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A Research Paper in


Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School


Paril National High School, Talamban City, Cebu, Philippines, 6000

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Academic Track










This field of research considers various factors that contribute to the learning
environment, such as classroom design, seating arrangements, lighting, noise levels,
and the presence of stimulating materials. The primary objective is to determine how the
classroom environment can either enhance or hinder student engagement, which is
crucial for their academic success and development. Engaged learners are more likely
to be motivated, participate actively in class discussions, collaborate with their peers,
and retain information better.

In addition, researchers examine the importance of aesthetics and visual

elements, such as displays of student work or inspirational posters, in creating an
engaging environment. Proper lighting, optimal noise levels, and temperature regulation
are also considered, as these factors can impact student comfort and focus. The study
of the impact of classroom environment on student engagement not only benefits the
learners themselves, but also informs educators and policy makers.

The study of the impact of classroom environment on the engagement of grade

10 learners aims to understand how the physical layout, instructional materials, and
overall atmosphere of a classroom can influence student engagement and academic

Theoretical Background

The impact of classroom environments on student learning engagement can be

understood within the framework of several key educational theories. These theories
shed light on the various factors that contribute to a conducive classroom environment
and how they influence student engagement and learning outcomes.

Social Learning Theory: Social Learning Theory, proposed by psychologist Albert

Bandura, emphasizes the importance of social interactions in the learning process.
According to this theory, students learn by observing and imitating others, including their
peers and teachers. In the context of the classroom environment, positive social
interactions, collaborative learning opportunities, and supportive relationships fostered
between students and their peers, as well as between students and their teachers, can
lead to increased engagement and motivation to learn.

Self-Determination Theory: Self-Determination Theory, developed by Edward Deci

and Richard Ryan, focuses on the psychological needs that contribute to intrinsic
motivation and optimal learning. The theory posits that students' need for autonomy,
competence, and relatedness influences their engagement and achievement in the
classroom. Providing students with a supportive and autonomy-supportive environment,
where they have choices and control over their learning, can enhance their motivation
and engagement.

Environmental Psychology: Environmental psychology explores the relationship

between environmental factors and human behavior. In the context of the classroom
environment, research in this area highlights the influence of factors such as classroom
layout, lighting, noise levels, temperature, and overall physical comfort on student
engagement. A well-designed and aesthetically pleasing classroom environment can
positively impact students' affective states and promote a sense of belonging, leading to
increased engagement in learning activities.

Ecological Systems Theory: Ecological Systems Theory, formulated by Urie

Bronfenbrenner, emphasizes the holistic and interconnected nature of human
development within various environmental systems. In the context of the classroom, this
theory suggests that students' engagement is influenced by the interplay between
individual factors (e.g., student motivation, interests, and abilities) and the broader
classroom environment, including the teacher's instructional practices, peer interactions,
and the socio-cultural context. Creating a supportive classroom environment that
addresses the multiple systems affecting student engagement can positively impact
their learning experiences.
By considering these theoretical perspectives, educators can develop a
comprehensive understanding of the various elements that contribute to a conducive
classroom environment. This understanding can guide the design and implementation
of strategies that promote student engagement and foster optimal learning outcomes for
Grade 10 learners.
Statement of the Problem

The researcher’s study presents the impact of classroom environments to the learning

engagements of Grade Nine learners.

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors that affect the classroom environment of Grade Nine learners

in terms of:

A.) physical

B.) social

2. What kind of classroom environment promotes positive learning engagement among

the Grade Nine learners?

3. How does room environment help in assessing the learning engagement of learners?
Significance of the Study

The significance of your research lies in its potential to contribute valuable

insights and information to the field of education. Here are some key points:

Enhancing learning outcomes: By studying the impact of classroom

environments on learning engagements, your research aims to identify factors that can
positively affect the learning process. Understanding which classroom conditions
promote student engagement can lead to the creation of more effective learning
environments, ultimately enhancing learning outcomes for Grade 10 learners.

Tailored teaching strategies: Your research can help teachers and educators develop
strategies that align with the classroom environment in order to maximize student
engagement. By recognizing the specific impact of classroom environments, educators
can design instructional techniques and activities that are well-suited to the needs and
preferences of Grade 10 learners.

Improved teaching practices: By investigating the relationship between classroom

environments and learning engagements, your research has the potential to inform and
improve teaching practices. Educators can make informed decisions about aspects
such as classroom layout, seating arrangements, use of technology, lighting,
temperature, and classroom resources. This can lead to more effective teaching
approaches that foster student engagement.

Student well-being and motivation: The study of classroom environments' impact on

learning engagements can also contribute to student well-being and motivation.
Identifying key environmental factors that positively influence engagement can support
the creation of supportive and nurturing learning environments. When students feel
comfortable, motivated, and engaged in their learning environment, their overall well-
being and academic performance can improve.

Further research and development: Your research may also serve as a foundation for
further studies in similar or expanded areas. It can inspire other researchers to delve
into related topics or even explore different grade levels, yielding a broader
understanding of how classroom environments impact student engagement and

Overall, your research on the impact of classroom environments on the learning

engagements of Grade 10 learners has the potential to inform teaching practices,
enhance learning outcomes, and promote student well-being. It's an important and
relevant area of study that can contribute to the improvement of educational
environments and ultimately benefit students.

Scope and Delimitations

The study will primarily measure the impact of classroom environments to the learning

engagements of junior high school learners. This study’s findings will come from all
grade 10 learners from Paril Nation High School, in the school year 2023 – 2024.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined for this subject to clarify the meaning and

Impact - the force of impression of one thing on another.

Information - Conceptually, facts provided learning about something or someone from

the internet.

Academic performance - conceptually, it refers to the evaluation for students learning

and achievement in a range of academic areas.

Behavior - Is the way in which someone conducts oneself or behaves.

Environment - is the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant


or operates and where people, plants and animals adapt.

Classroom - room in which classes are conducted, esp in a school or college.

Student engagement - is the extent to which students show attention, curiosity,

and interest in the material that they are being taught.



Hines and Pearcy (2017) conducted a study on the impact of noise levels in the
classroom on student engagement. Their research found that excessive noise levels
negatively affected students' ability to concentrate and participate actively in learning
activities. Gibson and Astington (2018) examined the influence of classroom design on
student engagement. They found that flexible and adaptable learning spaces, which
allowed for individual and collaborative work, positively impacted students' engagement
and motivation. A research conducted by Stratiadou and Antoniou (2018) explored the
role of technology in the classroom environment and its impact on student engagement.
Their findings indicated that technology integration, when appropriately implemented,
enhanced student engagement by providing interactive and personalized learning
experiences. Ayres (2019) investigated the impact of classroom lighting on students'
concentration and academic performance. The study highlighted the importance of
adequate lighting conditions, such as natural lighting or warm LED lights, in improving
student attention and engagement.

Wang et al. (2020) conducted a meta-analysis on the relationship between

classroom physical environment and student engagement. The study concluded that
positive environmental factors, including appropriate seating arrangements, accessibility
to learning resources, and visual attractiveness of the classroom, were positively
correlated with increased student engagement. The Impact of Classroom Environment
on Student Learning" by Amy Azzam: This article discusses how classroom layout,
structure, and design can affect student engagement and learning. "Exploring the
Impact of Classroom Environment on Students’ Self-Regulated Learning and Academic
Achievement" by Daniel Hernandez-Torrano et al.: This study explores the relationship
between classroom environment, self-regulated learning, and academic achievement.
This could be relevant as engagement is often tied to self-regulation in learning.

"Classroom Environment and its Effects on Learning" by Rick Nauert: This article
explores the effects of the physical classroom environment on student achievement,
including how factors like classroom layout and temperature can impact learning. "The
Influence of School Architecture and Design on Student Performance" by Peter Barrett
and Lucinda Barrett: This study focuses on the physical aspects of classroom
environment and how they impact student performance. "The Classroom Environment
and its Effects on the Practice of Teachers" by Terry Haydn and Paul Martin: While this
study focuses on the impact of the classroom environment on teachers, it could still be
relevant as teacher practice can influence student engagement.

Related Literature

This chapter studies the effects of the classroom environment on the learning

engagement of junior high school learners.

Physical Environment: The physical layout, lighting, temperature, and


design have been found to impact learning engagement. A study by Fisher, Godwin,

Seltman (2017) found that a well-organized and comfortable physical environment can

positively influence student motivation and engagement.

Classroom Climate: The classroom climate, including the teacher-student

relationship, peer relationships, and overall atmosphere, plays a crucial role in learning


Research by Wang, Haertel, and Walberg (2017) suggests that a positive and

supportive classroom climate promotes higher levels of engagement and academic

Technology Integration: The use of technology in the classroom has become

increasingly prevalent. Studies by Kay and Greenhill (2017) and Zheng, Warschauer,

and Chang (2018) highlight that when technology is effectively integrated into the

environment, it can enhance student engagement and motivation.

Classroom Management: Effective classroom management strategies positively

impact student engagement. Research by Jones and Jones (2017) emphasizes the

importance of clear expectations, consistent routines, and student-centered discipline

techniques in fostering a positive learning environment that promotes engagement.

Individual Differences: Learners have different preferences and learning styles,

which can influence their engagement in the classroom. Studies by Sullivan, Schneider,

and Lichtenfeld (2018) and Yeager et al. (2019) highlight the significance of considering

individual differences and providing a varety of instructional approaches to cater to

diverse learning needs.

Classroom environment has a positive impact on students’ academic

achievement, as by provision of physical facilities like furniture, electric supply, painted

walls, drinking water, models, charts, overhead projector and other ICT related

instructional material, students take much interest in classroom activities which help

to get high marks in examinations (Kausar,Kiyani & Suleman.2017).

Provision of physical facilities to schools like well-equipped library, clean drinking

water, well-furnished classroom, laboratory with related appliances are the main factors

play vital role for better teaching and uplifting students’ learning (Omae et al. 2017).

School support facilities like I.T Lab, tablet, first aid box, classrooms

ventilation, store room, cooling and heating systems, staff room, well equipped library

with adequate books plays vital role for provision of quality teaching and learning

Ahmed &Tayyab,2019).

It was found that lack of conducive classroom environment; non-supportive

teachers’ attitude, lack of pedagogical skills and students’ disruptive behavior create

hindrances for effective teaching and better students’ learning (Ahmed, Faizi & Akbar,


Provision of conducive classroom environment to both teachers for effective

teaching and for students to have qualitative and productive learning is the primarily

responsibility of the state government.

A research by Sunday (2020) revealed that there is a significant relationship

between physical school environment and student's academic performance in senior

secondary school physics. To him, the physical school environment has some

on student's academic achievement in senior secondary school physics. The physical

facilities, human resources, and the relationship among them determine the physical
environment of the school. The result indicated that students with adequate laboratory

facilities in physics perform better than those in school with less or without facilities, this

is simply because laboratory forms part in enriching the physical school environment. It

was also discovered that poor facilities and inadequate space, as well school

of items including seats in the classroom, library and laboratory would affect the

organization of learning environment. Favorable school climate gives room for students

to work hard and improve their academic achievement. A large amount of child's time is

spent sitting in a classroom. Classroom is a place that can offer a wholesome venue for

learning activities which can be realized only in an atmosphere conducive to both


and learning process. This is the place where they will learn the various skills deemed

necessary and proper for them to achieve success in this globally competitive society.

The classroom is where they will gain an understanding of their place in the world and

gifts that they have to offer it. It is where the students develop what they want their

to look like, as well as knowledge of their skills needed to reach that goal. With the

classroom being such an important place in the growth of a child, it is important to

understand the ways in which to affect this environment in order to receive maximum

effectiveness in instruction. If schools really do play a large role in teaching the next

generation how to be successful members of society, then every precaution should be

taken to make sure that learning environment is one that helps students thrive.
is a place where formal learning occurs but the atmosphere makes the classroom

Oworye, J.S (2019) showed that there is a significant difference between the

academic achievement of students in rural and urban secondary schools as measured


senior school certificate examinations. To him, the geographical location of schools has

a significant influence on the academic achievement of students. Also the study has

proven that students in urban areas had better academic achievement than their rural

counterpart. In other word, students in urban locations have a very advantage of


learning environment that apparently enhance their academic performance.



The purpose of this study is to share students stories about how they develop
effective classroom cultures in a high school looping program. The study will be focused
on the stories and narratives of four classroom learners, and how these students
attempted to create classroom environments that support student learning, encourage
student social and emotional development, and establish expectations for academic and
behavioral outcomes.

This study identifies characteristics of effective classroom environments that are

linked to student motivation and engagement. Effective classroom environments that
foster relational involvement, responsive teaching, and clear expectations support
student academic achievement and feelings of school connectedness (Pianta et al.,
2019). Improved academic achievement and school connectedness are powerful
deterrents to student withdrawal from school prior to earning a diploma (Baumeister &
Leary; Resnick et al.,( 2018) Schaps, Battistich, 2019).

The interviews conducted during the study will allow students to share their own
perceptions and reflections about the quality of teacher-student relationships in their
classes and the resultant classroom culture.

The study of these researchers provides an understanding of students

perceptions about how effective classrooms are built, managed, and maintained.
Connelly and Clandinin (2020) assert that narratives allow for the characterization of the
human experience. Narrative researchers present the story of a life that can serve both
as a model and a method for attempting to understand phenomenon (Heilbrun, 2019).

It is descriptive and survey research about the impact of Classroom environment

strategies on the students’ behavior. Descriptive research is “aimed at casting light on
current issues or problems through a process of data collection that enables them to
describe the situation more completely than was possible without employing this

Research Environment

The study will be conducted in Paril National High School.It is located in Barangay

Paril,Ceby City. The students of the said school are coming from Barangay Paril, and

neighboring Barangays. Paril is divided into sitios which include Proper, Baogo, Gaang,

Tag ube 2, Lower Cantisang, Upper Cantisang and Busay.

The Researchers choose the grade 10 learners as the respondents because they

are responsible for this study.


The subjects of this study are the Grade 10 learners of Paril National High School,

District VI, Division of Cebu City. The Researchers choosed the respondents of the


Research Subject

The research will involve collecting data from grade 10 learners, using methods

such as surveys, interviews, and observations. The data collected will be analyzed to

determine the relationship between the classroom environment and student

The study aims to contribute to the understanding of how educators and school

administrators can create an optimal classroom environment that promotes higher


of engagement among grade 10 learners.

Research Instrument

The instruments will be used in the study is interview and questionnaires, At first,

the researchers will conduct a brief information about the impact of classroom

environments to the learning engagements of grade 10 learners.

The researchers prepared sets of questionnaires that will be given to grade 10


Research Procedure

Data was collected through questionnaires. Open ended and closed ended

questions were used for the purpose of data collection.

Before gathering the data, the researcher gave a short explanation to the

about the aim of the study and the survey procedures and then obtained each

consent. They were informed in detail what they were required to do. The researcher

reminded them that they should answer them honestly and forthrightly. They were also

told that the accuracy of the results depends on how honest they can be. There was no

limitation of time for teachers to respond to the questionnaires.

Gathering of Data
First aim of this study was to find out the factors that impact on classroom

management and the strategies used in the classroom by the students and in turn the

effect of classroom management on the students’ academic achievement.

Class in educational system is a subsystem of educational management and at

the same time a formal organisation. Within this context, classroom management could

be defined as the process of organising the classroom environment and its physical

structure under the rules and policies.(Michaeldv9 2019)

This is done to satisfy the expectations of the educational system, lesson

plans, teachers, students,rules, policies, relation patterns, administration of class order,

planning,presenting and evaluating educational activities, recognizing students’ assets,

providing student motivation, arranging classroom communication patterns, attaining

classroom discipline,operative and dynamic employment of time, and human and


resources in order to prevent undesired behaviour on the part of the students.

The study examined the impact of classroom management techniques on

students’ academic performance in junior secondary schools in Cebu City Area, the

objective of this is empirically examined the impact of classroom management


on students’ academic performance in junior secondary schools in Municipal Area

Council. The significance of this study is that the research work will serve as a guide to

teachers and school administrators on classroom management for effective learning


teaching environment in our junior secondary schools.

From the research findings, there is a strong relationship between classroom

engagement on students’ academic performance in junior secondary schools in Cebu

City area and one of the problems of classroom engagement in the schools was the

problem of learning, the students are not focused on the need and various techniques of

classroom engagement in our junior secondary schools.

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