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Baking with Fractions

Good day 6th Graders, here is the details about your project based assessment in Mathematics.
Situation: As a food enthusiast, your aim is to provide a brochure of recipes on baking. This
brochure should show the importance of exact measurements on the ingredients used. To achieve
this goal, you must collect two recipes on baking cakes. Upon collecting, determine if there are
similar ingredients used for the two recipes. After identifying, add the measurements indicated
and find the difference as well. Write all your answers in brochure form with the recipes.
Goal: to provide a brochure of recipes on baking.
Product, Performance, and Purpose:
You are to prepare a brochure
- Create a brochure that shows the importance of exact measurements on ingredients used
a. identifying the similar ingredients used for the two recipes;
b. adding the measurements indicated; and
c. subtracting the measurements indicated.
Note: You can search for similar recipes from the internet. You can use canva or any platform in
making your brochure.

Criteria 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Identifies and Identifies and Identifies and Does not

Identification accurately lists lists most of the lists some of the identify or list
of Similar all similar similar similar any similar
Ingredients ingredients used ingredients used ingredients used ingredients used
in both recipes in both recipes in both recipes in both recipes

Does not
Accurately adds Accurately adds
Accurately adds accurately add
most of the some of the
Measurement all measurements any of the
measurements measurements
Accuracy indicated for both measurements
indicated for indicated for
recipes indicated for
both recipes both recipes
both recipes

Importance of Clearly explains Explains the Attempts to Does not

Exact the importance of importance of explain the explain the
Measurements exact exact importance of importance of
measurements on measurements exact exact
ingredients in a on ingredients measurements on measurements
compelling and with some ingredients but on ingredients
logical manner clarity and logic lacks clarity or

Brochure is well- Brochure is Brochure is Brochure is

formatted, adequately somewhat poorly
visually formatted, formatted, formatted,
Formatting and
appealing, and visually visually visually
demonstrates appealing, and appealing, and unappealing,
exceptional demonstrates demonstrates and lacks
creativity good creativity limited creativity creativity

information is Recipe
Recipe Recipe
accurate, information is
Content and information is information is
complete, and mostly accurate,
Accuracy accurate and incomplete or
provides but lacks some
complete. inaccurate.
additional important details.
relevant details.

Brochure Brochure
Brochure is free contains contains
Grammar and contains some
of grammar and minimal numerous
Spelling grammar and
spelling errors grammar and grammar and
spelling errors.
spelling errors. spelling errors.

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