Shattered Sisterhood (SOB X Slaanesh Daemons)

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Shattered Sisterhood.

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con
Category: Multi, Other
Fandom: Warhammer 40.000
Character: Canonness Morika (OC), Rannig (OC), a bunch of soritas and cultists
Additional Tags: Shameless Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Maybe A Little Plot
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-12-01 Words: 3114

Shattered Sisterhood.
by FulgrimOfTheThird


Just a cliché story involving the Sister's of Battle, tentacles and a Slaaneshi cult. Enjoy.

Canonness Morika had led her warriors down onto the Chaos held world with her usual fiery zeal
and absolute faith in the God-Emperor of Mankind. She and her sisters of The Argent Aegis would
deliver this world back into His holy light. The forces of Chaos had held it too long already and she
would lead her Sister’s to yet another victory for Him on Terra.

So it was for the other Sisters too. Full of faith and fury, ready to do His work. And that faith and
fury burned in their breasts as they boarded drop pods and lander craft. It remained burning as they
launched from their Strike Cruiser, Bane of Abominations, and burned ever brighter as they
disembarked on the planet's surface and began to engage the Chaos forces there. Morika was a little
taken aback at the sight that displayed the corruption was more widespread and entrenched then
she had been led to believe. But still she would not falter, she would press on for her Emperor. And
it seemed that her fellow Soritas felt the same for they were steadily driving the enemy back. The
cultists in their bright, garish patchwork armour, if they even wore armour at all, were no match for
the heavily armed Sisters of Battle. So they fell back to the centre of the city and the Argent Aegis
followed with flame and bolt. A few Sisters fell to the corrupt weaponry or the rampages of
obscene mutants but their casualties were light and their advance never wavered.

Disgust rose in Canonness Morika’s throat as she saw where the cultists fell back to. It had once
been the grand temple of this city, a mighty edifice that loudly proclaimed the glory of the God-
Emperor and now it was a bastion of the vile forces of Chaos and evil. A strange purplish flesh
seemed to grow over much of the building, pulsating and twitching with a life of its own. When
struck it seemed to let out a ecstatic moaning from newly formed mouths.

“Onwards, Sisters!” Morika cried out over the vox, “Let none survive! Purge the unclean!”

Her battlesisters roared their assent and they pressed on harder as the cultists rushed inside the
defiled temple. Soon only the dead were left outside with the Soritas. Morika ordered her tanks to
destroy the temple but the detonations caused the flesh to scream in pleasure instead of moaning
and the Sisters clapped hands to ears in hopes of blocking out the horrid sound.

“Looks like we’re going in.” Canonness Morika said and raised her powersword towards the sky.
“Purge the heretics!”

And the Sisterhood charged forward, through the still open doors and into the interior of the
corrupted temple. The strange flesh moaned in pleasure as their armoured boots trampled it and the
Sisters did their best to ignore the obscene sounds.

Inside was more flesh to such an extent it seemed almost as if the cathedral was no longer made
from stone but from this strange purple flesh. It rose in pillars that undulated and squirmed like
lovers writhing across each other. But there was no sign of the cultists who had ran in here. Morika
advanced cautiously with her hand flamer raised and powersword ready. As the last Sister crossed
the threshold the doors slammed shut with a wet splat and the strange flesh erupted into motion as
hundreds of tentacles shot out from every direction. The Sisters tried to fight them off, chopping,
burning and shooting the writhing tentacles but more came and faster. They wrapped themselves
around the Soritas’s arms and legs and pulled them from their feet until they hanging a few feet in
the air, their weapons gone. Morika was the last to be ensnared but she too soon fell into the
embrace of the tentacles that slithered over her armour and wrapped her in their embrace. She
thrashed and cursed, wondering why they hadn’t been killed yet.

She got her answer when the tentacles began to move again and a faint pink mist spurted from
pores along the daemonic flesh and seeped through the air. Morika was thankful for her helmet and
its filtration system but that blessing was swiftly removed as a tentacle tore the helmet from her
head and cast it aside along with every other Sister’s helmet too. The mist sank into nose and
mouth and seemed to seep into her skin. It smelled faintly of roses and musk. It sent a tingle of
warmth through her body that settled between her legs. The canonness stern, pale face dropped
open in horror as the warmth built and she had to try harder to push it down, to not give in. She
began to pray out loud to the God-Emperor for salvation and her voice was quickly joined by the
others though a few voices were faltering already. And then the indignity continued as the
enrapturing tentacles began to tear at the Sister’s armour, pulling at joints and seals until the
ceramite came free from the women’s bodies and could be cast carelessly to the ground until they
were clad only in their interface suits. The Repentia in their crew didn’t even have that dignity and
were already fully naked, exposed for all to see. Not that they’d be alone in their nakedness long.
The tentacles forced their way inside the suits, writhing over bare skin and sending small jolts of
electric warmth through their victims. Then the tentacles flexed and writhed and the suits were torn
from the struggling Soritas’s bodies. More than a few cried out in despair but most tried to remain
stoic and continued to pray out loud.

But more indignity soon followed. The tentacles now had unfettered access to their victims and
they began to take advantage of it. The ecstatic moaning grew in volume as the tentacles caressed
the skin of the Sisters in their clutches. Morika tried to thrash herself loose as a tentacle that felt
like a rough tongue encircled her large breasts. Her prayer faltered for a split second before she
resumed, louder and a little desperate now as more tentacles moved over her pale skin. Every touch
sent a jolt of pleasure that stirred up the heat pooling in her loins until it was overspilling and her
body’s betrayal began to run down her muscular thighs. She heard less prayers now and more
moans and cries of pleasure or pleas for forgiveness. The canonness managed to open her eyes and
saw her Sisters receiving the same treatment as her and with dismay she saw many of them
succumbing to the heretical ministrations of the tentacles. She saw her second in command panting
as tentacles flicked at her nipples and another ran over her gushing pussy. Then she was brought
back to her own predicament as a pair of tentacles grabbed her thick ass cheeks and pulled them
apart and let them clap back together again. She spasmed at the sensation but still managed to keep
her prayers up. She even managed to keep praying to her beloved God-Emperor as she was turned
midair until her breasts hung towards the ground and her ass was held up and presented to the rest
of her Order who had been behind her. Then her prayers finally broke as a thick tentacle came
down in a hard spank that set her ass jiggling in a most obscene manner and the holy canonness
yelped in surprise and pain. The tentacle came down again and again until her pale ass was red and
her cheeks were bouncing in a lewd fashion for all to see.

She finally got a break from the ruthless spanking and was lowered towards the floor. Morika
thought at last her ordeal was over and the God-Emperor had finally answered her desperate
prayers. But instead the tentacles simply held her down on all fours like a dog, ass still towards her
subordinates. Then she saw that her ordeal was just beginning as the cultists reappeared in their
hundreds. They were naked now but their skin was daubed in garish hues and scented oils that
made their skin glisten. But worse of all she saw a figure that made her stomach drop in terror as a
huge figure in ancient and warped power armour strode forward. His boots were clawed and they
sank into the flesh of the Chaos cathedral causing it to moan and bleed like all their weapons
hadn’t managed yet. His armour was even more brightly painted in golds, bronzes and silvers.
Swathes of exotic animal hides hung from the edges of his belt and pauldrons, one of which was
shaped into a woman’s face twisted with pleasure until it was at once beautiful and hideous. His
head was unhelmed and she beheld a face carved from marble that looked like what she had always
imagined the Emperor to look like in her most private fantasies. He stomped closer and she gasped
as a tentacle probed her asshole. This was all so much and her mind couldn’t keep up with
everything that was happening. She had come to this world to cleanse it of taint and here she was
on all fours, naked and violated and desperately trying to deny the pleasure that ran up and down
her body.

Behind Morika the rest of the Order had already been impaled by the tentacles that held them
aloft and the screams and moans of Sisters filled the air as they let themselves fall to the pleasures
forced into their bodies. They were lowered to the floor, still being fucked by the rough tentacles
that made them complaint with pleasure, burning their synapses of rational thought and replacing
them with the pleasures of the Dark Prince. Morika alone was spared the full torment of her sisters.
And she guessed it wasn’t for good reasons. The cultists ran past her in a stream of garish flesh,
genitals exposed and ready to enjoy the bounty of captured flesh. They swarmed over the captured
Soritas in a wave of lust, hands groping tits and asses, pulling at their captives. Cocks were forced
into holes to the welcome cries of the debased Sisterhood. Others had cunts pushed into their faces
and they began eagerly lapping at the sweet nectar offered.

Canonness Morika finally broke down and sobbed as she listened to the howls of ecstasy from
behind her. Her Sisters had fallen so quickly. Her holy warriors she had fought with her nearly a
century had given in to base lust much quicker than she had ever imagined possible. Tears streaked
her face and she looked at the fleshy floor beneath her hands. Tentacles still writhed over her body
like the lapping of tongues and her round ass was spanked on occasion, eliciting another sob from
her soft lips. A ceramite gauntlet tipped with crystal claws gently tipped her head up and she
looked into the beautiful face of the Chaos Space Marine.

“I thank you for bringing me so many new toys. I was starting to get bored.” His voice was softer
then it should have been, almost musical but underlying it all was a razor’s edge.

Marika sobbed again as she realised she had indeed led her Sister’s into this trap with such
incaution and everything that happened afterwards was her fault. Every violation was a stain on her
soul, every Soritas impaled on a cultist cock was a failure of her duty. “I am Rannig. But you will
call me Master.”
The canonness tried to come up with something to say but at that moment a tentacle squeezed her
left breast and she gasped instead. Rannig gently inserted his thumb claw into her mouth and gently
eased it open. Hois other hand removed his crotch plate and an enormous cock sprang free to slap
against the canonness’s face. It was huge as befitted a warrior of his size but it also was gently
ridged down its length and Morika unwilling thought of how that would feel inside her. She tried to
turn her head away but his grip was too strong and he held her in place with her mouth open.

“Such a pretty thing. You will make a fine consort queen.” And with that he slid his cock into her
mouth, spreading her lips further as she was forced to accommodate his girth and length. He sighed
in pleasure and the tentacles twitched in sympathy with him. “Praise be to Slaanesh for holy sluts.”
He gave her a cruel smile that marred his perfect features. “Always my favourite holes to sink my
dick into.”

He was surprisingly gentle at first as he eased his length into Morika’s mouth, pausing slightly as
he hit the back of her throat before pushing in further until her nose touched his crotch and her
throat bulged obscenely. His hand on the back of her head kept her in place even as she thrashed in
her bonds, desperate to breathe. He let her go just before she passed out and the canonness gasped
for air, choking as her lungs readjusted. She was only given a second to refill her lungs before that
monstrous cock was being forced back down her throat. A throat that had once only sung holy
prayers to her God-Emperor and now it was being defiled by a heretic’s cock. Tears streamed
down her face causing her eyeliner to run in black streaks too. Again the intruder’s dick was pulled
out a second before she passed out and again she choked and spluttered. She spat saliva and precum
onto the floor. Rannig sighed in pleasure.

“A lovely warm up but I think you’re eager to receive the same treatment as your Sisters.” His
face twisted in a lurid grin as the tentacles raised Morika up and turned her around so her round, fat
ass was presented to the Marine and she could see the true extent of her Soritas’s defilement. Not
one of them was resisting anymore and indeed most were unrestrained by the tentacles now but
none tried to escape. Indeed they were all throwing themselves into a lustful frenzy, trying to get as
much carnal pleasure as possible. Once proud warriors of the Adeptus Soritas debased themselves
for the traitors and mutants they had until today so abhorred. Morika shuddered in shame as she
watched the Sister Superior of the Repentia, a muscled and scarred woman, who had been so
zealous in her hatred and search for forgiveness now riding up and down on a cultist’s cock,
screaming in pleasure as more pushed into her eager holes. A once timid Hospitalar who barely
spoke above a whisper and kept to herself was kneeling in a circle of cultists, going back and forth
on their cocks and cunts, greedily pleasuring them with her mouth while one hand furiously rubbed
her own soaking cunt.

The canonness could also not deny that her own pussy was dripping, that her juices ran down her
thighs in a torrent. She dropped her head in shame, not looking up as the tip of that ridged monster
cock pressed against her lower lips.

“I will make you mistress of a new order, dedicated to a master worthy of worship.” Running
whispered in her ear, “Just say “His name and I will grant you every pleasure you have ever been
denied. Just call His name.” And with that he shoved roughly forward, burying his ridged cock
inside the canonness. Her head flew up and she screamed as she was stretched further then she had
ever imagined she would be. She didn’t notice that the tentacles were no longer holding her either
but she didn’t care. She screamed and wept as she was raped before her Order who had already
fallen into depravity.

Rannig cried out in ecstasy as his cock spread the woman wide, her juices spilling over his cock
and down both their thighs. He gripped her hair and pulled her head up making sure she watched
her Sister’s violations as she herself was violated. The smell of the musk from the tentacles was
swamped by the smell of sweat and lust as hundreds of people rutted and raped in the profaned
temple. Soritas were drenched in cum or swallowed it greedily like starving women and then went
back for more.

And Morika’s screams of pleasure joined them as Rannig’s cock split her from her old Imperial
self and sent her sliding down the path of pleasure. She convulsed as she came hard on that cock
and she didn’t stop, couldn’t stop. She wanted more and she wanted it forever. Another pleasured
scream tore from her abused throat as a tentacle pushed its way past her thick asscheeks and
speared into her virgin asshole. She bucked back against her new master and squealed as another
orgasm tore through her. Then her final restraint snapped and she reared backwards, pressing her
back against Rannig’s chest as they rutted. His massive claws groped at her large tits and her hand
gripped one of his wrists to keep herself in his embrace.

“Yes! I want more! Don’t stop fucking me! Give me your blessed cock!” Morika was utterly lost
in pleasure until nothing remained of her past. “I devote myself to Slaanesh.” The name burned her
tongue but she didn’t care, nothing would stop her quest for pleasure now. “I am Slaanesh’s whore!
I am his! I am yours!”

“Yes! That’s it!” Rannig cried in triumph as he used one of his crystalline claws to carve the
symbol of Slaanesh between Morika’s tits. “You are now His whore! His pleasure bound!”

Morika was cumming again, the strongest orgasm she had ever had, as she spoke the name of her
new god and she fell limply from Rannig’s cock. He pulled her up and by her hair and she weakly
tried to take his cock into her mouth once more. But instead he held her a little back from it and
gave it a few strokes before releasing his load of cum onto her face and tits. Her pale skin was
smothered in his cream and she moaned whorishly as she licked it into her mouth.

“Thank you, Master.” She smiled weakly before finally passing out.

In the years to come a new threat to the Imperium arose in the sector. No one knew for sure what
they were but rumours of an all female Chaos warband raiding planets and kidnapping people
abounded. Some whispered that they were fallen Soritas but those people were dismissed. Surely
those as devout and pure as the Sisters of Battle wouldn’t fall to Chaos so.

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