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Clase 1

martes, agosto 22, 2023 1:05 PM

Clases página 1
Clases página 2
Clase 2
jueves, agosto 24, 2023 1:27 PM

Clases página 3
Clase 3
martes, 29 de agosto de 2023 13:03

• Bullwhip effect:
○ Demand distorsion
• Causes:
○ Forecastings errors
○ Order Batching
○ Price and promotions
○ Rationing and shortage gaming

1. Demand forecast:
a. Forecast inaccuracy:
▪ so much inventory that increase costs and reduce profits
▪ Its probably demand change positibly o negatibly and we don't know for sure
▪ Probably appear new competitors
b. Forecast updating:
▪ Better demand forecast accuracy
▪ Analize correctly demand data available
▪ More information(upstream) , better forecast
□ Political situation
□ Competitors
□ Prices

2. Order Batching (big number of products):

a. The manufacturers may order weekly or monthly

b. We don't know the following of demand but we need an extra safety stock.
c. Small orders can affect the forecast demand to the following production.

3. Price fluctuations:

a. The any kind promotions of supplier about their products (quantity discounts, etc) affect
the product's price because de demand will be inexact.
b. If these price promotions are common,costumers will get used to buy only when these
prices are in effect.
c. Implement low prices everydays like a represent phrase and really low prices at their

4. Rationing and shortage gaming:

a. Product demand exceeds supply, manufacturer ration its products.

b. Eventually orders will dissapear, will be impossible to determinate de real demand.
c. If there is a shortage of a product the retailer rations the product.
d. They can use old information to forecaste the follwing production. w

Clases página 4
Clase 4
jueves, 31 de agosto de 2023 13:24

• ↑SC profit = ↑Customer Value↓ - ↑SC Cost↓

• SC coordination is important, enhances value and reduces costs
• Lack of coordination
○ Differents objectives in each sc stages.
○ Information moving between stages

1. The effect of poor coordination on performance:

Clases página 5
Class 6
martes, septiembre 05, 2023 1:04 PM

• Performance measurement along SC

• You can't improve waht you can't measure
○ Vary from company to company
○ must be visible to all members of the SC
○ achieve leadership and handle major change successfuly

Raw material Profit
parts Cost
components "Internal"

Order size # goals

Payment method Satisfaction
Quality Respond time
Type of product Order time

• Customers NEEDS quality products, manufacturer inform to the supplier that they need QP and
the supplier make quality parts/components or extract quality raw material
• Customer NEEDS low prices and the others components implement LOW COSTS +efficiency
• SC Responsiveness = High Quality
• Traditional Performance Mesuares INTERNAL:
▪ Revenues
▪ Costs
▪ Profits
○ Financial statements don't reflect the underlying performance of the productive systems of
an org.
○ Internal indicators are the same important than the tradicional mesuarements.
• World-Class performance:
○ Quality:
▪ No of defects per unite produced
▪ Lead time form deffect detection/ to correction
○ Cost:
▪ Average inventory turnover
▪ Downtime due the machine breakdowns
○ Customer services:
▪ Average numbers of labor skills
▪ Average production lot size
○ used as a SCM diagnostic, benchmarking and process improvement tool
○ Categories:

▪ Plan
▪ Source
▪ Make
▪ Deliver
▪ Return
○ Apliccated to all SC mebers

Clases página 6
Clases página 7
Class 7
martes, septiembre 19, 2023 1:09 PM

• Forecast Accuracy Measures

• if mad is zero the errors must be zero.

• RSFE (positive) inidicates that the forecast are lower tahn actual demand = stockouts
• RSFE (negative) shows that the forecast are generally higher than actual demand = excess
inventory + high costs

Clases página 8
Clases página 9

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