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Search Return on: 10/12/2023, 11:01:04 AM

Query: create a 10 items survey questionnaire for SENIOR HIGH school students about using AI tools
in Learning Philosophy


Sure! Here's a survey questionnaire for senior high school students about using AI tools in learning

1. Are you familiar with AI tools in the context of learning philosophy?

a. Yes

b. No

2. Have you ever used AI tools in your learning philosophy practices?

a. Yes

b. No

3. How beneficial do you think integrating AI tools in learning philosophy can be for students like

a. Not beneficial at all

b. Somewhat beneficial

c. Moderately beneficial

d. Very beneficial

e. Extremely beneficial

4. Which AI tools have you used or heard of in the context of learning philosophy? (Select all that apply)

a. Chatbots for answering philosophy questions

b. AI-powered essay grading tools

c. Personalized learning platforms

d. Virtual reality simulations for philosophical experiences

e. Other (please specify: ________________)

5. What are the main advantages of using AI tools in learning philosophy, in your opinion? (Select all that

a. Improved understanding of philosophical concepts

b. Enhanced critical thinking skills

c. Access to a wide range of philosophical resources and perspectives

d. Personalized learning experiences

e. Other (please specify: ________________)

6. Have you faced any challenges or difficulties when using AI tools in learning philosophy? If yes, please
explain briefly.

7. How confident are you in the ethical use of AI tools in learning philosophy?

a. Not confident at all

b. Somewhat confident

c. Moderately confident

d. Very confident

e. Completely confident

8. How would you rate the level of assistance provided by AI tools in your learning philosophy practices?

a. Not helpful at all

b. Somewhat helpful

c. Moderately helpful

d. Very helpful

e. Extremely helpful

9. Do you think AI tools can replace human teachers in teaching philosophy? Why or why not? Please
explain briefly.

10. How likely are you to continue using AI tools in your learning philosophy practices in the future?
a. Very unlikely

b. Somewhat unlikely

c. Undecided

d. Somewhat likely

e. Very likely

Please note that this survey is a general template and can be customized further to suit your specific

Tokens required: 1139

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