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Drug Study

Nameof Patient:Patient R DateofAdmission:10/11/2023 Room:2999

Age:19 Sex:M CivilStatus:Single AttendingPhysician:Dr. N
Mechanism Nursing
Medication of action Dosage Indication(s) Contraindications Side Effects Responsibilities
Generic name: Inhibits bacterial Dosage: Indicated for infections •Hypersensitive to drug - CV: - Tell the patient to report discomfort at IV
Clindamycin protein synthesis by caused by sensitive or linomycin. Thrombophlebitis insertion site
binding to the 50S 600 mg
subunit of the staphylococci
ribosome. organism. - GI: - Instruct patient to report all adverse
Nausea reactions (especially diarrhea and
Brand name: Abdominal pain hypersensitivity reactions).
Dalacin Diarrhea
Vomitting - Warn patient not to self-treat diarrhea
IV because drug may cause life-threatening
- Skin
Maculopapular rash
Frequency: Urticaria

- Other:
Classification: Q8 (Every 8 Anaphylaxis

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