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Amanda Shoman-Nasar

Psy 301
September 29,2023

Week 5 milestone final project

Anticipated social psychological topics:

1) Culture: A system of enduring meanings, beliefs, values, assumptions, intuitions, and


2) Experiment: form of relationship to demonstrate causal relationship.

3) Self-awareness theory: theory that self-focused attention leads people to notice self-

discrepancies, thereby motivating an escape from self-awareness.

4) Attribution theory: group of theories to describe how explain the causes of behavior.

5) Stigmatized- being persistently stereotyped, perceived as deviant, and devalued in

society because of membership in a particular social group.

6) Persuasion: process in which attitudes are changed.

7) Conformity: the tendency to change out perceptions, opinions, or behavior in ways that

are consistent with group norms.

8) Obedience: behavior change produced by the commands of authority.

9) Brainstorming: A technique that attempts to increase the production of creative ideas by

encouraging group members to speak freely without criticizing their own or others


10) Group support systems: specialized interactive computer programs that are used to

guide group meetings and decision making processes.

Interview questions:

(in no order of topics)

1) Give me an example of how you communicate effectively with students and parents with

diverse background or communication needs.

Amanda Shoman-Nasar
Psy 301
September 29,2023

2) What inspired you to work here?

3) When is a time you recall you felt like your students were part of a team?

4) Give me an example you use brainstorming to resolve a conflict?

5) In what ways do you feel this job has socially challenged you?

6) Do you believing rewarding for good behavior or consequences for your own actions work

better in a classroom?

7) When you explain your job to others, do you feel you are stigmatized based on the

environment and challenges you face?

8) How can you use persuasion in the classroom, or do you feel that doesn’t work and why?

9) Do you feel you have been more self-aware after taking on this job or has it been more of a

struggle finding yourself?

10) What social qualities do you feel someone needs to apply for this job?

11) How has the home life of these children affect their work in school? Give some examples

of the challenges you’ve faced.

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