Google Classroom

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Task 2. Sharing Your Google Classroom, Give and Get Feedback, Then Answer
the Questions Below
1. Did any students in your group (from the Wiki) not provide feedback before the Due Date? If so,
please provide their full name(s) below – please put their full name (first and last name). This will
help me when grading.
Brooke Kilbuck and Michell Rodriguez

2. Post the feedback you received on or before the deadline for feedback responses regarding about
your Google Class below. Hopefully you will have at least a couple of feedback responses but
provide whatever responses you got about your class before the deadline – see course calendar for
the due date. Simply copy/paste the feedback you received and past it below.
Ana O. sent me this feedback on Sun. 9/24/2023: Hello! I enjoyed your lesson on Fruits vs. Vegetables. I genuinely didn't know
about the whole tomato debacle. What I found missing from your Google classroom was a profile picture, the grade level, and
your name isn't visible in the GC title. Your quiz was great and I like that you have two written responses. These ensure that you
are reading and looking at the answers chosen for the assessment. Maybe adding an announcement or question of the day in
that same box will create higher traffic on your classroom's homepage!

I can't wait to see more!

Shams A. sent me this feedback on Sunday 9/24/2023. Hey Eh Moo Wah!

I enjoyed looking through your Google Classroom. I like how your quiz and assignment were formatted clearly and you seem like
you have a good understanding of how to use Google Classroom in general. I was a little confused on your assignment because
you didn’t ask us to turn anything in, you just instructed us to watch a video and read an article. Maybe it was just an
instructional assignment that didn’t require us to turn anything in, so it’s fine. Overall, I enjoyed your quiz and the video/article
you included in your assignment. Keep up the great work!

3. From the feedback you received, did you gain any insights? In other words, did you learn anything
from the feedback that you use when you have your own Google classroom?
From the feedback, yes there is some thing that I had learned. Although it was just a practice to getting used to
using google classroom, I should’ve been clearer about the grade level that I had intended that class for and put
in some announcements to get used to using google classroom even better.

4. Did you experience any problems while inviting students to you view your class and getting
feedback? If so, what problems did you experience?
No, I didn’t, it went smoothly.

5. From the video(s) tutorials above, what are some different ways you can invite a student to join
your Google class?
One of the way you can invite a student to join a google class is by showing them the class code. They will have
to get on google classroom, click on join a class and put the class code in. Another way to invite them is to copy
the class code and send it out as an email to the students. And lastly, you can go on “people” in your
“classroom” and add them in the “student” section.

6. What is the stream feature in Google Classrooms? Do a quick Google or Youtube search to find
out about this info if you don’t know.
The stream feature on google classroom is where you can post announcements to the students. Like a reminder,
you can send out announcements that they will see when they first open google classroom. This is also where
your assignments will show when it is posted.

7. What kinds of things can you do in the ‘class settings’ area? Not sure? Watch the first tutorial
again and/or play around with the settings button in your own classroom.
In the ‘class settings’ area, you can change your class details, like your class name, the description of your class,
the section your class is in as well as the room number and subject of your class. General setting can be changed
in your ‘class setting’ as well, this is where you can adjust your invite codes (if its on or off), there’s also an invite
link, the class code (which you can change). This is where you can control the ‘stream’ feature on google
classroom, you can change it to where students can post and comment, or that students can only comment, or
that only teachers can post or comment.

8. What potential difficulties could you foresee if you were asked to set up a Google Class for your
own students?
I don’t see any potential difficulties in the future I were to asked to set up a google classroom. I am very
comfortable with using the computer, and I can also learn if I don’t know how to use it. Looking at the videos
that you provided, I was able to set up the classroom easily.

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