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Ash's Special Training

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Underage
Category: M/M
Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All
Media Types, Pocket Monsters: Sword & Shield | Pokemon Sword &
Shield Versions, Pocket Monsters: Sun & Moon | Pokemon Sun &
Moon Versions, Pocket Monsters: Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon | Pokemon
Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Versions
Relationship: Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Satoshi's Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu,
Satoshi | Ash Ketchum & Satoshi's Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu,
Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Go, Hibanny | Scorbunny/Go, Satoshi | Ash
Character: Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi's Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu, Go
(Pokemon Anime), Hibanny | Scorbunny, Gou
Additional Tags: Shotacon, Underage Sex, Consensual Underage Sex, Pokephilia,
Pokemon - Freeform, Underage - Freeform, Sword and Shield, Content
approved by SCAR, Ash's sword and shield companion, Oral Sex, Anal
Sex, Foot Fetish, Foot Jobs, Pokemon Training, Gou (Pokemon) -
Collections: Sin Corps, Bond Between Human And Pokémon
Stats: Published: 2019-12-14 Words: 7426

Ash's Special Training

by sirius16, zero_kun


Could put some grandiose summary but you see the tags


They're seriously needs to be a tag for the anime character Go he's so cute.

See the end of the work for more notes

Go slung his book bag over his shoulder and was ready to leave his house with a fiery
determination in his eyes when his mother yelled from upstairs - "Make sure you turn off that telly
before you're gone for yonks!" He had been watching the Alolan League on repeat.

He cringed and ran up the stairs to his room. It was sparsely furnished but had all the knickknacks
and memorabilia of a young aspiring Pokémon trainer.

He watched Ash, studied him, and admired him, so when he got his first Pokémon from Professor
Magnolia, he knew he wanted to find and train with the best... and the Alolan League champion fit
the bill! The ten-year-old turned off his TV only after Ash's climactic victory with his Pikachu,
invigorating his enthusiasm to train under his idol.

The tanned boy ran down the stairs, hopping from step-to-step and skipping the last step before
dashing out the door.

With only two Pokémon, he was almost as green as green could be. He ventured out onto Route
One and gripped a Pokéball from his side. He hurled the ball to the ground in front of him and
Pidgey burst free in a ball of light. Go then cried out: "Pidgey, use Fly!"

The small bird ascended into the sky, swooping down and picking the boy up. Before he knew it,
he was in the tropical paradise known as Alola.

Go recalled his Pidgey into its ball and looked around, the sparkling beach stretched as far as he
could see in both directions. The salty air from the ocean assaulted his face as the waves broke on
the shoreline. Go thought it was the perfect place to let his Scorbunny burn off some energy. He
gripped Scorbunny's Pokéball, releasing the creature to his side. As if Scorbunny had ADD, he
darted off, running full throttle down the sandy beach and leaving patches of glass in his wake.

Go watched Scorbunny play around a bit, before gathering his bearings and figuring out where he
was. He took his backpack off and set it on the ground, unzipped it and pulled out a map.
However, he quickly ran into a problem as he realized that the map he had was the one he got for
Galar and that he flew all the way to Alola without the right map. He drove his hands into the top
of his hair, wringing it in frustration with his shortsightedness.

Scorbunny had finished playing around and looked at his panicking trainer, tilting his head in
confusion. In the midst of his panic, Go noticed his Scorbunny’s actions and paused his freakout.
There was an uncanny moment as both trainer and Pokémon stared at each other, motionless and
unblinking, for a few seconds before the moment was broken by the arrival of a cheery boy about
his age, another trainer Go surmised.

“Yoo-hoo!” the boy called out, hands cupping his mouth like a makeshift megaphone, before
waving at them.

Go and Scorbunny made matching puzzled looks as they both pointed at themselves.

“Yes, you two, the boy and the rabbit Pokémon,” the sunny boy said, coming closer to them. As he
approached them, Go noticed the boy’s green hair and friendly, easygoing grin. “That’s a pretty
interesting Pokémon you’ve got there, never seen one of those before.”

“Hmm? Oh! This is Scorbunny,” Go introduced, gesturing at the rabbit whose smoking foot was
rapidly thumping the ground in a manner akin to a dog wagging their tail, pleased by the attention
and interest he was getting.

The green-haired boy’s eyes sparkled in awe as he watched Scorbunny’s foot go. He bent down to
pet Scorbunny’s head, the rabbit gladly leaning into his touch. Go observed him as he did this until
recognition flashed in his eyes.

“I know you, you’re Hau, you placed in the Top 8 of the Manalo Conference!” Go exclaimed,
snapping his fingers as excitement filled his voice at meeting a conference participant.

Hau perked up and smiled even wider, he didn't think his reputation preceded him. A faint blush
appeared on his mocha cheeks as he stood up. He bashfully rubbed the back of his neck, flattered,
"Well you seem to know a lot about me, where’re you from?"

“I’m from Vermillion City,” Go replied.

“Vermillion City? I’ve never heard of that one before, you’re not from around here, are you?” Hau

“Nope, I’m from the Galar region,” he informed Hau.

“So that explains this little guy here,” the green-haired boy replied understandingly, pointing at
Scorbunny. “So what brings you to Alola then?”

Go froze at that question, not sure how he wanted to answer it. “IwannaseeAsh” he quickly
whispered to himself, turning his face away from Hau’s, refusing to meet his eyes.

“Huh? What’s that? Couldn’t hear you, could you speak up?” Hau asked, straining to hear Go.

“IsaidIwannaseeAsh,” the boy with the hairclips repeated mumbling a bit louder.

“Sorry, I still can’t hear you,” Hau said, “could you turn around and face me?”

“I SAID I WANNA SEE ASH!” he blurted out loudly not intending to yell.

Hau's smile faltered slightly, 'Of course, he wants to meet the champion,' he thought, rolling his
eyes ever so subtly. "My grandfather should know where he's at," he informed, pointing at a large
structure in town.

Go frowned at Hau's change in demeanor, but he was on a mission. He ran past Hau, thanking him
and waving goodbye with Scorbunny by his side on his way into town.

“Decidueye, Spirit Shackle,” Hau command darkly as he stared at the back of the fleeing trainer

Hau’s smile dropped completely, replaced by a full-on frown as he stared at Go’s retreating figure.
He couldn’t pretend that it didn’t sting to be looked over in favor of Ash, even if Ash was a friend.

Go slowed to a walk after he was out of Hau’s sight. Mulling over the conversation he had, he felt
bad about bringing Hau down as he did. ‘Should’ve just asked for directions to the nearest
pokécenter or a map or something, what’d you have to go and bring up Ash for?’ he chastised,
displeased with himself. Scorbunny, for his part, was just happy to have a chance to run some more
and eagerly dashed off ahead, oblivious to his trainer’s inner guilt trip.

But, by the time he and Scorbunny had arrived at the structure Hau pointed at earlier, his guilt had
subsided and his elation had returned at the thought of being a step closer to meeting Ash. After
entering the building he realized that Hau hadn’t told him anything about his grandfather and that
he had no idea who to even look for. He peered around for anyone that looked like Hau, taking in
his surroundings. The old sea salt worn down wooden structure creaked as he wandered.

He didn’t find anybody who screamed “Hau’s grandfather” at him, but most of the people in the
building were young, so when he came across a man who was significantly older than the median
age of the building’s occupants, he figured that was him.

He swiftly walked up to the man, not wanting to run and seem silly, until he was in hearing
distance, and then asked, “Are you Hau’s grandfather?” - and immediately internally cringing at
the idea of asking a random stranger if he was some kid’s grandfather.

“Nope,” the man replied, to Go’s utter mortification. He bowed in front of the man and was about
to apologize profusely to him when the man held up his hand to stop him and let out a chuckle.

“I don’t mind the confusion, Hala’s an old friend, this isn’t the first time his Hau’s sent someone
his way without telling them what to look for,” the elderly man replied, good-naturedly. “You’ll
want to go to the back and look for a stocky old man with a dark tan, similar to Hau’s. He’ll have
white hair tied up into a ponytail and a mustache, and will be wearing a bright yellow flower
printed jacket, you can’t miss him.”

With a red face, Go bowed again and blurted a brief “thankyouverymuch,” before dashing away in
the direction the man had pointed, his head ducked down low and Scorbunny hurrying alongside
him. He had to get out of that embarrassing conversation as soon as possible.

He made his way to the back of the Hala's dojo and saw a man who matched the description he had
been given. However, he was still reeling from the embarrassment of asking the wrong person the
first time and hesitated to go up and talk to the man. Scorbunny waited for a few seconds to get
moving, but as Go remained petrified, the Rabbit Pokémon’s patience rapidly evaporated and he
started furiously tapping his foot against the ground, creating heat and some smoke. When Go still
refused to move, the little patience which Scorbunny had was exhausted and he bounced up, took
his smoking foot and gave Go a light kick in the seat.

Go couldn’t help but let out a loud “OW!” as Scorbunny’s foot made contact with his ass, grabbing
it in pain. While the rabbit’s foot wasn’t hot enough to cause a burn, it still stung. As he finished
rubbing his ass, he noticed that he had an audience; all of the room’s occupants had turned to face
him after his outburst. He flushed before turning to glare at his partner for putting him in such a
humiliating situation.

But the fire-type remained unamused and stared right back at Go with crossed paws, rapidly
thumping his foot again as a warning.

“Can I help you?” a voice asked, cutting into the moment between the trainer-and-Pokémon duo.
Go looked up to see that it was the man he was sent to find.

“U-U-Uh yeah, are you Hau’s grand—are you Hala?” he inquired.

Scratching his beard, Hala replied, “That’s me, yes. You mentioned Hau, I assume he sent you my

“Ah-ha...”—Go scratched the back of his neck—“you caught that, huh?”

Hala chuckled kindly, “So what brings you here to Alola?”

Go was surprised he managed to suss out that he wasn’t from around here so quickly. “How did
“Your partner is Scorbunny, from the Galar region, is it not? Your accent is pretty Galarian too.”
Hala replied, cutting Hau off.

“O-Oh, yeah,” he took a deep breath to steel himself, “I came to find Ash.”

Hala chuckled some more, “Well, I can’t imagine my grandson was all that thrilled to hear that,”

Just as Go’s face was finally regaining its original color, he flushed red all over again at Hala’s

“Relax, I don’t mind,” Hala said, pre-empting the apology he was sure was coming from Go. “I’m
not here to fight my grandson’s battles, nor coddle him from the harsh sting of defeat. If I did that,
he wouldn’t learn anything.” He nodded, his eyes narrowed as he espoused grandfatherly wisdom.
“As for where you can find Ash,” Hala continued, pulling out a map, “we’re right here,” he said,
pointing to a spot on the map indicated by dojo icon, “and Ash is here,” he directed, pointing to
another, more northern spot on the map, “at the Ruins of Conflict, where he trains with his

Thanking Hala profusely, the once again excited boy bowed before running out of the building.

“Watch out for the Guardian!” Hala warned before Go was completely out of sight.

Go ran all the way to the temple, too excited to slow down. Scorbunny ran along behind his master
admiring his juggling bubble butt in his tight black shorts, again very pleased with the much more
urgent pace.

When they arrived at the temple, Go was completely winded. He panted heavily, placing his hands
on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. Scorbunny was not at all exhausted but was willing to
grant his trainer amnesty because of the run he had just enjoyed.

After 10 minutes, Go’s heart had slowed to a resting rate and he was breathing evenly. He took a
deep breath and turned to his PokéPartner. “Ready?” he asked, more for himself than Scorbunny’s
sake, but Scorbunny nodded anyway.

Go took a deep breath and said “Here goes nothing,” entering the temple.

He had only taken less than 50 paces inside when he was suddenly forced to avert his eyes as a
bright flash of light suddenly appeared. When the light subsided, the boy hesitantly took a look and
saw Tapu Koko in front of him. The Land Spirit Pokémon stared at him for a few seconds before
disappearing as dramatically as he arrived, forcing Go and Scorbunny to once again avert their eyes
from the blinding light.

After Tapu Koko disappeared, both Pokémon and trainer waited for half a minute to see if they’d
be greeted with any more “surprises”. When nothing happened, the trainer-and-Pokémon duo
shared a confused look, before shrugging it off and advancing further into the temple. After a few
more minutes, they finally got to the final room at the back of the temple. Both shared an eager
grin, even Scorbunny had been affected by all the anticipation and he too was now excited to see
what had been getting his trainer all riled up. Go took another deep breath, Scorbunny mimicking
him this time, they both could feel it, they were at the end of their search.

They stepped into the room and their jaws dropped as they bore witness to Ash’s massive 10” cock
piston in and out of his Pikachu, who’s 9” cock was flopping around with every powerful thrust.
Pikachu seemed to be enjoying it immensely if the loud moans of “PIIIIIIIKAAAA!” were any
Their intrusion broke ash's immense focus on training his Pikachu, "Oh hello I guess," he groaned
unabashed, thrusting again breaking his sentence, "Tapu Koko let you in huh?" He inquired while
eyeing up the androgynous-looking boy.

Completely red-faced, Go stammered, "Yes, I-I want to train under you but it looks like I came at a
bad time," he admitted, turning around to swiftly leave, too embarrassed to even look at Ash.

Ash briefly mulled over the idea of taking on an apprentice, especially one so bashful and cute.
‘Tapu Koko did let him in, so he must’ve seen something he approved of’, "Stay! I'll train you." He
stated loudly and confidently.

Go halted his step and turned right back around, completely over the moon, he couldn't believe his
ears, "Really?" He questioned smiling ear-to-ear, still awestruck and in a state of disbelief.

"Yeah!" Ash smiled back, "but I must warn you, my training methods are a bit... unique," he
explained vaguely. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'll do anything you say, Master," Go said while rapidly nodding his head, "Is.. is that what
you’re doing now? Training?" He asked, staring at his naked idol still balls deep in his Pikachu.

Scorbunny's body began to react to the scene before him, his rabbit cock started to engorge itself
and peek through his white fur.

"Yep, I'm furthering the bond between trainer and Pokémon!" the experienced ten-year-old pulled
himself out of his Pikachu, still hard as an Onix. "It looks like your Pokémon is ready for some
bonding too, strip and become closer to nature," Ash ordered.

Go swallowed thickly, things were going so fast, he was nervous but he couldn't bring himself to
say no. "Yes, Master," he whimpered as he started to blush. He slowly grabbed the hem of his shirt
and pulled it up over his head, tossing it to the side, revealing more of his tanned and toned body.
His childhood of kicking the football around shirtless did wonders.

Next, he kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks. He could feel Ash's stare boring holes into
him as his hands slid his black shorts down, putting his tighty whities on display. Scorbunny
moved and buried his fuzzy face into Go clothed crack.

Ash grinned and snickered, "Someone's a bit eager now," he commented as he pumped his cock.

The white garment clung to his hips, thighs, and buttocks, displaying how they were as equally
defined as his torso. The novice trainer blushed hard at his partner's very forward action.

Ash couldn't help but lick his lips as he watched Go shimmy out of his tight underwear, his
erection getting caught on the waistband and springing up to lightly slap against his belly.

Ash strode over to his new student and surprised him by grabbing his dick and giving it a couple of
strokes. The other boy's knees buckled as he tried to buck into Ash's hand. "Looks like you're as
eager as he is," Ash teased, still sporting his easy-going grin as he gave Go's dick a couple more
brief strokes before stopping abruptly and removing his hand from Go's dick, much to the other
boy's displeasure.

"Oi!" the caramel-skinned boy cried out, "what's the big idea!?"

"This isn't about me and you, remember, it's about creating a stronger bond between you and your
Pokémon," Ash reminded the other boy. "Although…" Ash began, grin widening as he advanced
towards Go, sweeping him into a brief but deep kiss, only parting with the other boy's mouth to
avoid getting kicked in the face by Go's angry bunny, "if you're a good student, we can have some
fun of our own later," he finished wryly, amused at the rabbit's possessiveness.

"You saying I got to mate with my mate?!" the boy exclaimed in surprise, a fierce blush rapidly
overtaking his face as he processed what Ash did with him.

Ash licked his lips as he watched his new student's blush. He smirked as he saw the bunny next to
his trainer give him an annoyed glare while rapidly thumping the ground with his smoking foot.
Ash held his hands up in surrender as he backed away from the blushing boy.

Scorbunny's eyes locked with his naked master, the rhythm of their heartbeats fell in tune with the
dripping of the water from the roof of the cave, falling from the cracked ceiling onto the mossy
stone floor. Go fell to his knees in front of Scorbunny, his hard cock bobbed with the action,
"Scorbunny…," he cooed hesitantly as he glanced at Ash for instruction. Ash merely nodded
indicating to Go to just go with the flow, "Get on your back," he commanded timidly still unsure.

Scorbunny heeded his master's order and laid on his back, he felt his feet being grabbed firmly and
pushed together sole to sole, an unnatural but not uncomfortable position. Go took the tip of his
partially revealed head and placed it against the hole provided by the arches of the feet. He
wondered how Scorbunny's feet fur could be so soft and pleasurable. Go’s hips instinctively began
to move. Ash watched on with his own partner, who had begun to hump his leg, "Pika pi pika
Pikachu," "What? You want to try that sometime?" Ash picked Pikachu up and murmured, "Awe
you're the best, Pikachu," before attending to his partner's needy cock, sucking and bobbing his

Go started to rut with more and more fervor between Scorbunny's downy feet, the Pokémon
quickly becoming captivated by the sight of his trainer’s foreskin peeling all the way back at the
apex of every thrust, this motion captivated Scorbunny. An all too familiar pressure began to build
in Go's hairless sac, his pace increasing as he neared his climax.

Meanwhile, Ash began to finger Pikachu's loose hole while caressing his soft tush with his other

Go had masturbated before so he knew what was coming as his balls slapped Scorbunny's heels. A
heat pulsed through his gut, a coil snapped and streaks of semen splattered across Scorbunny's face
as his trainer road out his orgasm.

Tired but not completely exhausted Go looked to Ash for guidance, "Now what?" He asked
between labored breaths.

Ash came up for air from gagging on his Pikachu, "Now you must become one with your
Pokémon, try preparing him like this," Ash instructed putting fingering on display to better

Go took note of Ash's actions and cautiously felt between Scorbunny's legs. Soon he found his
Pokémon's entrance and naively inserted a dry finger into Scorbunny's fuzzy butt. The fire rabbit
flinched and squirmed uncomfortably. Go sensed his partner’s discomfort and pulled his finger out
before looking to Ash.

Ash saw his pupil’s difficulty and suggested, "Try lube," emphasizing his suggestion by letting
drool hang from his tongue. Go took the hint and briefly sucked on his fingers and then inserted
them much more easily into Scorbunny's anus.

The student began to perform a scissor motion with his two fingers, and watched as his Pokémon's
member grew with the simulation; his own member twitching with anticipation and regaining its

Fully erected Go was ready to pound some boy bunny pussy. He lined up the head of his pubescent
cock with his bunny's loose hole and slowly went in inch by inch until he hilted his sword in
Scorbunny's tight velvet warmth.

Go's hips started to move on their own, the immensely pleasurable heat that surrounded his cock
was just bliss. He pounded and pounded until he just ended up picking Scorbunny up by his torso
and slamming him down onto his cock. Go's mind was in such a flutter with primal ecstasy that he
didn't notice his cocksleeve had gone limp from the brutal prostate pounding.

Go panted as he pulled out of his partner's ass with a moist "pop". Go turned to Ash, concerned
about the state of his partner who looked kind of overstuffed to him. "Are you sure this was a good
idea?" he asked hesitantly, looking at his very full partner, "isn't Scorbunny pretty small to be
taking all of me?"

"Nah, don't worry about that,"—Ash reassured, taking Pikachu's now flagging dick out of his
mouth and swallowing his seed—"Pikachu and I do it all the time, think about it like strength and
endurance training," he finished with a chuckle. "Besides, look at his dick, he loved it," he pointed
out. The other boy did as Ash said and, sure enough, his partner's member was out. It was
surprisingly big for a Pokémon of his size, Go noted, and it was dropping downward, both from the
weight and because it was drooping in the aftermath of his now evident release.

'In fact…' Ash thought to himself, internally chuckling at the plan he came up with.

Ash walked over to the crouched boy, bent over and poked him. Go whirled around to see what
tapped only to come face to head with Ash's shaft. "Hey there," Ash greeted with a cheeky grin,
"since you've been such a good student, we can have some fun together of our own now."

The student flushed at his master's words and a look of wanting overtook his face as he stared at
the other boy's long shaft. Ash saw the look and licked his lips. The other boy was no Pikachu, but
his new student was awfully cute and would look even cuter choking on his cock, Ash mused.

"Come on, don't you wanna play with me?" Ash teased, snapping Go out of his haze. He nodded,
face still flushing, Ash just grinned wider and started poking Go's face with his member until Go
hesitantly opened his mouth, allowing Ash to slowly slide his shaft into his waiting mouth. Ash
slid in a couple of inches and then began slowly rocking back and forth into his student’s mouth,
teasing his student, while also making sure he didn’t take in too much too fast.

Go moaned as the first few inches slipped into his mouth. He couldn’t believe it, first, he traveled
all the way to find his idol and managed to find him, then he actually agreed to take him on as a
student, then fucked his Pokémon partner and now he was sucking on his idol-turned-master’s

Ash gave out a groan as Go moaned around his cock. His hands instinctively went to the back of
Go’s head and started petting him while letting out groans of praise, as he was used to doing with

Go flushed as the other boy pet him and praised him for doing a good job. His formerly waning
dick was gaining a third wind as it perked back up again. Without thinking, he reached down to
fondle his reinterested shaft as if he were on auto-pilot.

Ash caught himself and stopped petting Go, remembering that he was not dealing with Pikachu and
may have been unwittingly degrading his student. But moments after he stopped petting Go, Go
whimpered and then took Ash’s cock out of his mouth to ask, “why’d you stop?” ducking his head
down as he realized what he’d just said.

The capped boy was taken aback by this line of questioning for a moment, a dumbfounded
expression replacing his easygoing grin, as he tried to process what Go was asking. For a few
moments, both boys remained still, before Go worked up the courage to look up and meet Ash’s
gaze again, only to see the confounded expression. The few moments felt like minutes to Go as he
waited, awkwardly, for Ash to say something, anything. As he gave up and was about to resubmit
his question, a shit-eating grin broke out on his master’s face.

“So you like it when I praise you huh?” the suddenly very smug boy asked his student, “you like it
when I call you a”—Ash leaned in close to Go’s face—“good boy?”

Go’s body was wracked with a powerful shiver and a needy whine involuntarily escaped his lips as
his idol whispered those words in his ear.

“Looks like that’s a yes,” Ash smirked as he reinserted his cock into his student’s mouth, petting
him to coax him into taking more in.

Meanwhile, Scorbunny regained his senses and was greeted with the sight of that boy who was,
once again, way too close to his trainer. His displeasure increased as he noticed that the other boy
was actually petting his trainer. His irritation mounted, as his rapidly tapping and smoking foot

Both boys were too engrossed in the blowjob to notice these warning signs but on the other hand,
Pikachu did notice these things and decided to do damage control before things could go south. He
went over the Rabbit Pokémon and engaged him in a brief conversation to convince him not to hurt
either of the boys and gave him an idea of what he could do instead.

Scorbunny’s foot slowed as he heard the Mouse Pokémon out, finding that his idea was a better
way to settle things. His eyes then widened in surprise as he felt a vacuum-like sensation on his
groin. He looked down to see that the electric-type had decided to help him out and was bobbing
his head up and down his shaft, delivering powerful sucks with each bob. The fire-type wasted no
time in starting to buck into the other Pokémon’s mouth, who took the facefucking without any
visible effort.

As the rabbit started to really get into it, Pikachu suddenly stopped sucking him, to his displeasure,
pulling his mouth entirely of the rabbit’s member. When Scorbunny went to voice his surprise and
displeasure, Pikachu pre-empted him by moving in for a brief kiss, momentarily dancing his
tongue around the rabbit’s mouth, before withdrawing, leaving a redder than usual Scorbunny in
his wake. The Mouse Pokémon answered his unanswered question by pointing at the two boys and
offering some words of encouragement. The Galarian starter nodded resolutely and started making
his way to the two boys, before yelping at the unexpected and sudden stinging sensation on his ass.
Rubbing his behind, he whirled around to see Pikachu with his paw still in the air and realizing that
the electric-type had just slapped his ass. His blush intensified at the smirk the other Pokémon shot
at him, causing Scorbunny to quickly look away and redirect his attention to the boys as he once
again made his way towards them.

Both boys were too busy engrossed in the blowjob to pay attention to their Pokémon’s antics. Ash
had successfully managed to get Go to take in half of his lengthy pole as he showered him with
non-stop praise and petting. In addition to taking in half of Ash's cock, the caramel-skinned boy
was also stroking himself frantically. His hand was already wet from the large amount of precum
that had spilled from his cock. He licked around his hero's member like an ice-lolly as Ash gently
fed more of his shaft to him. Neither boy noticed the approach of the rabbit Pokémon, so it came as
a surprise to both of them when Scorbunny started licking around Go's asshole, before he stuck his
tongue into it, rimming it. The sudden, unexpected stimulation caused Go to lurch forward,
accidentally taking in another couple inches of Ash's dick. As surprise quickly melted into
pleasure, Go responded by moaning onto Ash's cock, forcing Ash to change from petting Go to
burying his hands into his student's hair, gripping tightly as he actively refrained from bucking into
the other boy's mouth.

Neither the newbie trainer nor his Pokémon partner saw the smirk Ash gave at the sight, nor the
smug look the more experienced trainer-Pokémon duo shared with each other. Ash began to guide
a compliant Go into assuming the position, making sure the boy's ass was high in the air.

The Rabbit Pokémon licked his lips at the sight of his trainer's ass in the air like that and hopped
up until he was level with his trainer's elevated rear, grabbing onto both cheeks with both hands to
keep from falling. He then started to grind his cock against the outside of Go's ass, hotdogging
him, causing the boy to whirl around to see what was going on. To his shock, his partner was
grinding his surprisingly sizable member in his ass crack, or at least, it certainly looked big to Go,
who was suddenly nervous at the turn of events.

Seeing this, Ash spoke up, "Don't worry, I do this all the time," he soothed, gesturing for Pikachu
to come over as he did so, "besides you don't want to have a one-sided bond with your Pokémon
partner. It's about give—" Ash explained, before being interrupted by Pikachu summarily shoving
his member into Ash's ass, to the hilt, "ngh and take," Ash finished, having the wind temporarily
knocked out of him as Pikachu accentuated his point by grinding against his prostate.

Seeing Ash take Pikachu helped set Go at ease. He turned around to face his partner and hesitated
for a moment before nodding his head at him. Scorbunny responded with a nod of his own as he
stopped sliding his cock against his trainer's ass in favour of actual penetration. Go started to pant
as he adjusted to the novel sensation of being filled.

And Ash wasn't faring much better. Despite his experience, and how often he'd "bonded" with
Pikachu, it had been a while since he'd been on the receiving end. As he adjusted to Pikachu's pace,
he found himself bucking back into his partner's thrusts. He made a note to let Pikachu top more
often, he'd forgotten how good it felt. As Pikachu continued to grind into him, whines began to
involuntarily fall past his lips followed by a deep moaning of 'Ah, yeah, right there, fuuuuuuuuck,'
as Pikachu hilted into him one last time and spilled his seed deep into his ass. The sensation pushed
Ash to do the same, painting the floor, and concluding their bonding ritual for the day.

Meanwhile, Go and Scorbunny weren't having the easiest time. Despite their smooth start, they had
run into a snag. Even with Go in the doggy-style position, he was still too tall for his rabbit partner,
who was having trouble keeping his grip on his trainer's ass and with thrusting into him. The duo
was growing visibly frustrated with their inability to do it like the more experienced duo.

Ash looked on with concern, he definitely did not want those two's first experience to end this way.
He racked his brain for something that could help rectify the situation until it came to him. He
grabbed his still exposed, but now flaccid cock and held it up to Go's mouth, who readily opened
up and accepted, allowing Ash to slide in almost all the way. Ash started a gentle rocking motion
into Go's mouth, using the warm wetness to revitalize his spent cock. It wasn't too long before Ash
was hard again from Go's treatment, meaning Go could no longer fit all of it into his mouth, only

As he watched this go on, instead of the familiar irritation, Scorbunny felt something else, a
possessiveness over his trainer. A fire was lit inside his core and quickly spread throughout the rest
of his body. He felt inexplicably energized, no, fired up, as the fire consumed his being from the
inside. His thrusts into his trainer became less sloppy and more precise. Whatever problems he'd
been having with grabbing his trainer's ass and fucking into him were no longer a concern as he
started to drive into his trainer.

Ash saw that his idea was working, and opted to keep pushing the rabbit's buttons. He grabbed his
student's hair and used it as leverage to increase the pace of his thrusting, escalating from gentle
rocking to actively bucking into Go's mouth.

This had the intended effect as the flames inside the bunny increased in intensity, along with his
thrusts into his trainer. This volley continued for a few minutes as Ash and Scorbunny kept trying
to one-up each other. Go's cock was leaking onto the ground in earnest, but he couldn't do anything
about it, unable to reach down and stroke it while being jerked around by the thrusts from both the
front and back. Eventually, he gave up and hung limply as Ash and Scorbunny used him, his
climax rapidly approaching despite his non-participation.

As his competition with Ash continued, the fire in Scorbunny continued to grow, and he eventually
decided to, once and for all, show Ash who Go really belonged to. He slid his dick backward until
it was completely out of Go, despite the trainer's needy ass trying to keep him inside and his
thrusting back into Scorbunny's crotch. He then gathered his energy and gave a mighty thrust into
his trainer, hilting in his ass nearly instantly, smashing past his prostate in the process.

Many things happened at once because of Scorbunny's little trick: Go's eyes rolled into the back of
his head and he gave a loud moan as he came, spilling his seed onto the floor of the temple,
somehow releasing more despite it being their second round. In addition, the force from the thrust
caused the trainer to take Ash's shaft to the base, deep throating him.

As the back of Go's throat massaged his cock, Ash's restraint broke and he started to facefuck his
student in earnest, getting off now the only thing on his mind.

Seeing that he failed to make his point the first time, Scorbunny decided to re-emphasize it and
pulled out of his trainer before longdicking him again, this time with enough force to force his
trainer to fall over and knock Ash over in the process. Ash let out an incredibly loud moan as he
came deep into his student's body while Go's cock sprayed some more onto the ground.

Ash pulled his cock out of Go's mouth with a satisfied groan and laid back on the temple floor, too
exhausted to move. But Scorbunny was not finished yet and continued to drive his cock into his
trainer. Despite the length of thrusts, he was able to establish a rapid and steadily accelerating pace,
pounding Go's special spot like a jackhammer, forcing Go to moan deeper and deeper into an
exhausted Ash's torso.

Go thrashed as his partner continued to abuse his prostate, his moans and whines had long been
silenced, the only thing he could get out were gasps as Scorbunny kept pounding the breath out of
him. Eventually, to Go's relief, he heard Scorbunny start panting and his thrusts grew sloppier, and
he figured that his partner was about to finally cum.

But something else happened instead. With a shock, he felt that Scorbunny's cock was suddenly
getting bigger inside him. Struggling, he picked his head up off of Ash's torso and the first thing he
was met with was the wide-eyed look of both Ash and Pikachu, who had arrived at his partner's
side at some point. As if sensing his confusion, Ash and Pikachu answered his unasked question by
pointing behind him. Go turned his head around and saw that he wasn't imagining things.
Scorbunny's cock had gotten bigger because it was no longer Scorbunny's, but some different
Pokémon. As the white light faded, Go realized with a start that his partner had evolved, and had
become significantly bigger.
Ash's RotomDex came out and announced: "Cinderace, the Striker Pokémon. It juggles a pebble
with its feet, turning it into a burning soccer ball. Its shots strike opponents hard and leave them
scorched. It's skilled at both offense and defense, and it gets pumped up when cheered on. But if it
starts showboating, it could put itself in a tough spot."

Scorbunny, now Cinderace, took advantage of his significant size increase to readjust his and Go's
position, effortlessly manhandling his trainer. Whereas Go was in the doggy style position before,
their new position had Cinderace standing upright, with Go's back against his torso, hooking both
his arms under Go to steady him. Using his increased leg strength, he started to thrust up into Go.
The internal flame hadn't gone out but had become stronger as the result of his evolution, giving
him plenty of energy to continue breeding his trainer.

The newly-evolved Pokémon got carried away with his thrusting and accidentally added a slight
hop to one of them, momentarily lifting Go off the ground and driving his dick even further into
his trainer's ass than before. As they landed, gravity also forced his trainer down on his shaft,
smashing past his prostate, and forcing Go into a third mind-blowing orgasm, causing his eyes to
roll back in pleasure and him to clench down very tightly on the rabbit's member.

Finding that mistake led to some interesting results, Cinderace decided to repeat this strategy and
kept mixing in little hops into his thrusts, every hop going a little higher, squeezing drygasm after
drygasm from his trainer, who was an incoherent drooling mess at this point.

But Go was granted reprieve as Cinderace gave one particularly high hop, forcing his trainer-
turned-cocksleeve deep onto his cock and with that he finally came, flooding Go's ass, causing his
trainer's spent cock to let out a few spurts, despite how drained he was. As for his trainer, Go's
vision had long gone white from the pleasure, and after that last thrust, he actually blacked out for a
few minutes from sensory overload.

As Go came to, he opened his eyes to the sight of Ash and Pikachu feeling up his stomach with
awed looks on their faces. He wanted to snap at them, but he couldn't muster up the energy to do
so, his body had gone limp. He looked up to see his partner peering down at him with a smirk.
Seeing that his trainer was awake, he used his hands to guide Go's to his stomach, leaving Go kept
up only by the member in his ass, having him get a feel for himself. Go found that his stomach was
full of semen, but, as his partner continued moving his hands around, he stumbled on something
more solid. He sluggishly felt up around that area, trying to figure out what else was there, when he
felt his partner buck slightly into him. Go then realized that he'd been unwittingly massaging
Cinderace's shaft, the realization causing his beyond spent dick to twitch slightly.

Happy that he finally secured his claim over his trainer, Cinderace lifted his cocksleeve trainer off
his cock, causing a river of his cum to pour out without his dick to plug it up, and laid on his back,
setting his trainer down on his torso. Thoroughly worn out, both trainer and Pokémon drifted off to

When he came to, Go noticed that they were no longer in the temple but were in an actual bed in
some house. He took in his surroundings, he knew there was a bed, and that he was no longer in
the temple, but beyond that, he had no idea where he was. It had grown dark outside and the room
was similarly dimly lit. 'Must've been passed out for a while,' he figured. He noticed that Ash and
Pikachu had both kept watch over him and his fiery partner, though Pikachu had also fallen asleep
and was curled up in Ash's lap.

Ash noticed that Go was awake and saw the confusion on his face so he decided to clarify things
for him. "You guys passed out after your intense bonding session."

Go continued to stare at Ash with a quizzical look until the memories of what he had done that day
flooded back to him, he flushed as he remembered that he actually got to suck Ash off, and became
even redder when he recalled what he did with his Pokémon. He turned over to his partner and saw
that there was a different, smaller Pokémon passed out next to him, a smaller grey rabbit with a red
mask, though still bigger than Scorbunny was.

Ash pulled out his RotomDex and pointed it at the mystery Pokémon, causing it to recite: "Raboot,
the Rabbit Pokémon, and the evolved form of Scorbunny. "Somehow Scorbunny skipped a step
and evolved to his final form, which I've never heard of before. Think it must've been the temple
because he became Raboot as soon as we carried you guys outside. That and Blaze," Ash

"Blaze?" Go repeated, the question obvious in his voice.

"Yeah, Blaze is a special ability available to certain fire-types that gives them an amazing power
boost," Ash clarified, spreading his arms wide to emphasize "amazing". "One of my Pokémon,
Chimchar, now an Infernape, could use it too. I figured there was a chance Scorbunny had the
ability, so I kinda riled him up intentionally," Ash finished, awkwardly rubbing his arm behind his
neck at his confession, "sorry about that."

"Sorry for what? That was awesome," Go rebutted.

Meanwhile, Raboot had woken up and overheard the tail-end of their conversation, realizing that
he had played into the other boy's hands. Though, it didn't matter, as he'd staked his claim on his
trainer regardless. As he took in his surroundings, he realized with a hidden frown that something
was different, he felt shorter. He looked down and realized that he was shorter, he'd somehow
shrunk, and the power he'd felt from before was all gone.

Ash took notice of his huffing and fidgeting and greeted the now awake Rabbit Pokémon. "Hey
Raboot, how 'ya feeling?" he asked teasingly, but before Raboot could give an indignant retort, Go
swept him into his arms and cuddled him close to his chest, soothing him instantly, indignance
evaporating near-instantaneously.

"Ash was just saying that you somehow skipped a step in your evolution, probably because of the
temple," Go explained, peering down to stare at his partner. 'How the tables turn,' he thought

"So..." Ash called, interrupting the two of them, "what'd 'ya think? 'Told you my bonding methods

The novice Pokémon and trainer duo shared a look before nodding back at Ash. They ultimately
agreed that despite the strangeness of his methods, it did feel pretty good, and they did feel closer,
and, besides, there was no way to argue with the results, Raboot was proof that it really did work.

Ash shot them one last grin before he got up and made to leave the room, calling out, "Alright,
imma leave you two alone, night night" before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.


End Notes
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