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26 - Purity and the Shaper (40k, alien sex)

If Purity hadn't been a well-trained, utterly loyal Sister of Battle, the savage, hooting
battle cries of the alien kroot would have set her knees knocking.

Even so, the knowledge that her last bolts were long-spent put a decided damper on her
martial enthusiasm. A bleak despair threatened to overwhelm her. Her energy was spent at last,
and her armor was destroyed, torn apart by kroot rifle fire and blades.

On a scampering run through the wrecked city they were fighting over, she flung herself
over a short wall, hoping to find a Sister who could spare a few bolts.

The kroot rifle-butt that slammed into her head sent that particular fantasy winging away,
as clawed hands tore her boltgun from her nerveless fingers.

A screeching call of victory sounded from the throats of the three carnivores who'd
captured her so easily, and Purity squeezed her eyes shut.

“Holy Emperor, Father of Man, give me strength in my hour of death,” she whispered.
“Fear is
naught, for my faith is strong. I fear no evil, I fear no death, for the Emperor comes for me...”

Her litanies trailed off as the searing pain she'd expected failed to materialize. She
opened one bright green eye, and clapped her hands over her mouth, staring.

Kroot, she had learned, assimilated the traits of the creatures they ate. These kroot had
apparently been chowing down on some well-endowed beasts indeed. They'd stripped their
scavenged armor away, and their two-and-a-half meter tall frames towered over her nude,
revealing cocks that were just…

“Amazing,” Sister Purity breathed, unable to restrain herself. The alien shlongs were
huge, with fat greenish heads, the shafts covered in smooth ridges that she could just imagine
sliding over her pussy walls. They were knotted, thick bulges of hard cockmeat jutting proudly at
the base, right over a pair of luscious balls that looked like they were just bursting with cum.

Even with those delectable dicks bobbing in front of her and making her traitorous pussy
wickedly wet, she wasn't so far gone as to simply submit to an alien embrace. As kroot arms
reached out for her, she lunged forward, butting the lead kroot in his hard-muscled belly, then
kicking off to try and flee.
Surrounded and unarmed, though, she hadn't a chance. Kros, the ranking warrior of the
trio, grabbed her ankles as she jumped and brought her crashing to the ground with a yelp. He
laughed harshly, stripping her ruined armor away with the enthusiastic aid of his cohorts.
Within seconds, Purity was shivering, clad only in tattered scraps of cloth and a few
Imperial icons that suddenly seemed to offer scant protection. Claws caressed her, and she
cursed her unruly cunt for its response to the xenos' touch.

Kros pushed her thighs apart, and a piece of Purity's mind felt a sudden surge of relief
and anticipation that she could enjoy his wonderful fuck-organ without betraying her Emperor.
Then, his cockhead was at her womanhood, and she didn't think about much of anything.

The kroot plunged himself deep into her with a single warlike thrust, impaling the
squirming human on his mighty rod. She lifted herself up on her elbows, moaning wildly as he
drove himself into her again and again. Those ridges felt just as amazing as she'd thought they
would, and his knot kept bumping into her hot little clit, making her head spin with the feelings
he was provoking in her.

“D-damn, filthy, xeno,” she panted along with his thrusts. “You're a filthy beast....
Ohhhhh, yes!” Her green eyes were wide and staring, her face transfixed with xenophilic
ecstasy. She wrapped her arms around him as he bounced her curvy body up and down,
pounding her alien-loving pussy with complete abandon. His pals shifted restlessly, squawking
an interrogative in their heathen tongue, and Purity saw Kros nod and grin.

Her immaculate asscheeks were pried apart, and she groaned with unleashed lust as a
hard kroot cock poked at her innards. Her asshole ached as it was stretched, but the smooth,
oiled flesh of his dick penetrated her easily, and her fingers scrabbled madly on Kros's chest as
she was double-fucked by the huge alien cocks.

They thrust into her with no regard for rhythm or her comfort, banging her between them
and making her big breasts bounce around on her face. The hardness of their fucking was
making her eyes water, tears streaming down over the silver fleur de lis on her cheek, painting
black streaks from the sunscreen beneath her eyes on her pale skin as she was ruthlessly used.

The third kroot soldier, not wanting to be left out, grabbed Purity by her silver hair and
pulled her face down to his member. She opened her mouth to curse his entire species by the
Emperor's name, but the furious invective was cut short by a giant alien cock pounding down
her throat.

She hung suspended between the three aliens, their enormous shafts ravaging her tight,
hot body. The kroot buttfucking her was the first to finish – which made her feel an obscure
pride. She had an awesome ass. He screeched with triumph as he spurted her bum full of xeno
Giving in, she started using her tongue on the kroot in her mouth. He tasted awfully
good, she had to admit – like good, clean, salty sweat, and the way he was pummeling her
tonsils made her feel deliciously slutty. Not that she'd ever admit that to her Sisters, of course...
she could live without any more scourging.
Still, she gurgled happily when he shot his load of hot, white cum into her mouth. There
was so much that it dribbled out of her bulging cheeks until she gave one huge *gulp* and
swallowed it all.

Kros laughed and began bucking her harder, and she moaned like a space whore as he
plowed her fertile pussy. The sweet bumping of his knot against her clitoris was suddenly a
huge, achingly sweet pressure as the massive bulge of cockmeat pushed inside her, opening
her cunt wide open and locking that monstrous rod deep in her belly. She was coming like an
express train, and then there was a tension, a rush, and her womb was suddenly tingling-hot as
he filled her with his seed. His sperm shot into her like a bolter round, swimming in with Olympic
speed, and she gasped as she realized that there was every likelihood that these kroot had, at
some point, feasted on human flesh. Maybe enough that…

“You're gonna have kroot babies, space bitch,” Kros said raspily. He patted her tummy
as she continued rutting his erupting cock, staring at him in shock. “Gonna swell that belly with
little kroot kids.”

“Nooooo!” she whined, unable to stop her hips from rolling, coaxing out rope after rope
of kroot jizz from Kros's rod. A pinkish mist rose up in her head.

The savage warrior took a deep breath of her scent, and she squeezed her eyes shut as he
laughed. “Yesss, I can smell it, you're at the height of your cycle, and we're going to drown your
ovaries in kroot seed."

Purity cursed the body that betrayed her, her silence being all the confirmation Kros
needed. She was ovulating.

“That's fucking hot. Can you feel my seed sliding up inside you?”

“Yuh, yuh, yesssss!” It came out in a somewhat pathetic moan as the ravaged Sister of
Battle came again. Kros grinned and turned, pressing Purity's back against the wall and holding
her there so he could ram himself in even deeper. Her big tits were shaking as he used her, and
he reached up to clutch them.

Purity squealed as her sensitive breasts were mauled by Kros's claws, digging into the
soft, succulent flesh with a carelessness that made her shiver. Her luscious boobs were a
constant source of minor embarrassment to the self-denying Sister, and now a cruelly strong
orgasm ripped through her at the thought that they were being used by an alien monster to help
him impregnate her.
His thick, thrusting dick was plunging wetly into her already cum-filled womb, skewering
her and pumping her full of even more potent kroot sperm.

“Oh, fuck!” Kros hooted, gripping her tits tighter so he could keep plowing her. “I'm going
to keep you forever, you hot little bitch! You're gonna be a good, strong breeder. I fucking love
your cunt.”

She locked her eyes on him, dazed at the thought. An image flashed into her head, of
herself chained on her hands and knees, her belly swollen with kroot babies, cum drooling out
of her abused pussy and ass – and out of her slutty mouth. She held onto him harder, feeling
how wonderfully deep he was inside her.

“H-how are you still hard?” she wailed, her ass bouncing as she fucked back at him. It
felt like he was getting even harder!

“I'm a Shaper, idiot,” he snarled as he continued to bone her sloppy cunt. “My kindred's
been eating nothing but the most potent fuckers around for years.” He punctuated his boast with
hard thrusts, making Purity's head spin. He was unbelievably virile!

The Sister shook, babbling something incomprehensible as her sperm-stuffed vagina

was brutalized by Kros's massive alien dick. She wondered in a mad gleam of sanity whether
this was going to be her future. Was her whole life going to be like this, strapped to a fucking
bench, taking kroot cock until she bloated up with little alien monster babies?

She'd seen a krootox once, the massive ape-beasts that the kroot used to transport their
cannons. She imagined it's “cannon,” imagined an enormous, bitch-breaking rod thrusting into
her frail human body, and screamed at the sky as she came again, the orgasm washing away
her conscious mind…

A series of loud reports startled Sister Purity out of her reverie, and she shut her mouth
with a snap, realizing that she'd been drooling.

Then, she realized that she was sitting on a hard ecclesiarchy briefing room pew, with
the Sister Superior's stern gaze boring into her.

Then, she realized that the Sister Superior was talking to her.

“Sister Purity!” Sister Superior Inviolate's voice carried a payload of icy irritation as
powerful as a warhead. “Would you care to explain to your Sisters why you were not paying
attention to the briefing sermon on the kroot?”

“Just... Imagining the blissful sensation of bringing the Emperor's light to the aliens,
sister superior!” Purity answered.
Around the chapel-like room, heads bobbed approvingly. Even Inviolate gave a sharp
nod. “See that your holy thoughts do not distract from the knowledge needed to bring that about,
Sister Purity.”
“Yes, sister superior!” she said with a grateful bow. She sure hoped no one would notice
her rubbing her wet thighs together, trying to squeeze out one last little climax as Inviolate
returned to her briefing...

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