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Science refers to the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and
social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence through observations and
experiments. While technology refers to an art or skill used to develop products and acquire
knowledge. Science and technology is a very important field because the utilization of newly
acquired skills and knowledge boosts the prosperity of human lives and helps to solve the
various issues faced by society. Since both men and women participate in and benefit from
science and technology, it is important that they all are accorded with skills in this field.
However, women mostly face a lot of challenges in the attempt to acquire these very skills, as
discussed below.


With reference to the above subject, many women from different communities have had
problems in the attempt to acquire skills in technology due to hindrances from their cultures.
This is because most cultures specifically engage in harmful cultural practices which put young
women at risk in all aspects of their lives, hence denying them the time, chance and capacity to
be able to acquire the skills they would otherwise require in the science and technology field.
Some of the practices that may hinder women from being able to acquire skills in science and
technology include female genital mutilation, early pregnancies and early marriages among
others, as discussed below.

Early marriages- in some communities, girls are forcefully married off at a young age mostly for
wealth and children among others. This often puts them at a disadvantage because they are
denied the chance to complete their studies. Marriage also makes it hard for them to pursue any
further studies or be able to acquire any skills that are offered because they will have a lot of
responsibilities on their backs at the time.

Female genital mutilation- most victims of female genital mutilation may suffer adverse sexual
and reproductive health consequences such as traumatic fistula, sexually transmitted infections,
death and stigma among others. In such cases, while other women get to be a part of any science
and technology programs, most FGM victims will most likely miss out on the chance because
they will otherwise have to tend to their sicknesses or seeking medical care or counselling.

Early pregnancies- there are some cultures which encourage early pregnancies with the belief
that children are a sign of wealth. Young women are specifically the ones at risk of this
retrogressive practice. When they get pregnant at an early age, they are unable to acquire
education and skills offered in learning institutions because they will have to take care of the
pregnancy and even after birth, they will still have to take care of their children hence no time to
go to school.
Redress measures

There are several measures that can be put in place to ensure that the harmful practices discussed
above are brought to an end.

Firstly, the government should come up with strict laws and policies which ensure that there is an
end to any retrogressive cultures and anyone caught practicing them should the punished
according to the law. They should also ensure that existing laws and policies are enforced and
put into practice, this will help to bring to an end the practice of the harmful cultures.

Secondly, citizens should breed campaigns and crusades which advocate against the practice of
these cultures, while doing this, they should also be encouraging communities that still practice
them to embrace modernity.

Lastly, the government and other charity organizations should create awareness on the dangers of
practicing these harmful cultures and encourage people to stop. This can be done through the
media, campaigns, peace walks, door-to-door mobilization and posters among others.

Example- in march 2021, Kileso Ole Siyianton speaking in a training Maasai camp, encouraged
the people to embrace education and ensure that their children attain education to be relevant in
the modern world. He also encouraged the people to be on the frontline while shunning FGM
and other harmful cultural practices..

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