Serpent Rider (Rouge Trader X Sslyth)

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Serpent Rider

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Warhammer 40.000
Relationship: Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s),
Human/Sslyth, Rogue Trader/Xenos
Character: Original Female Character(s), Original Alien Character(s), Original
Rogue Trader Character(s) (Warhammer 40.000)
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Smut, Erotica, Shameless
Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Consensual Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Blow
Jobs, Femdom, Woman on Top, Bad Alliteration, Xenophilia,
Teratophilia, Double Penetration, Hemipenes, Creampie, sslyth, Xenos,
Monster sex, Alien Sex, Alien snake sex, Orgasm Delay/Denial,
Makeshift Cockrings
Stats: Published: 2022-02-24 Words: 4817

Serpent Rider
by LewdCookies


Tarriel has had a long and stressful day. Good thing her xenos bodyguard is around to help
her de-stress.

Art by Norko. Used with permission.

Captain Tarriel Eleonora Corvinius and Uraess belongs to Norko.

Clouds of steam billowed out behind her as Tarriel Eleonora Corvinius stepped out from the
bathroom, dressed in a dark purple cotton robe. Her body carried a slight glow to it. Damp locks of
silvery white hair clung to her forehead and neck, a thin patina of condensation made her obsidian
black cybernetic limbs glisten.

Despite the long and hot bath she had just taken, she still did not feel relaxed. Frustration burned
like a lump of hot metal in the pit of her stomach. The bottle of expensive wine she had drunk
while soaking had done little to help her, either. She exhaled sharply through her nose, mouth
drawn into a thin, humourless smile and pale green eyes carrying a sharp glint to them. She stalked
through the hallways with an annoyed shuffle.

Today had been like most other days as of late; long and frustrating.
Featuring seemingly endless negotiations with the Mechanicus over the most minute things.
Subordinates coming to her with problems, but rarely offer solutions in return. On top of it all,
circumstances confined to her mansion on Licis, the Esperanza still several months away from
being fit for void travel again after being nearly destroyed on Ghorvast.
In short, it was sheer hell, and what she really needed now was a stiff drink.
Or four.

She found him in the master living room, resting on the large sofa that dominated the middle of the
room in front of the quiet fireplace. His serpentine body spilling off the sofa to coil down onto the
carpeted floor. Polished red scales caught the dim light in the room in interesting ways while his
belly glistened. He had obviously shed his skin recently..

Uraess was naked, sans the purple sash he wore around his midriff. From a hidden slit at the top of
his tail, his twin members had emerged. The fleshy pink coloured, and exceedingly girthy members
glistened with internal lubrication. Each adorned with a line of ridges and, on the underside,
pierced with a row of dark metal bars.

A pair of clawed hands languidly stroked each shaft. He held something that was undoubtedly a
porn magazine in another pair of hands. He looked up from his reading material, his gold-coloured
eyes with their slitted pupils looking at her. Even then, he did not benign himself to stop stroking.
The semi-erect shafts jerked as he saw her standing in the doorway. Dollops of milky-white fluid
flowing from the tapered heads before his strokes smeared them out.

For a moment, Tarriel felt a blistering surge of irritation rise within her at his impertinence. But it
disappeared as fast as it had come, instead leaving her feeling amused. Her alien bodyguard was
full of surprises. Unlike so many others around her, she thought to herself with a twinge of
annoyance. She allowed herself a brief smile at her chance to relieve her tension; then she
summoned her best stern expression and advanced.

He kept looking at her with his golden eyes as she crossed the distance, still slowly stroking both
shafts slowly as if taunting her. She kept her eyes on his serpentine face, not wanting them to drift
downwards and distract her from her little game. If she didn’t know any better, she would’ve
guessed he was smiling slightly at her.

“Don’t move,” she said as she approached. The tone of voice clarified that the slightest movement
would’ve seen him thrown out of an airlock without a spacesuit. If they had been in space, that is.
Now it simply implied general unpleasantries in his future if he tried anything.

She plucked the magazine from his grasp. He offered no resistance, and she looked at the cover.
The title read Wicked Wyches and showed a pale-skinned drukhari with long, strikingly vibrant
green hair lounging on a bed of crimson silks. She wore next to nothing outside some pieces of red
and gold armour and looked at the viewer with a contemptuous glare. Her coquettishly closed legs
covered her bare sex and a pair of wicked daggers concealed the nipples of her otherwise bare
breasts. The headline next to her read “Kallista Kums Klean".

One of her eyebrows rose upwards while she glanced at him. Where he had even got his hands on
this, she did not know. He said nothing and simply looked at her with a faintly smug expression.
Without a word, she threw the magazine over her shoulder. If he wanted it back, he could pick it
back up later. It was her time to have fun either way.

“Put those hands away,” she commanded with a sharp look for emphasis.

Uraess obediently let go of the twin shafts. They sagged slightly to either side as gravity took hold
of them, and leaned back on the sofa as she sat down next to him. Kneeling on the floor in front of
him was far too undignified for someone of her stature and position, and the furniture was big
enough to accommodate them both either way. He hissed faintly as he felt her breasts push up
against his body as she leaned over him. The scales on his belly felt soft, a consequence of his
recent shedding, and had a fresh lustre to them.

His massive members twitched as she curled her fingers around them. Digits slowly flexing against
the steadily engorging shafts. Even in their semi-flaccid state, she had issues fully wrapping around
them at the base. She could feel a pleasant shiver prickling up her back as they throbbed in her
grip. She let a dollop of saliva drip onto one shaft, working it into the already glistening flesh with
slow strokes of her hand. Then she repeated the process on the other one. It wasn’t long until her
hands were slick with a combination of saliva and lubrication as she massaged his pricks with slow,
steady jerks. Whenever she reached the tips, she let her thumb brush against the tapered heads
before slowly dragging her hands back to the base. Her thumb brushing against the piercings.

She could hear a low rumble coming from his rib cage as her hands slowly worked both cocks. The
sslyth was obviously enjoying her handiwork.
Tarriel smiled to herself. She hadn’t even started yet.

She went at them with slow, deliberately drawn-out licks. The tip of her tongue brushing over each
successive piercing, making him hiss. Her tongue circled around the heads, one of her hands
wrapping around the base of a shaft whilst the other pressed against his lower body. Uraess
groaned when she pressed her tongue into the slit of the head, the sides of her mouth curled
upwards at his reaction. She pushed harder, forcing out a clear, shimmering drop of pre-cum onto
her tongue. The slightly tangy, but not overbearing, taste sent another prickle down her spine. She
withdrew her tongue, only to drag it up the underside of the shaft and leaving a trail of saliva in her
wake until her nose brushed against the head once more. The lukewarm sensation of the member
was always strange, no matter how many times they had fucked. The lubrication that coated both
of them tasted flat, a bit like distilled water.

Tarriel could feel the tension inside of her unravelling, as a warm sensation spread from her core
and through her body. Her cheeks were growing warm and underneath her robe, she felt her sex
becoming damp as her arousal grew. This was exactly what she needed, she thought as lips
wandered over a shaft.

Her breath whistled out from her nostrils onto the cockhead as she worked her lips and tongue onto
the shaft. The other one received the full attention of whatever idle hand was available. She
masterfully squeezed and caressed the shaft with brief pulses and twitches of her cybernetic
fingers. Practised from long hours of sword fighting and pistol marksmanship.
From above, she could hear him grunt and hiss in response, the shafts throbbing eagerly in her
hands or against her tongue. Her touch had the obvious desired effects on him, invigorating her to
push further.

She jerked the closest member to her with a hand, a slow but steady rhythm up and down the
knobbly shaft. The thing pulsed in her hand, each upward stroke making a dollop of precome leak
from the slit. She pressed her tongue against the base, feeling each ridge and piercing as she
dragged herself upwards at a tantalisingly slow pace. Her lips travelled upwards until they lingered
for a moment at the precipice at the head of the member. Showing no hesitation, she sucked the
head into her mouth, her tongue pressing against the underside of the shaft as she went down.
Uraess groaned loudly. The sensation of her teeth gently scraping against the sensitive flesh made
him hiss. His hands clenched into fists as an involuntary twitch ran through him. As her head
moved, she never stopped attending to his other shaft. Fingers stroking and kneading it almost in
rhythm to the movement of her head on its partner.

It wasn’t long before she had established a rhythm of going down on one member and stroking the
other. And then switching places at random. Uraess let off a string of noises, groans, grunts, hisses,
and growls. It came from him in an endless tide as she indulged herself with his twin shafts. Her
mouth flooded with the tangy taste of his pre-cum, the stuff running free from the tip of each shaft.
She stopped briefly when she felt something grab her rear, finding that one of his arms had strayed
over there. As she went back at it, she let out a quiet moan as she felt a finger brush over her robe
clad sex briefly.

She teased and toyed with him, letting him reach just on the cusp of a climax before she broke off
and letting the rapidly approaching high fade. By now she could read him like the pages of a book,
how his body behaved and reacted to stimuli. His breathing was heavy, eyes slightly unfocused. He
leaned against the backrest, his serpentine tongue lolling out from his mouth. He was getting close,
she could tell. If she had put her hand to his chest, she would’ve felt his heart beating like an ork
war-drum. But she realised she had gone too far. Her teasing and edging, alongside his own self-
pleasuring before, had brought him too close to the brink. He’d barely last for what she wanted

A steady dribble of pre-come flowed from both heads, making her hands sticky as they continued
stroking and fondling the shafts. Her lips glistened with it as well. The taste in her mouth stuck
around no matter how much saliva she summoned to rinse it out. Uraess’ eyes were closed as his
breathing had now turned shallow and rapid. The members throbbed aggressively in her hands, and
from the slackened expression on his face he was very close.

She could feel his serpentine body tense up, a tremble running through the shafts. That was the
point she struck. Wrapping her thumb and index finger around the shaft, just above the bulbous
base, she clenched down hard. Uraess let out a loud rumbling sound that devolved into a drawn-out
hiss as his climax washed over him. In her hands the members throbbed, trying desperately to push
out the load that was rushing up the cumveins. But with her firm, mechanically assisted grip
around the shafts, all they could do was pulse feebly. Only a thin trickle of semen leaked out from
the slits.

She didn’t let go of her fingers until she knew his climax had abated. The sslyth panted hard, his
loud breathing echoing in the otherwise quiet room. There was a visible wilt to both shafts as she
unclasped her grip around them. The things somehow looked spent despite being denied the chance
to do so. Getting up from the sofa, she wiped her sticky fingers and mouth on the hem of her
bathrobe. Ignoring the fact that her robe had become partially undone, revealing tantalising hints of
her breasts and abdomen..

“Keep them going,” she said before making for the nearby liquor cabinet. The underlying message
was obvious; unless they were back at full mast again when she returned, there would be hell to

As she poured herself a finger of amasec, she was suddenly keenly aware of her own state of
arousal. Her cheeks felt blisteringly hot, the rest of her body feeling warm. She felt a slight
dampness between her legs, the insides of her thighs slick with arousal. But despite all that, she
could still feel that nagging tension inside of her. It had been subdued, but it was still clinging on
for dear life. Despite that, she felt a lot better than she had done earlier.

She slugged the amasec in a very undignified manner, feeling the alcohol wash away the taste of
his pre-come. It burned its way down her throat and settled in her stomach like a lump of fire.
Feeling both refreshed and reinvigorated, she went back to the sofa. Pleased to note that both of his
cocks were standing at full mast again. Uraess stroked them slowly as he waited for her. Such good
behaviour needed to be rewarded, she thought with a faint smile.

Standing in front of him, she pulled at the silk cord holding her robe together. The knot coming
undone with a faint rasping hiss of silk on silk. With a shrug of her slender shoulders, the cotton
robe fell to the floor. Her body was slim, but not without some curve around her hips. Her light
brown skin was completely flawless and utterly devoid of body hair.

Uraess let out a satisfied hiss at the sight of her naked body. His members twitched as he took in
her nudity. His eyes invariably wandered over to her sizable, and also flawless, bosom. Her
inverted nipples were two small dimples surrounded by a coin sized areolae. The sides of her
mouth twitched upwards at his obvious reaction to her nakedness, feeling pleased at his obvious
signs of appreciation..

She clambered on top of him, her knees resting on the sofa cushion, and her legs spread wide to
straddle him. Exposing her sex to him, the skin coloured a shade darker from arousal. A quiet gasp
slipped past her lips as her thighs came into contact with his chilled scales. Both members stood
eagerly to attention. Even erect, neither of them stood fully upright and both bent slightly to either
side in the shape of a shallow V. They glistened in the light and seemed to throb with unrestrained
eagerness. She felt another pleasant shiver prickle up her back, anticipation building within her.
This wasn’t the first time they had fucked, but the sight of those twin alien shafts still filled her
with a sense of eager anticipation and helped to stir her lusts.

She rose on her haunches, slowly shuffling forwards until her crotch hovered above the tapered
heads. Uraess grabbed both members with one hand, holding them in place for her. With her heart
beating in her chest, she sank down. When she felt a tip pushing against her labia, she shuddered
before driving herself downwards. The forceful push, coupled with his immense girth, felt like a
punch to her stomach. She let out a long, drawn-out moan as it plunged deep inside of her. She
could practically feel all the tension and stress being squeezed out of her the deeper his shaft went.
A sudden but intensive onrush of pleasure filling the void. She could feel all the ridges and
piercings rubbing against her walls as she sank down. Jolts of intense pleasure racing up her spine.
The slight pain from the thick shafts stretching her out only added to the intensive cocktail of
sensations she felt. She had missed this for far too long and now drank deep from the cup as she
sank lower and lower. Loud moans and gasps marking each centimetre of progress.

As she felt the other tip poke at her anal rose, she stopped. Briefly, she cursed her lack of foresight
at not getting a bottle of lube. But the member felt slick enough from the lubrication and pre-come
that coated it. She took a deep, calming breath, trying to relax her sphincter and her whole body.
An exercise she had done so many times before. Even then, she felt a wave of anxiety but also
excitement running through her. The head poked at her other entrance and she pushed herself

For a moment, there was a sense of pressure. Then, as if a seal had snapped, she felt an intense
swelling sensation of heat and hardness that instantly filled her to the brim. She threw her head
back and moaned pleasurably as the other shaft pushed inside of her. The filling sensations spiked
as, with a final push, both shafts slammed home and their bodies made contact. Uraess’ body
seemed to vibrate from the deep rumbling groan he let out as both members hilted inside of her.
Her fingers dug into soft scales on his belly for support as waves of pleasure rolled through her.
The shafts throbbed inside of her, and even the slight rise and fall of the sslyth’s body as he
breathed seemed to make them rub against every sensitive spot at the same time. She sat there for a
moment, letting herself become comfortable with the twin shafts inside of her, savouring the sweet
sensation of it at the same time.

She began with a slow roll of her hips against his abdomen, a sensuous back-and-forth motion that
made her breasts jiggle tantalisingly. She slowly rode on top of him, quiet gasps and moans coming
from her as ridges and bumps brushed by sensitive areas. She arched her back, pushing her breasts
out as she moved, driven on by the waves of pleasure coursing through her.
Only to pause as she noted the very content, and pleased, expression on his face. She cocked her
head slightly and folded her arms over her chest, suppressing a yelp as the gold filigree metal came
into contact with her warm skin.

“If you seriously believe that I’m going to do most of the work here, idiota, you are sorely

“No mistress,” the sslyth rumbled sheepishly.

“Good,” she said with a nod. “Then get to work.”

A pair of hands went for the swell of her hips, before slowly sliding downwards to cradle her rear.
Claws felt like needle pricks against her smooth skin as he grabbed her, lifting her effortlessly. She
shuddered as she felt the members retreating, each brief touch by a ridge or a piercing making her
moan and gasp.

The first thrust pushed the air out of her lungs with its sudden ferocity, the gasp she let out cutting
out halfway as both members buried themselves to the hilt inside her. The sudden motion sent a
ripple through her body, making her bosom bounce. His other pair of hands grabbed them roughly,
causing her to gasp again, and he squeezed them with unrestrained eagerness. As fingers sank into
the soft flesh, she moaned. She could feel him pull out, but the sensation was fleeting as he
suddenly drove himself upwards. Her body bouncing in his lap.

His pace was hard and fast. Scaled pelvis slamming against her crotch, causing her to moan. This
was exactly what she needed right now. She felt full, both members filling her to her very brim, and
slightly beyond. Whenever he pulled out, she could feel herself stretch slightly around the bulge at
the base. The faint sting of pain added an extra layer of sensations on top of all the other
sensations. Every impact made her body jolt. The ridges sheathing the alien phallus rubbed against
her inner walls; the piercings adorning its underside making her quiver with their passage. She felt
her stomach contract as she clamped down on both intruders, wanting to prolong their stay. Her
back arched, pushing her breasts into his eager hands as he continued groping them. Clawed
fingers adding an extra layer of sensuous pain to everything as they poked and pricked her flesh.

Suddenly the sslyth rose upwards to his full impressive height, with her still connected to him.
Powerful arms grabbed her supple things for support and spread her legs wide. His secondary arms
let go of her breasts with obvious reluctance to support her back. She threw her arms around his
muscular neck. Her legs kicked wildly as he continued to fuck her intensely, pummelling her sex
with thrusts that would’ve broken anyone lesser. But she was used to his rough loving by now, and
through gasps and moans encouraged him to do her harder. To which he obviously obliged,
hammering her sex with both his shafts in a frenzy. Her body bounced in his firm grip, breasts
swaying up and down as his shafts pistoned in and out of her. She felt his tongue caress her nape as
he leaned close, sending goosebumps across her skin. Claws dragging against her perspired skin,
leaving brief scratch marks without drawing blood. Not that she wouldn’t have minded if they had.

When he paused suddenly, she was on the verge of trying to smite him on the spot. Her mouth
opened to say something, but she lost the words to a deep moan as she felt one shaft drag out from
her passage. But it moved with such a languined slowness that she could feel every ridge and bump
caress her walls. Every tug and caress made her mewl and twitch. Then its twin followed suit,
moving with the same sort of slowness. She felt them almost pull out entirely before he pushed his
abdomen forward again, burying them to the hilt inside of her once more. The impact made her
body shake, and she threw her head back as she moaned. He seesawed the shafts in and out of her,
one shaft pulling out as the other thrust forward. The sensation made her shriek with delight. Her
reaction only goaded him on as he slowly and steadily increased his pace. The only thing she could
do was to hold on and enjoy herself.

She was lying on her stomach. Uraess looming above her as he thrust into her, one of hands planted
on the cushions right next to her head for support. The sofa swayed sideways with each impact.
Her face pressed into a pillow to stifle her moans as the shafts filled her up again and again. She
could feel him lean in closer behind her, his breath washing over her back. Her breath hitched in
her throat as her heart appeared to skip a beat as she suddenly felt teeth scrape by her neck, and a
tongue caressing her sweaty skin. His prominent fangs applied just enough pressure not to break
her skin, but to let her feel them pressing against her.
It was at that moment something inside of her popped off and her world suddenly exploded into a
nova of carnal bliss. She came hard, moaning deep into the pillow as he continued to rut into her
from behind, extending the sensation to an almost razor-sharp edge.

A pair of his arms pinned her arms against the sofa, whilst the others held her legs spread wide.
She mewled as fangs scraped against her neck, his tongue caressing her skin. The sofa rocked back
and forth, threatening to tip over with the ferocity of his thrusts. The sound of the legs hitting the
floor was a rhythmic thudding sound barely muted by the carpeting. The sslyth fucked her with an
intensity she loved, pummelling her raised rear with heavy thrusts that filled the air with a loud,
rhythmic slapping sound. He let go of her arms to grope roughly at her bouncing bosom, claws
raking against glistening skin. Leaving her to scramble for a hold as his unrelenting thrusting
threatened to push her upwards. She could feel another climax creeping around the corner,
skulking in the shadows like a tyranid genestealer waiting to ambush her at the right moment. Her
head tossed back and forth, her sweat drenched hair whipping around wildly. An endless stream of
moans and expletives flowed from her mouth as he repeatedly gave her what she wanted.
A good, hard fuck.

At some point, she found herself back on the sofa again, bouncing on top of Uraess. The sslyth
meeting her motions with his own thrusts. The sound of bodies slapping against each other echoed
in the room, alongside her moans, his grunts and growls as they fucked without abandon. Her
kegel muscles clamped down around the pillaging shafts, making him hiss and growl as they
squeezed the thrusting shafts. His thrusts were ferocious enough to froth the juices flowing from
her sex. A thin film of white foam coated one shaft as it plunged in and out of her pussy. Sweat
covered every square centimetre of her skin, making it glisten. Loose locks of hair clung to her
face and neck. Every thrust sent tiny droplets of sweat flying from her breasts as they bounced and
swayed, her erect nipples standing out like small nubs. Underneath them, the sofa creaked
worryingly. But it appeared to be built out of sterner stuff and held its ground. At least for now.

She could feel her climax looming in the distance, rolling towards her like an approaching warp
storm. Underneath her, Uraess showed all the signs of being close to his limit as well. His
impressive longevity and stamina was certainly one part of why she enjoyed having him around.
She summoned her best stern look, which was hard considering the circumstances. But she had
plenty of experience by this point.

“If you come before me, I will feed you piecemeal to Greshak,” she remarked cooly and referring
to the Kroot tracker in her employ.

He seemed to take the threat seriously as he suddenly put his back into his motions. Finding a last
ounce of strength within him to keep going.
The orgasm hit her with the force of a macrocannon barrage. A massive wave of pleasure that
suddenly crashed into her and made her freeze in place. She moaned, only to find that all the air in
her lungs had suddenly vacated her body. Leaving her mouth to form into a silent O as her face
went slack. Every muscle in her body seemed to grow tense at the same time as the climax rolled
up from her core and through the rest of her body. She could feel her toes curling tightly inwards,
her legs trying to follow suit. Her body clamped down on the invading shafts and that was the point
where whatever control the sslyth had over himself failed.

Uraess announced his climax with a deep rumble that emanated from inside his chest. The sound
seemed to rise upwards until it became a long, sharp hiss. She could feel his shafts throb as they
came, depositing their thick loads inside of her. So much that some of it overflowed and dribbled
down both members, pooling around the base. That was something she barely noticed as she was
still riding her own climax, the sensation of the internal cumshot edging her along further.

Then, as suddenly as it had arrived, it disappeared. The tension slipping away and being replaced
by an intensive warm tingle. She toppled forward, as if someone had suddenly turned her entire
body into jelly and found herself resting against Uraess’ heaving chest. She gasped for air, trying
her best to compose herself. But her body appeared to refuse her attempts, at least for a while as it
basked in post-orgasmic bliss.

She rose a few moments later, gingerly climbing off him. There was a wet sucking noise as the
first shaft slipped free from her sex. The other followed suit and left her with a slightly empty
feeling inside of her. She could feel his loads running down the inside of her thigh. It was a
somewhat disconcerting feeling; she realised. A frown marked her sweaty features as she realised
she would need to clean herself again. She gave the sslyth a look, the frowning deepening as she
realised he had apparently fallen asleep from the exertion. Then again, she thought, he had done a
remarkable job and deserved his rest.

Scooping up the robe from the floor, she made for the liquor cabinet again. Grabbed a random
bottle, she gave the label a quick glance to make sure it was something worthwhile before heading
back in the bathroom's direction. This time walking with a bit more of a spring to her step.

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