Guidelines For Final Output

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Guidelines for final output

Page 1- Cover page (Group name, Group number, section)

Page 2 -Table of contents

Page 3 -onwards


I. Conceptual framework

II. Cash and Cash Equivalent

III. Trade and other receivable

IV. Investments

V. Inventory

VI. Property, plant, and equipment

VII. Intangible assets

Each topic should contain:

I. Summary of the topic

II. Atleast one problem

III. Conclusion --- Why is this topic is relevant to you as a future CPA?

Elements 20 Points 18 Points 15 Points 12 Points 10 Points Total

All components 80% or more of 70% or more of 50% or more of The title page is
required for the the components the components the components not included in the
Title Page title page have required for the required for the required for the report.
been listed. title page have title page have title page have
been listed. been listed. been listed.

The information The information The information The information There is no

included is included included included does not evidence of
accurate and adequately inadequately address the accurate content
completely addresses each addresses the assigned topic or information.
addresses each component of the assigned topic or research.
component of the assigned topic or research question.
assigned topic or research question. The information
research question. included is

Punctuation, Minor errors in Occasional errors Major errors in The report

grammar, usage, punctuation, in punctuation, punctuation, contains
and spelling are grammar, usage, grammar, usage, grammar, usage, significant errors
effectively used and spelling are and spelling are and/or spelling in punctuation,
Grammar throughout the evident, but they evident and interfere with the grammar, usage,
report. do not interfere interfere with the readability of the and spelling.
with the readability of the report.
readability of the report.

Organization The report content The report content The report content The report content The report does
has been has been mostly has been is disorganized. not include
organized using organized using a organized using a The required evidence of
the appropriate logical sequence, somewhat logical information is organization.
method. The but some flaws sequence. The difficult to locate
required exist. The required presentation is within the report.
information is information is sometimes
easy to locate generally easy to confusing.
within the report. locate within the

Paper is visually Paper is visually Paper is Paper generally Paper generally

well designed, well designed, effectively includes a mix of lacks visual
aesthetically aesthetically designed with white space, appeal and are
pleasing with pleasing with visual appeal visuals, and/or text-heavy with
appropriate use of appropriate use of including white text but not little or no visuals
white space, white space, space, visuals, and consistently and/or exhibit an
visuals, and visuals, and minimal text for and/or some overuse of color.
minimal text, on minimal text with the most part. overuse or
Design each page. Theme a little lack of Color and inappropriate use
(e.g., template) is creativity. Theme animations are of color or
evident (e.g., template) is used animations. The
throughout to evident appropriately. theme (e.g.,
produce a highly throughout to Theme (e.g., template) is not
cohesive paper. produce a highly template) is consistently
cohesive paper. evident in the evident
paper. throughout the

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