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TESOL 102: Lesson Plan Template

1. Objective
Students will be able to order food at the restaurant.

2-3. Common Core Anchor Standard

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of

4. ACTFL Proficiency Level Expected

Novice mid

5. Scaffolding
a) What the students already know:
The students already know the verb have and the modal can.

b) What strategies I will use to teach new information:

I will use the strategies of the CLL method, which is oral translation. Then we will analyze the translated
language used in the exercise.

6. Review
The teacher asks students in their mother tongue to mention their favorite dishes. The students
mention the dishes and the teacher asks students if these dishes can be found in restaurants. The
teacher creates a relaxing atmosphere by having students share about their favorite foods and
This activity will take 10 minutes.

7. List the following:

New Vocabulary:
Dishes names

New Structures:
Modal can for asking for food

Materials the Teacher will Need:

Visual aids, markers, a white board, a smartphone with a voice recorder app.

Materials the Student will Need:


8. Teach the Material

The teacher explains the students that they will learn to ask for food in a restaurant. One student will
be the waiter/waitress and the other students will be the customers. Then, the teacher explains that
the students will make the questions and requests in their mother tongue and the teacher will translate
their requests and answers to English. Also, the teacher explains that she will record the students’ voice
when they are repeating the chunks of language.
This will take 10 minutes

9. Guided Practice
The teacher asks the first student to ask for her/his dish. The student asks for a dish in her/his mother
tongue and the teacher translates the phrase to English. Then the teacher repeats a chunk of the
sentence, the student repeats the chunk until the teacher thinks it is well pronounced. Once the
teacher thinks the chunk of language has been well pronounced, she records the student’s utterance
and continues the same procedure with the other students.
This will take 20 minutes

10. Independent Practice

Students listen to the recorded conversation and discuss how they felt while making the requests and
repeating the translations.
This will take 10 minutes

11. Differentiated Instruction Options

Students with higher level are paired with students with a lower level.
Teacher models the activity so students understand what to do.

12. Formative Assessment

The teacher walks and makes students repeat the parts of the student’s sentence/question until it has
been pronounced correctly. Teacher writes the dialogue on the board to help students pronounce or
understand words from the conversation.

13. Summative Assessment

The teacher asks students to practice the conversation on the board.
This will take 10 minutes

14. Closure
The teacher asks students to share how they felt at the beginning and end of the lesson.

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