Week 6-Appetizer

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3 Rules for Kitchen Safety and Health

Kitchen awareness is crucial during food preparation and cooking, as well as during clean-up and daily
living. Understanding the hazards present in the kitchen can help you avoid causing an accident or
subjecting your family to a bout of food poisoning.

Be Aware of Kitchen Safety Hazards

In order to stay safe in the kitchen, it's important to understand the dangers present in this area of your
home or workplace. The following hazards are stove and oven hazards, garbage disposals, small
appliances, kitchen tools like knives, and cleaning chemicals.

It's a good idea to periodically review how your kitchen is set up so you can make sure that everything is
positioned and secured in a safe manner. It's also important to keep a fully-charged fire extinguisher and
first aid kit handy in the event of a worst case scenario. When you are aware of the most common kitchen
hazards, it's possible to take steps to prevent unnecessary injuries and accidents from occurring.

Knife Safety

Using a knife appropriately can help prevent serious injuries. To keep yourself from sustaining a knife
related wound or laceration:

 Always handle knives with caution.

 When picking up a knife, make sure you aren't holding anything else or are distracted.
 Keep your knives sharpened so you don't need to strain while chopping, slicing, or dicing.
 When chopping round objects, cut one side to make it flat and then lay the flat side down on your
chopping block. This way, you can stabilize whatever item you are chopping.
 Grasp the knife handle firmly and lay your other hand on top of the knife to prevent any blade contact.

Using Appropriate Cooking Tools

To keep hot items from slipping or spilling, use the right cooking utensils. Be sure to:

 Use tongs to handle large, firm products. When handling hot items, grasp them firmly and be mindful
of oil or water splashing.
 Use tools with hand grips if you have difficulty with firmly grasping your cooking tools.
 When using tools that have sharp edges for the first time, go slowly until you get the hang of it.
Graters, zesters and mandolins all have the potential to slice or cut your fingers or hands if you aren't
paying attention, or misuse them.
 Keep utensils clean to prevent food contamination. When hand drying or putting sharp utensils away,
watch where you place your hands.

Handling Hot Dishes

Hot dishes can not only pose a risk to you, but others around you. To stay safe:

 Do not leave stovetop dishes unattended while the burner is on. Use oven mitts when removing a hot
lid from a stovetop dish. Consider turning the pot handles inward or angled back so you don't
accidentally bump them.
 When boiling water, never overfill your pot to prevent the water from overflowing. When dumping
boiling water from the pot, be sure that you have a clear walking path to the sink and children, pets,
and other individuals are not nearby. Use an oven mitt if the pot handle is hot and pour water slowly
into the sink to prevent splashing.
 When removing a dish hot from the oven, be sure that no one who could be injured is nearby and if so,
warn them that the oven will be opened. Use two oven-safe mitts that fit you properly to remove the
hot dish. Ensure that you have a good grip on the hot dish prior to lifting it up. Hold the hot dish away
from your body when walking with it and place on a heat-safe surface right away.

Knowing How to Handle Kitchen Fires

While kitchen fires don't impact everyone, it is important to be prepared in case one occurs. To handle
grease, microwave, stove, and electrical fires:

 Use a pot pan or pour baking soda over the flames to smother grease fires. Water will not work and
should not be used.
 For microwave, stove, or oven fires, shut the door and turn the appliance off. If it is safe, unplug the
appliance and if the fire continues for several
minutes, call the fire department.
 With electrical fires, do not use water to extinguish
them. It's best to use a fire extinguisher. Keep a
small one in your kitchen if possible.
 In general, always watch food that's on the stove,
avoid wearing loose clothing that could catch fire,
and double check that you've turned appliances
off when you are done using them.

Practice Proper Food Safety

In addition to the hazards from heat and sharp objects, the

kitchen also presents safety concerns surrounding food preparation. Improper food preparation can lead to
food poisoning like salmonella. Keep these tips in mind to prepare food safely for yourself and your family.

How to Cook Safely With Oils

Many people use oils when cooking meat, poultry, and veggies. To prevent injury:

 Heat oil slowly to avoid splashing, which can lead to minor burns.
 When putting your food into the pot or pan, do so slowly so the oil doesn't splash.
 Watch food that's on the stove or in the oven to prevent burning. If you smell something burning, turn
the heat off and wait a few minutes before checking the food in case a small fire has started.
 Before cleaning your pot or pan, let them cool completely and remember to use pot holders to prevent
your hands from getting burned.
 When using an air fryer, always keep a watchful eye without leaving the room, use dry hands when
operating it, do not leave anything around, on, or near the appliance while it is on. Never wash the
electrical parts of the air fryer when you are ready to clean it to prevent shock, injury, and machine

Shop Smart
Food safety actually starts before you even get to the kitchen. At the grocery store, keep these tips in mind:

 Don't buy any food that is past the expiration date.

 Shop for your perishable foods last.
 Do not buy meat in a torn or leaking package.
 When buying meat, place it in an extra bag before putting it in your cart.
 Do not buy dented or damaged cans.

Store Your Food Properly

How you store your food is also an important part of kitchen safety. Keep these tips in mind:

 Refrigerate food within one to two hours, depending on room temperature.

 Keep your refrigerator temperature below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and the freezer below zero.
 Wrap meat securely so it will not leak on other food and store it on a bottom shelf so it doesn't drip on
other foods.
 Use canned foods before the expiration dates. For home-canned food, the National Center for Home
Food Preservation recommends using items within one year.

Wash Your Hands Before Preparing Food

Always wash your hands well with soap and water before
you begin preparing a meal. Over the course of the
day, your hands come in contact with a variety of
bacteria and viruses that can cause illness.
Thoroughly washing your hands reduces your risk of
spreading these diseases.

Thaw Meat Safely

The freezer is a great way to preserve meat until you're

ready to use it, but it's essential that you use the proper
procedures to thaw meat safely. Otherwise, you put
your family at risk for food poisoning.

Don't Cross-Contaminate Food

Meat, fish, and poultry are more susceptible to certain food-borne pathogens, so it's important to keep
these foods separate from vegetables and other items. Specifically, the USDA recommends the following

 Use separate, clean cutting boards for each type of food. Be sure to use plastic cutting boards that you
can sanitize in the dishwasher and that are in good condition.
 Sanitize other food surfaces after cutting up meat or fish. Use a weak bleach solution on countertops.
 Wash your hands thoroughly after cutting meat.
 Never return cooked food to the same plate you used for raw food.

Cook Foods Thoroughly

Although a chicken breast or other dish may appear "done," it isn't always safe to eat. Testing the internal
temperature of the item is a better way to check whether it's safe to consume. To use a food thermometer,
insert the sharp end into the thickest portion of the meat without touching the bottom of the pan or the
bones. Wait for the thermometer to give you a reading.

The USDA recommends specific temperatures for different types of meat:

 145 degrees for lamb, beef steaks, veal, and roasts

 160 degrees for egg dishes, pork, and hamburgers
 165 degrees for poultry and combination dishes

Use Care When Transporting Food

If you have to take food from one place to another, using coolers and thermoses will help keep foods at
safe temperatures. Using a cooler properly is important. Fill a cooler or ice chest with ice or ice packs to
maintain a cold environment. Pack food tightly, and as soon as you arrive at your destination, place it in a
refrigerator or on ice. This is important for uncooked as well as cooked meats.

Small Kitchen Appliance Safety

Small kitchen appliances are convenient and are typically easy to clean. To ensure your safety while using
small kitchen appliances make sure you always unplug the appliance when you are done using it, make
sure the cord is unobstructed, and read the manual prior to using.

Using a Pressure Cooker Properly

When using a pressure cooker, do not overfill it. Be sure to release the pressure prior to lifting the lid and
do not cook large frozen meats as they may not cook through completely.

Crock Pots and Slow Cooker Safety

When using a Crock Pot or slow cooker, it is best to invest in a newer version that is designed with food
safety in mind. The newer versions heat the food evenly and warm the food once cooked, making it safer to
consume. Always use your Crock Pot or slow cooker on a heat safe, flat surface without other items
nearby. Clean your Crock Pot or slow cooker thoroughly once it has cooled down.

Staying Safe While Using Your Coffee Maker

When using your coffee maker, be sure to not overfill the water and to take caution when pouring your
coffee. Do so by holding the heat safe handle and pouring the coffee into a cup that is on a flat surface
away from children, or pets that could knock it over. If you accidentally burn yourself, run the injured area
under some cool water and head to your doctor or urgent care for further assessment. Deep clean your
coffee maker once a month by using equal parts vinegar and water and brewing. Rinse thoroughly.

Understanding Toaster Oven Safety

When using a toaster oven, always place the appliance on a heat safe, flat surface. Take caution when
removing hot items from the toaster oven and use oven mitts to remove food safely. Always unplug the
toaster oven when not in use to decrease the risk of fire.
Use Good Cleaning Practices

Having a clean kitchen is an essential part of having a safe kitchen. This means using proper procedures to
sanitize surfaces and take care of spills.

Sanitize Surfaces

Wash all your countertops and tables with hot soapy water immediately before and after use. If you're
cutting up meat or using eggs, sterilize the surfaces with a weak solution of bleach and water.

Don't Forget the Sink

The kitchen sink can be a dangerous place when it comes to food-borne pathogens. Rinsing chicken
breasts, scraping dirty dishes, and other tasks can deposit bacteria on this surface. When you rinse
vegetables, wash dishes, or drain pasta, you can inadvertently contaminate "clean" foods and surfaces with
the dirty sink water. Regularly use a cleanser with bleach to kill harmful germs.

Clean Utensils Well

Your cooking and prep utensils also need to be thoroughly cleaned. Immediately wash knives in hot, soapy
water and dry thoroughly. Don't use wooden utensils for meat dishes, since it can harm these items to go in
the dishwasher. When in doubt, soak utensils in a bleach water solution to rid them of pathogens.

Use Paper Towels for Hands

Although they aren't a "green" choice, paper towels are safer for drying your hands and cleaning up spills.
Dish towels can easily become contaminated with germs. When that happens, it's too easy to spread those
germs to other surfaces.

Wash Dishcloths and Sponges Regularly

Germs can live in damp sponges and dishcloths, so it's important to clean or replace these items on a
regular basis. For dishcloths, wash them in your washing machine using hot water. According to tests
conducted by Good Housekeeping, soaking sponges in bleach water was the most effective way to clean

Prevent Illness and Accidents

Being aware of kitchen hazards and taking care with your food handling and cleaning can help keep you
and your family safe from accidents and food poisoning. Although these measures may seem time-
consuming, they can prevent illness and accidents and put your mind at ease

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