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Assignment - 1

Course Code : CSE-0613101

Course Title : Structured Programming Language
Submit Date : 21.08.23
Total Marks : 10

N.B. - For Odd Id

1. Write a C program to input week number(1-7) and print the corresponding day of
week name using if else.
2. Write a C program to input temperature in Centigrade and convert to Fahrenheit.
3. Write a C program to input side of a triangle and check whether triangle is valid or not
using if else.
4. A company decided to give bonus of 8% to employee if his/her year of service is
more than 3 years. Write a C program to ask employees for their salary and year of
service and print the net bonus amount.
5. Write a C program to print the series of 13 using a for loop.
6. Write a C program to input character from user and check whether character is
uppercase or lowercase alphabet using if else.

N.B. - For Even Id

1. Write a C program to enter month number between(1-12) and print number of days in
month using if else.
2. Write a C program to take values of length and breadth of a rectangle from the user
and check if it is square or not.
3. Write a C program to check whether a triangle is valid or not if angles are given using
if else.
4. A company decided to give bonus of 5% to employee if his/her year of service is
more than 5 years. Write a C program to ask employees for their salary and year of
service and print the net bonus amount.
5. Write a C program to print the series of 15 using a for loop.
6. Write a C program to input a character from the user and check whether the given
character is alphabet, digit or special character using if else.

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