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Youth trapped in social media.

GENZs. They are the ones not born with a silver spoon in their mouth but with a cellphone in
their hand because it is obviously more important to upload tempting pictures of your food than
eat it. And didn’t our parents teach us that “sharing is caring”. So here we are, sharing every little
personal details of our life with thousands of humans whom we barely know. Another fun fact
about GENZs. You are really appreciated if you have empathy, you’re are awoke or pretend to be
but at the same time you’ll also receive laughs even if you make a sexist or a racist joke in the
name of dark humour. For example: how many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?
doesnt matter, feminists don’t change a single thing. So funny, right? Why is it funny? because
we’re in generation Z? Absolutely not. It’s because all of us are just a bunch of hypocrites
pretending to be someone we’re not on the media and ruining everyone’s lives including ours.
According to Swami Vivekananda, The power of the youth is the common wealth for the entire
world. The faces of young people are the faces of our past, our present and our future. No
segment in the society can match with the power, idealism, enthusiasm and courage of the
young people. But the question that pops up in my brain is that are we really talking about the
same youth who is so indulged in making their life look picture perfect that at times, they forget
their principles, their responsibility and mainly their character. I vehemently believe the sole
reason behind this alarming situation is social media. The young minds of the country are
diverted and directed towards a horrendous path because of the influence the media has on
them. The bois locker room is a huge example in front of us to support the statement. It refers to
an Instagram group chat started by a bunch of schoolboys from Delhi. The sole purpose of the
group chat was to share obscene images of women and gain pleasure. It pains me deeply, that
the ones who are supposed to lead the country in the coming years are the one ones creating
such hideous crimes because of the media. There are literally thousands of beings out there,
influenced by the media, following the lead and the mindset of people like Andrew Tate. That guy
is a misogynist and yet people worship him as if he’s a god just so they could look cool on social
media, turning a blind eye to the problems in the society that actually needs recognition. The
media instead of helping people, has bought major problems in their life. There’s cyber bullying,
cyber harassment. According to a 2021 study, due to smartphones and social platforms, high
levels of depressive symptoms were found in teenagers. To be honest, this doesn’t surprise me.
This was bound to happen. Social media is a platform where one cannot portray their true self.
Men and women have found themselves battling identity issues due to the unrealistic beauty
standards set by what they see on social media. People of my age are already insecure,
apprehensive, despicable and platforms like Instagram, Facebook, VSCO just adds more to the
problem. Apart from this, there are tons of misleading, explicit information out there that simply
mess with the youth who already owns a very easy-to-manipulate brain. Media, these days, apart
from telling us the news, also tells us what to think about the news, especially when it comes to
politics. Due to this, Youth have become incapable of forming an opinion of their own. The trend
ongoing on the media simply manipulates their thought process and clouds their judgement.
Instead of looking deeply into a matter and then building a conscience, the youth is severely
brainwashed. Every citizen of the country should know whom to vote and why? Due to media,
even the political future of our country is now endangered. Young minds tend to get distracted
easily. Instead of keeping a pace with their own career, they are more interested in keeping up
with kardshians. It’s saddening, that, for some kids the reason for their lost childhood is poverty
while for others, it’s social media.
To summarise it all, social media is basically a rattrap and the ruckus created because of it, acts
like a bait for the youth. And that’s how the youth is a victim of social media.

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