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Diffun, 3401 Quirino


An ethical perspective refers to the way in which an individual or group of individuals make
moral judgments. It is a lens an individual uses to view a problem. It also helps us identify
and define problems, forces us to think systematically with decision-making guidelines, and
shapes our moral values, beliefs, and principles, influencing their judgment about what is
right or wrong in a given situation. This perspective guides their decision-making by
providing a framework for assessing the ethical implications and consequences of various
courses of action.
1. Utilitarianism
- an ethical perspective that asserts the morality of an action is determined by its
ability to maximize overall happiness or utility. It focuses on the consequences of
actions and aims to produce the greatest net benefit for the majority. This might
mean sacrificing individual happiness or interests for the greater good.
Advantage: Stresses promotion of happiness and utility.
Disadvantage: Ignores concerns of justice for the minority population.
Example 1:
If a house stands in the way of a highway being built, a utilitarian perspective may
argue that the house should be bulldozed. More benefit to more people will came
from one person losing their house in return for millions of people getting faster
access to work every day.
Example 2:
A city is considering whether to invest in a new public transportation system.
Utilitarianism would assess the potential benefits, such as reduced traffic congestion
and lower pollution, against the costs, such as increased taxes. If the overall happiness
of the majority (those who benefit from reduced congestion) outweighs the
unhappiness of a minority (those who pay higher taxes), the decision to implement the
system would be morally justified.

2. Deontology
- an ethical perspective that emphasizes the inherent moral principles or duties that
guide human actions. It posits that certain actions are inherently right or wrong,
irrespective of their outcomes, and places importance on the intention and motive
behind actions.
Advantage: Stresses the role of duty and respect for persons.
Disadvantage: Underestimates the importance of happiness and social utility.

The leading center for academic and technological Develop competent and morally upright professionals
excellence and prime catalyst for a progressive and and generate appropriate knowledge and technologies
sustainable Quirino Province and Southern Cagayan to meet the needs of Quirino Province and Southern
Cagayan Valley.
“Molding Minds,
Diffun, 3401 Quirino


Example 1:
An individual faces a situation where they must tell the truth, even if it may harm
someone's feelings. According to deontology, it is their moral duty to be truthful
because honesty is considered intrinsically valuable, regardless of the consequences
or potential harm caused.
Example 2:
A person encounters a situation where they can save a life by lying to protect
someone. According to deontology, lying is inherently wrong, so the individual must
uphold the moral duty of truthfulness, even if it means not saving a life. This
perspective prioritizes the moral principle of honesty over the consequences.

3. Virtue Ethics
- an ethical perspective that centers on the development of virtuous character traits
in individuals. It suggests that ethical decisions arise from one's character and the
cultivation of virtues such as courage, honesty, and compassion. Virtue ethics
often emphasizes the importance of relationships and social context in ethical
decision-making. It acknowledges that virtues may manifest differently in various
social and cultural contexts, and ethical decisions may depend on one's role and
relationships within a community.
Advantage: Stresses moral development and moral education.
Disadvantage: Difficulty in Resolving Conflicts.
Example 1:
A manager faces a difficult decision involving employee layoffs. Instead of solely
considering the financial impact, virtue ethics encourages the manager to reflect on
their character and strive for a decision guided by virtues like empathy and fairness,
ensuring that employees are treated with dignity and respect during the process.
Example 2:
Alex owns a small business that produces organic, environmentally-friendly products.
A new supplier offers to provide cheaper raw materials that meet industry standards
but aren't certified as organic. This could significantly increase profits. Alex is
tempted to switch suppliers to improve the company's financial situation. (Alex
consider his character traits, including honesty, transparency and integrity to his
customers. He decides to continue using the certified organic materials, even though it
may not be the most financially advantageous choice.)

The leading center for academic and technological Develop competent and morally upright professionals
excellence and prime catalyst for a progressive and and generate appropriate knowledge and technologies
sustainable Quirino Province and Southern Cagayan to meet the needs of Quirino Province and Southern
Cagayan Valley.
“Molding Minds,
Diffun, 3401 Quirino


4. Rights-based Ethics
- an ethical perspective that focuses on the inherent rights and freedoms of
individuals. It asserts that certain rights are fundamental and must be respected,
and ethical judgments are based on whether actions violate these rights.
Advantage: Provides a motivation for morality through its focus on the concept of
individual rights and their inherent value.
Disadvantage: Different rights can sometimes conflict with each other.
Example 1:
In a democratic society, freedom of speech is considered a fundamental right.
According to rights-based ethics, it is morally wrong for the government to censor or
punish individuals for expressing their opinions, even if those opinions are unpopular
or controversial.
Example 2:

A patient with a terminal illness is presented with treatment options, including a risky
experimental procedure that might extend their life by a few months. The patient is
fully informed about the potential risks and benefits of each treatment. The medical
team recommends the experimental procedure, but the patient prefers to forego it and
focus on palliative care. (Rights-based ethics would emphasize the patient's right to
autonomy and self-determination in making medical decisions. It asserts that
individuals have the inherent right to make choices about their own bodies and
healthcare, even if those choices differ from medical recommendations.)

These ethical perspectives may prioritize various aspects of moral reasoning, such as
consequences, principles, character, rights, cultural context, or gender equity, and can be
applied in diverse situations depending on the specific ethical challenges involved.

The leading center for academic and technological Develop competent and morally upright professionals
excellence and prime catalyst for a progressive and and generate appropriate knowledge and technologies
sustainable Quirino Province and Southern Cagayan to meet the needs of Quirino Province and Southern
Cagayan Valley.
“Molding Minds,
Diffun, 3401 Quirino



(OCTOBER 11 2023)
Antonio, Aira Mae R. 10 English
Apostol, John Lloyd C. 9 Science
Artates , Jorge Czesar 10 English
Barlongo, Marc Adrian S. 7 Math
Basi, Heral Paul 10 Science
Brillantes Kyra Jane V. 7 Science
Bucasan, Rhesalee B. 7 Science
Capinpin, Myla D. 10 English
Caraon, Hermie Rose D 10 Math
Castillo, Dexther Karl 10 Science
Curpoz, Kyla Heart Angel R. 10 English
Dahunan, Dhenray C. 10 English
Guilalas, Rayvheen C. 10 Science
Guillermo, Lorane H. 10 English
Guloy, Ludivico E. 9 English
Ignacio, Francis Alley P. 10 English
Magician, Zeny A. 10 Science
Malupeng, Abegail D. 10 English
Oriña, Xavier Luis S. 6 Science
Paguigan, Shane Dave B. 9 Science
Pragada, Rollyn Hope C. 10 Science
Rosete, Christine Angel B. 9 Science
Sacla, Kimberly D. 10 Math
Sardiga, Perlito M. 9 English
Taberna, Reynaldo S. 7 Math
Tuliao, Jovelyn F. 10 English
Tumaob, Princess Antoinette S. 10 Math
Ursua, Lee Angelou V. 10 Science
Visitacion, Sandara 10 English

The leading center for academic and technological Develop competent and morally upright professionals
excellence and prime catalyst for a progressive and and generate appropriate knowledge and technologies
sustainable Quirino Province and Southern Cagayan to meet the needs of Quirino Province and Southern
Cagayan Valley.
“Molding Minds,

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