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TESOL 102: Lesson Plan Template

1. Objective

Students will be able to say the name of the colors and identify them

2a. Foreign Language Standard(s) Addressed

In this lesson will be used Communication – Standard 1.1: where the students are able to manage a
conversation and provide information about identifying the colors.

2b. English Language Development Standard(s) Addressed

In this lesson, following the Idaho English Language Development Standards will be addressed to
grades 9-12 while the students can express information on familiar topics using simple sentences
(vocabulary about colors they already learned and verb to be questions with short answers – yes or
no questions-)

3. Common Core Anchor Standard

Speaking and Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration.

Prepare for and participate effectively in conversations about colors and follow actions.

4. ACTFL Proficiency Level Expected

Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing > Novice Mid.
5. Scaffolding
Scaffolding will be used: Writing on a board/ gesture and body actions/ role play and acting.

6. Review

It is always good if one reviews the preceding day’s material. It should take approximately 5 minutes.
Ideally, the material you worked on earlier relates to (is connected to) what you want to teach today.

Students will be reviewing vocabulary for previous lessons (colors)


7. List the following:

New Vocabulary:


New Structures:

Is this red/blue/orange?
Yes, it is.
No, it is not.

Materials the Teacher will Need:

A BOARD and a pen but also colorful objects as PENS (HIGLITHERS/MARKERS)

Materials the Student will Need:

Students will act and role play, no material needed

8. Teach the Material

Teacher will review vocabulary and teach new vocabulary words (colors and yes/no questions
with verb to be)
Teacher shows the questions about colors using gestures and teacher writes on the white

Then the students are able to repeat colors (acting and repeating out loud pointing objects)

(15 minutes can be used here)

9. Guided Practice

Students will be presented to new vocabulary about verbs and they will review previous vocabulary
they already learned (colors)
Students act and repeat
Students follow the teacher

The teacher just gives commands and then students repeat by memory but not in the same order
teacher previously teach, so teacher can see if they learned the colors.

Teacher meanwhile shows the words, teacher and students act out.

10. Independent Practice

They can act and describe the actions and verbs by themselves and following the teacher
They can be divided in pair and one student give commands and other student obey following
instructions, they role-play.

15-20 minutes should be used

11. Differentiated Instruction Options

Visual: showing objects with the colors can be used as a resource to help visual students
AUDITORY: Teacher will say the words previously (vocabulary)
Kinesthetic: Can act using their body language (while describing what they do and point out
the colors)
Read/write: They will read on the board the words
12. Formative Assessment

When teacher asks and give commands to the students, teacher take notes about their perform if
they hesitate while receiving commands (answer “yes/no questions” about colors)

Example> “Is this blue?” if the student understands and followed

13. Summative Assessment

Teacher will take notes about each student.

If they have used:

At least 3 colors vocabulary, two or more correct verbs while asking others.

14. Closure

Teacher reviews the board with the colors, verbs and questions and act again (5minutes can be used)

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