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DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.



Iron deficiency, pregnancy, and neonatal development

Ricardo Ataide1,2 | Katherine Fielding1 | Sant-­Rayn Pasricha1,3,4,5 | Cavan Bennett1,3

Population Health and Immunity Division,
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Abstract
Melbourne, Australia
Anemia affects 36% of pregnant women worldwide. Of those affected, around 40% is
Department of Infectious Diseases, The
Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and
due to iron deficiency (ID). Iron is an essential micronutrient involved in vital processes
Immunity, Melbourne, Australia such as erythropoiesis, immune responses, and importantly—­
during pregnancy—­
Department of Medical Biology, The placental and fetal development. Although menstrual bleeding can impact the inci-
University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Australia dence of ID even before the onset of pregnancy, this narrative review is pregnancy
Diagnostic Hematology, The Royal focused and will explore the impact of ID on placental development and iron uptake,
Melbourne Hospital, Parkville, Australia
fetal development and immunity, and maternal and infant susceptibility to infection.
Clinical Hematology at the Royal
Melbourne Hospital and Peter MacCallum Although there have been advances in this area of research, much is needed to un-
Cancer Centre, Parkville, Australia derstand the regulation of iron and the effects of ID during pregnancy. Notably, more
Correspondence human studies are essential to generate the best evidence to advance strategies to
Ricardo Ataide, The Walter and Eliza reduce the incidence of ID during pregnancy to improve maternal, neonatal, and in-
Hall Institute, 1G Royal Parade, Parkville,
Melbourne, Victoria 3052, Australia. fant health.
Email: ataide.r@wehi.edu.au
anemia, growth, infection, iron, iron deficiency, neonate, placenta, pregnancy

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N development.9 Although approaches to preventing anemia and ID

before pregnancy (e.g. by addressing menstrual bleeding as a source
Although there have been slight reductions in the prevalence of ane- of anemia and iron loss10) are being considered, mother and child are
mia in pregnant women, the latest estimates indicate that globally often the main subjects of studies and interventions, with a growing
36% of all pregnant women aged 15–­49 years still experience anemia interest in studying the effects of anemia, particularly ID, on the pla-
(this value ranges from a mean of 17.2% [12.7–­22.8] in high-­income centa.6,11–­14 This is because the placenta, as a constantly developing
countries to 42.6% [39.1–­46.0] in low-­income countries). The most organ, must balance its own iron needs with those of the mother and
common causes of anemia are related to inherited red blood cell disor- fetus and could be seen as a central player in iron availability during
ders, infections (such as malaria and intestinal helminths), inflammatory pregnancy.6 Hence, we sought to evaluate the extent of the effect of ID
diseases, and nutrient deficiencies.1,3 Iron deficiency (ID) is estimated during pregnancy on the placenta, the fetus, and the newborn.
to contribute to 40% of worldwide anemias during pregnancy.4 Iron is
required for the expanded erythropoiesis that occurs, along with the
plasma volume increase that occurs in the second and third trimesters,5 2 | S CO PE
and for the development of the placenta and fetus. Maternal anemia
may lead to life-­threatening complications for both mother and baby,7 In this narrative review we summarize the evidence for the ef-
with long-­lasting complications such as low birth weight8 and low iron fect of ID on the placenta, the fetus, and the newborn/infant. We
stores in infancy, possibly leading to childhood anemia and impaired searched PubMed and Scopus for articles using “iron deficiency” and

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Federation of Gynecology
and Obstetrics.

14 | 
wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ijgo Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2023;162(Suppl. 2):14–22.
ATAIDE et al. | 15

“pregnancy” as keywords together with “placenta,” “growth,” “birth enterocytes via divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1)34 on the apical
weight,” “immunity,” “infection,” “vaccine,” and “antibody.” We iden- membrane. It exits into the plasma via the only known iron exporter,
tified suitable references via abstract selection and subsequent full-­ ferroportin (FPN), on the basolateral membrane. The mechanism by
text revision. Our focus was on primary works from the last 10 years, which heme-­bound iron enters the duodenal enterocytes is still not
with recourse literature reviews from the past 20 years where fully understood. Most iron entering the plasma (about 25 mg/day) is
knowledge data have not progressed recently. We included reports supplied by releasing iron recycled from senescent red cells by splenic
and publications from international organizations and applied the macrophages. Iron entry to the plasma is controlled by the master reg-
“snowball” method, finding new references within selected studies. ulator of iron—­hepatic-­derived hepcidin. Hepcidin binds to, occludes,
We discuss three primary areas of interest: (1) Placental develop- and causes the internalization and degradation of FPN, limiting cel-
ment and iron uptake: this research area has increased significantly in lular iron export.35–­37 Hepcidin levels are controlled at the transcrip-
recent years. The understanding of how the placenta regulates its iron tional level through the competing signals of iron status, degree of
requirements when it senses maternal ID and how it then manages erythropoiesis, inflammation, and (possibly) pregnancy status.38,39
fetal iron requirements is still in its infancy. Some of the receptors As with most of the processes during pregnancy, iron physiology is
involved in this process, as well as some of the placental outcomes, modified to suit the needs of a growing fetus. Notably, there is a signif-
have been described, but much remains to be understood6,12,14–­19; (2) icant drop in the levels of maternal hepcidin, allowing for an increase
Fetal growth and immunity: iron supplements and treatments during in iron access to the placenta via enhanced iron absorption and utiliza-
pregnancy seem to decrease the incidence of low birthweight babies8; tion, which could support the development and growth of the placen-
however, a complete understanding of how ID contributes to reduced ta.39–­42 The trigger for this reduction in hepcidin is still unknown. There
birth weight is still the subject of several studies. Another important is a strong correlation between the timing of this reduction in hepcidin
area of research concerns iron's essential role in immune development and the rapid development and growth of the placenta occurring from
and function.20,21 Iron deficiency may impact infant responses to vac- the beginning of the second trimester onward.14,39,40,43 However, as is
cination, 22,23 but how prenatal ID or iron stores at birth influence in- the case throughout this review, there is a lack of well-­designed and
fant vaccine responses is not known. We did not address the impacts sufficiently powered studies in humans to examine how maternal hep-
of iron on neurodevelopment since this is the subject of another re- cidin levels vary during pregnancy with respect to ID.39,44
view in this Supplement ; (3) Maternal and infant susceptibility to
infections: infections may influence iron metabolism, for example, via
upregulation of hepcidin, via direct effects on ferroportin expression, 4 | M ATE R N A L I RO N D E FI C I E N C Y A N D
and upregulation of ferritin expression. However, the impact of ID on TH E PL AC E NTA
infection is less often studied.25–­30
We need to understand the intricacies of ID during pregnancy: The placenta mediates all crosstalk between mother and fetus. It
whom it affects, at what pregnancy stage, and its outcomes. This provides the fetus with all the maternal nutrients, metabolites, im-
knowledge will provide the necessary evidence to push forward, munoglobulins, and oxygen; it produces hormones necessary for
with renewed vigor, strategies to reduce the incidence of ID during fetal development and removes fetal waste and carbon dioxide, all
pregnancy, potentially prevent pregnancy complications, and im- of this while allowing the maternal immune system to tolerate the
prove neonatal and infant health. growing fetal tissues.45,46 All the iron the fetus receives is removed
from the maternal circulation by the placenta and passed on; how-
ever, the placenta is thrifty and judges the fetus' needs against its
3 | I RO N PH YS I O LO G Y: A S U M M A RY own needs before delivering the cargo.6,14 As will be summarized
below, more research is needed to understand the effect of ID on
Iron is a critical trace element that in humans is contained in proteins the placenta, particularly in human systems.
that carry oxygen (hemoglobin) and enzymes that catalyze essen-
tial reactions (e.g. cytochromes and myeloperoxidase). The average
adult contains 3–­4 g of iron, with approximately two-­thirds of the 4.1 | Placental size and weight
iron in the erythroid compartment.31,32 The remaining iron is stored
bound to ferritin in the peripheral organs, mainly in the liver. Iron Although iron is considered an essential component for placental
within the plasma (i.e. iron available to supply cellular needs) is nearly development, there is little evidence of an adverse effect of ma-
all bound to circulating transferrin and has a high turnover, with ap- ternal ID on placental size and weight. Most animal models of diet-­
proximately 25 mg of iron entering and exiting the plasma daily.32 induced ID have found that placental weight and diameter do not
The plasma also contains ferritin, with plasma ferritin levels correlat- significantly differ between iron-­deficient animals or animals with
ing to body iron levels; although increases in circulating ferritin in the an adequate iron intake.14,47 However, one study of dietary-­iron-­
context of infection make it a less-­than-­ideal marker. restricted rats found that, although maternal iron restriction had no
A small amount (1–­2 mg/day) of dietary iron enters the plasma effect on placental weight at gestational day 13.5—­the equivalent of
via duodenal enterocytes (Figure 1). Nonheme iron enters the a human second trimester—­it did result in a 10% increase in placental
16 | ATAIDE et al.

F I G U R E 1 Summary of key aspects of iron availability and hepcidin regulation. Dietary iron enters the circulation via duodenal
enterocytes. Fe3+ is reduced and transported via DMT1 to the cytoplasm, where it gets exported to the circulation via the only iron exporter
identified so far, FPN. This comprises a small proportion of the total iron made available to the circulation (mainly in the form of diferric Tf).
The majority of circulating iron derives from the recycling of senescent red blood cells by splenic macrophages. Increasing levels of iron
promote the upregulation of hepcidin in the liver. Hepcidin is the master iron regulator and promotes the degradation of FPN, thus limiting
the availability of circulating iron. Hepcidin levels can also increase in response to infection/inflammation. During pregnancy, an increase in
the demand for iron depletes iron stores and circulating iron. This is balanced by a reduction in the levels of hepcidin (triggered by a possible
placental factor) that allows for increased iron absorption and, subsequently, iron access to the placenta and the developing fetus. TfR1 on
the surface of the placental syncytiotrophoblast layer facilitates iron transport to the placenta. The diferric Tf:TfR1 complex is internalized,
and iron is transported out of the endosome by DMT1. FPN, situated on the basal side of the syncytiotrophoblast, transports iron out into
the placental stroma. Iron's transport from there to the fetal circulation needs further elucidation.

weight at term and that this effect was mainly seen via an expansion of nonheme iron independently of maternal or fetal iron status, sug-
in the junctional zone of the placenta.43 We did not find convinc- gesting that there is a level of placental control of fetal iron endow-
ing evidence of human studies supporting these results, with only ment and, thus, a self-­regulatory mechanism.13,14 Some studies have
a small cross-­sectional study of women delivering healthy term ba- found no difference between iron-­deficient versus iron-­adequate
bies seeming to show a nonsignificant decrease in weight between mice.13 In contrast, others have shown an apparent and gestational-­
placentas from women with low serum ferritin (n = 26; mean ferritin age-­dependent decrease in nonheme iron content in placentas from
7.65 ± 1.28 μg/L; placental weight 0.59 ± 0.13 kg) versus those with iron-­deficient mice versus those who were iron replete.14
normal serum ferritin (n = 18; mean ferritin 34.2 ± 12.8 μg/L; placen- However, few human studies have examined iron content in
tal weight 0.65 ± 0.21 kg).48 the placentas of iron-­
deficient versus iron-­
adequate mothers.
Those looking at this parameter used different collection methods
and iron content analysis assays and were small and observational.
4.2 | Placental iron content In women delivering healthy term babies, both the placental non-
heme iron concentration (47.3 ± 24.7 μg/g, n = 26 vs. 39.8 ± 17.7 μg/g,
The effect of maternal iron status on placental iron concentration is n = 18) and the total placental nonheme iron (31.2 ± 17.5 mg, n = 26
also unclear. To a certain extent, placentas maintain a constant level vs. 27.0 ± 15.3 mg, n = 18) were higher in women with low versus
ATAIDE et al. | 17

those with high ferritin.48 Interestingly, another study of 39 women better with ID in both mice and human placentas.14 However, vali-
using 10 ng/mL of maternal serum ferritin as a cut-­off did not de- dation studies are required to confirm these observations. Likewise,
tect any difference between groups concerning placental iron levels DMT1, encoded by SLC11A2, was seen to have increased transcrip-
(P = 0.533).14 Collectively, there are inadequate data from human tion in placentas from iron-­deficient versus iron-­sufficient rats (1.5-­
studies to draw conclusions on the impact of maternal iron status on fold increase, P = 0.01)50 and iron-­deficient placentas from mice.13
placental iron levels. At the same time, the protein levels seem not to change between
iron-­replete and iron-­sufficient placentas in rats or mice.49,50 Post-­
transcriptional regulation—­via iron regulatory proteins (IRP) binding
4.3 | Placental iron transport to iron-­responsive elements (IRE) within hairpin structures in target
mRNAs—­plays an essential role in the cellular responses to ID,51,52
As the iron needs for both placental and fetal development vary and may explain the differences observed between transcriptional
according to gestational age, the impact of ID on the regulation of and protein levels of key iron markers. In human placentas, this sys-
placental iron transport could plausibly also vary according to the tem is active within the SCT and can regulate iron intake.16
gestational age at which that ID was experienced. Iron transport
in the placenta has recently been reviewed.6,13,15,40 Importantly, in
human placentas, the outer layer of the syncytiotrophoblast (SCT)—­ 4.4 | General placental
the apical side facing the maternal blood—­expresses high levels of transcriptome and proteome
transferrin receptor (TFRC), responsible for bringing nonheme iron
(mainly in the form of diferric transferrin) into the fetal tissues (the Apart from those directly involved in iron transport, several other
role of nontransferrin-­bound iron, heme iron or ferritin is still under- genes and pathways are differentially expressed in iron-­deficient
studied40,43), while the inner layer—­the basal side facing the placental versus iron-­adequate/replete placentas, indicating that the effects
stroma—­expresses ferroportin (FPN), responsible for exporting iron of iron deficiency go beyond the immediate impact on iron-­related
out of the SCT.6,15,19,40 With the understanding that several other genes and proteins. However, the various models and methods used
proteins work in tandem to carry iron inside the cell between trans- make it difficult to make definitive statements. A study of transcrip-
porters,6,40 we will focus on iron's entry and exit points. Additionally, tional and proteomic changes in iron-­deficient mice found that 244
it is vital to keep in mind that iron transport is unidirectional from the genes, mapped to biological processes such as myeloid and erythro-
mother to the fetus. cyte cell differentiation, were differentially regulated in comparison
Placental TFRC and FPN see their transcription and protein ex- to placentas from iron-­adequate pregnancies and that about 700
pression increase throughout pregnancy and peak near term.13,14 placental proteins, as measured by tandem mass tag mass spec-
Recent efforts to dissect the effect of maternal iron deficiency on trometry, were differentially expressed.13 Only 4% of the genes and
the levels of these two receptors highlight the difficulties of study- proteins found to be differentially expressed in iron-­deficient pla-
ing placental mechanisms. In animal models, the levels of TFRC were centas—­by RNA sequencing and mass spectrometry—­showed coor-
seen to increase moderately in the placentas of iron-­deficient mice dinated regulation between the transcriptional and the translational
relative to iron-­replete mice. This increase was more pronounced steps.13 In contrast, in a study done using dietary-­iron-­restricted rats,
in the placentas of iron-­deficient rats. At the transcriptional level, there were 464 differently expressed genes between iron-­deficient
in a study that looked at gene expression between iron-­deficient and and iron-­replete pregnancies, with biological processes such as im-
iron-­adequate mice by reverse transcription polymerase chain reac- munomodulation, extracellular matrix remodeling, and nutrient and
tion (RT-­PCR) and RNA sequencing, placental TFRC transcript levels hormone transport among the transcripts with the most significant
were seen to increase during pregnancy, peak at term, and to be ele- fold changes.50
vated in the placentas of dams on an iron-­deficient diet. However,
a different study reported no changes in the transcript levels of TFRC
in the placentas of iron-­deficient rats.50 Regarding ferroportin, stud- 5 | M ATE R N A L I RO N D E FI C I E N C Y A N D
ies in mice show that maternal ID increases FPN expression in pla- I M PAC T S O N N EO N ATA L A N D I N FA NT
centas from iron-­deficient mice.14,49 H E A LTH
In humans, in a small cohort of women with less than 10 ng/
mL of ferritin versus women with more than 10 ng/mL of ferritin, 5.1 | Neonatal growth
there were no significant changes to TFRC transcriptional levels, but
there was a slight but significant increase in the level of transferrin A baby's birth weight is an important determinant of growth, health,
receptor protein 1 (TfR1).14 This study also showed no difference in and survival.53 In animal studies, where diet, infection, and iron
FPN levels in the placentas from women with less than 10 ng/mL of stores can be well accounted for, maternal iron deficiency results
ferritin.14 This confusing picture is made somewhat more apparent in smaller offspring.50,54,55 Diet-­
induced iron-­
deficient Sprague–­
by looking at the ratio between FPN and TRFC protein levels—­a so-­ Dawley dams produced fetuses 13% lighter by the end of gestation
called placental iron deficiency index (PIDI), which seems to correlate than those from iron-­replete dams.50 A different strain of rats on
18 | ATAIDE et al.

an iron-­deficient diet also had lighter pups at birth compared with Malawi (n = 862). There was no significant change in birthweight
dams on a control diet, with that weight difference carrying through observed in those treated with ferric carboxymaltose, despite this
to 10 days postnatal.54 Similarly, female C57Bl/6 mice on an iron-­ group demonstrating clearly increased ferritin and reduced ID at 36
deficient diet had fetuses weighing 30% less than those from dams weeks. Additionally, in subgroup analyses of those with ID or IDA
on an iron-­adequate or replete diet.56 at baseline, no change in birthweight was seen.65 In a population of
Several human studies agree with these animal model observa- well-­nourished pregnant women, when the percentage of hypochro-
tions. A well-­controlled randomized controlled trial for the effect of mic red blood cells (%HYPO) was used as a marker of ID, rather than
iron supplementation during pregnancy on Plasmodium spp infection ferritin, the highest quartile of %HYPO—­indicating iron-­deficient
found that not only did iron supplementation (daily oral iron tablets) erythropoiesis—­
was associated with higher baby and placental
increase baby weight at delivery by 150 g (95% CI, 56–­244), but that weights,66 indicating a beneficial effect of ID.
effect was larger in women with a baseline iron deficiency (measured Defining a role for antenatal iron status on infant growth and
as <15 mg/L ferritin) than in those who were iron replete (234 g vs. neurodevelopment is especially critical as iron supplementa-
39 g; difference 195 g; 95% CI, −3 to 393; P = 0.05).57 Although there tion in infants was recently shown to be of limited value on these
was no mention of controlling for gestational age, one study found outcomes.67
the weight of babies born to women with iron deficiency anemia (IDA)
to be decreased versus control women (2.5 ± 0.3 kg vs. 3.3 ± 0.4 kg,
respectively).58 In a cohort of Iranian pregnant women recruited at 5.2 | Infant immunity
term and without a history of anemia during pregnancy, mothers with
ferritin concentrations between 15 and 49.9 mg/L gave birth to babies A healthy immune system is crucial for an infant. Iron has con-
who were heavier than those from mothers with less than 15 mg/L sistently been associated with a healthy immune system. 68–­70 A
of ferritin (3031 ± 534 g vs. 2467 ± 350 g). Interestingly, women with recent study using animal models, as well as samples from patients
even higher ferritin levels (above 50 mg/L) gave birth to even heavier with iron refractory IDA—­a condition that renders patients with
babies.59 Similarly, women with low ferritin levels (<62 μg/L –­trying to elevated levels of hepcidin and thus low iron—­showed how low
account for the sensitivity of ferritin to inflammation) but without de- serum iron was associated with impaired primary and memory
pleted iron stores (serum ferritin ≥12 μg/L) had babies who were 148 g B-­
cell responses, lower antibody levels against several patho-
(95% CI, 0.5–­296) heavier than those who had depleted iron stores gens, and impaired T-­cell responses.71 Iron's role during the gen-
(serum ferritin <12 μg/L). This effect was observed in another study eration and maintenance of an infant's immune system has also
where birth weight was increased in babies whose mothers had taken received recent attention. 23,72 Data from a Kenyan birth cohort
iron supplements, but only when those mothers had low iron status where infants were followed up to 18 months of life revealed that
prepregnancy or very early in pregnancy. anemia and serum transferrin receptor at the time of vaccination
Unfortunately, prepregnancy iron stores, the duration of preg- were the strongest predictors of seroconversion after diphtheria
nancy under low iron stores, the presence and timing of iron sup- and pneumococcus serotype 19 vaccination. 23 In line with this,
plementation, and the presence of infections can all contribute to when following up a cohort from a randomized controlled trial of
confounding, and so, not all human studies agree with a lower birth iron supplementation (mean age at the start of intervention was
weight in babies born to iron-­deficient mothers. When compared 7.5 months; final number of children included in the analyses = 88),
with mothers in the highest quartile of serum ferritin (Quartile 4: children who received the intervention were found to have higher
24.9–­350 ng/mL with no adjustment made to account for inflamma- anti-­m easles serum immunoglobulin G, a higher seroconversion
tion), those in the two lowest quartiles (Quartile 2: 8.6–­14.7 ng/mL; rate, and higher antibody avidity. 23 A small case–­control study
Quartile 1: <8.6 ng/mL) gave birth to higher birthweight babies. of 40 children with IDA versus 20 age-­matched healthy controls
This finding is somewhat supported by two prospective cohort stud- showed that patients had lower levels of total immunoglobulin
ies where lower serum ferritin levels were associated with higher G and lowered phagocytic activity than controls.72 What is still
birth weights.63,64 A study looking specifically at women who were unknown is how much the maternal iron status during pregnancy
iron deficient versus those who were not measured maternal plasma contributes to these responses. There are limited data evaluating
ferritin at 30 weeks of gestation and determined that the newborns perinatal iron status longitudinally and the correlation with the de-
of women in the highest tertile of plasma ferritin (median 29 mg/L) velopment of immunity during infancy, with most studies focusing
had, on average, a 93-­g lower birth weight (95% CI, −172 to −14 g, on general nutrition. 22,73–­76 Indeed, no randomized controlled tri-
P = 0.021) than those born to women in the lowest tertile of plasma als have evaluated this question.
ferritin levels (median 8 mg/L).64 Notably, the authors stated that
only a small percentage of women in the study (4%) had any evi-
dence of inflammation, as measured by C-­reactive protein (CRP).64 5.3 | Infant iron status
A randomized controlled trial evaluated the impact of intravenous
iron infusion compared with oral iron supplementation, in women When trying to correlate maternal and infant iron levels, the choice
with moderate anemia in the second trimester of pregnancy in of a biomarker for iron level and time point for determining iron
ATAIDE et al. | 19

status is inconsistent such that it is hard to draw clear conclusions. biomarkers. 20 Few studies have reported the impact of maternal
Mouse models indicate that prenatal iron deficiency results in pups ID on either maternal or neonatal infection risk. The notable ex-
with lower iron stores. In the absence of inflammation, a mouse ceptions are studies conducted in areas of malaria transmission,
model of ID showed that embryos from dams on an iron-­deficient where the relationship between iron status and maternal infec-
diet had significantly lower fetal serum iron, fetal liver nonheme tion, placental infection, and neonatal infection has been evalu-
iron, and hemoglobin than those on an iron-­replete diet. A study ated. However, this relationship may be confounded not only by
conducted using dietary-­iron-­restricted rhesus monkeys also dem- the definition of ID itself but also by parasite species, exposure,
onstrated that females who were iron deficient during pregnancy gravidity, diagnosis timing and tools, and uptake of preventative
were more likely to give birth to babies prone to develop ID (al- treatment during pregnancy.
though, in that study, no baby was born with iron deficiency).
However, the association between maternal iron status (com-
monly determined by serum ferritin levels) and infant iron status is 6.1 | Maternal infection
unclear in human studies. In a convenience sample of 39 women with
uncomplicated pregnancies without anemia, ferritin levels dichoto- Studies in areas endemic to Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax
mized by higher or lower than 10 ng/mL had no significant associ- generally describe an inverse relationship between maternal iron
ation with cord blood hemoglobin (P = 1.000) or cord blood ferritin surrogates and infection. A systematic review and analysis of the
(P = 0.375).14 In another study, maternal serum ferritin did not cor- relationship between maternal iron status and malaria infection
relate with cord blood ferritin (r = 0.168, P = 0.108) and maternal evaluating 12 studies (three case–­control and nine cross-­sectional)
serum ferritin less than 20 g/L or more than 20 g/L also did not result up to 2014 revealed that women with ID defined by serum ferri-
in any difference in cord serum ferritin.79 When analyzing the pla- tin levels adjusted for inflammation had a reduced risk of malaria
cebo arm of an iron intervention study in a cohort of healthy mothers parasitemia during pregnancy82 (pooled odds ratio 0.35; 95% CI,
who delivered term babies (and excluding mother–­baby dyads with 0.24–­0.51; I2 59.2%). It is worthwhile noting that ID, defined by any
high cord ferritin as a marker of inflammation), those who had iron other marker, was not associated with an increased risk of malaria
deficiency at or near term had babies with lower levels of cord fer- infection.82 A secondary analysis of a large randomized controlled
ritin compared with those born of mothers without iron deficiency trial of malaria treatment during pregnancy, using serum ferritin
(96.3 mg/L, 95% CI, 91.3–­101.6 vs. 115.9 mg/L, 95% CI, 105.0–­ levels less than 15 mg/L to classify women as iron deficient before
127.8).80 A large cohort with over 3000 mother–­baby dyads identi- week 27 of gestation (after adjustment for the markers of inflam-
fied a small correlation (Pearson 0.07, P < 0.001) between maternal mation CRP and alpha-­1-­acid glycoprotein (AGP), and parasitemia),
and cord serum ferritin while identifying a cut-­off of 13.6 mg/L of ma- confirmed a reduced odds of concurrent malaria parasitemia in
ternal ferritin, which determined lower cord ferritin (179 ± 80 mg/L, iron-­deficient women (adjusted odds ratio 0.50; 95% CI, 0.38–­0.66,
n = 1314 vs. 167 ± 75 mg/L, n = 1933; P < 0.001). Different thresholds P < 0.001). 27 This association was still true at delivery, with low fer-
were used in another study that revealed this same pattern in babies ritin levels before week 27 showing an association with decreased
at term, where cord ferritin was higher in those born of mothers with odds of peripheral infection (adjusted odds ratio 0.68; 95% CI, 0.46–­
serum ferritin levels more than 10 μg/L (134.36 μg/L) versus mothers 1.00, P < 0.050). 27 Interestingly, these associations were only seen
with serum ferritin levels less than 10 μg/L (60.53 μg/L). in primigravidae (who, in areas of high transmission, and due to their
Other iron biomarkers have been used to correlate maternal and in- lack of previous exposure to parasite antigens that specifically bind
fant iron levels. Cord soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) was not found to the placenta, are more susceptible to infection83). 27
to be significantly different between infants born to mothers with low Outside of the malaria sphere, women early in pregnancy (mean
ferritin (<20 μg/L) or adequate ferritin (>60 μg/L) in early pregnancy, gestational age 9.2 ± 2.6 weeks) and with a healthy vaginal micro-
nor with or without anemia (hemoglobin threshold 110 g/L) at more flora were found to have lower levels of sTfR (1.15 mg/L, n = 87)
than one prenatal visit.79 While animal data show lower iron levels in compared with those with a disturbed microflora (1.37 mg/L, n = 18)
pups born to iron-­deficient mothers in several compartments (fetal (P = 0.008).84 Interestingly, stratification by serum ferritin levels did
serum, total iron, and fetal liver), the fundamental differences in the not show this association.84 Regarding SARS-­CoV-­2 infection and
biology of animals and humans (e.g. reliance on recycled/dietary iron, COVID-­19, there remain limited data on associations between ma-
placental structure, gestation duration, eating habits) make it impera- ternal iron status and risk of adverse outcomes.85 One retrospec-
tive that more data are derived from human studies. tive study conducted in Romania found that within SARS-­CoV-­2
positive women (n = 95), the presence of IDA was associated with a
higher prevalence of small-­for-­gestational-­age babies (anemic 35%
6 | M ATE R N A L I RO N D E FI C I E N C Y A N D vs. nonanemic 14.5%, P = 0.019). Additionally, iron markers (ferritin
I N FEC TI O N levels, transferrin saturation, and circulating iron concentration) in
women with IDA (n = 143) were higher in those with SARS-­CoV-­2 in-
Determining ID in the presence of infections that often cause in- fection than in SARS-­CoV-­2 negative women86; however, it is impos-
flammation is complex due to the effects of inflammation on iron sible to ascertain the directions or causality of these associations.
20 | ATAIDE et al.

6.2 | Placental infection response to vaccination? Addressing these questions will ulti-
mately yield enhanced evidence to combat iron deficiency in preg-
The presence of placental infections in the context of ID has re- nant women worldwide.
ceived little attention. Infection with Plasmodium falciparum during
pregnancy often results in the accumulation of parasites in the pla- AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
centa, particularly in the absence of previous exposure to the para- Ricardo Ataide and Katherine Fielding performed the literature
sites during pregnancy.83,87 A systematic review of the association search and selected the manuscripts for review. Ricardo Ataide
between iron status and malaria infection during pregnancy could drafted the manuscript. Sant-­Rayn Pasricha and Cavan Bennett criti-
not confirm a higher risk of placental infection in iron-­deficient ver- cally reviewed and edited the manuscript. All authors reviewed the
sus iron-­replete women (two studies, pooled odds ratio 0.34; 95% final version.
CI, 0.11–­1.10; I2 75.8%).82 However, this was certainly confounded
by the different definitions and methods of diagnosing placental in- C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T S TAT E M E N T
fection (placental malaria by histological evaluation—­either as a sim- SRP and CB report support for the present work from the National
ple yes or no, or evaluating past, chronic, and active infections—­or Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. Outside of the
blood smear), as well as by the different definitions and timing of published work, KF reports a PhD stipend from the Hematology
measuring ID.82 This lack of consistency of approaches is again evi- Society of Australia and New Zealand and technical consultant fees
dent in two studies from Papua New Guinea, published after that from the WHO.
review. One study found no association between ID (n = 199/279
women, ferritin <15 μg/L at 30–­34 weeks of gestation) and placen- DATA AVA I L A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T
tal P. falciparum (detected by placental blood smear or placental Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were cre-
histology), 26 while another study found a protective effect of iron ated or analyzed in this study.
deficiency (n = 1226/1888 women, ferritin <15 μg/L—­adjusted for
inflammation—­before 27 weeks of gestation) and placental malaria REFERENCES
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How to cite this article: Ataide R, Fielding K, Pasricha S-R,
73. Hur YG, Gorak-­Stolinska P, Lalor MK, et al. Factors affecting immu-
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74. Xiao M, Qiu Q, Pang X, et al. Immune response in infants after uni- doi:10.1002/ijgo.14944
versal high-­dose hepatitis B vaccination: a community-­based study
in Beijing, China. Vaccine. 2015;33:5878-­5883.

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