Script For AVP

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A pleasant morning/evening to our esteemed guests, distinguished

colleagues, and honored members of the community. Today, we gather not

just to celebrate a milestone, but to pay tribute to a visionary leader whose
dedication and tireless efforts have transformed our Provincial Police
Organization beyond measure.

In just 100 days, the Sorsogon PPO, under the guidance of our Provincial
Director, achieved unprecedented milestones in improving police service.
As we reflect on the remarkable journey of the Sorsogon PPO under his
stewardship, it's evident that his steadfast commitment to excellence has
propelled us to new heights. Within the first 100 days, we witnessed a
surge of positive change, as accolades and commendations flooded in, a
testament to his unwavering pursuit of excellence.

[Transition to Achievements]

[Images and videos flash on a screen, showcasing the accomplishments of

the Sorsogon PPO under PD's leadership]

[Highlight Achievements]
Among those noteworthy achievements are the following:
1. Best PPO for the Year 2022 for the 122nd Police Service Anniversary
(October 13, 2023 at Camp BGen Simeon A Ola awarded by no less than
2. Sorsogon CPS bagged the Best Component City Police Station
Award nationwide and Best City Police Station region wide.
3. Outstanding Partner in PSA Statistical Advocacy Activities awarded by
the Philippine Statistics Authority September 22, 2023
3.Contender for Best PPO nationwide during the Field Evaluation for the
selection of Unit Awardees for the 122nd Police Service Anniversary
[PD's Unique Leadership Style]

His leadership is characterized by empathy, transparency, and an

unyielding commitment to serve. He empowers his team, nurturing each
member's potential, thus creating a harmonious and efficient force that is
dedicated to the welfare of our community.

Today, on behalf of the entire Sorsogon PPO, and the community we
serve, we extend our deepest gratitude to our Provincial Director. For his
tireless efforts have not only enriched our lives but have set a new standard
for excellence in policing through his DTL Programs.

As we move forward, let us carry the torch of progress ignited by our

Provincial Director. Let us serve with honor, integrity, and compassion as
we continue to build a safer, stronger, and more vibrant Sorsogon.
Leaders set direction and help themselves and others to do the right thing
to move forward by creating an inspiring vision to achieve progress through
the involvement and actions of others.
Through the marching advocacy of PCOL DIONESIO T LACEDA (DTL=
Discipline, Teamwork, Leadership), your Pulis Kasanggayahan was
adjudged as No.1 in Unit Performance Evaluation Rating (UPER) for the
month of November 2022.
Sorsogon Police Provincial Office under the mantle and brilliant leadership
of PCOL DIONESIO T LACEDA was once again rated No. 1 in the Unit
Performance Evaluation Rating (UPER) for the last quarter across the
region obtaining a consolidated rating of 92.77 %.
The Provincial Director is grateful for the remarkable performance given by
all Uniformed and Non-Uniformed Personnel of Pulis Kasanggayahan with
the active support of the different stakeholders, Sorsogon PPO Advisory
Group ( PAGPTD), SWIM Life Coaches and other support groups that
continuously guide the PNP Force in its mandate to ensure safety and
security of the Sorsoganons.
Rest assured that while Sorsogon PPO is under his stint, he will set a good
example for his subordinates in the performance of the sworn duties and
responsibilities as duty bearers on the ground to bring honor not only to the
Province of Sorsogon but also to the entire Philippine National Police as

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