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Bill Cipher Knows He's a Horrible Person

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Category: M/M
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Relationship: Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines
Character: Dipper Pines, Bill Cipher
Additional Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape, Dubious Consent, Extremely Dubious
Consent, Underage Sex, BDSM, Alternate Universe, Human Bill Cipher,
Top Bill Cipher, Bottom Dipper Pines, Dom Bill Cipher, Sub Dipper
Pines, Slow To Update, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, My First
Fanfic, Possessive Behavior, Possessive Sex, Master/Slave,
Master/Pet, Chains, Demons, Light Bondage, Bondage, Non-
Consensual Bondage, Knifeplay, Mild Gore, Blood Kink, Anal Sex, First
Time, Loss of Virginity, First Time Bottoming, Magic, I'm Sorry, Licking,
Pain, Painplay, Crying, Claiming Bites, Biting, Claiming, Teeth, Shame,
Slut Shaming, Mocking, Lust, Sexual Slavery, Mind Manipulation,
Scratching, Marking, Come Marking, Handcuffs, Choking, Breathplay,
Punishment, Stockholm Syndrome, Protective Bill Cipher, Insane Bill
Cipher, Yandere Bill Cipher, Masturbation, Watching Someone Sleep,
Contracts, Rough Sex
Stats: Published: 2019-11-08 Chapters: 2/? Words: 574

Bill Cipher Knows He's a Horrible Person

by 0_ThatGayGoth_0


Bill Cipher knows he's a horrible person, & he loves it. When a human boy takes interest in
the odd happenings of his town, Bill is happy to help... For a price.



Also I'm disgusting for making this lol. Don't enjoy

Critique me please! Tell me what I'm doing wrong & how I could do better!

Tell me if I need other tabs

Bill's design is inspired by these artworks (idk original artists)-
A Horrible Person

Bill Cipher knows he's a horrible person. Of course he does, he's a demon, that's his job. But by
human standards, what he did was disgusting. Bill could look like a normal human if he wanted to.
The form he usually took for humans obviously wasn't completely normal though, he had to look
better than everyone & keep his style in tact. In human form he was tall & thin, almost unnaturally
so. His eyes were usually blue, & his hair was usually blond. He liked to style his hair
asymmetrically to hide his lack of an eye, (no matter where he went the numbers of eyes he had
stayed the same, wether he liked it or not) but if you were to move his hair he'd have an black eye-
patch covered in blue runes underneath it. Bill's body was covered in "tattoos" of blue runes as
well, protecting him & allowing him to keep a visual form. When he introduced himself nobody
could see the runes of course, as he was still wearing human attire then. A long yellow tailcoat
with black pants, boots, & a top hat. He also kept a long staff, though it was mostly for looks &
hitting people as he avoided touching the ground. He despised bring in clothes for long though. He
preferred bareback fucking useless human men chained up & crying as he bit & licked him with
his sharp teeth & blue tongue. That's what made him disgusting. & That's what he loved.
An Infatuation
Chapter Summary

Bill is infatuated with the residents of Gravity Falls.

Chapter Notes

I haven't watched Gravity Falls in ages so I'm sorry if I get some lore wrong

Also some intentional diversion from lore

Don't have much to say except I'm sorry for being so incredibly horrendous at writing
& also for being a disgusting person

There's just an unnamed dude in this so don't overthink it ok??

I'll actually get to real dialogue soon enough lol, possibly 1-2 chapters before we're
done with exposition?

Also I'm a fucking tease in this I'm sorry for leading y'all on I just want all the good
stuff in a chapter that's actually important.

Bill was restricted to Gravity Falls on Earth. This, of course, bothered him for quite a while. But
being stuck in Gravity Falls when he passed through slowly made somewhat infatuated with the
humans there. Many of them "out of the ordinary" compared to most people. Bill, of course, didn't
know that & just thought most humans were like that. What wast most interesting to him though
was the deep chaotic magic imbedded in the town. Many creatures that weren't always from this
realm wondered the forests, most going unnoticed by the townsfolk. The people that did notice,
however, we're those who Bill kept his eye on. They were few & far in-between, but the first to
discover the powers within the town managed to learn enough to be able to summon a great
demon. He was truly a weak & foolish, using others do his power, never truly learning anything.
Bill found that to be a point of interest. When the man, his name lost in history, summoned Bill
Cipher he was almost blinded by such a magnificent form. The man begged Bill for the ability to
destroy all his enemies, & for the power of telepathy in exchange for his body. The demon before
him gave an insane grin, laughing, & excepted the contract. As soon as Bill got his part of the deal
the man would get his abilities. Bill took a man's sanity, without ever entering his mind that night
oh so long ago. He broke him, leaving practically an empty husk. Bill thought he had won, having
as much pleasure as he wanted whenever he wanted as well as limited access into the physical
realm. He didn't. The man was practically dead, thus leaving the contract null & void. Bill grasped
at the physical world, refusing to leave. He needed more power. Bill was a young demon then. He
had no true knowledge of his powers & contract's. But the more he tried, the more contract's he
made, the stronger & more intelligent he became.
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