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Registration ID 1333326

Vo y a U n s u n g H e r o e s Aw a r d s P r o g r a m

Application Review

P l e a s e r e v i e w t h e a p p l i c a t i o n i n f o r m a t i o n y o u h a v e e n t e r e d b e l o w. I f a n y s e c t i o n h a s
i n c o m p l e t e o r i n c o r r e c t i n f o r m a t i o n , c l i c k t h e " E d i t Yo u r I n f o r m a t i o n " l i n k i n t h a t
section. Fields that are incorrect or incomplete will be listed at the top. When all
application data is complete and acceptable, the "Lock and Submit Application" button
will display at the bottom of this page. If you don't see the "Lock and Submit Application"
button, review all sections for missing information.
After you have carefully reviewed your application to verify all information is complete
and correct, click the "Lock and Submit Application" button. Please note: After you lock
and submit your application, you will not be able to make any changes to your application.
To p r i n t a c o p y f o r y o u r r e c o r d s , c l i c k t h e " S e n d t o P r i n t e r " l i n k a t t h e b o t t o m o f t h i s

P ro f i l e D e t a i l s

Identifying Information Contact Information

Username: amandapack 11 5 R o c k l a n d Tr a i l
Name: Amanda Pack Sharpsburg, GA 30277
Date of Birth: 09/21/1980

Other Profile Information

Application Questions & Answers

Applicant Information

Question Answer

* Home email address

* Please select the gender with

which you primarily identify:
* Please select the race/ethnicity
with which you primarily White (not Hispanic or Latino)

* Do you identify as having a

disability or as previously No
having a disability?

* Do you now or have you ever

served in the United States No
Armed Forces?

* How did you hear about this


* From your selection above, Google

provide the name of publication,
agent or site

School Information

Question Answer

* School name Blake Bass Middle School

* School District/Parish Coweta County Schools

* Address 500 Shaw Road

* City Sharpsburg

* State Georgia

* ZIP code 30277

School phone 2059665123

* Wo r k p h o n e 770-254-2600
* Wo r k e m a i l a d d r e s s

School's/Classroom's Complete

We b s i t e U R L

* Ty p e o f s c h o o l Middle

* Yo u r j o b t i t l e S o c i a l S t u d i e s Te a c h e r

* Number of students enrolled 829

* Percentage of Students on free 10%

or reduced price lunch

* School official's last name Bennett

* School official's first name Cindy

* School official's job title Principal

* Phone number 770-254-2600

* Email address

Project Information

Question Answer

* Project title/Identify your No Charger for Chargers

project in a few words

* Grade(s) in which your project 6

is, or will be, applicable

* Class size/number of students 11 2

If your project is a team effort,
list names of other project
participants here

I n t h i s c o u n t y, s t u d e n t s r e c e i v e t h e i r f i r s t
Chromebook(CB) in 3rd grade by the time they
a r r i v e i n m i d d l e s c h o o l , i t i s a d a i l y n e c e s s i t y.
Students are given free tech support in each
b u i l d i n g a n d a r e s u p p l i e d w i t h c h a r g e r s . H o w e v e r,
when a CB arrives in class “dead,” students are
unintentionally (or intentionally) shamed for not
having a charged CB or not having the charger to
u s e i n t h e c l a s s r o o m . To c r e a t e t e c h n o l o g i c a l
equity in the classroom, this project would supply
* Project summary charging ports at each student seating area where
all students could charge while they work
regardless of their ability to produce their own
charger or the ability to charge at home. It will
provide opportunities for students to avoid falling
behind academically and socially as well as offer
the chance to charge the CB during the day so that
students without a charger will be able to continue
l e a r n i n g a t h o m e w i t h a c h a r g e d c o m p u t e r. T h i s i s
especially important for low income, special needs,
and minority subgroups.

Project Description

Question Answer

* Statement I: Project This project aims to create a charging station for

Description Chromebooks in the classroom to ensure that
students' devices are always fully charged and
ready to use despite of their socioeconomic
backgrounds or their disability status. The charging
station will be designed and implemented by the
teacher with feedback from students.
1. Material Acquisition- selection and purchase of
materials by teacher
2. Construction- connection of power strips, safety
strips, charging docs, and cords will be completed
at each of seven student stations
3 . Te s t i n g - a s t u d e n t a d v i s o r y c o m m i t t e e w i l l b e
formed to test each station and provide feedback
o n p o s i t i o n , f l e x i b i l i t y, a n d i n t r u s i v e n e s s o f
charging docs.

1.Equity- this project provides technological equity
for all students. The charging station will provide
s t u d e n t s w i t h e a s y a c c e s s t o t e c h n o l o g y, e n s u r i n g
that their Chromebooks are always charged and
ready to use.
2. Collaboration- Per ISTE Standards for educators
2.4b, this project provides opportunities for
student/teacher collaboration to problem solve
using digital resources and technology issues.
3. Academic traction- These charging stations will
eliminate distractions in the classroom caused by
charging issues. Students will not have their
learning impeded by depleted batteries, teachers
will not have to scramble to provide an alternate
assignment, and other classmates will not be
disrupted by these events.

W h i l e c h a r g i n g s t a t i o n s a r e n o t h i n g n e w, t h e
addition to charging stations in this classroom is.
It will provide an essential function for student
and teachers and further the ability for students of
all subgroups to have equal and reliable access to
the digital tools used in this classroom.

Benefit to Students
Question Answer

* Statement II: Benefit to A Chromebook charging station can offer several

Students benefits to students, improving their learning
outcomes and providing convenience to teachers,
p a r e n t s , a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y.

1 . Av a i l a b i l i t y : Wi t h a C h r o m e b o o k c h a r g i n g
station, students can ensure that their devices are
fully charged and ready to use at all times. This
can help them stay on top of their assignments and
projects without worrying about battery life a5t
school making continued learning from home
entirely possible regardless of their family's
economic situations.

2. Collaboration: A charging station allows

students to gather together in one place, making it
easier for them to collaborate and work on group
projects. This can lead to better teamwork and a
more cohesive learning environment.

3. Classroom Efficiency: When all students have

access to fully charged Chromebooks, it can help
streamline classroom procedures and make learning
m o r e e f f i c i e n t . Te a c h e r s c a n s p e n d l e s s t i m e
addressing battery issues and more time focusing
on instruction.

4. Responsibility: By having a designated charging

station, students are encouraged to take
responsibility for their devices and ensure that
t h e y a r e p r o p e r l y c h a r g e d a n d c a r e d f o r. T h i s c a n
teach important life skills and foster a sense of
responsibility and ownership.

5. Impact on teachers, parents, and community-

Te a c h e r s c a n b e t t e r p r e p a r e f o r d i g i t a l l e s s o n s
knowing that all students have access to charged
devices, while parents can feel confident that their
children are prepared for school eliminating the
stress that is often exacerbated by the limited of
p o v e r t y a n d d i s a b i l i t y. T h e c o m m u n i t y a s a w h o l e
can benefit from a more efficient and
technologically advanced educational system, which
can lead to better job prospects and a stronger
e c o n o m y.

Project Evaluation

Question Answer

* Statement III: Project As with any new idea, it is crucial to evaluate the
Evaluation effectiveness of the project. For this proposed
project evaluation will come in the form of teacher
observation, student feedback, and student
achievement data.

The teacher will make not of how frequently the
charging stations are being used and how many
devices are being charged during each class period.
A d d i t i o n a l l y, d a t a w i l l b e r e c o r d e d a b o u t w h i c h
specific students use the stations most often and if
these are the students that most inspired the need
for the project (ED and SWD students).

Students who use the charging stations regularly
will be asked about their experiences with it. The
survey will ask if students are satisfied with the
charging station's performance, and if there any
issues that need to be addressed. The survey will
also include a Likert Scale to determine overall

Achievement Data:
The students who are members of the underserved
groups targeted by this project will be
academically monitored to determine if the
charging stations contributed to academic growth.
Using the district Learning Management System,
Infinite Campus, data will be pulled to determine
the percentage of missing and incomplete
assignments for these students before and after the
installation of the charging stations.

Use of Funds

Question Answer

C u r r e n t l y, p o w e r o u t l e t s u s e d f o r c h a r g i n g i n t h e
classroom is located in sporadically along the
walls and counter spaces. The power is provided
by the district education budget as are the desks
and counters in the classroom. This project will
build on these items already in place. The funding
awarded for this project would go towards the
purchase, organization, containment, and
installation of charging hubs at each of seven
student "pods." Each pod consists of four student

Supplies needed:
* S t a t e m e n t I V: U s e o f F u n d s
velcro straps
flat cord extension cords x7
power strips and/or hubs x7
cord management system x2
cable management x2
U n d e r D e s k C a b l e M a n a g e m e n t Tr a y x 7
Floor Cord Cover x7

If awarded the full funding, this project will be

formatted to create classroom charging stations on
each team of the three grades this school serves.
This would include 9 classrooms spanning 3 grades
and serving 830 students.
B u d g e t f o r $ 2 , 0 0 0 F i n a l i s t Aw a r d

Question Answer

Item #1 Description Chromebook Chargers x28

Item #1 Cost 697

Item #2 Description Cable Management

Item #2 Cost 405

Item #3 Description Power

Item #3 Cost 175

Item #4 Description Hardware/ Containment

Item #4 Cost 225

$ 2 , 0 0 0 F i n a l i s t Aw a r d B u d g e t 1502
To t a l

B u d g e t f o r $ 5 , 0 0 0 B o n u s Aw a r d

Question Answer

Item #1 Description MultiDevice Charging Stations

Item #1 Cost 2200

Item #2 Description Chargers

Item #2 Cost 1715

Item #3 Description Power strips

Item #3 Cost 910

Item #4 Description

Item #4 Cost

Item #5 Description

Item #5 Cost

$ 5 , 0 0 0 B o n u s Aw a r d B u d g e t 4825
To t a l

B u d g e t f o r $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 B o n u s Aw a r d

Question Answer

Item #1 Description Multidevice charging

Item #1 Cost 4400

Item #2 Description Chargers

Item #2 Cost 3430

Item #3 Description Power Strips

Item #3 Cost 1820

Item #4 Description

Item #4 Cost

Item #5 Description

Item #5 Cost

$ 1 0 , 0 0 0 B o n u s Aw a r d B u d g e t 9650
To t a l
B u d g e t f o r $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 B o n u s Aw a r d

Question Answer

Item #1 Description Chromebook Chargers

Item #1 Cost 4032

Item #2 Description Cable Management

Item #2 Cost 1215

Item #3 Description Power

Item #3 Cost 675

Item #4 Description Multidevice Charging

Item #4 Cost 6000

Item #5 Description Hardware/ Containment

Item #5 Cost 675

Item #6 Description Additional Power Strips

Item #6 Cost 2730

$ 2 5 , 0 0 0 B o n u s Aw a r d B u d g e t 15327
To t a l

Certification and Signature

Question Answer

* Applicant's signature Amanda Pack

* Date 04/15/2023


I c e r t i f y I u n d e r s t a n d a l l r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r s u b m i t t i n g a n a p p l i c a t i o n f o r a Vo y a U n s u n g
H e r o e s Aw a r d s P r o g r a m . M y a p p l i c a t i o n d a t a h a s b e e n r e v i e w e d a n d i s c o m p l e t e a n d
accurate to the best of my knowledge. By clicking the Lock and Submit Application button
b e l o w, I u n d e r s t a n d n o f u r t h e r c h a n g e s c a n b e m a d e t o t h e d a t a . D a t a w i l l b e r e v i e w e d b y
Scholarship America for the purposes of this program.

This site is administered by Scholarship America.®

C o n t a c t t h e Vo y a U n s u n g H e r o e s Aw a r d s P r o g r a m a d m i n i s t r a t o r :
u n s u n g h e r o e s @ s c h o l a r s h i p a m e r i c a . o r g o r 1 - 5 0 7 - 9 3 1 - 1 6 8 2 a n d a s k f o r t h e Vo y a U n s u n g
H e r o e s Aw a r d s P r o g r a m
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