Snake Eater (Female X Sslyth, FemDom, Hemipenes, Double Penetration.)

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Snake Eater

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Warhammer 40.000
Relationship: Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Astra
Militarum | Imperial Guard/Xenos, Human/Sslyth
Character: Original Astra Militarum | Imperial Guard Character(s), Original Male
Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Alien Character(s),
Original Rogue Trader Character(s)
Additional Tags: Porn With Plot, Porn, Smut, Erotica, Xenophilia, Teratophilia,
Shameless Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Consensual Sex, Attempted
Blackmail, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Double
Penetration, Hemipenes, Comeshot, Come Swallowing, Femdom,
sslyth, Xenos, Monster sex, Alien Sex, Woman on Top, Powerplay
cockblocking, It's not heresy if you dom the shit out of them, Alien
snake sex
Stats: Published: 2021-07-26 Words: 9985

Snake Eater
by LewdCookies


After the disappearances of several Guardsmen, and with evidence pointing towards the
seedy underworld, their regimental commander must negotiate for their release with the
alien crime lord who runs it.
Will she come out on top or succumb to his devious plans?

“Ah, Commander Roodeker. What a pleasant surprise to see you.”

Threshis low gothic was rough, the words coming out like a hissing drawl as he spoke. Lounging
like a wannabe princeling on top of a pile of silks and cushions, he looked at her with amusement
as she stepped inside the heated pagoda.
Ever since he and his crew of pirates had joined them on Fever, he had worked ceaselessly to
establish himself as the boss of the criminal underworld on board the Esperanza. She had kept
herself up to date with his operations through various security reports, just in case. Some things are
very hard to keep secret onboard a ship.
The cargo hold that they now lived in, relatively small by some standards, was by now a sprawl of
various tents and ramshackle buildings. Threshis pagoda in the centre, like every road was leading
to him. She found the idea completely laughable.
It was a place that catered to their guests’ whims and desires. For a price, obviously.
She stayed away from the place, preferring the entertainment available on the upper levels instead.

Severine Roodeker crossed her muscular arms over her chest, giving Threshis a steely look. The
temperature inside the pagoda was far warmer than that outside, almost sweltering. Which is
exactly what he wanted. She wondered idly if he regretted leaving Fever behind. The jungle
planet’s climate being far more suitable to him than what the ship could really offer.
Standing in the middle of the pagoda floor, the Harakoni soldier turned regimental commander cut
an imposing figure in her dark grey service uniform. She was noticeably taller than most of the
people inside, barring the master, her body well-shaped and muscular. Shaped by a lifetime of war
in the service of the God-Emperor. And she carried the scars to show it as well, one of them going
diagonally over her left cheek. Her bluish-black hair tied together in a modest braid.

Behind her, a squad of soldiers dressed in mottled dark uniforms and carrying bullpup lasguns
fanned out on either side. The muzzles of their weapons pointed towards the ground, even if they
looked ready to use them at a moment's notice. Eyes sizing up likely threats as they formed up.
Pirates, both human and xenos alike, eyed them cautiously from the sidelines. Hands slowly
moving towards personal weapons. She noted casually that several of them were highly illegal as
per the ship’s rules. Maybe she should inform Markham of that when she had the chance.
She had brought the squad with her as a show of force more than actual security. Everyone was
well aware of her prominent position aboard the ship. Everyone also knew full well that if
anything were to happen to her, the ship’s security forces would bring down the hammer on them.
But by now she had learned a thing or two about making the right impression from working under
the Lord-Captain.

Threshis serpentine body was long and slender, covered in pearly white scales that shimmered in
the light of the many lamps strung up underneath the canvas roof. The tip of his tail was a
segmented cybernetic replacement. The vest jacket he wore, adjusted to fit his body with its two
pairs of arms, looked expensive. It wasn’t though, even from where she stood she could tell
whoever had made it had sown it from synthetics instead of natural fibres. The dark red colours
looked blemished and stained, and the colouration of the gold thread was off too.
That was the case of the long jade green sash he wore around his waist as well. His entire outfit
was just another layer to his charade of playing high and mighty.
A part of her wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the situation as she looked him up and down. Here
she was, a soldier of the Imperial Guard, thinking about fashion like a noble. The benefit of her
current position. And friends, she reckoned.
A pair of scantily clad smile-girls sat on either side of him, a pair of arms resting over their
shoulders, their fashionably thin bodies stressing the size of him. One of them was slowly hand
feeding him a piece of fruit as he looked at her. Rows of thin, sharp looking teeth lined his
serpentine snout, a pair of long fangs at the front in place of incisors.
She chose not to remark where the fruit might have come from, even if she had a hunch. His second
pair of arms lay clasped against his chest, the left one a cybernetic replacement from the elbow
down. The pagoda’s interior reminded her of when she had first encountered him, on the bridge of
his crashed ship; expensive drapes lined the walls, and plush carpeting covered the floor. What a
pity she dragged her dirty boots onto it, she thought with amusement. The air smelled of sweet
perfumes and music drowned out the noises of the crowds and the ever present sounds of a
voidship. They had tried their best to hide the fact he was living in the lower holds onboard a
starship. Servants, aides and pirates alike milled around the sides, and she could feel several eyes
looking right at her. The albino sslyth himself regarded her with a look of idle amusement in his red
slitted eyes.

“And what brings a member of Lord-Captain Corvinius' inner circle to my domains?”

His two companions flashed their teeth at her and arched their backs as they leaned in closer
towards him. They wasted the effort on her, as she paid them no mind. None of them were her
type, anyway. One of them giggled the typical way that smile-girls do, and she had heard many
times before. It was the laugh that was devoid of pleasure, designed only to flatter and excite their
client. Their hands caressed his shoulders. As if they wanted to comfort him over the bad person
standing in front of him. Severine resisted the urge to laugh at his blindingly obvious attempt to
flout whatever power he had down here. Instead she smiled, trying to keep things polite as best as
she could.

“Oh, I think you know, Threshis.”

She took a measure of pleasure of seeing him bristle slightly at the lack of obvious respect and
deference that he was obviously used to getting. Sure, she was going to be polite, but there was
nothing wrong in goading him just a little.

The smile on her lips subsided as her face turned serious. “I want my people back.”

It had begun quietly. Reports to her from platoon leaders about troopers showing up late at muster,
or how her chief medicae had noted an increase in drug related or detox visits. Minor events that on
the surface appeared very unrelated. It wasn’t until there was an increase in thefts of supplies and
even some small arms that it was obvious something was going on.
Then came the disappearances. At first it was only one, but then that number seemed to grow and
before long she had five troopers missing. And there were no traces of them on the regimental
It wasn’t as if disappearing onboard a starship was hard. Take a wrong turn off of one of the spinal
corridors, and you might not know where you could end up. Even a small ship like the Esperanza
still had its fair share of dark holds where mutants and other, worse, things lived.
But even then she figured there was some kind of foul play involved. The very last thing she
wanted to report to the captain was that they had cult activity on board. So she did what any
commander did and delegated the task to the right people.
In the end, the investigations by Raine and his commissars had all pointed to the same place.
Night City.
And it’s boss, Threshis.

The Sslyth chuckled, the sound a weird raspy hiss in the back of his throat, as he leaned back on
his throne of cushions.

“Your people?” he said, voice dripping with smugness. “I’m not sure what you are referring to…”

He trailed off for a moment, a finger tapping against his chin as if he was deep in thought. Severine
resisted the urge to roll her eyes at his charades and just kept them fixed on him instead.

“Oh, those!” he suddenly exclaimed, as if he had recalled what she was talking about. He smiled at
her, or at least gave her an approximation of a smile. “Unfortunately, I can’t return those. At least
not yet.”

One of her eyebrows slowly rose upwards. The urge to punch him grew inside of her. It wouldn’t
be the first time she had punched a sslyth, and this time it might actually do something.

“And why is that?” she asked, keeping her voice even.

“Ah, well,” he began apologetically. “Because of having accrued an outstanding debt amongst my
gambling establishments, and finding themselves unable to repay that debt they have agreed to sign
themselves on as indentured workers. Until they have repaid their debt in full, of course.”

She had to appreciate the sheer ballsiness of his plan in a way. It certainly took someone very
desperate, or vainglorious even, to make a move against someone who knew the master of the very
ship they lived onboard. Seems like Threshis was getting ambitious. Or maybe he was doing it for
some other reason, only one wa. Oo find that out, she thought.

“And I’m here to negotiate for their return to me, as you might understand.” She gave him another
long look before continuing. “I’m sure we can come to some kind of agreement.”

That appeared to be exactly what he wanted to hear. His eyes suddenly light up.

“Commander Roodeker, willing to negotiate?”

The sslyth laughed, his sycophants at the edges of the tent echoing him. Severine just stood there,
her arms still crossed over her chest. Had anyone really paid attention to look at her, they would’ve
noticed she was smiling to herself. As they laughed, she glanced briefly at the sergeant standing
behind her. Who took a moment to listen in on something before giving her an almost
imperceptible nod, causing her smile to grow slightly.
She had wiped it off her face as the xenos gangster boss calmed himself down, clawed fingers
caressing the shoulders of the smile-girls on either side of her as he looked at her. He gave her
another facsimile of a smile as he spoke.

“I’m sure... we can arrange something.”

He stopped to take a sip of the glass of wine that a servant delivered to him. Severine wondered
idly if the Lord-Captain would’ve appreciated that, since it most likely came from her stores.
Unless he had gotten his hands on some during their stay on Licis, that wouldn’t have surprised

“Alright, give me your offer then.” She was definitely curious about what he had in mind. She had
already figured out what his game was by this point. Now it was a matter of seeing what he wanted
from it.

He clasped both his sets of hands over his scaled abdomen, giving her a smug, self-satisfied look. It
was the look of someone who always got what they wanted and was now going to score big.

“You,” he said smugly. “Your people’s freedom for your body.”

She looked at him for a moment. Then she burst into raucous laughter. The sslyth looked at her
with obvious confusion; the look shared by plenty of the pirates as well. But before he had the
chance to say something, she cut him off.

“Okay, so lemme get this straight. So you’ve spent a lot of time and effort to entrap some of my
soldiers, getting them heavily into debt to make them beholden to you. Then you make them steal
supplies before you suddenly get some ideas and claim them as bond slaves. All of that, just so you
could get me down here so you could fuck me?”

She laughed again. “Ag dis fokken skreeusnaaks.” She said, lapsing into Konndar for a moment.

Laughter bubbled up from her again, and the look on Threshis darkened. Ignoring it, she calmed
down and shrugged.
“But sure, I’ll accept.”

In an instant, the look on his face changed, and he blinked in surprise.

“I’m sorry?”

“I said, I accept your offer.” She grinned at him, noting his surprised expression. “What? Did you
expect me to hem and haw about the decision? Just so you could get some extra leverage on me in
this blindingly obvious attempt to blackmail me.”

Threshis glowered for a moment, clearly displeased that his master plan wasn’t going the way he
had wanted it to.

“Oh please Threshis,” she said with a good-natured scoff, “Have you suddenly forgotten where you
are? I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors of what the Lord-Captain does in her spare time.”

Her grin grew bigger in the middle. “Or maybe you just felt a little left out, maybe that’s it?”

The way he looked at her after she had said it told her everything she needed to know. The thing
she had left unsaid was her own budding curiosity. She couldn’t exactly borrow the Lord-Captain’s
own sslyth bodyguard for a night to try it, that’d be unbecoming of her. And she somewhat doubted
the Captain would have agreed to it either way.
But with Threshis offering himself on a silver platter to her, as much as he’d want to believe
otherwise, then she might as well seize the opportunity. She figured she had scored enough good
girl points in the eyes of the Emperor that she could cash in some of them on something dirty.
Not that she’d say that with any member of the Ecclesiarchy nearby. Or the Ordos for that part.

“However,” she continued. “It’ll be on one condition.”

“Which is?” he said with thinly veiled annoyance. One ridge above an eye rose upwards.
Forgetting everything about the girls on either side of him as he focused his attention on her alone.

“Complete and utter privacy. That means no goons and flunkies anywhere inside your tent. And I
mean anywhere.”

“What about your men?” He asked, as if trying to make a counterpoint.

She resisted the urge to look at him as if he had suddenly turned stupid.

“They’ll be out of here once we have settled everything, obviously.”

That reassurance, as token as it might be in reality, made sslyth nod. “Seems reasonable.”

Even then, he said the words with some reluctance. Obviously, he had some ulterior motives with
this paltry attempt at a power play. She was enjoying taking him down a couple of pegs. Obviously
the Lord-Captain probably would’ve done things more gracefully, but Threshis was smart enough
to realize he wouldn’t have stood a chance if he had made a move against her. Which is why had
gone after herself instead, assuming it’d be far ‘simpler’. She resisted grinning as she pulled out a
small box out of a pocket on her uniform jacket. But she couldn’t make a show of pressing the
button on it and the green light on it switching over to red.

“Oh, and no hidden microphones and cameras.”

“Wait, how did you-” he said with a sudden snarl before catching himself. The two smile-girls
briefly dropped their act as they shirked away from him at his sudden outburst, showing some
genuine emotion for once.

Getting Alena to scout his pagoda had been easy. The assassin could hide herself in broad daylight
if she so wanted. Getting ahold of the jammer had taken a bit more effort. But it had totally been
worth the effort just for the look on his face. She put it back in her pocket for safekeeping.
The sslyth leaned back, red eyes glaring almost balefully at her. For a moment, she wondered if he
was going to lash out at her. Despite everything, he was still a sslyth, and she knew they were
formidable warriors. He might not have had the muscular bulk like Uraess, but even then she
figured he was no slouch in a fight. But he kept himself in check.
She figured by now that his libido was having an intense argument with his ambition of what to do.
All that remained now was to wait and see who won out in the end.

“Leave us,” he said with a loud snap of his fingers. His tone filled with a sense of resigned
frustration of someone who got something they wanted, but not the exact thing.

Instantly, the crowd of onlookers left. The tension inside the tent dissipated and got replaced with
something that felt like disappointment. Severine smiled at the two escorts, even if it was more apt
that she smirked a little.

“Sorry girls, maybe some other time.”

They pointedly ignored her, even if she could practically sense the jealousy radiating off them as
they turned on their high heels and walked away. Seems like Threshis had promised quite a show.
And now she had completely cockblocked him. What a shame, she thought, before turning her
attention to her sergeant.

“You and your boys can head back home, sergeant.”

“Yes, commander,” the sergeant replied and snapped off a crisp salute.

Then, without another word, the squad left through the front entrance. Behind them the flap got
pulled down and tied closed. Leaving them completely alone with each other. The sslyth continued
to lounge on his cushions, albeit he looked far less smug now than he had done a few minutes ago.
Instead, he looked glum somehow.

“For someone who got what they wanted you certainly look less than happy.” She tried her best not
to sound gloating.

He gave her an annoyed hiss in response; she cocked her hip to the side and smiled faintly. Despite
his annoyance, he still looked at her with a look of wanton desire. She chuckled softly as she heard
his breath hitch as she removed her uniform jacket. Underneath she wore a white button-down
shirt, the top buttons looking ready to pop off as they struggled to contain her impressive bust. The
outline of her bra was visible underneath.

Severine took her time undressing. She wasn’t completely heartless. Not to mention the sslyth had
been forthcoming to her demands. Besides, she thought to herself as she undid the belt that held up
her knee-length skirt, there was a forbidden thrill to the whole thing. It was like something out of
one of those pornslates that soldiers read on the sly. She had spent a lifetime fighting all kinds of
xenos species to prove mankind’s domination over them. Now here she was, slowly undressing
herself in front of a xenos and having his complete and utter attention. She probably could’ve told
him to bark and he would’ve howled like a Fenrisian Wolf.
She would’ve laughed if she hadn’t been so fucking horny.

This differed from a one-night stand or a quick fuck in the shower. That was an act of fun, or relief
even. This was more of an assertion of power and dominance, a lowly alien throwing themselves in
front of her in subjugation.
She smiled, mostly to herself, as the skirt slid off her hips and down her muscular legs to pool
around her shoes. There was a low hiss as he saw the jade green lacy underwear she wore. Her stay
on board the ship had opened her eyes to some of the finer things in life. Turns out there was more
to underwear than just cotton boyshorts and sports bras.

Her shoes came next. She had to give it to him, she thought, because the carpet was amazingly
soft. Her right leg was a cybernetic prosthesis from the leg down. It was a master-crafted piece of
finely polished black metal in the shape of a human foot and inlaid with engravings of Adeptus
Mechanicus scripture and holy icons in copper and silver.
Threshis shuffled as she slowly undid the buttons on her shirt. A pair of arms resting behind his
head as he leaned back on his cushions, trying to play cool and aloof. But the way he followed her
every motion told her otherwise.
She had barely gotten the first one undone before two more had become undone on their own,
revealing the first tantalizing teases of cleavage in the gap. No longer tucked into her skirt, her shirt
hung like drapes over her massive chest, her stomach toned and firm. His twin-forked tongue
flicked out from his mouth briefly, as if he was trying to lick his lips.
The shirt fluttered to the floor as she shrugged it off, revealing the matching lacy bra that pushed
up her large breasts. Her right arm was a skeletal-looking thing made of interlocking pale white
branches, the material flowing almost seamlessly to her regular body. Many small scars and nicks
covered her muscular body, none of them detracting from her appearance.

She smiled as she saw the obvious tent on the length of the sash that covered his crotch, and she
nibbled on her lower lip as the cloth teased her with what hid underneath. She resisted the urge to
smirk at her own chance to see what all the fuss was with her own eyes. The sslyth was clearly
enjoying what he was seeing. One of his hands started moving towards it, obviously wanting to
touch himself.

“Don’t you dare,” she said in a playful but firm tone of voice, and like an obedient puppy, he
stopped. The frustration was obvious in his eyes.

Grinning wickedly, and dressed only in semi-see-through underwear, she crossed the distance to
his throne. The thing was so soft that she could feel her knees sink into it as she climbed on top,
legs barely straddling on either side of his serpentine body. She allowed a pair of his hands to
caress the swell of her hips, the sensation of clawed fingers caressing her deeply tanned skin
sending bolts of electricity up her spine. His fingers felt soft, but also cold at the same time. She
sharply rebuked the second pair of hands going towards her breasts. With a smile, she looked at
him, resisting the urge to wag a finger.

“Oh no, not yet,” she said. Keeping a self-indulgent tone in her voice.

For a moment the bony ridges on his brown knotted in frustration, red eyes looking up at her with a
glare. But then he seemed to catch himself.

“My apologies,” he said.

There was something about the way he had said it that suddenly set her off. The undercurrents of
barely restrained anger mixed with obvious desire. Her lips curled into a wicked grin, and she
leaned closer.

“My apologies, what?” She edged him on, wondering if he was desperate, or needy, enough to go
for it.
A myriad of emotions seemed to flash behind his eyes, slitted pupils looking at him as he raked
himself internally. A deep rumble signaled his apparent defeat rising in his chest.

“My apologies, mistress.” He dragged the last syllables out in a prolonged, faintly resigned hiss.

The sudden rush of sensation she felt at hearing those words nearly made her gasp. The rush of
power was not something she had felt before, and she was someone who used to be in control.
Even if that was a consensual thing. This was more akin to her seizing it from someone by force,
and she couldn’t help but to revel internally at the look in his eyes that spoke of how uncomfortable
he was with being on the bottom. But she kept herself composed, showing any signs of weakness
would’ve toppled everything. She nodded, trying to act graciously at his submission, before her
eyes slid downwards to the obvious tent in front of her.

“Good boy. Now let’s see what you’ve got here.”

She could feel her heart thumping in her chest as her hand reached for the strip of cloth. Honestly,
she wasn’t sure what she was expecting to find. Beyond a penis of some sort. But whatever it was,
it must’ve been good enough for the Captain. Unless the woman was far kinkier than she had
expected. And everyone knew that Rogue Traders could have some very interesting sexual
Her eyes opened wide in surprise and she let out a low whistle as she saw what it hid underneath,
and she felt a wave of arousal rushing through her. Without thinking about it, she licked her lips at
the exotic and incredibly erotic sight in front of her. Suddenly she knew why the Lord-Captain had
Uraess around, outside of the fact that he was obviously an excellent fighter.
Although she figured there was more to their partnership by now, at least going by what she had
seen in the past. The sslyth let out a dark, mirthful chuckle at her reaction, only going quiet as she
gave him a sharp look. Unlike the other two, this was all about her pleasure, and there was no point
giving him any ideas of it being anything else.

“Oh bladdy hell.” She grinned wickedly as she eyed the twin shafts. “It’s a two for one deal.”

From a hidden slit at the top of his tail, a pair of shafts pointed towards her. Everything about them
was alien. Coloured a dark, fleshy pink, they sat on top of each other. Both were remarkably girthy,
just about the side of her bare wrist around the middle. They almost looked like a pair of long-
necked bottles. The base was thick and had a prominent bulge to it, but they slimmed down as the
farther up you went. The heads were tapered and resembled spades instead of a mushroom in form.
On the underside, she could see a line of fleshy ridges running up its length. Smaller bumpy ridges
adorning the sides. Both shafts packed some length to them, even if the second was slightly shorter
in comparison. She was no size-queen, but even then she could appreciate a sizable, meaty cock
when she found one. Or several of them for that part. So in this case she had hit the jackpot.
Much like many cocks she had seen in the past. Neither were straight, but had a slight curve to
them. The upper one had a pronounced upward curve to it, while the lower one had a longer and
more shallower curve. It almost looked like they fitted together, she thought with amusement. Both
rose straight up from his crotch with not a hint of sag. To her slight surprise, neither of them
pointed in the same direction, both members going off in slightly different angles.
The alien phalluses glistened in the light from lamps overheard from internal lubrication, twitching
eagerly at the sight of her. A small dollop of milky white fluid formed at the tip of the first shaft,
an obvious sign that she incredibly aroused him. As one of her bra-clad breasts came into contact
with his body as she sat down next to him and leaned against him, his body twitched and the
member throbbed visibly. She shot him an amused glance at his obvious reaction.

Unlike his body, the shafts felt warm to the touch. Even if it was more like she was sticking her
hand into lukewarm water than touching a warm body. As her regular hand wrapped around the
first shaft, he let out a sharp hiss. She dragged her hand slowly up and down the slick shaft,
shuddering slightly as she felt her ridges under her fingers. The bumps and ridges felt much softer
than she had expected. Laying down beside him, she leaned closer, feeling the shaft throb in her
hands. Giving him a coy look, she stuck out her tongue, the sslyths eyes opening wide as she
pressed it against the base of the second shaft. It had a faint taste of soap to it, but not much else.
Even the lubricant coating his shaft tasted nothing. She felt a twinge of disappointment, even if the
feeling was fleeting.

As her hand slowly stroked the first shaft, she let her tongue drag itself slowly up its partner. She
had multiple partners before, but this was the first time both cocks were on the same one. The
tongue dragged itself slowly up the length, eager to explore this new unknown territory. The
gesture lifted the shaft slightly and pressed it against the underside of its partner. Threshis his
dropped a few octanes and turned into a deep rumble as her tongue traveled further and further up
the shaft. In the corner of her eye, she could see him clench his fists as they rested on the cushions.
The corners of her mouth turned upwards in a grin as she noted his reaction. The tip of her tongue
followed the shapes of every single ridge it came across, the flat end pressing up against the shaft
itself. As it reached the pointed head, she let it slowly swirl around it, teasing it like she would do
with any other partner. The reaction to it being more or less the same.
Feeling curious, she lapped up the dollop of precome that had formed at the slight dimple at the
base of the spade. The taste was more or less the same, albeit a bit more salty in comparison.
Something akin to salted candy, she thought as she let it rest against her taste buds before
He let out another deep hiss as she repeated the process on the other shaft, her hand switching
position to slowly, but firmly, stroke the other one. She partly regretted not bringing lipstick with
her, because that would’ve sealed the deal of whom he belonged to.

She took her time to explore them. Letting her lips and tongue lick and kiss every available inch of
alien cockmeat. They traced every ridge and bump, like she was doing reconnaissance behind
enemy lines. The one that wasn’t receiving attention from her mouth got treated to a slow handjob,
fingers squeezing and teasing the shaft until they glistened from lubrication and precome that had
now flowed freely from either slit. Feeling indulgent, she lapped it up between breaks, making a
show of cleaning her fingers off the sticky mess. Just from looking at him as she worked, she knew
he had his full attention. His eyes, hazy with bliss, followed her every move. The soft scales on his
stomach heaved as he breathed hard.
For all his posturing and talk, she had him now wrapped around one of her fingers. The sensation
was a weird one. By now she was used to commanding people into battle and knowing how to
delegate. But having someone, a xenos as well, at her beck and call, was weirdly intoxicating. She
had bound him to her, and to an extent, the Imperium’s will. Fighting hard to resist the urge to grin
as she felt the thrill and pleasure coursed through her, she satisfied herself with rubbing her thighs
together, as if it would do anything to ease the heat building up in her loins. But she knew exactly
what would. But she felt no need to rush.

With a kiss on the tip that made the cock throb, she pulled away to admire her handiwork. Both
members glistened wetly from a mix of pre and saliva. Her gaze rose upwards; Threshis was
panting heavily, arms laying slack on the cushions and his cloven tongue lolling out from his
fanged mouth. She suppressed a humoured chuckle at the sight. If she didn’t know any better,
she’d say he was completely new to it, or his previous partner's oral skills had been rather
lacklustre. Excellent help could be so hard to find, she thought amusedly. She knew sslyth were
hedonists, not that she really knew what they did to amuse themselves. It was something she left to
others to know; she dealt with military matters. But if he thought that had been intensive, she was
going to blow his mind with what was coming next.

She shifted her position on the cushions, breasts squishing up against his body as she leaned
forwards. Her tongue slid over her lips, the gesture technically futile as they were already
glistening from the same mix of saliva and precome that coated his members. She seized up her
prey for a moment before picking the top one. The last thing she wanted was to have precome in
her hair. She knew from experience how much of a pain it could be to clean out, not to mention she
had other things to do after this… She shook the thought from her head. That was something to
think about later. Now she was going to have fun.

Looking slyly up at him, she parted her lips and torturously slowly sucked the head into her hot and
eager mouth. Threshis hissed sharply, and she could feel his body twitch as she engulfed the glans
with her mouth.
Just you wait, she thought, amused; the ride is only about to begin.
She began slowly, head moving up and down shallowly as she got used to the alien cock in her
mouth. The narrower shape and the pointed head felt strange at first, the ridges an odd sensation
against the flat of her tongue.
Wet lips slid effortlessly up and down over the lubricated shaft, her tongue circling around it to
tease and play with various ridges and bumps. One hand stroking the other shaft and she resists the
urge to play with herself with the other, for now resting it on his stomach.
It’s not long until she grows accustomed to the alien cock’s odd texture and shape and she enjoys
the feeling of how it fills up her mouth the deeper she goes. The taste of his precome flooded her
taste buds as more and more flowed from the slit. Had this been any other time she should’ve let
him cover her face when he came, but sadly that was not the time for such extravagant displays.
She could hear him gasp and groan as she fellated him, one of his hands stroking her dark locks.
For a moment she expects him to dictate the pace of her motions, but that moment never comes and
he is content with just touching her. It appeared as if he had learned his lesson.
She could feel the desire coursing through her, heat flowing through her and darkening her skin
around her shoulders and on her cheeks. The latter practically felt like they were on fire as they
flexed in and out as she worked the shaft. Her nipples were painfully erect in her bra, creating slight
bumps in the cloth. Between her legs she can feel herself practically dripping with desire, her free
hand straying down between her legs for a moment to touch herself.

She pulled away from the shaft, strings of saliva connecting the tip with her glistening lips before
they split apart. Taking a few breaths of warm air, she goes for the second one, now feeling
emboldened to take as much of it as she can. The shallower curve being far more manageable to
her throat. She strokes the other shaft with both her hands, mostly to keep precome from getting
into her hair.
Opening her mouth as wide as possible, the irony not lost to her, she takes almost half the shorter
shaft into her mouth in one motion. Threshis reaction is a loud gasp, his shuddering.
Guess none of his hookers ever did something like that, she thought smugly.
She can feel the tip prod her in the back of the throat, the jab briefly uncomfortable until she
relaxes her throat. Pulling back, she let the pointed glans rest on the flat of her tongue before
pushing forward. She repeats the motion again and again, each forward thrust pushing the shaft
deeper and deeper into her mouth and down her throat. Despite this, she can’t help but to sputter
slightly as it slides down her throat. It continued to issue small sounds of protest as she pushed
herself onwards. Rivulets of saliva flowing from the corners of her mouth as she moves.
She briefly swats away a hand that tries to place itself on her head, stopping to give him a sharp
glare. Even if she figured that her mouth being stuffed with sslyth cock diminished the effect a
Going back to it, she pushes herself forwards, and her nose touches his stomach for a moment. Lips
stretching around the bulge and tears streaming from the corners of her eyes from the strain. As she
pulls away, her throat only protests slightly as the shaft departs its fleshy sheath, and she
disconnects with a gasp for air.
There is a glimmer of what seems like either respect or appreciation in the sslyth’s eyes as she
gasped for air. Her throat hurt like a bastard, but she had at least managed to deepthroat him. Or at
least one of them. Which accounted for something, she figured. Not sure to whom, but she was
going to savour the victorious feeling either way.

Grinning, she sat up and wiped her face with the back of a hand. The sslyths eyes seemed to follow
her every gesture, slitted pupils devouring every curve of her body as she moved. Internally she felt
a surge of pride in knowing she was enticing to more than just humans. His eagerness at what
might come next was obvious, and his hands clenched into fists as he saw her reach behind her to
undo the clasp of her bra. He chirped in surprise as it came off and revealed them in full, and she
noted with some satisfaction how his members twitched at the sight of them. The heavy handfuls
sat proudly on her chest without a hint of sag, nipples almost painfully erect on top of coin-sized
areolas. If she didn’t know any better, she had figured his heart would burst the moment she pulled
down her panties with the way he looked at her.
She paused for a moment and looked down at the twin shafts, precome flowing down the sides at
an almost steady stream as they throbbed hungrily, and bit on her lower lip. Her heart was beating
wildly in her chest, sounding like an artillery barrage in her ears. This was it, she thought, time to
cross the threshold. The feeling wasn’t unlike the one she had felt the first couple of times she was
on the verge of leaping out the back of a Valkyrie with a grav-chute strapped to her back. A
mixture of trepidation and excitement, a strangely powerful cocktail of emotions. But showing
hesitation now was tantamount to showing weakness. And if she did, then Threshis would counter-
attack to get back on the top. So the only way was forward.
But damn if she would not enjoy this.

She hooked her fingers around the hem of her underwear. The luxurious thong sticking to her
briefly because of her arousal before it slid down her legs, revealing the strip of dark pubic hair on
her mound. Threshis’ eyes looked like they were on the verge of exiting his skull with the way he
looked at her. Forked tongue flicked excitedly into the air as the garment slid down her muscular
thighs. No doubt he was tasting her arousal at the same time. He wanted to touch her. She could
see that with the way his arms rested on the cushions. In due time, she thought as she discarded her
underwear to the side of the throne. Giving him a tantalizing look of her ass as well, just to tease
him further.
She straddled him as best as she could, gasping quietly as the cold scales came into contact with
her hot skin. He may have been slimmer than Uraess, but even then he was larger than many of her
previous partners.

“Behave and you can touch these,” she said as she grabbed handfuls of her breasts as if to
emphasize her point. Almost bursting into laughter at how his eyes appeared to be glued to them.

“Yes, mistress,” he responded with a slight nod.

A look of surprise and embarrassment came over his face the moment the words had spilled from
his mouth. She smiled, his submission sending a thrill down to her core, stoking the fires of desire
even further. She wrapped her hands around both shafts, feeling their lukewarm heat and the eager
throb in them. They almost seemed to have grown in size, their colour now a much darker pink.
Fingers instantly became sticky as she slowly stroked them for a few moments, noting the look of
pleasure on his face as she did. If she wanted to, she probably could’ve gotten him off with her
hands and mouth. But that wouldn’t be nearly as fun. She reckoned she didn’t look that much
better, either. Her body felt like it was on fire from head to toe, her blood feeling like it was boiling
with desire, and her sex trembled at the prospect of what was about to happen. Her arousal made
the insides of her thighs glisten wetly. She felt claws caress the outside of her thighs briefly, the
sslyth obviously not being able to resist touching her.

Rising onto her knees, she moved forward until she was standing right above his members.
Threshis surprised her by grasping both members to help her guide herself into both of them. As
the tip prodded against her labia, she felt an excited shiver run through her. She drove herself
downwards, feeling the head of the shaft slip into her passage and plunge itself deep inside. It was
as if someone had punched her in the stomach, air driving itself out of her lungs and she moaned
deeply in pleasure. Her tightness surprised Threshis, whose face seemed to contort into a look of
pleasure as he moaned with his mouth wide open. Ridges rubbed against her passage in ways she
could have scarcely imagined, and sent sparks of pleasure through her body. The pain she felt as
his oversized shafts stretched her out only added to the cocktail of sensations she felt. She
continued to moan deeply as she sunk lower and lower.

It was the prod against her anal rose that suddenly reminded her he had two of them, instead of just
one like everyone else she had fucked up till this point. She froze for a moment, feeling the head of
the slick member push up against her other opening. There was a flicker of smugness in the sslyth’s
eyes, as if he was expecting her to reconsider her options. Instead, she took a deep breath of warm,
recycled air and relaxed herself as best as she could. In that moment of mental stillness, it felt as if
she felt everything; her surging pleasures, the sound of her beating, the noises of her toy/lover as he
breathed and hissed underneath her, the sounds from the other side of the pagoda walls, the feeling
of claws against her skin. And underneath that, all was the thing poking into her backside, fighting
to break through the tight barrier. She swallowed and pushed herself down.

It was as if something in the pagoda went pop and the pressure disappeared in an instant; the void
filled with a swelling sensation of heat and hardness that filled her to the brim. She barely noticed
as both shafts slammed home as their bodies came into contact with each other, noting the
stretching sensation only slightly underneath the swell of pleasure ripping through her. Underneath,
Threshis’ rumbling groan felt like it made his whole body vibrate as the sensations overwhelmed
Her fingers dug into the soft scales of his stomach for support as she moaned and shuddered. The
prospect of a climax lingered in the distance, like a dark promise. But she fought against the urge
and she let out the breath she didn’t realize she had held in as her body relaxed.
She held herself there, getting slowly used to the strange feeling of both alien shafts inside of her.
Her head was spinning from the sensation, and the flames of desire felt like a raging firestorm
inside of her. He grunted as her walls squeezed around his shafts. When she finally moved, he
gasped. Fingers grabbing handfuls of silks and cushions as her hips rolled and gyrated in his lap.
She quickly became bolder and more confident with her motions, hips raising and lowering as she
rode him properly. The sensation of his knobbed shaft rubbing against her inner walls was
intoxicating in its exoticness and eroticism. She had heard of toys with similar features, but she had
never had the chance of trying them herself. The sound of flesh marked each impact of her hips as
their bodies slapped against each other. As she picked up the speed, growing more and more
accustomed to the double penetration, the sound increased in frequency and intensity. Each impact
sent ripples through her body and made her large breasts jiggle on her chest.
It wasn’t long until the lust-drunk sslyth began pushing back against her, his serpentine body
raising to respond to her thrusts.

Severine felt like a queen as her hips rolled and gyrated against the sslyth’s body, sparks of
pleasure running up her body. She arched her back as she rode her little toy, making her already
impressive breasts seem even bigger, and moaned. That thought thrilled her. The cocky and
boisterous xenos that thought he could outsmart and blackmail her for his own gains, now reduced
to a tool of her own pleasure. Inside of her various feelings raged like a storm; the forbidden
eroticism of one of the most forbidden acts imaginable to the Imperium, combined with the delight
of his subjugation by her own hands. She felt drunk on the power and the sensations simply drove
her onwards. Underneath her, Threshis panted and grunted. Sensations of pleasure overwhelmed
him as they fucked, or she fucked him to be more accurate. Rents and tears visible in the expensive
silks and cushions underneath him from clawed fingers.

From somewhere she produced a long strip of dark purple silk, the Lord-Captain’s favourite colour,
she noted with some irony. Smiling as her hips continued to gyrate on his lap, she wrapped it
around his neck as a leash. Wrapping the other half tightly in her hand. The sslyth barely seemed to
register it until she gave it a sharp tug and yanked his body up from the cushions.

“Now,” she said with a feral smile worthy of a Space Wolf. “How about you be a good boy and
fuck your mistress? That’s what you wanted to do after all.”

It was about time she saw what he was capable of; she thought. Another sharp yank on his leash
pulled him closer to her.

“But try to hurt me, and I will make sure you’ll regret it,” she added, a threatening undercurrent to
her voice. If there was one thing she knew really well, it was inflicting pain.

He nodded submissively before speaking. “Yes, mistress.”

She let the leash slacken, allowing him to drop back down onto the cushions. “You may proceed.”
It began with a low growl from his chest, and then in an instant he was upon her. A pair of hands
going for the swell of her hips before they slid downwards to cradle her ass. The claws felt like the
pricks of needles against her perspired skin as his fingers squeezed. She felt his members retreat,
shuddering as they rubbed against her walls.
His thrust pushed the air out of her lungs with its ferocity, her moans cutting off halfway as they
buried themselves to the hilt inside her. The motion sent a ripple through her body, making
whatever fat she had left on her body ripple and her breasts bounce on her chest. His other hands
went straight for them, and she gasped as he grabbed them roughly. In the back of her mind, she
felt him pull back again. But that feeling was fleeting as he drove himself forward, making her
bounce on top of him.
His pace was hard and fast, his scaled pelvis slamming against her crotch. The sensation of the
scales against her body adding extra spice to what she was already feeling, its strange smoothness
as it rubbed against her body, making her shiver. Then was the sensation she felt inside of her. She
felt fuller than she had done before. Both his members filled her to her very core. Whenever he
thrusted she could feel herself stretch around the bulge at the base, adding a faint sting of pain that
made her feel every impact. After some point, the pain simply became another layer onto the
pleasure she felt.

She scarcely registered the change in position as she was now lying down on the cushions, the
sslyth above her as he thrusted. He pinned her arms above her head with his secondary arms as his
first practically feasted on her breasts. Her legs kicked wildly as he continued to fuck her intensely,
pummeling her raised ass with thrusts that would have broken anyone lesser. His hands were rough
as they groped her, but true to his word they weren’t painful. But it was obvious he was relishing
the fact he could finally grope the things he had been gawking at since she had undressed. The
sensation of feeling two pairs of hands on her took a moment to get used to. Especially when she
dimly registered her own arms on him for support. She wrapped her legs around his midriff, feeling
his body buck and thrust as he gave her what she wanted. A good, hard fuck.
Goosebumps ran down her normal arm as she felt his tongue caress her skin as he indulged himself
by pushing his snout against her breasts to taste her.

Threshis motions changed suddenly, one shaft dragging itself smoothly from her passage. So he
had a few tricks up his sleeve, she thought.
The shaft moved with such languid slowness that she felt every ridge and bump caress her walls;
every tug she felt at her entrance as they slipped out made her gasp. It’s twin following with the
same sluggishness. It felt as if there was a sudden void between her legs and she looked at him,
seeing a smug look in his eyes. Then they plunged back into her sex again, making her throw back
her head with a loud moan as her whole body shook with the impact. He switched his pattern again
after some time, using his flexible serpentine body to seesaw the shafts in and out. One shaft pulled
out as the other thrust forward, the weird sensation making her shriek with delight.

They filled the air inside the pagoda with a chorus of lurid sounds, bodies slapping against each
other, her moans, his grunts and growls as they fucked. Her own body met with his thrusts, hips
bucking and rolling whenever he thrusted. Whenever she closed her eyes, she saw supernovas
exploding behind her eyelids as he thrusted forward. Kegel muscles clamped down around the
shafts as they pillaged her passages, making him hiss and growl. Her sex was with arousal, and
glistening with of arousal. White foam around the shaft that thrusted in and out of her sex as their
juices frothed from the exertion. Sweat covered every centimeter of her skin, and loose locks of
hair clung to her face and neck. Droplets of it splashing away from her body every time his thrusts
hit home. Her fingers dug into the scales on his back as she held onto him as he thrusted. She could
feel her climax looming in the distance once more, like an approaching warp storm. It didn’t take a
magos biologis to realize that Threshis was getting close as well, his breathing heavy and his gaze
even more unfocused than it had been before. It was a credit to his unnatural stamina that his
thrusts continued undiminished, but they were becoming unfocused and sloppy. Things were about
to reach their conclusion, and by the Throne she wanted it to end with a bang.

Figuring he had enough of thinking he was in control, she wrapped her arms around his neck and
pulled herself upwards; the sslyth finding himself pushed back down. Her eyes met his as she
looked down at him. Both connected with each other. Her lips were curled into a superior, but
satisfied, smile. She could almost feel how ready he was to blow. The throbbing shafts teetering on
the edge of release. Tightening her grip around the silken leash that was still wrapped in one hand,
she tugged on it to get his attention. She wanted him to watch every single moment of her finale.
She wanted him to savour the moment of his complete defeat and her denying him the satisfaction
of being the one who drove her over the edge.

“You can’t shoot until I tell you to,” she said as if to plunge the dagger deeper. He just nodded in

With her feet planted on either side of his serpentine body, she spread her legs to give him an
excellent view of her aroused sex, and then she moved. She rode him like she was an Attilan on a
suicide charge, breasts bouncing on her chest. Her hips slamming against his body in a constant
rhythm as she moaned and shot him dirty looks, the sound of tanned skin slapping against scales
filling the surrounding air. His arms rested on the torn cushions, hands balled into fists. But his
eyes never moved away from her and followed the motions of her body.

Her climax hit her with the ferocity of a cavalry charge, a massive wave of pleasure washing over
her. A rising moan met a sudden end as if all the air in her lungs had vacated her body, her mouth
forming into a silent O. Every muscle in her body felt like they tensed up at the same time a split
second later. The toes on one foot curled inwards tightly. Behind her closed eyes, it was as if
multiple supernovas went on in quick success. She could feel how the muscles in her vagina
contracted around his shaft, her muscles in her other hole doing the same. Underneath her, she
could hear him hiss at the sensation.

Then, as suddenly as it came, it disappeared and her body relaxed and she sucked in a mouthful of
warm, stale air as she panted. Pleasure slowly being replaced by a warm tingle that spread from her
core and through her body. Locks of sweat drenched hair framed her face as she gasped, a hand
resting on his stomach for support. She stood up, one of his shafts slipping free from her sex with a
wet sucking noise, and she grunted as she felt its partner exit as well. Left behind was only an
empty feeling inside of her. A feeling she tried to ignore.
The area around his shafts glistened wetly, and both members were dripping with fluids. Without
thinking about it, she wrapped her hands around them and began stroking them. Threshis let out a
hissing growl. His tail twitched as her hands manhandled both members. Milky semen flowed from
the tips and down over her fingers, creating wet, sticky noises as her hands moved in a blur. He
might be a xenos, but she knew the signs of an impending climax when she saw them.

It began with a pulsing throb in one member and the sslyth let out a deep rumble from inside his
chest that seemed to rise upwards until it became a sharp hiss. She dove forwards and wrapped her
lips around one member, taking it deep inside of her mouth as it began unloading. She let its partner
deposit its load on his stomach and over his vest, feeling it throb in her hand as it began spurting.
His semen was far thicker than a man’s, and she let out a self-indulgent moan as she tasted it. It
was hot and stringy, and the flow never seemed to end as it flooded her mouth. Thick clumps
stubbornly slid down her throat as she swallowed time and time again to rest at the bottom of her
stomach, like a ball of hot lead. Its partner left long streaks of yellowish white across his stomach
and over his fake-expensive vest, the sslyth’s chest heaving like a bellow, clearly spent from his

Without another word she got up on her feet, leaving the cast down criminal princeling panting on
his cushion throne and looking like a right mess. For a moment she looked around for something to
drink. Spotting a bottle of expensive wine standing on a nearby table alongside a glass, she made a
beeline for it and poured herself some. Still not sparing him a glance, she quickly drained her glass.
Feeling refreshed, she began dressing herself.

She leaned closer to the Threshis’ head and whispered, her voice cold as ice.

“A word of advice. You can fuck with me. You can fuck me even. But if you ever fuck with any of
my boys and girls again, I will personally come down here and put a bolt between your eyes. Damn
what the Captain thinks. I hope I’ve made myself perfectly clear.”

If he acknowledged her he made no noise. Standing by the entrance to the pagoda she shot him a
look over one shoulder and grinned.

“It’s been a pleasure ‘negotiating’ with you, Threshis. And don’t worry about handing over my
missing people. That’s been taken care of by now.”

What she hadn’t mentioned was that Raine’s investigations had been so thorough that they had
found the rough locations of where her missing soldiers were located. After that, a stealthy visit by
Alena had confirmed it. Her entire visit had been a distraction as a second team had stealthily
infiltrated Night City with the sole mission of getting her missing people out of there. They were
acting under strict orders not to kill anyone unless they tried to resist, just to minimize the risks of
any fallout. Not that she figured he’d really try to strike back at her and just simmer in anger.
She reckoned by now, going by the act that none had dared to disturb them, that their mission had
gone off without a hitch. And her stolen soldiers were back at base.
Of course, there would be some talks with them. Some punishments doled out as well. But nothing
severe, obviously. They had simply been unfortunate to be used as pawns in some else’s game for

She turned off the jammer in her jacket pocket and pulled the entrance flap open. Without another
word she stepped outside. To her surprise the area around the pagoda had been cleared of people.
His guards had kept everyone away. But seeing her step out they realized that the show was over
and opened up their cordon. The looks on their faces told her that they had no idea what had really
transpired inside.
She would’ve loved to hear his reaction at her little doublecross. Maybe she should relieve him of
that footage at a later date. But now she had other things to take care of.
With a spring in her step and whistling the tune of an old soldier’s melody, she headed back home.

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