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Test bank Health Assessment in Nursing 6th Edition Weber, Kelley

Test bank Health Assessment in Nursing 6th Edition

Weber, Kelley

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1. The nurse is assessing a client's psychosocial development in light of Freud's theory.
The nurse would interpret the client's status as the outcome of conflict between what
A) Cultural norms and personality traits
B) Biological desires and social expectations
C) Sexual desires and relational desires
D) Sociocultural norms and health needs

2. A client admits to the nurse that she feels guilty for not providing more direct care for
her ill mother. According to Freud, the moral component of this client's feelings results
from which of the following?
A) Defense mechanisms
B) The superego
C) The id
D) The ego

3. A school nurse who provides care in a middle school works exclusively with
adolescents. According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, what task will
underlie much of the students' behavior?
A) Exerting influence over others
B) Evaluating the merits of their parents' beliefs
C) Appraising religious dogma
D) Establishing a personal identity

4. An infant was removed from her home by social services because of the dangerous and
neglectful conditions that existed. According to Erikson, failure of the infant to resolve
the central crisis of infancy may lead to what personality characteristics later in life?
A) Suspicion and fear
B) Aggression and antagonism
C) Dependency and relational entanglement
D) Depression and introversion

5. The nurse is applying Piaget's theory of development to a client's health history. This
approach to analysis will prioritize what activity on the part of the client?
A) Learning
B) Imitating
C) Indulging
D) Desiring

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6. The nurse is analyzing the data obtained from a client interview. When applying the
principles of Kohlberg's theory of development, the nurse should prioritize data related
to what domain?
A) The client's moral behavior
B) The client's relationships
C) The client's health
D) The client's sexual identity

7. The nurse is working with an older adult client and is attempting to determine whether
the client deems her life to have been meaningful and valuable. As well, the nurse has
addressed the client's acceptance of the inevitability of death. This nurse's actions are
best understood within the ideas of which theorist?
A) Freud
B) Erikson
C) Piaget
D) Kohlberg

8. The nurse is assessing a client's cultural identity and affiliation during the health
interview. How best can the nurse elicit this information?
A) ìWhat are your race and culture?î
B) ìWould you describe yourself as American?î
C) ìHow would you describe your cultural values?î
D) ìWith which cultural group do you most closely identify?î

9. The nurse is conducting a health interview and is addressing the client's current
stressors. What is the primary rationale for including stress as a focus of psychosocial
A) Stress provides the main impetus for psychosocial development and adaptation.
B) Psychosocial development cannot progress normally in the presence of stress.
C) Psychosocial stress has a major influence on health in many domains.
D) The results of the health interview are distorted when the client is experiencing

10. The nurse is conducting a health interview and has asked the client, ìHow would you
describe yourself to others?î The client's response informs the nurse's assessment of
which of the following?
A) The client's morality and honesty
B) The client's aspirations
C) The client's self-concept
D) The client's superego

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11. During the health interview of a new client, the nurse has explored the client's decision-
making strategies. These data are most essential to the developmental theory of which
A) Freud
B) Kohlberg
C) Piaget
D) Erikson

12. The nurse is assessing an older adult's psychosocial development with reference to
Freud's theory of development. What observation by the nurse would most clearly
suggest healthy development within this theoretical framework?
A) The client is able to describe challenges that he has overcome.
B) The client has eliminated conflictual relationships from his life.
C) The client is able to delegate care to others when necessary.
D) The client appears to have dealt effectively with recent losses.

13. The nurse is applying the principles of Freud's theory of psychosocial development
during the health assessment of a young adult client. What assessment question is most
likely to elicit data that are meaningful within this theoretical framework?
A) ìDo you have a sufficient number of friends?î
B) ìDo you have a satisfying sexual relationship?î
C) ìHow do you feel about your cultural background?î
D) ìDo you consider yourself to be a good person?î

14. The nurse is assessing a young adult client in light of Erikson's theory of psychosocial
development. During this life stage, what assessment finding would most clearly
suggest a lack of successful development?
A) The client is dissatisfied with her current job.
B) The client describes herself as lonely and isolated.
C) The client has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
D) The client had a child when she was in her late teens.

15. What action on the part of a middle-aged client would best exemplify Erikson's concept
of generativity?
A) Being able to accurately evaluate the merits of others' ideas
B) Emphasizing the importance of one's knowledge and skill set
C) Consistently increasing one's income
D) Guiding and mentoring individuals who are younger

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16. The nurse's interview with an older adult client reveals that he bitterly regrets some of
the financial decisions that he made when he was younger. The nurse recognizes that
unless the client is able to accept these undesirable aspects of life, what outcome is
A) The client will adopt antisocial behaviors late in life.
B) The client will die prematurely.
C) The client will gradually abandon significant relationships.
D) The client will live with despair during his final years of life.

17. When appraising a young adult's psychosocial development within the framework of
Erikson's theory, what question should guide the nurse's data collection and analysis?
A) Can the client successfully solve problems?
B) Has the client successfully achieved intimacy?
C) Has the client learned to trust others?
D) Can the client teach life skills to others?

18. What assessment finding would most clearly suggest to the nurse that a young adult
client has failed to attain normal development within Piaget's framework?
A) The client has difficulty understanding abstract reasoning in written form.
B) The client has a recent history of tumultuous interpersonal relationships.
C) The client is often defiant toward authority figures.
D) The client is unwilling to accept responsibilities in the workplace.

19. Assessment of an older adult client suggests that the client does not possess formal
operational thinking. Within Piaget's framework of development, what nursing
diagnosis is the most likely consequence of this developmental deficit?
A) Spiritual distress
B) Ineffective health maintenance
C) Ineffective sexuality pattern
D) Risk for suicide

20. The nurse has identified abnormal findings when reviewing a young adult client's health
history. Within Kohlberg's theory of psychosocial development, what behavioral
characteristic is the nurse most likely to observe?
A) The client has difficulty trusting others.
B) The client is easily manipulated by others.
C) The client is unable to weigh options when presented with a dilemma.
D) The client makes decisions without considering the impact on others.

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21. When applying Kohlberg's theory of moral development to the status of an older adult
client, on what assessment finding would the nurse focus?
A) The relationship between the client's stated beliefs and his actions
B) The client's ability to discern the motivations of others
C) The client's adherence to rules, laws, and norms
D) The client's ability to tolerate differing views

22. During the health interview, a client demonstrates the ability to describe healthy and
unhealthy aspects of her thinking patterns. The nurse would conclude that this client has
attained which level of development within Piaget's framework?
A) Circular operational
B) Preoperational
C) Concrete operational
D) Formal operational

23. Assessment reveals that a young adult has failed to achieve Erikson's central task of his
current stage of development. What nursing diagnosis would the nurse associate most
closely with this finding?
A) Risk for compromised human dignity
B) Anxiety
C) Ineffective sexuality pattern
D) Social isolation

24. The nurse's assessment suggests that a 10-year-old has failed to achieve Erikson's
central task of this stage of development. What nursing diagnosis should most likely be
included in the child's plan of care?
A) Risk for injury
B) Chronic low self-esteem
C) Fear
D) Disturbed thought processes

25. What statement by a middle-aged adult would most clearly suggest successful
achievement of Erikson's central task during this stage of development?
A) ìI'm doing a lot of volunteering in order to give back to the community.î
B) ìI've started to exercise more regularly so that I don't put on extra weight.î
C) ìI socialize with my coworkers a lot more than I did when I was younger.î
D) ìOverall, my marriage is likely stronger than it was when we first got married.î

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26. The nurse is assessing an adult client's self-image during the health history interview.
What assessment question is most likely to elicit meaningful data?
A) ìWhat are the activities that give you the most joy?î
B) ìWhat would you describe as your main strengths and weaknesses?î
C) ìDo you consider yourself to be a particularly religious person?î
D) ìWhat actions are you taking to improve your life?î

27. The nurse is assessing an adult client for the presence of Piaget's formal operations stage
of development. What assessment question should the nurse ask the client?
A) ìHow do you usually go about making difficult decisions?î
B) ìDo you consider yourself to be an intelligent person?î
C) ìHow would you describe your relationship with authority figures?î
D) ìIn relationships, do you consider yourself to be a 'giver' or a 'taker'?î

28. The nurse has observed that a client adheres rigidly to the norms of her family and her
culture. In the context of Freud's theory of development, this pattern of behavior is
attributable to the action of what component of personality?
A) The id
B) The ego
C) The superego
D) The identity

29. A school nurse is working with kindergarten students. Within Kohlberg's framework of
moral development, the nurse should recognize that these students' moral reasoning is
primarily motivated by which of the following?
A) An innate conscience
B) Fear of the negative consequences of individual actions
C) Motivation to exhibit behaviors that are culturally normalized
D) Adherence to basic moral beliefs

30. The school nurse has learned that a 14-year-old student is having social difficulties.
According to Erikson, what is the most likely source of this child's stress?
A) The student is experiencing moral dilemmas.
B) The student is having difficulty creating an identity.
C) The student is experiencing a sexual crisis.
D) The student having difficulty understanding the viewpoints of others.

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Test bank Health Assessment in Nursing 6th Edition Weber, Kelley

Answer Key

1. B
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. C
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. D
16. D
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. D
21. C
22. D
23. D
24. B
25. A
26. B
27. A
28. C
29. B
30. B

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