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The Man from Algiers

Star Troupe, 2019

Translated by Kittychan
Edited by Chemicals
Proofreading and Subtitles by Leecifrawr


Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Rei Makoto: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming today. This is Rei Makoto, of the
Takarazuka Revue’s Star Troupe. Our performance today is written by Shibata Yukihiro and
directed by Oono Takuji. We now present a Musical Romance: The Man from Algiers, in twelve


Scene 1: Julien Claire

[A] Julien Clair (Prologue)

Julien Clair (Rei Makoto): My name is Julien—Julien Clair. I’ve picked up a bit of a reputation
here in the slums of Algiers. I was abandoned just after I was born, but it’s not like that was my
fault. Ever since I was a brat I’ve done whatever I could to get by: gambling, obviously;
pickpocketing, robbery, smuggling, confidence schemes—I’m a pro at all the usual vices. The
only things I haven’t done are armed robbery and murder… That’s me: Julien!

[Julien Clair] (Theme Song)

My youth spent in the dirt
My youth spent in the darkness

Right now I am a boat drifting on the sea

Right now I am a leaf blown away in the storm
Right now I am a candle closed off in the mist

Surely one day

Surely one day
I will find some grand dream
Surely one day
Surely one day
I’ll climb up to a path in the sun
A glittering golden street
Trees laden with golden fruit
Brightly shining golden wine
With these hands I’ll make it all mine!
With these hands I’ll make it all mine!

[dance interlude]

Love, where is love
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

My starving heart cries out for love

Trapped in the pale night mist
Full of sadness beyond tears
I wander all alone in search of love
Love, where is love

[B] The Bet

Jacques: Hey, Julien! Stop moping and get over here!

Julien: Me, moping? Not likely. What will you have, Sabine?

Sabine: Calvados.

Julien: Two.

Pierre (Amato Kanon): Three! Your treat.

Christian: [humming La Marsellaise]

Jacques: Today is Bastille Day, right? Any plans?

Julien: Nothing much.

Pierre: The whole town’s going to be dancing all night, Boss!

Julien: Go ahead and dance if you want.

Marcel (Sazanami Reira): It’s the National Celebration, we should celebrate!

Julien: Stupid… (very quiet)

Maurice (Houma Toa): Algiers is part of France after all.

Julien: As if a grubby town like this is France.

Jacques: People only end up here when they go broke. Of course it’s run down...But Julien, you
keep dreaming of going to Paris, right?

Mathilde (Nijou Hana): ‘One day I’m going to escape from Algiers!’

Julien: I am! Definitely! I’ll make something of myself in Paris, you’ll all see!
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Eve (Otosaki Itsuki): Will you go with him, Sabine?

Christian (Haruto Yuuho): Forget it, even by himself he doesn’t have enough to reach

Julien: Shut up! When I’m living in a big mansion with a pool I’ll never invite you, see?

Marcel: Who’s buying a mansion with a pool?

Julien: I’ll wear tailored suits with shoes made to match, have champagne and caviar, and
dance with the most beautiful girl at the fanciest club!

Jacques: And is that girl going to be Sabine?

Sabine: He’s having a nice dream, so don’t wake him. I don’t fit into his fantasy at all.

Julien: You’re wonderful, Sabine...

Jacques: So, Julien, are you not going out on the town tonight?

Julien: No, I’ll go.

Pierre: About time! Off to work, is it?

Jacques: Right, there’s going to be such a crowd of stupid marks that we’ll make a killing. I’ll go
too. C’mon.

Julien: Jacques—I wanted to talk to you about this for a while. You need to make sure you don’t
go too far. The rest of us don’t like it.

Jacques: Oh? Here I am getting a sermon from you, of all people.

Julien: I heard you were blackmailing old man Simon.

Jacques: What’s your problem? He sold me spoiled wine, so I told him I’d spread the word
around and he paid me to keep my mouth shut, that’s all.

Julien: That’s an old trick—you poured vinegar into the wine bottle, didn’t you? Even among
scoundrels like us those who abuse the weak are the lowest of the low...

Jacques: Listen to you, what’s this sappy old-fashioned melodrama?

Julien: Making excuses for your lack of skill, huh.

Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Jacques: You think I’ll just let you say that?

Pierre: Hey, did you hear about this? Algeria’s Governor-General Bolange and his wife are
celebrating their silver wedding anniversary tomorrow, July 15th! And, to commemorate the
occasion they’re holding a party for everyone who’s anyone at the Hotel Ambassadeurs starting
at 8 in the evening. Doesn’t that sound great, huh? What a grand time!

Jacques: Julien. Tomorrow, you’ll steal the Governor-General’s wallet right out of his pocket.

Julien: The Governor-General?

Jacques: Surely that won’t be hard for you, with all your skill?

Julien: Alright, I’ll do it.

Sabine: Julien, you can’t!

Jacques: Want to put fifty francs on it?

Julien: I’ll take that bet!

Jacques: I’m looking forward to it. Eve!

Pierre: that okay?

Julien: Don’t worry! I’ve never screwed up pickpocketing before.

Pierre: But…

Julien: You go on ahead.

Sabine: That’s a dangerous target. If you mess up you won’t get out of it so easily.

Julien: It will be fine! Forget that, look different today. You’re so pretty.

Sabine: Cut that out. Save it until you get to Paris and say it to your beautiful girl.

[C] Sweet Whispers

Julien: I like you even more when you’re angry!

Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Just words, the same as always

Words don’t do me any good
All they are is empty noise

Julien: I feel like I belong when you’re beside me.

Thank you
But those are still just words

Julien: I mean it, Sabine!

No, you don’t
Those are just sweet whispers
Other girls might fall for it
And think you really mean it
But those girls aren’t me, you see

Julien: How can I make you believe me?

You don’t have to keep sulking!

Sabine: It’s still just pretty talk!

Just let me embrace you

Sabine: You’re not going to trick me!

The one I’m in love with

Sabine: You don’t actually love me at all!

Is you
You make my passions burn

Sabine: Don’t say any more, you’ll just make me sad.

Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Ever since we first met

We’ve been together, together

With all my heart

You are the only one

I love you

I love you

I don’t care if we die


Scene 2: The Mistake

Pierre: Boss! Boss! It’s just like the tip my cousin gave me! After the anniversary banquet the
Governor-General and his wife decided not to drive home, so they’re taking a romantic night
stroll together!

Jacques: There’s nobody around—you can’t work like this, can you?

Julien: No...Just watch.

Pierre: Boss!

Claude: Oh, Governor-General, I didn’t expect to see you back from the party.

Governor-General Bolange (Asamizu Ryou): Oh, Claude, you stopped by?

Claude (Yuuhi Maki): Yes. Madame, please allow me to offer my congratulations on your Silver

Louise Bolange (Shirotae Natsu): Thank you, Claude! Would you like to join us for a bit of
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Henri: I would love to, but it’s already so excuse me. Governor-General, I left the report
to be sent to Paris with Suzanne. Please look it over.

Bolange: Thank you for working so late.

Claude: Then, Madame, have a wonderful evening.

Louise: Good night.

Claude: Oh, I almost forgot! The plans for tomorrow’s ship launching ceremony have been
pushed up by an hour, so we will come for you at nine.

Bolange: Understood.

Claude: Excuse me.

Julien: Pardon.

Bolange: Pick it up. Pick it up!

[fight sequence]

Julien: Damn!

Bolange: If this was a sword your throat would be skewered now.

Julien: Damn it!

Well, hand me over to the police or whatever! Even if I failed, trying to rob the most powerful
man in Algiers is only going to add to my reputation.

Louise: Say, Monsieur Pickpocket, our house is right here. Why don’t you come and at least get
something to eat…?

Julien: What are you planning to do with me?

Bolange: Come with us.

Come with us, I said!

Louise: I’m sorry, he must have given you such a fright! He doesn’t mean badly, though… Oh,
wait! You forgot this! Here. Now, come in… Welcome!

Pierre: Is he gonna be okay?

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Jacques: Did you see that? I knew he was all talk.

Sabine: This is all your fault, Jacques! What are you going to do about it?

Pierre: That was a risky mark...the Governor-General of Algiers…

Jacques: No need to fret. I’ll look after you while the police have Julien.

Sabine: Who wants your help!

Pierre: Sabine, what are you gonna do?

Sabine: I’m going to ask the Governor-General to let him off!

Pierre: You can’t do something like that!

Jacques: Julien’s pride would never be able to stand it. Forget it.

Sabine: No! Leave me alone.

Eve: Let’s just go, Sabine.

Pierre: There’s nothing else you can do here. I’ll wait and keep an eye out front until they come

Jacques: The rest of us will go wait at Mon Cheri. I need to get my fifty francs after all.

Eve: You’ll feel better once you’ve had a drink.


Scene 3: Bolange House

Suzanne: Welcome home, Monsieur.

Bolange: Thank you.

Louise: Now, Monsieur Pickpocket, right this way…

Julien: Madame, I told you, my name’s Julien! Julien Clair.

Louise: Oh, what a lovely name! Well then, Monsieur Clair…

Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Julien: Just Julien is fine!

Louise: Oh, really? Well, alright, Julien, right here… Suzanne, we have a guest. Go and bring
something to drink.

Suzanne (Hanayuki Rira): Yes, Madame!

Louise: Oh, Julien, I’m sure you’re am I, since I was spending the whole time at the
party talking I didn’t get a chance to eat properly, you know. Suzanne?

Suzanne: Yes.

Louise: What do you have for supper?

Suzanne: Well, there’s...

Louise: No, never mind, I’ll find something myself. Do you want something as well, my dear?

Bolange: I’m fine.

Louise: Alright. You wait just a moment, then.

Julien: Wait, Madame…

Bolange: Calm down.

Julien: Just hurry up and do something with me already, don’t make me keep waiting like this.

Bolange: It’ll be over soon.

Louise (from offstage): Oh, Suzanne, I think Monsieur Pickpocket would like this melon-bread
from the Ebina Service Area!1

Suzanne (from offstage): Yes!

Julien: Your wife’s a little batty, isn’t she?

Bolange: You just don’t understand what a good thing that is.
You’re a bit of a leader among your little gang, aren’t you.

Julien: How do you know?

1 A reference to a local attraction in Kanagawa, where the touring production was filmed.
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Bolange: You could’ve run away at any time yet you never did… A point of honor? Most people
who would say that are just patronizing fools. Trash is trash, after all.

Julien: What!?

Bolange: Do you want to start a shouting match with me?

What is it you live for?

Julien: Screw you.

Bolange: Let me guess: you want to turn a You want to make a name for yourself,
become a big shot, and live with every luxury...close? But the kind of criminal who can make it
that way is one in tens of thousands. Most of the rest end up dying in the gutter before getting
close. To tell the truth, long ago I was one of those trying not to end that way myself.

Julien: What?

Louise: Oh, you seem to be enjoying yourselves. Mind if I join you?

Bolange: Of course.

Louise: Here you are, Julien, sorry to keep you waiting! Eat up!
What were you talking about?

Bolange: I was talking about how this young man’s eyes shine.

Louise: My, he does have pretty eyes.

Elisabeth: Father, Mother, welcome back! Oh, we have a guest?

Bolange: You didn’t go to sleep yet, Elisabeth?

Elisabeth (Sakuraba Mai): No, I couldn’t sleep, so I ended up finishing my book. I came to get
another one. Who is this?

Louise: Monsieur Julien Clair.

Elisabeth:’re not the type of guest we usually have. I’m Elisabeth. It’s a pleasure to
meet you!

Julien: Pleasure.
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Elisabeth: Goodness! When you meet a lady for the first time, you’re supposed to stand and
kiss her hand!
What do you do for a living?

Julien: My job is…

Bolange: He’s a bit of a treasure hunter, you might say.

Elisabeth: Oh, a mining engineer, perhaps? And have you found any treasure?

Julien: ...No.

Elisabeth: What a pity! That rough charm of yours is rather appealing, though there’s certainly
room for improvement. That smell of sweat offends a lady’s delicate senses, you know! Good

Bolange and Louise: Good night...

Louise: That girl is a bit strange, isn’t she!

Julien: You’re all strange!

Louise: Now, what were we talking about? Oh, I remember! We were talking about your eyes.

Julien: Give that a rest, can’t you?

Bolange: No, not yet. I can see the ambition swirling in your eyes. Ambition is a wonderful thing,
but it must be used properly. Listen, only fighting past pain to seize your goal makes you a real
man. There are no shortcuts on a man’s path to glory; you have to fight yourself while you climb
up one step at a time. Conflict within the self is painful, but you’ll never conquer anything else
without conquering yourself first.
I like the fire I see smoldering in your eyes. Julien. I want you to come and work for me.

Julien: And what would you want me to do?

Bolange: You’d start as our chauffeur.

Julien: Chauffeur? No thanks!

Bolange: You’ll do it!

Julien: I won’t!
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Bolange: You’ll do it!

Julien: I won’t!

Bolange: You will do it! Julien Clair—I know you can do it!

Elisabeth: I don’t want this! I’d be ashamed to have such a vulgar chauffeur. I forgot to get my


Scene 4: Where is Love.

Jacques: In the end Julien fell completely under his spell.

How dare he sell out!

Jacques: These last two months we’ve just seen him driving meekly about town for the

Pierre: I can’t believe he would do something like that...damn it!

How dare he sell out!

Pierre: What am I supposed to do now? Sabine, are you really okay with that?

It’s fine, if that’s what he wants

Marcel: Hey, Julien!

Christian: Why, if it isn’t Julien!

Mathilde: No car today?

Rene: Must be his day off!

Christian: What, not stopping for your old friends? You’ve got some nerve!

Julien: I’m in a hurry. Get out of my way.

Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Marcel: Look, he has a book, he must be on his way to school.

Christian: It’s Sunday today.

Elsa (Miono Saki): Must be Sunday School!

Today Monsieur Julien
Has decided to become

Jean and Marcel:

An upright man!


Amen! Amen!
Amen! Amen!

Julien: Stop it! Stop it, all of you.

Rene (Iroha Reo): I believe this nice young man thinks he can still order us around.

Mathilde: Naturally, he’s class representative after all…

Marcel: Lost all your style, haven’t you.

Julien: Stop that.

Marcel: Even though you used to be quite the dandy around here.

Julien: Don’t touch me!

Marcel: ...Oh?

Julien: Can you not hear me, you little bastard!

Marcel: Damn it, he hit me!

Christian: Alright, get him!

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Sabine: Stop! Stop! Stop this right now! You cowards, attacking someone all at once like that!
Besides, don’t you remember who this is! It’s Julien! Julien, who took care of all of you for so

Marcel: And then he up and left!

Rene: He betrayed us!

Sabine: But what did he do? Did he cause you any trouble? He’s just trying to make an honest

Jean: That’s exactly the problem!

Sabine: Why!?

Jacques: Alright, that’s enough. How’ve you been, Julien?

Julien: ...Alright.

Jacques: Right, you haven’t repaid your debt yet, have you. Remember? From when you
screwed up...

Christian: Oh, ow, ow!

Julien: Sorry for taking so long to pay you. Here’s your fifty francs.

Jacques: And another fifty.

Julien: What for!?

Jacques: Two month’s interest. And your fee for leaving our crew—you’re getting off cheap, too.

Julien: That’s all I have right now.

Jacques: That’s going to be a problem…

Sabine: I’ll cover the rest.

Jacques: Thanks. Let’s go! Alright, Julien, take care of yourself.

Sabine: Are you hurt, Julien?

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Julien: Yeah. Sorry about that.

Sabine: You don’t have to be cold.

Julien: Sabine, listen, no matter how hard it is I’ve decided that I’m going to stay with the
Governor-General. I’m going to start everything over. I don’t know how many years it’ll take, but
if I follow his advice I can start making my way up. I believe in him—I’m going to make it to my
place in the sun!

Sabine: It’s wonderful to see a man wholly devote himself to something. But, please, no matter
how busy you are, or how great you become, please keep a little space in your heart for love to

Julien: ‘Love’, huh. I don’t even know what ‘love’ is. Even as a child I never had any encounters
with it, you see.

Sabine: You’re really hopeless, aren’t you. Well, at least promise me you won’t forget what I

Julien: Yes.

Sabine: Can I see you once in a while?

Julien: Huh? Oh, right, soon there’s going to be a new Governor-General coming to Algiers. I
might go with the current Governor-General back to Paris.

Sabine: To Paris? I’m can finally go there.

Julien: I’m sorry it ends with me going by myself.

Sabine: I don’t mind.

Julien: What are you going to do?

Sabine: I’m fine, don’t worry about me. You’ve finally found your chance, make sure you take it.

Julien: Sabine…

Sabine: Make sure you let me know before you leave.

Julien: Sure. Should I walk you home?

Sabine: It’s fine, you have things to do, right? You go on. I want to stay here a bit longer.
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Julien: Really? See you… And thank you, Sabine.

Sabine: Julien…!

[Where is Love]

Love, where is love
My starving heart cries out for love
Trapped in the pale night mist
Sadness beyond tears
Freezes my heart as I stand silent
Love, where is love

Sabine: Julien!


Scene 5: Garden Party

[A] Evening Banquet

[BGM: Garden Party]

[B] Chardonne Mansion

Duchess Chardonne: Now, everyone, supper will be served shortly, so go ahead and enjoy
yourselves dancing until then! No need to be restrained, let’s all have a wonderful time this
Bastille Day evening. There’s plenty of wine, plenty of music, and plenty of love, I’m sure, so
how does that sound?

Michelieu: Maria, you said there would be plenty of love…Then why have you never
reciprocated my affections for these twenty years and more?

Duchess Chardonne: Oh, Minister, don’t say such sad things! The time just hasn’t quite yet
ripened for us, you see.

Michelieu: I do hope it will ripen before I’m laid in my grave.

Duchess Chardonne: Oh, Minister, you and your jokes!

Raymond: Chief Cabinet Secretary Bolange and Madame Bolange!

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Louise: It’s been so long since I saw you! Oh, what a lovely gown.

Duchess Chardonne: So is yours!

Raymond: Mademoiselle Elisabeth Bolange, Monsieur Julien Clair!

Elisabeth: Oh, Madame Chardonne, thank you so much for inviting us.

Duchess Chardonne: You’re all grown up now, I see! And this is Julien Clair?

Elisabeth: Yes, my father’s aide.

Duchess Chardonne: Welcome! Do enjoy yourselves.

Louise: Julien, be a dear and dance with Elisabeth, won’t you?

Julien: Yes.

Duchess Chardonne: So that’s the Julien Clair from all the gossip…

M. Blanche: Quite a handsome young man.

Mme. Blanche: There’s quite a stir about him in all the Paris salons.

Michelieu: I can’t stand handsome young men!

Mme. Blanche: Oh, wait!

Duchesse Chardonne: So, your aide, where did he come from?

Bolange: Well… He’s the orphaned son of an old friend of mine. He’s very clever and talented,
so while he’s just my aide at the moment I hope to train him into my successor. I hope you will
support him as well.

Duchess Chardonne: You must be planning to marry him to Elisabeth, then!

Bolange: I would certainly be delighted if that happened, but it’s up to their own feelings, of

Mme. Vert: They’re such a lovely couple! I’m sure they’ll end up together, you’ve no need to
worry at all.
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Bolange: Thank you.

Lena (Ouri Mao): So that’s Julien Clair!

Vivianne (Mizuno Yuri): When did he come to Paris?

Michel: It must be around 5 years ago now. He’s very skilled.

Elisabeth: What are you thinking about?

Well, have you found your treasure yet? You’ve put in so much effort to climb your way up, and
now finally you’re in center stage—you’re the talk of Duchess Chardonne’s salon, the most
stylish in Paris. You must be satisfied now?

Julien: Do I look it?

Elisabeth: Yes—you’re full of confidence.

Julien: If I seem prideful, surely that’s the fault of the person I can feel under my fingertips right

Elisabeth: Don’t be vulgar.

Julien: Was I?

Duchess Chardonne: Well then, everyone, this way, if you please! I managed to get my hands
on some very rare wine.

Michelieu: I look forward to tasting it!

Annabelle: Who is there?

Julien: I’m Julien Clair…

Annabelle: My name is’s an honor. I came out because I thought everyone else
had gone, but…

Julien: I was a bit tired of people. You too, I take it?

Annabelle: I’m always alone.

Julien: Please forgive me if this offends you. Did something painful happen…?

Annabelle: I’m blind.

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Julien: ...Oh.

Annabelle: I don’t usually show myself in front of other people. But even so, please don’t treat
me any differently while you’re here at the mansion.

Julien: I understand. So you live here?

Annabelle: Maria Chardonne is my aunt. Please do sit down.

Julien: With your permission…

Annabelle: I wonder what on earth we could talk about...

Julien: Since neither of us know anything about each other, doesn’t that just mean that no
matter what we talk of it will be interesting?

Annabelle: Yes! Like two people who end up next to each other on a train.

Julien: I’m afraid I was at a bit of a disadvantage. Now that I know some more of the particulars,
perhaps you could go back over there and enter once more?

Annabelle: Oh...

Andre (Kiwami Shin): Pardon me. Mademoiselle Annabelle, it’s time for your evening prayers.

Annabelle: Yes. I enjoyed myself ever so much. Won’t you come again sometime?

Julien: I’d be delighted.

Annabelle: Good night!

Julien: Good night, Annabelle.

Duchess Chardonne: She is my only living relative.

Julien: What a cruel fate.

Duchess Chardonne: Yes, God is cruel. But despite it all she doesn’t hate God; in fact she says
she wants to dedicate her life to being His servant.

Julien: I see…
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Duchess Chardonne: I’ve tried to let her do everything she wants to in her life. I don’t want her
to have any regrets. My one remaining hope is that she will be happy.

Julien: I understand.

Duchess Chardonne: If there was some man who could make her happy, I would do absolutely
anything for him. For years, many government ministers, and even prime ministers, have come
to my salon, and I have very close relations with some of them. So it would be a simple matter
for me to ensure a path to the future was opened to him…
Please, I just want someone to look after her. make her happy, as a woman. Please.

Julien: Aren’t you taking a bit of a risk? The ‘someone’ you discover might be a black-hearted

Duchess Chardonne: A villain? What does that matter? If you aren’t a bit wicked you’ll never get
anywhere in the vicious world of society. There’s nothing so beautiful as the cold light in the
eyes of a man whose heart is full of ambition. And for women, having an ambitious heart is the
best way to preserve beauty, I think!

Julien: What an amusing idea.

Duchess Chardonne: Oh look, there’s one of your villains over there.

Michelieu: Maria! You ran off again. There is something I was hoping to talk to you about

Duchess Chardonne: Of course, Minister. Let’s go over there. Do excuse us.

Michel (Shidou Ryuu): There you are, Julien, we were looking all over for you.

Julien: Oh, Michel! What did you want me for?

Michel: We’ve all decided to stage an escape from the mansion.

Julien: Escape?

Louis (Amaki Homare): This rigid banquet is so boring, isn’t it?

Armand (Kisa Kaoru): I haven’t stopped yawning since I got here.

Julien: I’ve been enjoying myself, though.

Felix (Aomi Sario): We can show you around some places that are much more fun!
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Michel: You haven’t been downtown for some fun since you came to Paris, have you?

Julien: I haven’t, come to think.

Serge (Sayaka Rin): Secretary Bolange is so demanding!

Michel: We all need a break once in a while.

Serge: So, since we’re all colleagues, we decided to seduce you and give you a proper

Vivanne: I thought we’d find you here!

Lena: Where are you off to, Michel?

Paul (Soua Takeru): Damn!

Catherine (Ayazono Hina): You’re planning one of your escapes again, aren’t you?

Michel: Not at all, it’s just...a sudden meeting for all us cabinet aides!

Vivanne: You’re just making excuses.

Lena: What do I care, go wherever you like!

Vivanne: Let’s go, girls.

Catherine: We have things to consider as well, anyway.

Armand: They’re really angry this time.

Paul: No problem, as long as we give them plenty of attention later!

Julien: Isn’t that a bit of a problem, getting caught like that?

Louis: No worries, no worries!

Paul: Those girls have to keep up their pride too. They won’t tell on us.

Serge: Duchess Chardonne is familiar with worldly pleasures herself.

Paul: She’s a very understanding person.

Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Michel: Alright, its settled! Julien, tonight we’ll show you the real appeal of Paris! The real Paris
is downtown!

[C] Downtown is Paris

[Downtown is Paris]

You’ll find the real Paris downtown

Michel: It’s so different from those stiff salons, Julien!

Julien: Oh, is it that much fun?

The soft rain falling on the stone pavement
As you put your arm around your girl’s damp shoulders
Twining your fingers into her flowing hair
Exchanging sweet kisses on the banks of the Seine

That’s Paris!
That’s Paris!
That’s the real Paris!

You’ll find the real Paris downtown

Serge: You know, Julien, it cheers me right up whenever I go downtown!

Julien: You’re always cheerful!

The downtown girls have real passion
They all have their hearts set on love

From fiery passion to pouting

It’s just the thing to stir a man’s heart

Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

That’s Paris!
That’s Paris!
That’s the real Paris!

Felix: Ah, my heart beats fast just thinking about it!

Julien: Are you alright, now?

Stroking waves of soft hair
Gazing into limpid eyes

A voice full of ennui
It’s so sexy!


Too much to bear!

That’s Paris!
That’s Paris!
That’s the real Paris!

That’s Paris!
That’s Paris!
That’s the real Paris!

That’s Paris!
That’s Paris!
That’s the real Paris!

Julien: I wonder what’s waiting for me about I find out?


Scene 6: The Meeting

Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

[A] Chez Marte

[‘Temptation’ dance scene]

Waitress: Welcome, this way please…

Paul: Hey, sweetie, are you free tonight?

Waitress: I’m free any time.

Armand: Here, I thought you promised to go with me tonight, did you forget?

Waitress: My, did I?

Marte: Oh, look at all of you! It’s been so long since you were all here.

Serge: We’ve been busy for a while.

Marte: What a shame.

Michel: Marte, let me introduce you, this is the new star of our set, Julien Clair.

Marte: My, what a lovely new addition you’ve brought. I hope you enjoy yourself.

Armand: Marte, I heard you had a new dancing girl join? Is she any good?

Marte: She’s just performing now! That’s her over there.

[‘Temptation’ dance scene continues]

[‘Marsellaise’ dance scene]

Julien: Excuse me, I just thought of something I need to do. I have to go.

Felix: Hey now, it’s only the second club we’ve hit tonight, Julien!

Paul: You can’t leave this early!

Julien: I really enjoyed tonight. Please ask me again next time…

Michel: Are you really going!?

Julien: Yes. Good night, everyone.

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Serge: Make sure you take your time next time!

[B] Friends from Algiers

Julien: Sabine!

Sabine: You shouldn’t be here.

Julien: Why didn’t you tell me you were here? When did you come to Paris?

Sabine: Just a short time after you left Algiers.

Julien: You’ve been here that long?

Sabine: I wanted to let you know so many times, but a woman like me getting close to you
would only hurt you! So I buried my desire to see you and decided I would just watch over your
path to greatness here in Paris.

Julien: I must have had a hard time.

Sabine: I’m happy just being able to be in Paris, where you are!

Julien: Sabine…

Jacques: Hey, Julien. It’s been a while.


Jacques: Of course you’d be surprised. Well, another louse from Algiers crawled its way to
Paris, that’s all. How’re you?

Julien: What are you doing here.

Jacques: I’m living with her, lately.

Julien: Is this true, Sabine?

Sabine: I won’t make excuses.

Julien: I see...there’s nothing else for me to say here. Be happy.

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Jacques: Wait a moment! I still have things to say to you, Julien. Things are a bit tight for us
lately, won’t you loan me a little?

Sabine: Jacques!

Jacques: No need to fuss. Monsieur Julien’s a big-shot lately, he won’t miss it a bit. Right,
I’ll take all of it.

Julien: What!?

Marte: You’re back here again? I don’t care what you are to Sabine, I won’t have you bothering
my customers!

Jacques: I have a good explanation for this.

Marte: I don’t care what excuses you have, I won’t have it!

Jacques: Shut up, you old whore. Get out before you get hurt.

Julien: What if I refuse?

Jacques: If all the society gentlemen and ladies heard what you were getting up to in Algiers
they’d be awfully shocked, don’t you think?

Sabine: Enough, Jacques. Why do you have to keep doing such dirty things? You make me

Jacques: Shut up! You think you can keep talking back to me?

Julien: Stop! Here’s all of it.

Michel: Julien?

Julien: Oh, it’s you. You came at a good time...That was Sabine, a girl I used to know in Algiers.
You must have overheard?

Michel: Yes, a bit. But Julien, Monsieur Bolange already told me about you, so I know
everything. So I’m not shocked at all, you see? A capable man isn’t always going to walk on the
straight and narrow, you know? I can understand that much. Of course, I’m the only person
Monsieur Bolange told about your past. He told me so you could have someone to talk to if you
needed that. I like you, Julien. You have a fire within that I don’t. I hope I can remain your friend
for a long time.
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Julien: Thank you.


Scene 7: Starry Sky over the Seine

[A] The banks of the Seine

Michel: Shall we go somewhere for a bit of a drink to cheer you up?

Julien: Thanks, but I’d rather be alone tonight.

Michel: Alright then. Julien, you know you can talk to me about anything if you’re in trouble.

Julien: Thank you, Michel.

Michel: Good night.

Trapped in the pale night mist
Full of sadness beyond tears
I wander all alone in search of love
Love, where is love

Catherine: Oh, isn’t that Julien Clair, who came to the party tonight?

Lena: Where? It is him!

Charles: Julien Clair! We noticed you had run off from the party; so this is where you went.

Julien: Evening…

Philippe: We seem to have run into you at an inopportune time. Were you meeting with

Vivanne: Or perhaps they already left you?

Catherine: What, even though there are all those rumors about him and Elizabeth?

Philippe: Don’t be so childish! A man can love many women at once.

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Lena: The gentleman doth protest too much, I think. Wait, wasn’t it Elisabeth who wanted to go
on a walk?

Catherine: Did we end up catching you two?

Elizabeth: Not at all! This is a good opportunity, so I’ll put things clearly. The rumors are just
rumors. I know my father is hoping I’ll marry this man, but I will find my own husband myself.

Catherine: Aren’t you being a bit rude?

Elizabeth: You know why I’m saying it. You aren’t capable of loving anyone.

Julien: Elizabeth…I love you.

Elizabeth: Liar. Besides, I have no interest in anyone so desperate in their desire for riches.
Good evening.

Julien: day I swear you’ll kneel before me!

[B] My Youth

Flower vendor: Monsieur, something wrong? You look so lonely…

Julien: Can I buy a flower?

Flower vendor: Of course! Here. Thank you.

Julien: Take care.

Flower vendor: Good night!

My youth spent in the dirt
My youth spent in the darkness

Right now I am a boat drifting on the sea

Right now I am a leaf blown away in the storm
Right now I am a candle closed off in the mist

Surely one day

Surely one day
I will find some grand dream
Surely one day
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Surely one day

I’ll climb up to a path in the sun

A glittering golden street

Trees laden with golden fruit
Brightly shining golden wine
With these hands I’ll make it all mine!
With these hands I’ll make it all mine!


Scene 8: Annabelle’s Love

Andre: Mademoiselle Annabelle, I fixed it for you.

Annabelle: Thank you so much, Andre!

Andre: Mademoiselle Annabelle, would you mind my listening to you play the piano a little

Annabelle: Of course you may! You like the piano, don’t you, Andre?

Andre: Yes!

Annabelle: Would you like to try playing?

Andre: Oh no, I could never!

Annabelle: I’ll teach you. Go ahead and try it.

Andre: I’m perfectly happy merely listening to you play, Mademoiselle Annabelle. Your piano
playing sounds even more wonderful today.

Annabelle: It must be because my heart is dancing.

Andre: Did something good happen?

Annabelle: Yes, I know I can talk to you about anything, so I’ll tell you. He’s coming again today.
You know who, right?

Andre: Oh, Monsieur Julien…

Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Annabelle: Andre, I can talk to you about everything so easily, but somehow I always end up so
awkward in front of him…

Duchess Chardonne: Annabelle, Julien is here. Come in…

Annabelle: In my room!?

Duchess Chardonne: I asked him in. I wanted him to see your room.

Julien: Hello, Annabelle.

Annabelle: Welcome!

Duchess Chardonne: Come by my room once you’re through, Julien.

Julien: Yes.

Duchess Chardonne: And Julien...thank you.

Andre: Welcome.

Julien: Hello, Andre.


Annabelle: Oh, they’re roses! Thank you so much. Do sit down.

Julien: Come join me.

Annabelle: Yes.

Julien: Annabelle…

Annabelle: Oh, Julien—

Julien: No, stop. Stay right there. Propriety isn’t always a virtue...

Annabelle: But, my heart is…

Julien: Don’t worry. You’ll settle down soon. I’m the one shaking, actually. Annabelle…

Annabelle: Julien...there are so many things I wanted to talk to you about but I can’t remember
any of them. Julien, why are you always so kind to me?
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Julien: You should be more aware of your own worth.’re beautiful.


Scene 9: Elizabeth and Annabelle

[A] Elizabeth in Shock

Elizabeth: Julien with Annabelle?

Shadow voice:
Julien with Annabelle?

Elizabeth: I’ll never forgive him!

Shadow voice:
Never forgive him!

Elizabeth: How dare he do something like this?

Shadow voice:
How dare he do this!

Even though I spurned him
Even though I was cruel
He isn’t unhappy at all
He isn’t hurt a bit
How can this be happening?

Shadow voice:
How can this be happening?

Elizabeth: If this isn’t contempt I feel, what is it? If this isn’t shame I feel, what is it? I’ll never
forgive him!

Shadow voice:
Never forgive him!

He wounded my heart
He humiliated me
Look what he’s done to my pride!
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Elizabeth: I won’t forgive him!

I won’t forgive him!

Shadow voice:
I won’t forgive him!

I won’t forgive him!

Shadow voice:
I won’t forgive him!

Louise: What are you in such a tizzy about, Elizabeth? You might as well be shouting from the
rooftops that you love Julien. No, I’m right, you love Julien, you’ve been in love with Julien from
the start. Take a moment and think about it, Elizabeth, aren’t I right?

Bolange: Elizabeth, your mother is right. And Julien is a man who deserves your love. Can’t you
see that you were trying to hurt Julien to test your own love for him?

Elizabeth: Julien…

[B] At the park

Churchgoing woman: Oh, Elizabeth!

Churchgoing man: Are you on your way to church too?

Elizabeth: Yes…

Churchgoing woman: By yourself...oh, I see, sorry.

Churchgoing man: Excuse us.

Julien: Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Julien, I’m sorry to ask you to meet me so suddenly.

Julien: What was it you wanted to talk to me about?

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Elizabeth: I’ve searched in the depths of my heart, and after a long time of examining myself I
finally realized what was happening. I couldn’t stand the thought of being attracted to you. I
couldn’t forgive anyone for stealing my heart.

Julien: Elizabeth…

Elizabeth: Julien, I love you! I love you!

Julien: I love you too. I’ll walk you home.

Andre: Mademoiselle Annabelle! Are you alright?

Annabelle: Oh, Andre, put me down, please. Put me down.

Andre: Mademoiselle Annabelle…

Annabelle: I’m fine now. Quickly...people are watching…

Andre: Yes.

Annabelle: Andre, I’m sorry... I want you to do something for me.

Andre: Yes.

Annabelle: I want you to take me to the cottage by the lake.

Andre: Yes.

Annabelle: No matter what, promise you won’t tell anyone what’s going on.

Andre: Yes.

Annabelle: We can let my aunt think that it was my old heart condition coming back. I’ll ask the
family doctor, Dr. Meitre, to tell her that. more thing. If he asks you what happened, tell him the same thing. I can trust you,
can’t I?

Andre: Yes.

Annabelle: Good. I’m so sad right now...but I can’t hate him at all. Isn’t that strange, Andre?
It’s as if I can feel something being ripped out of my body...

Andre: Mademoiselle Annabelle…

Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Annabelle: I’m never going to play the piano again.

Nothing is ever certain in life
Even though until meeting him
I never dreamed of anything
It would have been better if nothing ever happened
In the end
I should have kept living without hope
Emptiness keeps growing within me
My loneliness has turned into sharp pain
Piercing right through me
Now all that is left
Is to discard this corpse of mine


Scene 10: The Scramble

[A] Morris Column2

Michelieu: Are you Jacques?

Jacques: You’re the one who wants to know about Cabinet Secretary Bolange?

Michelieu: How much can we trust you?

Jacques: That depends on how much you pay me, doesn’t it.

Michelieu: What’s the most you’ve earned off this so far?

Jacques: 100,000 francs.

Michelieu: It can’t have been more than 30,000. More like 10,000, most likely. Alright, I’ll pay
you three times 100,000.

Jacques: Perfect. What’s the job?

Michelieu: Calm down, don’t move so much. When I started asking about Bolange I heard you
were the one to go to—would you be able to set up some scandal about him?

2 Morris Columns are a method of outdoor advertising common in Europe from the mid-19th century.
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Jacques: What kind of scandal?

Michelieu: The dirtier the better.

Jacques: In that case I might have the perfect idea for you.

Michelieu: Alright, I’ll leave you to it. Bolange is a clever man, and if he ends up with any further
political power that will be a problem for me, you see.
Your advance payment. You’ll get the rest after you deliver on your promise.

Jacques: I’ll do it.

Michelieu: Now scram.

[B] The threat

Bolange: Hard at work, eh?

Julien: Oh, after I finished working on these documents I meant to come by your house...oh,
you’re here too.

Michel: The Minister asked me along.

Julien: Minister?

Michel: Foreign Minister Bolange.

Julien: What?

Bolange: The Prime Minister just informed me I’m his first choice for the appointment.

Julien: Congratulations!

Bolange: I have good news for you, too.

Michel: Julien, with Monsieur Bolange’s recommendation you and I can become junior
secretaries in the Foreign Ministry.

Julien: Really? Thank you very much.

Bolange: It’s thanks to your own efforts. You’re getting closer to your treasure trove, aren’t you,
Julien? By the way, I actually came because I wanted to invite you to a private party we’re
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

having at the mansion this evening. Elizabeth is waiting to see you. It’s the perfect opportunity to
discuss the wedding plans.

Julien: Yes, of course I’ll come. I have a little more typing to do, so please go on ahead.
Everyone must be waiting.

Bolange: I see. We’ll be waiting for you.

Michel: Hurry up and come, Julien. I was worried about you, but isn’t this wonderful?

Julien: Yes

Jacques: Hey.

Julien: Jacques! What are you doing here!?

Jacques: How lucky I spotted the Governor-General over here.

Julien: What do you want? I don’t have any money.

Jacques: I’m not here for that. I have something much more interesting to talk about.

Julien: I don’t care what you’re up to but hurry up and say it and then hurry up and get out. I’m

Jacques: I just want you to help me with a little something. I want to set the Governor-General
up with Sabine.

Julien: What for?

Jacques: Even a Governor-General needs to relax once in a while, right?

Julien: What are you plotting?

Jacques: What, I just want a photo of the Governor-General having a bit of fun, that’s all.

Julien: What!?

Jacques: There are people who aren’t too happy about the Governor-General becoming Foreign
Minister, you know. Some people asked me to help them out and I couldn’t exactly refuse.

Julien: Jacques, you bastard!

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Jacques: I don’t think you want to turn me down, Julien. Don’t you see the position you’re in?
You’re on a rising tide, but you’re at the tipping point where if something happens it could all
come to nothing. Even a kid could figure out how that works. Listen, come to Chez Marte
tonight. We’ll talk over the details. See you later.

Julien: There’s nothing else I can do. I’m not letting that gutter rat get in the way of my path to


Scene 11: The Turning Point


Julien: Sabine! Why did you do that!?

Sabine: I heard him setting up his dirty scheme...he wanted to drag you into it. If it was just me I
wouldn’t care, but you… I asked Jacques to stop but he only laughed at me. I couldn’t let him
hurt your reputation like that. No matter what happened, even if they sent me to the guillotine… I
was perfectly calm until I pulled the trigger.

Julien: Sabine…

Sabine: So please forgive me for being with Jacques, I couldn’t help it, I was all alone in

Julien: Of course, I understand.

Sabine: Julien, please, just once—kiss me.

Julien: What’s wrong—?

Sabine: Please, Julien. Just this once.

Thank you.

Julien: Who are you calling!?

Sabine: The police. Isn’t that what I ought to do?

Julien: Hold on, Sabine! You did this for me, so it’s the same as if I did it myself. Look, I brought
this. I won’t let anyone get in my way; until now my philosophy was to tear people down and
step over them. But I can’t sacrifice you for that!
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

Marte: Oh, pardon me! I thought I heard a gun go off in this room, but I see I’m mistaken…

Sabine: Madame Marte is going to call someone! Hurry, you have to leave!

Julien: Sabine, wait! Let’s run away as far as we can, together…

Sabine: No! That would just waste what I’ve done for you! You have to keep going straight
ahead and climb that golden road you dreamed of! Besides...besides, I don’t want your pity!

Julien: No, Sabine, that’s not it at all! I feel like I completely forgot what really matters, what
should be important to me! All the glory I was chasing lost its glitter in an instant—I feel like I’ve
wasted everything now.

Sabine: You’re just saying that because you’re caught up in the moment.

Julien: No, it’s not just momentary; I’ve realized what things really mean to me. Until now, I
thought everything I wanted was in the glory that I sought. But now I feel like I understand what
real love is! Sabine, go along with me, please.

Sabine: Julien…

Julien: First we’ll go to Algiers. Then we’ll head into the desert. We need to get as far away as
we can. We can think about what to do next later. But from now on I’ll always be with you!

Sabine: Julien!

Julien: Sabine...


Scene 12: The conclusion

Offstage solo:
My youth spent in the dirt
My youth spent in the darkness

Offstage chorus:
Right now I am a boat drifting on the sea
Right now I am a leaf blown away in the storm
Right now I am a candle closed off in the mist

Surely one day (one day)

Surely one day (one day)
Translated by Kittychan for Zukalations. For personal fan use only. Do not reproduce or use without permission.

I will find some grand dream

Surely one day (one day)
Surely one day (one day)
I’ll climb up to a path in the sun

Julien: There it is, Sabine, hurry!

Sabine: Julien, before we take off please think this over…

Julien: I’ve already thought it over enough! Come on, Sabine!

Offstage chorus:
A glittering golden street
Trees laden with golden fruit
Brightly shining golden wine
With these hands I’ll make it all mine!
With these hands I’ll make it all mine!

Sabine: Julien! ...Julien!

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