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Republic ofthe Philipines, Department of Education ED i De’ : 'mer Permanent Record for Elementary Schoo! (SF10-ES) ts (fron rom i - Tats PeRooNAL FORA STNAME! _VELAS a ae —euasouez_ __NAWEET (23m MOOLENAME.____ALMENCION Leaner Rleerce Niner LRN a ov Sor rena [credenti Presented fr Grade 1: (Kh Progross Repeat & arn Farms Comyn Scot ‘te Credential Proven Cyr Pae ame ae Adres of Teng Center 19.01 Schoo, seroet Josswict: ) Jota es Graco Mother Tongue tipi Engin tuk a “arabe Lan ane ome of ICT senor Dwain _COTD) 1 Sexton: Tait P- Ritch Ys Name of Asso oacher ‘earning Areas [Goer Rat 4 iS 10. hat “Isami Value Eauraton [canara Remedial Gastes [Conducted frome .. earings = psi in ciassied as Grace Learning Areas Mower Ton tipi lenguan [Matrematics science ing Panipunan Jere Tue Maren Phys Eaucaton Hoth Jesu. 0 as feat. silo ak [Ganeral Avera Tenedal Gare ear are “Deon SROs Bra-baline Catal on nam o AdiarTcher rato a at rdergaton Coat of Camghina Aotbens t Scroot_PurohKayparban, ly of San Jona dt Mort, | ‘ECO Chocatt Oar (Pa Specty (needieen 1. Rogen IM “20 Mt: 8 0 Oyen CSEDM Reon: Ii Jessie es Grade: BL — Sacton ‘Year = 2020 ot hgisertoacher J Leaenng Aros Remar Mote Tongue Fuipine ' Matron science [aratngPanipunan luapen Jesus ilar Vals Esucaton [cena Remedial Cass, [Conducted fom: enedT Gas] Rotel | Raman ‘toa: ‘Quarter Ratng s[ais[e 193] 8 AA a Conducted te. needa a | Bocomoed ‘wart | tnalonde Reson sme ot vow Teach Final Rating Learing Area. Iuotier Tongue Jerr me, Maren Mose ei Eoscton [eso e9Pa “Aral a ime Vatuee Eavesion [Genaral Average Temedl Coser [onto Conducted o Uasring reas | rattatng | feeds | meant asain | Farge | TT TTT TRA TRE oom fee a tepamn OT FF io YA fe 34 cou SEH : oe eee | wonton” ent arg ‘asi Rana | Fo ‘ming ene aware Tapa «| etna LEARING AREAS nee Eero eee [sation scones fren ‘ERTICATION cane issewueeardol_____— san imi__etiatnae taiwan rte —_ ‘ERTIERTION exertional tbh eer inontacnte CERTCATION eae insted oe snot ee tne te, ae Tre cras aeerPine me (oss 0d anny "a arn Repubicoffe Phifpines DepartmentofEducaton De DE ED Learner Permanent Record for Elementary Schoo! (SF10-ES) ‘tome om 7 TERT RRA PTSATON Ee ee en a a ‘ec Fame , (endear remandb Ge Tiare © Feed cma 1, tp Cnt oCanoans Ieowea Sa ERE ACADEMY GohetD: AU AsstGcent_ LOT PHASE A KARA FRANCISCO MOWER CDN ULACAM (ee Oneal oar PPT Po Rae eee ae 0) fen Peo tee es en a E TERLNACADEN ‘Stoo, 4018 | fact BERL YN ACAD Ea cr ie ui cao fe fn cae Teen Fai” aT | Lome TORRE. ons Ape — a jenestovtenoe JESSCAD.SANAS Spa: enecteieenc a mae, eer | a (aoe Tonpe a tin or | wl ool] reo | frpne erat ee |_ mee —| foe 4 oo case = festn Peipanen wef or | solo] [m8 | Pata Paina [seme lewme luarox be] om | vel el |r| func [ae PS oe ia [oe | sot oe [rc —| [ae mys Eason et [ oe [ool eel 98 | reco | [race “ese i en Papas ar sr sol_erf W7 | ric —| feo naar “mie aroge ran ane “ase ae “Mt ae FE [neat aecee oslo | a7] _| RSS| [Geers avn Teneaal Gna mane || teaming pee [Ries TA oacepcal eee Ine maw og] Th Ghepuihl GoLERE Ne ore ANT lowe “tent Oso cia 8 ede i LONE Ouse: “CCID, bul. — _fovee | [onsets ote THRE Seton “fr a forte Sto sooaies: jot] 2% eeectomracle i want aka ome | See earrae e caree omens Lees | ae ee ee fase Yowave lan 1aa fat leq] qe | Pasard | Juotmerongee [mee —_fartaa fen faq [oq | fond | [rtp a lag fag tag} a8 fayced [eaten @1%2 lab lea | oe | Pasard | feraven qx ae [aa] HT a8 a {at aa | of Pasa | fe fatten eT 1911 4 lag 19a 4g aad | |Setonce: 14; rf - |aranogFantiounan at | 9a faq 4a [9g | Pau | farang Pantponan CEMETERIES rma a ated lors er fan [atl ag 4g Than od Ja et fas Ite | 97 [Passa Juaren 4 148 (44 1441 a8 he ae aif at [nal on ae or las fea gal 8 [ae lat laqlaal_ ae a ax lae lanl al ae rape esr lav! ap 198 faq | an Pca can las 144] aa] av = Jou fae Jaa faq| 97 att oe 193 [99144] 49 iM sa Pgpapataion lag 129 Jaa [2g] 4g | Passd | fedot.saPompepaato 19 l4al 48 Tpaed a 56 TL ee ge “amie es Eason "tam ase aan [Severe Average [GR PST Pasa | [Gener Avra ay ‘Fomedial Classes [Conducied Fom: 7 Remedi from _Lasrig rene | Fat aing [PIO] SEPT | name ‘earings | Fat Rating da powered 5 err coe os a een [seston Eset Tanalie rane git gah janscthoteresner Mc. Doi Rom0s spe gee meer Sai] ae ito Ta] s 7 e| mare [rt [raion oeaer = “| ae Fisiack me eh ft ie = S ss Ba [Eauk sa Pagpanet stan 4 re ga “ere ae ea re a ee a lererrue fusrer i tr Plain oy & Pree [si erapeete aa am Tae es Een Pum ies [aera ee = a ee cea a aero % umringhres | nattatng [MEST meurcnae | Meme nmegieae | Peat [Semas| Neves | tn acres ‘CERTIFICATION cerry tat sieeve racer ot Raw santo dpascilsi0034 msbuatbetesgobreteaencncs iene tc a ama 204-202 toottun Beran, Ata eter Nay 2, 2081 ni me Seri ton Pens reminoes | CERTCATON \comrrassictenonme vous ansnanenteibconsonncte J a Tao an “saan Tp states = Sct as 0 ERTEATIN = leery sane oun eununcinspte inn ecite sean er aaa ams “ai i St Sa = ___ ara si ay i Cacao v Repuilic of he Phipoines Department of Education 10-ES) Learner Permanent Record for Elementary Schoo! (SF eae Rafereoce umber an) [Creamer Prcwce Gooe 1 PO odaliny mavens ——— ‘er Credential Presoroa peor raser sang Name and Adress ef Testing Cnt ea me! eaminaenvAssesunes rare) — SEAS st | sabe Lanauaoe ioc Vaies Eoueabon — oa es 7 fe aconted | poms Faslorde Feron tn Gouceooo™ ORIEEE WN, sea ALN. e Duwon:SiDM@ul: Region Joorated as Grade: Seaton GaEe0e Echos nome ot xdisorTeachr mae DUQUE Sionie Front (Ato) COME NC ce a Dein, cpt Bul Recor: Ll Joutcr —tunti__ = Jtearie ae Grae THIEL. Secon Year: 2021 Za ferent “Quarterly Rating | Final | Remarks # | Raeno, BRBERB + a EREEER BRARBE SATE = nme | aces cose Satan Se ——| —— frome of AcweerTeacner — SaaS | Fs | homer SonaRRS] sl] nema er Sere co eee SEE ae - cere : Wasaga — fase Ee fea fn emai f [sing roan [esting Panipanon f - jeducston fsa sn Poppa aes as aus [somes Lernaseage Sa a aa —— FE ceRTCATON seer stern om sitter Le (te Sr Sen {cet wana mt edt haie hceni t veer caRTATION =F ort trend at ta mda eet lige to admiaon toed easter meat ae msn eine, | Republe ofthe Phitppines Department of Education ‘ecord f fmmor elementary School (SF10-ES) LEARHERS PERSORAL ROR WOOLE MAME _cAROp An Bitte iota ARCH 6, 2012 a IGTBIUTY FOR ELEMENTARY ScHOoK Cn TECCOGhetist aos eh ‘FADE yee awe extn thm Vincergaton Coren of Compton PEPTPases Rating Name an Aiest Yeon ony te MNHesimen tomar Sosa) Seve 6t INE serooiin Holtze | foeroot LA UNCEPCON COLEGE ING School Suiusd ——— Pvisen Lea, Jone 4 owvnon GLO M BU. Repen HL tested a Grade 2 1 Sector Stans Tact tee or Boe ek then rn 7 jum tvs emcee eating Areas ee Toe | ome Feet ef feeb ecco [Pas farm fasten laa bac lean | [9] of ae.op | reseed | [rips lac laulaclar | ar [emu essen se fw fer] soo | Ruse | lengian i tas laule@ | as [pod Matremates, ai [ax Fea fet [rc | fased | Iaathemaice ay [clas ac | oud fSstence 11a lat | deco | Posed | science |Arating Pantipunan, fe TenTer [atcy | Paced | [arating Pantpanan lay ale! ay [pow leer rue at as Tou fay [toy | Passed | fevers laren ec facley [yy [aoe | Pad | Iuaren lie laulaclen| a feoued Muse jar [oe | a7 | ae | a. Peas Music at ae tautag | as | eaascd Ans 5 [ar] 4 gy [eee | Paaeed | [ans fan Tar level ae [ac | pued | 5 Eascabon cla] [59 [eam | Paced | | pryscarearcaton 92 favlaulae | ay | gays) Heat al [as [at [euey | Pecnd | | Heat fs Taulsafea | ay | euud | [Eauk sa Pagpapanatn ei [for far eu.ce | Yoaeed | [eae Poppasstae sc lacler ton | ay | fund sari Lan | -saictsnauce “team Values Eaton “baie Vts Eason i [General Average “2 Genera Average 4 Remedial Gases [Conduced ror = Temedol Gases [eonced on: ay, ee ace ar ed ee ed el od nnceoran tuneée, IN ns We Seoci ap aaa [senoor 1A aceon ic Senooro: _Wqgse | [Schoot 1A sonata couueue, 1 oisier vest Devson shite Damas Repon: 01 | foistict yp ws IDRBAL Rapes lcscetd as Grace S Sector: S:AMtieay Schoo! Year, 2020-2001 | |cinsstesas Gade: Secon BEER}! Yew: 3p fume of avcorecber aS MARBELLA Sera femerhrrtce teeters Big Caan Aes PERE Tat pares Seer eS Tt | ems if | Posudd | [rmoner To fem Teo plete tae traced | bose aa SAT Sle | ee hn ge faglaalaa| ag | pomd | Jenoish ar |99)aoi4 [96 Tasced | aoa farlaelaa}aa| ae | Peed | natenance ae )4i46 a7 98 TPs | pase ae = ae} ealaa | 29 ae a : i if + i a Foss |uwven 3 |96)94 aed | am ela ferle at | [ee ailaglaa At] 18 tose a se[ar aa faa} at as aaa ae | 49 Ieaaed oe acl aglazlen| ae Poyscal Eaton Hp [9sia9 laa] 76 lea Se fslstatat fa mae a = juk. sa Pag catao |Eduk. sa Pagpapakatao Bl aq)a7|9q| A Poms a mapapeks [sbi Lanmuee “islamic Values Educator a ees Sei ak er “ wereae ‘Remedial Classes [Date Conducted: cm TEETER a en omer] nals ee el eel ed [ovmeetes as Gace, Regen Seamer tiiaatieee St School Yer J Ps Eee Sgrnve J] Pser ss once fewsiontg, sree i ee oy + lean LATS 737] Ratng | Raman, ree est one SES fe [iTstsyeimet| mee eave +t = | i ae Se = fateteca tenet ensaon eee eae sme eae ——_—_—_— Reece oe eee | etm atone ect en — ee ‘Omer Credenta Preseneg ae Name and Adesso Testa Cente Leamer Permanent sr TS, POU of the Pingo 0 kite Poors Repo Oe ‘duran pepeD eCOrd for Ei 2 for Elementary School (SF10-ES) LEARIER'S PERCOWAL RFORHATION NAME: ewreu ARE ster ewe BMA ew Hopaane EARLE ar om woos Bouse ——— resent —_— Bitcne menaryyy) HevEIBE R OF 208) sox [nite Peoeansis Saas TRUITT | names MENTARY SCHOOL ENROLMENT. ECO Crest hates of Sebel [omar rs. Sent) CONGRODS eon ss SESE Seton 40830] [eaeo ee COnGEWe soe aga | a ea ng See ado A] re eC ee | Here ot sarees Hiige ee_Stesewr 208-208 | Commenencnse Laon loos ow. dork dana | cher my i fhsow erasure i LEARNING AREAS ee el Leaning rca Fe ET | meu | Remerts eter Tongue fails fon [cee | Yaad | hanes toque satel lac as [pau | [ean Staibaclen| acco | Pazesd | lepine an fan tas} q) 41} ausut | lEnotisn St els [ef wee [Peed | leagien fan fan fas fac fa [va Metra BL e Ts Tel erp | Areudl | fustensice aulgclealar {a3 | vauul | science se] [fay aco | Peau | [scence [aang Panipunan fsa [oe [on [oven | huss | [avatngParipunan seas lala [oe Teo Jereime /coneuiee er [olen lee | anes | tua] erie MAPEH sf [ efor [aueg [snd | maven aolasliclav| a; [Pod | Muse sel fale] oo [taaud | | mee acléelazlaylaa [ex Arts. pe for actos | 00 | reewted Asts 84 | fa} lay! a4 Physical Education 1 Lat |as an | ceo | Past Physical Education fa 4214} at at | |e Jon | choo | Pouce Heat La | ea igo | aul o+

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