‘Ballad of Branderwaltz.’ Literary
critics and scholars would write entire encyclopedias of analysis. Questions such as, ‘What does the
magma emanating from her pussy represent?’ would lead to battles of intellectuals at literary
summits. Two main schools of thought would emerge - the Revivalists believing that it was a
representation of the corruption within the Imperium being exposed and expunged. Another school of
thought, the Expansionists, believed it was a sign that the Imperium would continue to grow, much
like all magma can become new worlds, new islands, new land.

Branderwaltz would keep his mouth shut and solemnly nod any time he was asked about the
performance, not out of respect for the work of art as his many interviewers believed; but rather
because he didn’t have the slightest clue what they were asking of him.

“Thank you! THANK YOU!” Branderwaltz bowed, tears proudly flowing down his cheeks.

Alexi tilted her head up to see the applauding crowd before her. Exhausted and still trembling from
her last orgasm she rested her head back on the stage floor and closed her eyes.

Alexi O’Connell
Pink Bra
Tight Grey Leggings (Gaping hole over ass.)
Pink High-Heel Shoes
Orgasm: 375%
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Xenos and has a chance of simply
submitting to them.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.
Khorne Corruption: 21%
“Alexi? Alexi?”

The voice came from above her. She opened her eyes to feel her head resting on a soft folded cloak.

“You passed out there. The crowd has left and they’re prepping the stage for the next act, so I kinda
need to move you,” Branderwaltz smiled as he stared down at her.

“Uh huh… Yeah,” she yawned, sitting back up, “You’re a really shitty magician, you know that?”

“Ooof, right were it hurts,” he winced, before reaching into his robes and withdrawing a fistful of
cash, “I can understand why you’re grumpy, but we really made bank tonight.”

(Alexi gains 2000 Imperial Credits for her first trick with a bonus 1000 for the epic win, and then 1d50
thousand more for the second one being absolutely amazing. 21 rolled. Alexi gains 24’000 extra
Imperial Credits. Her total is now: 28’000 Imperial Credits - enough to go into almost any shop.)

“Oh yeah?”

“Big time. This is your cut. Twenty-four thousand credits.”

“Twenty- Twenty-fo- Are you serious?!”

“I’m serious, Alexi. If you ever fancy doing another show I could use you as an assistant. Hit me up
next time you’re not our purging in the Emperor’s name.”

“I might just do that,” Alexi replied, gripping the fistful of cash.

“You can keep that cloak as well. It’s an old one of mine,” Branderwaltz nodded at the robes on the
stage floor, “You’ll need it since you’re missing your top. Not to mention that massive hole in your

Alexi reached around and felt her bare ass, “Haha, I forgot about that. Wait - Where’s the cum?”

“Already cleaned you up while you were asleep. You’re good to go.”

Alexi donned the black robes and bid her farewell to Branderwaltz before stepping back into the
streets. It was late evening and the shops would be closing up soon. She likely only had enough time
to go to a single shop.

(You - the reader - can now vote for which shop you would like Alexi to go to with her 28’000 Imperial
Credits. This is enough money to buy almost anything sold in any of these shops with very few
exceptions. She only has time to visit 1 shop, but there is a tiny chance she might have enough time
to go to a second one. If she passes her roll and gets to check a 2nd shop then the 2nd most popular
vote will be the one she goes to. Patreons will be able to vote on exactly what gear she buys from the
shop after the original vote is decided.

1.) Check out the ranged weapon shops.

2.) Check out the melee weapon shops.
3.) Check out the relic and antique shops.
4.) Check out the armour shops.
5.) Check out the specialist gear and equipment shops.
6.) Check out the garages selling vehicles.
6.) Alexi takes herself out on the city visiting spas, clothes shops, places to relax, and books herself
into a hotel for the night.)

Alexi O’Connell
Black robes.
Pink Bra
Tight Grey Leggings (Gaping hole over ass.)
Pink High-Heel Shoes
Orgasm: 375%
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Xenos and has a chance of simply
submitting to them.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.
Khorne Corruption: 21%

Sister Raven Valeri

“How’s your pal lookin’ there?” Dakota enquired, nodding her head at the semi-conscious Sister

Colette was still lying on the hideous couch. It had been a full hour now since the incident outside the
mine, but her body was still occasionally trembling. Raven tutted as she looked at her ranking officer.
At this rate she wasn’t going to be any help clearing out the mine.

(Rolling a small 1d100 recovery test for Colette and Raven resting for an hour. This will reduce their
orgasm by that amount. If Colette’s roll is 75+ she will also remove her Mindbreak status effect. If her
roll is 25 or less she will not be able to undertake the mission.
Raven - 39 rolled. Raven’s Orgasm has decreased to 69%
Colette - 22 rolled. Colette’s Orgasm has decreased to 683%.)

“She’s fucked,” Raven eventually answered the Prospector’s question.

“Yeah… That’s the medical diagnosis I’d give too. Guess it’s just you then.”

“Hold on, I’m not going in there without my boss. At the very least you have to give me time to call
for backup.”

“Backup? I’ve already given you the guts of an hour! D’you know how many credits I lose each hour
that my workers aren’t down those shafts? More than you earn in a darn year! Now, if you don’t get
your ass down there and do your damn mission I’m putting in a word with the Canoness.”

Raven took some time to process Dakota’s threat.

‘The worst the Canoness would probably do is throw me back in the Repentia again. I suppose she
could threaten to strap me into a Mortifer, but I haven’t heard of Agatha ordering that done to a Sister
before. Either way, it’s a nuisance to lose my lho stick privileges for a few months.’

“Fine. I’ll head down the mine now. But don’t forget, it was YOUR miners who took my boss outta

“And I chastised them for that already.”

(Rolling a charisma test for Raven on 50+... 57 rolled! A low pass! She doesn’t get anything
especially great out of her conversation.)

“That ain’t gonna help me in the mission. I need a replacement soldier.”

“You want me to join you in the mine?”

“If not you, then at least one of your guys. You must have some weapons around here you can arm
them with.”

“Fine. You’ll get one of my men. I’ve got a spare shotgun lying around.”

“That’ll do nicely. Oh, and if she wakes up, don’t let her leave without me.”

-Power Armour (4/4 HP)
-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 69%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.

Boltgun (In Dakota’s Cabin)
St Stephen’s Sword (In Dakota’s Cabin)
Orgasm: 683%
Status Effects:
Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle.
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

“I’ll be waiting outside the entrance,” Raven stated, checking her boltgun and leaving the trailer.

As the dark-haired Sister marched away from the cabin she saw the entrance to the mine. It was a
large dark oval that gaped at the base of the hill, yawning like a mouth. Wooden struts and beams
circled the entrance and propped it open. The ground was dusty with yellow-brown sand. It rose in
dusty clumps with each step she took, dirtying the ruby red lustre of her power armour leggings.
‘They’re all watching me,’ she thought to herself as a crowd of onlookers began to grow, ‘They’re
hoping they’ll get to do to me what they did to my boss. Fat chance boys.’

Raven smirked to herself. She had shown Colette just who was in charge. Seeing her boss being
gangbanged had been the highlight of her day.

‘If only I had the chance to pull something like that on Agatha. Perhaps I could place a tracker on her
Rhino and leak her location to Ork Kommandos. That’d be fun.’

When she finally reached the entrance and stared into the abyss Raven began feeling a slight
change of heart. She was undertaking this mission with a miner, someone untrained in the art of
combat. The entrance to the mineshaft had a pair of metal railings stamped into the ground with wide
wooden beams running perpendicular at regular intervals.

‘Looks like a railway,’ she thought to herself.

The only sources of light in the mine were the occasional electric lamp hoisted upon the wooden
frames on the walls. They flickered seemingly at random. And if that wasn’t annoying enough, they
buzzed like a swarm of wasps.


Raven waited and stared into the void.

‘Is there really something down there? Mining is a dangerous profession. Guys oughta go missing all
the time. Landslides? Cave-ins?’

“Uh… Hello?”


Raven snapped out of her daydream and turned to face a young man. His dark brown hair was cut
into a short afro, while his dark skin was partially visible under a miner’s uniform. He wore a red
sleeveless tank top and a pair of heavy grey canvas trousers. A small lamp had been clipped onto his
belt, while a long double-barrelled shotgun was clasped in his hands. A brown leather bandolier of
additional shells had been thrown around his torso. Two large metal cubes hanging either side of his
waist completed the outfit. Raven thought they looked remarkably similar to the demolition charges
used by the Astra Militarum.
“You did want backup, didn’t you doll?” the man asked.

“Uh, yeah. I did.”

“Well, I’m it. The name’s Darren Hargrave.”

“Raven. Raven Valeri.”

“What’s the deal then, doll? We hunting down the beast?”

“The beast?”

“Dakota didn’t tell you shit, did she? Follow me, we’ll walk and talk.”

Darren pushed his way past Raven and began descending into the mineshaft. The bright yellow light
from the lamp on his waist illuminated a path forward. The Sister was initially hesitant, but the
prospect of being sent back into the Repentia pushed her onwards.

“What’s this beast you were talking about? Dakota said she didn’t know what was down the mine.”

“She’s lying to you. We don’t know exactly what is down this mine, but the oldest among us have
been around long enough to have a good idea.”

“Well? Don’t keep me hanging,” Raven pushed Darren for answers.

The black man suddenly reached out with his left arm stopping Raven in her tracks. They were
standing in front of a diverging Y-shaped junction in the mine now.. Darren tilted his flashlight down
each of the two directions. They looked nearly identical to Sister Valeri. Eventually Darren lowered
his arm and began marching right.

“C’mon, this way.”

“Darren, tell me what the fuck is going on! What are we up against?!”

“Will you keep your voice down, doll? You’re going to give away our position,” Darren scolded her
before continuing, “They go by different names in different systems. I worked as part of a team
mining an asteroid six years back. I was barely eighteen at the time when it struck. The damn thing
had burrowed into the core of the rock. It took us by surprise and hunted us down one at a time.
Barely half of us made it back to the ship.”


Raven jumped and raised her boltgun at the dark corridor in front of her. The monstrous scream
seemed to come from every direction at once.

“The fuck was that?”

“It’s hunting,” Darren muttered, “We’ll get the jump on it though.”

“How are we going to do that? These mines look like they go on forever.”

“We lure it to us. All we have to do is find its nest. It’ll come running once I detonate these blasting
charges in the middle of its eggs.”

“You’ve been planning this, haven’t you?”

“For a long damn time,” Darren answered.

His voice was subdued with a tinge of anger. The voice of a predator stalking its prey.

“That fucker took my girlfriend. I don’t know if you’ve ever had anyone cheat on you Raven, but it
hurts deep inside. Imagine the humiliation of getting cucked by a fuckin’ monster. So yeah, I have
been planning this for a long time, doll. When the prospector asked for a volunteer to help clear the
mine you can bet your sweet ass I was at the front of that queue.”

(Rolling a Delinquent character flaw for Raven. She needs an 80+ to pass. 79 rolled. That’s a fail!
She makes an inappropriate comment, and doesn’t catch it quite quickly enough.)

“Geez, this beast’s shlong must be fucking massive if it’s able to cuck a bla-”

Darren’s head turned to face the Sister. A look of incredulity had been plastered across her face as
her mind worked overtime to try and save herself from a social faux-pas too taboo for even her to
Raven’s eyes locked with Darren’s. Her mind ran through her mental dictionary, desperately
searching for an appropriate word. The light from Darren’s flashlight cast dark shadows across his
wrinkled brow. He stared. Waiting. Practically begging Raven to finish her sentence. The Sister felt a
bead of sweat begin trickling down her forehead as the tension grew to incalculable levels. Had she
the choice, Raven would have gladly traded places with a soldier on the harsh deathworld of
Catachan right now. A different species of animals and plants trying to rape you evey five steps
would have been preferable to this awkwardness.

(Rolling a spaghetti test for Raven on 70+ to think of a suitable end to the sentence and keep her shit
together. 2 rolled. Phenomenal fail. Spaghetti everywhere.)

‘Don’t say ‘black.’ Don’t reduce him to his race just because he likely has a big dick. C’mon! Think
of something, Raven! Bl… Bl… What words start with ‘bl?’ Blasting charge? Blarg? Blaring sound?
Fuck! Shit!’ Raven began to panic, her thoughts tumbling over one another like a landslide.

Raven knew what she should not say. The panicked avalanche of words jumbled what was
acceptable and what was not. The results were catastrophic. In the end Raven didn’t finish her
sentence with ‘black man.’ In fact, those were two words that she desperately wished she had used

Darren’s eyes widened far more than is biologically acceptable for the average human. Raven,
meanwhile, could feel the colour drain from her already pale face.

“Hell no, doll. You have GOT to be kidding me!”

“S-Sorry! I d-didn’t mean to- It just slipped out! Wrong word!”

-Power Armour (4/4 HP)
-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 69%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.
Darren Hargrave
Double-Barrelled Shotgun
Two Blasting Charges
Red Tank Top (1/1 HP)
Grey Canvas Trousers (2/2 HP)
Orgasm: 0%
Character Flaws:
???????????? - Character Flaw not yet discovered.

Three Minutes Later

“I said I’m sorry!”

“Yeah, well you better start showing it. Hurry up, we ain’t got all day.”

Raven looked up at Darren. She was kneeling before him. His grey canvas trousers had been
dropped to his ankles revealing an impressively-thick six inch shaft. It was slowly growing harder as
he looked down at the Sister. The top half of her power armour had been removed, revealing her
hefty f-cup breasts.

“What about the… the beast?” Raven stammered nervously, covering her nipples with her right arm.

“The beast is the least of your problems right now, doll.”

The delinquent Sister gulped and nodded. Had she a modicum of self-awareness she might have
realised just how much trouble her fast-talking mouth was getting her into. She took her right arm off
her nipples and leaned forward, sliding Darren’s shaft between her massive mammaries.

“Mmm… That’s it. Start moving, doll.”

Raven obeyed his orders out of penance for the word she had uttered. His cock was growing harder
now. She felt it stiffen as she smooshed her breasts around it. Then, with a well rehearsed routine,
Sister Valeri began giving the miner a titjob.

“Oh… That’s it,” Darren groaned as she began rubbing his shaft between her boobs.

He reached down and pushed her red and black hair out of the way with his right hand. Her facial
expression was a combination of fear and concentration.

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage on Darren from Raven’s titjob. 59 rolled! Darren is up to 59%

(Rolling 1d20 pleasure damage for Raven from having her tits fucked. 7 rolled. Raven is up to 76%

“Ugh! That’s it. Don’t stop! Ahh…” Darren grunted, briefly glancing down the mineshaft to make sure
they were alone.

Raven felt herself getting hotter. The sensation of the shaft between her tits always turned her own.
Indeed, giving a titjob to one of the accompanying preachers was how she had gotten out of her first
term in the Repentia early. If she closed her eyes she could still remember the vivid sensation of his
hot ejaculate coating her tits.

“Ah…” she gasped, feeling the pleasure begin to grow within her as well.

(Rolling an 80+ encounter test to see if anything shows up while the two characters are preoccupied.
75 rolled. Fail! Nothing happens.)

“Okay. Now, since it was that dirty mouth of yours that got you into this mess, how about you use it to
get yourself out of it?” Darren suggested, thrusting his hips towards her lips.

Raven grimaced and closed her mouth tightly before realising she really didn’t have a choice in the
matter. With the cock still between her tits Raven lowered her head and stuck out her tongue. It
wasn’t an easy feat, but she managed to get his glans within reach of her tongue and began swirling
around it.



“Ohhh… Fuck… That’s good… Mmm…”

The black man leaned back against the stoney wall of the mine. This had been the first time he’d had
a chance to fuck someone since his girlfirend got taken a fortnight ago. He could still remember
Yvonne’s screams clear as day.
“N-No! You’re too big! Let go of me! Help me, Darren! Help meeeehhh!”

Darren had desperately followed the sound of her cries. Each minute that he wasted searching dead
ends only saw them grow lewder and darker.

“Ah! It’s too- ugh - big! Ah! Ohh! Ahh! Ahhh! Mmm! Fuck! It’s sooo goood! Ahhhhhh! Throne! It’s
sooo much - ah - better than anything I’ve - ohh - had before! FUCK ME HARDER! CUM INSIDE

Darren had sprinted around the mine searching for five hours before he collapsed with exhaustion.
His colleagues had dragged him back to the surface, but he hadn’t been the same since. He awoke
filled with a solitary purpose in life. Like Captain Ahab in the tales from Ancient Terra, Darren's life
purpose was the wholesale slaughter of the great beast that had taken everything he cared about.


Raven had angled her head down and taken the tip of his cock into her mouth. She was quickly
bobbing it back and forth as her warm breasts continued massaging his shaft.


“Mmm! Fuck! Just like that, don’t stop, doll!”

(Rolling 1d100 pleasure damage for Darren. 91 rolled! Darren’s Orgasm is up to 156% and he cums.
He won’t be rolling a mindbreak test as this was a consensual sexual encounter and he is at the
lowest point on the orgasm scale still.)

(Rolling 1d20 pleasure damage for Raven having her tits fucked. 6 rolled. Raven is up to 82%


“Arrghhh! Ughhh! Hnnnnggg!”


Raven pulled her head off his shaft as she heard him grunt in orgasm. With practiced hands she
grabbed her tits and began rapidly rubbing them up and down his big black cock.
(Rolling a 70+ encounter test to see if anything shows up while the two characters are preoccupied.
49 rolled. Fail! Nothing happens.)

“Aaaahhh! Mmmm! HNNNGGG!!!!” he finally grunted, his dick pulsating between her tits.

A split second later the first hot white strings of his thick cum began erupting over her breasts. Raven
breathed in deeply, inhaling the intense scent of the cum and the memories it brought back. Darren
finally pulled his hips back from Raven and took a minute to catch his breath.

“Okay… *Pant* You’re forgiven, doll .Just don’t pull that shit again. We clear?”

“Uh huh…” Raven sighed, wiping the semen from her breasts and affixing her power armour torso,
“So, which way now?”

“Down here likely leads to the creature’s nest.”


“I’ve been mapping the tunnels and the seismic activity in between my shifts. I’ve narrowed the
beast’s nest to one of four possible locations.”

-Power Armour (4/4 HP)
-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 82%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.

Darren Hargrave
Double-Barrelled Shotgun
Two Blasting Charges
Red Tank Top (1/1 HP)
Grey Canvas Trousers (2/2 HP)
Orgasm: 156%
Character Flaws:
???????????? - Character Flaw not yet discovered.


The monstrous growl happened again, more distant this time. Darren turned to face Raven and
nodded, “We need to move now.”

(Rolling 1d4 to test to see if the first room they find is the beast’s nest. A 4 is required. 3 rolled.
Close! But not quite. Only 3 possible locations of the beast’s nest remain.)

As the duo descended deeper into the mines they entered into a large cavern. The walls were
covered in beautiful orange, white, and grey stripes. Work spotlights lined the edges of the room
while an abandoned minecart lay overturned at the center. Its orange-white crystalline cargo lay
spilled across the brown stone floor. All manner of pickaxes, drills, and other equipment had long
been abandoned.

“We stopped using this chamber once the people began going missing,” Darren began, “Shame.
The potash was rich here.”

(Rolling to see if there is an encounter in the first room is. Any roll of 40+ will guarantee an encounter
of some kind. Higher numbers are more dangerous enemies. 65 rolled! A moderately dangerous




“Fuck! Borewyrms!” Darren suddenly yelled.

Four large eruptions sent pillars of dust and rock kicking up into the ceiling. At a distance one might
have assumed a series of landmines went off. As the dust cleared it quickly became evident that a
mob of small fanged, winged insects had tunneled out of the ground.

“The fuck are these things?!” Raven cried, raising her boltgun.

“The beast’s larvae! Kill them all or they’ll grow into a bigger problem later on!”
(Rolling two 70+ ambush tests for the Borewyrms against Darren. 16 and 69 rolled. The Borewryms
fail to ambush Darren.)

(Rolling two 70+ ambush tests for the Borewyrms against Raven. 82 and 68 rolled. One of the
Borewyrms successfully ambushes Raven and gets a free attack against her.)

Raven barely had a chance to register where the targets were before one of them leapt at her. They
had the appearance of snakes with segmented armour plating. A pair of translucent wings grew from
their back allowing limited flight. The tip of their tail cumulated in a sharp stinger, while their faces had
a pair of razor-sharp mandibles and a long lurid-pink tongue.

(Rolling two attacks for the Borewyrm on a 50+, increased to 35+ because of the ambush. Epic or
phenomenal wins will trigger a special rule for Borewyrms. 37 and 44 rolled! Two successful hits!)

(New armour rules: I am changing how armour works from this chapter on. Armour was melting
away far too quickly as it was degraded each time an enemy scored a successful hit. From now on,
each successful hit will force the Sister to make an armour resistance test. If the armour resistance
test passes the armour won’t be damaged. If it fails, the armour will be damaged. Better armours will
have better armour resistance values. E.g. Flak Armour will resist being damaged on 65+, Power
Armour on 35+, and Terminator Armour on 15+. This should cause armour to last longer in combat.)

(Rolling two 35+ armour resistance tests for Raven’s Power Armour. 12 and 84 rolled. One piece of
her armour gets damaged.)

The Borewyrm’s razor sharp mandibles tore through her right breastplate like a hot knife through
butter. A deep gouge in her venerable red and gold power armour revealed her black bra beneath.
Raven backstepped as the larvae tumbled to the ground before her.


It’s voice was like nails running down a chalkboard. She lowered her boltgun in disgust and
squeezed the trigger.

(Rolling two 40+ attacks for Raven with her boltgun, decreased to 35+ because she is so close to the
creature. 1 and 49 rolled. A pass, and a phenomenal fail. Her boltgun badly jams. 2 damage to
Borewrym 1)

The first squeeze of the trigger unleashed an explosive shell at the diminutive insect. A chunk of its
carapaced back was torn off and the creature was sent barrelling back. Unfortunately, as Raven
squeezed the trigger a second time she was greeted with nothing more than a loud *CLUNK*. Her
boltgun jumped in her hands as the next round failed to properly chamber.

“Fuck! I’m jammed!” she yelled to Darren.

The black man had clambered atop the overturned minecart and was aiming down the ironsights of
his shotgun. A larva scuttled towards him, quickly closing the distance. He pulled the trigger as it
reached the base of the minecart.

(Rolling a combat test for Darren with his shotgun on 40+, decreased to 35+ because he is so close
to the creature. 64 rolled! Normally 2 damage, increased to 3 because the shotgun is devastating up


There was a flash of flame from the left barrel followed by a splatter of viscera. Raven blink at the
loud bang. Where there had once been a Borewrym, there was nothing but mauled remains. As
Darren turned to find his next target the remaining creatures launched their counterattack.

(Rolling two attacks for Borewyrm 1 against Raven on a 50+. Epic or phenomenal wins will trigger a
special rule for Borewyrms. 25 and 96 rolled! One fail and one epic win! The Borewrym’s secret
special rule has been revealed!)

(Borewyrm Special Rule: Razor-Sharp Mandibles - Any time an epic or phenomenal win is rolled on a
Borewyrm attack roll the defender does not get to make an armour resistance roll.)

The wounded Borewyrm leapt at Raven once more. It’s attack was precise this time, deliberately
targeting a crucial joint.


Adamantium armour fell away from Raven’s torso and crashed to the ground around her. All that
remained of her once-venerable suit was from the waist down. Her modesty was barely protected by
her black bra.

“Shit!” she swore, as her vambraces joined the pile of discarded armour shortly after.
If she thought she was going to get some reprieve after the attack she was sorely wrong. The second
Borewrym flew forward in an attempt to finish the job.

(Rolling a charge test for the second Borewrym to reach Raven as it didn’t successfully ambush her.
It needs an easy 15+ to succeed. 36 rolled. It makes it into combat!)

(Rolling two combat tests on 50+ for Borewrym 2 against Raven. 82 and 29 rolled. One attack goes

(Rolling a 35+ armour resistance test for Raven. 16 rolled. Her power armour is almost fully gone!)

The second larvae stuck low, aiming for her power-armoured legs. With a loud wrench another chunk
of her armour was torn off by the alien’s unnaturally sharp incisors. Her left leg was entirely exposed
now. Another solid hit and her right leg and crotch armour would likely be lost too. Raven began to
panic, looking towards Darren for help.

(Rolling a 15+ charge test for the Borewrym against Darren, increased to 35+ because he is atop the
minecart. 2 rolled. Phenomenal fail. Darren gets a free hyper-accurate shot against it.)

(Rolling a single overwatch attack from Darren with his shotgun. Normally overwatch shots hit on
85+. In this case, Darren will be hitting on a 25+ due to the creature’s phenomenal fail. 36 rolled. 2
damage dealt to the Borewyrm, increased to 3 damage because the shotgun is devastating at close


The larva snarled at Darren and chittered its mandibles before leaping forward. Unfortunately, it
stumbled on a stone, somersaulting and tumbling until it was lying on its back before the armed-

“Eat lead you fucking grub,” the black man spat, unloading a heavy blast from his weapon.


The creature was obliterated in an instant. Its remains painting the cavern floor. Darren turned to see
Raven struggling with her boltgun.

“Hold on, doll! I’m just reloading!”

(Borewyrm Special Rule: Razor-Sharp Mandibles - Any time an epic or phenomenal win is rolled on a
Borewyrm attack roll the defender does not get to make an armour resistance roll.)
Borewyrm 1 - 1/3 HP (Attacking Raven)
Borewyrm 2 - 3/3 HP (Attacking Raven)
Borewyrm 3 - 0/3 HP (Attacking Darren)
Borewyrm 4 - 0/3 HP (Attacking Darren)

Boltgun (Badly Jammed! 3 Turns Remaining.)
-Power Armour (1/4 HP) (Upper half of power armour destroyed.)
-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 82%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.

Darren Hargrave
Double-Barrelled Shotgun (0/2 Shells - Needs Reloaded)
Two Blasting Charges
Red Tank Top (1/1 HP)
Grey Canvas Trousers (2/2 HP)
Orgasm: 156%
Character Flaws:
???????????? - Character Flaw not yet discovered.

Darren broke his shotgun open and ejected the two spent cartridges. His left hand deftly reached for
his leather bandolier and snatched two replacement ones before inserting them in his gun.

(Darren spends his turn reloading his weapon.)

As her comrade prepared his next round Raven slapped the side of her boltgun as she backed away
from the aggressive grubs.

“C’mon, work! Work you blasted thing!”

The two creatures launched another wave of attacks against the Sister. The wounded one leapt first,
targeting the last of her armour around her crotch.
(Rolling two 50+ attacks for Borewrym 1 against Raven. 87 and 83 rolled. Two passes!)

(Rolling two 35+ armour resistance tests for Raven’s power armour. 50 and 92 rolled! A pass and an
epic win! The epic win let’s Raven counter with a kick!)

(Rolling a 60+ combat test for Raven’s counterattack. 72 rolled! She kills the wounded Borewyrm.)

It landed on her upper thigh and viciously attempted to cut through the adamantium. Raven never
said her holy prayers to protect her armour, but it held firm regardless. As the bug fruitlessly fell to her
foot she swung her power armoured leg and booted it across the room.

The last one didn’t appear unnerved by the deaths of its fellow larvae. It simply charged Raven as
mindlessly as the others.

(Rolling two 50+ combat tests for Borewyrm 2 against Raven. 1 and 36 rolled. A phenomenal fail.
Raven gets a chance to do an extremely strong counterattack with her boot. If she does she’ll get a
minimum of 3 damage here.)

(Rolling a 50+ counterattack roll for Raven against Borewyrm 2. 67 rolled! A pass! 3 damage due to
the phenomenal fail of the grub!)

Perhaps it was a genetic defect, but just as the Borewyrm had fumbled its attack against Darren, so
too did the Borewrym fumble against Raven. The pathetic creature had rolled onto its back following
a failed attempt to break her leggings off. Raven snarled as she raised her right boot and brought it
down hard on the insect.

“Take that, fuckface,” she grumbled, “That’s the last of them.”

“For this room at least,” Darren nodded.

The two soldiers took their time to reload and unjam their weaponry.

(Negative weapon status effects have been removed.)

Raven hunkered down to investigate the damaged power armour on the floor to see if any of it was
(Rolling 3d100 salvage tests on 85+ to see if any of the power armour can be put back on. 4, 3 and
48. Two epic, near phenomenal fails, and a fail. Those epic fails suggest that the armour she is still
weaning isn't’ functional either.)

“What are you doing?”

“Checking if any of this shit is still usable,” Raven replied, fumbling through scattered adamantium

“Is it?”

Raven stood back up, her remaining armour groaning under the stress of bending over.

“Nah, it’s fucking-”


The power armour around her waist and last leg came tumbling off leaving her clad in nothing but her

“Fuckin’ ace,” she muttered sarcastically before angrily kicking the last of the useless armour away,
“You mentioned there were four rooms. Let’s hit up the next one.”

“Sure thing, doll. Follow me.”

(Borewyrm Special Rule: Razor-Sharp Mandibles - Any time an epic or phenomenal win is rolled on a
Borewyrm attack roll the defender does not get to make an armour resistance roll.)
Borewyrm 1 - 0/3 HP (Attacking Raven)
Borewyrm 2 - 0/3 HP (Attacking Raven)

-Power Armour (0/4 HP)
-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 82%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.

Darren Hargrave
Double-Barrelled Shotgun (2/2 Shells)
Two Blasting Charges
Red Tank Top (1/1 HP)
Grey Canvas Trousers (2/2 HP)
Orgasm: 156%
Character Flaws:
???????????? - Character Flaw not yet discovered

(Rolling 1d3 to see if the next room is the beast’s nest. They need a 3 to get this. 2 rolled. It isn’t the
beast’s next.)

(Rolling to see if there is an encounter in the second room is. Any roll of 40+ will guarantee an
encounter of some kind. Higher numbers are more dangerous enemies. 30 rolled! All is quiet.)

Darren led the way down another mineshaft. The flickering lights only grew worse the deeper they
went. There were times when the darkness would envelop the pair for five or more seconds forcing
them to stop. The distant dripping of water and the creaking of the timber struts did nothing to ease
Raven’s nerves. She hadn’t even found what this ‘beast’ was and her armour was already gone.

‘If it’s really as good at fucking girls as Darren suggested then I don’t fancy my chances,’ she
mulled to herself.

The slender tunnel eventually ended in a rusted metal door. Shiny specs of silver where paint had
flecked away glinted under Darren’s torch. He reached out for the door and cautiously pulled it open.
The room inside was pitch black.

“All clear,” he murmured.

Raven stepped inside, boltgun still raised in caution. Rows of bunkbeds and old metal lockers lined
the room.

“It’s the old bunkhouse,” Darren muttered, “Dakota figured she’d save money on accommodation if
she didn’t have to buy more land on the surface to build our temporary accommodation on. Turns out
building underground is more expensive. Plus, you gotta get electricity and water down to this place.
Have a look around, see if you can find anything useful.”

(Rolling two luck tests to see if they find anything useful in here. A 60+ is required. Higher numbers
yield better loot. 80 and 48 rolled. They find something very nice!)

Raven nonchalantly walked over to the lockers and began opening them up. There wasn’t much
inside them. A few old letters, some adverts for the local miner’s union, paystubs, and some old

“Any of these lockers yours, Darren?”

“Nah, I was never down here, doll,” he replied, “and praise the Emperor for that. This place is stuffy
as hell.”

As Raven walked towards the final locket she saw something shining underneath the nearest

“Darren! Get your light over here, I think I saw something!”

The miner unclipped his torch and shone it under the metal frame.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” he chuckled, “Get it out of there. Things just got a hell of a lot easier!”

Raven reached out and wrapped her hands around a long metal cylinder. As she withdrew the entire
device it quickly became clear it was a massive belt-fed machine gun.

“Is this a… heavy stubber?” she asked in confusion.

“Yeah! We used it to clear out critters. Lots of nasties in the natural caves. Looks like it’s got a box of
ammo too. Pass it over, I’ll use it.”

Darren wasted no time slinging his shotgun over his back and picking up the heavy stubber. It was
almost six foot in length and required the operator to be stationary to have a chance of controlling the
recoil. The punching power and rate of fire would make short work of any beast they came across

“C’mon, let’s push on. Only two possible locations left,” Darren smiled, gripping his new toy.
-Power Armour (0/4 HP)
-Black Bra
-Black Panties
Orgasm: 82%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.

Darren Hargrave
Heavy Stubber (61/100 Bullets)
1 Spare Box of Ammunition
Double-Barrelled Shotgun (2/2 Shells) (Strapped on sling)
Two Blasting Charges
Red Tank Top (1/1 HP)
Grey Canvas Trousers (2/2 HP)
Orgasm: 65%
Character Flaws:
???????????? - Character Flaw not yet discovered

(Rolling 1d2 to see if the next room is the beast’s nest. They need a 2 to get this. 2 rolled. It’s the
beast’s nest!)

The journey continued on through the winding tunnels. A sticky heat began to build as they walked
deeper into the planet’s crust. As they continued down the tunnels Raven began to notice a white
resin coating the walls. She reached out to touch it.

‘It’s very sticky,’ she thought to herself, ‘I wonder if the beast produces this?’

As they continued towards their destination more and more of the walls became covered with the
sticky white substance. Darren was walking faster now, almost jogging.

“This is it! This is it!” he repeated, his breathing growing faster.

“Hold up! We don’t know if the beast is in its nest or not!”

(Rolling for Darren’s character flaw - Overconfident. This character is far too confident in their
abilities and will overestimate their strength and make rash decisions. Darren needs a 70+ to avoid
giving into his overconfidence, increased to 75+ because he found the heavy stubber. 51 rolled. He
gives into the flaw.)

“I’m gonna fucking smash its fucking skull in! C’mon! Let’s burn the place down!”

Darren began dashing onwards leaving Raven little choice but to follow or be left alone in the dark.
The corridor opened up into a vast chamber. Sticky white resin lined the walls from floor to ceiling. As
they approached the first thing they noticed was the cacophony of moaning. Entering the chamber
revealed captured men and women stuck against the walls with the white resin. Some of the women
were very obviously pregnant, others were giving birth to large yellow-white oblong eggs the size of a
football. These eggs gently rolled down the sticky resin before accumulating in the centre of the

“There’s gotta be at least fifty of them…” Darren gasped.

(Rolling a 40+ encounter test to see if the beast is guarding its nest. Because Darren failed his
character flaw and charged straight in any encounter will result in an ambush against Darren and
Raven. 61 rolled. It’s here and it’s pissed.)

“Darren! Look out!”

The beast came from the left, crawling down the wall at an alarmingly fast pace. It had dark blue
carapace covering most of its body giving it the appearance of an overgrown beatle. Overgrown was,
perhaps, an understatement. The beast stood ten feet tall and eight feet wide. Two hulking arms the
width of Raven’s body smashed into the ground as it charged forth. Its face was adorned with
multiple beady eyes and its mouth was shielded by a pair of fierce mandibles. Six elongated tongues
wriggled from its maw as it closed the distance.


(Rolling four attacks for the Ambull against Darren, hitting on 30+. 57, 9, 27, and 26 rolled. One hit
goes through! One epic fail, and 2 misses!)

(Rolling a single 90+ armour resistance test for Darren’s tank top. 39 rolled. It’s gone.)

The Ambull screamed as it swung with a clawed fist. Darren was quick, backstepping the worst of the
beast’s attacks. In the end it only managed to rip off his tank-top, revealing his chiseled abs and
rippling muscles beneath.

“That the best you got, bitch?!” he hollered, cocking his heavy stubber and raising it to the beast.

Raven, take aback by the ambush, focused on getting out of the creature’s way.

‘It seems to be focusing most of its attention on Darren. Maybe I can use this to my advantage,’ she

(Rolling for initiative. All characters are equally fast with the exception of Darren who is weighed
down by the heavy stubber. The Ambull and Raven will roll 1d100, Darren will roll 1d85. This will
determine order. Epic/phenomenal rolls will not apply here.
Ambull: 51
Raven: 38
Darren: 31
The Ambull goes first, followed by Raven, then Darren.)

(Rolling to see who the Ambull targets. On a 1-25 it targets Raven, on a 26+ it targets Darren. 7
rolled. It targets Raven!)

The Ambull swung around at the last second, turning to face the startled Sister. She barely had any
time to think before it bounded her way.

(Rolling a 25+ charge test for the Ambull. 97 rolled. Epic win! Raven doesn’t get any overwatch

(Rolling four attacks for the Ambull on 30+ against Raven 77, 28, 79, 27. 2 hits, 2 misses! Raven’s
bra and panites have been stripped off!)

She never got a chance to aim her boltgun. The Ambull was upon her before she could so much as
blink. Two vast swipes from its claw saw the final vestiges of her protection removed. Her hefty F-cup
breasts swung freely and her already-wet pussy was on display.

“Fuck!” Raven cursed.

The melee was too close to properly use her boltgun. She decided to try beating the beast with the
butt of her rifle.
(Rolling an 80+ combat test for Raven. 42 rolled. Fail!)

“Take that, fuckface!” she yelled, beating it’s carapaced shell with her boltgun.

Unfortunately, it seemed to fail to achieve anything. The creature’s armour was too strong.

“Darren! A little help here!”


The black man flicked the safety off his new weapon and aimed it at the beast’s carapaced back.
Then, with a wrathful heart, he squeezed the trigger on full auto.

(Rolling six 60+ combat tests for Darren against the Ambull. 98, 79, 5, 23, 74, and 42 rolled. One
near-phenomenal epic win, two passes, two fails, and an epic fail. The epic win will cancel out the
epic fail leading to a total of 4 damage against the beast.)

(The Ambull gets to make 4 armour save rolls for its carapace on 40+. 95, 7, 45, and 13. That is 1
epic win and 1 epic fail which cancel out. Followed by 2 passes and 1 fail. The Ambull blocks 2
damage! It’s health is down to 13.)

*Dakka Dakka Dakka*

Darren’s heavy stubber screamed to life unleashing a terrible volley of hot lead against the beast’s
back. It screamed in fury as chips of carapace flew into the air.

“This is for Yvonne!” he roared furiously.

Ambull: 13/15 HP

Orgasm: 82%
Status Effects:
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.

Darren Hargrave
Heavy Stubber (55/100 Bullets)
1 Spare Box of Ammunition
Double-Barrelled Shotgun (2/2 Shells) (Strapped on sling)
Two Blasting Charges
Red Tank Top (0/1 HP)
Grey Canvas Trousers (2/2 HP)
Orgasm: 156%
Character Flaws:
Overconfident - This character is far too confident in their abilities and will overestimate their strength
and make rash decisions.

“RRAAAAGGHHHH!!” the Ambull roared, clenching its fists.

The chipped carapace on its back slowly started to grow back.

“What’s it doing?” Raven yelled.

“It’s fucking regenerating! Don’t stop fighting!”

(Ambull special rule discovered: Regeneration - The Ambull is capable of regenerating 1-3 damage
per turn if it passes a 35+ regeneration test.)

(Rolling a regeneration test for the Ambull on 35+... 1 rolled. Phenomenal fail.)

Suddenly, the Ambull’s damaged carapace stopped reknitting. The creature appeared confused for a
second, reaching around to touch its damaged back.

“Is it wounded?”

“I think it lost its ability to heal itself!” Darren exclaimed in excitement, “Take it down, now!”

(Permanent Injury: The Ambull has lost its Regeneration special rule!)

(Rolling for initiative. All characters are equally fast with the exception of Darren who is weighed
down by the heavy stubber . The Ambull and Raven will roll 1d100, Darren will roll 1d85. This will
determine order. Epic/phenomenal rolls will not apply here.
Ambull: 34
Raven: 46
Darren: 30
Raven, Ambull, then Darren.)

Raven was helpless to do little more than continue to attempt to beat the Ambull back with the butt of
her gun. She raised it once more and attempted to strike its face again.

(Rolling one 80+ combat test for Raven. 35 rolled. Fail.)

Once again she proved too weak to actually harm the creature. It was in this moment that Raven
realised just how fucked she was. Without any protection left the Ambull’s attacks would now be
solely focused on defiling her body.

(Rolling four 30+ sexual attacks from the Ambull against Raven. 11, 85, 40 and 100. That is 1 fail,
two passes, and a natural 100 which triggers a finishing move against Raven!)

Raven’s greatest fears quickly came true as the Ambull swung wide with its right arm. Her black and
red hair waved as she was sent hurtling through the air before slamming back-first into a resin-coated
wall. The sticky resin absorbed most of the impact, making her collison relatively painless, but as she
attempted to get back in the fight she noticed she couldn’t move.

“F-Fuck! I’m stuck! Darren! I’m stuck to the fucking wall! It’s coming! Shit!”

The Ambull charged her way. As it approved she saw her boltgun lying haphazardly on the ground.
She was completely trapped unless Darren could wrench her free from this wall. The beast wasted
no time beginning its preparations to turn Raven into another one of its livestock.

(Rolling a 60+ strength test for Raven to break free the sticky resin before the Ambull starts its
finishing move. 48 rolled. Fail!)

‘No, I can’t just be another girl on the wall of this beast’s cave!’ she panicked, wriggling and
writhing desperately.

Her best efforts were no good though. The beast was soon upon her. It’s chittering mandibles were
shining under the light from Darren’s torch. Her companion was desperately repositioning with his
heavy stubber, trying to find an angle where his bullets wouldn’t tear the Battle Sister to shreds.
(The Ambull gets to roll 1d50 progress for each successful attack it lands on Raven. It scored 2 hits in
addition to its natural 100, so it is roll 2d50 for progress on its finishing move. 33 and 23 rolled. Stage
1 has increased to 56%. Raven’s strength test to escape now requires an 80+ instead of 60+.)

The Ambull’s head closed in. Its many tongues were swirling and twirling a thick viscous white fluid.
It was at this moment that Raven realised it was more of the sticky resin. She protested and yelled in
fury as her wrists had more of the sticky substance applied over them, strengthening the bonds that
held her in place.

“I got you, doll! Opening fire!”

(Rolling six 60+ combat tests for Darren against the Ambull. 84, 92, 97, 51, 81, and 54 rolled. That is
2 misses, 2 passes that deal 2 damage each, and 2 epic wins that deal 3 damage each! This is a
potential 10 damage to the Ambull!)

(The Ambull gets to make 2 armour save rolls for its carapace on 40+ for the regular hits, and two
armour saves at 55+ for the epic wins!
Two armour saves at 40+... 15 and 21 rolled. 4 damage goes through.
Two armour saves at 55+ for the epic wins… 58 and 67 rolled! 6 damage blocked
4 damage to the Ambull. It’s health is down to 9.)

*Dakka Dakka Dakka*

Darren was proving to be a damn effective shot with the heavy stubber. His aim was deadly, and if it
wasn’t for the creature’s armoured shell he very well may have killed it outright. Sparks illuminated
the dark cave as the metal bullets ricocheted against its hardened carapace. Darren’s face was
contorted with fury as he relentlessly held the trigger.

‘With any luck the bastard will turn its attention to him. I might have a chance to escape and get the
fuck out of this mine,’ Raven thought to herself.

Ambull Finishing Move Progress Against Raven

1. Entrap Target with Resin: 56%
2. ???: 0%
3. ???: 0%
4. ???: 0%
5. ???: 0%
6. ???: 0% (Raven Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Ambull: 9/15 HP
Regeneration - The Ambull is capable of regenerating 1-3 damage per turn if it passes a 35+
regeneration test.
Permanent Injury: The Ambull has lost its Regeneration special rule!


Orgasm: 82%
Status Effects:
Trapped - Raven has been stuck to a cave wall coated with sticky Ambull resin requiring a 60+
strength test to break free. The difficulty of this roll increases by 10 for each 25% gained in Stage 1 of
the Ambull’s finishing move. Raven currently requires an 80+ to escape.
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.

Darren Hargrave
Heavy Stubber (49/100 Bullets)
1 Spare Box of Ammunition
Double-Barrelled Shotgun (2/2 Shells) (Strapped on sling)
Two Blasting Charges
Red Tank Top (0/1 HP)
Grey Canvas Trousers (2/2 HP)
Orgasm: 65%
Character Flaws:
Overconfident - This character is far too confident in their abilities and will overestimate their strength
and make rash decisions.

(Rolling for initiative. The Ambull will roll 1d100, Darren will roll 1d85, and Raven will roll 1d10. This
will determine order. Epic/phenomenal rolls will not apply here.
Ambull: 50
Raven: 3
Darren: 32
Ambull, Darren, then Raven.)

(Rolling a 20+ intelligence test to see if the Ambull turns its attention to Darren now that he is the
greater threat. 97 rolled. Epic win!).

The Ambull, despite its hulking primal appearance, was not stupid. It recognised a greater threat
when presented with one and understood that it could likely return to Raven later on. It also knew that
its carapace shell was far better protected than the vulnerable flesh and muscles adorning the front of
its body. Perhaps this is why the Ambull tilted its head behind it and began running backwards
towards the heavy stubber.

(Rolling a charge test for the Ambull against Darren on 25+, increased to 50+ because it is running
backwards. 91 rolled! Epic win! Darren gets no overwatch shots!)

The beast came at Darren with the force of a Leman Russ battle tank. Shocked by the unusual
backwards charge the miner was completely unprepared for the Ambull’s surprise melee. He tried
tracking it with his heavy stubber, but by the time he lined up his shot it was already upon him.

(Rolling four 30+ attacks for the Ambull against Darren. 64, 85, 73, and 60. All pass!)

(Rolling four 85+ armour resistance tests for Darren’s Grey Canvas Trousers. 33, 97, 65, and 31. 3
fails and an epic win! The epic win blocks 2 hits, but the other two hits remove his trousers.)

A clawed sideswipe was followed by a second, and then a third. Darren desperately tried to back
away from the beast, but there was no human alive short of an Adeptus Astates who could have
consistently dodged the lightning fast attacks. From her position stuck against the wall Raven saw
shreds of the grey canvas trousers fly into the air like leaves on a windy day. As the Ambull’s final
strike hit home Darren’s torch and two blasting charges flew from his waist and spun across the
cavern floor. One of the blasting charges smashed into a trio of eggs, cracking them open to reveal a
grey-yellow yolk within. The flashlight skidded before striking a wall and becoming a stagelight for the
drama playing out before her.

“Arrghh!” he grunted, backing up a couple of steps before dropping his heavy stubber on the ground.

He was now fully naked with the exception of the bandolier of shotgun shells strapped around his
chest. The defiant miner clenched his fists and prepared to strike back at the monster that defiled his

(New Rule: Shotguns and pistols are the only firearms capable of being used during melee.)

(Rolling an easy 20+ agility test for Darren to grab his shotgun. This is easy as it is already on a sling
and fully loaded. 43 rolled. Pass!)

Raven couldn’t see much more than the Ambull’s carapaced back. Its navy-blue shell had been
peppered with pockmarks from the bullets. And so she had to rely upon the ominous shadows cast
by Darren’s lost torch. The grey figures dancing on the wall distorted reality making Darren appear
taller than the gargantuan monster he was facing. She saw his shadow snatch his shotgun from his
sling and aim it at the beast’s chest.
(Rolling a 30+ combat test for Darren with his double-barrelled shotgun against the Ambull. This is
decreased to 20+ because he is point blank with a shotgun. 53 rolled! A solid hit! 3 damage! The
Ambull has no carapace protecting its front and it isn’t going to get an armour save for a point-blank
shotgun round to the chest.)


There was a flash of flame followed by an intense ringing in Raven’s ears. The shotgun blast had
echoed through the cavern, its sound mingling with the dozen or so moaning prisoners the Ambull
had stuck to the walls of its home. Raven watched as the beast recoiled a couple of steps.


It’s roar was no longer a threatening attempt at intimidation, but rather a cry of pain.

‘The bastard’s actually doing it!’ she thought, sensing a strange symbolism in Darren’s giant
shadow overpowering that of the Ambull.

(Rolling an 80+ strength test for Raven to escape the resin and end the finishing move. 4 rolled. Epic

(Raven is somehow actually making things worse. Stage 1 of the Finishing Move advances by 1d25.
24 rolled! She’s up to 80% on Stage 1)

Raven saw her chance to escape while the beast was distracted. Mustering all the strength she could
manage she began trying to force her arms away from the wall. The fresh resin was even stickier
than the previous one though and Raven soon found she had achieved nothing but smear the sticky
substance over more of her arms.

“Fuck!” she cursed, furiously shaking her head.

(Rolling for initiative. The Ambull and Darren will roll 1d100, Raven will roll 1d5. This will determine
order. Epic/phenomenal rolls will not apply here.
Ambull: 96
Raven: 1
Initiative Order: Darren, Ambull, then Raven.)
The armoured bug was fast. Incomprehensibly so. Raven had once been deployed in defence of a
penal colony. Dark Eldar slavers had swooping down in the Imperial’s criminals and nabbing them in
broad daylight. At first, the planetary governor didn’t mind. After all - a hundred or so less criminal
scum is a good thing. By the time three thousand prisoners had been abducted though the penal
colony’s production quotas were under serious threat. The black and red haired Sister thought back
to that campaign defending those prisoners. Her enemy was terrifyingly graceful. Dark Eldar proved
damn near impossible to shoot when they were flying atop their alien hoverboards.

Aggressively quick attacks from the Ambull reminded her of the masterful dexterity exhibited by the
Dark Eldar. The beast backstepped, sideswiped, and slammed forward at Darren. As fast as it was
though, Darren was a millisecond quicker.

(Rolling a 30+ combat test for Darren with his double-barrelled shotgun against the Ambull. This is
decreased to 20+ because he is point blank with a shotgun. 50 rolled! A solid hit! 3 damage! The
Ambull has no carapace protecting its front and it isn’t going to get an armour save for a point-blank
shotgun round to the chest. The Ambull is down to 3 HP.)



A shot rang out as Darren unloaded the second barrel into the beast. It caught the monster off-guard,
greatly wounding it. Despite this, the Ambull was still standing.

‘That was his second shot. He’s gonna need to reload now,’ Raven realised.

Darren tried to step back from the beast as it prepared a counterattack of its own.

(Rolling four 30+ attacks for the Ambull against Darren. He has no clothes left, so these will be
sexual. 89, 7, 39, and 32 rolled. 3 passes and an epic fail! The epic fail will reduce that to just one hit
on Darren!)

The alien monster swiped at Darren once again. He backstepped and dodged the first couple of
swings, but a third saw the Ambull grasp the miner around his waist. Before he could wriggle free the
creature reached out with its right arm and wrapped its right hand around his already hard cock. With
a steady pumping motion the Ambull began trying to jack Darren off.

“Arrgh… Let… go of me!” he grunted, writhing against the monster’s grip.

It wasn’t a strong bond, and if he could just avoid cumming then he would likely be able to break free
in under a minute.
(Rolling 1d25 pleasure damage for the Ambull’s handjob against Darren. 7 rolled. Darren is up to
163% Orgasm.)

The beast’s inside of the beast’s hand was unlike its hard carapace shell. Its palm was soft and
warm. Far more pleasurable than Darren wanted to admit.

“Ah…” he breathed, focusing on wriggling free.

Eventually, he managed to twist his body out of the beast’s grip. It hissed at him with its array of long
tongues. Darren clenched his shotgun in his right hand and prepared to reload.

(Rolling a 90+ strength test for Raven to escape the resin and end the finishing move. 54 rolled. Fail.)

Raven’s eyes turned to the menagerie of victims stuck to the walls around her. Each of them had a
pleasurable expression plastered across their stupid faces.

‘I’m not going to end up like them,’ she promised herself as she made another brave attempt to
escape her bondage. Unfortunately for Raven the adhesive was still proving far sticky relegating her
to an observer role as Darren and the Ambull duked it out.

Ambull Finishing Move Progress Against Raven

1. Entrap Target with Resin: 80%
2. ???: 0%
3. ???: 0%
4. ???: 0%
5. ???: 0%
6. ???: 0% (Raven Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Ambull: 3/15 HP
Regeneration - The Ambull is capable of regenerating 1-3 damage per turn if it passes a 35+
regeneration test.
Permanent Injury: The Ambull has lost its Regeneration special rule!


Orgasm: 82%
Status Effects:
Trapped - Raven has been stuck to a cave wall coated with sticky Ambull resin requiring a 60+
strength test to break free. The difficulty of this roll increases by 10 for each 25% gained in Stage 1 of
the Ambull’s finishing move. Raven currently requires an 90+ to escape.
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.

Darren Hargrave
Double-Barrelled Shotgun (0/2 Shells) (Strapped on sling)
Orgasm: 163%
Character Flaws:
Overconfident - This character is far too confident in their abilities and will overestimate their strength
and make rash decisions.

(Rolling for initiative. The Ambull and Darren will roll 1d100, Raven will roll 1d5. This will determine
order. Epic/phenomenal rolls will not apply here.
Ambull: 80
Raven: 4
Darren: 35
Initiative Order: Ambull, Darren, then Raven.)

Darren desperately broke his shotgun. Two empty cartridges soared into the air accompanied by a
wisp of white smoke. His muscular arm reached up for the red shells lining his bandolier, but the
Ambull wasn’t one to wait.

(Rolling four 30+ sex attacks from the Ambull against Darren. 18, 73, 27, and 76 rolled. That’s 2
passes and 2 fails. The Ambull gets off two sollid sex attacks, but doesn’t secure a grapple or
properly restrain Darren.)

The alien creature pounced at Darren, striking him in the chest with its crushing weight and sending
the miner barreling to the ground. One of the Ambull’s clawed hands was atop Darren’s chest,
pinning him to the ground. Despite the sudden shock he was still holding onto his shotgun. With its
victim entrapped, the hulking xeno’s head began descending to Darren’s erect cock. The miner’s
glans was already glistening with precum. It wouldn’t take much more to get him off.

“Ugh!” he grunted, torn between whether he should attempt to break free or continue his efforts to
reload the shotgun.

He never got a chance to finish his thoughts as the Ambull’s many tongues began licking and
wrapping their way around his shaft. Six dextrous alien muscles twirled, tugged, and flicked his cock.
(Rolling 2d50 pleasure damage for Darren from the Ambull’s oral attack. 26 and 12 rolled. 38 orgasm
damage! Darren has hit 201% Orgasm and cums!)

(Rolling a mindbreak test for Darren on 15+... 21 roll. He passes.)

“Hnnnggg! Shit! Ugh!”

Raven heard Darren’s moans echo throughout the cavern. The beast’s many tongues were making
him cum hard. For the briefest of moments her mind wandered, wondering what it felt like to have a
dick getting sucked like that.

‘Probably similar to someone sucking on my nipples,’ she concluded.

The miner felt the Ambull greedily lick and slurp up every drop that came out of his balls. He wasn’t
sure if the creature was male or female. Perhaps alien biologies didn’t operate under such binary
terms. Whatever the case, the creature appeared equally interested in capturing male and female

(The Ambull heals 1d3 damage for consuming Darren’s cum. 2 rolled! The Ambull is back to 5

As Darren’s climax finally finished the miner saw an opportunity to escape. The beast hadn’t got him
pinned down especially well. He rolled to the side, throwing himself clear as he felt the Ambull’s
tongues slide off his cock. With deft hands he loaded two fresh shells into his shotgun and clicked it

“Time to finish this,” he snarled, raising the gun and taking aim.

(Rolling a 90+ strength test for Raven. 51 rolled. Fail!)

“Hurry up and kill it! I can’t get off this fucking wall!” Raven yelled, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

(Rolling for initiative. The Ambull and Darren will roll 1d100, Raven will roll 1d5. This will determine
order. Epic/phenomenal rolls will not apply here.
Ambull: 68
Raven: 4
Darren: 18
Initiative Order: Ambull, Darren, then Raven.)
(Rolling four 30+ sex attacks for the Ambull against Darren. 46, 72, 74, and 40. All attacks go
through! No epic wins, passes are going to be spent to restrain Darren, while the fourth will be used
for a sex attack.)

The Ambull wasn’t about to let its victim escape a third time. It lashed out at Darren Hargraves,
knocking the double-barrelled shotgun out of his hand. The firearm rattled loudly as it tumbled across
the cavern floor, striking yet another pair of Ambull eggs.

(Rolling an 85+ luck test for the Ambull. If this passes then a Borewyrm hatches. 73 and 68 rolled.
Both fail!)

Brittle shells cracked open spilling more of the grey-yellow yolks on the ground. Even if they failed in
their mission today they had already gravely injured the beast and destroyed half a dozen of its
spawn. Darren’s thoughts were filled with pride even as the Ambull gripped him around the waist and
hoisted him into the air.

“Even if you beat the both of us, they’ll just send more of my - ugh - brothers down here. They’ll
finish you off, you oversized bug,” he spat in the creature’s face.

The Ambull’s mandibles chittered and clacked with the sound of ivory striking ivory. It made Raven
shudder. As the mandibles spread wider she saw the big blue beetle raise Darren higher in the air
until his crotch was even with its face. He had already cum twice in the past hour. Such feats were
difficult for the average man; but the myriad of invading aliens on Glore IV had ways and means of
keeping their victims hard. As the miner looked down he saw the Ambull’s mouth between its
mandibles slowly open. It must have relied on its ivory tusks to break down food, because as far as
he could see it had no teeth. Dark pink muscular flesh rippled and squirmed as the creature’s
mandibles pinned his arms to his waist.

(Darren has gained the Restrained by Mandibles status effect. This is a Strength 4 Bondage. He
needs to pass an 80+ strength test to weaken the Ambull’s grip on his turn.)

He was held in place as the tip of his cock entered the Ambull’s mouth. Its many tongues had spread
out of the way, allowing the Xeno’s mouth to take centre-stage.

“Oh… Fuck!” he gasped as a hot-wet sensation engulfed his glans.

There was barely an inch of his thick black cock in the monster’s mouth and it was already far
greater than any blowjob Yvonne had ever given him. He almost felt compelled to understand why
she had given into the creature so easily now. Pleasurable sensations began rushing through his
body as the Ambull began sucking his cock in earnest.

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for the Ambull’s blowjob. 67 rolled! Darren’s Orgasm has increased
to 268%.)


“Ugh…” he gasped.

The alien’s wet mouth progressively gulped down more and more of his shaft. Strong muscles
bulged from the Ambull’s cheeks, rippling either side of Darren’s cock and began milking him dry.

“Ah… Hnng…” he gasped, trying to break free before the creature made him cum yet again.

(Rolling an 80+ strength test for Darren to damage the bondage restraining him. 36 rolled. Fail!)

The miner flexed his muscles and tried forcing the Ambull’s bone-coloured mandibles back open.
Unfortunately, the creature’s grip was much stronger than he had anticipated it would be. The jaws
widened half an inch before tightening once more.

“Arrghh! FUCK!” he grunted tilting his head back in defeat.

It was at that moment Darren saw something on the roof of the cave that made his stomach churn.
He shook his head and couldn’t muster any words to speak. Her tanned brown skin, her flowing
brown hair, and her soft facial features. The only thing different about her now was her slightly
swollen stomach. The bastard had impregnated her. He’d ruined her.

“Yvonne…” he whispered.

(Rolling a morale test for Darren on 75+. 98 rolled. An epic win. He’s fucking furious. Darren has
found renewed strength to avenge Yvonne and gained a temporary special rule for this battle.)

(Special Rule: Vengeful Bastard - Darren has been renewed with a furious vigour upon seeing what
has become of his girlfriend. He gains +15 strength for the duration of this combat. This will make
breaking free of bondage drop from 80+ to 65+. It will also give him much easier rolls fighting the
Ambull in melee, should he choose to do that.)

“I’m gonna fucking destroy you,” Darren snarled, each word dripping with viscous vitriol.
(Rolling a 90+ strength test for Raven to break free and end the finishing move. 43 rolled. Fail.)

Sister Valeri quickly realised that it was unlikely for either Darren or her to escape from the Ambull
now. In a desperate moment of panic she turned her attention to the one thing she should have done
every single day, but hadn’t done in months. She closed her eyes and bowed her head.

“Emperor… if you can hear me I really need ya now, big guy! Help!”

(Rolling a 91+ miracle test for Raven praying, increased to 99+ because she hasn’t prayed to the
Emperor in months. 45 rolled. Prayers unanswered!)

The Sister cautiously opened one eye to see that absolutely nothing had changed.

“Fuck you too!” she snapped at her silent God.

Ambull Finishing Move Progress Against Raven

1. Entrap Target with Resin: 80%
2. ???: 0%
3. ???: 0%
4. ???: 0%
5. ???: 0%
6. ???: 0% (Raven Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Ambull: 5/15 HP
Regeneration - The Ambull is capable of regenerating 1-3 damage per turn if it passes a 35+
regeneration test.
Permanent Injury: The Ambull has lost its Regeneration special rule!


Orgasm: 76%
Status Effects:
Trapped - Raven has been stuck to a cave wall coated with sticky Ambull resin requiring a 60+
strength test to break free. The difficulty of this roll increases by 10 for each 25% gained in Stage 1 of
the Ambull’s finishing move. Raven currently requires an 90+ to escape.
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.

Darren Hargrave
Orgasm: 268%
Status Effects:
Restrained by Mandibles (Strength 4 Bondage) Darren’s torso and arms have been grabbed by the
Ambull. He needs to pass an 80+ strength test to weaken the Ambull’s grip.
Special Rules:
Vengeful Bastard (Temporary )- Darren has been renewed with a furious vigour upon seeing what
has become of his girlfriend. He gains +15 strength for the duration of this combat.
Character Flaws:
Overconfident - This character is far too confident in their abilities and will overestimate their strength
and make rash decisions.

(Rolling for initiative. The Ambull will roll 1d100, Darren will roll 1d65, and Raven will roll 1d5. This will
determine order. Epic/phenomenal rolls will not apply here.
Ambull: 40
Raven: 5
Darren: 33
Initiative Order: Ambull, Darren, then Raven.)

The Ambull ignored Darren’s threat, refocusing its attention on sucking the miner off until he could no
longer fight back. As the miner writhed and wriggled the big blue beetle prepared to make him cum

(Rolling four 30+ sex attacks, decreased to 15+ because Darren is fully restrained. 89, 48, 100, and
63. Ignore everything else! The monster rolled a natural 100 and begins a finishing move!)

“Raaagghhhh….” the creature unleashed a low guttural growl.

Its bone-coloured mandibles seemed to begin snapping into place around Darren’s waist like a bike
lock. If it fully completed whatever it was doing then Darren would have next to no chance of breaking
free. As Raven saw it unfold she realised that their chances of escape were quickly fading. The bright
sun of victory was now a distant twinkling star.


Darren’s dick was still balls deep in the Ambull’s warm, wet mouth. The alien creature continued
moving its head, aggressively sucking on his shaft.
“Ugh… Let… go, you bastard!” he snarled.

*Suck* *Suuuccck*

Wet slurping sounds reverberated through the dimly lit cavern as the monster went to town on its
latest victim’s cock.

“Arrghh… Fuck you! You ain’t gonna make me cum! Ah! Hnnngg…”

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for the Ambull’s blowjob against Darren. 33 rolled. Darren is up to
301% orgasm and barely fails to stop himself.)

“No! No! Hnnggg! Aaaayaaahhhh!!!! AAARRGHHHH!!” Darren’s cries grew louder.

He felt the monster’s hot wet mouth continually suck on his cock. The sensation of an imminent
orgasm grew deep within his loins. Darren tensed his thighs and clenched his fists. He fought and
willed his body to resist the beast with every ounce of strength he could muster. But as he felt his
cum rush from his balls and down his shaft he knew his efforts weren’t enough.

“AAHHHH! Hnnnggg! Ugh! Ohhh!”

*Gulp Gulp*

The sound of the Ambull swallowing his seed only served to humiliate him further. He was powerless
to stop it milking his cock.

(The Ambull heals 1d3 damage for consuming Darren’s cum. 1 rolled! The Ambull is back to 6

(Rolling a mindbreak test for Darren on 20+... 67 rolled! Pass!)

(Rolling 1d100 progress for the first finishing move with a bonus 1d25 for Darren cumming. 74 and 3
rolled. The first stage of the finishing move is 77% complete.)

The Ambull’s gargantuan jaws tightened, pinning Darren’s arms to his sides. It would soon lock its
jaws in place and prevent any hope of him escaping its grasp. Despite this, Darren still remained
lucid and had a strong fighting spirit.
(Rolling a 90+ strength test for Raven to break free from the resin. 12 rolled. Fail.)

(Rolling a strength test for Darren to escape the Ambull on 80+, decreased to 65+ for his Vengeful
Bastard temporary special rule. 83 rolled. Success! Darren does 1 damage to the Ambull’s bondage
reducing it to strength 3!)

The two trapped hunters desperately tried to break free from their prey. Raven mustered all the
energy she could and gave breaking free from the cave wall another shot. Despite her best efforts
she couldn’t break her limbs free.

“Gah! Shit!” she cursed.

Darren, meanwhile, began forcing the monster’s mammoth jaws apart with his muscular biceps. It
began with no more than an inch, but it marked a turning point.

‘Maybe he can still escape?’ Raven suddenly felt a pang of optimism.

“Kick its fucking ass, Darren!” she hollered her encouragement across the room.

(Rolling for initiative. The Ambull will roll 1d100, Darren will roll 1d65, and Raven will roll 1d5. This will
determine order. Epic/phenomenal rolls will not apply here.
Ambull: 54
Raven: 3
Darren: 59
Initiative Order: Darren, Ambull, then Raven.)

(Rolling a strength test for Darren to escape the Ambull on 80+, decreased to 65+ for his Vengeful
Bastard temporary special rule. 84 rolled. Success! Darren does another 1 damage to the Ambull’s
bondage reducing it to strength 2!)

“Aaaarrgghhh!” Darren snarled, flashing his teeth at the beast as he slowly forced the monster’s
jaws open.

The Ambull was struggling to contain the powerful fighter. Slowly and surely its mandibles were being
prised apart. Raven’s eyes were glued to the scene before her. Even faced against such
insurmountable odds he wasn’t giving in.


(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for the Ambull’s blowjob against Darren. 19 rolled. Darren is up to
320% Orgasm.)

Wet sucking sounds of the Ambull’s blowjob flooded the cave, but Darren didn’t appear distracted.
He refocused all his energy into his arms, continuing to push back against his attacker.

(Rolling for progress on the Ambull’s finishing move. Normally, this would be 1d100, however, the
bondage strength of the Ambull’s mandibles has been reduced from 4 down to 2. This means its grip
is weakening. It will only roll 1d50 progress. 30 rolled! The Ambull finishes off Stage 1 of its finishing
move! Darren has been locked in place and cannot make any further escape attempts.)

All the hope that Raven had for Darren’s great escape was suddenly snuffed out in an instant.


The mandibles snapped together, firmly locking the miner in place and binding his arms to his sides.

“Ugh! Shit! It’s got me! I need some help over here, doll!”

“You’re not the only one who’s trapped, fuckface!”

(Rolling a 90+ strength test for Raven to break free and end the finishing move. 12 rolled. Fail.)

Raven quickly realised it was entirely down to her now. She furiously tried tearing her arms and legs
away from the sticky resin. Her efforts were fruitless though. The delinquent quickly realised she
could do little more than watch the Ambull finish off Darren.

“Fuck! Help! ANYBODY?!” Raven yelled.

“We’re two and a half miles under- ugh - ground, doll! Nobody is gonna hear you! Argh...”

Ambull Finishing Move Progress Against Raven

1. Entrap Target with Resin: 80%
2. ???: 0%
3. ???: 0%
4. ???: 0%
5. ???: 0%
6. ???: 0% (Raven Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Ambull Finishing Move Progress Against Darren

1. Lock Target in Place with Mandibles: 100% Complete
2. Slide Tongues into Target's Ass: 0%
3. ???: 0%
4. ???: 0%
5. ???: 0% (Darren Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Ambull: 6/15 HP
Regeneration - The Ambull is capable of regenerating 1-3 damage per turn if it passes a 35+
regeneration test.
Permanent Injury: The Ambull has lost its Regeneration special rule!


Orgasm: 76%
Status Effects:
Trapped - Raven has been stuck to a cave wall coated with sticky Ambull resin requiring a 60+
strength test to break free. The difficulty of this roll increases by 10 for each 25% gained in Stage 1 of
the Ambull’s finishing move. Raven currently requires an 90+ to escape.
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.


Orgasm: 320%
Status Effects:
Locked by Mandibles - This character has been locked in place by the Ambull’s mandibles as part of
a finishing move and cannot attempt to escape. Someone will, quite literally, need to save their ass.
Special Rules:
Vengeful Bastard (Temporary)- Darren has been renewed with a furious vigour upon seeing what has
become of his girlfriend. He gains +15 strength for the duration of this combat.
Character Flaws:
Overconfident - This character is far too confident in their abilities and will overestimate their strength
and make rash decisions.

(Rolling for initiative. The Ambull will roll 1d100 and Raven will roll 1d5. Darren does not get a chance
to act. This will determine order. Epic/phenomenal rolls will not apply here.
Ambull: 93
Raven: 2
Initiative Order: Ambull then Raven.)

With its target firmly secured the Ambull launched the second stage of its attack. Its many slender
tongues curled from the sides of its mouth and slithered around Darren’s waist.

“Aww, hell no!” he exclaimed as he realised what the monster was about to do.

The slippery tongues meandered around his back. Darren clenched his cheeks in an attempt to
prevent the alien from slipping its wet appendage into his ass.

(Rolling 1d100 progress for stage 2 of the Ambull’s finishing move. 74 rolled! The Ambull is making
quick progress.)

Despite his best efforts the alien’s slippery tongue quickly squeezed through his defences and
reached his tight virgin anus. He gasped with pleasure as a pair of hot wet muscles flicked and
circled over the sensitive spot. A few seconds later a third tongue joined in. It jabbed at his ass with a
series of quick deliberate strikes, determined to gain entry.

“Ugh! Ah… Ohhh!” he gasped, trying not to let on how good it was feeling to have his ass licked as
the monster gobbled on his thick cock.

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for the Ambull’s blowjob against Darren, and 1d25 pleasure damage
for the tongues licking his ass. 17 and 6 rolled. 23 total damage! Darren is up to 343% Orgasm.)
*Suck* *Suck*

“Ugh… Hnng…” Darren gasped.

The alien’s blowjob was growing more intense now. He tried to steady his breathing and hold on, but
he knew it was futile.

(Rolling a 90+ strength test for Raven to break free and end the finishing move. 6 rolled. Epic fail!
Raven has made things worse once again.)

(The Ambull’s Finishing move for Stage 1 has increased by 1d25 due to Raven’s abject failure to
break free. 21 rolled! ‘Entrap Target with Resin’ has hit 100%. Raven has been immobilised!)

‘It’s all down to me now,’ Raven realised, ‘If I can’t pull myself off this damn wall we’re both

The black and red-haired Sister refocused her efforts on breaking free. Every modicum of strength
she could mobilise was directed to her arms in a gargantuan effort to break free from the Xeno’s
sticky resin.

“Ughhhh… C’mon! C’MON!” she yelled, her arms barely moving half an inch.

Raven wriggled in frustration, kicking and punching as much as the sticky substance would allow her
to. As she tired herself out and began panting for breath a new horror beset her. Her incompetent
writhing had only made things worse. The delinquent was completely stuck against the wall now with
no hope of escape.

“FUCK!” she cursed from the bottom of her lungs.

‘This is it then? This is how it fucking ends?!’ she lamented, ‘It’s all the fault of my lazy-ass
Superior Colette. If she’d pulled herself together and actually fucking accompanied me on the
mission then I’d already be driving home and enjoying a fucking smoke.’

Self-awareness and personal responsibility had never been traits Raven had refined in her twenty-
one years of existence. After all, nothing in her life had never been her fault. Not even a brief stint in
juvenile detention for hotwiring a Chimera had been enough to set her straight. Ironic, how she had
spent her life blaming everyone but herself for her misdeeds, only to find herself now condemned to
the lustful wishes of the Ambull by her own delinquency. Raven could do nothing more than watch as
the alien creature continued assaulting Darren. His moans were growing louder.

‘The fuck is this thing going to do to me when it’s finished with him?’ she wondered to herself.

(Both characters have been immobilised by Finishing Moves and cannot escape. The Ambull
will automatically complete 1 stage of its finishing move per turn without a need for rolling.)

“N-Nooo! Ugh! Aaahhh!”

Darren gasped as the tongues circling his sensitive asshole sped up. He felt his legs begin to buckle
as the pleasure increased. The tip of his cock was being sucked on by the monster’s hot, tight throat.
All the while the third tongue continued its persistent stabbing motion. LIke a battering ram against a
gate, it slowly tap tap tapped away at his resistance.

“Ahh.. Ugh…”
And then, in a moment of weakness he unclenched his ass. It was only for half a second, but that
was all the Ambull needed. The tapping tongue broke through his sphincter and claimed his virgin
ass. Inch after inch of the alien’s impossibly long muscle slithered inside him, stimulating Darren to
pleasurable heights he didn’t know possible.

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for the Ambull’s blowjob against Darren, and 1d75 pleasure damage
for the tongue fucking his ass. 70 and 35 rolled. 105% total damage! Darren is up to 448% Orgasm
and cums again.)

(Rolling a mindbreak test for Darren on 25+... 36 rolled! Pass!)

It was this single moment of weakness that made him cum again. Harder than he had ever climaxed
in his life. He shook and trembled as much as he could within the vice-like grip of the Ambull’s jaws.

“Ahhhhh! Hnnnggggg! AAAARGGHHHHH!!!” he unleashed a roar of ecstasy as he was forced to

cum for the fourth time that day.

Sweat was dripping from every pore now making his body shimmer under the lamplight. The mine
wasn’t even that warm. Raven and him had travelled far enough underground to mitigate most of the
sun’s heat.

(The Ambull moves onto and automatically passes Stage 3: Locate and Stimulate Target’s Prostate.)

By the time Darren had finally come down from the cataclysmic high of his last climax the Ambull had
shifted its focus. The tongue inside his ass was no longer pistoning in and out. It was curling,
searching for something. The male prostate had always been a mystery to Darren. A mystery he had
never much cared to explore. That was about to change.

It began with a pressure deep within his ass. Almost as if someone was firmly pushing two fingers
onto his stomach in a slow steady rhythm. It began with nothing. No unusual sensation, no sudden
rush of pleasure, nothing more than a slight discomfort. And Darrent took solace in that moment.

‘I ain’t no sissy. That ain’t gonna do shit,’ he arrogantly thought to himself, ‘When this bastard tires
himself out I’m gonna grab those demo charges and blow its ass to kingdom come. By the time I’m
finished with-’

His thought process was rudely interrupted by a novel sensation. The steady sensationless pulsing
had evolved into something more, something incredible. Each beat of the thumping tongue against
his overstimulated prostate felt like half an orgasm.

“Ah! Ah! Fuck! Shit! Oh!”

Each moan, each gasp, each exclamation was unwillingly elicited by the alien’s flicking tongue. He
felt his sphincter clench tightly around the tongue. This only seemed to make things worse as the
pleasure heightened even further.

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for the Ambull’s blowjob against Darren, and 1d100 pleasure
damage for the tongue pounding his prostate. 46 and 45 rolled. 91% total damage! Darren is up to
539% Orgasm and cums again.)

(Rolling a mindbreak test for Darren on 30+... 54 rolled! Pass!)

“AAAARRGHHHH! F-Fuck! It’s sooo - ugh - fucking intense! AAHHHH!! Let go of - ahhhhh - me!” he

His back arched and his legs buckled as another blast of cum rushed from his overworked testicles.
He felt each blast of cum rush down the length of his shaft. It was all growing too sensitive. Each
successive climax was so much worse than the one before it.

Ambull Finishing Move Progress Against Raven

1. Entrap Target with Resin: 100%
2. Bring Target to Climax to Ensure Lubrication: 0%
3. ???: 0%
4. ???: 0%
5. ???: 0%
6. ???: 0% (Raven Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Ambull Finishing Move Progress Against Darren

1. Lock Target in Place with Mandibles: 100% Complete
2. Slide Tongues into Target's Ass: 100% Complete
3. Locate and Stimulate Target’s Prostate: 100% Complete
4. ???: 0%
5. ???: 0% (Darren Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Ambull: 6/15 HP
Regeneration - The Ambull is capable of regenerating 1-3 damage per turn if it passes a 35+
regeneration test.
Permanent Injury: The Ambull has lost its Regeneration special rule!
Orgasm: 76%
Status Effects:
Trapped - Raven is permanently stuck to the cave wall by Ambull resin. She cannot escape.
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.


Orgasm: 448%
Status Effects:
Locked by Mandibles - This character has been locked in place by the Ambull’s mandibles as part of
a finishing move and cannot attempt to escape. Someone will, quite literally, need to save their ass.
Special Rules:
Vengeful Bastard (Temporary)- Darren has been renewed with a furious vigour upon seeing what has
become of his girlfriend. He gains +15 strength for the duration of this combat.
Character Flaws:
Overconfident - This character is far too confident in their abilities and will overestimate their strength
and make rash decisions.

With escape now impossible, and Raven doing little more than watching the spectacle unfold, Darren
realised that it was over.

‘At least I got a blowjob from that arrogant little slut,’ he consoled himself looking at Raven’s f-cup

(The Ambull moves onto and automatically passes Stage 4: Drain Target’s Testicles of Semen.)

Darren didn’t know the Ambull’s endgame. When it came to women it was pretty obvious. Aliens
fucked them, impregnated them, egged them. With men, things were a little less clear. He’d heard
tales of Rapeanids literally transforming men into women. There were stories of Genestealer Cults
milking men for their semen to capture their DNA. The Dark Eldar would use men as sex slaves -
bought, sold, and fucked by the wealthy rulers of Commorragh as exotic pets. Darren couldn’t work
out what this Ambull’s ultimate goal was.

‘What the fuck do you want from me?’ he thought to himself.

The monster answered.


It was an intense suction unlike any blowjob he had ever experienced in his life. It almost felt like the
creature was attempting to drink every drop of cum in his balls. Darren felt his testicles tighten as the
powerful sucking sent another rush of semen flooding down the monster’s throat.


The pleasurable torture was compounded and exacerbated by the persistent pounding of the tongue
in his ass. His prostate was growing more and more sensitive with each whip of the tongue against it.
The monster had him well and truly beaten. It was going to drink every last drop of cum he had and
he was powerless to stop it.



His screams of pleasure echoed through the Ambull’s nest.

(Rolling 1d125 pleasure damage for the Ambull’s powerful blowjob against Darren, and 1d100
pleasure damage for the tongue pounding his prostate. 97 and 52 rolled. 149% total damage! Darren
is up to 688% Orgasm and cums again.)

(Rolling a mindbreak test for Darren on 35+... 91 rolled! Epic win! He manages to maintain his
composure and lowers his orgasm back down to 600%.)

“Hnnnngg! Fuck! Fuck fuck!” he chanted as the alien forced him to cum once again.

The pleasure was ceaseless, unending. It rocked Darren to his very core. And yet, with his balls
nearly drained the monster was not yet finished with him.

(The Ambull moves onto and automatically passes Stage 5:Drain Every Last Drop.)


The suction renewed itself with a regular rhythm. Like the last dribbles of a milkshake, the creature
wasn’t going to leave a drop left. Darren moaned and screamed and gasped as the Ambull made
him ejaculate whether or not he was cumming.


If we were sober-minded he might have wondered what exactly the Ambull had done to Yvonne. His
brain was far too pleasure-addled to countenance such thoughts now. His balls clenched as every
last drop of his cum was consumed by the greedy creature.


Raven was growing worried. She knew that the Xeno would be finished with him soon; and that
meant it would go for her next. She began to panic.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck… Someone help me! ANYONE?!” she yelled.

The only reply came from the pleasurable moans of the other women who had been similarly stuck to
the cavern walls.

As Darren felt his balls fully drained he quivered and shook, completely exhausted by the intense
experience. It would likely be hours, if not days before he had the energy to fight back. The Ambull
thudded towards a nearby wall on its massive legs and attached its newest source of food with some
fresh resin. It would return tomorrow to get another meal when it had produced more. The Ambull’s
tongue slipped out of Darren’s ass allowing the Ambull free-reign to turn its attentions to Raven. The
alien didn’t worry about its newest pet’s welfare - the Borewyrms would scavenge food and water
from the human camp under the cover of night to ensure that none of the Ambull’s collection ever
starved or dehydrated.

“Shit,” Raven swore as it locked eyes with her.

(Completing the finishing move against Darren has restored all of the Ambull’s healthpoints.)

Ambull Finishing Move Progress Against Raven

1. Entrap Target with Resin: 100%
2. Bring Target to Climax to Ensure Lubrication: 0%
3. ???: 0%
4. ???: 0%
5. ???: 0%
6. ???: 0% (Raven Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)
Ambull Finishing Move Progress Against Darren
1. Lock Target in Place with Mandibles: 100% Complete
2. Slide Tongues into Target's Ass: 100% Complete
3. Locate and Stimulate Target’s Prostate: 100% Complete
4. Drain Target’s Testicles of Semen: 100% Complete
5. Drain Every Last Drop: (Darren Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Ambull: 15/15 HP
Regeneration - The Ambull is capable of regenerating 1-3 damage per turn if it passes a 35+
regeneration test.
Permanent Injury: The Ambull has lost its Regeneration special rule!


Orgasm: 76%
Status Effects:
Trapped - Raven is permanently stuck to the cave wall by Ambull resin. She cannot escape.
Hotwiring - This character has a solid knowledge of how to hotwire most vehicles.
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.


Orgasm: 600%
Status Effects:
Locked by Mandibles - This character has been locked in place by the Ambull’s mandibles as part of
a finishing move and cannot attempt to escape. Someone will, quite literally, need to save their ass.
Special Rules:
Vengeful Bastard (Temporary)- Darren has been renewed with a furious vigour upon seeing what has
become of his girlfriend. He gains +15 strength for the duration of this combat.
Character Flaws:
Overconfident - This character is far too confident in their abilities and will overestimate their strength
and make rash decisions.

(The Ambull moves onto targeting Raven and automatically passes Stage 2 of its Finishing Move:
Bring Target to Climax to Ensure Lubrication.)

No amount of shouting or screaming deterred the Ambull from advancing towards its next target. It’s
massive body blocked out most of the light from the lamp lying on the ground. As it got closer the
delinquent Sister saw its multitude of tongues curling and wriggling unnaturally around its face.
“Go to hell, fuckface!” she snarled angrily, clenching her hands into ineffectual fists.

The Xeno ignored her empty threats and lowered its face to her exposed crotch. It would soon give
Raven more pleasure than she had ever experienced in her life. She was already wet from her
previous encounters that day which didn’t help when the beast’s many tongues began toying with
her sensitive spots.

“Ah F-Fuck!” she exclaimed as warm, wet tongue began flicking back and forth across her engorged

Her brain barely had time to register the pleasurable attack before a second tongue joined in. It
plunged into her soaking wet pussy. It had the girth of a thick cock, but the dexterity of the muscle
made it feel so much better.

“Ahhhh… Ohhh… Hnnggg…” Raven moaned.

The Sister tried clenching her teeth to try and suppress any further outbursts. Such action was
quickly rendered impossible by the sudden appearance of another tongue probing her ass. It didn’t
take long for the newest muscle to penetrate her rear end.

“Ahh!” she screamed louder this time.

The Ambull was ravaging both of her holes now, eliciting too much pleasure for the Sister to resist.
She felt her own juices mixing with the monster’s saliva as its tongues alternated between licking her
clitoris, fucking her cunt, and pounding her ass. She quivered and shook as the pleasure

(Rolling 1d50 pleasure damage for Raven having her clitoris licked, 1d75 for being tonguefucked in
her pussy, and 1d50 for being tonguefucked in her ass. 30, 7, and 30. 67 pleasure damage dealt!
Raven goes up to 143% orgasm and cums!)

(Rolling a mindbreak test for Raven on 10+... 81 rolled. She’s okay.)

“AAHHH! Fuck! I’m cumming! Shit! Ahhh!” Raven squealed in pleasure as the Ambull relentlessly
teased her sensitive body.

Judging that she was now wet enough the Ambull withdrew its tongues from her body and stepped
back. The panting Sister looked up at the creature with disgust.
“F… Fuck you… *pant* I’m gonna… *pant* kick your fucking ass when I get off this wall!” she snapped.

(The Ambull moves onto and automatically passes Stage 3 of its Finishing Move: Insert Ovipositor
into Target’s Pussy.)

The Ambull didn’t answer her. It simply spread its legs revealing a massive throbbing pink ovipositor.
The creature’s organ was almost the girth of Raven’s wrist, and nearly a foot and a half long.

“You have GOT to be kidding me!” Raven exclaimed in disbelief.

Raven was helpless to do anything about the Ambull and its gigantic ovipositor. She hadn't seen one
used on a woman before, but stories about them were legendary. Rapeanids were known to
occasionally employ them as well. Once inside a girl the ovipositor would inject alien eggs into a girl's
womb, using her as a living incubator.

'That thing is too big! It'll ruin my cunt!' she thought to herself as the Ambull aligned its organ with her

She was dripping wet from the intense tonguefucking she had just endured. The Ambull seemed to
believe that was enough lubrication to attempt entry with the massive alien appendage.

"Ugggh!" Raven grunted in disgust and anxiety as the tip of the organ began parting her shaved
hairless vulva.

'This is gonna hurt,' she thought, 'I haven't had anything this big in my pussy since that time a
Carnifex almost got me!'

If she hadn’t been stuck spread eagle to the wall she might have been able to resist. She might have
grabbed the ovipositor and tried to hold it back. Held down by the sticky resin it was impossible for
her fight back at all.

“Ah!” she grunted as an unusual cocktail of pleasure and pain hit her body.

The first inch of the massive ovipositor had stretched her cunt to its limit. Raven screamed and curled
her toes as a second inch followed.

“Oww! Ahh! Mmmm!! Ouch! AHHH!!”

Each pang of agony was quickly overwritten by a flood of ecstasy. Raven looked down at the huge
cock-like appendage sliding inside her body. Her nipples had stiffened with pleasure. She panted and
threw her head back in pleasure.

(Rolling 1d60 pleasure damage for the Ovipositor being shoved in her pussy... 44 rolled. 44 pleasure
damage dealt! Raven goes up to 187% orgasm!)

“Ohhh! Holy fuck! Ooohhaaahhhhh!! AAAAHHHH!!”

Raven turned her gaze back to the invading alien weapon. It was six or seven inches deep when it
finally hit her cervix. The sudden bump made her jump.

‘Shit! It’s going to egg me now!’


(The Ambull moves onto and automatically passes Stage 4 of its Finishing Move: Deposit Ambull
Eggs into Target’s Womb: 0%

There was no thrusting. No ceremony. No period of preparation of warning. Raven’s eyes widened
and her mouth gaped as an oblong shape slid down the ovipositor and inside her pussy. She felt her
cunt stretch as the alien egg passed by before reaching her cervix.

“Ohhh… Ffffuucckk…” she grunted, gritting her teeth and trying her best to keep her cervix closed.

The alien egg was coated in a slippery oil and began pressing up against her last line of defence.
Millimeter by millimeter her cervix slowly dilated to allow the object entry.

“Nooo! F-Fuck! Ahh! Get that fucking thing out of me fuckface!” she swore, trying to ignore the
growing desire to just give in and let the alien fill her womb with its eggs.


The Ambull growled deeply, lightly thrusting its ovipositor to try and nudge the egg in deeper. Raven
squirmed and trembled with pleasure.
“N-Not in my womb! Ah… Not there!” she cried, resorting to begging.

The Xeno couldn’t understand her pleas though. Nor would it have cared if it could. The first egg
soon reached a halfway mark past her cervix. Upon reaching that point it quickly slipped inside her.

“AAYAAAAHHHHH!!!” Raven screamed in ecstasy as an intense wave of pleasure crashed through

her body.

(Rolling 1d200 pleasure damage for being egged. 193 rolled. Raven’s Orgasm has increased to
380% and she cums twice.)

(Rolling two mindbreak tests for Raven, first on 15+, second on 20+... 1 and 4 rolled. She
phenomenal fails AND epic fails. She’s gone WAAAAY past mindbreak, and WAAAAY past Ahegao
straight to a brand new category of broken called ‘Pleasureslut.’)

The Imperium of Man is a collection of trillions of humans. Just as numerous as these humans are
the enemies of the Imperium. Daemons, Xenos, foul heretics. All fight against and seek to defile the
Holy Imperium.

It is all too common for a man or woman serving the Emperor to be forced to climax in the line of
It is often enough that a loyal soldier of the Emperor will be mindbroken by the pleasure they receive.
It is rare, but not unheard of in a lifetime, for an Imperial soldier to go ahegao with ecstasy.

And yet, across these hundreds of thousands of battles on millions of planets involving billions of
participants very few are ever driven to the heights the apothecaries term ‘pleasureslut.’ Orgasms
and pleasure so intense that those who endure it experience it forget key skills they have developed
over years of practice. They are left near-useless for almost a full week. They develop deep fetishes
for whatever made them experience so much pleasure.


A climax unlike anything she, or any other Sister on Glore IV, had ever experienced rippled through
her body as the egg nestled deep in her womb. Raven’s eyes lolled back in her head, her tongue
distended from her mouth. Her toes curled. Her back arched. She squirted uncontrollably as her cunt
clamped down on the invading ovipositor. A dark desire awoke within her.

“YEEEESSSSS!!!! More! Fill me with your eggs!!!!”

She felt her vaginal walls begin milking the alien’s appendage, beckoning forth more of the eggs.
Another one reached her cervix and not a single atom of her being attempted to resit it.
“Ruin my slutty little womb! AYAAAHHHH! I’M CUUMMMMIIINNNGG!!!!”

She came hard, every muscle in her trapped body frantically spasming with pleasure. Egg after egg
was injected into her womb. Three. Four. Five. She came harder with each subsequent one the
Ambull delivered. Soon, her belly was slightly distended and there was room for no more. The
panting mess that was once a member of the Adepta Sororitas had been screwed harder than a back-
alley prostitute on Cadia.

Ambull Finishing Move Progress Against Raven

1. Entrap Target with Resin: 100% Complete
2. Bring Target to Climax to Ensure Lubrication: 100% Complete
3. Insert Ovipositor into Target’s Pussy: 100% Complete
4. Deposit Ambull Eggs into Target’s Womb: 100% Complete
5. ???: 0%
6. ???: 0% (Raven Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Ambull: 15/15 HP
Regeneration - The Ambull is capable of regenerating 1-3 damage per turn if it passes a 35+
regeneration test.
Permanent Injury: The Ambull has lost its Regeneration special rule!


Orgasm: 380%
Status Effects:
Trapped - Raven is permanently stuck to the cave wall by Ambull resin. She cannot escape.
Pleasureslut (5 Days) - This character has all stats MASSIVELY reduced for a period of 1 week until
they recover from one of the most mind-blowing climaxes ever felt in this quadrant of the galaxy.
Hotwiring? - This character can maybe like start a car? Sorta?
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.
Intense Fetish - Egging - This character has an intense fetish for egging and will voluntarily surrender
to it on a 15+ if the possibility of it happening exists.

“Ahhh… Haaaahh….Shhhoooo good…” Raven panted in delight.

(The Ambull moves onto and automatically passes Stage 5 of its Finishing Move: Flood Womb With
Semen to Fertilise Ambull Eggs.)
It was at this point that the Ambull began to utter a deep, primal growl. She felt the temperature of its
ovipositor increase and it seemed to swell in size. In a parallel universe she might have been
screaming and begging it to pull out right now. But she wasn’t. She was in the reality where she
fucked over her Sister Superior and had suffered the consequences.

“Yeeessss! Fill me with your cum! Fertilise my eggs!” she squealed deliriously.

She didn’t need to ask twice.

Litre after litre of roasting thick semen poured out of the ovipositor and blasted into her waiting womb.
It filled her up in seconds before flooding out of her pussy and flowing to the ground below. The
Ambull didn’t stop though. Whichever organ stored the semen in its body must have been huge, for
thirty seconds later the cum was still flowing.


Raven could barely think, her mind almost entirely devoted to processing the unprecedented amount
of endorphins. Her pleasure receptors were in overdrive. Rationality, logic, and critical thinking were
all cast aside in favour of this exhaustive pleasure. Raven came again, and again, and again to the
point she lost count. By the time the Ambull had finished climaxing the black and red-haired girl could
barely utter a single word.

“Ahhh… Haahhh…”

(The Ambull moves onto and automatically passes Stage 6 of its Finishing Move: Seal Pussy with

Deep within her womb hundreds of millions of the Ambull’s sperm were fertilising the eggs deep
inside her body. Satisfied that the preparation was now complete the Ambull withdrew its cock and
began sealing the entrance to her pussy with the sticky resin. When the eggs were finally ready in a
few days time she would lay them and the damage this duo had done to its nest would be repaired.

“Haaahhh…. *Pant* Ohh…” Raven moaned.

She lay back against the wall - trembling, gasping, and utterly defeated. Perhaps in some other
reality Raven would have gotten her act together and actually risen through the ranks of the
Sororitas. In this reality though she would amount to nothing more than an Ambull’s breeding slut
until someone came and rescued her.

Darren’s lamplight flickered and died, plunging the cavern into near-total darkness. The only source
of light which remained was the fiery orange glow of the Ambull’s six bulbous eyes.

Ambull Finishing Move Progress Against Raven

1. Entrap Target with Resin: 100% Complete
2. Bring Target to Climax to Ensure Lubrication: 100% Complete
3. Insert Ovipositor into Target’s Pussy: 100% Complete
4. Deposit Ambull Eggs into Target’s Womb: 100% Complete
5. Flood Womb with Semen to Fertilise Ambul Eggs: 0%
6. Seal Pussy with Resin: 0% (Raven Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

Ambull: 15/15 HP
Regeneration - The Ambull is capable of regenerating 1-3 damage per turn if it passes a 35+
regeneration test.
Permanent Injury: The Ambull has lost its Regeneration special rule!


Orgasm: 999%
Status Effects:
Trapped - Raven is permanently stuck to the cave wall by Ambull resin. She cannot escape.
Pleasureslut (5 Days) - This character has all stats MASSIVELY reduced for a period of 1 week until
they recover from one of the most mind-blowing climaxes ever felt in this quadrant of the galaxy.
Hotwiring? - This character can maybe like start a car? Sorta?
Character Flaws:
Difficult to Manage - While not the troublemaker they once were, this character is still a pain in the
ass for any boss.
‘Delinquent’ character flaw. - This character doesn’t give the slightest fuck about others and will
work to undermine them for her own amusement.
Intense Fetish - Egging - This character has an intense fetish for egging and will voluntarily surrender
to it on a 15+ if the possibility of it happening exists.

Sister Superior Colette Piousborne

“Listen, man, I’m tellin’ ya! And then, and then… Ahahaha! Woo, let me catch my breath,” the sound
of a man’s cackling laughter awoke Colette from her slumber.

The Sister Superior groggily sat up from a couch and rubbed her temples. Her mind was slowly
piecing together everything that had happened before she passed out.

“Ahaha… Haha! Ohh… Okay, so… bare with me now, I’m telling you. You ain’t never seen or heard
ANYTHING like this! Ahahaha!”

The voices were coming from outside the walls of-

“The fucking pre-fab cabins! Raven, that bitch!” Colette snarled as memories flooded back.

She remembered how her newest squadmate had encouraged a mob of miners to gangbang her.

“I’m gonna fuckin’ kill her!” Colette cursed.

She snatched a stitched blanket from the couch and draped it around her naked body before glancing
around Dakota’s cabin. St. Stephen’s Sword and her boltgun were lying on the floor. She snatched
them up and began searching the property. There was no sign of anyone else in the small, tatty
building so she approached a solitary filthy window. The intense sun was setting now, casting long
shadows from the bodies of the labourers mingling outside the mine. Two of them were standing
close enough that Colette could hear their conversation.

“So, man, he literally - ahaha! Shit, I can’t keep it together! Fuck! Imma just say it! He turns himself
into a fucking pickle! HAHAHA!”

“Hahaha! That’s fuckin’ dope!”

“Tell me ‘bout it, funniest shit I ever seen in my life!”

Colette struggled to understand what was going on, but eventually gave up on interpreting the bizarre
conversation. Just as she was about to leave the prefab cabin she heard a click, followed by a door
opening. She turned her head to see the prospector herself emerging from the bathroom.

“Whatdya know? Wasn’t expectin’ you to wake up for another few hours,” Dakota drawled.

“Where’s Raven?” Colette struggled to think of anything else.

“That friend o’ yours took one of my men down the mine with her ‘bout five hours ago. Didn’t come

“How, uhh, how deep is the mine?”

“No more than a couple hours on foot walkin’. They’ve both been captured. Now, how ‘bout I make
you a cup of recaff and you go in and finish the job.”

“Wait, you want me to go in there?”

“‘course. That’s why y’all came here in the first place anyway.”

“What the fuck is in that mine, Prospector?”

“How should I know? I don’t go down there.”

“What do you THINK is in that mine, Prospector?”

“Eh, the lads talk of an Ambull or some shit like that. Probably nothin’ as nasty as that.”

As Dakota began fidgeting with a kettle in the kitchen Colette turned her gaze to the mine entrance.
Raven was down there almost certainly in trouble.

‘If I don’t intervene now it’ll be at least a week before the Administratum gets around to issuing a
rescue mission to the Imperial Guard,’ she thought to herself, ‘On the other hand though… I might
have just ridden myself of a rather difficult problem.’

(Rolling to see if Colette will leave Raven behind. Normally a Sister wouldn’t do this, so it’s an easy
5+ test. However, Raven has been an intolerable pain in the ass to Colette, so this has increased to
60+. Additionally, Colette’s character flaw of being ‘Emotionally Distant’ also plays a small part,
increasing this to 65+. 8 rolled. That’s an epic fail. She does not go after Raven and doesn’t make
any efforts to help Dakota or the miners.).

“Sod it, I’m done.”

“Huh? What’d you say?” Dakota asked, turning around.

“File a request with the Administratum. Stop lying to yourself and tell them there’s a fucking Ambull
in your mine. I’m fucking done here. I’m done with you, I’m done with Raven, and I’m done with
your fucking perverted miners.”

“You can’t just waltz out of here! You’ve got a job to do!”

“Yeah - my job is to get in my Rhino, go back home, take a LONG fucking shower, and write up a
mission report. Now, file your own request with the Administratum. I’m sure they’ll send some
soldiers over in a week or two.”

“But your Sister is still down ther-”

“Literally couldn’t give a shit!” Colette smirked, raising a middle finger as she departed the cabin and
marched through the crowd of miners to her battle-damaged Rhino.

Detective-Surveillor Gerald Edwards

“...which brings us to the formal offer. Three trillion credits,” Gerald delivered the Administrator’s
proposal to the stunned-looking trio in the grand room.

Gerald had arranged the meeting outside the city limits of Sanctuary’s Redoubt in a private manse
owner by the Administrator. A sixty minute drive away from the city ensured that he would not be
interrupted when things almost-inevitably turned south. The manse was a sizable three storey
property occasionally used by the Administrator to host lavish events with the planetary elite. It was
usually abuzz with dancing, socialising, and disquieting amounts of alcohol. Tonight, the house was
as empty as the void of space and its halls just as quiet. Gerald sat opposite GloreCorp’s Chief
Operating Officer, Chief Finance Officer, and Chief Executive Officer. The COO and CEO were
almost identical in appearance, comically obese men that wouldn’t have looked out of place in trade
unionist propaganda. The CFO was different though. She was a thin, wiry woman in her mid-
seventies. Her silver hair had been tied up in a bun as she looked at him disapprovingly through her
small circular glasses.

‘Probably older than that. Throne knows what kinda drugs or procedures she’s had,’ Gerald mulled
to himself.

Behind the trio of directors, standing at the entrance to the large dining room were two armed guards.
Gerald didn’t recognise the blue and green armour they wore. One of them was wielding a simple
autopistol, while the other held a plasma pistol that emanated a soft blue glow. The one with the
autopistol wore a pilot’s helmet. He must have been the one to fly the directors in.

‘Mercenaries…’ the detective thought, ‘This isn’t going to be an easy fight if things get ugly.’

“Now, hold on here,” the CEO boomed from the other side of the rectangular table, “You’re
expectin’ us to sell the comp’ny for… for… a FRACTION of what it’s worth!”

“Easy, Jacob,” the elderly woman urged restraint, “What did you say your name was?”

“Hamish. I’m the Administrator’s chief negotiator,” Gerald lied.

The elderly woman glanced up at him again, “You do realise GloreCorp has a valuation of twenty
nine trillion galactic credits.”

“That was before the invasion, Ms. Merriweather. The value of your corporation collapsed when we
lost the Eastern Hemisphere to the Rapeanids. I had GloreCorp audited yesterday. You’re valued at
fifteen trillion and falling as more farmland is lost.”

“I’m afraid that we’re going to have to reject the Administrator’s offer. It is borderline insulting,” the
elderly woman continued.

“I’m sorry, perhaps I wasn’t clear. This isn’t up for negotiation. GloreCorp is being nationalised. You
can either walk away with a trillion credits each, or you can walk away with nothing.”

(Rolling three 98+ rolls to see if the board agrees to sell the company. Two of these need to pass for
a majority vote to sell the company. 65, 4, and 34. Two fails and an epic fail. The negotiations will not
end peacefully.)

“You can’t compel us to do anything, Hamish! We’ll take the business offworld. Or better yet, we’ll
just bankroll a new planetary governor! We’re about overdue for one, ain’t we Ranquhourt?” Jacob
slapped the arm of the COO.

The COO was a silent man, sitting back with his arms folded. He glared incessantly at Gerald.

“I vote against allowing the nationalisation of the company,” the CFO announced.
“Seconded! Amen, sister!” the CEO cried, “How ‘bout you Ranqhourt?”

The COO shook his head.

“That’s three against. Return to your planetary governor and inform him that he has needlessly
wasted our time. We expect his full resignation by the morning or we shall be leveraging every
contact we have to get him removed,” the CFO threatened.

The board of directors rose from their chairs and began walking for the door. Gerald let them take a
few steps as he felt for his bolt pistol holstered beneath his suit jacket.

“Do you want to know why he did it?” Gerald suddenly spoke.

The trio stopped and turned their heads.

“Hmm?” the CFO shrugged, pursing her lips.

“Because you greedy bastards are starving the fucking planet. Shipping food to other solar systems
when there are shortages here. You people fucking disgust me.”

“You understand nothing,” Ms. Merriweather replied, “You’re fixated on a single piece of the puzzle
while we build the bigger picture.”

“Oh yeah? And what’s the bigger picture to people being unable to feed their kids in Sanctuary’s

Gerald could have simply shot them. He didn’t have to engage in these theatrics. It didn’t feel right
without it though.

‘These bastards need to know what they’ve done,’ he thought to himself as his fingers unclasped
the button on the holster.

“Glore IV isn’t the only planet with hungry people. GloreCorp feeds hundreds of billions across the
segmentum. That’s a lot of responsibility to have on your fucking shoulders. Are you responsible for
anyone, Hamish? A wife? Kids?”

“No,” Gerald lied, trying not to let his mind wander to thoughts of the old colonel.
“Imagine for a second that you did. Imagine you had a wife and three kids to take care of. You can
barely feed them all. Now, imagine that you lose half of your life savings, half your income. Hungry
mouths don’t disappear. GloreCorp has entered into contracts with hundreds of other systems and
planets that span decades. If it doesn’t maintain those commitments the corporation will have to lay
off staff, almost all of which are here on Glore IV,” the CFO was calm and calculating in her

“You’re trying to mislead me again, Ms. Merriwhether,” Gerald retorted without a second’s pause,
“You entered into some of these commitments AFTER the Eastern Hemisphere was lost. You
capitalised upon the shortage and sold lucrative contracts to the highest bidders on the wealthiest
planets. I’ve seen the records.”

“It don’t matter whether your planet is rich or poor - everyone gets hungry,” the CEO angrily
retorted, his face reddening.

(Rolling a character flaw for Gerald Edwards - Morally Ambiguous - This character’s motives are
inscrutable. They cannot be relied upon to make the correct moral judgement. Gerald needs to roll
50+ to pass this test, increased to 80+ because the order is coming from the Administrator. 77 rolled.
He goes through with the Administrator’s orders, but he isn’t completely comfortable with it.)

“True, Jacob. But from now on GloreCorp is going to be feeding the hungry people at home before it
starts exporting,” Gerald answered, clenching his bolt pistol in his right hand before quickly raising it
up and firing off two shots at the guard with the plasma pistol.

Mercenary (Autopistol) 4/4 HP
Mercenary (Plasma Pistol) 4/4 HP
CEO Jacob Corrigan 2/2 HP
COO Sebastian Ranquhourt 2/2 HP
CFO: Fiona Merriwhether 2/2 HP

Gerald Edwards
-Charcoal Suit
-Bolt Pistol (Ammunition: 8/8)
-Spare Magazine
Health: Perfect Health.
Character Flaw: Morally Ambiguous - This character’s motives are inscrutable. They cannot be relied
upon to make the correct moral judgement.

“He’s got a-”

(Rolling 2d100 bolt pistol shots from Gerald on 40+, reduced to 30+ because he surprised them… 26
and 24 rolled. He misses!)


The CEO’s voice was interrupted by two loud bangs from Gerald’s pistol. The doorframe to the
mercenary’s left exploded inches from his head, sending splinters of wood cascading over him. The
massive room rang loudly with the echoes of the explosive rounds.

“GO GO GO!” the Mercenary with the autopistol yelled, pulling the door open for the directors, “Get
back to the helipad!”

Gerald thought back to how the CEO’s had arrived. A luxury Arvus Lighter had docked on the private
landing pad outside the back of the manse, just beyond the maze of hedges in the garden. The sun
was already setting, so with any luck the directors would get lost in the maze as they tried to make
their way back to their ship.



(Rolling a 25+ attack for the Mercenary with the plasma pistol, increased to 40+ because he was
taken by surprise. 96 rolled. An epic win. Gerald takes a serious hit.)

(Rolling a 1d100 damage test for Gerald to see where he gets hit. High numbers represent important
organs and the head, lower numbers represent things like limbs. It’s still a really bad hit, so it’s
gonna hurt him no matter where it lands. 26 rolled. He takes a hit to his right leg.)

The sudden shootout had caused a chorus of screams to rise across the room. None of the screams
were louder than Gerald’s as a burning blue blast of plasma seared through the dining table and
struck his right leg. He felt his trousers burn and the flesh singe underneath. His heart raced as he
struggled to avoid passing out from the pain.

“AAAARRRGHHHHH!” he grimaced, falling down behind the table and struggling to find cover
behind one of the overturned chairs.

(Rolling two 50+ bolt pistol tests for Gerald against the plasma pistol mercenary… 57 and 50 rolled.
Two passes! 4 damage dealt! The mercenary is killed.)
As he lay beneath the table Gerald caught sight of the mercenary’s chest between the wooden legs.
He stretched out his right hand and aligned the iron sights with his target.


Two successive shots landed on target, dropping the bodyguard and painting the wood-panelled
walls crimson with blood. Gerald struggled to get back to his feet before observing the room. He
cautiously peered over the table, wary about being shot in the face.

(Rolling 20+ agility tests for each character remaining to see if they escape.
Mercenary (Autopistol) - 86
CEO Jacob Corrigan - 61
COO Sebastian Ranquhourt - 52
CFO: Fiona Merriwhether - 93 Epic win! She is much further ahead on her escape.
Every character manages to flee the room.)

“Shit! No, no, no!” the detective cursed, standing up and trying to rush towards the door.

A sudden sharp pain rushed up the entire right side of his body, nearly flooring him.

“AAAHHH!!! Fuck!” he cursed, realising just how damaged his leg truly was.

‘The Administrator’s not gonna pay me if I don’t finish this,’ he thought as he quickly looked around
for something to support himself with.

At that moment he noticed the broken leg from one of the chairs. It was singed black at the tip,
probably from the plasma shot. Gerald passed his bolt pistol to his left hand and grabbed the chair
leg in his right, using it to prop himself up. He hobbled towards the door while using it as a makeshift
walking stick.

(Rolling an agility test for Edwards on 20+, increased to 80+ due to his leg injury, and decreased to
70+ because of his makeshift stick to help him walk. 53 rolled. They’re getting away from him.)

The sound of their footsteps were growing fainter throughout the manse. Gerald was cautious as he
approached the dining room door, anxiously peering round in case the second bodyguard had
decided to set up an ambush. His eyes were momentarily drawn to the blue glow of the plasma pistol
on the floor.

‘No way in hell am I touching that thing,’ he grimaced before pursuing the fleeing delegation.
Mercenary (Autopistol) 4/4 HP
Mercenary (Plasma Pistol) 0/4 HP
CEO Jacob Corrigan 2/2 HP
COO Sebastian Ranquhourt 2/2 HP
CFO: Fiona Merriwhether 2/2 HP

Gerald Edwards
-Charcoal Suit
-Bolt Pistol (Ammunition: 4/8)
-Spare Magazine
Health: Right Leg - Third Degree Burns
Character Flaw: Morally Ambiguous - This character’s motives are inscrutable. They cannot be relied
upon to make the correct moral judgement.

The sound of the board of directors’ footsteps echoed through the mansion as they trampled over
hardwood floors. Gerald clenched his teeth and began limping down the corridor as fast as his busted
leg would permit. Pain ripped through his side with each step. Centuries-old portraits of planetary
governors, generals, and the political elite glared down at him. Each one was an artistic masterpiece
- the magnum opus of an artist’s work.

(Rolling an agility test for Edwards on 20+, increased to 80+ due to his leg injury, and decreased to
70+ because of his makeshift stick to help him walk… 76 rolled. Success!)

Despite his injury the detective was quick enough to reach the top of the grand stairwell before the
delegation could escape the hall. The four of them were gathered around a large double door,
desperately trying to unlock it. The hallway above the entrance hall had a balcony, occasionally
punctuated with pale marble pillars. Gerald leaned against the balcony and aligned the metal sights
of his pistol at the Chief Operating Officer’s back. He tried letting go of the crutch to use his right
hand, but the pain was too great. In the end he elected to fire with his left. He had the height
advantage, but using one hand completely negated it.

(Rolling a 50+ accuracy test for Edwards, reduced to 40+ for the height advantage, and increased to
70+ because he has to fire with his non-dominant hand… 38 rolled. Miss!)


The shot went wide, smashing against an old oil painting hung on the wall.

“Shit! He’s there!” Jacob screamed, grabbing his mercenary and pushing the man in front of him like
a human shield.

“Get the door open!”

“I can’t! It’s fucking jammed!”

The panicked cries of the directors were escalating with each passing second. Gerald took cover
behind the marble pillar as the mercenary aimed his pistol and fired a volley of shots back.

(Rolling two 50+ shots for the autopistol, reduced to 80+ because Gerald is in cover and has a height
advantage. 52 and 71 rolled. Both miss!)

*Bang Bang*

Marble cracked and white dust exploded into the air. Gerald ducked down and leaned out the right of
the marble column, aiming his bolt pistol between two railings. From this angle he had another shot at
Sebastian Ranquhourt.

(Rolling a 50+ accuracy test for Edwards, reduced to 40+ for the height advantage, and increased to
70+ because he has to fire with his non-dominant hand… 75 rolled! 2 damage!)


“AaaaHHH! Ugh!”

The gunshot struck the COO in the back, sending him sprawling onto the pale wooden floor of the
entrance hall.

“Sebastian!” the Chief Finance Officer cried.

“We gotta move!” the mercenary snapped, grabbing her by her left arm and roughly pulling her

As a pool of blood began to spread from the body Gerald noticed that the crowd had begun retreating
from the front door.

‘Shit, they’re going for the rear,’ he deduced, ‘I’ll never catch them if they make it to the chopper.’

(Rolling 20+ agility tests for each character remaining to see if they escape.
Mercenary (Autopistol) - 63
CEO Jacob Corrigan - 15
CFO: Fiona Merriwhether - 79.
The CEO Jacob Corrigan doesn’t manage to make it out in time.)

(Rolling an agility test for Gerald. He needs to roll a 70+ to catch Fiona and the Mercenary, however,
if he rolls at least a 20+ he can catch Jacob. 48 rolled. He catches up to Jacob.)

As the mercenary pulled the elderly woman away Jacob found himself tugging helplessly on the front
door. He hadn’t quite realised he was left alone until he saw the limping figure of Detective Edwards
descend the stairs.

“P-Please! I’ll give you anything! How much m-money do you want?” Jacob pleaded, not even
attempting to escape from the advancing executioner.

“I don’t want anything from you,” Gerald spat, “There are tens of thousands of people on the verge
of starvation out there. That figure will rise into the hundreds of thousands in the coming weeks. This
is your doing.”

“I- I have a son, please… He’s not even-”

(Rolling Gerald’s morally ambiguous character flaw. Gerald needs to roll 50+ to pass this test,
increased to 80+ because the order is coming from the Administrator. 18 rolled. He barely hesitates.)

Gerald raised his bolt pistol as he reached the bottom of the stairwell. It had become clear the
mercenary and the CFO weren’t intending on coming back for him. The snivelling wretch of the
former CEO had hunkered down only a few metres in front of Gerald. At this range it was almost
impossible to miss.

(Rolling a bolt pistol combat test for Gerald on 10+, increased to 25+ because he is forced to use his
left hand. 41 rolled. A sloppy shot, but it gets the job done.)


The bolt pistol kicked back in Gerald’s hand as the second director hit the floor. Blood pooled from a
wound in the CEO’s stomach. The detective averted his eyes and left the man to die.

‘Two to go,’ he thought to himself, grimacing at the growing pain in his right leg.

Mercenary (Autopistol) 4/4 HP
CEO Jacob Corrigan 0/2 HP
COO Sebastian Ranquhourt 0/2 HP
CFO: Fiona Merriwhether 2/2 HP

Gerald Edwards
-Charcoal Suit
-Bolt Pistol (Ammunition: 1/8)
-Spare Magazine
-Makeshift Crutch
Health: Right Leg - Third Degree Burns
Character Flaw: Morally Ambiguous - This character’s motives are inscrutable. They cannot be relied
upon to make the correct moral judgement.

Open doors and scattered ornaments had left a clear path for Gerald to follow. The CFO and her
bodyguard had bumped into tables and sent decorations tumbling to the floor. Gerald didn’t need
their hints - he knew exactly where they were headed.

(Rolling an agility test for Edwards on 20+, increased to 80+ due to his leg injury, and decreased to
70+ because of his makeshift stick to help him walk. 97 rolled. An epic, nearly phenomenal win!)

*Tap Tap*

The sound of his makeshift crutch echoed loudly against the tiled floor of the mansion’s kitchen. He
was getting used to using it now, but his leg still ached with a pain unlike anything he had ever
experienced. As he reached the rear of the mansion he caught sight of Fiona staggering across the
garden. The light from Jalaris - one of Glore’s two moons - had illuminated the dark garden. They
were halfway across the neatly-mown lawn, not far from the great maze that led to the landing pad.

“Argh,” Gerald grunted, feeling his burnt right leg begin to buckle.

He strode out the back door of the house and raised his bolt pistol, taking aim at the last director.

(Rolling a bolt pistol combat test for Gerald on 40+, increased to 65+ because he is forced to use his
left hand. 90 rolled. One point shy of an epic win!)

Gerald aligned the elderly woman in his bolt pistol’s iron sights. Her figure swayed as she crossed
the garden. He drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled as he squeezed the trigger.


The shot rang out sending a flock of birds scattering from a nearby tree. A second later the woman
fell to the ground.

The mercenary turned in shock, looking down at his departed boss before glancing back at Gerald.
He raised his autopistol to Gerald and fired off a round.

(Rolling a 50+ combat test for the Mercenary with the autopistol. 22 rolled. He misses!)


A flash of light erupted from the garden, followed by a loud bang. Brickwork to Gerald’s right
exploded into a cloud of dust. He shielded his face and ducked for cover behind a massive flowerpot.
The quick movement sent agonising pain shooting down his wounded right leg.

“Arrgh! Fuck!” he winced at the sharp pain.

Gerald didn’t dare look at his leg. Deep down he knew it was bad; a part of him felt that if he avoided
looking at it though then maybe it wouldn’t be real. He’d seen enough injuries in his days as an
Adeptus Arbite to know when an injury would require an amputation. It wasn’t a call he ever
imagined he would have to make on himself. Gerald drew in a deep breath, leaned around the corner
of the flowerpot and squeezed the trigger.


“Shit!” he cursed, ejecting the empty clip and trying to quickly reload.

The mercenary must have heard the dead man’s click, for he was soon bounding up the garden
towards Gerald’s position.

(Rolling an agility test for Gerald Edwards to reload his bolt pistol. He needs a 25+ normally, up to
50+ because he’s under pressure. 58 rolled. Pass!)

The detective emerged from cover once again and quickly took aim at the approaching Mercenary.
He was barely ten metres from Gerald now.

(Rolling two 40+ bolt pistol combat tests for Gerald on 40+, increased to 65+ because he is forced to
use his left hand. 70 and 95 rolled. Pass and an epic win! 6 damage dealt!)

Two shots discharged from his pistol, leaving the gun feeling lighter. The mercenary was struck twice
in the chest before being sent hurtling back onto the grass. Gerald drew a deep sigh of relief. A wisp
of smoke emanated from the large barrel of his gun as he slumped down against the flowerpot.

‘That was too fucking close…’ he thought to himself, reaching into his inner pocket and withdrawing
his mobile phone.

As he did so he inadvertently caught sight of his right leg. It was a sight that would haunt him for
days. He quickly averted his gaze and tried to focus on his phone, scrolling down the screen until he
came across ‘R.’ It didn’t ring for long.

“Gerald,” the raspy voice on the other end of the phone uttered but a single word.

“It’s… done,” Gerald grunted.

As the effects of the adrenaline faded from his system the pain increased tenfold.

“And?” the voice rasped.

“It was - ugh - a bloodbath. Did not go smoothly at all.”

“As I anticipated,” the voice paused, “You winced.”

“Yeah, bastard got me in the right leg with a plasma pistol. They’d two - argh - bodyguards with
them. What do I do with the bodies?”

“How seriously are you injured?”

“Pretty fucking bad.”

“Listen to my instructions carefully, Gerald. Complete these and you’ll be compensated the full two
hundred thousand credits. You’ll find stocks of promethem in the garage from the generator that
powers the manse. Ensure all corpses are inside the house. Take the petrol and pour it over the
ground floor. Set the manse ablaze.”

“You want me to burn your mansion down?!”

“I have others. Now, after it is on fire I want you to contact your station chief directly. Tell him you’ve
uncovered a suspected conspiracy by GloreCorp’s CEOs to usurp my position. Tell him you need
urgent backup and you fear they might be onto you. When they arrive I want you lying on the front of
the mansion. Do this properly and you will emerge from this as the heroic cop who stopped a
corporate coup.”

“I don’t want any fame out of this. Just the - ah, shit! Just the cash.”

“Very well. You won’t get any fame. I’ll have your money ready for you when you return.”


Gerald wasn’t offered a chance to reply. He put his phone back in his pocket before grabbing his
crutch and hobbling off to find the generator’s prometheum. He glanced back at the corpses of Fiona
Merriwhether and her mercenary pilot.

‘It’s gonna be one hell of a job dragging those bodies back inside with my leg like this,’ he thought.

Mercenary (Autopistol) 0/4 HP
CFO: Fiona Merriwhether 0/2 HP

Gerald Edwards
-Charcoal Suit
-Bolt Pistol (Ammunition: 2/8)
-Spare Magazine
-Makeshift Crutch
Health: Right Leg - Third Degree Burns
Character Flaw: Morally Ambiguous - This character’s motives are inscrutable. They cannot be relied
upon to make the correct moral judgement.


Readers can now vote for where they would like Alexi to spend her 28,000 Credits. This is enough
money to buy almost anything sold in any of these shops with very few exceptions. She only has time
to visit 1 shop, but there is a tiny chance she might have enough time to go to a second one. If she
passes her roll and gets to check a 2nd shop then the 2nd most popular vote will be the one she
goes to. Patreons will be able to vote on exactly what gear she buys from the shop after where she is
going has been decided.

1.) Check out the ranged weapon shops.

2.) Check out the melee weapon shops.
3.) Check out the relic and antique shops.
4.) Check out the armour shops.
5.) Check out the specialist gear and equipment shops.
6.) Check out the garages selling vehicles.
7.) Alexi takes herself out on the city visiting spas, clothes shops, places to relax, and books herself
into a hotel for the night.)


If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate a dollar on Patreon. I post regular status updates on the
progress of the next chapter, as well as polls allowing Patreons to have some small influences over
the direction of the story.

This is not a monthly subscription. I will only ever charge whenever I produce a full chapter like this

As always, if you've any feedback, good or bad, please feel free to let me know either on here or at
my email:
10 - Coming Home

Saint Sanguinius’s Hospital




“The patient is a thirty year old male, suffering from serious smoke inhalation into the left and right
lungs. Preliminary analysis suggests severe inflammation of the alveoli.”

“Pneumonitis then.”

“That’s what I’m thinking, Doctor Peterson.”


“Mucus colour?”

“Grey-black. Intubation was carried out by the paramedics when they arrived on site. Firefighters
managed to get him out of the burning building.”

“What about that?”

“Serious burns to the right leg. Subcutaneous tissue and muscle has all burnt down to the bone. The
damage doesn’t appear to be related to the fire. The patient has no other burns on his body and,
excluding his right trouser leg, the rest of his clothing isn’t so much as charred.”

“Hmm… Could be a plasma burn. Poor bastard. Get him down to the Respiratory Ward, put him in a
compression chamber and get him on 90% oxygen, stat. And you! Yes, you! I need you to call the
Burns Unit. Get me Dr… Dr… Dr Milligan!”



“Think he’s going to lose the leg, Dr Peterson?”

“I haven’t worked in burns since I transferred to the respiratory ward fifteen years ago. My best
guess though? It’s a coin toss. Milligan will know better than I do. Our job is just to stabilise the lad
and get him breathing unaided.”

“Dr Peterson! Oxygen levels are critically low!”

“Make sure that mask is properly fixed to his face, nurse. Don’t let it slip! Did you say he was a

“No, when an ambulance accompanied Fire and Arbite forces to a large fire. Seems the guy works
with the Adeptus Arbites. We found a small gold pin badge in his pocket. Looks like a fist clenching a
pair of scales.”

“Yeah, he’s with the Adeptus Arbites. Get a photo of him over to the cops and see if they can
identify him for us. It's the only way we'll get an accurate medical history.”

“Yes, Doctor Peterson. Clear the hallway! Stretcher coming through!”

Lieutenant Jack Holmes

Lieutenant Jack Holmes sat at a beer-stained wooden table. Her eyes traced her way over the
woodwork scrutinising each and every dark stain.

“Did you find it yet?”

“No. I could have sworn this was the table though,” Jack replied, clutching her short blonde hair
between her fingers.

The Drunken Drukhari had been a regular haunt of the 224th Janazar Grenadiers in between
deployments. Its clientele once numbered in the hundreds, and on days when the regiment returned
to the city from missions the place would be packed shoulder-to-shoulder. With the 224th Janazar
Grenadiers all-but-extinct now the bar was eerily empty. It was a medium-sized establishment that
operated out of the Florantico Residential District. Once you stepped through that timber door, so
desperately in need of a fresh coat of paint, you would find yourself in a long rectangular room that
stretched almost fifty metres back, but only fifteen wide. Timber planks lined the floors, guiding the
patrons to the long mahogany bar at the end of the room. Nestled between two towering apartment
blocks, the bar had no windows except for a pair of small slits either side of the door at the entrance.
The narrow glass panes only allowed a sliver of illumination from the sodium-orange street lamps
outside. A stench of alcohol, tobacco, and lho sticks clung to the air in the poorly-ventilated tavern.

“You know it’s this table.”

“Am I looking at it the wrong way round? Upside down? C’mon, give me a hint.”
“You know I can’t do that.”

Jack sighed and tilted her head to the left before giving up. She turned her gaze to the Asian man
smirking at her from across the table. His neatly trimmed moustache, his dark combed hair, his neatly
pressed lieutenant’s uniform. She locked eyes with him before turning her gaze back to the
rectangular wooden table.

“You really expect me to believe one of these looks EXACTLY like Saint Celestine without her
clothes on?” Jack answered, stubbing her finger at one of the unsightly brown stains.

“Perhaps I was pulling your leg? Did you ever consider that?”

“Fuck you, Seizon,” Jack sighed, suddenly realising the trick her friend had pulled on her, “Three
months we’ve been coming to this bar. Three fucking months you’ve been telling me that one of
these stains looked like a naked Celestine.”

Seizon Yadax’s smirk evolved into a shit-eating grin.

“Hi there, ma’am! Can I get you something to drink?” a feminine voice interrupted Jack.

“I, uh…” she stammered, still not used to being addressed as a female.

She took a few seconds to gather her thoughts before placing her order.

“One beer,” Jack began before looking over at Lieutenant Yadax, “and the best whiskey you’ve

“That’s probably the Paschal Ninety Year Reserve, ma’am. It’s sixteen thousand credits a dram so
I’m afraid I’ll need to ask you to pay in advance,” the waitress answered.

“Sure,” Jack replied, lifting a wallet out of her battered flak armour’s inner pocket.

“Thank you, ma’am,” the waitress replied, taking a fistful of credits from Jack and walking up to the

“Paschal’s Fifty Year Reserve. A very fine drink,” Seizon murmured.

“You won the bet, fair and square.”

“You know I can’t drink it, right Jack?”

Jack was silent for a while, pausing to etch every feature of the lieutenant’s face into her memory.
Every wrinkle, every blemish on his skin, the colour of his dark eyes. The wrinkles around the edges
of his lips he had developed from smoking too much lho. The scent of that distinctive orangey
aftershave he always used to wear when Jack and him would hit up the town between deployments.
Jack had usually had slightly better luck with the ladies than Seizon; but the quick hookups weren’t
the part Jack had enjoyed the most. She’d have gladly given up far more than sixteen thousand
credits to turn back the hands of time and tell Yadax how she’d truly felt about him. She was ninety-
nine percent sure the lieutenant would have laughed him off; Seizon had never shown any indication
he was into men.

That tiny doubt still niggled at Jack’s mind though.

A persistent, unquiet thought that played on repeat.
‘What if he said yes?’

It was too late now anyay.

“I really fucking miss you, Seizon,” Jack whispered, barely holding back her tears.

“I know,” his former comrade replied.

Captain Ophelia Fortes

“Captain! Captain, a minute of your time,” the pink-haired private begged, gripping at her superior’s

Ophelia’s eyes were puffy and red. It had been a rough twenty four hours since Daniel had landed
the stolen GloreCorp freighter outside Sanctuary’s Redoubt. No sooner had they disembarked than
GloreCorp’s security forces had arrested Daniel. Criminal charges for hijacking, reckless piloting,
endangerment to property, and grand theft had been pressed by the corporation. It was a desperate
attempt to prevent any other employees from emulating Daniel’s actions. By virtue of the
corporation’s cloud the trial and sentencing had been an efficient process.
‘The verdict is guilty, the sentence is the crimson collar.’

The judge’s words still rang in Ophelia Fortes’s ears as clearly as they had when he spoke them.
Public executions were a weekly occurrence in Sanctuary’s Redoubt. The crimson collar was a
euphemism for hanging at the gallows. For some reason lost to the annals of time the hanging ropes
of Glore IV were crimson red in colour.. And now, Daniel awaited execution in a jail cell while Ophelia
waited with her squad in the Drunken Drukhari bar. Her son, Jebediah, wasn’t aware of what was
going on. He’d been sleeping over at his friend’s house while Ophelia tried to fix things.

The survivors of the 224th Janazar Grenadiers, the half-dozen that had escaped, had been found not-
guilty. The citizens saw them as war-heroes. Brave soldiers who made a defiant stand to stop the
Rapeanid advance. None of the survivors were in the mood for the praises heaped upon them
though. Their drinking session had been an otherwise sombre affair.

Ophelia hadn’t slept since the flight back from Bedleyberk Ridge. Her husband, Daniel, was arrested
without so much as a chance to hug him. She had spent every waking hour making calls, writing
letters, filing complaints. She even tried to get a local newspaper to print her story. When they agreed
to run it in next week’s edition she stormed out of their office.

“Yes, Kylie?” the Captain finally answered the private.

“I’m worried about Jack,” she replied, pointing over at the newly-feminised Lieutenant, “She’s been
sitting alone for hours now just talking to herself.”

“I, uh… Just let him- I mean, her, have some space,” Ophelia answered before turning around and
continuing her desperate search for a way to save her husband.

‘Someone has to know a way to stop this,’ she thought to herself, ‘Someone has to have the
political sway to save him.’

The Administrator

“The planning for the nationalisation has begun. I’ve got three hundred and fifty civil servants
working throughout the night to prepare the transfer all property, assets, and holdings of GloreCorp
into the public sector. We’ll be ready to initiate the nationalisation when you make the call.”

“Thank you,” the Administrator replied, “As Minister for the Economy, I am expecting a full report
tomorrow evening on how successful it was. Do you have any preliminary estimations?”
“Honestly? This could go either way, Administrator. The civil service are working their asses off.
We’re even involving Tempestor Prime Collingridge’s Scions in the planning process. Every single
ship on the GloreCorp manifest and key cargo depots are being cataloged and marked. If any senior
executives begin trying to flee the planet with their assets we’ll hopefully be able to stop them. In the
best case realistic scenario planetary GDP shrinks by 12% overnight. Worst case scenario, we see
middle management and up resign from GloreCorp and try to flee off world en-masse. We can’t stop
that if it happens. Too many people. If that happens the corporation becomes nearly-worthless
overnight and GDP plummets by…” the Minister fumbled through a stack of papers with trembling
hands, “...59%.”

The Administrator sat silently in his opulent chair staring at the balding man before him. Minister
Percy MacKenzie had only been in the job for only six months. His rapidly receding hairline
suggested he had been there much longer.

“What mitigative actions can we take, Minister?” the Administrator finally spoke.

“Call the nationalisation off.”

“Not possible. It doesn’t address the core issue of the food supply and famine. Next.”

“Umm…” Percy stammered, flicking through reams of paper, “Our next… err… policy choice is to get
the workers and union onside to increase popular support for taking over the company. We give the
unions and workers a major role in operating the new-”

The elderly man tutted loudly before spinning in his chair to face the great glass window overlooking
the evening skyline of Sanctuary’s Redoubt. City lights twinkled like stars in the night sky.

“You’ve never had to deal with a powerful trade union before, have you Minister?”

“N-No, Administrator.”

“They’re almost as bad as a fucking corporation. Minister MacKenzie, imagine a union controlling a
corporation almost the size of a planet. Throne almighty, I can already imagine the strikes.”

“I… uh… I can try and consider more options.”

“I expect a full report on my desk by six o’clock tomorrow evening, Minister. In the meantime, you’re
on standby. We may need to act at a moment’s notice.”

“Y-Yes, Administrator.”

“Dismissed. Please let Minister Richter know I am ready to see her now.”

The Minister for the Economy nodded solemnly before scampering out of the room. Political careers
ended quickly on Glore IV for Ministers who let the Administrator down.

As he waited for his next appointment to arrive the Administrator cast his gaze over his city. It was a
truly beautiful sight to behold. Towering skyscrapers half the size of his tower stretched out before
him like an audience. He drew in a deep breath and proudly beheld the last bastion of civilization on
Glore IV.

“Sir?” a soft, feminine voice appeared from the elevator door.

The Administrator swung around in his chair to meet the gaze of his next appointment. She was
young for a government Minister, barely in her mid-thirties. Her ginger-brunette hair had been tied up
in a bun while her chocolate-brown eyes looked back at him through a pair of small, circular glasses.

“Please, come in Minister Richter.”

Loretta Richter had been made Minister of Internal Security for five months - the longest anyone had
held the position since the Administrator had taken over from the previous planetary governor. Her
black high heels clicked against the floor as she stepped up to her boss’s desk.

“Two key issues for you to deal with today, sir.”

“Let’s hear them.”

“The protests at the refugee camp outside the city walls are worsening. Trade unions appear to be
agitating the crowds. If they aren’t dispersed we could soon see full blown riots and insurrections on
our hands.”

“What do you propose?”

“Nothing that is going to win you any popularity. You’re currently sitting on a net approval rating of
negative nineteen averaged across the four most recent polls. If I may make a suggestion, you really
need to increase your presence. You haven’t done a single interview since you assumed leadership
of this planet five or six years ago.”
“An interview is out of the question. What are the policy options?”

“Our first option is to have the Adeptus Arbites infiltrate the refugees and detain the trade unionist
leaders. That should settle the agitation for a while - but it’s a band aid, not a panacea. Other groups
will eventually begin radicalising the refugees as long as their living conditions remain as poor as they
are. Alternatively, we could invest in improving the living conditions of people beyond the walls. This
would further divide our already small stockpiles of resources though. Finally, we could forcibly
conscript the refugees into a new regiment of the Astra Militarum. The destruction of the 224th
Janazar Grenadiers at Bedleyberk Ridge has left a gap in our planet’s military capabilities.”

“Hmm... Leave the file with me. I should like to examine our options more thoroughly.”

“Certainly, Administrator. The second issue is actually about the 224th Janazar Grenadiers as well.”


“Daniel Fortes, sir. He is the husband of the Captain leading the 224th Janazar Grenadiers. You
might remember signing off on a judge’s execution order yesterday.”

“Yes, I think I remember him. He was the one who hijacked that freighter?”

“Yes, sir. He stole a GloreCorp freighter from their warehouse and flew it to an active battlefield. He
returned later that day with a handful of soldiers who survived, but the freighter was extremely badly
damaged. GloreCorp detained him and pushed charges through the courts. It was the freighter that
he routinely flew, so he had his own set of keys and GloreCorp security didn’t bat an eyelid until it
veered off course mid-flight.”

“Understandable. Enlighten me as to the issue, and please get to the point quickly, Minister. You’re

“Sorry, sir. Daniel’s wife, Captain Ophelia Fortes, has been kicking up a fuss. She’s not doing a
terrible job at it either. Colonels, journalists, and even a throne-damned lawyer have been blowing up
my phone all day seeking clemency for Daniel. As it was GloreCorp who brought the original charges
through the courts it was their responsibility for any fallout that his execution might entail. Now that
GloreCorp is being nationalised though-”

“...the responsibility for the execution and any ensuing fallout is going to fall on us.”
“Correct, sir.”

“Hmm… What are the polls showing?”

“We did some preliminary polling. It’s a small sample size, but essentially, if you double down on
executing Daniel Fortes you can get a six point bump in the polls. Most of the support is gained from
the residents living within Sanctuary’s Redoubt. The ‘law and order’ message really resonates with
them. It doesn’t win you any favours with refugees or the military though. If we do proceed with this
we’re really going to have to hammer home the charges though, paint Daniel as a mentally unstable

“And if I grant him clemency?”

“It’s a very small sample size, and I would urge caution on-”

“I don’t like time wasters, Minister Richter.”

“Sorry, sir. Cancelling the execution barely gives you a one point bump. Mostly from the officer class
and the human rights types.”

The Administrator exhaled and leaned back in his chair. A minute passed in silence, but Loretta
Richter knew better than to interrupt her boss’s concentration. His left hand was resting on his desk,
his fingers tapping in a steady rhythm from little to thumb. The pattering sound reminded Loretta of
the rainstorms that would frequently drench much of Glore IV.

“Bring me Daniel Fortes, I should like to speak with him before I make my decision.”

“O-Of course, sir,” Loretta replied, a little taken aback.

Daniel Fortes

It was slightly after one in the morning when the Arbites arrived at his cell door. The clanging of the
bars might have awoken him if he had been able to fall asleep. Dark black stubble had grown over
his pale face. The shock of the judge's decision had left him near-catatonic. In eleven hours he would
be hanging in the city square, a crimson collar tightly wound around his neck.
“Daniel Fortes! Lie down on the ground, place your hands behind your back and cross your legs!”

The order was barked by a burly jailer who punctuated his sentence by smashing his stun-baton
against the metal bars. Daniel reluctantly obeyed, lying down and awaiting the snap of the cuffs
around his wrists.


“Stand up! Turn around! Follow us!”

Daniel had lost track of time. The underground prison has denied him any sense of whether it was
morning, noon, or night. Any hopes that he might gain some clue were soon dashed as he was led
along an underground passage that seemed to stretch for kilometers in every direction. Old
cobblestone floors and damp walls suggested he was in the rumoured vast prison complex that was
buried deep beneath the city streets.

‘I wonder whether this is above or below the sewer network,’ he thought to himself as he was
marched along by six carapace-armoured guards.

After what seemed to be half an hour the escort stopped beside a metal elevator. The doors opened
up to reveal a panel with hundreds of buttons lining the wall.

“Get inside,” a female guard snapped.

Daniel didn’t fight back. This was his best chance to escape and the odds were still hopeless.

‘Six against one? Not a chance,’ he thought as the elevator began ascending.

After what seemed like an eternity the elevator finally ground to a halt with a polite ‘ding.’ Daniel
blinked as the doors opened to reveal an elegant office. An elderly white-haired gentleman looked up
at him from behind an opulent desk, while a vast pane of glass revealed the starry night sky.

“Mr Fortes, I presume?” the old man muttered, “No need for the armed escort. He’s already in
handcuffs. Please, return to your duties.”

“B-But, Administrator, the prisoner could-”

“What is your badge number?”


“I did not stutter, Arbite. What is your badge number?”


“Well, J-71846. Speak out of turn again and I shall see you struck from the force. Is that clear?”

“C-Crystal, Administrator.”

“Now, leave me.”

The Arbites hesitated for a second before reluctantly stepping back into the elevator and descending.

“I do apologise for the police, Mr Fortes. They are nigh-robotic with their procedures.”

“N-Not at all, sir,” Daniel stammered.

“You probably know why I summoned your presence here today. You are due to die tomorrow,” the
Administrator began before glancing over at a grandfather clock on the Western wall of his office,
“Not much time left for you. Now, normally I would be incredibly reluctant to intervene in an
execution. Especially for a case I have signed off on myself.”

Daniel gulped. The sound of the grandfather clock’s loud ticking filled the otherwise silent office as
the Administrator spoke.

“But your dear wife, Captain Fortes, has been… stirring the pot. Kicking up a bit of a fuss about this.
So, I summoned you to my office today to hear your version of events. What possessed you to hijack
a freighter and fly it into an active warzone? I understand you evacuated your wife and a handful of
guardsmen. Was that your sole reason?”

“Y-Yes, sir. She rang me just before the battle turned sour. I, I mean she, wanted to- to say goodbye
to my son. He wasn’t there. Our lad was out with his friends. I couldn’t get her again. I… I knew she
was in trouble and I couldn’t just sit around doing nothing.”

“So you hijacked a freighter?”

“Throne, no! I didn’t hijack anything. I had the keys. It was just… I don’t think I could have gone on
without her.”

“Hmm…” the Administrator began resting his head atop his intertwined fingers, “If you were given the
opportunity to turn back time and do it again, what would you do differently?”

Daniel thought about his response carefully. Deep down though, he knew exactly what the truth was.

“I would have gone to her sooner.”

(Rolling a reaction test for the Administrator. Higher is better, he’ll need a 70+ to pardon Daniel’s
life. 98 rolled. An epic, near phenomenal win.)

“A good man would do anything for the women he loves,” the Administrator slowly replied before
turning his chair to face the vast window, “You’re a man of moral fiber, you can’t do a worse job
than your predecessors.”

“My predecessors?” Daniel replied in confusion.

“How would you feel about being made CEO of GloreCorp?”


“It’s being nationalised as we speak. I respect a man who would break any law, overturn any stone,
go any distance for the woman he loves.”

“Y-You’re serious?”

“I’m pardoning your sentence. You’re a free man. The question is, do you want to be a free man
flying a freighter? Or a free man operating one of the largest agri-corporations in the segmentum?”

“I… Of course!”

“Your wife and her surviving soldiers can keep that freighter. It’s not a military-issue vehicle, but I’m
sure they can modify it to suit frontline combat. It should keep them safe. I shall see they are
reformed into an independent squad of veterans.”
“Th-Thank you, Administrator.”

“Not a problem, Daniel. I would appreciate you not relaying your promotion to anyone for the next
day or so. Give me some time to work out the particulars on my end.”

“Certainly, sir.”

“And Daniel… There will come a time when I may need your help, just as I helped you right now. If
that time ever comes I can trust you, can’t I?”

“Absolutely, Administrator. Anything at all!”

“Now, I’ll recall the Arbites. They will free you from your chains. They should know where your wife
and her comrades currently are. Go and see her.”

“Thank you, so much, sir! This means so much to me.”

“You’re a good man, Daniel. Nothing is more important than looking out for the woman you love.
Never forget that.”

The Administrator

It had been thirty eight peaceful minutes since Daniel Fortes had been escorted out of the
Administrator’s office. Thirty eight nail nerve-wracking minutes. His political fate hung on the success
or failure of this moment. He had already stretched the planet’s budget to breaking point with the
mass purchasing of houses in Sanctuary’s Redoubt. The Glorian Parliament would no doubt look
very unkindly at him, spending almost quadruple that figure on nationalising the planet’s largest
corporation. If it worked though, he would single-handedly avert a famine and disarm his critics. His
thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the abrupt opening of the elevator.

“Sir! Justicar Bentley is on the phone. I tried to tell him you were preoccupied, but he insisted it was

“Can this not wait? The purpose of hiring a secretary is to prevent unwanted interruptions like this.”
“I-I’m sorry, sir, but I think this might be important! The Justicar claims he received a field report from
one of his officers - a Gerald Edwards. They found their officer barely conscious in a burning building
just outside the city limits. Apparently the officer was repeatedly ranting about an attempted coup by
GloreCorp before he was taken away in the ambulance back to Saint Sanguinius’s Hospital. Justicar
Bentley won’t tell me anything more.”

“A coup?!” the Administrator feigned surprise, “Get Tempestor Collingridge to prepare an armed
escort. Schedule me meetings with this Gerald Edwards and Justicar Bentley, in that order. And get
me Minister MacKenzie on the phone!”

“Certainly, Administrator,” the secretary replied, withdrawing a small tablet computer from their jacket
and tapping the screen.

*Ring Ring*

The phone on the Administrator’s desk screamed to life.

“That’s dialling through to Minister MacKenzie now, Administrator. Just pick it up, I’ll have your
escort organised within ten minutes.”

The Administrator gave a silent thumbs up as he lifted the phone and waited for an answer.

“Hello?” a sleepy voice yawned from the other end.

“Minister MacKenzie, it’s time. I need all hands on deck to fast-track this nationalisation. There will
be no opposition from GloreCorp for the next eight or so hours. Liaise with the Tempestus Scions, the
Economy Department, the Infrastructure Department, and the Department of Defence. I want every
boot we can spare on the ground seizing and securing assets. The Adeptus Arbites will need to be
informed as well, but I am meeting with Justicar Bentley to handle that angle. I need strike teams to
prepare to detain any high-ranking GloreCorp staff who will seek to frustrate the nationalisation.”

“Y-Yeah, I’m right on it. I’ll just-”

“We get one shot at this Minister MacKenzie. By the time tomorrow evening rolls around I want
trucks shipping food out to the populace from GloreCorp’s warehouses. We end this prospective
famine within forty eight hours. Is that clear?”

“C-Crystal, Administrator.”

“You are walking on very thin ice, Minister MacKenzie. Very fucking thin ice. You’ll be losing more
than your job if you screw this up.”

June Fitzgerald

“Ahh… W-We shouldn’t be doing this… Ah...” June gasped.

The scorching star which orbited Glore IV was setting for the day, casting a growing darkness across
the school showers. Dim fluorescent lights hummed overhead as the two girls sat on the cool tiled
floor beneath the rushing water. Ugly cream and burnt-orange tiles formed hideous patterns over the
walls. Whoever had picked the colour scheme for the changing rooms was either an idiot or a sadist.
Perhaps both.

“We have to... Mmm…” Thuy moaned, “It’s the only way to - ahh - get rid of it.”

They were both fully undressed now, praying that the shower would somehow wash away the
concentrated aphrotoxins which had polluted their bodies. Twenty minutes later and the water, while
refreshing, hadn’t done a damn thing to quell their lust. The showers were located adjacent to the
changing rooms in the sports facility. It was a separate building from the main school, ensuring the
girls would at least enjoy some privacy. Thuy and June sat at opposite ends of the fifteen-feet long
room. As the realisation that the toxins couldn’t simply be washed away set in, the girls had begun
thinking about the female cultist’s final words.

“Its effect on the body weakens with each successive orgasm. I think you two are going to be having
some fun tonight. Four or five ought to clear your systems!”

It was these words which had led the two teenagers to begin touching themselves in the showers.
Even though they were sitting at opposite ends of the room, June couldn’t pull her eyes away from
Thuy’s naked body. Her friend’s bronze skin glistened under the stream of water. June looked at
Thuy’s bare C-cup breasts and saw her nipples were stiff with excitement. She bit her lower lip as
she circled two fingers over her clitoris, mimicking her friend’s movements.

(June and Thuy will begin on Masturbation Level 1: Rubbing Clitoris. They will roll resistance tests
each round to try, needing a 91+ to snap out of it. However, rolls under 40 will see them increase
their masturbation level. When the scene ends they will gain a lump sum of corruption depending on
how far they succumbed.
June - 6 rolled. Epic fail. Rubbing her clitoris isn’t enough for June. She advances past Stage 2: One
Finger Inside, to Stage 3: Teasing her G-Spot)
Thuy - 43 rolled. Fail. No change.)
Perhaps if they had simply gone to sleep their bodies would have managed to purge the toxins
overnight. It was a solid idea, but neither girl thought to try it. The Vietnamese girl continued
massaging her clit, her wetness mixing with the water from the shower.

“Ah…” she gasped in ecstasy.

(Rolling 1d15 pleasure damage for Thuy masturbating. 2 rolled! Thuy is up to 53% Orgasm.)

Thuy gently rocked her hips back and forth as she relished the sensation of her warm fingertips. For
June, though, merely touching her clit wasn’t enough.

‘I need more,’ she thought to herself, taking two soaking fingers and slowly pushing them past her

“Ohhh!” she moaned, tilting her head back as new highs of pleasure struck her.

As her fingers buried deeper inside her pussy she arched them up. June was rewarded with an burst
of pleasure from her g-spot. She opened her mouth in a gasp of ecstasy and tilted her head back,
feeling the shower trickle over her face.

(Rolling 1d45 pleasure damage for June. 10 rolled! Her orgasm has increased to 168%.)

“Ahh… Ohhhh… Yes…”

June Fitzgerald
(Masturbation Level 3: Teasing her G-Spot)
Fear: 26%
Aphrotoxins: 478%
Corruption: 48%
Orgasm: 168%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their
Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.
Corruption Level 4: June is almost not afraid at all of dressing in slutty outfits. Additionally, her school
uniform will start each encounter in a moderately sluttier state.

Thuy Duong
(Masturbation Level 1: Rubbing Clitoris)
Fear: 5%
Orgasm: 53%
Aphrotoxins: 486%
Corruption: 13%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.
Corruption Level 1: Thuy will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of other people. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

The shower was soon filled with the gasping moans of the two schoolgirls. They were squirming and
writhing as they continued exploring their bodies.

(Rolling two resistance tests for June and Thuy. They need a 91+ to snap out of it. However, rolls
under 40 will see them increase their masturbation level.
June - 87 rolled. Fail , she stays on stage 3.)
Thuy - 23 rolled. Fail. Thuy advances to Stage 2: One Finger Inside)

“I… mmm… sh-shouldn’t be doing this… but it feels so good,” June gasped, struggling to take her
fingers out of her horny pussy.

(Rolling 1d45 pleasure damage for June. 36 rolled! June’s Orgasm has increased to 204% and she
cums! I won’t be rolling for mindbreak as it isn’t a combat scenario.)

(June’s Aphrotoxin level is reduced by 100%, down to 378% as the orgasm purges her system. She
will now pass her resistance rolls on 81+)

“Yes, yes! Right there! Ah!” June’s voice began growing louder as her fingers pushed up against her

Each time she curled her digits the intensity of the pleasure grew. She knew she had to stop. She
knew there had to be a better way to deal with the aphrodisiacs, but as her body began convulsing
with pleasure she found herself giving in.
“AYAAAHHHHHH!! I’m cumming!” she screamed, raising her hips up and plunging her fingers deep
into her teenage cunt.

Perhaps aroused by her ginger friend’s erotic display, Thuy esclated her own masturbation. She
began by cautiously slipping her right index finger into her pussy

“Ohh,” the Asian began moaning as she felt her finger penetrate.

(Rolling 1d30 pleasure damage for Thuy. 4 rolled. Thuy’s Orgasm has increased to 57%.)

“Ah… Mmm…” she gasped, enjoying the sensation of toying with her tight virgin cunt.

(Rolling two resistance tests for June and Thuy. June needs an 81+, and Thuy needs a 91+ to snap
out of it. However, rolls under 40 will see them increase their masturbation level.
June - 46 rolled. Fail, she stays on stage 3.)
Thuy - 23 rolled. Fail. Thuy advances to Stage 3: Teasing her G-Spot)

Watching June plunge two fingers into her soaking wet pussy was all the encouragement Thuy
needed to try it herself. Fears of going too deep, of hurting herself, of losing her innocence all washed
away in that moment.

(Rolling 1d45 pleasure for June. 13 rolled. June’s Orgasm has increased to 217%.)

(Rolling 1d45 pleasure damage for Thuy. 36 rolled. Thuy’s Orgasm has increased to 93%.)

“Ahhh!” Thuy moaned, “I’m getting - ohhh - so close!”

Her breathing had grown quick, punctuated with her screams and gasps of pleasure. Thuy couldn’t
help but watch her friend mirroring her moves on her own body.

“Ohhh… Ah! Mmmmmm!”

June’s voice was louder than Thuy’s now, her cries denoting an ecstasy which was only getting
stronger with each passing second. A white steam from the hot water had been steadily building in
the showers. The entire room was now blanketed with an ever-thickening mist. June gasped and
panted. She could feel herself sweating even as the water washed over her body.
‘I… We shouldn’t… We shouldn’t be doing this…’ June thought in the back of her mind.

(Rolling two resistance tests for June and Thuy. June needs an 81+, and Thuy needs a 91+ to snap
out of it. However, rolls under 40 will see them increase their masturbation level.
June - 23 rolled. Fail, she advances to Stage 4: Blasting Shower Against Pussy)
Thuy - 20 rolled. Fail. Thuy advances to Stage 4: Blasting Shower Against Pussy)

That small voice of reason was quickly displaced by another idea though. A much more palatable

‘Why don’t I unhook the shower and spray it directly onto my pussy?’ June thought to herself.

She withdrew her fingers from her drenched cunt and stood up. When on her tippy-toes she just
about managed to unhook the showerhead and pull it down. Then, sitting back down and spreading
her legs for Thuy to see, she began blasting her pussy directly with the high-powered jets of water.

(Rolling 1d60 pleasure for June. 14 rolled. June’s Orgasm has increased to 231%.)

The new sensation struck her instantly. The ginger teen gasped as the jets of water surged against
her clitoris.


It wasn’t until the first wave of pleasure had passed that June opened her eyes and saw Thuy was
doing the exact same. The Asian had lifted one leg up, bracing it so she was doing a splits against
the tiled-wall. Thuy’s pussy was completely exposed as she sent a rush of water blasting against it.

(Rolling 1d60 pleasure damage for Thuy. 38 rolled. Thuy’s Orgasm has increased to 131% and she

(Thuy’s Aphrotoxin level is reduced by 100%, down to 386% as the orgasm purges her system. She
will now pass her resistance rolls on 81+)

“Nnnnngggg!!!” she moaned, her toes curling as she finally felt herself approach a climax.

June watched as her friend began convulsing and trembling. The shower must have proven too
intense for Thuy, who collapsed down to her knees, panting and trembling near-uncontrollably.

“AHHH! C-CUUMMMMIIINNGG!” the Asian schoolgirl squealed as the showerhead clattered to the

June Fitzgerald
(Masturbation Level 4: Blasting Shower Against Pussy)
Fear: 26%
Aphrotoxins: 378%
Corruption: 48%
Orgasm: 231%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their
Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.
Corruption Level 4: June is almost not afraid at all of dressing in slutty outfits. Additionally, her school
uniform will start each encounter in a moderately sluttier state.

Thuy Duong
(Masturbation Level 3: Blasting Shower Against Pussy)
Fear: 5%
Orgasm: 131%
Aphrotoxins: 386%
Corruption: 13%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.
Corruption Level 1: Thuy will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of other people. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

(Rolling two resistance tests for June and Thuy. Both girls needs an 81+ to snap out of it. However,
rolls under 40 will see them increase their masturbation level.
June - 90 rolled. Success! June manages to snap out of the aphrotoxins.)
Thuy - 66 rolled. Fail, no change.)

As she looked at her friend writhing on the floor June came to a very sudden realisation.

‘We don’t need to do this… There’s a hundred other things we could have done. We could have
slept this off, we could have snuck some stuff from the medicine cabinet.’

“Thuy, stop!” June gasped, tossing the shower aside, “This is exactly what those cultists want us to

(Rolling 1d60 pleasure damage for Thuy. 34 rolled. Thuy’s Orgasm has increased to 165%!)
It was too late. Thuy had already picked up the showerhead once again and was stupidly spraying
her pussy with no regard for her friend’s warning.

“Ahhhh! Ohhhhh!” Thuy moaned as she bucked her hips.

‘She mightn’t snap out of this on her own for a while. I need to stop her,’ June decided, rushing
over to her friend and grabbing the showerhead.

“Thuy! Let go! You’re playing right into want Byre wants us to-”

“It’s sooo goood!”

(Rolling an 81+ resistance test for Thuy, reduced to 61+ because June is intervening. 10 rolled. Epic
fail. Thuy advances the corruption from Masturbation to Lesbian Sex Level 1: Making Out! This will
yield more corruption at the end of the scene than the Masturbation levels will!)

“Let go! Give me that th- WHOA!”

As the two girls wrestled over the showerhead June suddenly felt Thuy’s hands snap around her
shoulders, pulling her down on top of her.


She tried to enunciate a protest, but with her friend’s lips against her own there was nothing she
could say. A second later she felt Thuy’s tongue enter her mouth and try to intertwine with her own.

“Mppff!! Nmmmm!” she grunted.

(Rolling a 40+ resistance test for Thuy to avoid giving back in to making out. It’s an easy roll because
she has already snapped out of it. 12 rolled. Fuck. Nevermind! June gains the ‘Lesbian Sex Level 1:
Making Out’ status effect and will have to pass another resistance test to snap out of it.)

The ginger girl tried to pull away from her friend, but as Thuy's fingers locked behind her head and
intertwined with her hair June's defiance slipped away. She felt her wet breasts rubbing up against
Thuy's. The sensation of their boobs kneading together combined with the feeling of the warm, wet
tongue tangoing with her own evaporated her resistance faster than a Glorian pond on this scorching
hot day.

"Mmm!" she moaned.

June's hands slid down Thuy's wet back. The displaced shower head was still spraying them with hot
water. The ginger girl enjoyed feeling her friend's smooth amber skin. She continued gliding her
fingers down until she reached Thuy's firm buttocks. As she clasped her hands over Thuy's
asscheeks she spread her fingers wide, and then squeezed as tightly as she could.

"MMM!" Thuy cried in surprise.

(Rolling 1d10 pleasure damage for June and Thuy.

June: 10 rolled. Up to 241%
Thuy: 1 rolled. Up to 166%.)

As the two girls made out on the shower they failed to realise just how corrupting the cult's
aphrotoxins were. June wasn't a lesbian by any stretch of the imagination. If she weren't under this
toxin then the thought of doing it with another woman would positively repulse her. And yet, her mind
addled with toxins, she found herself making out with a woman - both entirely devoid of clothes.

June Fitzgerald
(Lesbian Sex Level 1: Making Out)
Fear: 26%
Aphrotoxins: 378%
Corruption: 48%
Orgasm: 241%
Status Effects:
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their
Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.
Corruption Level 4: June is almost not afraid at all of dressing in slutty outfits. Additionally, her school
uniform will start each encounter in a moderately sluttier state.

Thuy Duong
(Lesbian Sex Level 1: Making Out)
Fear: 5%
Orgasm: 165%
Aphrotoxins: 386%
Corruption: 13%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.
Corruption Level 1: Thuy will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of other people. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.

(Rolling an 81+ resistance test for Thuy and June. Rolls of 40 or less will advance the corruption to
the next level.
June: 85
Thuy: 34
June snaps out of it once again.
Thuy advances the corruption from Masturbation to Lesbian Sex Level 2: Breastplay!)

“Mmpff!” June gasped, eventually managing to break her lips free of the kiss, “T-Thuy, stop!”

The ginger student’s cries grew louder as she tried to push her horny friend back. Thuy wasn’t
taking no for an answer though, eagerly licking her lips as she leaned forward again.

“You’re not thinking straight!” June exclaimed as Thuy’s hands reached for her wrists, trying to pin
her down to the floor.

(Rolling two strength tests as June tries to break free, while Thuy tries to prolong the encounter.
Whoever rolls higher wins. Both on 1d100
June: 9 rolled. An epic fail too!
Thuy: 41 rolled. Pass.
Thuy wins and subdues June! That epic fail also allows Thuy to advance to the next stage - Lesbian
Sex Level 3: Oral!)

The lucid schoolgirl didn’t manage to put up much of a struggle. Within seconds the Vietnamese girl
had pinned June’s wrists to the floor, keeping her down with her body weight. As June struggled and
writhed, trying to break free, Thuy began kissing her way down June’s body.

“T-Thuy! What are y-you? Ah!”

She suddenly inhaled a breath of warm, steamy air as Thuy’s lips wrapped around her left nipple and
softly sucked on it. As the Asian girl’s head left her breasts June realised that things were about to
get much worse.
“N-NO! Thuy, not there!” she exclaimed, trying to sit up.

Thuy’s fingers were tightly wrapped around June’s wrists, pinning them by her waist as she kissed
her way across her friend’s pale belly.

“Mmm! Mwah! Mwah!”

The sound of kisses being planted across her naked teenage body filled June’s ears and made her
shudder. She was soaking wet right now. As naive as June was about sex - she had a fairly good
idea of what her friend was going to do next.

‘She’s only a few inches away from my vagina,’ she panicked as Thuy’s mouth descended to her

Thuy looked up at her friend one last time. June’s eyes were wide as she frantically shook her head,
begging and pleading for Thuy to do anything else.

“Y-You don’t have to do this, Thuy! This isn’t you! It’s the aphrotoxins that-”

The Asian didn’t seem to care to listen. She licked her lips from left to right in a slow, methodical
fashion. And then, without a single word, Thuy dived tongue-first into June’s dripping wet cunt.

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for June. 74 rolled! June’s Orgasm goes up to 315% and she cums




An unexpected burst of pleasure struck June like a bolt of lightning, electrifying her system. She
spasmed and shook as Thuy’s tongue flicked back and forth over her engorged clit.

*Lick Lick*


It felt better than her fingers, better than the shower head. Thuy’s tongue had unveiled a whole new
level of pleasure.





Thuy’s tongue suddenly retracted, offering a moment of respite. June didn’t get time to recover her
senses though, for the Asian girl soon returned with both her lips locking over her clitoris.


“Ooohhh! Hnnnnnnnnnngggg!!!” June grunted, trying her best to avoid cumming from her best
friend’s mouth.

*Suck* *Suck* *Suck*



“Sh-Shit! I’m cumming! AHHHHHH!!!”

June emptied her lungs as her body shook uncontrollably. She quivered and spasmed on the shower
floor, laid low by her friend’s eager tongue. She allowed her head to fall back against the wet floor
and panted. Thuy still had a vicelike grip of her wrists, holding her in place. If her friend didn’t snap
out of it she would have to try to break free again. There’s no telling how long Thuy might lick her if
she couldn’t escape.

(Thuy’s Aphrotoxin level is reduced by 100%, down to 278% as the orgasm purges her system. She
will now pass her resistance rolls on 71+.)

(Rolling an 81+ resistance test for Thuy. Rolls of 40 or less will advance the corruption to the next
Thuy: 51 rolled.
Thuy keeps licking!)

(Rolling two strength tests as June tries to break free, while Thuy tries to prolong the encounter.
Whoever rolls higher wins. Both girls are rolling 1d100
June: 18 rolled.
Thuy: 97 rolled. AND an Epic win!
Thuy wins and dominated June! That epic win also allows Thuy to advance to the next stage -
Lesbian Sex Level 4: Fingering and Oral!)

For a second, June felt a ray of hope as Thuy released one of her hands. This was quickly banished
though as the Asian’s fingers plunged into her drenched pussy.

“Nooo! *GASP* N-Not your fingers!” June protested, as Thuy buried her face once again into her
friend’s clitoris.

The ginger girl reached down with her free arm and tried to push her friend’s head back. Thuy was
too strong though. Her lips licking and sucking while her fingers curled up to June’s vulnerable g-


(Rolling 1d100 pleasure damage for June. 89 rolled! June’s Orgasm increases to 414% and she
cums again!)

June felt her friend's soft fingertips pushing up against her g-spot. The intensity of the pleasure made
her toes curl.

"N-Nooooo!!! Aahhhh!!!"



It was difficult enough to resist the meandering fingers, but the addition of Thuy's tongue proved to be
too much for June to handle. Her body betrayed her yet again as she spasmed with another climax.

"HNNNNGGG!!! UGH! I'm cumming! Holy fuck!" she squealed with uncharacteristically foul language.

(Thuy’s Aphrotoxin level is reduced by 100%, down to 178% as the orgasm purges her system. She
will now pass her resistance rolls on 61+.)

June hadn't quite realised that in the heat of the moment her hand trying to push Thuy's head away
had changed its goal. Her fingers now clenched a clump of her friend's dark hair as she pulled Thuy's
face in deeper to her sensitive cunt.

"Aaaahhh!! Fffuuuucckkk!" she squealed in excitement, wrapping her legs behind Thuy's head and
humping her friend's face.
June Fitzgerald
Fear: 26%
Aphrotoxins: 178%
Corruption: 48%
Orgasm: 315%
Status Effects:
Restrained (Bondage Strength 2) - June has been pinned to the floor by Thuy.
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their
Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.
Corruption Level 4: June is almost not afraid at all of dressing in slutty outfits. Additionally, her school
uniform will start each encounter in a moderately sluttier state.

Thuy Duong
(Lesbian Sex Level 4: Fingering and Oral)
Fear: 5%
Orgasm: 165%
Aphrotoxins: 386%
Corruption: 13%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.
Corruption Level 1: Thuy will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of other people. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.


"Lick it! Ohhh fuuucck! Suck my clit! Ayaaahhhh!!!"


"Ahh… ahh… *pant* I…" June struggled to find words as she tried to catch her breath, "We… we need
to… *Pant* stop…"

(Rolling an 81+ resistance test for Thuy. Rolls of 40 or less will advance the corruption to the next
Thuy: 43 rolled.
Thuy keeps licking and fingering unless June can throw her off!)

(Rolling two strength tests as June tries to break free, while Thuy tries to prolong the encounter.
Whoever rolls higher wins. Both girls are rolling 1d100
June: 79 rolled.
Thuy: 56 rolled.
June finally wins! She deals 1 damage to the bondage strength and is close to breaking free!)

“G-Get off me!” June stammered as Thuy slipped a third finger into her pussy.

It was a tight squeeze, but one that was causing June far too much pleasure. She didn’t know
whether she should keep trying to pull Thuy’s head away from her slit, or grab her wrist instead and
tug her fingers out of her soaking wet cunt.

(Rolling 1d100 pleasure damage to June. 46 rolled. June's Orgasm is now at 361%)

*Shlick Shlick*

Thuy was plunging her fingers in and out. June felt her pussy spread wider than it had ever been
before. She focused on resisting the pleasure on her g-spot, but her friend’s tongue was quick to
remind her that her clitoris was a target too.



“Aahhhhh! Hnnngg…. Mmmmm!! Stop it!” June gasped, desperately trying to put and end to Thuy’s
lewd attack.

(Rolling an 81+ resistance test for Thuy. Rolls of 40 or less will advance the corruption to the next
Thuy: 81 rolled.
Thuy finally realises what she is doing and stops, ending the scene.)

*Lick Lick*
“Ahh! Ahh! Thuy!”

There was a moment’s respite. June began panting, catching her breath as her friend sharply
withdrew her fingers from her slit.

“S-Sorry, I- I- I got carried away there. I don’t know what came over me,” Thuy apologised,
nervously backing off and scuttling away from her partner, “I’m so so sorry. It was like… It was like…”

“Like you just couldn’t stop yourself?” June answered.

Thuy nodded.

“I felt it too when I first grabbed the shower,” the ginger girl continued.

“What do we do about tomorrow? Byre wants us to meet him in the morning,” Thuy asked, her eyes
wide with fear.

“We don’t really have much of a choice right now. He’s got that video of us. We’ll just have to play
along until we can figure a way out of this.”

“C-Couldn’t we just tell Headmistress Bianchi?”

“No way! She’d expel us as soon as this siege was finished, tell our dads, AND those tapes would
be leaked! Our futures would be screwed!”

“Crap…” Thuy panted, leaning back against the tiled wall.

“The best thing we can do right now is get some sleep. Hopefully we’ll be well-rested and thinking
straight when we encounter Byre tomorrow.”

“I hope you’re right, June…”

(Rolling for corruption for both girls. Thuy made it all the way past masturbation to the fourth level of
lesbian sex. She gains 1d30 corruption. 11 rolled! Thuy's corruption has reached 24%.
June managed to snap out of it more quickly than Thuy, but she did cum several times. She gains
1d20 corruption. 10 rolled! June's corruption has reached 58%.)
June Fitzgerald
Fear: 26%
Aphrotoxins: 178%
Corruption: 48%
Orgasm: 361%
Status Effects:
Restrained (Bondage Strength 1) - June has been pinned to the floor by Thuy.
Bored - June is bored living in the Finishing School. She longs to find something interesting and new.
The man by the gate ticks those boxes.
Corruption Level 1: June will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of Byre. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: June will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their
Corruption Level 3: June will be content to dress in slightly more risque outfits without any fear
penalty. Her school uniform will start each encounter in a slightly sluttier state. Super slutty outfits will
still scare her, but less so than before.
Corruption Level 4: June is almost not afraid at all of dressing in slutty outfits. Additionally, her school
uniform will start each encounter in a moderately sluttier state.
Corruption Level 5: Being groped, spanked, or kissed no longer scares June as long as her
underwear is still on.

Thuy Duong
(Lesbian Sex Level 4: Fingering and Oral)
Fear: 5%
Orgasm: 165%
Aphrotoxins: 386%
Corruption: 24%
Status Effects:
Stressed - Thuy is stressed about her exams.
Corruption Level 1: Thuy will no longer be afraid to remove her blazer, shoes, or stockings in the
presence of other people. She will experience slightly less fear for removing other articles of clothing.
Corruption Level 2: Thuy will experience much less fear when she sees other people remove their

Sister Superior Colette Piousborne

(Enough time has passed for another weather roll to happen. Because it is now nighttime and the sun
is no longer shining there is a greater chance things will cool down. Rolling 1d7. On a 6 or 7 the
weather will stay at Heatwave. Anything 1 through to 5 will cause the temperature to drop by a
corresponding amount.
1. Blizzard
2. Freezing fog
3. Snow
4. Downpour
5. Raining
6. Drizzle
7. Cloudy
8. Overcast
9. Overcast
10. Sparse clouds
11. Clear skies
12. Clear skies
13. Warm
14. Intense Sunshine
15. Heatwave (current)

6 rolled. The heatwave persists throughout the night. If this continues for another full day there will be
serious consequences for Glore IV’s water supply, and it could lead to more extreme hot weather.)

Colette had discarded the blanket she stole from Dakota Mayflower, casting it into the back of the
badly battered Rhino. With the ignition fucked, the rear doors ripped ajar, and the top hatch bent
open the Sister Superior was beginning to wonder if the tank was beyond repair.

‘Perhaps I should just requisition a new one from Canoness Agatha,’ she thought as she pulled out
a battered toolbox.

Rhino tanks were notoriously easy to repair. Even those untrained in the arts of a mechanic could
often manage to get the big metal boxes functioning again. It wasn’t so much a question of ‘if’ the
Rhino would start again, but a question of ‘how long until?’ Colette cracked open the toolbox and
began pulling out spanners, wrenches, and screwdrivers before taking a closer look at the ignition.

‘Alright, let’s give this a go.’

(An untrained person trying to repair a Rhino will succeed on an 85+. Colette, however, is still
mindbroken which adds a penalty to her roll. She will need to roll 92+ in order to successfully repair
the Rhino. Colette will roll until she succeeds. Each failed attempt adds 30 minutes onto her time,
making the journey home darker and more dangerous. Colette rolled a 96 on her 6th attempt! 30
minutes times 6 = 3 hours have passed! It is approaching midnight.)

“C’mon dammit!” Colette snarled, angrily chucking a wrench into the back of the tank.

Sweat ran down her forehead in small brooks. She didn’t dare ask the miners for a flagon of water.
She’d too much pride to approach them again after what they did to her.



She struck the ignition box with a hammer. Once, twice. Colette unleashed her frustration on the
machine in a way which would have made a Techpriest weep in anguish. She had been trying to get
the tank to start for almost three hours now.

“Don’t you do this to me… Don’t you do this to me…” she chanted as she slunk back into the driver’s
seat and tried to fire the repaired ignition.


*Phut Phut*

“C’mon you stupid piece of shit!”

*Phut Phut*

“Throne dammit! Start! Damn you!”


“Haha… Ahaha! HAAHAHA! YES! YES!” Colette threw her head back and punched the air as the
Rhino finally roared to life.

(Colette loses 3d50 Orgasm for working for 3 hours on the Rhino. 25, 27 and 46 rolled. 98 total! Her
Orgasm has decreased to 585%. She does NOT lose the Mindbreak status effect though.)

With her vehicle finally restored Colette took one final glance behind her. The ruptured rear doors
offered a perfect view of the potassium mine. The shadowy adit gaped like a monstrous mouth.
Raven was probably still trapped in there. Alone. Afraid.

‘An asshole,’ the Sister Superior thought, pushing her foot on the gas and speeding away from the
accursed mine.

St Stephen’s Sword
Orgasm: 585%

Status Effects:
Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle.
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.

Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

Sweat trickled down Colette’s brow as she looked out at the cloudless night sky. Her eyes drifted
down to the small thermostat embedded in the Rhino’s dashboard. Even without the heavy blue
sun’s glare the temperature was a blistering thirty two degree celsius. Nearly ninety in fahrenheit.
She drew in a deep breath and tried to cool herself down. It barely did anything.

(Roll a morality test for Colette to see how she feels about leaving Raven. She needs a 25+ test to
feel sufficiently guilty about leaving Raven behind. If she passes she will attempt to rescue her. This
test is increased to 50+ because Raven was a bitch to her and phenomenally failed her character
flaw in the worst possible way. It is increased again to 60+ because of Colette’s emotionally distant
character flaw. 51 rolled. She’s moderately conflicted about it and feels pretty shit, but she isn’t
going back.)

The Sister Superior had no one to talk to on the journey home. The night was as black as an
unpowered television screen, and almost as quiet. If she turned off the Rhino’s engine and really
listened she could just about hear the faint thunder of Basilisk artillery guns in the distance. And so,
Colette found herself trapped alone with her thoughts.

‘She actively encouraged a group of miners to attack me! I’ve got nothing to feel guilty about.

As she rumbled through an open, grassy field her mind began countering her latest thought.

‘Raven also saved me when those Ork Kommandos attacked. Even if her actions at the mine were
shitty, she is still one for one.’

She pulled the Rhino over beside a dilapidated wooden fence and threw her head back against the
leather chair. As her mind continued the debate her body persistently perspired.

‘What happens when I get her out of that mine? She continues being a miserable, unmanageable,
bitch who undermines my squad. That is even IF I manage to get her out. There’s no guarantee if I
go back in there that I’ll actually make it out again.’

“Arrgh… fuck it…” she finally broke the silence, “I’m leaving her.”

Colette resumed her journey. The Rino’s headlamps illuminated the night in an eerie way. Every tree
looked like a clawed hand bursting from the ground. Each bush or bramble on the road made her
reach for her boltgun resting in the passenger seat.

(Rolling to see how Colette’s journey is going. Anything above 40+ is good, increased to 60+
because it is nighttime and she could get lost or ambushed more easily, increased again to 70+
because she was mindbroken and less likely to navigate a route well. 26 rolled. A moderate fail. She
takes a wrong turn in the dark and ends up in a much more dangerous area.)

The Sister Superior still hadn’t recovered from the sheer exhaustion left by the Orks and miners. It
was more difficult than usual to concentrate or focus. She kept finding her mind drifting off to other
things, not focusing on the task at hand. It wasn’t until Colette noticed there was no longer a road to
drive on that she realised just how badly she had fucked up.

“Aw shit… Where the heck am I?” she muttered.

The ground around her was granite grey, littered with stones and boulders. She squinted her eyes
and peered out the front visor. There didn’t appear to be any buildings or discernable landmarks. For
all she knew she could have been at a rubbly beach, an abandoned quarry, or at the foot of a rocky
mountain. She cursed one final time before reaching for the medium-range radio and tuning into her
squad’s frequency.

‘I hope I’m in range of basecamp,’ she prayed as she began her broadcast.

“Retributor Palatina? Sister Serena? It is Sister Superior Colette. Do either of you copy? Over.”


(Rolling a luck test to see if Colette’s message is received by basecamp. It needs a 70+ due to the
fact she is mindbroken, and the fact she has taken a wrong turn and might not even be in range. 76
rolled. Success!)
“I repeat, this is Sister Superior Colette Piousborne. Sisters Serena or Palatina, do either of you
copy? Over.”


“Sister Superior, it’s Palatina here. Is everything alright? Over,” a familiar voice on the other end

“Thank the Throne you answered,” Colette sighed in relief, “I’m returning home. I appear to have
gotten lost though and have no idea where I am. I need you to make contact with either the Astra
Militarum or the rest of our Order in Sanctuary’s Redoubt to try and get me a map to pinpoint my
location. Over.”

“No problem, Sister Superior. I’m on it. Can you describe where you are? Over.”

(Rolling a radio interception test for ??? on 50+... 64 rolled. Pass! Palatina isn’t the only one

“I’m not far from Lornegulf Potassium Mine. Perhaps seventy five minutes at most. There’s no
discernable landmarks or anything near me, but the ground is all grey and gravelly. Over.”

“I shall see if anyone in logistics can pull out some topographic maps or satellite imagery. We might
be able to pinpoint your position that way. Can you and Raven hold tight for an hour? Over.”

“Raven is no longer with us and the Rhino is not secure. Over.”

There was a silent hesitation that lasted a few seconds before Palatina replied.

“I’m sorry to hear that, Sister Superior. Sit tight and stay on this wavelength. I’ll work out a rough
position and get back to you. Over and out.”

Colette returned the microphone to the radio before leaning back in her chair and turning the engine
off. There wasn’t a whole lot she could do beyond waiting for Palatina to return, so she sat back in
her seat and rested.

‘No wind,’ she thought to herself, ‘No rain, no fog, no mist. Nothing but this accursed heat.’
(Rolling a 60+ encounter test to see if any enemies show up to Colette’s position, decreased to 50+
because Colette took a wrong turn, decreased again to 40+ because it is night time and she is driving
in a loud, bright Rhino, and decreased to 20+ because her radio transmission was intercepted..
Higher numbers will represent more difficult encounters. A roll of 30 will be about an equal match for
Colette. 78 rolled! It’s a strong group of enemies, easily more than double what she could normally
be expected to handle.)

The Sister Superior had sat in silence for almost half an hour when she heard the distant rumble of
engines approaching. Their droning grew louder and higher pitched as whatever was approaching
shifted gears.

‘A Speedwaaagh?!’ she froze in panic, her mind still addled with thoughts of Orks after her fateful
encounter with the Kommandos only a few hours earlier, ‘I’ll never outrun them in a Rhino.’


“Sister Superior,” the radio crackled to life, “I have a logistics team hunting through maps as we
speak. Sit tight and I’ll keep you updated on their progress. Over.”

“There’s no time, Palatina. S-Something’s coming. Engines. Lots of engines. Over.”

“Stay with me Sister Superior. Focus. Do they know where you are? Over.”

“I… I think so. They’re getting closer. Over.”

“Is there anywhere you can hide? Over.”

“It’s just… It’s just fucking gravel and rocks in every direction. O-Over.”

“Load your boltgun and keep the safety off. Stay hidden until the last possible second. Do you hear
me? Over.”

“Y-Yeah,” Colette replied, snatching her boltgun from the passenger seat and checking the
magazine was locked in place.


“I hear them now too,” Palatina remarked, “I’m going to be quiet now so as to not give away your
position. I will be right here if you need me. Understand? I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving
you. Over.”

Colette shuffled over to the passenger seat and peered out the visor. Five blinding lights were slicing
through the darkness. They were moving much too quickly to be carried by soldiers on foot. The
Sister Superior drew in a deep breath to try and calm her pounding heart. Her hands trembled as she
shifted position to the driver’s seat. She reached down for the microphone and raised it to her lips.

“I see five suspected vehicles approaching. One headlamp mounted on each. I can’t quite tell what
they are yet. Wait… They’re getting closer. It looks like… people on bikes? Holy Terra - I think it’s a
patrol of guardsmen…” Colette whispered.

(Roll a skill test for Palatina to give advice on the situation. 99 rolled! Phenomenal win! She’s making
Liam Neeson proud.)

“Sister Superior, don’t move. Listen to me very carefully and answer my questions as quickly and
accurately as you can. What are the soldiers wearing? Over.”

“I… I… I can’t really tell. They’re dismounting the bikes now. I think they are about thirty metres

“How many are there? Over.”

“Umm… Five bikes… A couple of the bikes had two guys on them. Seven or eight maybe? Wait - I can
see them now in front of the light. They’ve got… grey trousers with like… dark green rubber jackets.”

“Their faces, Colette. What do their faces look like? Over.”

“I… They look… They’re wearing bandanas over them. O-Over.”

“Listen to me very carefully, Colette. The next part is very important. They might appear human, but
in truth, they are likely Neophytes from a genestealer cult. Stay focused, Sister Superior. They are
going to take you. You have maybe twenty seconds before they reach you. Leave the radio on
broadcast, shout out everything you see as you fight them off. Clothing types, colours, vehicles,
landmarks, the ground colour, mountains, trees. Anything I can find on a map. Do you understand?

“I… I…”
“You need to focus, Colette. Do you understand?”


“I can hear their footsteps against the gravel now. They’re near. Keep the radio on. Kill as many as
you can. I am not going to abandon you. Serena, Alexi, and me WILL find you. Over.”

Gravel rustled around her under the heavy boots of the approaching figures. She nervously risked
another glance out the frontal visor. They had begun spreading out around the vehicle, a variety of
malicious-looking weapons in their hands. Colette whispered a wordless prayer to the God-Emperor
and aimed her boltgun down the back door.


She held her breath.

*Crunch Crunch*

Footsteps echoed from around the vehicle.

*Crunch Crunch*

Her eyes had adjusted to the moonlight. She could see a couple of metres beyond the blown-out
back of the Rhino.

*Crunch Crunch Cru-*

A slender pair of figures appeared at the rear of the Rhino, peering inside. Colette squeezed the
trigger without hesitation.

(Rolling two 35+ combat tests, decreased to 20+ because she ambushed them, but increased to 50+
because she is mindbroken. 25 and 33 rolled. Both shots miss!)


The flicker of flame from the barrel of her bolter cast a brief moment of illumination. She saw the two
figures for what they really were - pathetic copies of what a human should be. Unnatural ridges lined
their forehead, while their bodies were hunched forward. The one on the left held a rusty autogun,
while the one on the right held a pistol with a fat bulge at the centre.

“T-Two men! Mining uniforms! Dark green and grey! Black boots! Rusty autogun! Weird pistol!”
Colette screamed down the radio as the Cultists raised their own weapons and shot back.

(Rolling initiative for the first two Genestealer Cultists.

Neophyte with Web Pistol - 37 rolled.
Neophyte with Autogun - 9 rolled.
The Neophyte with the Web Pistol goes first, followed by the Neophyte with an Autogun.)

(Rolling an attack from the Neophyte with a Web Pistol. Hitting on a 50+... 48 rolled! A narrow miss!)

(Rolling two attacks from the Neophyte with the Autogun. Hitting on 50+... 45 and 55 rolled! One hit,
one miss!)

A wet shlicking sound struck the floor as the weird pistol unleashed a sticky web. It struck the ground
mere inches from Colette’s right foot. She withdrew her leg as the second cultist opened fire with his

*Pew Pew*

A pair of tiny darts soared through the air. The first one harmlessly struck the Rhino’s intricate
dashboard, while the second one embedded itself in Colette’s naked left shoulder. She expected to
feel pain - but there wasn’t even a slight sting. The only thing the Sister Superior felt was a burning
warmth that began spreading through her body.

(New Rule: Aphrotoxin Guns! Many enemies of the Imperium are rumoured to use weapons that can
kill. It is extremely rare that this is the case. Whether it is the foul forces of the Chaos Space Marines,
or the traitoris Genestealer Cults - most weapons are actually designed to force the Imperium’s loyal
servants into submission. Instead of bullets, many enemies will fire darts, gas, and other non-lethal
projectiles. These will damage armour and increase aphrotoxin levels. When the Aphrotoxin Level hit
100% a girl will be rendered extremely vulnerable to being fucked and captured.)

(Rolling 1d25 aphrotixin damage. 20 rolled! Colette’s aphrotoxin levels have increased to 20%.)

‘Aphrotoxin darts…’ she thought to herself, ‘If they hit me with enough of those I’ll be nothing more
than a cockhungry whore to their damn cult..’

Neophyte Hybrid with Autogun - 4/4 HP
Neophyte Hybrid with Web Pistol - 4/4 HP

St Stephen’s Sword
Orgasm: 585%
Aphrotoxin Levels: 20%

Status Effects:
Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle.
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.

Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

(Rolling for initiative. This will determine order. Epic/phenomenal rolls will not apply here. All
characters roll 1d100, except Colette who will roll 1d75 because she is mindbroken.
Colette - 20 rolled.
Neophyte with Web Pistol - 29 rolled.
Neophyte with Autogun - 13 rolled.
The Web Pistol, then Colette, then the Autogun.)

(Rolling an attack from the one with a Web Pistol. Hitting on a 50+... 84rolled! A solid hit!)


Colette saw the cultist with the web pistol reload faster than she could take aim. The small pistol’s
web struck her hard, sticking her to the ignition box she had spent so long attempting to repair.


She glanced to her right to see her arm pinned to the passenger’s glovebox, her boltgun pointing
worthlessly at the unoccupied seat.

(Colette has gained the ‘Restrained’ Strength 1 Bondage status effect from the Web Pistol. She
needs to pass a 40+ strength test to break free!)

“Sticky webs!” she suddenly called out, remembering to update Palatina on what was going on,
“Aphrodisiac darts!”

The Sister Superior made a desperate bid to break free and unleash the Emperor’s revenge from her
boltgun before more of the Cultists arrived to back up their brethren.

(Rolling a 40+ strength test for Colette to break the strength 1 bondage, increased to 60+ because
she is mindbroken. 22 rolled! Fail!)

“Gah!” she grunted in frustration as the sticky web kept her naked body in place.

“Yes, we have her now!” the Genestealer Cultist with the wicked pistol hissed, “Point blank her with
those darts.”

The second cultist didn’t need to be asked twice. It strode into the rear of the Rhino. The sound of its
heavy boots reverberated as it pointed the autogun at the immobilised Sister and squeezed the

(Rolling two 11+ combat tests for the Genestealer Cultist with an autogun. 17 and 79 rolled. Both hit!)

*Pew Pew*

Two more darts landed in Colette’s vulnerable thigh, delivering their poison before harmlessly
popping out and dropping to the ground. She shuddered as she felt the toxins spreading through her

(Rolling 2d25 aphrotoxin damage. 25 and 11 rolled. 36 aphrotoxin damage! Colette’s Aphrotoxin
Level has increased to 56%.)

“Ah! D-Damn you!” she spat.

Vitriolic hatred for the Xeno coursed through her veins. She despised the Genestealer Cults more
than the robotic Necrons or the deceptive Tau. At least they were obvious in their alien nature. Metal
skeletons and the blue-skinned humanoids were distinctly different from humanity. These cultists
though? They wore the human appearance like a costume. They were nothing more than pretenders,
usurpers to countless millennia of human existence. Evolutionary parasites that appropriated
everything and created nothing novel.
“Inside the tank! We have captured one of their Battle Sisters inside!” the one with the autogun
rasped in an inhuman tongue.

It’s voice sounded like a person trying to speak a foreign language for the first time. There was no
discernible accent. Pauses were a fraction of a second too long between syllables. Colette gritted her
teeth and glared at the cultist. A filthy red bandana was covering the lower half of its face, but she
could see its bald head and soulless, milky eyes. What skin was exposed was a couple of shades too
pale - not immediately suspicious, but just enough to make an onlooker uncomfortable. It didn’t take
long for two additional cultists to join their brethren inside the Rhino. She saw the third cultist
clenching a double-barrelled shotgun with its pallid fists.

‘Undoubtedly loaded with more aphrodisiac shells,’ she thought to herself.

The fourth Neophyte to join the fray was about a foot taller than the others. He held an autopistol in
his left hand, and wielded a thick six-inch dark-green dildo in his right. It was ribbed and dotted with
small protrusions. Colette had no doubt they would use it to try and make her cum.

(Rolling for initiative. This will determine order. Epic/phenomenal rolls will not apply here. All
characters roll 1d100, except Colette who will roll 1d75 because she is mindbroken, which is further
decreased to 1d45 because she has been webbed..
Colette - 29 rolled.
Neophyte with Web Pistol - 18 rolled.
Neophyte with Autogun - 52 rolled.
Neophyte with Shotgun - 87
Neophyte Leader - 17
The order this turn is: Shotgun, Autogun, Colette, Web Pistol, and then Neophyte Leader)

“Stand back,” the cultist with the shotgun quipped at the Neophyte wielding the autogun.

He didn’t need to be asked twice. Colette braced herself as the shiny metal barrels of the weapon
pointed her way.

(Rolling a single combat test for the Shotgun Neophyte on 11+ because he is so close to a restrained
target. 74 rolled! Success!)


A loud crack roared through the Rhino as a blast of intoxicating purple gas erupted from the
shotgun’s barrel straight into Colette’s face. She coughed and gasped as she inadvertently began
breathing the substance in. She felt its effects immediately. It was a stronger substance than the
aphrotoxin contained within the darts.

*Gasp* *Cough*

(Rolling 1d40 Aphrotoxin damage from the shotgun gas. 24 rolled. Colette’s Aphrotoxin levels have
increased to 80%! She is getting dangerously close to not being able to fight anymore.)

“Nice shot, Gean. Let’s finish this bitch,” the Neophyte with the autogun replied, raising his weapon
once more.

“Gah! Let me go!” Colette grunted, struggling against the sticky web and the rising horniness rushing
through her body.

(Rolling two 11+ combat tests for the Genestealer Cultist with an autogun. 44and 24 rolled. Both hit!)

(Rolling 2d25 aphrotoxin damage. 9 and 21 rolled. 30 aphrotoxin damage! Colette’s Aphrotoxin Level
has increased to 100% and she stops resisting!)

*Pew Pew*

The darts struck her right thigh this time, delivering their toxic payload before dropping to the floor.
The Sister Superior was gasping and panting as the purple cloud finally began to dissipate.

“Ahh… *Pant* Ah…”

“The bitch is ready. Let’s tie her up and take her back home.”

It was the authoritative voice of the Neophyte Leader.

“Can we not have some fun with her first?” the shotgun-wielding cultist begged.

“Haa… Ah… Sooo… horny…”

“Yeah, the slut’s practically gagging for it right now,” the one with the autogun countered.

“Y’know what, fine. You lads deserve a break. It’s not like this girl is a virgin we could give to the
Patriarch anyway. I mean, it already looks like she’s fucked a dozen guys today so far.”
“Well, in that case, I’m first,” the shotgun cultist interjected, unbuckling his belt and dropping his
grey pants to reveal a distinctly alien cock.

The shaft was tinted a dull purple that reminded Colette of the Genestealer’s distinctive carapace. It
wasn’t just the colour that set it apart though. Spiralling ribs coiled down the length of the cock,
promising pleasure to whatever girl it ended up inside.

(Rolling 1d100 to see what the Neophyte with a Shotgun does to her. Higher numbers are going to be
worse for Colette. 15 rolled. A very weak attack that won’t cause Colette any pleasure - it wants a

“Drop the gun, bitch. C’mon, drop the gun,” the Neophyte goaded, eventually managing to pry the
boltgun from Colette’s right hand.

With the weapon no longer a concern the imitation of a human slipped its cock into her empty palm. It
was warm to the touch as her fingers wrapped around the girth.

“Start stroking,” it ordered.

“F...Fuck me…” Colette begged.

The aphrotoxins had left Colette with a strange sensation in each of her holes. Her pussy, her
asshole, even her mouth all had this insatiable itch that she knew could only be scratched by one
thing alone.

“I need your cocks… Please! I need them so fucking badly,” she pleaded.

(Rolling 1d100 to see what the Neophyte with an Autogun does to her. Higher numbers are going to
be worse for Colette. 35 rolled. A moderately weak attack that won’t cause Colette much pleasure - it
fucks her tits.)

“You’ll get what’s coming to you, bitch,” the second Neophyte responded, setting its rusted autogun
down on the passenger seat before dropping its pants to reveal its own thick cock.

It marched forward to the entrapped Sister and crouched in front of her, nestling its manhood
between her E-Cup breasts. Grasping hands groped her naked tits and squeezed them tightly around
her attacker’s shaft. Colette couldn’t help moaning at the pleasure of having her mammaries
massaged this way.
And then they were thrusting. The fallen Sister felt the alien cock sliding back and forth across her
palm, between her fingers. Her thoughts were occupied with how good it would feel to have it buried
deep inside her pussy though.

‘Throne… Those ridges would feel so good as they plunged inside me…’ her mind wandering to
places it shouldn’t.

“Ah… Ah… H-Harder…” she moaned, her white hair moving with each thrust into her tits.

(Rolling 1d10 pleasure damage from having her tits groped and fucked. 7 rolled! Colette’s pleasure
has increased to 592%)

(Rolling a 100+ climax test for the handjob and the boobjob. 33 and 74 rolled. Neither cum yet.)

“Ahh… Ohhh!”

“It sounds like our little btich is getting close to cumming just from having her titties fucked.”

“Dumb slut coming out here completely unarmoured and alone,” the one fucking her breasts replied.

Neophyte Hybrid with Autogun - 4/4 HP (Boobjob)
Neophyte Hybrid with Web Pistol - 4/4 HP
Neophyte Hybrid with Shotgun- 4/4 HP (Handjob)
Neophyte Leader with Autopistol and Cult Dildo: 4/4 HP

St Stephen’s Sword
Orgasm: 592%
Aphrotoxin Levels: 100%

Status Effects:
Restrained by Web Pistol (Strength 1 Bondage) Colette’s arms and torso have been stuck to the
Rhino. She needs to pass a 40+ strength test to break free and act normally.
Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle.
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.

Character Flaw:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.

“Ugh… That’s good. Just like that,” the Neophyte groaned as it began thrusting faster and faster.

Colette felt pleasurable vibrations build deep within her breasts. They grew stronger with each
passing second, bringing her to the brink of an orgasm.

(Rolling 1d10 pleasure damage from having her tits groped and fucked. 7 rolled! Colette’s pleasure
has increased to 599%)

“Ah! Ahhh! D-Don’t stop! Please, please fuck my pussy! I want your - ahh - ribbed cock destroying
my pussy!”

(Rolling a 91+ climax test for the handjob and the boobjob. 3 and 100 rolled. The one receiving a
handjob epic fails, the one fucking her tits scores a phenomenal win!)

Unfortunately, the cultist fucking her hand was quickly losing his mojo. As his erection began to fade
his collar was grabbed by the Neophyte Leader.

“H-Hey, I’m not done yet!”

“Get the fuck out of the way and make room for someone who can actually get it up,” the leader

No sooner had the grumpy Neophyte been cast aside than the one fucking her breasts snatched a
clump of Colette’s white hair. She gasped as a cocktail of pleasure and pain overwhelmed her.

“Ahhh- Glommmpfff!”

The Sister Superior never got to finish her scream. Her head was sharply pulled down to face her
breasts and the tip of the alien cock slipped into her eager mouth. It was everything she had wanted
since the aphrotoxins had overwhelmed her mind.
“Mppf!! Glmppfff! *Gag* *Cough* Mmm!”

“Ugh! Suck on my fucking cock, you slut,” the Neophyte grunted, continuing to thrust between her
breasts while she sucked on the couple of inches that could reach her mouth.

“Mmm! *Suck Suck* *Shluuurrrp* Ahmmmmm!!”

“Ah… Ah fuck! Fuck! Hnnnngg!” the cultist finally moaned, tightening his grip on her hair and pulling
her face down onto his cock.

The shaft seemed to swell in size as her lips ran across the firm ribs. Seconds later Colette tasted a
warm, salty fluid streak across her waiting tongue. Under any normal circumstances Colette would
not have enjoyed or felt any pleasure from having her face fucked. The concentrated alien toxins had
changed that fact. The sensation of having hot semen filling her mouth was a faint echo of how good
a creampie felt in her pussy.

(Rolling 1d25 pleasure from the blowjob for the phenomenal win! 11 rolled! Colette reaches 610%
orgasm and cums!)


Feeling the alien abuse her mouth with its fat cock proved to be the final straw for the Sister. Her
body gave in to the pleasure. Colette felt an orgasm build deep within her breasts before spreading
out to every limb. She shook and trembled as much as the sticky web would allow.


(Rolling a 45+ mindbreak test for Colette. 90 rolled. She holds on!)

(Rolling a fetish resistance test for Colette on 50+ since the attack finished with a natural 100. 3
rolled! Epic, near phenomenal fail! Colette has developed a fetish for sucking cock!)

(Colette loses 1d25 Aphrotoxin when she climaxes. 10 rolled! Aphrotoxin is down to 90%.)

“Ugghhh! Swallow it all you slut,” the Neophyte commanded.

The order awakened a dark desire deep within Colette’s mind. Something suppressed far in the
chasms of her mind.

The Sister Superior tilted her head back and glanced up at the Neophyte with her emerald-green
eyes. Her lips slowly slipped from the alien’s glans before she opened her mouth to show him the
cum coating her tongue. Then, after a few seconds pause, she closed her mouth and without so
much as blinking…


“Mmm… This one’s already nearly broken, Psilio,” the autogun-wielding Neophyte announced to his
boss as he buckled up his trousers, “Have your way with her. I reckon she’ll happily suck anything
you put in front of her.”

(Rolling 1d100 to see what the Neophyte Leader does to her. Higher numbers are going to be worse
for Colette. 8 rolled. An epic fail. He ignores her.)

“What you waiting for, Psilio? She’s all yours.”

“There’s no fun in fucking a slut that’s already broken,” the Neophyte Leader scoffed, taking some
time to instead glance around the driver’s cabin, “No. You want to find yourself one that still has that
spark of resistance - even when the toxins are driving them silly with lust. You want one that lowers
herself onto your cock while begging you not to fuck her.”

The leader’s eyes widened as they fell upon the shimmering spectacle of St. Stephen’s Sword. The
relic weapon was sparkling under the cold light of the motorbike’s headlamps. Alien fingers wrapped
around the weapons handle, picking it up, inspecting it.

“The rest of the boys can have fun with this mindbroken whore. I’m taking this as my reward
though,” Psilio finally spoke before striding out of the Rhino.

(Rolling 1d100 to see what the Neophyte with the Web Pistol does to her. Higher numbers are going
to be worse for Colette. 93 rolled. An epic win. It fucks her right in her pussy.)

The Neophyte with the web pistol was the last one to take its turn. It’s eyes honed in on Colette’s
dripping wet pussy. Slowly and methodically, the Neophyte withdrew a small, sharp knife and began
slicing through the webbing.

“Get yourself into doggy position. Now. Hands on the dashboard,” the alien commanded.
(Rolling a 90+ resistance test for Colette. 63 rolled. Fail.)

The Sister Superior failed to put up a fight, her body still weak and trembling from her most recent
intense climax. No sooner had she placed her hands on the dashboard than she heard the *thwang*
of the web pistol. A second later she felt the sticky, webby substance attach her hands to the Rhino’s
dashboard. Her head hung barely a few inches from the radio.

“Please fuck my pussy,” Colette begged.

The pleasurable itch was growing stronger. She needed to feel genestealer cock deep inside her.
She knew it was the only thing that would ease the pleasure. Her knees buckled in anticipation as
she presented her unprotected pussy to the cultist behind her. Colette didn’t have to wait long. She
felt the Neophyte’s glans begin sliding up and down her wet vulva. She knew she should stop it. She
knew it wasn’t wearing a condom. She knew if she risked it she could be impregnated.

But she also knew there was nothing else in the Imperium of Man that would ease the intense itch of
the aphrotoxin.

“Fuck me with your ribbed cock!” she begged, waving her ass and trying to entice the cultist inside.

Neophyte Hybrid with Autogun - 4/4 HP (Came!)
Neophyte Hybrid with Web Pistol - 4/4 HP (Pounding Colette’s Pussy)
Neophyte Hybrid with Shotgun- 4/4 HP (Sent away!)
Neophyte Leader with Autopistol and Cult Dildo: 4/4 HP (Claimed St. Stephen’s Sword as a trophy
and left.)

Boltgun (Knocked out of hand.)
Orgasm: 610%
Aphrotoxin Levels: 90%

Status Effects:
Restrained by Web Pistol (Strength 1 Bondage) Colette’s arms and torso have been stuck to the
Rhino. She needs to pass a 40+ strength test to break free and act normally.
Mindbroken: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or
think. They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Getting mindbroken a second
time will trigger the Ahegao status and render them completely defeated for the battle.
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.

Character Flaws:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.
Cocksucker - This character loves sucking dick and will find it somewhat difficult to resist an offer.
Enemies fucking her face will also cum more quickly!

(Rolling to see how the Neophyte fucks her. Higher numbers are worse for Colette! 75 rolled! It’s a
strong attack!)

The Xeno wasted no time, thrusting its hips forward and parting Colette’s labia. Her legs quivered
and shook as the creature sent previously unfathomable amounts of pleasure rushing through her

“Ahhh! Yeeessss!” she squealed in ecstasy as the burning itch finally began to subside.

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for being fucked by the ribbed cock. 62 rolled! Colette is up to 672%

The ribbed cock stimulated and scratched her insides perfectly. Colette caught herself almost-
drooling with ecstasy as the stiff ridges massaged her sensitive g-spot. Her toes curled into the
Rhino’s metal floor and her back arched as six long inches plunged inside her.

(Rolling a 90+ resistance test for Colette to regain her senses. 1 rolled. Phenomenal fail. Yeah, she’s

“Ahhhh! Fuuuuucckk! Ruin my pussy with your big Xeno dick!” Colette found herself crying, lost to a
combination of her earlier mindbreak, and the alien’s toxins.

It came as a surprise to the Neophyte when the women he was supposed to be raping began
slamming her waist back against his crotch. Colette screamed in pleasure as she felt the tip of his
glans kiss her cervix.

(Rolling a 50+ test to see if any more cultists arrive to join in. 43 rolled. No more show up!)

“YES! YES! Fucking destroy my holy cunt!” she cried, “Screw the Emperor! Make me a little whore
for your cult!”

(Colette gains an additional 1d50 pleasure damage for royally fucking up her roll. 1d100 rolled by
accident. Dividing by 2 to give 23!. Her Orgasm has increased to 695%!)
(Rolling a 100+ climax test for the Neophyte, decreased to 80+ because Colette fucked up her
resistance roll. 98 rolled. That’s the motherlode of creampies.)

As if Colette’s dirty talk wasn’t enough, the addition of her repeatedly slamming her pussy down
onto the invading cock quickly brought her latest attacker to an orgasm of his own. Shlicking sounds
of the Sister Superior’s wet ass pussy filled the Rhino, second only to her orgasmic squeals.

“AHHH! Your cock is - ooohhhh - soooohhh fucking goooooodd! Yeeesssss!”

“Hnnggg… Fuck! Aaahh! I’m cumming!” the Neophyte grunted, digging its bony fingers into her fat
ass cheeks and plunging its cock in balls deep.

(Rolling a 90+ resistance test to see if Colette realises what’s about to happen at the last second
before she gets creampied. 99 rolled. Phenomenal win! College will get one chance to make an
agility test to try and avoid near-certain impregnation. This will be an extremely difficult test though.)

(Rolling a single 85+ agility test for Colette to shake the cock out of her pussy before it erupts inside
her, increased to 95+ because she is mindbroken. 34 rolled! She fails, but she becomes fully
conscious of just how bad it is that she got creampied.)

“Y-You’re cumming?! S-Shit! N-No!”

Collette’s senses came rushing back to her like a tidal wave. She tried to move her wrists, but they
were stuck in place. She tried to buck free from the Neophyte’s grasp. She tried to shake his cock
out of her pussy.

“Hnnnggg! Sounds like the boss was wrong! UGGHHH!!! I guess there was - AAAGGHHHHH!!! -
some fight left in you after all! AAAAHHHH!!!”

Each moan and gasp of the Neophyte made Colette more afraid. As the alien cock began swelling
inside her pussy she realised she was out of time to stop it.

“NOOOO! Don’t defile me with your cum! AAYAAAHHHHH!!!”

Intense hot semen blasted deep into Colette’s vulnerable pussy. She felt it splash against her cervix,
hitting the final line of defence en route to her hyperfertile eggs. The Sister Superior screamed and
shouted. She tried to fight back, tried to escape - but deep down she knew it was already too late.
The Neophyte’s cock was balls deep inside her soaking wet cunt. Each twitch it made, each extra
blast of cum it delivered seeped straight past her cervix and into her uterus.

(Rolling 1d50 pleasure damage for being creampied, increased to 1d100 pleasure damage for the
Epic, near phenomenal win the Neophyte rolled. 86 rolled! Colette’s Orgasm has increased to 781%!
She cums again!)

(Rolling a 50+ mindbreak test for Colette… 5 rolled! Epic fail! She goes Ahegao and is permanently
defeated for the mission!)

The sensations of the semen flooding into her womb came a few seconds later. Mind-melting levels
of endorphins fired through her body as she began to spasm and convulse with the strongest orgasm
of her life. Colette’s brief moment of sanity was destroyed like a sledgehammer taken to a marble

“AAAYAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! SHOOOOOOO GOOOOOODDD!” she screamed, her tongue lolling

stupidly from her mouth as excess cum erupted from her overflooded cunt.

(Rolling an impregnation for Colette on 50+, decreased to 40+ because of the epic win rolled by the
Neophyte, 35+ because Colette has gone ahegao and climaxed when she was creampied, and 15+
because Colette has the Hyper Fertile Eggs trait. 29 rolled! That’ll do!)

Colette felt a hot surge of alien cum swimming throughout her womb, squirming down her oviducts,
seeking out her eggs. They had been made extra-fertile after her ill-fated encounter with the Warrior
at Bedleyberk Ridge.

“AAAAHHHH!!! I’M CUMMMMIINNNGGG!” the Sister Superior screamed senselessly.

Her fingers dug into the dashboard as she felt the Xeno’s semen fertilise one of her eggs. Colette’s
back arched down as the ribbed cock slowly withdrew from her pussy, making her squirm and
tremble as each ridge popped out of her abused hole.

“Ahh! Ahh… Ohhh! Ah…” her panting was awkward and erratic.

As the last inch of the Neophyte’s dick finally withdrew a small trickle of cum dripped down to the
metal floor of the Rhino.

“Are you finished in there?” the serpentine voice of the Neophyte Leader questioned.
“Ugh… Yeah, that’s me done. Let’s tie her up and go.”

The sticky webbing was cut from her wrists and replaced with cable-ties. Colette could barely stand
on her own as the Genestealer Cult bound her ankles as well.

“Colette? Colette! Are you still there?” Palatina’s voice crackled over the radio as her body was
carried out the back of the Rhino.

Psilio froze at the sudden interruption, his eyes locked onto the small broadcasting device. He turned
his gaze to another Neophyte and motioned for them to continue carrying Colette’s body back to the

“Colette? Sister Superior! Do you hear me?!”

The Neophyte Leader cautiously crept to the radio and picked it up, debating whether or not to simply
switch the device off.

Neophyte Hybrid with Web Pistol - 4/4 HP (Pounding Colette’s Pussy)

Boltgun (Knocked out of hand.)
Orgasm: 781%
Aphrotoxin Levels: 90%

Status Effects:
Restrained by Web Pistol (Strength 1 Bondage) Colette’s arms and torso have been stuck to the
Rhino. She needs to pass a 40+ strength test to break free and act normally.
Ahegao: This character has experienced so much pleasure that they cannot continue fighting. They
are out of action for the rest of the mission.
Hyper Fertile Eggs (Permanent) - This character has had their eggs bio-engineered by Rapeanids.
Rapeanids have a highly increased chance of successfully impregnating this character. Other strains
of Xenos and humans have a moderate increase in their likelihood to impregnate this character.
Impregnated - This character has been impregnated with a Genestealer.

Character Flaws:
Emotionally Distant - This character does not make friends easily. They prefer to keep others at a
professional distance.
Cocksucker - This character loves sucking dick and will find it somewhat difficult to resist an offer.
Enemies fucking her face will also cum more quickly!
Sister Alexi O’Connell

Alexi dashed down the street as quickly as her feet could carry her. Streetlights had already replaced
the sun, signalling that the shops would soon be shutting their doors for the night. As she rounded a
corner, panting and out of breath, she finally saw it - ‘The Grumpy Guardsman Gun Emporium.’

“That’ll *pant* do…” she whispered, catching her breath before flinging open the shop door.

An electronic bell ‘chimed’ as the door opened, prompting lazy sales assistant behind the counter to
mumble, “We’re closin’ in fifteen.”

“Yeah, that’s fine,” Alexi replied, drawing in another deep breath and wiping the sweat from her

It didn’t take her long to gather an assortment of weapons from around the shop, eagerly plopping
the pile of gear down on the table. The sales assistant yawned loudly. He was an obese man in his
late fifties, his feet propped up on the counter as he slumped back in his chair reading a copy of
‘Battle Sister Monthly.’ His eyes peered over the top of his magazine before suddenly widening
when he saw the vast clutter of weapons dumped on the table before him.

“Throne almighty, you tryin’ to start a revolution, girl?”

“Hehe! No, I’m just stocking up for my Sisters.”

“Oh, you’re with the Sororitas? I couldn’t tell with those robes you got on.”

“Yeah! We’re deployed on the front lines, so weapons and gear doesn’t last too long. How much for
all this?”

“Let’s see whatcha got here. Hmm…”

The man reached up and scratched his bushy grey beard as he examined a boltgun with an elegant
crossbow mounted atop it.
“Condemnor boltgun. A fine model. You know how it works?”

“I think so. Haven’t used one since my training days, but the crossbow attachment does extra
damage to psykers, right?”

“Psykers and daemons. Burns ‘em right up. That’s five thousand credits. Next up we got the heavy
bolter, I’m sure you’re familiar with that. Twelve thousand. A flamer, that’s six and a half. A regular
boltgun… let’s say three and a half. Okay, let me just right these up for you.”

The elderly man began punching the transaction into a till with a stubby finger.

“Twenty seven thousand on the nose. I’ll throw in a large carrying case as well so you can wheel
them back home.”

(Rolling a Khorne Corruption test for Alexi. Her corruption is at 21%, so she needs a 22+ to pass or
she will act aggressively. 93 rolled! Epic win! Her corruption lowers by 1d5. 5 rolled! Alexi’s Khorne
corruption has decreased to 16%.)

‘Twenty seven thousand?! He’s ripping you off! You should punch his stupid face and just take the

The voice came from Alexi’s thoughts, and yet… it wasn’t her own. She blinked hard and found
herself staring vacantly at the sales assistant.

“Y’all okay there?”

“Uh, y-yeah! Twenty seven thousand. I’ll get that now. Thanks for the free case!” Alexi beamed.

‘That leaves me with a thousand credits left. I’ll keep them handy, might be able to find a way back
home with them.

“Alright, that’s your new weapons packed away. The case has wheels and you’ll find an extendin’
handle from the top. There ya go,” the burly man replied,

“Thanks! See ya later!”

“Bubye now,” the sales assistant replied, taking one final glance at Alexi before returning his eyes to
his quasi-pornographic magazine.
Alexi walked through the streets of Sanctuary’s Redoubt as the sky darkened to a sooty grey. Her
mind pondered how she was going to get back to the basecamp. Public transportation had all but
collapsed in the wake of the Rapeanid invasion. The once-vast rail networks that ran across the
planet like veins had fallen into disuse. The inter-city bus services had ceased when there were no
longer any major cities left to travel between. If one were to travel down a main road you would likely
only encounter one of three types of vehicle - a GloreCorp transportation truck carrying fresh produce
from the surviving farms, a military convoy ferrying troops back and forth from the frontlines, and
civilian vehicles fleeing the ravages of war as they desperately drove to the merciless walls of
Sanctuary’s Redoubt.

(Rolling a luck test to see what kind of transportation Alexi gets back to the Sisters’ basecamp. She
needs a 60+ to find a safe way back, and a 25+ to find ANY way of getting home. Fails will mean she
needs to find somewhere to stay the night in Sanctuary’s Redoubt. 70 rolled. She catches a safe ride
that’s heading out that way!)

“Hey,” Alexi waved to a cluster of guardsmen standing beside a convoy of Chimeras, “I’m Dominion
Alexi with the Adepta Sororitas. Are you lads heading out to the front line?”

A brown-haired sergeant turned to face Alexi and scratched his stubbled-chin.

“Yeah, where abouts though? The frontline runs across the entire planet right now.”

“If you’ve got a map I can show you.”

Alexi proceeded to point out the rough location of the Sister’s base on a recaff-stained map.

“It’s about a fifty minute detour, Sarge. You alright with that?”

“Hmm… Yeah, that’s fair enough. Hop on in, Dominion. We’ll get you back to base.”

Alexi O’Connell
Black robes.
Pink Bra
Tight Grey Leggings (Gaping hole over ass.)
Pink High-Heel Shoes
Orgasm: 375%
Character Flaws:
Flaw: Xenophilia - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Xenos and has a chance of simply
submitting to them.
Flaw: Rapeanid Fetish - the character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.
Khorne Corruption: 16%

Weapons Case
-Condemnor Boltgun
-Heavy Bolter
-1,000 Credits

Retributor Palatina Katoris

“Colette? Sister Superior! Do you hear me?!”

Sister Serena was standing behind Palatina, her hands tightly clamped over her mouth in shock at
what was happening. She had been awoken by Palatina’s yelling into the radio. When she
clambered out of bed to investigate she found the white-haired Retributor frantically scrawling down
every detail on sheets of paper. She had already filled up two full pages by the time Serena first

There was no sound coming from the other end of the radio now. No answer to Palatina’s questions.
The Retributor reached out for the radio and twisted the volume knob to maximum. A painful static
sound forced Serena to move her hands to her ears. Palatina simply endured the sharp sound,
shutting her eyes and listening attentively.


The sound was brief and quiet. But it was real.

“Someone’s still there. They’re breathing. Sounds like a male,” Palatina muttered as she scrawled
on her sheet of paper before turning the volume back down to a reasonable level.

Then, lowering her head to the microphone, Palatina began to broadcast a new message.

“I don’t know who you are, but I know what you want. I know you aren’t looking for a ransom, so I
know my credits won’t sway you. What I do have though are a very particular set of skills. Skills I
have acquired over many years in the Adepta Sororitas. Skills that make me a nightmare for Xenos
like you. If you let my Sister Superior go now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not hunt you down, I will
not purge you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will not suffer you to live.”

A few seconds of silence hung in the air like a dense mist. Serena was barely breathing, her ears
straining to hear every word. Palatina sat almost-motionless, pen in a trembling hand as she leaned
her ear into the receiver. Eventually, a reply came.

“Good luck.”

Saint Sanguinius’s Hospital - 3am

“He seems to be breathing easier now. Decrease the oxygen to forty percent.”

“Yes, Doctor Peterson.”

“How did Doctor Milligan’s operation on the burn go?”

“Take a look for yourself,” the nurse replied, folding back the bedsheets.

(Rolling a medical test on 50+ to see if Dr Milligan was able to save the leg. 51 rolled. Just barely.)

Dr Peterson’s eyes widened as he saw the white plastic cast surrounding the patient’s leg from the
knee down.

“Dr Milligan barely managed to save it. The medical report doesn’t make for good reading. There’s
a lot of deep tissue damage.”

“So he opted for a rejuvenation cast?”” Dr Peterson reached out and lightly rapped the white plastic
shell with his right knuckle.

A hollow echo reverberated back.

“He’ll be in it for several weeks, possibly months, while the biochemicals regrow the destroyed
tissue. I reckon Mr…” the nurse glanced down at the patient chart, “...Edwards will make a full
recovery, just as long as he avoids heavy lifting and doesn’t put any undue pressure on the cast.
The patient already knows this though. Dr Milligan and I spoke with him earlier on.”

“Excellent, very good. It's a good thing the Arbites were able to identify their officer for us. Makes our
jobs a lot easier.”

“Oh, I forgot to mention, a visitor called to see him while you were out.”

“A relative?”
“No idea. A fairly old man. He asked to speak with Mr Edwards, but we had already put him back to
sleep. In the end he left a briefcase and a card.”

“Eh, sounds like a work colleague. Just leave them beside his bed until he wakes up. Alright, what’s
next, nurse?”

“Doctor Milligan is actually calling in a favour. A fifty year old guardsman was brought in a couple of
hours ago with severe radiation burns.”

“Fuck’s sake. He never lets a favour slide,” Doctor Peterson grumbled, “What’s this got to do with
respiratory anyway?”

“Collapsed lung apparently.”

“Fine,” Peterson sighed, “Prep my hazmat suit. And tell Doctor Milligan I’ll be there in fifteen.”

Captain Ophelia Fortes

The Drunken Drukhari was as silent as the aftermath of a battle now. Inebriated bodies were slumped
across tables like corpses. Opehlia observed the room from her table and counted her soldiers.
There were only a half-dozen left. Too few to form a veterans squad under normal conditions. She
lowered her head and reached for her phone once again. It had been almost a full hour since she had
spoken to her lawyer about an urgent appeal for her husband. As the light continued to fade, so did
Ophelia's hopes that Daniel could be saved.



The tavern's front door shook, beckoned open by some Throneforsaken drunkard.

"Its locked! We're closed!" an exhausted bartender yelled as she polished some glasses.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

It came as a knocking this time. Ophelia glanced up at the bartender who sighed and pulled a
laspistol from beneath the bar.
"Fucking drunkards, I swear to the Emperor. You'd think they know we wouldn't be open past two in
the morning," she cursed, beginning to approach the door.

"Hey, let me get that for you," Ophelia offered, standing up from her seat, "You've been kind enough
to put up with my men."

"Thanks. Want the gun?"

"Nah, I'm good," the Captain answered, standing up and walking towards the front door.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

She glanced at her men as she walked. Even Jack had eventually fallen asleep at a table by herself,
her head lying atop her crossed arms.

"The place is closed!" she raised her voice as she reached the door.

*Thud* *Thud*

'Fuck's sake. Last thing I need right now,' she thought, clenching her right fist as her left hand
unlocked the door and pulled it open.

"What part of 'the bar is closed' was not clea-"

"Hey, dear."


She threw her arms around her husband and held him like she had never held him before.

Sister Alexi O’Connell

“Thanks for the lift guys,” Alexi smiled as she hopped out of the Chimera tank.
“No problem, Dominion. Make sure to seek us out the next time you’re in Sanctuary’s Redoubt. I
don’t think the lads will mind you hitching another lift,” the brown-haired Sergeant replied.

“Aww, that’s so sweet!” she smiled, pulling out the heavy case of weapons afterwards.

“You’ve still got a bit of… Umm...” the Sergeant suddenly snapped his fingers before pointing at

She glanced down to see the black robe Branderwaltz had gifted her had fallen open, exposing her
pink bra beneath. A pair of large creamy blobs rested on her ample cleavage.

“Opps, looks like I missed some!” she giggled before scooping it up with her finger and finishing it
off, “Thanks guys!”

Alexi yawned as the Chimera drove off. It had dropped her about five minutes walk from the
basecamp. She didn’t mind though, the road was mostly intact - if somewhat overgrown. The heat
was overwhelming though, prompting the Sister to ditch the heavy black cloak and drape it over the
case of weapons. Clad in nothing more than her pink bra and assless leggings, Alexi began the short
walk back home.

[Special Rule: Night Raids - Every night there is a slim chance some enemies will stumble upon the
Sisters of Battle base. If this happens they might launch a raid, they might sneak inside, they might
lay siege, or they might simply gather intel and relay the position to more hostiles. The chances of the
current enemy groups attacking the base update based on battles won/lost. More than one enemy
group CAN attack at the same time if they both roll a success.]

(Current Night Raid Chance:

Rapeanids: 10% - 12 rolled. Nothing happens.
????: 5% - 19 rolled. Nothing happens.
???????: 1% - 72 rolled. Nothing happens.
???? ?????: 2% - 4 rolled. Nothing happens.
??? ??????: 0% 0 Nothing can happen no matter the roll.
????? ?????????: 1% - 42 rolled. Nothing happens.
????? ?????: 0% Nothing can happen no matter the roll.

There are no night raids happening tonight.)

It could have proven a dangerous journey for the young Sororitas. Especially if any Orks or
Rapeanids were near the Sister’s basecamp. Thankfully though, she managed to make it back to the
camp with her cache of brand new weapons. Her original intentions to creep inside without waking
her Sisters were quickly torpedoed by a sharp outburst from upstairs.
“Colette? Sister Superior! Do you hear me?!”

The curious Alexi shut the front door and set down the case of weaponry, before quickly rushing up
the stairs. As she followed the sound of muffled voices she eventually located Serena and Palatina in
the Communications Room.

“Good luck,” an alien voice whispered from the radio before disconnecting.


“Guys? What’s going on?” Alexi interrupted.

“They fucking got Colette. They took her!” Palatina snarled.

“Wh-Who took her?!” Alexi looked shocked.

“Pal thinks its a Genestealer Cult,” Serena replied, “We tracked down as much information about
them as we could. We’re going to need to see maps if we want to pinpoint their exact position

“Shit…” Alexi exhaled, her shoulders sinking.

*Beep Beep*

“Huh? What’s that?” Alexi quipped as the computer began blinking.

“New missions coming in,” Serena struggled not to laugh at the absurdity of it.

(Special Rule: Unending War - The Sisters of Battle in Colette’s (lol, not anymore) squad aren’t the
only actors on Glore IV. Missions won’t just wait around to be completed, and if you fail to take action
others may complete them, or enemy forces may secure a victory. There will now be a roll for each
mission you didn’t pick last time to see its current status. Only rolls of 1-10 or 91-100 will change the
status of a mission. Otherwise it will remain on the roster.)

(New Game Rule: Mission Difficulty Levels - Each mission is listed with a required number of
soldiers. Think of this as the difficulty indicator. If you only have two Sisters left, you won’t be able to
undertake a mission that needs three or more soldiers. Any soldiers who don’t get deployed on the
mission will rest and help improve/fortify the Sister’s base.)
(Rolling for ‘A Missing Commissar’… 22 rolled. There has been no change to the availability of this
mission. The roll was pretty bad, so no additional intel has been gained.)

(There is no need to roll for The Holy Martyr Finishing School as the impacts of not taking that
mission are being told in real time.)

“Should we check them?” Serena asked Palatina.

“Fuck, I guess so,” the Retributor replied, stacking her papers to one side, “Our first priority MUST
be getting Sister Superior Colette back though.”

Palatina tapped the keyboard and green text began streaming down the screen.

“How do we even get anywhere?” Serena interrupted, “Colette had our Rhino.”

“There’s plenty of abandoned cars on the roads. Quite a few still have their keys left inside them as
people fled the Rapeanids. We could just commandeer an old civilian one,” Alexi suggested.

“It’s our best option,” Palatina nodded, loathing to agree with the slutty irresponsible Dominion.

-A Missing Commissar.
Last Tuesday we lost contact with Commissar Susan Razolov. We obviously don’t care for the unit
she was with, but she is an important inspirational leader. We need her alive, coherent, and with her
mind intact! Her rescue will help the overall war effort, but don’t expect any personal favours from
Intel Update: Photographs taken from a passing plane have identified a moderate sized Ork slave
camp. There is an estimated 40% chance that Commissar Susan Razolov is being held there.
Estimated Travel Time: 4 Hours in Rhino
Soldiers Required for Mission: 4

-The Holy Martyr Finishing School Siege

As you are probably aware the Holy Martyr Finishing School is the most prestigious academic
establishment for women on Glore IV. The planetary elite send their daughters to our vast, heavily
fortified boarding school from ages eighteen to twenty where they will be trained in the ways of
decorum, planetary administration, and diplomacy. Unfortunately, our school came under siege from
what I, Headmistress Bianchi, believe to be a foul Chaos cult. This mission is, ironically, not time
sensitive. Our vast grounds are surrounded with heavy iron fences, auto-turrets, and a networked
security camera system. The Chaos cult are both few in number and lacking equipment. In my
opinion, they do not have any feasible way to breach my school. While this is not an urgent request
for help, I would appreciate you dropping by at some point to clear these rabble away. They are not a
threat, they are a nuisance.
Estimated Travel Time: 10 Hours in Rhino.
Soldiers Required for Mission: 3

-*Priority Xenos Investigation*

This is a priority communication from Canoness Agatha. I am relaying an urgent request from a
senior agent of the Imperium, Inquisitor Barnabas Umbrix. Unfortunately, due to the sensitive nature
of this mission specific details will not be made available beyond a face to face meeting with the
Estimated Travel Time: 10 Hours in Rhino.
Soldiers Required for Mission: 2

-The Marigold Crusade

The quasi-autonomous Duchy of Oberheist has been a fiercely independent, if somewhat small,
region of Glore IV since the planet's earliest recorded history. Efforts at integrating them into the
wider planetary government stalled during the great Ork incursion, and reversed during the Rapeanid
invasion. The feudal Duchy now finds itself on the frontline against the Rapeanids. Military
coordination between Glore IV's Astra Militarum and the Duchy of Oberheist is almost non-existent.
However, a special invitation has been extended to our Order to join them in the retaking of the large
opulent town of Marigold. It was once the cultural heart of Glore IV, teeming with artists, baroque
architecture, and museums. Tactical data suggests that Marigold will be teeming with Rapeanid
forces. Retaking and fortifying the cultural icon would likely give a massive moral boost for the
exhausted armies of the Imperium.
Estimated Travel Time: 8 Hours in Rhino.
Soldiers Required for Mission: 4, and a vehicle.


“Well… We can’t do the Missing Commissar with just four of us. The Marigold Crusade is out of the
question as well,” Palatina muttered.

“Not entirely,” Alexi answered, “The survivors of Bedleyberk Ridge said we could call them for help.
They could give us the numbers we need.”

“Bedleyberk Ridge?” Serena asked with some confusion.

“Oh crap! I forgot you missed that!” Alexi interjected, “Huge battle between the Rapeanids and the
224th Janazar Grenadiers. We ended up having to retreat while they covered us. Bedleyberk Ridge
ended up getting nukes, but apparently a few of the guardsmen survived. They’ve offered to help us
should we ever need it. I think that we and some Scions were the only reinforcements that actually
showed up.”

“It was a shitshow,” Palatina remarked.

“But they could give us the numbers we need to do these missions?”

“If anything, we need their support to save the Sister Superior,” Palatina countered.

“H-Hey, I’m just saying, we should keep all of our options open. Rushing to try and find Colette is
certainly a very noble thing to do, but maybe we should try and gather more intel first. We don’t want
to attack the wrong position and lose Colette completely, do we?” Serena tried acting as the voice of

“We are not abandoning the Sister Superior for a second longer than necessary,” Palatina
entrenched her position.

“I think… I think we all should get some sleep and come at this with fresh eyes in the morning. How
does that sound? It’s almost four in the morning. Let’s get a few hours shuteye. Okay?” Serena

“Y-Yeah, you’re right. Everyone take three hours and we’ll meet again at seven sharp,” she
yawned, stretching as she stepped out of the chair, “I have to wait for those civil servants to send the
map records across anyway. Hopefully they’re there by the morning.”

Readers can now vote for which mission they would like the Sisters to undertake. Some missions will
require that you bring the Janazar Grenadier Veterans to make up the minimum numbers. For any
other missions you do not have to bring the Janazar Grenadiers, however, Patrons will have the
opportunity to vote on whether they should come along. Patrons will also be able to vote on whether
or not the free Basilisk Artillery strike should be used during a mission.

A.) A Missing Commissar - The Sisters MUST call upon the Janazar Grenadier Veterans if they want
to undertake this mission.
B.) The Holy Martyr Finishing School Siege
C.) Priority Xenos Investigation
D.) The Marigold Crusade - - The Sisters MUST call upon the Janazar Grenadier Veterans if they
want to undertake this mission.
E.) Launch a Search and Rescue Mission to Find and Save Colette.
F.) Take a day to rest and recuperate. (The Sisters will lower their Orgasm levels, as well as be able
to undertake maintenance, and build additional defences around the base. Furthermore, they will be
able to search for more information about Colette’s location.)


If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate a dollar on Patreon. I post regular status updates on the
progress of the next chapter, as well as polls allowing Patreons to have some small influences over
the direction of the story.
This is not a monthly subscription. I will only ever charge whenever I produce a full chapter like this

As always, if you've any feedback, good or bad, please feel free to let me know either on here or at
my email:
11 - Palatina's Nightmare - Part 1/3 (Alexi's Demise)

Retributor Palatina Katoris

Exhaustion took Palatina as she lay back on the uncomfortable bunk bed. A combination of mental
and physical fatigue sent her into a deep sleep within seconds of her silver-white hair colliding with
the old pillow. And yet, sleep offered her no solace from the erotic horrors she had witnessed at
Bedleyberk Ridge, no escape from the shock of losing her Sister Superior, and no respite from her
frustrations with her less competent comrades.


The battle was lost.

Palatina’s heavy bolter swung left and right as she helplessly watched the carnage unfold. The 224th
Janazar Grenadiers were frantically trying to escape the trench network that sprawled across the
battlefield like capillaries. She stood at the rear of the Imperial lines, staring down in horror as
guardsman after guardsman was pounced upon by the ravenously horny tide of Xenos.

The trenches had all but fallen. Those who weren’t fighting in a vicious melee were either fleeing
past the armoured Sororitas or being fucked senseless by all manner of strange, otherworldly
creatures. Palatina’s heartbeat was quickening, her pulse racing. She drew in a deep breath through
her nostrils and lowered her heavy bolter at a Rapeanid Warrior that dared to raise its head above
the parados of the trench and squeezed the trigger with all her might.

*Click Click*

“Dammit!” she swore, cursing herself for not paying attention to the number of bolts left in her drum
as her ammoless weapon chattered at her.

“Back off, Xeno! In the Emperor’s name, I WILL cut you down! Ahh!” a panicked female voice cried

Palatina recognised the authoritative voice over the din of battle; the unmistakable sound of her
Sister Superior. The Retributor turned towards the sound of the scream and began to run.

‘Damn weapon is slowing me down,’ she thought to herself before unslinging the strap from her
shoulder and dropping it to the ground.
The ‘clang’ of her holy weapon striking the planet’s surface pained her. A weapon was far more
than just a tool to one in the Sisterhood. It was an extension of the Emperor’s wrath - an essential
element in dispensing justice in His name.

‘Emperor forgive me…’ she silently prayed as she ran.

Mistreating one’s armour and weaponry was a serious sin. One which she would have to atone for
later when she submitted her weekly confessions. Not that Sister Superior Colette ever acted on

Palatina had confessed to many sins since Colette had taken over as their Sister Superior. Sins
which shamed her to her core. Skipping her second afternoon prayer. Harboring lustful thoughts after
a battle. Failing to hold Dominion Alexi accountable for her lackadaisical attitude to her chores.
Despite this, Colette seemed to have little to no interest in doling out punishments of any kind. There
were no threats of being sent to serve in the Repentia. There were no whips, no verbal berations, no
stripping of honour or titles.

‘It seems that Colette has little actual interest in the fate of her Sisters’ eternal souls,’ Palatina
thought to herself as she dashed past a trio of Termagants peppering a poor ginger guardswoman
with cuntborers.

‘What in Holy Terra am I thinking?! That’s an heretical thought!’ the white-haired Retributor
chastised herself, ‘Of course, the Sister Superior is concerned for our souls. She is simply less
stringent with her punishments than I would be if I were in charge.’

Her heavy ceramite boots cast deep imprints in the mucky earth as she barreled across the
battlefield. The ruby red and glittering gold of her shoe was quickly dulling under a thick layer of
brown muck. She clenched her hands into fists. In a well-equipped Order all Sisters would have a bolt
pistol to fall back on. Supplies were severely restricted on Glore IV though, so her adamantium-clad
fists were her next best weapon.

“Sister Superior? Sister Superior Colette?!” the Retributor panted, catching her breath and straining
her ears in a desperate search for her commander’s voice.

She glanced into the trench on her right. Two nearly-naked guardswomen lay quivering against the
wooden wall of the dugout. Swollen maggot-like creatures had attached themselves to their breasts.
Palatina watched with disgust as the creatures’ bodies extended and retracted like an accordian,
drawing more and more milk from their host. Beneath these bugs Cuntborers had begun slithering
into the women’s pussies. Even from a few meters away Palatina could see the shimmering wetness
trickling down their thighs - these guardswomen were in a state of unbridled ecstasy.
‘Pathetic,’ she thought to herself, ‘No noble soldier of the Imperium should ever be brought low by a
Xeno so unevolved as a mere bug. A titanic Rapeanid Warrior or a mighty Ork Nob? They are a
challenge and losing to one, while humiliating, is at least understandable.’

“Aaaahhhh!” one of the two women yelled in pleasure from below.

Her cries were accompanied by an erratic spasm of ecstasy, followed by a blast of thick white goop
erupting from her stuffed cunt.

‘Looks like the Cuntborer delivered its payload directly into her womb. She’s almost certainly
pregnant now, nothing more I can do for either of them.’ Palatina noted, her severe expression
taking a mou of regret before solidifying with renewed resolution, ‘I should focus my efforts on finding
the Sister Superior.’

Palatina whispered a short prayer for the fallen soldiers’ souls before resuming her dash for Colette.
The ground at Bedleyberk Ridge had been blasted and butchered by a barbaric barrage of Basilisk
bombardment. Despite this it had made little impact on the Tyranid’s advance.

‘There was no way our artillery was ever stopping this horde,’ Palatina thought to herself.

Chaos cultists would take cover in defensive positions, pinned down by the big guns; T’au Fire
Warriors rapidly withdrew out of Basilisk range in their nimble Devilfish transports; Orks scattered in
panic; but not the damn Rapeanids. They were unstoppable. Unless a lucky shell happened to knock
out one of the synapse beasts which exerted control over the swarm, the single-minded aliens were
fearless. The chitinous aliens clambered over the bodies of their fallen with a mindless hunger to fuck
and impregnate their prey.

Palatina’s attention was abruptly brought back to the battle at hand at the sight of a half-dressed
blonde soldier fighting off a swarm of Termagants. Some enemy had managed to strip off the upper-
half of her power armour, leaving Alexi looking more like a smutty pinup than a regal Sister of Battle.

“Woo! Take that!” the excitable blonde Sister hollered.

“Alexi!” Palatina called out over the din of battle, “Where’s the Sister Superior?!”

“Oh, hey Palatina!” Alexi tilted her head to grin at the Retributor, “Dunno! We got separated a while
ago. I’ve been holding back this horny bunch of bastards with my little flamer here!”
Squad Status
-Power Armour (4/4)
0% Orgasm

-Power Armour (2/4) (Breasts Exposed)
Hand flamer
0% Orgasm

Character Flaws:
Xenophilia - When this character is fighting Xenos they have to roll to resist giving into their more
primal urges.
Rapeanid Fetish - This character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.
Sister Alexi O’Connell was standing at the edge of a trench, spewing waves of searing prometheum
onto the unfortunate Xenos trapped within. Smoke and alien shrieks rose into the air as her hand
flamer dispensed a fiery retribution to the enemies of mankind.

(Rolling a 50+ agility test for Alexi…

8 rolled.
Epic fail!)

“We need to regroup and plan a counter-attack! We’re going to- ALEXI!”

The momentary distraction from Palatina had been enough for the swarm of Termagants to circle
around the fiery death-pit Alexi had created in the trench. The Retributor wanted to move, wanted to
fight, but her feet were suddenly and abruptly rooted to the spot. She could do little but watch in
horror as the nightmare unfolded before her.

(Palatina has gained the ‘Nightmare’ status effect. She cannot attack, move, or intervene in any

Alexi tried to raise her hand flamer to counter the flanking creatures, but she was too slow. The small
bipedal Xenos unleashed a barrage of assorted bugs from their bioweapons.

(Rolling two Slicer Beetle shots on 50+ shots from Gaunts against Alexi…
72, 51
That’s two successes!)

The first two entities to erupt from the Gaunts’ biological guns were oval black and purple beetle-like
creatures. Each one was almost eight inches in length with sharp pincers shaped like gardening
shears comprising half their body. They fluttered on wings as they landed on Alexi’s power-armoured
legs. She reached down to swat them away, but they were too quick. Their razor-sharp pincers had
begun clipping and snipping at key joints in the armour.

‘Slicer Beetles…’ Palatina thought, ‘Unlike most bugs the Rapeanids shoot, these ones don’t try to
grope or fuck their victims. The local guard regiments have been putting up posters warning about
these things. Even a woman wearing tactical dreadnought armour could be stripped naked in mere
minutes. Alexi’s already half-naked, there’s no way she’ll be able to get them off in time.’

(Rolling two 35+ armour saves for Alexi, increased to 65+ as the Slicer Beetles are designed to break
open armour…
38 and 14 rolled.
Alexi’s armour has been reduced to 0/4 and broken!)

Palatina’s prediction for Alexi’s predicament proved prophetic . Within seconds of the barrage, her
shiny red power armour had collapsed to the battlefield panel by panel. The regal gold trim sullied,
much as its wearer often was, as it landed on the muddy ground. With their mission accomplished the
two beetles fluttered off into the sky, beckoned back by the wishes of the Hivemind. The frozen
Retributor looked at her blonde Sister, stark naked except for a pair of hot-pink panties.

‘Why can’t Sister O’Connell just wear regulation underwear like everyone else?!’ Palatina shook
her head in dismay, her inability to move preventing the Sororitas from raising a disappointed palm to
her face.

She tried moving again. Nothing seemed to work. She tried reaching out for a stone on the ground to
throw, but she couldn’t. Some unknown force was stopping her from intervening and preventing her
from escaping. She was being made to watch.

(Rolling two Milkerbug shots on 50+ from Gaunts against Alexi…

84 and 25 rolled.
That’s one success and a fail!)

Alexi didn’t get an opportunity to fire her flamer again before another wave of bugs were unleashed
upon her. The creatures were different this time - each Rapeanid lifeform uniquely evolved to carry
out a highly specific lewd task.

“Milkerbugs! Alexi! Use your flamer!”

Palatina’s call to action was too late. A pair of obese rotund creatures were hurtling towards the
Sister. Their translucent bodies enabled Palatina to see that they were not much more than a large
suction-cupped mouth, with the remainder of their bodies acting as a stomach. A particularly
dangerous aspect of the Milkerbug were the chemicals located on the surface of its mouth which
were capable of inducing lactation within seconds of contact.

Sister Alexi deftly dodged the first bug by sidestepping to the right.

“Ha! Missed me, missed me! Now you gotta- Oooh!”

A second Milkerbug had hit a bullseye while Alexi engaged in her immature taunting. The pallid round
creature had locked its mouth around her right breast and was now freely dangling from it as Alexi
wiggled about.

(A Milkerbug has attached itself to Alexi’s right breast - Bondage Strength: 2.)

Palatina could see Alexi’s nipple stiffening through the alien’s translucent skin. It’s mouth was
attached to her breast with an array of suction cups.

“Burn it off, Alexi! It’s gonna milk you!” Palatina urgerd.

“Are you tryin’ to get me to - ah - give myself third degree burns?! It’s - ohhh - WAAY too close to
use my flamer!” Alexi replied.

(Rolling 1d15 pleasure damage from being milked…

12 rolled.
Alexi’s Orgasm has increased to 12%.)

*Suck* *Suck*

Even from twenty meters away Palatina could hear the strong sucking sounds of the Milkerbug. It’s
body expanded and contracted as it desperately drank Alexi’s breast dry.

“Ah… Mmm!” Alexi gasped, biting her lower lip and closing her eyes.

At first Palatina thought her Sister was giving into the pleasure, but the blonde woman seemed to
shake out of such a notion, dropping her hand flamer and grabbing the Milkerbug with both hands.

(Alexi’s hand flamer has been removed from her inventory.)

(Rolling a 40+ strength test for Alexi to pull the Milkerbug off…
47 rolled!
Pass! Alexi has weakened the Milkerbug’s grip and it’s bondage strength has reduced to 1!)

“Ugh! Get- ah - off - ugh - me!” Alexi grunted, tugging furiously at the oversized creature sucking at
her breast.

“It’s coming off! You’re doing it!” Palatina cheered her comrade on before pausing to wonder, ‘Why
are none of the Rapeanids coming for me?’

It was a question which Palatina couldn’t answer. All she could do was watch as Termagant after
Ternagant ignored her, choosing to focus their efforts on the struggling Alexi.

(Rolling a Milkerbug shot on 50+...

93 rolled!
Epic win! A special variant of the Milkerbug has been unleashed!)

Another biogun was aimed at Alexi.


A huge Milkerbug twice the size of its predecessor emerged from the alien gun, securing a perfect
landing on Alexi’s left breast. The blonde woman was sent staggering back a couple of steps in
surprise. Within seconds the newest Tyranid weapon began displaying power.

(A Large Milkerbug has attached itself to Alexi’s left breast - Bondage Strength: 4.)


While the regular Milkerbug had locked on to her right nipple, the larger version had engulfed her
entire left breast in its mouth and was sucking like a vacuum.

(Rolling 1d40 pleasure damage…

35 rolled.
Alexi’s Orgasm has increased to 47%.)

“AHhh! OOHHH!”

It didn’t take long for the creatures to achieve their intended effect. Jets of white creamy milk began
shooting into the Milkerbugs’ bodies. Palatina watched as their translucent bodies slowly filled with
the white fluid.

(Rolling a 30+ stamina test for Alexi…

27 rolled.
Alexi has gained the Tired status effect!)

“Ah… hahh…. It’s… *pant* too much!” the slutty Sister gasped.

The two Milkerbugs were growing larger by the second as they continued to gorge themselves on the
blonde Sister’s bosom. Palatina watched as Alexi bit down on her bottom lip and closed her eyes. In
a moment of weakness she collapsed down to her knees, gasping as she reached up for the two
aliens attached to her tits.

“Mmm… Fuuuck… Just like that… Suck my-”

“ALEXI! What in the Emperor’s name are you doing?!”

(Rolling a ‘Xenophilia’ Character Flaw for Alexi. She needs a 20+ to resist giving in; but this is
increased to 50+ because she ALSO has the ‘Rapeanid Fetish’ Character Flaw!
51 rolled!
She holds off… barely. It will be harder for Alexi to resist her fetish next time she has to roll for it.)

“I- uh- I’m fighting back! Don’t worry, Palatina! I- oohh - got this under controooohhlll!”

“Uh huh; if this is what “under control” looks like to you, then you must think this planet is the
epitome of stability. Get your shit together, Dominion!” At least Palatina could still lambast the ditzy
slut, even if that was all she could do…

Squad Status
-Power Armour (4/4)
0% Orgasm

Status Effects:
Nightmare - This character cannot attack, move, or intervene in any way.

-Power Armour (0/4) (Power Armour destroyed)
-Hot Pink Panties

Status Effects:
Milkerbug on Right Breast: (Bondage Strength - 1)
Large Milkerbug on Left Breast: (Bondage Strength - 4)
Tired - Being milked has tired Alexi out. She has a 5% penalty to all physical rolls.
47% Orgasm

Character Flaws:
Xenophilia - When this character is fighting Xenos they have to roll to resist giving into their more
primal urges.
Rapeanid Fetish - This character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

‘C’mon Alexi,’ Palatina begged in her mind for the Dominion to fight back.

As if responding to her thoughts the blonde Sister reached up with both hands and tightly gripped the
Milkerbug on her right breast. The Termagants which had launched the initial volley of bugs had
begun circling around the kneeling woman wrestling against the Milkerbugs.

(Rolling a 40+ strength test for Alexi to pull one of the Milkerbug’s off - increased to 45+ because of
her ‘Tired’ status effect.
62 rolled!
Success! Alexi has reduced the bondage strength of the Milkerbug on her right breast to 0!)

*Suck* *Suck*

“Hnnnng… ugh! Ahh!” Alexi gasped and moaned as she pulled against the smaller of the two Xeno
bugs attached to her body.

*Suck* *POP*

With a firm tug the Milkerbug abruptly came off her breast with a loud pop as the vacuum seal around
her nipple was broken. Alexi chucked the milk-bloated Xeno into a trench to her right, prompting a
couple of hungry Termagants to leap in after it, eager to taste the captured substance. A trickle of
white fluid had begun leaking from her exposed D-Cup breast.
(The ‘Milkerbug on Right Breast’ status effect has been removed from Alexi!)

(Rolling an agility test for Alexi to grab her handflamer and burn some of the Gaunts. She needs a
15+, increased to 40+ because the large Milkerbug is on her, and 45+ because she has the ‘Tired’
status effect.
2 rolled.
Phenomenal fail! The Milkerbug gets an extra strong pleasure attack this round!)

The Termagants surrounding Alexi began raising their various biological guns for another volley. In a
moment of desperation the blonde Sister saw her hand flamer lying at the edge of the trench in front
of her. She threw her body forward, crawling on all fours towards it as the large Milkerbug dangled
from her breast.


“Ah!” she gasped in pleasure as she frantically floundered towards her discarded weapon.

While she reached out for it Palatina saw the large Milkerbug begin to quicken its peristaltic
movements. The sudden change of pace took Alexi by surprise.


“Ah! O-Oh! Fuuck!” Alexi squealed.

(Rolling 1d40 pleasure damage, increased to 1d80 pleasure damage for the phenomenal fail…
72 rolled.
Alexi’s Orgasm has increased to 119%! She climaxes!)

[RULE CHANGE: Ahegao and Mindbreak.

Previously, when a character failed a mindbreak test, she would first gain the Mindbroken
status effect, and then if she failed a second time she would gain the Ahegao status effect.
Given that mindbreak is a bit more hardcore than ahegao I am swapping these around.
Characters will first gain the Ahegao status effect, THEN the Mindbroken status effect if they
fail a second mindbreak test.]

(Rolling a 10+ mindbreak test for Alexi…

21 rolled.
She holds on!)
With her hand half an inch from her weapon, Alexi found her body suddenly trembling and shaking.
The all-too-familiar sensation of an orgasm had begun in her breasts and was spreading through her

“Ohh f-fuuuuck! Ahh… Hnngg…” Alexi closed her eyes and dug her fingers into the ground.


She could feel the pleasurable sensation of her milk rushing out of her breast, quickly draining her
energy and leaving her ever more vulnerable with each passing second.


“Ah… Ah…” she panted with deep, ragged breaths.


“N-No! Ohh! Sh-Shit!” she cried, opening her eyes as the sound of metal hitting wood reached her

In the uncontrolled ecstasy of her orgasm she had accidentally knocked her weapon - her ONLY
weapon - into the trench. It lay there, beyond reach, and completely useless to her.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Palatina snapped, desperately trying to move forward and intervene,
“What the hell are you playing at Alexi?!”

The Retributor’s adamantium boots were still glued to the ground by some mysterious force she
couldn’t understand. Palatina’s eyes glanced across the battlefield. It was unmitigated carnage. The
224th Janazar Grenadiers were routing en masse now.

“Cowards!” she roared with unbridled fury, “You bring shame to our glorious Imperium!”

(Rolling a 40+ stamina test for Alexi…

21 rolled.
Alexi’s ‘Tired’ status effect has been upgraded to ‘Drained’! She is now on a 10% penalty to all
physical rolls!)
As her eyes returned to Alexi she saw the Dominion was now facedown in a small patch of grass that
had miraculously survived the artillery blasts, with her ass prominently stuck in the air. The unusually
sizable Milkerbug on her left breast had inflated to almost twice its original size now, engorged on the
creamy fluid from Alexi’s breast.

“Hah… *Pant* Ohh… I…” the Dominion gasped in between her orgasmic convulsions.

The Termagants surrounding her body had no interest in waiting for the waves of her first climax to
end before they initiated their second attack. Waiting was a tactic which was very rarely encoded into
Tyranid DNA.

(Rolling a ‘Xenophilia’ Character Flaw for Alexi. She needs a 20+ to resist giving in; but this is
increased to 50+ because she ALSO has the ‘Rapeanid Fetish’ Character Flaw! It is further
increased to 60+ because she rolled so badly last round.
63 rolled!
She barely holds it off again! It will be MUCH harder for Alexi to resist her fetish next time she has to
roll for it.)

‘If I just stopped fighting, all those Termants would violate me so hard right now… Mmm… I can
already imagine feeling a Cuntborer squirming deep into my pussy and making me cum again and

Palatina wasn’t quite sure why she could suddenly hear Alexi’s thoughts. Nothing seemed to be
making sense, and an overwhelming sensation of deja vu was multiplying in her mind like a virus.

“Alexi! Don’t you DARE give in!” she snapped.

“Aww… But it feels sooooohhh goooohhhd,” the Dominion protested, turning her head to pout at
Palatina, “Ugh! Fine! Ah- I can fight a little bit longe-”

(Rolling two Cuntborer attacks from the remaining Termagants on 50+...

21 and 100 rolled!)
A miss and a Phenomenal win!
The Cuntborer gets upgraded to a Wombraider and begins a Finishing Move!)

Crawling on all fours with her backside in the air had left Alexi a perfect target for the aliens flanking
her. The bipedal creatures chittered and screeched before aiming their organic weapons at Alexi’s

A squelching sound erupted from the first gun as a cuntborer flew through the air, missing its target,
and soared harmlessly into the trench. The second Termagant was more precise with its shot.


Palatina’s eyes widened in shock at the sight of the new projectile. This Cuntborer wasn’t some
oversized maggot like it’s predecessor. The Retributor frantically wracked her brain in a desperate
bid to remember the various classes of Tyranid bioweapons.

‘Cuntborer, Cockmilker, Analborer… Throne! What else is there?’

She scanned it with her eyes as it rocketed through the air. It was the length of two human fists, with
its body appearing in three distinct sections. The very front of the body had four extremely thin fleshy
tentacles that curled and writhed.

‘Milkerbug, Stripperbug, Vibrobug…’ Palatina continued to rhyme off the dangerous Xeno fauna.

The center of the creature’s body accounted for about two thirds of its total length. It was a fleshy
pink mass that pulsated and writhed. Small dark holes spotted their way down the length of its body
until the final segment of the creature - a balloon-like bulge. As her eyes reached the end of the
creature’s body the answer came to her.

“WOMBRAIDER!” Palatina roared, “Alexi! MOVE!!”

Palatina was correct; but unfortunately far too late to be of any help to her fellow Sister. The creature
had already landed on Alexi’s ass and was using its fleshy tentacles to pull her pink panties to the

“Uh oh!” Alexi gasped.

The blonde Sister reached back with her right hand, slapping her palm over her exposed asshole.

“Ha! It’s okay, Pal - I got it!”



(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has begun a Finishing Move against Alexi!
Stage 1: Stretch Open Target’s Pussy: 0% Complete.)

Squad Status
-Power Armour (4/4)
0% Orgasm

Status Effects:
Nightmare - This character cannot attack, move, or intervene in any way.


-Power Armour (0/4) (Power Armour destroyed)
-Hot Pink Panties

Status Effects:
Large Milkerbug on Left Breast: (Bondage Strength - 4)
Drained - Being milked has drained Alexi of her energy. She has a 10% penalty to all physical rolls.
119% Orgasm

Character Flaws:
Xenophilia - When this character is fighting Xenos they have to roll to resist giving into their more
primal urges.
Rapeanid Fetish - This character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

Finishing Move Progress Against Alexi

1. Stretch Open Target’s Pussy: 0% Complete.
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???
5. ??? (Permanent Negative Trait gained if Stage Completed.)
6. ??? (Alexi Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

With her panties parted and her hand uselessly shielding her asshole, Alexi felt the tendrils reach out
for her pussy. Four small tentacles slithered to the sides of her pussy and began prying her vulva
open, making way for the devastatingly effective bioweapon.

“Uh oh,” Alexi gasped as her vulva was parted.

The Dominion slipped her hand back to try and push the invading alien away. Her fingers brushed
over the slippery, warm exterior of the creature.

(Rolling a strength test for Alexi to resist the Wombraider on 50+, increased to 60+ because of her
‘Drained’ Status Effect.
9 rolled.
Epic fail! The Womraider rolls 2d100 for its Finishing Move progress instead of 1d100.)

“I got it! I got- *pant* it! I… *pant*...”

Palatina watched as Alexi’s strength faded before her eyes. The large bug aggressively milking her
left breast was beginning to take its toll on the blonde Sister. This gave the Wombraider the leverage
it needed.

(Rolling Womraider Finishing Move progress…

97 and 42 rolled!
139% Progress added to Finishing Move!)

“Oohh!” Alexi squealed in surprise.

(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has completed Stage 1: Stretch Open Target’s Pussy!)

The four tiny tendrils had quickly spread her labia, leaving her pussy vulnerable to the Xeno’s next

“Alexi, it’s going to begin burrowing inside! You have to get it off!”

“I’m *pant* trying!” Alexi retorted, struggling to catch her breath.

A split second later Palatina saw the big bug begin forcing its body inside Alexi’s stretched pussy.
Barely a few seconds had passed and it was already a third of the way inside. Any window of
opportunity Alexi had of pulling the bug off was quickly closing.

(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has begun Stage 2: Burrow to Target’s Cervix… 39%

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for the Wombraider’s attack.

59 rolled.
Alexi’s Orgasm has increased to 178%!)

Palatina watched Alexi’s eyes suddenly roll back in her head as the plump body of the Wombraider
began forcing its way into her dripping wet cunt.

“Oooohhh!” Alexi moaned, nibbling on her lower lip.

(Rolling 1d40 pleasure damage for the Milkerbug

21 rolled.
Alexi’s Orgasm has increased to 199%!!)

As her pussy was roughly violated, the Milkerbug continued to drink deeply from her breast,
engorging itself on her milk.

*Suck* *Suck*



“Oh! Oh shit! Ah! I’m gonna- I’m gonna-”

“Don’t you DARE let that foul Xeno make you cum, Dominion!”

Each of the Retributor’s stern words were punctuated with a fiery staccato. It was too late though.
Alexi had already been brought to the cusp of another climax. The slightest brush of a feather against
her nipple would have been enough to push her over the edge - and she was receiving far more
attention than that.

(Rolling a 40+ stamina test for Alexi…

36 rolled.
Alexi’s ‘Drained’ status effect has been upgraded to ‘Enervated’! She is now on a 15% penalty to
all physical rolls!)

*Suck Suck*

“Ah… It’s t-too much!” the blonde Dominion panted.

Even with her body on all fours, Alexi was struggling to maintain her balance. The bloated Milkerbug
was continuing its aggressive milking of her breast. Palatina recalled seeing these creatures on
battlefields before. They were primarily designed to subdue women and leave them too weak to put
up any resistance when the bigger creatures of the Rapeanids came to finish the job.

‘It’s easier to fuck and impregnate someone when they aren’t part of a coordinated squad firing
bolter rounds at your head,’ Palatina thought to herself.

The life cycle of the Milkerbug didn’t end there though. Larger Rapeanid creatures would later detach
these full bioweapons from their exhausted helpless victims and consume the acquired milk to either
heal their wounded bodies or empower their alien forms with new mutations.

(Rolling a strength test for Alexi to resist the Wombraider on 50+, increased to 65+ because of her
‘Enervated’ Status Effect.
1 rolled.
Phenomenal fail! The Wombraider rolls 4d100 for its Finishing Move progress instead of 1d100.
71, 88, 24, and 95 rolled!
278% progress has been added to the Wombraider’s Finishing Move!)

“Sh-Shit! I can’t resist it! I can’t- I- Ahhhhh!”

(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has completed Stage 2: Burrow to Target’s Cervix!
217% of Finishing Move Progress carries over to next stage…)

Palatina watched the remainder of the Wombraider’s body burrow deep inside the Dominion’s pussy
as Alexi’s resolve finally failed. The blonde girl kicked her feet and squealed in pleasure as the
oversized bug stretched her slutty pussy to its limit before disappearing inside. Alexi’s vulva closed
without the Wombraider’s tendrils to hold it open, and her pink panties mostly slipped back into

“Ooohhhhh! It’s shooooooo biggg!”

“Pull yourself together, Sister! You’ve got a very limited window of opportunity to get the bug out of-”

“It feels sooooooo goooooodd! Ayaaahhhhhhh!!”

(Rolling 1d75 pleasure damage for the Wombraider’s attack.

52 rolled.
Alexi’s Orgasm has increased to 251%! She cums!)
(Rolling a 15+ mindbreak test for Alexi…
52 rolled.
She holds on!)

As Alexi’s body began shaking and trembling faster and faster, Palatina knew that the squad’s
unreliable soldier had cum again.

“Ohhhh Emperor! I can feel it *gasp* in every inch of my pussy! Oooohh! Yes! Yes! I’m

Palatina shook her head in frustration, willing her body to move, to fight, to react - to do ANYTHING
other than stand and fecklessly watch the shitshow unfolding before her eyes. With her body frozen
in the nightmare, Palatina was helpless to do anything other than reminisce about the progress of
Tyranid finishing moves she had learned when she was a student in her Order’s schola.

‘The Wombraider subspecies of the Tyranid Xenotype has six distinct stages in its attack,’ it had
been a decade, but the eloquent, crisp voice of her teacher still played in her mind as clear as the
day she first heard it.


‘Initially, the Wombraider will begin by using its tendrils to spread the labia. Following this, the
Wombraider will then make an attempt to embed itself within the victim’s vagina.’

“That’s where Sister Alexi’s at now…” Palatina whispered to herself.

“Ah! Fuck! It’s so big!”

The Dominion collapsed forward, her body exhausted by the aggressive milking she was currently

‘After securing its position within its target’s vagina, the Wombraider will proceed to apply an
aphrodisiacal lubrication to the endocervix and stretch it open. Field reports from survivors of this
attack have described the process as unbearably… pleasurable.’

“Ooooohhh! It’s doing something inside meeeehhh! Ahhhhh!!”

(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has begun Stage 3: Stretch Target’s Endocervix!
The blonde Sister’s eyes rolled back in her head as the Wombraider’s slippery tendrils slithered into
her endocervix. The creature was rapidly progressing its attack far faster than Palatina had ever
witnessed on a battlefield before. Within seconds Alexi’s pleasurable screams were ringing out
louder than the distant lasgun shots.

(Rolling 1d100 pleasure damage for the Wombraider’s attack.

62 rolled.
Alexi’s Orgasm has increased to 313%! She cums again!)

(Rolling a 20+ mindbreak test for Alexi…

38 rolled.
She holds on!)

“AHHH!!! OHHHHH! It’s - ahh - stretching - ohhhh - inside meeee! Oh shit, shit! I’m gonna cum!
AAHHH! Yessssss!!”

Alexi’s body was shaking and spasming against the ground. Luckily for the Tyranids, she hadn’t
actually crushed the bloated Milkerbug under the weight of her trembling body. Palatina’s attention
turned to the surrounding Termagants. They had spent the past few minutes chittering in some alien
form of communication as they leered at their quivering victim.

‘Why aren't they attacking me too?” the Retributor wondered.

“OHHH! AAHHH! It’s trying to- AH! Palatina! It’s going- Ah! Ohhh!!” Alexi’s words failed to form, but
Palatina knew exactly what she was trying to tell her.

(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has completed Stage 3: Stretch Target’s Endocervix!
117% of Finishing Move Progress carries over to the next stage…)

‘After the Wombraider has finished opening the endocervix, it will prepare to engage its primary
biological function and namesake by…’

“...entering the target’s womb.”

Palatina found herself mumbling the final words of the lecture aloud.

(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has begun Stage 4: Squeeze Through Endocervical
Canal Into Target’s Womb!)

The majority of Battle Sisters had lost their virginity. It was a hazard of the profession. A not
insignificant number had been impregnated, and a large percentage of those had given birth to alien
monstrosities before anti-fertilisation or termination medication could be given. In the short time that
Palatina had endured Alexi she had seen the Dominion get milked at least two dozen times, get
fucked in her pussy on fifteen different occassions, take anal on nine, and experience three
impregnations. Palatina had always excelled at statistics, and as far back as she could remember -
she had been good with numbers.

Even during the desperate throes of battle she usually knew how many rounds were left in her heavy
bolter, give or take a couple. Despite these skills, Palatina had lost track of the number of times
Alexi’s mouth had been kissed, fucked, violated, and creampied by all manner of alien creatures.

The stern Retributor was confident that her comrade possessed no hole in which she was still a
virgin. However, having her very cervix penetrated by the Wombraider could prove to be a rare ‘first
time’ for Alexi.

“Ah! Ahhh! Palatina! It’s - ohhh - It’s penetrating my cervix! Oh fuuuucck! It feels so good!”

“Keep fighting, Sister! Don’t give up until-”

(Rolling a ‘Xenophilia’ Character Flaw for Alexi. She needs a 20+ to resist giving in; but this is
increased to 50+ because she ALSO has the ‘Rapeanid Fetish’ Character Flaw! It is further
increased to 75+ because she rolled so badly last round.
16 rolled!
Fail! Alexi gives into her Xenophilia and Rapeanid fetishes!)

“Yaaaaasss! Fuck my cervix! Take my cervical virginity! AAAHHHHHHH!!! FUCK ME HARDER!

Ayaaah!! I’m nothing but a good little - ohhh - Rapeanid whore!”

“SISTER! THAT ISN’T EVEN A REAL THING! Pull yourself together!”

“It’s soooooo big! Hnnngggg!! I can feel- aahh - it stretching me oohhhhhhpen! Ayaaaahhhhh!”

Wetness was dripping from Alexi’s pussy as the Wombraider burrowed deeper and deeper inside
her body, coating the innermost parts of her privates in its aphrodisiacal lube.


(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has completed Stage 4: Squeeze Through Endocervical
Canal Into Target’s Womb!
17% Finishing Move Progress carries over to the next stage!)

(Rolling 1d100 pleasure damage for the Wombraider’s attack, increased to 1d200 pleasure damage
because Alexi gave into her Rapeanid fetish.
112 rolled.
Alexi’s Orgasm has increased to 425%! She cums again!)

Palatina could have sworn she heard a distinct ‘pop’, followed by a slight bulge in Alexi’s lower
belly. Her heart sank.

‘She’s been raided…’ Palatina shook her head in dismay, ‘It’s nigh-on impossible to get one of
these out of a girl once they’re embedded that deeply.’

“OOHHH!!!!” It’s inside me! AAHHH! It feels so- so - ahhhh! I’m cumming again!! I’m your dirty little
Rapeanid slut! Mess up my womb with your semen!”

Alexi’s lecherous yells made Palatina clench her teeth and avert her gaze. It was an embarrassment
to the Order and the Emperor himself.

(Rolling a 25+ mindbreak test for Alexi…

27 rolled.
She holds on!)

“More! Give me more! Ahhhhh!” Alexi screamed at the top of her lungs, completely devoted to the
Rapeanids attacking her, but still lucid for the time being.

‘Should one of you ladies be… unlucky enough to reach the fifth stage of the Wombraider’s finishing
move, you will find yourselves with the Tyranid beast burrowed deep within your womb. Removal of
the invader at this stage without specialised Hospitalier intervention is almost impossible. Failure to
remove the creature will result in it secreting fertility hormones deep within your body. These
hormones will actively remodel your reproductive system, causing your body to release multiple eggs
at the same time, and thus carry multiple pregnancies at the same time. This is an irreparable change
without expensive medical treatment at a hospital, and will leave you extremely vulnerable to alien
semen in the future. Do not let things get this far.’

“Do not let things get this far…”

Palatina found herself having to suppress a laugh of exasperation. The scene unfolding before her
was a joke.

(Rolling 1d40 pleasure damage for the Milkerbug

40 rolled.
Alexi’s Orgasm has increased to 465%!)

(Rolling a 40+ stamina test for Alexi…

56 rolled.
Pass! She avoids being drained of any more energy.)

*Shlurp* *Suck*

The obese Milkerbug had almost expanded to its limit. It’s body was bloated and full with the milk
and energy from its victim.

“Ahhh… Hahh… Ah….” Alexi gasped and panted, struggling to catch her breath as she was weakened
more with each passing second.

(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has begun Stage 5: Release Fertility Hormones to
Trigger Mass Ovulation - Permanent Negative Trait gained if Stage Completed.
17% Complete!)

The blonde girl’s eyes suddenly widened as she looked up at Palatina.

“Oh… Ohh! Oh it’s getting… It’s getting all warm inside me! Ahhh! Hmmmmm! Yeessss!”

Squad Status
-Power Armour (4/4)
0% Orgasm

Status Effects:
Nightmare - This character cannot attack, move, or intervene in any way.


-Power Armour (0/4) (Power Armour destroyed)
-Hot Pink Panties
Status Effects:
Large Milkerbug on Left Breast: (Bondage Strength - 4)
Wombraider Invading Pussy (See Finishing Move below)
Enervated - Being milked has left Alexi completely exahusted. She has a 15% penalty to all physical
Xenophilia Submission - Alexi has failed her Xenophilia fetish and has given in to letting herself be
465% Orgasm
Character Flaws:
Xenophilia - When this character is fighting Xenos they have to roll to resist giving into their more
primal urges.
Rapeanid Fetish - This character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.

Finishing Move Progress Against Alexi

1. Stretch Open Target’s Pussy: 100% Complete.
2. Burrow to Target’s Cervix: 100% Complete.
3. Stretch Target’s Endocervix: 100% Complete.
4. Squeeze Through Endocervical Canal Into Target’s Womb: 100% Complete.
5. Release Fertility Hormones to Trigger Mass Ovulation (Permanent Negative Trait gained if Stage
Completed.): 17% Complete.
6. ??? (Alexi Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.)

‘The Wombraider must have begun to release its hormones into her womb. Why can’t I stop any of
this?!’ Palatina cursed to herself as she struggled to unroot herself from the spot.

“C’mon, Alexi! Fight back!”

The Retributor’s words of encouragement fell on disinterested ears.

(Alexi has given into her Rapeanid fetish, and will not attempt to resist the Wombraider. It makes
2d100 progress on its Finishing Move instead of 1d100.)

“Ah! Ah! Ahhh!”

“Alexi, if you don’t try to fight it right now you’re going to be-”

“EEEEKKKK!! OOOHHHH IT’S SOOOO HOT! Hnnnggg!!! I can feel it - ahhhh - coating my womb
with something! OOHHH! It’s all warm and sticky!”

“It’s injecting its hormones into you! You have to get it out!”

(Rolling 2d100 for the Wombraider’s Finishing Move progress…

60 and 49 rolled!
109% Progress added to Finishing Move!)

(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has completed Stage 5: Release Fertility Hormones to
Trigger Mass Ovulation.
Permanent Negative Trait gained: Hyper-fertile - Remodeling of Alexi’s womb by Tyranid
hormones has left her hyper-fertile. She can be impregnated multiple times at once.
26% Finishing Move Progress carries over to the next stage )

“AHHHH!!! IT’S SOOOOO WARM! AYAAAAHHHH!!! YEEESSSS! I can feel it spreaaading deeper!

As soon as Palatina heard those words she knew it was over for the broken blonde soldier. The hot
hormones were spreading through her system, leaking down her oviducts, and redesigning how her
reproductive system worked to better suit the alien menace.

“Curse you, you bastards!” Palatina swore at the chittering Gaunts.

“Hnnnnnggg!!! Yeeesssss! I’m your little - Ugh! - Rapeanid slut! Turn me - uh! - into your- Ahh! -
breeding slave!”

It was a dismal sight to behold the unmitigated disaster revealing itself. A thundering crash drew
Palatina’s gaze to her right, just in time to see a gargantuan Tyranid beast the size of a house
striding atop a fallen tower. The brave soldiers who had been manning its pintle-mounted heavy
stubbers had been thrown clear and were now frantically fleeing from the nigh-invulnerable


An ungodly roar resounded from the monster’s lungs as it stomped after the fleeing humans. Each
stride it took was at least ten human paces. It’s massive carapace shell, once a creamy white, was
charing black under feckless volleys of las weaponry. The Tyranid carried a long biological weapon in
its right arm, easily half the length of a Chimera tank. It swayed back and forth as the creature
lumbered after the fleeing soldiers. For a few optimistic seconds Palatina watched the retreating
guardsmen gain ground. Such hopes were dashed as the Tyranid raised its oversized weapon and
fired it their way.


“Barbed strangler incoming!” a woman’s voice called out, “Take cover!”

The fat biological projectile that emerged from the gun look like a large alien egg. Guardsmen dived
for cover as it arced through the air before slamming into the muddy ground. Seconds later an array
of fleshy tentacles burst out of the egg and immediately spread out in every direction. The crackle of
lasgun fire did little to stop the weapon from grabbing, restraining, and stripping the soldiers as the
Carnifex slowly closed in on its captured prey.

(Rolling 1d250 pleasure damage from the Wombraider’s Fertility Hormones)

182 rolled.
Alexi’s Orgasm has increased to 647%. She cums twice!)

“Ohhh! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” Alexi cried, bringing Palatina’s gaze back to the Sister before

She’d seen barbed stranglers take out squads of Sisters before. Most of the time those alien eggs
would simply burst open and restrain the women in place, allowing the remaining Tyranid creatures to
advance on their helpless victims. Occasionally, the barbed stranglers would erupt with an array of
different tentacles and actively try to impregante their victims rather than just restrain them.

‘Unlike us, the Tyranid Hivemind actively embraces mutations within its ranks. Disgusting,’ Palatina
thought, spitting on the earth at the thought of it.

(Rolling a 30+ mindbreak test, followed by a 35+ mindbreak test!

41 and 22 rolled!
Alexi has gained the Ahegao status effect!)

“I’m cumming again! Ahh! AHHH! I- I can’t- It’s soooohh gooooohhhddd!”

Palatina wrinkled her nose as she saw the dumb look-

The dumber-than-usual look plastered across Alexi’s face. Her tongue was lolling, her eyes rolled
back in her head, her cheeks flush with excitement.

It was an ahegao. A look that any respecting Battle Sister would be - SHOULD be - positively
mortified to find herself wearing. It signified the halfway point towards defeat. Another powerful climax
and the Sister could very easily find herself completely unable to think or act; reduced to nothing
more than a horny trembling fucktoy.


(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has begun Stage 6: Flood Womb with Semen to Achieve
Fertilisation - Alexi Permanently Defeated if Stage Completed.
26% Complete!)

Palatina saw the bulge in Alexi’s belly begin to grow ever so slightly. She sighed and shook her head
as her mind drifted back to her lectures.

‘The final stage of the Wombraider’s attack all-but-guarantees the permanent defeat of its target. It
will begin by collecting samples of DNA from the target’s eggs in order to produce a matching sperm
sample. The Wombraider’s body will then swell by approximately forty percent, before forcefully
ejaculating the fluid from dozens of tiny holes located across its surface. The pressure of the
ejaculation ensures that the semen is forced into every last crevice of the target’s womb, all but
guaranteeing fertilisation. Field reports indicate that this tactic has been successfully utilised against
humans, Eldar, and even female Orks. Due to a lack of evidence, it remains unconfirmed if the
Wombraider’s attack works against female T’au.’

As the bulge continued to grow the white-haired Retributor realised she was truly powerless to stop
the situation from escalating further. Alexi had all but given in to the pleasure, and even if Palatina
somehow managed to break free of the invisible force holding her in place, there was no way she
could remove the Wombraider.

“Ahhh! Mmmm! Oh fuuuuckkk! It’s soooohhhhh biiigg!” Alexi gasped, drool trickling from the corner
of her mouth.

(Rolling a ‘Xenophilia’ Character Flaw for Alexi. She needs to roll a 75+ test in order to snap out of it
and lose the ‘Xenophilia Submission’ status effect.
57 rolled!
Fail! Alexi continues to be a Xeno slut!)

“Hurry up! Fill me with yoooouur cuuhhmmmm! Eeekk! Ayaaaahhhhhhhh!!!”

*Suck Suck*

Alexi’s mind was going blank. The Milkerbug draining her left breast, and the oversized bug swelling
within her sensitive womb had flooded her nervous system with endless waves of pleasure.

(Rolling 2d100 for the Wombraider’s Finishing Move progress since Alexi has given into her fetish…
22 and 81 rolled!
103% Progress added to Finishing Move!)

And then it happened. Palatina saw the bulge in Alexi’s belly abruptly contract. A split second later a
torrent of sticky, white cum flooded out of her pussy. The sudden rush of semen stretched her panties
to the limit before the elastic finally snapped, depriving Alexi of her last article of clothing.
“AAAAAHHHHH! IT’S SOOOO HOTTTTT!” Alexi squealed in ecstasy as the Wombraider delivered
its dangerous payload into her pusy.



The blonde Sister’s body collapsed to the ground as litre after litre of potent semen rushed into her
waiting womb.

(WARNING: The Gaunt’s Wombraider has completed Stage 6: Flood Womb with Semen to
Achieve Fertilisation!
Alexi has been permanently defeated.)

Squad Status
-Power Armour (4/4)
0% Orgasm

Status Effects:
Nightmare - This character cannot attack, move, or intervene in any way.


-Power Armour (0/4) (Power Armour destroyed)
-Hot Pink Panties (Elastic snapped - crotch exposed)
Status Effects:
Large Milkerbug on Left Breast: (Bondage Strength - 4)
Wombraider Invading Pussy (See Finishing Move below)
Enervated - Being milked has left Alexi completely exahusted. She has a 15% penalty to all physical
Xenophilia Submission - Alexi has failed her Xenophilia fetish and has given in to letting herself be
Ahegao: This character has experienced so much pleasure that it is nearly impossible to act or think.
They will suffer massive penalties to all tests they must make. Failing a second mindbreak will trigger
the Mindbroken status effect and render them completely defeated for the battle.
647% Orgasm

Character Flaws:
Xenophilia - When this character is fighting Xenos they have to roll to resist giving into their more
primal urges.
Rapeanid Fetish - This character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.
Hyper-fertile - Remodeling of Alexi’s womb by Tyranid hormones has left her hyper-fertile. She can
be impregnated multiple times at once.

Finishing Move Progress Against Alexi

1. Stretch Open Target’s Pussy: 100% Complete.
2. Burrow to Target’s Cervix: 100% Complete.
3. Stretch Target’s Endocervix: 100% Complete.
4. Squeeze Through Endocervical Canal Into Target’s Womb: 100% Complete.
5. Release Fertility Hormones to Trigger Mass Ovulation (Permanent Negative Trait gained if Stage
Completed.): 100% Complete.
6. Flood Womb with Semen to Achieve Fertilisation: 100% Complete. Alexi has been permanently

“Oooh! Aaaahhhhh!! Haaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!”

The torrent of hot cum was pushing Alexi to the limits of her endurance. Continuous waves of
pleasure crashed through her exhausted body, leaving her little more than a shuddering shell of her
former self.

“Haaahh…. Oooohhh!! It’s shooooo hooooohhhttt!”

(Rolling to see how many eggs get fertilised due to Alexi’s Hyper-fertile Character Flaw on 1d6…
4 rolled!
Alexi has been impregnated four times!)

Fury made Palatina clench her fists tighter than a Celestian’s asshole on an Ork Hunt. The
Greenskins, like mold in an old house, proved extremely difficult to permanently remove. The Order’s
Celestians had therefore taken it upon themselves to engage in monthly culls of the Ork population
when they weren’t undertaking their ceremonial or bodyguard duties. With each passing month
though, the numbers of green skinned aliens grew, and the number of Celestians dwindled. With
Imperial forces stretched too thin to deal a decisive blow to the Greenskins, the Sororitas found
themselves at the mercy of a rising tide.

(Rolling 1d500 pleasure damage from the Wombraider completing its Finishing Move!)
402 rolled.
Alexi’s Orgasm has increased to 1000%. She cums four more times!)

“Oh! AHH! OHHHH! IT’S TOO MUCH! HNNNGG!! Aaaahhhhhhh!!! Yeessssss! Impregnate me! Fill
me with your cuummmm!! Ooohhhhh!”
Alexi’s moans grew louder as the Wombraider continued to flood her cunt with its sperm.


Climax after climax rippled through Alexi’s body like an unstoppable row of collapsing dominoes. The
Dominion was writhing on the ground with each orgasmic convulsion.

(Rolling a 40+.45+.50+, and a 55+ mindbreak test.

28, 17, 81, and 50 rolled!
Alexi’s ‘Ahegao’ status effect has been upgraded to has gained the Mindbroken status effect!)

Barely able to keep her tongue in her mouth, let alone speak, Palatina could see Alexi’s facial
expressions growing more and more ecstatic with each passing second. Pure pleasure coursed
through the Dominion’s veins as her toes curled and her back arched.



One final scream of pleasure burst from Alexi’s lips, accompanied by a sudden gush of juices from
her pussy as she squirted hard, drenching her panties. As it finally passed Palatina saw her Sister’s
face plastered with the stupid expression of a mindbroken slut.


Alexi collapsed head down on the ground, panting, gasping, and trembling. Her mind and body both

“Imbecile,” the steely Retributor scoffed.

With its nefarious mission accomplished the invading alien slowly slithered its way out of the
trembling Sister’s pussy. A few seconds afterwards the Milkerbug detached itself from her breast.
Both creatures slithered into the trenches and out of sight, awaiting to be reassimilated into the
Tyranid ranks and reborn to fight in another form.

It had barely been a few minutes since Alexi’s impregnation - no longer than a devout prayer to the
God-Emperor - and her belly was already beginning to appear gravid. Within an hour she would be
giving birth to new Tyranid monstrosities, swelling their ranks even further.

As Palatina’s eyes scoured the battlefield she saw an array of larger Xeno creatures advancing on
her position. Alexi was an annoying liability, but she was still a Sister. It therefore pained the white-
haired Retributor to abandon her when the strange forcefield holding her in place subsided.
(Palatina has lost the ‘Nightmare’ status effect.)

She never looked back. It wouldn’t change anything. So she pushed herself forward across the deja-
vu landscape, desperately seeking out the one ally competent enough to help her rescue the
pregnant, mindbroken Sister.

“Sister Superior! Sister Superior! Where are you?!” Palatina roared as the swarm closed in around

Squad Status
-Power Armour (4/4)
0% Orgasm


-Power Armour (0/4) (Power Armour destroyed)
-Hot Pink Panties (Elastic snapped - crotch exposed)
Status Effects:
Large Milkerbug on Left Breast: (Bondage Strength - 4)
Wombraider Invading Pussy (See Finishing Move below)
Enervated - Being milked has left Alexi completely exahusted. She has a 15% penalty to all physical
Xenophilia Submission - Alexi has failed her Xenophilia fetish and has given in to letting herself be
Mindbroken: This character has gone beyond Ahegao and cannot consider anything beyond
pleasure. They are defeated for the rest of the battle/mission.
1000% Orgasm

Character Flaws:
Xenophilia - When this character is fighting Xenos they have to roll to resist giving into their more
primal urges.
Rapeanid Fetish - This character has developed a fetish for fighting Rapeanids and has a much
higher chance of simply submitting to them.
Hyper-fertile - Remodeling of Alexi’s womb by Tyranid hormones has left her hyper-fertile. She can
be impregnated multiple times at once.

Finishing Move Progress Against Alexi

1. Stretch Open Target’s Pussy: 100% Complete.
2. Burrow to Target’s Cervix: 100% Complete.
3. Stretch Target’s Endocervix: 100% Complete.
4. Squeeze Through Endocervical Canal Into Target’s Womb: 100% Complete.
5. Release Fertility Hormones to Trigger Mass Ovulation (Permanent Negative Trait gained if Stage
Completed.): 100% Complete.
6. Flood Womb with Semen to Achieve Fertilisation: 100% Complete. Alexi has been permanently

Apologies for the long delay in the next chapter! There is no voting this time.

I am currently working on the next few chapters. These will be:

1.) Parts 2 and 3 of Palatina's Nightmare, focusing on Bad Ends for both Colette and Palatina herself;
2.) The Good Colonel - A short sidestory for Lovehammer that expands upon the background; and
3.) The Damaged Detective - A short chapter advancing the non-smut plot before we return to the


I do have a Patreon; however, Lovehammer chapters are released for free, so you only need to
pledge if you fancy contributing towards other stories that I write - such as Super Virgin Magical Girl.
I'll still hold some character creation polls etc. on Patreon for Lovehammer, but you'll never be
charged for any Lovehammer chapters posted.

There is also a Discord group here which you can join. I have dozens and dozens of emails I haven't
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