Practical 3 - Lab Report Template

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Generate your lab report using the template below. This report is due on Thursday, September
28, 2023 at 11:59 pm. Do not change the formatting of this template. Please REMOVE
EVERYTHING IN RED upon completion of your report.. Save as a PDF and upload as per
OurVLE guidelines.

Comparative ecomorphology of (((((species name of your lizard specimen))))

and ((((species name of your toad specimen)))) from the University of the
West Indies, Mona Campus

Name, ID Number, Email

Provide a summary of the study and the key findings. (maximum 200 words).

Provide a brief introduction to the study. This can include statements on the diversity of herps
(including Caribbean taxa), their body forms and how this relates to their ecology, and the
importance of these types of studies.




Describe the site and microhabitats for your specimens in detail. Include pictures and/or
drawings and a map of the location(s).


Provide a brief summary of your findings, based on the headings below (1-2 paragraphs each).
Include photos, drawings and/or measurements taken. Your report MUST have a labelled
drawing/photo of your specimen (dorsal view). Include data on the morphometrics and
ecomorphological ratios data from Practical Activity 2 and title as data from a closely related
species OR a separate individual NOT caught in the field.

(((((Species name of Lizard))))))

((((((Species Name of Toad)))))


Provide an analysis of the morphology/morphometrics of the specimens. Review how the

differences in these are related to differences or uniquenesses in habitat and/or niche of the
taxa/species. Also discuss any limitations of this study. Cite references where necessary.



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