Integration With Web Application

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The intended audience for this chapter are developers attempting to integrate biometric authentication within the web application (a login and authentication pages). Proe vo eadng this document iis strongly recommended to read the fist six chapters of this guide and the chapter deseribing functions as implemented in your native APL The web application wll use evo parts ofthe U.are-U SDK - the Javascript API and the native APIS (available in Java/ [NET/C). During deployment the U.are U RTE must be distibuted and installed a the cient systems. The web application server will have the Ure U RTE also installed ometeTemlat Sets) 2 The Javascript APLis demonstrated via the sample provided bythe SDK and scaled "UareUSampleWEB®, This sample shows how to interact with a connected fingerprint reader for purposes of capturing ingeprims. Aer apiuring print, te web application must submit the data to the server fr ucher processing mainly ientfcation or ‘etfication,Iis expected the developer will reference the additional U.are.U SDK samples tha demonstrate how to Perform biometi verification an ideifiaton, The Javascript APL allows the selection of 4 different eapure formats, 1 RAW 2. INTERMEDIATE 3 PNG 4 WSO The below sections describe when and how to we the various biometric capture formats exposed vi the Javascript APL RAW The RAW data forma is unformatted fingerprint image data. The typical data size of the image depends on the capture hardware but in general i in te ballpark of 100KB-200KB, The inuage arributes ae encoded in the Samples data structure where things ike height, width, dpi and bis-perpixel are specified. The RAW format is only used if pplication requirements mandate it otherwise the recommendation i to use the more ficient INTERMEDIATE, format. There are two primary senarios where you would want to use the RAW data form + ANSI or ISO minutiae standas are mandated + Images are mandated to be kept fo a specified perio oF time, or sent oa thd party ANSI or ISO minutiac standards are mandated [you are mandated 19 se only ANSI or ISO minutiae standard, when you rseive the image data on the server you ean use the Crossmatch SDK to create ISO or ANSI fingerprint minutiae data using the ImportRaw methods ofthe SDK. To get te ISO or ANS minutiae data: 1 Be sure to start the image acquisition inthe JavaScript usingthe RAW format. start Acquistion( Fingerprint SampleFormat.Raw) Integration with web 2. Base64URL decade the image data into abyte aay The image data isthe corresponding value ficld ofthe Samples "Daa el, as shown below. { evieLJd"30823030-3661-6533-3764-393500000000" sampleF orm: samples." "Data" ‘ompresion", “Daa Basel encoded image “Format: iHeighe™403, "Width":200,"Xepi:508, Vep"08, "uBPP", Note -Iis the esponsibility of the application o pase out the erica data sueh as hei, width, dpi, image data, te. ciher in the client JayaScrpt or atte server. These values should never be harl-coed 3. Create the minutiae data using the appropriate SDK method shown below, ava Engine. CreateFmaloyiel] bedDecadedimage, nt width, inthaghT, at resolution int ingor_poston, int ebo id, Fmd.Format format, ner ‘GreateFmaFromRaw fbyal awlmageData, it fingoePosiio, iit Chet. dint with, int height, int resolution, Constants Formats Fd for- mau) es are kept or sent to a third party ‘mandated wo keep images foe a format ean be any forma, however itis the desired image format (suchas BMP) i period of tim oo submit images esponsibility ofthe aplication wo conver thera image dat 3rd party system, te image fothe To get the image ina standanls format: 1 Base64URL decode the image data into a byte array. 2 Import the image using the SDK methodshown below. Tava TpariarmportRaw(bje] data, nt wiat, nEFeGR, rt Gp, ni nGer_posTion, int cbo id, Fi.Format out format, int outdp, boolean otato180) NET Trporing RAW image data is nat supper with NET. INTERMEDIATE ‘The imermedite format is not fingerprint image dat, Instead ts fingerprnt minutiae data encoded in what is known asthe DigiaPersona intermediate format The typical sizeof this daa is around 300 bytes, Ths isthe recommended data format for optimal performance thanks ois raduced sie and impeaved biometric eognition performance. Biometric enrollment In order tse the INTERMEDIATE data within a biometie system for use biometec enrollment fllow the below workilow 1 Select the intermediate format in JavaScript when start Acquistion( Fingerprint SampleFormat. Intermediate) ‘When 4 ormore samples are captured, submit the samples tothe serves. The server sbould hen baseG4URL decode the samples and import them 8s pre-registration FMD format data sing one ofthe below Ure U SDK methods aa Import cimportFmdoyte] ata, im Format format, Fine, Forat out format) ‘yield, 8 Formats Fmd format, Constants.Formats,FmdformarOut » aseS4URL decoded sample data captured via the JavaScript. formatln- This should specify DP_PRE._ REGISTRATION. ‘er finn = This the are. SOK - Deveoper Guise ” NT Te VeC A) formatOut- This should specify DP_PRE_REGISTRATION. 3. Use the Enrollment interface to ereaiean FMD of type DP_REGISTRATION. For Java, te interface and method to use i Engine CreatefnmllimentF md For Cte interface and method to use i Enrollment CreateEncollmeFind, Note - Be sure to speci the format as DP_REGISTRATION, 4 Securely encrypt and store the FMD for later usage (during user veritication), kis up othe application to decide the appropriate level of security’ and encryption fr storing the fingerprint ‘minutia data, The actual data protect and store is accessed via the below member or method: ava Find getDatad NET nd Bytes User verification In order tse the INTERMEDIATE format fr user verification workflow the application will capture an ereate an FMD on he server oftype DP_VERIFICATION. 1 Base64URL decode the biometric image data received atthe server. 2 Import he fingerriat minutiae data for matching via the below meds, Note - Be sure to specify DP_VERIFICATION forthe format ava TrportrinporFmatyie] ta, Fmd Format format, Fm Format out format) NET TaporierimporFnd| yal] tral [Constants Formats Fmd formatin, [Constante Formats Fmd. formatOut H finn - Tiss the base64URL decoded sample data captured via the JavaScript formatln- This should specify DP_VERIFICATION. formatOut- This should specify DP_VERIFICATION, 3 Compare the newly created EMD to an FMD from the database using the Compare meth, Note - Be sure to pass the DP_VERIFICATION FMD as fin! and the DP_REGISTRATION FMD as fn va Engine Compareind fm, it view Index, Frnd find, it vow 3012) ner [Comparison Gonpare Find tnd, tno, Fd tel, it nda) PNG ‘The PNG (portable network graphics) image format i a common image format that supports losless compression and can be used as an allemative to RAW in most cases, Virtually all evelopment platforms contain libraries or ffameworks that suppor PNG image data. Use of the PNG format follows the RAW workflows, meaning the data can sasily be used fr biomstrie matching purposes. The application simply must convert the PNG back to raw §-bit srayscale data and then use it accordingly as deserved in the RAW section. Conversion of PNG image data tora 8:it grayscale i outside the scope of his documentation, wsa The WSQ (Wavelet Scalar Quantization) is an image format compressed according tothe WSQ 3.1 speciation. The image is compressed ata ratio of 10:1, This format, similar to PNG, is usedto avoid sending the RAW image data over are SOK - Developer Guise 6 Integration with web the network. Unlike PNG which i easly deeompressd by platform bras, the aplication must use the U.are.U SDK oe compatible NBIS too to decompeess WSQ data back to raw image data 1 Base64URL decode the received image data contained in the ISON received by the server. 2. Use the Uare.U SDKs compression methods to decompress back to a Note - the compression algorithm must be specified as: Compression gorithm COMPRESSION_WSQ_NIST “Java | Compression Stand 77 sar a decompression operation ‘Compression ExpandRavioytel data, Compression CompressionAlgeritim compression alg) ‘Compression Finish) “RET | Compression Stag //fo eta decompression operaion Compression ExpandRavioytl data, DPUnuNet.CompressionAlgoritim cornpression al) [Compression Finish) {A this point the application has the raw image data which can be used according tothe workflows specified inthe RAW section, Applications should only use the WSQ format f mandated. Oiherwise the INTERMEDIATE formats allways recommended are. SOx - Devoper Guise 2

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