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Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Management of Large Radicular Lesions Using

Decompression: A Case Series and Review of the
Fu-cong Tian, DDS, PhD,* Brian E. Bergeron, DMD,* Sajitha Kalathingal, BDS, MS,†
Matthew Morris, DMD,‡ Xiao-yan Wang, DDS, PhD,§
Li-na Niu, DDS, PhD,¶ and Franklin R. Tay, BDSc, PhD*

The purpose of this study was to report the clinical effi-
cacy of decompression for 3 cases with large periapical
lesions and to review technique details. Three cases
D entists generally have
the impression that
large periapical lesions
Large periapical cystic lesions may be treated by
conservative decompression before or in lieu of
with large periapical cystic lesions were treated with have a reduced tendency
apical surgery. Decompression enables healing of
decompression after root canal treatment. A traditional to heal after root canal
larger, persistent periapical lesions after root canal
decompression technique was used for the first case. Af- treatment, especially those
treatment. Techniques of decompression vary with
ter aspiration, mucogingival incision, irrigation, and inci- with clear borders that
operators involving different armamentaria.
sional biopsy, a pediatric endotracheal tube was sutured resemble bone cysts
in place and kept for 3 weeks for lesion debridement. An radiographically (1–4).
aspiration/irrigation technique was adopted for the sec- Periapical cysts are the most frequently diagnosed odontogenic cysts and account for
ond case. An 18-G needle with a syringe was used to about half of the incidence of cystic lesions in the jaw (5, 6). The incidence of
aspirate the cystic lesion. Two needles were then in- periapical cysts ranges from 7%–54% based on histologic findings of periapical
serted into the lesion; copious saline irrigation was biopsies obtained from surgical procedures or tooth extraction (7). Periapical cysts
delivered from 1 needle and until clear saline was ex- are classified into pocket (bay) cysts and true cysts (8, 9). Differentiation between
pressed from the other. For the third case, decompres- the 2 categories depends on whether the epithelial lining of the cyst cavity is open to
sion was accomplished with a surgical catheter that the root canal. Such information can only be acquired from meticulous serial
was subsequently replaced with a gutta-percha plug af- sectioning of the periapical lesion along with the root apex. The incidence of a true
ter 1 month. None of the 3 cases underwent complete cyst (without opening between the cyst lumen and the root canal space) is 8%–13%
enucleation and root-end surgery. Healed lesions or le- (8–10).
sions in healing were observed after 1 to 2 years. Based A consensus among authors is that true periapical cysts are self-sustainable and
on the presented cases and published case reports on tend to persist regardless of whether the original microbiological stimulation within
decompression, a literature review was provided the root canal system is eliminated (10–12). This implies that surgical intervention
covering indications, technique details, modification, is inevitable for these situations. However, definitive diagnosis of a true cyst can only
and prognosis of decompression in endodontics. For be made with histologic examination and cannot be achieved based on clinical
large periapical cystic lesions, conservative decompres- examination or treatment alone. Follow-up is required after optimal root canal treat-
sion may be used for certain cases before or in lieu of ment before surgery is performed. Factors including lesion size, tooth location, a neigh-
apical surgery. Decompression enables healing of large, boring anatomic structure (sinus, nasal floor, or nerve duct), and the overall health
persistent periapical lesions after root canal treatment. condition of the subject may influence decision making for periapical surgery (13).
(J Endod 2019;45:651–659) An alternative treatment option is necessary for situations in which surgical intervention
is contraindicated.
Key Words Decompression, a conservative treatment regimen for the management of
Aspiration, catheter, decompression, marsupialization, cystic lesions, was first described by Dr Carl Partsch more than a century ago.
radicular cyst The procedure is also referred to as marsupialization or exteriorization (14).
Decompression is mostly used as an adjunct to reduce lesion size of odontogenic

From the Departments of *Endodontics and †Oral Biology and Diagnostic Sciences, The Dental College of Georgia, Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia; ‡Charleston
Endodontics, Summerville, South Carolina; §Department of Cariology and Endodontology, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China; and

State Key Laboratory of Military Stomatology, School of Stomatology, The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Franklin R. Tay, The Dental College of Georgia, Augusta University, 1040 Alexander Drive, Augusta, GA 30912-1129., or Li-na Niu,
State Key Laboratory of Military Stomatology, School of Stomatology, The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. E-mail addresses: ftay@augusta.edu
or niulina831013@126.com
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2018 American Association of Endodontists.

JOE — Volume 45, Number 5, May 2019 Management of Large Radicular Lesions 651
Case Report/Clinical Techniques
keratocysts, dentigerous cysts, and other large bone cysts before Case 2
enucleation (15, 16). In endodontics, decompression has been A 26-year-old man presented for evaluation and treatment of tooth
used to manage large periapical cysts (17–33). In the present 9. He had pain above the tooth and complained of “bogginess” in the
work, 3 clinical cases of large cystic periapical lesions that were apical tissues 2 weeks prior. Root canal treatment of that tooth was
managed using decompression alone without adjunctive root-end completed during childhood, and nonsurgical retreatment was subse-
surgery were presented. A brief review of the published literature quently performed 1.5 years prior in conjunction with tooth 10, which
was also included. was treated because of a necrotic pulp. There was no history of swelling
or presence of a sinus tract. Examination revealed mild tenderness to
palpation above tooth 9 toward the midline. Periapical radiographs de-
Case Reports picted a large periradicular radiolucent lesion that approximated both
Case 1 teeth 9 and 10; 2-dimensional measurement was between 15–16 mm at
A 70-year-old man presented for evaluation and treatment of a its widest diameter (Fig. 2B). CBCT imaging showed perforation of the
large periapical radiolucency apical to teeth 23–26. The patient facial cortical plate between teeth 9 and 10 (Fig. 2A). The diagnosis was
was completely asymptomatic. Nonsurgical root canal treatment established to be previously treated with asymptomatic apical periodon-
was performed by a previous endodontist on teeth 24 and 25 1 titis. Because of the limited root length and the likelihood of gingival
year prior. Teeth 23 and 26 were subsequently treated nonsurgically recession after raising a full-thickness flap (the size of the lesion pre-
3 months before presentation at our office because of an increase in cluded submarginal incision), a surgical lavage technique (34) was
lesion size. Preoperative diagnosis for the mandibular incisors was used for lesion debridement. After informed consent and local anes-
unavailable. Examination revealed full crowns on all mandibular ante- thesia, decompression was performed with aspiration, curettage, and
rior teeth. Percussion and palpation were within normal limits. No si- saline flush. After marking the initial puncture site with a tissue marker,
nus tract and mobility were detected. Periodontal probing depths an 18-G needle was inserted into the lesion through the buccal plate,
were within 3 mm. Historic radiographs showed that the original which aspirated 5.5 mL purulent hemorrhagic fluid (Fig. 2C–E). The
lesion was limited to the apices of teeth 24 and 25 and had enlarged second puncture site was made distal to the first site. Approximately
to include the apices of the lateral incisors. The preoperative periap- 40 mL sterile saline was delivered through this site until the exudate
ical radiograph showed a 12.7 mm  9.5 mm periapical radiolucency was clear saline (Fig. 2F). The patient was recalled at 13 months
associated with teeth 24–26 (Fig.1B). Cone-beam computed tomo- (Fig. 2G) and 28 months (Fig. 2H). Intraoral examination revealed
graphic (CBCT) imaging depicted a large, well-defined expansive no swelling of the soft tissues and absence of a sinus tract. Radiographs
radiolucent lesion at the apices of teeth 23–26 (Fig.1A). The buccal showed a continued increase in density of the regenerated trabecular
cortical plate was thinned significantly and disrupted in localized bone surrounding teeth 9 and 10 with an intact lamina dura.
areas. Mild root resorption was evident at the apices of all the mandib-
ular incisors. The diagnosis was established to be previously treated
with asymptomatic apical periodontitis. Treatment options were dis- Case 3
cussed with the patient, including apical surgery with full enucleation A 67-year-old woman was referred for evaluation and treatment of
and guided tissue regeneration and cystic decompression; the latter asymptomatic teeth 7 and 8. Upon examination, both teeth did not
was preferred by the patient. respond to cold stimulation. A sinus tract was present in the apical
During the subsequent visit, decompression was performed under area of tooth 8. Percussion and palpation were within normal limits.
local anesthesia. A vertical mucogingival incision was made mesial to Periapical radiographs showed slight root resorption of both teeth
tooth 25 over the perforated cortical plate (Fig. 1C) after aspiration with a 15-mm-diameter periapical radiolucency (Fig. 3B). CBCT imag-
with an 18-G needle yielding 1.7 mL blood and straw-colored exudate ing showed complete loss of the buccal cortical plate and partial loss of
(Fig. 1D and E). Incisional biopsy removed several pieces of tissues that the palatal cortical plate, resulting in a through-and-through (tunnel)
were submitted for histopathologic diagnosis. Limited curettage was lesion. The anterior extent of the periapical radiolucency extended to
performed with copious sterile saline irrigation. A 3.5-mm-long pediat- the level of the nasal floor (Fig. 3A). The diagnosis was established as
ric endotracheal tube was custom fitted to the incised lesion wall to pre- necrotic pulp with chronic apical abscess. Root canal treatment was
vent the flanges of the incision from approximating; the tubing was completed on teeth 7 and 8 (Fig. 3C). In view of the proximity of the
stabilized with vicryl 4-0 sutures (Fig. 1F). The biopsy report identified lesion to the nasal floor, decompression was suggested as an alternative
an inflamed nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium in the sub- to guided tissue regeneration (35). The surgical procedure was per-
mitted fragment together with fibrovascular tissues and cholesterol formed in a subsequent visit. After consent and local anesthesia, an inci-
clefts, confirming the diagnosis of a periapical cyst. The patient was in- sion was made through the labial mucosa. The cystic lining was
structed to remove and replace the endotracheal tubing on a daily basis disrupted and partially curetted for biopsy. A surgical catheter
and flush both the crypt and tubing with sterile saline 2 days after the (Fig. 3D) was custom fitted to the labiopalatal dimension of the lesion
surgical procedure. and stabilized with vicryl sutures. The patient was instructed to rinse
The patient returned 1 week later without significant complaint. through the catheter lumen with sterile saline 3 times a day. The patient
Healing of the soft tissues was uneventful. The decompression tubing returned 4 days later for suture removal, with uneventful healing around
remained flush with soft tissue margins. The patient was instructed to the catheter (Fig. 3E). The biopsy report identified a stratified squa-
trim the length of the tubing because the lesion reduced in size. Three mous epithelium that was suggestive of a radicular cyst. Four weeks after
weeks after the surgery, the trimmed tubing became so short (5.5-mm surgery, the catheter was replaced with a gutta-percha plug that the pa-
long compared with the 12-mm original length) that the patient was no tient was asked to remove during saline debridement (Fig. 3F). The
longer able to maintain it in place. Radiographic examination after 10 gutta-percha plug was discarded after 2 months. Recall periapical ra-
months revealed bone regeneration within the lesion (Fig. 1G). After 2 diographs taken at 4 months (Fig. 3G), 8 months (Fig. 3H), and 12
years of decompression, periapical radiographs showed almost com- months (Fig. 3I) showed progressive regression in lesion size with
plete resolution of the periapical radiolucency, except for the presence an increase in density of the regenerated trabecular bone. The 12-
of a widened periodontal ligament space around tooth 25 (Fig. 1H). month postoperative CBCT scan showed regeneration of the palatal

652 Tian et al. JOE — Volume 45, Number 5, May 2019

Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 1. Radiographic and clinical images of case 1. (A) The preoperative CBCT panel showed a large, well-defined radiolucent lesion at the apices of teeth 23–
26. In the 3-dimensional reconstruction (lower left of the panel), the buccal cortex was thinned significantly and disrupted in localized areas (pointer). (B) The
preoperative periapical radiograph showed large periapical radiolucency associated with teeth 23–26. (C) A clinical photograph of the labial vertical incision
showing destruction of the cortical plate. (D) Blood and straw-colored exudate aspirated from the lesion. (E) The intraoperative periapical radiograph showing
placement of the endotracheal tube. (F) The decompression tubing was sutured to the surrounding soft tissues. (G) The 10-month postoperative periapical radio-
graph revealed a decreased lesion size and bone regeneration. (H) The 2-year postoperative radiograph showed an almost completely healed lesion with intact
lamina dura of the lower anterior teeth.

cortical plate, increased thickness of the bone beneath the nasal floor, determine whether the radiolucency in the labial cortical plate region
and partial filling of the lesion with trabecular bone, suggesting the was filled with soft granulation tissues, scar tissues, or epithelium.
lesion was in the stage of healing (Fig. 3J). Compared with the preop-
erative CBCT scan, the CBCT periapical index score (36) decreased
from an original score of 5+D (ie, diameter of periapical radiolucency Literature Review and Discussion
>8 mm with destruction of the cortical bone) to 3D (ie, >2–4 mm) Large periapical lesions and cystlike lesions fail to heal after
within 12 months. Because the labial cortical plate has not yet been re- nonsurgical root canal treatment because of persisting intracanal or ex-
generated, a “D” was given to the postoperative CBCT periapical index traradicular infection or irritants (37). Endodontic surgery is the
score. In the absence of histologic examination, it was not possible to choice to conserve the affected teeth after identification of these

JOE — Volume 45, Number 5, May 2019 Management of Large Radicular Lesions 653
Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 2. Radiographic and clinical images of case 2. (A) The preoperative CBCT panel showed a large, well-defined radiolucent lesion at the apices of teeth 9 and
10. Disruption of the buccal cortical plate was evident. Very thin bone tissue was left between the lesion and the nasal floor. (B) The preoperative periapical radio-
graph showed a large periapical radiolucency around the apices of root-treated teeth 9 and 10. (C) Aspiration of fluid from the cystic lesion. (D) A needle con-
taining 5.5 mL aspirated blood and a straw-colored exudate. (E) Radiographic confirmation of insertion of the 2 needles into the lesion before surgical savage. (F)
Blood-free, clear saline expressing from the lesion (arrow) during surgical lavage. (G) The 13-month recall radiograph showed improved bone density in the
lesion area. (H) The 28-month recall showed a completely healed lesion with regeneration of lamina dura around teeth 21 and 22.

persistent lesions. Bone lesions larger than 2.5 cm are deemed critical- mm in diameter (35, 40). Nevertheless, these regenerative
size lesions and have an unpredictable prognosis for complete bone procedures are not compatible with decompression techniques.
regeneration (38, 39). Although the 3 cases presented did not fall Of the 3 cases examined in the present work, the first 2 cases
within the critical-size category, through-and-through (tunnel) lesions apparently healed completely based on postoperative evaluations using
tend to form scar tissues even after lesion enucleation without cortical periapical radiographs. The third case was determined to be in the stage
bone formation (35). Regenerative surgical procedures, consisting of of healing based on both 12-month postoperative periapical radio-
filling the enucleated lesion with calcium phosphate or physiologic graphs and CBCT evaluation. To date, there are many situations in which
bone substitutes and covering the exposed cortical plates with barrier the 3-dimensional images produced by CBCT imaging are used to facil-
membranes to prevent epithelium migration, have been suggested for itate diagnosis and influence treatment in endodontics. Distortion and
improving the status of bone regeneration in lesions that are >10 superimposition of the 2-dimensional radiographic images can be

654 Tian et al. JOE — Volume 45, Number 5, May 2019

Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 3. Radiographic and clinical images of case 3. (A) The preoperative CBCT panel showed a large, circumscribed radiolucent through-and-though lesion
around the apices of teeth 7 and 8. There was complete loss of the buccal cortical plate, partial disruption of the palatal plate, and substantial thinning of the bone
beneath the nasal floor. (B) The preoperative periapical radiograph of teeth 7 and 8 showing a 15-mm-diameter radiolucent lesion around the root apices. (C) The
periapical radiograph after root canal treatment of teeth 7 and 8. (D) The surgical catheter used for decompression. (E) The custom-fitted catheter in the lesion on
the day of suture removal. The patient was instructed to irrigate the lesion with sterile saline through the catheter. The catheter was flush with the lesion surface but
was slightly pulled out during manipulation of the lip during photography. (F) The catheter was replaced with a gutta-percha plug 1 month after decompression. The
patient was instructed to remove the plug for sterile saline irrigation for another month. The plug was slightly pulled out during manipulation of the lip. (G) The
periapical radiograph at the 4-month recall. (H) The periapical radiograph at the 8-month recall. (I) The periapical radiograph at the 12-month recall showed
progressive healing of the lesion. (J) The 12-month postoperative CBCT panel showed regeneration of the palatal cortical plate, increased thickness of the bone
beneath the nasal floor, and partial filling of the lesion with trabecular bone. The labial cortical plate has not yet been regenerated.

JOE — Volume 45, Number 5, May 2019 Management of Large Radicular Lesions 655
Case Report/Clinical Techniques
avoided. In addition, the true size, extent, nature, and position of peri-

apical and resorptive lesions can be assessed(41). Literature reporting








the use of CBCT imaging for postoperative evaluation of the outcomes of
decompression of radicular cysts is scanty (42). In that study, the vol-
ume reduction rate of radicular cysts, among other cystic lesions of the
jaw, was 66.8%  9.8% for decompression >6 months (n = 4) and
53.9%  6.7% for decompression <6 months (n = 3). Although there
was evidence of regeneration of the labial cortical plate in this study, it is


8–24 mo
6–35 mo
3–13 mo

24 mo
12 mo

12 mo

32 mo
12 mo
uncertain how this information is related to the success or failure after

8 mo
6 mo

10 y



decompression procedures (43).
Decompression procedures are classified as fistulative surgery in
endodontic textbooks (13). Compared with enucleation and primary
closure, decompression is more suitable for cystic lesions adjacent to

2 days followed by

3 mo followed by
the nasal floor, sinus floor, mandibular nerve canal, and neighboring

5 wk–1 y

8–24 mo
2–14 mo
tooth apices (20, 23). Full root length and pulp vitality of the


11 mo

24 mo
32 mo
4 mo
2 mo

3 mo

6 mo
6 wk
7 wk
5 wk
10 d

adjacent teeth may be preserved with the use of surgical
decompression (44). In case 1, diagnosis for the 4 mandibular incisors
before root canal treatment was unavailable. It is reasonable to assume
that the apical lesion was likely initiated by 1 or 2 teeth and then spread
to the apices of the neighboring teeth. If surgical intervention of the cen-
tral incisors had been considered before root canal treatment of the

Removable device with polyethylene tube

Polyethylene tube and rubber dam strip
lateral incisors, there might have been a chance of retaining pulp vitality
for those teeth. For medically compromised patients or those who do
not want enucleation surgery, decompression is a more conservative

Decompression devices
approach for eliminating an extensive surgical procedure. In addition,

Polyvinyl or polyethylene tube

Radiopaque flanged cannula

for lesions that are present in the primary dentition, decompression

Radiopaque polyvinyl tube

Removable partial denture

TABLE 1. Descriptive Statistics on Endodontic Surgical Decompression/Marsupialization Procedures Reported in the Literature

Radiopaque latex tubing

Radiopaque latex tubing
avoids possible damage to the underlying permanent teeth and provides
good regeneration potential of the bone in the developing craniofacial
skeleton of children (25–27, 30, 32). Surgical fenestration provides a

Customized device

Removable device

Removable device
Acrylic obturator
Suction catheter
Polyvinyl tubing

Iodoform gauze

Fixed resin tube

comparable healing rate of a large apical lesion compared with
conventional root-end surgery (45). The potential drawbacks of
decompression include the need for long-term follow-up and patient Plastic chuck
compliance, regular cavity irrigation, unavailability of biopsies for his-
topathological examination, and possible infection of the exposed cav-
ity. There is no documented CBCT evidence of complete healing of the
apical lesions for through-and-through–type lesions after decompres-


sion. For odontogenic keratocysts, decompression or marsupialization

has been reported to have a higher recurrence rate, which necessitates







secondary enucleation surgery (46–48). This will be discussed in a Maxilla
subsequent paragraph.
Accurate diagnosis of the periapical cystic lesion is a prerequisite
before the initiation of decompression procedures (49). Cyst is a his-
tologic term and cannot be diagnosed definitely using preoperative clin-
ical findings alone. Endodontists can envisage the existence of a cystic
Age (y)


lesion based on information collectively derived from the patient’s






symptoms, radiographic findings, intracanal exudation, and surgical

aspiration of the fluids (with or without electrophoretic analysis) pre-
sent within the lesion. Fluid drawn from a periapical cyst shows intense
No. of

albumin and globulin profiles (50). Ultrasound real-time imaging (51),




ultrasound scans (52), CBCT imaging (53), and magnetic resonance

imaging (54) have been reported to be effective in differentiating peri-
Riachi and Tabarani, 2010 (30)

apical granulomas from cysts. These adjunctive procedures may be

Torres-Lagares et al, 2011 (31)
Neaverth and Burg, 1982 (20)
Author(s), year (reference)

used to complement clinical judgement.

Loushine et al, 1991 (23)

Reports of decompression techniques vary in the literature, and

Saccucci et al, 2013 (32)
Delbem et al, 2003 (26)

Balaji Tandri, 2010 (29)

Johann et al, 2006 (27)

Uloopi et al, 2015 (33)

there is no standardized protocol. Table 1 summarizes published re-

Patterson, 1964 (17)

Freeland, 1970 (19)

Samuels, 1965 (18)

ports that focused on decompression used in endodontics. Access for

Gunraj, 1990 (22)

€ m, 1997 (25)

Martin, 2007 (28)

Kehoe, 1986 (21)

decompression should be made as far coronal as possible to facilitate

Rees, 1997 (24)

optimal soft tissue adaptation (20). Decompression devices that have

been used include polyvinyl tubing (23), a catheter (24), radiopaque
latex tubing (28), a flanged cannula (29), a customized removable par-
€ zu

tial denture (30), iodoform gauze (55, 56), and an orthodontically


retained stainless steel tube (57). The tubing needs to be fixed with

656 Tian et al. JOE — Volume 45, Number 5, May 2019

Case Report/Clinical Techniques
sutures to the soft tissues, wire ligatured to the neighboring teeth, or sta- derived from bacterial colonies or cholesterol crystals within the cyst
bilized with a removable partial denture to avoid dislodgment. Sutures lumen. Decompression, acting as a drainage measure, removes the
placed in the mucosa may easily fall out. Radiopaque tubing is recom- original cause for the growth of epithelial cells. This may result in the
mended by some authors to prevent accidental aspiration (20, 28, 29). degeneration of these cells and eventually programmed cell death. Sub-
Both ends of the tubing may be modified into a collar shape to facilitate sequent bone remodeling and lesion size reduction will follow (37).
retention. The length of the tubing may be severed gradually to From this point of view, aspiration and irrigation with needles can
accommodate healing of cystic cavities from mucosa to the cyst floor also work for persisting periapical true cysts, as shown by case 2 and
(22). The drainage period varies from 2 days to 5 years, with most cases previously reported cases (34, 69–73). The advantage is the
lasting several months depending on the cyst size and healing rate. Sec- technique is more conservative, and long-term drainage may not be
ondary enucleation is not required for most cases. necessary once the epithelial lining is disrupted. This eliminates the
Regular irrigation with saline or chlorhexidine should be imple- need for patient compliance and provides a better treatment experience.
mented through the opening of the tubing to debride the cavity and pro- An inherent disadvantage is that a biopsy cannot be obtained; therefore,
vide a good healing environment (22, 28). Some authors instructed diagnosis remains presumptive pending treatment outcome. Different
patients to perform debridement by themselves between from the original Hoen lavage technique, orthograde drainage through
appointments. However, for the posterior region, it is difficult for the the root canal along with long-term calcium hydroxide dressing has
patient to operate on his or her own (30). Termination of decompres- been reported to be effective for treatment of cystlike periapical lesions
sion depends on radiographic and clinical findings. Suggested criteria (71, 73). A commercially available negative pressure root canal irrigant
include cessation of drainage, radiographic evidence of trabecular bone aspiration system has been used to facilitate fluid aspiration from a large
regeneration, reduction of the cystic cavity, and alleviation of patient cystic lesion (72). However, a large apical foramen is required for this
discomfort (22, 28). Lesion size may be monitored with panoramic method, which is not always possible. Furthermore, drainage through
radiographs or CBCT imaging. The volumetric change may be the root canal can only be performed before root canal treatment. In
measured using the computed tomographic data to calculate the rate this circumstance, a practitioner cannot discern the contribution of
of recovery by time for research purposes (42). A new periapical index decompression from that of root canal therapy in the healing of the
based on CBCT imaging has been proposed for outcome evaluation in 3 cystic lesion.
dimensions (36). The potential influencing factors of recovery include Instrumentation slightly beyond the apical foramen has been rec-
age, lesion size, and histologic diagnosis (58–60). ommended for producing transient acute inflammation, which destroys
Clinical healing of periapical cystic lesions after decompression is the epithelial lining of the radicular cysts and converts them into granu-
not accompanied with biological evidence. Cyst formation and regres- lomas that regress spontaneously (74). Bender (75) and Seltzer (76)
sion have long been topics of debate (37, 58, 61, 62). Apical suggested the use of slight overinstrumentation to facilitate drainage of
periodontitis is a manifestation of the host defense response to the cystic fluid. The Apexum (Apexum Ltd, Or-Yehuda, Israel) procedure
microbial infection within the root canal system (12). In the presence uses specially designed devices to extend beyond the apex and mince the
of periradicular inflammatory stimulation, proliferation of the epithelial periapical tissues on rotation in a low-speed handpiece followed by
cell rests of Malassez occurs under the influence of cytokines and rinsing out the minced tissues (77, 78). However, these methods are
growth factors in the periapical region (63). Histologically, epithelium not widely accepted because of drawbacks of overinstrumentation and
is identified in about half of the biopsies taken from periapical lesions; a lack of confirmed clinical outcome (1). Decompression also serves
however, only some of the specimens were diagnosed as cysts (64, 65). the purpose of disrupting the epithelium after access is made on the
Three theories have been proposed for subsequent cyst development cyst. The “surgical fenestration” method represents a modified decom-
from epithelial proliferation: pression technique (79–81). Natkin (79) supposed that the successful
1. The nutritional deficiency theory resolution of large cysts occurred with a surgical procedure that involved
2. The abscess theory only rupture of the cyst sac and only partial removal of tissues from the
3. The merging of epithelial strands theory (58) lesion. This hypothesis was subsequently validated by successful clinical
cases (80). Similar to the first case in the present article, surgical inter-
Among these theories, only the abscess theory is supported by vention can drain cystic fluid and disrupt the epithelial lining. Surgical
experimental findings in animals (61, 62). The abscess theory invention also enables a biopsy to be performed to alleviate concerns
hypothesizes that tissue liquefaction occurs initially. This is followed for the possibility that the lesion is not a radicular cyst (82). Because
by lining of the liquefaction by proliferating the epithelium because of all of the researchers performed fenestration at the same time of or
the inherent nature of epithelial cells to cover exposed connective just after root canal treatment, one cannot conclude that fenestration
tissue surfaces. As the epithelial cells proliferate, bone resorption by has definite value in the healing of apical pathoses.
periapical osteoclasts occurs mediated by inflammatory mediators There was no report about the recurrence of periapical cysts after
and proinflammatory cytokines. These inflammation-driven changes decompression. A recent report compared specimens obtained from
have replaced the osmotic pressure theory to explain the mechanism surgical decompression and from complete surgical removal of periap-
of cyst expansion (66). ical cysts (83). Immunohistochemical analysis did not show decreases
Unlike the odontogenic keratocyst, which has a high recurrence in proinflammatory biomarkers neither did the analysis reveal increases
rate and controversy in its pathogenesis (67, 68), the periapical cyst in tissue repair biomarkers. External irritants may have maintained the
is an inflammatory cyst. The latter suggests that if the microbiological inflammatory stimuli to augment the proliferative potential of the radic-
etiology is removed by nonsurgical root canal treatment, the ular cystic epithelium. Similar to a sinus tract, the surgically created
epithelial cells in large cystlike lesions may regress by apoptosis channel links the mucosa/gingiva epithelium with the cystic epithelium
(37). Possible contributing factors for persisting periapical radiolu- where they became confluent.
cency after root canal treatment include intraradicular or extraradicular Based on the present clinical presentations and literature review,
infection, foreign body reaction, cholesterol crystals that irritate periap- decompression provides an alternative strategy for treating patients with
ical tissues, true cystic lesions, and scar tissues (12). In the case of true large periapical cystic lesions. Because the etiology of true periapical
cysts, irritation of the epithelial lining after root canal treatment may be cysts is inflammatory in nature, nonsurgical root canal treatment is

JOE — Volume 45, Number 5, May 2019 Management of Large Radicular Lesions 657
Case Report/Clinical Techniques
required before cyst decompression. For future studies, histologic evi- 26. Delbem AC, Cunha RF, Vieira AE, et al. Conservative treatment of a radicular cyst in a
dence should be generated using animal models to verify regression of 5-year-old child: a case report. Int J Paediatr Dent 2003;13:447–50.
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Erratum to Case Reports in Maxillary Posterior Teeth by Guided Endodontic Access [Journal of Endodontics 45 (2019) 214–218]
Lucas Moreira Maia, MSc,* Vinicius de Carvalho Machado, MSc,* Nelson Renato França Alves da Silva, DDS, DMSc,* Manoel Brito Junior,
DDS, DMSc,† Rodrigo Richard da Silveira, DDS, DMSc,* Gil Moreira Junior, DDS, DMSc,‡ and Antonio Paulino Ribeiro Sobrinho, PhD*

From the *Department of Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil;

Faculty of Dentistry, University of Montes Claros, Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil; and ‡Faculty of Dentistry, University of Itauna, Itauna,
Minas Gerais, Brazil

The authors regret that the legends for Figures 1 and 3 are reversed. The correct Figure legends are printed below:

Figure 1. (A) Radiographic examination of the second upper premolar. (B) A CBCT image showing partial obliteration of the root canal and
apical periodontitis. (C) A 3D model of the oral cavity. (D) 3D root canal planning. (E) Perforations performed for guide fixation. (F) The bur
positioned in the 3D template. (G) Canal patency. (H) The final radiograph. (I) The radiograph at the 6-month follow-up. (J) The radiograph at
the 1-year follow-up.

Figure 3. (A) Radiographic examination of the first upper molar. (B) A CBCT image showing partial and completed obliterations of the distal and
mesial vestibular root canals. (C) A 3D model of the oral cavity. (D) 3D root canal planning. (E) The prototyped surgical guide. (F) Perforations
performed for guide fixation. (G) The bur positioned in the 3D template. (H) Canal patency. (I) Radiography at the 6-month follow-up. (J)
Radiography at the 1-year follow-up.

JOE — Volume 45, Number 5, May 2019 Management of Large Radicular Lesions 659

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