Classroom Management Plan

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Personal Classroom Management Plan

Philosophy of Management
In one or two sentences, what is my philosophy of classroom management?
I would say that my philosophy is based on developing an atmosphere of respect and
comfort among students during the lesson.
Behavior Expectations
What behavior do I expect from my students? How can I convey that to my student?
What I expect from my students is that they develop a sense of autonomy in their learning
process. As I work in higher education, it is important that they learn to manage their time
and homework.
What I do to convey this message is to provide all the necessary information in terms of
quiz calendar, topics and objective of the class. They soon realize that if they do not pay
attention in class this would be reflected on their grades.
Preschool Checklist
What things will I need to do before school begins each year/term/training?
First, I check if I need to update the presentations that I use for classes. Another important
thing is to check the calendar and the number of days off that we have because of holidays,
so I can determine the pace of content delivery.
I also check how many students I will have per class and what they study, sometimes this
determines the students’ profile.
Classroom Slogan or Motto
What will it be (i.e., Respect, Cooperate, Participate)? Will I develop it on my own or
ask for student input?
I think that I would present the ones that I consider important and also ask students which
are important for them so we can choose the final one but, definitely respect would be one
of them.
Classroom Arrangement
How can I arrange my classroom most effectively (i.e., placement of desks for students
and teachers; location of bulletin boards, chalkboard, whiteboard, Smartboard, or
other permanent features)?
The classrooms are arranged in different ways, there are auditoriums, computers labs,
design classrooms, which have big tables so several students can work together, and there
are classroom with individual seats. The ones that are most difficult to work in, are the
auditoriums because you can not group students easily, and the teacher has to move up and
down if students have questions, sometimes it is difficult to hear what students say if they
are seat in the highest part of the room.
Therefore, in these classrooms I avoid group work and tend to have more pair work.
Class Rules
What rules will I have to begin the school year/term? Will I ask for student input for
all, some, or none of the rules?
Most of the time I set the rules because, these are the ones imposed by the institution.
Nevertheless, according to the situation, we can be flexible in their application.
Hierarchy or Consequences for Rule Infraction
What will I do when a student breaks a rule? Will I have a hierarchy of consequences?
Students who do not behave well or interrupt the development of the class will be asked to
leave the classroom. In my opinion it is very important to not confront the student in front
of the class so, if it is necessary, I would talk to the student in person. If the student keeps
his/ her bad behavior, I can talk to the head of the English Program so he can reach to the
head of the student’s program.
Motivational Strategies
What strategies will I use to motivate my students? Will I rely on intrinsic or extrinsic
Motivation is a difficult topic it is well known that students who possess intrinsic
motivation actively participate in class and, probably is the student that most teachers
would like to have. In my case, since the English program is cross-curricular, all the
students have to take English, unless they are advanced learners, which is determine by a
placement test when they start the first level. Therefore, there is an important percentage of
students who see English as their worst nightmare, and somehow, they are obligated to pass
in order to get their degree. That is why I try to incorporate dynamic activities and
congratulate them when they show advance.
Management Procedures and Routines
What procedures will I use in my classroom (i.e., beginning the class, ending the class,
distributing materials, collecting materials and assignments, assigning student helpers
or assistants)? How often will I change the assignments?
Since I work in higher education the dynamic of the class is very different to the one that
students have at school. First, I do not have a helper, If I give a handout, I ask one student
to help me but, in my case, we try not to use a lot of printed materials because the
institution wants to promote the use of the online version of the textbook.
Instructional Planning
What lesson planning format will I use? What instructional strategies will I rely on?
What instructional techniques will I use?
The lesson plans are provided by the institution. Basically, we follow the order in which the
topics are presented in the textbook. We are free to include extra activities that help to reach
the objective of the lesson.
What strategies will I use to:
develop a positive classroom management culture and climate.
I always encourage students to participate, specially those who are afraid of speaking in
front of the class, I congratulate and show them that every single step is an important
advance in their learning process.
build a community and my classroom.
It is crucial to learn your students’ names when it comes to build a community sense. Also
ask them questions about their area of study or by simply asking them how their day is
communicate with parents/guardians.
I do not communicate with parents.
teach self-discipline and cooperation.
When students realize that their decisions have consequences that affect their performance
and their teacher keeps the rules of the class, they start to be more disciplined.
teach rules and procedures to students.
I present the rules in the first class, and I repeat them during the semester. Many of my students
are not good at organizing their schedules. If there is a procedure to follow, I show them how to do
it through an example to avoid confusion.

deal with individual students and their differences.

prevent discipline problems.
It is very important that the teacher can move around and see what the students are doing. In the
last 11 years I have not had any significant discipline problem.

correct discipline problems (e.g., conflict resolution, zero tolerance)

First, I would talk to the student in person and ask what is happening. Most of the times the
way they behave is related to personal problems (family, relationships, economic situation,
etc.) If so, they can be derived to psychological support.
work with inclusion students in my classroom.
In the institution where I work there is a staff of teachers who support in terms of inclusion.
They identify the students with special needs and contact the teachers who will be working
with them. They provide guidelines in terms of how to work with these students and what
modifications are necessary to assess them.

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