BAUTISTA - Term Paper 2

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Technological University of the Philippines – Cavite Campus

Carlos Q. Trinidad Avenue, Salawag, Dasmariñas City, Cavite,


Civil Engineering and Society

Reina Mae A. Bautista


Engr. Maria May Q. Pacete

BES11 Professor



COVER PAGE ............................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 3

CONTENT ..................................................................................................................... 4

I. Social Responsibility of Engineering ............................................................... 4

II. Structural Failures: in the World ..................................................................... 4
III. Structural Failures: in the Philippines .............................................................. 5
IV. Some Infrastructures that is Essential in Society .............................................. 6
V. An Example of Infrastructure in the Philippines .............................................. 6
VI. Reasons Why World Needs Engineering Skills ................................................ 7

CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 8

POSSIBLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS .................................................................. 9

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 10

People all live in their chosen society together with other people that share the same
interests as them. Everyone dreams to live in a pleasant, comfortable, and happy society that can
provide all their needs in life. To achieve this kind of society, everyone is involved and has their
own contribution. However, there are people that really play an important role in society, these are
the civil engineers. They are the ones in charge of maintaining the society in a good condition,
ensuring that the people are safe and protected and in keeping the flow of life in society smoothly.

Civil engineers are in charge of building infrastructures like buildings and houses in order
for people to have a place to stay in. Also, roads, bridges, and other transportation systems that are
significant in the movement of people within society and in connecting society to each other. Aside
from these, they are also in charge of improving the quality of life by providing better water supply,
sewage systems, and the like. But the most important responsibility of civil engineers is the safety
of people. Building structures that can withstand different kinds of calamities especially if people
are living in a country like the Philippines. The Philippines is very prone to different calamities
therefore it is essential that the society can withstand all of these. This is why civil engineers have
a crucial role in society.

This term paper aims to help the students understand the importance of civil engineers in
society, to know the different works of civil engineers that make up a society and to build a sense
of responsibility on students and help them realize that engineering has a great responsibility in a
society that should be fulfilled.

Civil engineering and Society

I. Social Responsibility of Engineering

The primary responsibility or priority of civil engineers is ensuring human safety.

Human safety involves the health, safety, and welfare of the public.


Health pertains to the condition of people to be able to function properly away from
pain. Civil engineers together with environmental engineers are focused on providing safe
and clean water for drinking and preventing toxic chemicals to grow and develop in the
air, soil, and water.


Safety refers to the state of being protected from risks that can cause injuries or
even death. So, civil engineers should guarantee that every infrastructure they built would
be able to hold out against earthquakes, typhoons, and other disasters. This is essential to
make sure that the public is safe and secured.


Welfare is generally about the well-being of a person. Civil engineers should be

able to provide services that can bring comfort to people. An example of this is can be seen
in the transportation system. This includes reducing speed limits, creating more lanes,
building roads and the goal of doing this is to make sure that people can have a better
transportation experience and help them reach their destination quickly.

II. Structural Failures: in the World

Despite ensuring the safety, health, and welfare of the public, there were events that
happened in the history that put the lives of people in danger. Some of these are the following:

1. Tacoma Narrows Bridge

It was built in Washington and opened on July 1, 1940. It was the first bridge to be
cable suspension. It is also the first bridge that utilized a series of plate girders as roadbed

support. That time, it was also the third-longest suspension
bridge in the world, having a central span of 2800 feet and two
side spans of 1100 feet each. However, after four months of
its opening, it collapsed. The reason for the collapse was the
failure of the engineers to consider aerodynamic forces that
were present in the location.

2. St. Francis Dam

St. Francis Dam was constructed in San Francisquito

in 1926. The motive in constructing this is to put up a
reservoir for the Los Angeles – Owens River aqueduct. On
March 7, 1928, the reservoir was filled but on March 12, the
concrete wall of the dam collapsed. This caused a flood that
destroyed more than 1,000 houses and killed an estimated 450

III. Structural Failures: in the Philippines

1. Building under construction in BGC

In 2015, a building under construction in Bonifacio

Global City (BGC) collapsed which resulted in killing 2
people and injuring 11 people. According to the initial police
report, the incident happened while the upper floors of the
building were poured with concrete.

2. Building destroyed after an earthquake

In 2019, a magnitude 6.6 earthquake shook the

Central and eastern Mindanao. This led to the destruction
of buildings, killing 6 people and injuring hundreds of

IV. Some Infrastructures that is Essential in Society

1. Roads
Roads are significant for the growth and development of the economy and bring
advantages to the public. They play an important role in the progress of the country. They
are very essential in fighting against poverty because through roads, people are able to
access different services they need like health, education, employment and, social services.

2. Dams
Dams are other infrastructures that play an important role. They provide water for
different purposes, it can be for domestic, irrigation and, even industrial purpose. They can
also be used to generate hydroelectric power that can supply electricity to different areas
covered. Also, they can be used to prevent or reducing floods because dams are capable to
store water in its reservoir and then release it during low flow.

3. Bridges
Like roads, bridges also give access to a community to another. The connection
they provide brings economic opportunity to people living in a certain society and helps
them increase their income. Because of the access they provide, the public can also have
access to health care and school that can improve their well-being and education levels.

V. An Example of Infrastructure in the Philippines

San Juanico Bridge

The bridge was considered to be the longest

bridge in the Philippines. It connects the islands of Leyte
and Samar. This bridge becomes a tourist site because
of the majestic background it can offer for the tourists.
Furthermore, the bridge provides a convenient way to transport goods from Luzon, Visayas
and, Mindanao. Travelers from Samar can easily go to and from Tacloban City anytime
and they don’t need to risk their lives like before when they travel by sea.

VI. Reasons Why World Needs Engineering Skills
• In numerous developing countries, basic infrastructures like roads, communication
technologies, sanitation, electricity and water are lacking.
• Globally, 2.5 million people need access to basic sanitation and about 800 million
people do not have access to water.
• By 2030, 60 percent of the global population will reside in urban areas. The quality of
infrastructures is positively correlated to the accomplishment of social, economic, and
political targets.
• Quick civilization encounters pressure on the supply of fresh water, sewage,
environment and, health of the public.
• Emission grew more rapidly from 2000 to 2010 than in each of the three previous


A society cannot be called a society if it is isolated. Society involves people that are
connected to each other. This connection can be achieved with the help of the projects of civil
engineers. This can be through roads and bridges. However, this is not the only scope of their
work. They can be also responsible for ensuring the public has an access to clean water, providing
facilities that can secure their safety and well-being, and maintaining the flow of life in a society

Without civil engineers, there would be no such thing as society. This is because a society
undergoes development and progress with the help of the infrastructures created by civil engineers.
Without it, society cannot function well and can make the life of people stagnant. This can result
in poverty and the absence of access to different services like health and education. On the other
hand, as civil engineers aim to contribute to the development, they should never put the life of the
public in danger. It is their responsibility to solve a problem and not to be the trouble-maker. They
are also capable of destroying surroundings if they will not be careful enough. A society needs a
competent engineer to fully accomplish its goals.

Indeed, civil engineers are needed in society. It is a profession that goes with great
responsibility. A responsibility that should be satisfied. The lives of people are in the hands of civil
engineers and it is their choice how will they use their skills to help the public. Through civil
engineers, people can achieve the society they dreamed of.


1. Why civil engineers are connected with society?

Civil engineers are connected with society because they aid in the growth and
development of society. Through infrastructures they build, people can have an access to
different services that they need in life. People can improve their living because of
opportunities that were coming in. Civil engineers also have a duty to provide a pleasant
life for the people, making sure that their needs are being attained.

2. Without civil engineers, what could be the life in a society

There would be no life in a society if there’s no existence of civil engineering. The

society cannot work well without them because whatever people see and use in life, civil
engineers are involved. The houses where people live, the water they used in daily living,
and the utilizing of roads and bridges in order for them to reach their destinations were all
connected to civil engineering. Therefore, the world continues to functions with the help
of civil engineers.



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