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Ocampo, Princess Arvy M.

Wed 5:00-8:00
BSEd Fil1 Readings in Philippines history

Activity I
Where do you think was the first mass in the Philippines held? Support your answer with
primary sources or secondary sources.

I think the first mass in the Philippines was held on March 31, 1521, on the island of
Limasawa, according to primary sources such as the diaries of Antonio Pigafetta, a member of
the Magellan expedition. This event marked the beginning of Christianity in the country.
However, based on historical documents, the first mass in the Philippines was believed to have
been held on March 31, 1521, on the island of Limasawa in the Visayas region. This is according
to the accounts of Antonio Pigafetta, a chronicler who was part of the expedition led by
Ferdinand Magellan that arrived in the Philippines in 1521. Pigafetta wrote about the events in
his book entitled "First Voyage Around the World," which is considered a primary source
material for Philippine history. Additionally, the first mass was also mentioned in the writings of
other chroniclers such as Gaspar de San Agustin and Francisco Colin.

Activity 2:
Similarities and differences of different accounts and version of first mass in the Philippines.

Similarities Difference
All versions agree that the The different accounts vary
first mass in the Philippines in their details and
took place on April 14, 1521. descriptions of the events.
For example, some versions
emphasize the role of the
native chieftain, Rajah
Humabon, in facilitating the
first mass, while others focus
more on the role of
Magellan and the Spanish
The mass was conducted The interpretations of the
by the Spanish expedition first mass also differ among
led by Ferdinand the different accounts. Some
celebrate it as a historic
event that introduced
Christianity to the
Philippines, while others
view it as a symbol of
colonialism and oppression.
The location of the first There are also varying
mass was on the island of opinions on the
Limasawa in Southern authenticity of the
Leyte. different versions of the
first mass. Some critics
argue that the accounts
have been embellished
or distorted over time,
while others defend their
accuracy and validity.
The natives who The specific location
attended the mass were differs from Magellan's
described as friendly and chronicler's account, and
curious, and some of the conversion is
them even participated portrayed as being
in the ceremony. peaceful and willing
rather than coerced.
The Spanish used the The location of the first
mass as a way to mass is different from
establish their religious Pigafetta's account
presence and spread (although some scholars
Christianity in the suggest that Cebu and
archipelago. Limasawa may have been
the same island), and the
specific individuals who
were baptized differ.

Activity 3
it is important to consider the potential implications of enacting a law to settle the controversy
of the place where the first mass in the Philippines was held.
enacting a law could provide a clear and official resolution to the controversy. This could
prevent further disputes and allow Filipinos to celebrate their history and culture with less
On the other hand, enacting a law could also be seen as an arbitrary and potentially divisive
solution. It may not address the root causes of the controversy or be accepted by all parties could potentially prioritize the interests of certain groups over others and perpetuate
power imbalances.
Ultimately, it is important to carefully consider the pros and cons of enacting a law in this
context and ensure that any potential solution is fair, inclusive, and respectful of all

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