Grade 11 - English - 21ST Lit F - Quarter 2 - Week 2

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Teaching Dates: Quarter 2 Week 2 October 26- 30, 2020

Learning Competencies:
MELC Q2 – 3 & 4: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts, applying
a reading approach and doing an adaptation of these, require from the learner the ability to
identify: Representative texts and authors from:
c. Europe
d. Latin America
e. Africa

Achieve it!
D. Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Understand Reader-Response as a literary approach;
2. Read sample texts from Europe, Latin America and Africa; and
3. Analyze the given texts using reader-response approach

II. Content:
Descriptions References
Reader-response Reader response is a literary criticism
Literary Approach that ignores both the author and the m/homework-
text's contents, confining analysis to help/definitions/reade r-
the reader's experience when reading response-
a particular work. 41#:~:text=Reader%2
Psychological Psychological criticism in literature is at-is-
Literary Approach the psychological analysis of psychologicalcriticism-in-
motivations of the author and his work. literature/
This criticism is based on the theory
that author’s physiological state is
unconsciously reflected in different
aspects of the work such as
characters, symbols, setting, and
European European literature refers to the https://www.goodread
Literature literature of Europe. European
literature includes literature in many an-literature
languages; among the most important
of the modern written works are those
in English, Spanish, French, Dutch,
Polish, Ukrainian, German,
Italian, Modern Greek, Czech,
Russian, Bosnian, Swedish,
Danish, Norwegian, Finnish and
Latin American Latin American literature consists of the https://www.goodread
Literature oral and written literature of Latin
America literature
(and the Caribbean) in several
languages, particularly in
Spanish, Portuguese, and indigenous
languages of the Americas.

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African Literature African literature, literary works of the https://encyclopedia2.

African continent. African literature
consists of a body of work in different /African+literature
languages and various genres,
from oral literature to literature written
in colonial languages (French,
Portuguese, and English)
b III. Procedure:

A. Reviewing of Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson

DIRECTIONS: List down 5 things to consider in determining the worth of literature in
moralist approach.






B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

ACTIVITY # 2.1: What can you see?

Directions: Are you ready to have fun? Take a look on these images below.
Write what image you saw at first glance.

1. ______________________________ 2. __________________________________

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3.___________________________________ 4. __________________________________
After writing down your answers, ask someone in your home to look at the picture. Let’s
see if you’ll arrive with the same answer.

ACTIVITY # 2.2: What can you see?

Ponder on the following thoughts:
1. Do you have the same answer with the person you asked to take a glance at the
2. If not, why do you think you had different answer?

Take note of your answer as we go through the discussion.

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson

Directions: Observe the given photos.

As you can see, the subjects in the photos viewed and gained different interpretations on what
they see. Likewise with literature, it can be interpreted in various ways. The message of
literature lies from the perspective of the readers, author and context.

D. Discussing New Concepts and Skills #1 ACTIVITY

# 3:
DIRECTIONS: Read the sample text below. While reading, take note of the guide
questions to comprehend the text.

The Kiss is a short story written by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. He was a Spanish novelist. Born
in Barcelona in 1964, he lived in Los Ángeles, United States, since 1994, and worked as
a scriptwriter aside from writing novels. The Kiss is a 21st Century text from Europe.

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I never told anybody, but getting that apartment was nothing short of a miracle. All I
knew about Laura was that she worked part-time at the offices of the landlord on the first floor,
and that she kissed like a tango. I met her on a July night when the skies blanketing Barcelona
sizzled with steam and desperation. I had been sleeping on a bench in a nearby square when I
was awakened by the brush of her lips.
Do you need a place to stay?

• Who is narrating the story?

• Who is Laura?
• When and where did the two meet?

She led me to the lobby. The building was one of those vertical mausoleums that haunt
the old town, a labyrinth of gargoyles and patch-ups at the top of which you could still make out
1886 somewhere beneath the layer of soot.
I followed her upstairs, almost feeling my way in the darkness. The building creaked under my
feet like an old ship. Laura never asked for any references, personal or financial. Good thing,
because in prison you don't get either. The attic was the size of my former cell, a spare room
perched over the endless roof world of the old city.
I'll take it.

• Where did Laura take the man?

• How do you describe the place?
• What is gargoyle?
• Did Laura ask about the personal details of the character?
• Where did the ‘man’ come from?
Truth be told, three years in the slammer had obliterated my sense of smell and the
issue of voices leaking through the walls wasn't exactly a novelty for me. One man's hell is
another's paradise lost.

• What are the meanings of obliterated and slammer?

• How long did the man stay in prison?
• Was the man distracted of the surroundings of his newly
found apartment?
• What does the man mean with the words “one man’s hell is
another’s paradise lost”?

Laura would come to me every night. Her cold skin and her misty breath were the only
things that didn't burn during that scorching summer. At dawn she would silently vanish
downstairs, leaving me to doze off during the day.

• Are we provided of additional details about Laura’s


The neighbors had that meek kindness granted by years of misery and oblivion. I

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counted six families, all with children and old-timers reeking of dead flowers and damp soil. My
favorite was Don Florian, who lived right downstairs and painted dolls and tin toys for a living. I
spent weeks without venturing out of the building. Spiders were building arabesques at my
threshold. But Doña Luisa, on the third floor, always brought me something to eat. Don Florian
lent me old magazines and challenged me to endless domino matches. The kids in the building
invited me to play hide and seek.
It was a good life. For the first time ever, I felt welcomed. Even appreciated.

• How many families are residing in the building?

• Reeking is synonymous to ___________
• Illustrate this: spiders building arabesques at my threshold
• Did the man ever leave the building?
• Who play hide and seek with the man?
• Who lives in the floor and is generous of her food?
• Who provides reading materials to the man and loves to play
• Was the man accepted by these families?

By midnight Laura would bring me her nineteen years wrapped in white silk and give
herself to me as if it were the last time. I’d make love to her until the break of dawn, savoring in
her body everything life had denied me. Afterward, I’d dream in black and white, like dogs and
cursed people. But even the lowest of the low sometimes get a taste of happiness in this world.
That summer was mine.

How old is Laura?

• What kind of relationship was established between Laura and the
• Who gives the man sense of happiness?
• Why do you think is the man dreaming of black and white dogs
and cursed people?

When the demolition people came by in late August, I mistook them for cops. The chief
engineer told me he had nothing personal against squatters, but unfortunately, they had to
dynamite the place and raze it to the ground no matter what.

• Which is demolished?

There must be a mistake.

Most chapters in my life begin with that line.
I ran downstairs to the landlord’s office on the first floor looking for Laura. All I found was a coat
hanger and two inches of dust. I went to Don Florian’s. Fifty eyeless dolls rotting in shadow. I
went through the entire building looking for just one neighbor, one voice. Silent corridors lay
covered in debris.

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Describe his building now.

This property has been closed down since 1938, young man, the chief engineer informed me.
The bomb damaged the structure beyond repair.

• Why is the property beyond repair?

I believe we had some words. The wrong kind. My kind. I believe I pushed him. Down the stairs.
This time the judge had a field day with me.
My old cellmates , it turned out, were still waiting.
After all, you always come back.
Hernán, the library guy, found a ten-year-old newspaper article about the bombardment during
the civil war. In the photograph the bodies are lined up in pine boxes, disfigured by shrapnel, but
they were still recognizable to me. A shroud of blood spreads over the cobblestones. Laura is
dressed in white, her hands crossed over her open chest.

• Where is Laura?

It's been almost two years now, but in prison you live or die by memories. The guards think
they’re smart, but she knows how to sneak in past any walls.
At midnight I am awakened by the brush of her icy lips. She brings regards from Don Florian and
the others.
You'll love me always, won't you? she asks.
And I say yes.

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E. Discussing New Concepts and Skills #2 ACTIVITY

Directions: Answer the given question and take note of the guide statements given.

Answer should be supported Answer should be supported

by the emotion captured/ felt by the inner thoughts and
QUESTION while you were reading the desires influencing the
text. characters and writer.

Is Laura real?

Based on the activity, you were given a single question which prompted you to arrive with two
different answers. You have answered it by analyzing critical concepts about the story. First,
you have shared what you felt as a reader while reading the text. Next, you have dig into the
characters inner thoughts and desires which influenced them to do certain actions in the text.
You came up with different analysis where you have applied Reader-Response and
Psychological Approach respectively.

Reader-Response Literary Approach

1. For literature to happen, the reader is quite as vital as the author.

2. The meaning of a text is not inherent within the text itself, but is created within the
relationship between the text and the reader.
3. Readers are not passive because they give meaning to the text
4. Texts are POLYSEMIC which means there could be different interpretations of the text.

Psychological Literary Approach

1. Literature is a product of the human mind.
2. It investigates the inner thoughts, desires influencing the characters and writers.
3. It notes biographical circumstances influencing the writer's behavior
4. It examines the psychological analysis of the characters
5. It deals with dreams, guilt, and frustrations present in the material.

F. Developing Mastery
Directions: Read the texts below.

Literature from Africa

A Handful of Dates was written by a Sudan writer named Tayeb Salih.

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Literature from Latin America

Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), whose real name is Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto, was born on
12 July, 1904 in the town of Parral in Chile. The prestigious Nobel Prize in Literature of 1971
was awarded to him. Alfred Nobel is the man behind the foundation of Nobel Prize and
Laureates. He left much of his wealth for the establishment of the prize which the outstanding
achievements of men and women around in the world in physics, chemistry, physiology or
medicine, literature and for work in peace.
Tonight I Can Write the Saddest Lines.
Original Poem by Pablo Neruda Translated by: W.S Merwin

Tonight I Can Write the Saddest Lines.

Write, for example, “The night is starry and
the blue stars shiver in the distance.”
The night wind revolves in the sky and sings.
Tonight I can write the saddest lines.

I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.

Through nights like this one I held her in my arms.
I kissed her again and again under the endless sky.
She loved me sometimes, and I loved her too.
How could one not have loved her great still eyes. Tonight
I can write the saddest lines.

To think that I do not have her.

To feel that I have lost her.

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To hear the immense night, still more immense without her.

And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture.
What does it matter that my love could not keep her.
The night is starry and she is not with me.
This is all. In the distance someone is singing. In the distance.
My soul is not satisfied that it has lost her.
My sight tries to find her as though to bring her closer.
My heart looks for her, and she is not with me.
The same night whitening the same trees. We,
of that time, are no longer the same.
I no longer love her, that’s certain, but how I loved her. My
voice tried to find the wind to touch her hearing.
Another’s. She will be another’s. As she was before my kisses. Her
voice, her bright body. Her infinite eyes.
I no longer love her, that’s certain, but maybe I love her. Love
is so short, forgetting is so long.
Because through nights like this one I held her in my arms my soul is not satisfied that it has lost
Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer and these the last verses that I write for

G. Making Generalization and Abstractions about the Lesson

Things to Remember:

• Reader-response approach - the reader actively creates (rather than discover) meaning
in texts
• Psychological approach - is the psychological analysis of motivations of the author and
his work. It may be reflected in different aspects of the work such as characters, symbols,
setting, and language.

• African Literature – literary works of African continents and those of written in colonial
languages (French, Portuguese, and English).

• Latin American literature - refers to written and oral works created by authors in parts of
North America, South America, and the Caribbean..

• Latin American Literature - refers to written and oral works in parts of North America, South
America, and the Caribbean

H. Finding Practical Applications in Daily Living

Now that you have learned the key ideas of reader-response and psychological approach
in analyzing literary text, how can you now apply these key ideas in understanding the
people in actual or face to face context?

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I. Evaluating Learning ACTIVITY

Directions: Choose only (1) which you will answer between Activity #5.1 or Activity #5.2.

ACTIVITY #5.1 Short Story Analysis - A Handful of Dates by Tayeb Salih DIRECTIONS:
Complete the table by answering the guide questions.

GUIDE QUESTIONS Answer should be Answer should be supported

supported by the emotion by the inner thoughts and
captured or thoughts desires influencing the
perceived while you were characters and writer.
reading the text.
1. What made the boy idolize his

2. Do you think Masood is a

responsible person? Support your

3. What does Masood mean in saying

the line “Be careful you don’t cut
the heart of the palm’?

4. What symbolism can you draw from

the boy spewing the dates he ate?

5. What does “handful of dates”


ACTIVITY #5.2 Poem Analysis - Tonight I Can Write the Saddest Lines by Pablo Neruda
DIRECTIONS: Complete the table by answering the guide questions.

GUIDE QUESTIONS Answer should be Answer should be supported

supported by the emotion by the inner thoughts and
captured or thoughts desires influencing the
perceived while you were speaker.
reading the text.
1. What do you think is the meaning of
the title?

2. What do you think is the theme of

the poem and how does it convey the
poem’s message?

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3. How do the following lines support

the mood of the poem?

“Tonight I can write the saddest lines”

“The Night is starry shiver in the

4. What is the conflict in the poem?

What led you to say this?

5. After reading the poem several

times, what is now your interpretation
of the title.

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